Sarms/Peptides Talk - Non-"Steroid" PED's - LEGAL

SARMS and Peptides are legal in the US, so therefore source talk shouldn't be an issue. For the boomers who can't comprehend why someone would want to take SARMS rather than steroids, you are the same boomers who typically whine about criminals who are charged with drug possession. They're easier to get, due to being legal.
>25yo, looking for something to boost my physique, hypertrophy, lean mass, loss of the last bit of fat
>can't trust anything I see online due to the majority of people speak from a position having never tried them, or tried them improperly dosed/cycled (or taken orally)
>also can't trust anything I see online due to magical testimonials likely being attempts to sell me something
>is research the end-all be-all? do you trust all research? if something isn't well researched, does that necessarily mean it's bad? does that necessarily mean it's not good?
>have any of you anons used any for hypertrophy?
>used for motivation? "going hard?" getting out more and pushing yourself harder?
>used for cutting? minimizing muscle loss, maximizing fat loss?
>I've heard there are some for hair loss?
>What are some resources out there that can be trusted? Is there a compilation of the best knowledge? Or the sum of many anon's knowledge?

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  1. 9 months ago

    Has anyone tried Melanotan II? I want to tan but I don't want to die and look old

    • 9 months ago

      >Melanotan II

      • 9 months ago

        >injectable sarms

    • 9 months ago

      Yes, works very well but you still need sun exposure for it to work. The tan lasts more than 6 months too, so don't over do it. Increases libido and gives diamond boners too. Good stuff.

  2. 9 months ago

    Lgd4033 was pretty swaggin, pumps were incredible. Ostarine is a reliable boost as well.

    • 9 months ago

      Did you cycle with test or did you go Sarms only? The main reason I don't go for T is that buying online seems super sketch (not asking for advice on how to do it)

      • 9 months ago

        I did sarms only. Later did t only. T obviously is way better and just as easy to get.

  3. 9 months ago

    stop being a pussy and pin some test.
    the side effects are known, mostly cosmetic, and easy to deal with
    its a much safer option than some new peptide that god knows what effect it will have on you in the long run
    or some pussy ass SARM that will shut you down, make you feel like shit because no test, and still won't even come close to the effectiveness of a lmao500test beginner cycle.

    either pin some test, or stick to creatine.

    • 9 months ago

      Like I said, it's not legal, therefore not simple to obtain, I don't want to go out on the streets or otherwise looking for drugs from wherever the frick and have the small chance of getting got by an undercover, or the very high chance of getting bunk shit.

      • 9 months ago

        >it's not legal

        >therefore not simple to obtain
        incorrect. literally google it, look for forums where they discuss sources and post lab analyses
        its quite easy to find with some effort.

        >or the very high chance of getting bunk shit
        literally nobody bothers faking test
        its like 20-30 shekels per 10ml bottle (aka you should expect to pay 50-60 shekels for test for your first cycle)
        now, if you wanted to buy some HGH or something, then yea, maybe its good to be a little more skeptical about things.

      • 9 months ago

        You're moronic.
        You won't get bunk test online its so cheap to produce and there are MANY reliable sources out there. Just need to look.
        Things that people will fake are compounds that are expensive - like but not limited to Primo & HGH

      • 9 months ago

        >therefore not simple to obtain
        Like saying meth is hardto get
        Autistic homie this is america lmaooo

      • 9 months ago

        >le it's not legal!!!!

        Fricking homo, who cares if its legal or
        not? Buy it online and pin it if you want results. Only zoomer homosexuals run SARMs.

    • 9 months ago

      >literal coward scared of side effects of relatively well researched substances (certainly better than the vaxx) calls others pussies
      just troon out and castrate yourself bro. what, are you scared?

      >25yo, looking for something to boost my physique, hypertrophy, lean mass
      pin test

      >loss of the last bit of fat
      fork putdowns
      some test would also help, but only inasmuch as it would allow you to hold on to muscle mass while performing aforementioned fork pulldowns

      >is research the end-all be-all? do you trust all research?
      you go by amount of studies and length of time
      we're pretty sure we know everything about test, because its been studied for like 70+ years, and there is a veritable shitton of studies on it.
      some new sarm/peptide that only has 1/2 studies on it, which were funded by the company that's selling it? yea, not so much.

      >have any of you anons used any for hypertrophy?
      visit the /fraud/ thread. and/or r/steroids

      >used for motivation? "going hard?" getting out more and pushing yourself harder?
      steroids will help massively in this regard

      >used for cutting? minimizing muscle loss, maximizing fat loss?
      see above

      >I've heard there are some for hair loss?
      if you're balding, get on fit or dut. preferably topical fin, but if you're too lazy/busy to do that, oral will do
      note that this also affects your compound choices, if you wanna stick to hair safe stuff, its only test/eq/var, maybe dbol too. with fin/dut, ofc.

      >What are some resources out there that can be trusted? Is there a compilation of the best knowledge? Or the sum of many anon's knowledge?
      visit the fraud thread and/or r/steroids

      >just pin something less anabolic than sarms, that takes several times longer to recover from, if at all, is more annoying than just popping a pill and will ruin your hair
      >if you're balding, get on fit or dut.
      fin and dut reduces dht in the follices by half, which is barely enough on natty test. testosterone causes affects hair follices too

      The guys on fraud rant about how this is moronic because it IS moronic. Compared to test it’s just mind bogglingly stupid and incredibly actually costs more money. But if you insist, then ONE (not more than one because you will tank your test and it will be for nothing) cycle of lgd/ostarine. It was enough for me to go from solid natty to attention grabbing (but nowhere near actual gear user) physique at 6’4 215

      >incredibly actually costs more money
      the whole ostarine cycle costs about 30$. less than a single test injection
      >not more than one because you will tank your test
      sarms rarely even block you at mild doses and you recover infinitely faster than on any amount of test

  4. 9 months ago

    >25yo, looking for something to boost my physique, hypertrophy, lean mass
    pin test

    >loss of the last bit of fat
    fork putdowns
    some test would also help, but only inasmuch as it would allow you to hold on to muscle mass while performing aforementioned fork pulldowns

    >is research the end-all be-all? do you trust all research?
    you go by amount of studies and length of time
    we're pretty sure we know everything about test, because its been studied for like 70+ years, and there is a veritable shitton of studies on it.
    some new sarm/peptide that only has 1/2 studies on it, which were funded by the company that's selling it? yea, not so much.

    >have any of you anons used any for hypertrophy?
    visit the /fraud/ thread. and/or r/steroids

    >used for motivation? "going hard?" getting out more and pushing yourself harder?
    steroids will help massively in this regard

    >used for cutting? minimizing muscle loss, maximizing fat loss?
    see above

    >I've heard there are some for hair loss?
    if you're balding, get on fit or dut. preferably topical fin, but if you're too lazy/busy to do that, oral will do
    note that this also affects your compound choices, if you wanna stick to hair safe stuff, its only test/eq/var, maybe dbol too. with fin/dut, ofc.

    >What are some resources out there that can be trusted? Is there a compilation of the best knowledge? Or the sum of many anon's knowledge?
    visit the fraud thread and/or r/steroids

    • 9 months ago

      I feel like I may have a minor case of pubertal gyno, slightly puffy nips when not hard, does this put me at a higher risk of getting b***h breasts with a cycle?

      • 9 months ago

        keep the serms handy. ideally letrozole for this use (and nolva for the pct). if you feel anything, pop one.

    • 9 months ago

      SARMS and Peptides are legal in the US, so therefore source talk shouldn't be an issue. For the boomers who can't comprehend why someone would want to take SARMS rather than steroids, you are the same boomers who typically whine about criminals who are charged with drug possession. They're easier to get, due to being legal.
      >25yo, looking for something to boost my physique, hypertrophy, lean mass, loss of the last bit of fat
      >can't trust anything I see online due to the majority of people speak from a position having never tried them, or tried them improperly dosed/cycled (or taken orally)
      >also can't trust anything I see online due to magical testimonials likely being attempts to sell me something
      >is research the end-all be-all? do you trust all research? if something isn't well researched, does that necessarily mean it's bad? does that necessarily mean it's not good?
      >have any of you anons used any for hypertrophy?
      >used for motivation? "going hard?" getting out more and pushing yourself harder?
      >used for cutting? minimizing muscle loss, maximizing fat loss?
      >I've heard there are some for hair loss?
      >What are some resources out there that can be trusted? Is there a compilation of the best knowledge? Or the sum of many anon's knowledge?

      OP this anon knows his shit.
      Also a good resource for finding sources / people reviewing sources is steroid source talk (SST)

  5. 9 months ago

    Can’t I just hop on a cycle on Animal Test and get some increased testosterone and muscle gains for a month and not have shriveled up balls with no T production afterwards. Maybe I’m just looking for a little boost before a big outing where my shirt is off

  6. 9 months ago


    Oh, thank god. They are perfectly safe then.

    • 9 months ago

      Obviously not, moron

  7. 9 months ago

    The guys on fraud rant about how this is moronic because it IS moronic. Compared to test it’s just mind bogglingly stupid and incredibly actually costs more money. But if you insist, then ONE (not more than one because you will tank your test and it will be for nothing) cycle of lgd/ostarine. It was enough for me to go from solid natty to attention grabbing (but nowhere near actual gear user) physique at 6’4 215

  8. 9 months ago

    Every single fricking time there is a sarms thread these braindead Black person test monkeys frick it up. Frick off you fricking pieces of shit nobody fricking cares.

  9. 9 months ago

    I'm very tempted to try MK677 but I'm conflicted on pulling the trigger to buy some. I've heard it doesn't do jack shit besides make you ravenously hunger and then from others I heard you can get some small gains + sleep is incredible + recovery is better. Thoughts?

    Also, what's the next step up from this that doesn't suppress T that much?

    • 9 months ago

      it absolutely won't do anything for muscle growth, but can help retain tissue on a cut. it's a recovery tool like you said. if you're bulking/binging with it then you will get swollen ankles and reversible diabetes.

  10. 9 months ago

    i actually think its incredibly hard find steroids and know who to trust. every forum has their own favorite sites and the other forums sites are all thieves and liars and selective scammers. vice versa. you HAVE to use bitcoin or something to that effect. so thats another obstacle. you basically have to just trust theyre going to send you real shit. i heard foriegn european sources are alot better than american but as it stands. i think its hard.

  11. 9 months ago

    Oldgay here. It's best to be conservative with what you put in your body. Don't end up like the gays who lost their gains during the lockdowns, are now sterile, and pretend to pick up bemused chicks to rub their non-functioning penises on them before they pay the prostitutes to peg them.

    You can eke out a few % points in diet and supplements.
    >Iodine induces temporary hypothyroidism, can increase metabolism and energy. Useful on a cut.
    >Selenium, zinc, and magnesium assist iodine in this.
    >Eggs have lots of cholesterol, a prohormone to most steroid hormones. Put them in a milkshake or diy ice cream ifyou hate cooked eggs.
    >Stearic acid in lab rats seems to alter yellow fat to brown fat, increasing metabolism. Obviously fat is calorie dense so this should replace PUFAs, not supplement them.
    >PUFAs slow metabolism and decrease resting body temp. Squirrels denied them do not enter hibrenation.
    >There are numerous legal supplements that subtly enhance testosterone, block aromatase, and enhance mental functioning. Some people respond well to them, others have little effect.

    Along with that...
    >Metformin is the oldest effective fat loss drug and it has anti-cancer and anti-aging effects. Side effects are well known and minor if your kidneys are fine. It is very safe. If you can't get it off label at a male hormone clinic, then order it from indiamart.
    >Aromatase inhibitors protect you from loss of fertility due to steroid use provided you're not taking superhuman doses of AIs or steroids. Taken at low dose alone they can provide a modest testosterone boost and enhance fertility. The longest acting ones (aromasin) do not prevent gyno but they have the fewest side effects.

    15 years ago most SARMs were legal supplements. The pharma companies lobbied the FDA to declare the effective ones illegal so they could synthesize them. Now GRIDS+ homos get them for free to counter muscle wasting while we have to import them from shady chinese sellers or find a good doctor.

    • 9 months ago

      Meant to say:
      >iodine induces temporary hyperthyroidism.

  12. 9 months ago

    >For the boomers who can't comprehend why someone would want to take SARMS rather than steroids
    yeah, they are absolute morons, recommending shit like anavar, several times weaker than even mildest SARMs, and throwing a hissy fit every time you question the idea of turning yourself into a literal castrated troony and hopping on test for the rest of your life, which is less anabolic than SARMs

    • 9 months ago

      unfortunately sarms are not actually safer and more effective than anavar in practice. they're just more directly available and bind more strongly to AR than steroids. people who do take large sarms doses have all kinds of side effects

  13. 9 months ago

    is it a good idea to mix different sarms, e.g. LGD and Ostarine?

  14. 9 months ago

    I have obesity, is there any sarm that will help me lose weight or is it too dangerous?

    • 9 months ago

      Before I answer, can you genuinely justify needing drugs to lose weight?

    • 9 months ago

      >I have obesity
      No you are obese

    • 9 months ago

      I'm mentally ill unironically. The faster I get lean the better.

      >I have obesity
      No you are obese


  15. 9 months ago

    What if a male only did HCG?

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