Second day on Adderall

Alright lads, here we go
> be me
> 18 now
> past 18 years have been nothing but noise
> nonstop mental monologue
> constantly distracted
> late on many assignments
> constantly distracted and procrastinating
> pick up exercise, been going for 2 years now
> helps with discipline and purpose, but not with memory or focus that much
> finally get diagnosed and prescribed dextro-amphetamine, an Adderall generic
> take it

Ape Out Shirt $21.68

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Ape Out Shirt $21.68

  1. 2 years ago

    First day:
    1. Got up around 8 instead of 11
    2. Remembered to brush (and floss) completely
    3. Made a healthy breakfast for myself, sausage and eggs
    4. Remembered to call my grandma, nice talk
    5. Cleaned my entire room of trash, organized it
    6. Started washing all of my clothes (more on that later)
    7. Went to the gym, preworkout + Adderall is unbelievable focus, did abs, felt great
    8. Came home, did a water change on my fish tank
    9. Washed all of my sheets, blankets, whole shebang
    10. Made my bed and went to sleep at a reasonable hour
    (picrel: my room and my goblin ass)

    • 2 years ago

      Second day (today):
      1. Got up around 8:30
      2. Remember to brush my teeth and floss, shocked, usually I forget and do it at night instead
      3. Another healthy breakfast, made one for my dad
      4. Finished washing all of my clothes, sorted them all, folded them all, tallied *literally all of my clothing* so I could see what I needed to buy for college (a project I've literally been putting off for months)
      5. put all the laundry into my closet, hang shirts, roll pants, etc, feel fricking fantastic
      6. Go across the street to the neighbors lemonade stand, the mom complains about the lemonade jugs sliding off the table (we're on a hill) so I tell her I'll design her a jug holder thingy for free. Designed, currently printing it
      7. Vacuumed the floor, going to mop later
      (picrel: other side of my room)

      I know it doesn't seem like a lot, and I know this is probably the wrong board, but I feel like I want to cry.
      For the first time in my entire fricking life, I can sit down to do something, and just do it.
      for 18 years, every time I've needed to do something, there's like this nagging urge of boredom. Like a bored child in a car, and every fricking time that's why I get distracted, I procrastinate, I do other things, because the child in the car is screaming.
      Now, there's nothing. I can just... breathe. It's like my mind is a flat lake now.
      Not to mention, but it turns out that forgetting things I need to do, or steps in tasks is largely caused by ADHD, so just being able to remember to brush my fricking teeth, felt so good.

      Now I'm not blaming all of my problems on ADHD, and I'm not saying adderall is a cure, but I'm normal now, I'm functional, I feel so fricking NORMAL and CLEAR

      (picrel: my closet... all tidy)

      I am grateful my dad decided not to medicate me when I was younger though. Now I've figured out my own ways of dealing with ADHD without the need for medication, but it's such a nice tool.

      My whole life people have basically been telling me I suck at mario kart, and I've just discovered my game was spawning 40 times the bananas it was supposed to, I guess.

      I'm just glad this worked so fricking well. Anybody else here with ADHD have any tips on how to make sure I don't become reliant on medication/other healthy coping mechanisms?

      > takes amphetamines
      > feels euphoric
      > excess dopamine fricks the his brain’s reward system for doing menial tasks
      > spends 4 hours on IST methpoasting how life changing amphetamines are
      standard first time speed enjoyer

      • 2 years ago

        I'm so sick of these fricks trying stims and acting like it's making them normal. No butthole, you're on fricking speed and the euphoria will go away after using it for awhile

    • 2 years ago

      Second day (today):
      1. Got up around 8:30
      2. Remember to brush my teeth and floss, shocked, usually I forget and do it at night instead
      3. Another healthy breakfast, made one for my dad
      4. Finished washing all of my clothes, sorted them all, folded them all, tallied *literally all of my clothing* so I could see what I needed to buy for college (a project I've literally been putting off for months)
      5. put all the laundry into my closet, hang shirts, roll pants, etc, feel fricking fantastic
      6. Go across the street to the neighbors lemonade stand, the mom complains about the lemonade jugs sliding off the table (we're on a hill) so I tell her I'll design her a jug holder thingy for free. Designed, currently printing it
      7. Vacuumed the floor, going to mop later
      (picrel: other side of my room)

      I know it doesn't seem like a lot, and I know this is probably the wrong board, but I feel like I want to cry.
      For the first time in my entire fricking life, I can sit down to do something, and just do it.
      for 18 years, every time I've needed to do something, there's like this nagging urge of boredom. Like a bored child in a car, and every fricking time that's why I get distracted, I procrastinate, I do other things, because the child in the car is screaming.
      Now, there's nothing. I can just... breathe. It's like my mind is a flat lake now.
      Not to mention, but it turns out that forgetting things I need to do, or steps in tasks is largely caused by ADHD, so just being able to remember to brush my fricking teeth, felt so good.

      Now I'm not blaming all of my problems on ADHD, and I'm not saying adderall is a cure, but I'm normal now, I'm functional, I feel so fricking NORMAL and CLEAR

      (picrel: my closet... all tidy)

      I'm 20 and in the same place as you bro. Just sitting in my house all day after high school. All my attention span is lost. Constant monologue that lasts like 3 hours. No socialisation. Broke up with gf.
      Should I finally start taking adderall/Ritalin? Are there any side effects? Been lifting (lightweights due to severe epilepsy) thinking I'll eventually get discipline but can't even read a paragraph without a long inner monologue in between. I've almost given up.

    • 2 years ago

      Second day (today):
      1. Got up around 8:30
      2. Remember to brush my teeth and floss, shocked, usually I forget and do it at night instead
      3. Another healthy breakfast, made one for my dad
      4. Finished washing all of my clothes, sorted them all, folded them all, tallied *literally all of my clothing* so I could see what I needed to buy for college (a project I've literally been putting off for months)
      5. put all the laundry into my closet, hang shirts, roll pants, etc, feel fricking fantastic
      6. Go across the street to the neighbors lemonade stand, the mom complains about the lemonade jugs sliding off the table (we're on a hill) so I tell her I'll design her a jug holder thingy for free. Designed, currently printing it
      7. Vacuumed the floor, going to mop later
      (picrel: other side of my room)

      You already have the methhead look down lmao

  2. 2 years ago

    Second day (today):
    1. Got up around 8:30
    2. Remember to brush my teeth and floss, shocked, usually I forget and do it at night instead
    3. Another healthy breakfast, made one for my dad
    4. Finished washing all of my clothes, sorted them all, folded them all, tallied *literally all of my clothing* so I could see what I needed to buy for college (a project I've literally been putting off for months)
    5. put all the laundry into my closet, hang shirts, roll pants, etc, feel fricking fantastic
    6. Go across the street to the neighbors lemonade stand, the mom complains about the lemonade jugs sliding off the table (we're on a hill) so I tell her I'll design her a jug holder thingy for free. Designed, currently printing it
    7. Vacuumed the floor, going to mop later
    (picrel: other side of my room)

  3. 2 years ago

    I know it doesn't seem like a lot, and I know this is probably the wrong board, but I feel like I want to cry.
    For the first time in my entire fricking life, I can sit down to do something, and just do it.
    for 18 years, every time I've needed to do something, there's like this nagging urge of boredom. Like a bored child in a car, and every fricking time that's why I get distracted, I procrastinate, I do other things, because the child in the car is screaming.
    Now, there's nothing. I can just... breathe. It's like my mind is a flat lake now.
    Not to mention, but it turns out that forgetting things I need to do, or steps in tasks is largely caused by ADHD, so just being able to remember to brush my fricking teeth, felt so good.

    Now I'm not blaming all of my problems on ADHD, and I'm not saying adderall is a cure, but I'm normal now, I'm functional, I feel so fricking NORMAL and CLEAR

    (picrel: my closet... all tidy)

    • 2 years ago

      Lived with strong adhd all my life. I'm 31 now and spent that time learning to deal with it as best I could, and improving my willpower. Once I felt like I could achieve the same things with high effort as on Adderall with regular, I went back on the stuff. It's day 3 for me and it's feeling like a new world, where I love my hobbies again.

    • 2 years ago

      It's going to wear off man. You're just getting high

      Trust me, I also have ADHD and manage it with Vyvanse

      Just don't be a pussy and force yourself to focus. If Addy helps, use it, but don't rely on it

  4. 2 years ago

    I am grateful my dad decided not to medicate me when I was younger though. Now I've figured out my own ways of dealing with ADHD without the need for medication, but it's such a nice tool.

    My whole life people have basically been telling me I suck at mario kart, and I've just discovered my game was spawning 40 times the bananas it was supposed to, I guess.

    I'm just glad this worked so fricking well. Anybody else here with ADHD have any tips on how to make sure I don't become reliant on medication/other healthy coping mechanisms?

    • 2 years ago

      One thing you may want to consider is to avoid building a tolerance you may want to get off of it on the weekends. The issue being that all the stuff you have to do on the weekends is usually pretty important too. But usually those two days helps you avoid building a tolerance to the drug and learn how to live without it every few days. You could check with your doctor in that, but it shouldn’t integer much with the drug. As you quickly realized it doesn’t take long for it to affect you.

      Also avoid caffeine if you want to sleep. I don’t know where your tolerance to caffeine sits but having a soda or coffee around dinner will screw up your ability to sleep. Switch to water anyways, it’s better for you.

    • 2 years ago

      This probably sounds like shit advice, but just treat forced focus like a workout. Strain yourself for 20-30 minutes every other day doing a thing you really don't want to do. Increase difficulty or duration as your ability improves. You'll never focus like a normal person, but for me learning to force attention long enough to switch tasks was a game changer. It takes about 20 minutes to get wrapped up in a new task. Once you find that groove don't let anything stop you. Turn everything you can into a task you can hyperfocus on

    • 2 years ago

      >My whole life people have basically been telling me I suck at mario kart, and I've just discovered my game was spawning 40 times the bananas it was supposed to, I guess.

  5. 2 years ago

    Tell us about your experience 90 days on it when you’ve adjusted crack head.

  6. 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      I took amphetamine salts in college perscribed for adhd, at first I felt focused but I learned how to push past that and goof off again really quickly, then all it did was ruin my sleep. I used to sleep like a babe but then I started waking up at night, not going to sleep easy. Even for maybe 2 years after I stopped, and I probably didn't take them for longer than a few weeks

  7. 2 years ago

    what did people do before there was all these made up disorders?

    • 2 years ago

      succeed or fail on their own merit. also half these drugs were just available otc anyway.

    • 2 years ago

      These disorders had a tremendous advantage when we still had to worry about surviving nature, hunting, wars and dealing with things like disease. Nowadays not so much when you’re pulling 40 hrs. a week behind a screen.

    • 2 years ago


  8. 2 years ago

    That’s great that you cleaned your room! You’re going to stop taking it now right? Right anon? A-anon?!

  9. 2 years ago

    Ahhh I remember my first week on adderal. I thought I finally felt normal, I thought I was more productive, I thought I cured my problems. I thought I was on godmode. Then I adjusted and reality sunk in. Life became gray. All I wanted to do was work. Broke up with my ex because I thought she was wasting my time. Got irritated after it wore off. Had to start upping my dosage to still feel it. Life became grayer and grayer the more I took it. Yes my lifts went up, I had a solid gym routine, I got my work done quickly and on time. But it was not worth it whatsoever. The joy of life was absent.

    So glad I’m off that shit with no intention to go back on for over a year now. Was not easy and even now I’m still not as productive as i was when i was on it. But what good is productivity if you’re miserable? I was no different than a Chinese sweat shop worker.

    Save yourself while you can OP. What helped me most was reading “the power of now” which made me appreciate the present more and life overall. As for productivity, look into structuring your life more. Make a to do list, make a routine and stick to it, write down things as they come to you, etc. Don’t take the short cut anon, it’s not worth it.

    >t. fellow anon diagnosed with ~~*ADHD*~~

    • 2 years ago

      Listen to this anon

      ADHD meds are a great short term solution, but long term they will give you trouble. My advice would be to keep them on hand for emergencies like exams, but don't take them day to day. I know that's not what you want to hear right now, I remember my first weeks on ritalin, how happy I was that I could finally get shit done and focus.

      But trust me, over time you will build up tolerance, you will have to up your dosage, and as you do this, the side effects will get worse and worse, while the positive effects slowly diminish. I decided to quit because it got to a point where it only seemed to work between 10 and 12 AM, and the rest of the day I was an anxious mess, and at night I couldn't sleep. And this was after already upping my dose twice in the preceding years. It took around 5 months to adjust to not being medicated, because I also had to mentally relearn how to focus and get shit done without meds.

      Anyway, you are young, your brain is still developing, as you age, your self control will improve, and you will be able to cope better with your ADHD, possibly even to the point where it's no longer a problem.

  10. 2 years ago

    I suffer have everysingle thing listed. I haven't gone to a psychologist/psychiatrist as I'm not a gay. I know someone who sells adderall/ritalin, tips on not preventing addiction?

    • 2 years ago

      >tips on not preventing addiction?
      If you want to get addicted, I recommend taking it every day, taking more than your recommended dose, asking your doctor for a higher dosage, going to multiple doctors so you can get more meds, maybe switch to meth because it's more potent and you don't need doctors notices when you visit drug dealers, etc...

  11. 2 years ago

    What did you tell the doctor to get diagnosed? I want some adderall too

  12. 2 years ago

    I wanna know how long can I take it before developing a tolerance? I can't even focus on my daily lectures.

  13. 2 years ago

    I wanna know how long can I take it before developing a tolerance? I can't even focus on my daily lectures.

  14. 2 years ago

    Wait a constant inner monologue isnt normal? Wtf

  15. 2 years ago

    Nice Anon. Now I want to try it, but just sparingly when I need to study for grad school. What others have said about tolerance is important, before you know it you'll need it to do basic stuff like drive and if you forget to take it or run out you'll be even more distracted than before you took the meds. Co worker crashed his car because of it.

  16. 2 years ago

    this does not last as someone who abused all kinds of stimulants for years from caffeine to 3-fma only use it when you need the boost, any more than 2x/week and it wont work the same anymore.

  17. 2 years ago

    If you think dexamphetamine is good just try methamphetamine, it will solve every problem you have and make you forget about useless things like eating food and drinking water and going to sleep and having a working dick. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce vitae nisl nec tortor accumsan porttitor. Suspendisse sit amet magna mollis, luctus nulla sed, porta risus. Nam condimentum ut magna non tincidunt. Mauris sed ipsum lacus. Duis dignissim augue et enim blandit, vel euismod enim efficitur. Vivamus et dui ut dui auctor maximus a et lectus. Suspendisse maximus nulla magna, vel iaculis dui vehicula egestas. Mauris vel tortor non magna congue pulvinar. Suspendisse consequat tortor at mauris lacinia, quis tristique elit eleifend. Pellentesque id mi hendrerit, congue lorem faucibus, tristique velit. Pellentesque eleifend mauris sit amet libero vehicula mattis.
    Donec interdum, magna ac sollicitudin suscipit, tellus nibh mattis nulla, eget egestas ligula lectus eu erat. Duis ut ligula nisl. Vestibulum mollis, arcu non efficitur fermentum, leo libero elementum metus, vitae cursus purus mauris malesuada mauris. Duis scelerisque, ex sit amet ultrices elementum, nibh mi fringilla arcu, sed rutrum sem diam eu tellus. Ut a maximus urna, in sodales sapien. Donec vitae sagittis metus. Pellentesque dapibus consectetur nulla sit amet viverra. Nullam volutpat, lacus eget congue dapibus, turpis ante sagittis felis, vitae rutrum nibh ligula at enim. Nam euismod ultrices turpis et fringilla. Maecenas sodales, quam nec tempor hendrerit, odio dolor volutpat tortor, ut luctus arcu dui nec diam. Vestibulum ut diam justo. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Duis et pellentesque nisi, ac consectetur mauris. Vivamus bibendum turpis ac metus cursus dapibus. Pellentesque sagittis semper metus. Curabitur vitae mi augue.
    Curabitur semper, sapien ac lacinia rhoncus, erat ante ornare ante, ut pellentesque metus nulla in neque. Suspendisse pulvinar lobortis viverra.

    • 2 years ago

      >Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce vitae nisl nec tortor accumsan porttitor. Suspendisse sit amet magna mollis, luctus nulla sed, porta risus. Nam condimentum ut magna non tincidunt. Mauris sed ipsum lacus. Duis dignissim augue et enim blandit, vel euismod enim efficitur. Vivamus et dui ut dui auctor maximus a et lectus. Suspendisse maximus nulla magna, vel iaculis dui vehicula egestas. Mauris vel tortor non magna congue pulvinar. Suspendisse consequat tortor at mauris lacinia, quis tristique elit eleifend. Pellentesque id mi hendrerit, congue lorem faucibus, tristique velit. Pellentesque eleifend mauris sit amet libero vehicula mattis.
      >Donec interdum, magna ac sollicitudin suscipit, tellus nibh mattis nulla, eget egestas ligula lectus eu erat. Duis ut ligula nisl. Vestibulum mollis, arcu non efficitur fermentum, leo libero elementum metus, vitae cursus purus mauris malesuada mauris. Duis scelerisque, ex sit amet ultrices elementum, nibh mi fringilla arcu, sed rutrum sem diam eu tellus. Ut a maximus urna, in sodales sapien. Donec vitae sagittis metus. Pellentesque dapibus consectetur nulla sit amet viverra. Nullam volutpat, lacus eget congue dapibus, turpis ante sagittis felis, vitae rutrum nibh ligula at enim. Nam euismod ultrices turpis et fringilla. Maecenas sodales, quam nec tempor hendrerit, odio dolor volutpat tortor, ut luctus arcu dui nec diam. Vestibulum ut diam justo. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Duis et pellentesque nisi, ac consectetur mauris. Vivamus bibendum turpis ac metus cursus dapibus. Pellentesque sagittis semper metus. Curabitur vitae mi augue.
      >Curabitur semper, sapien ac lacinia rhoncus, erat ante ornare ante, ut pellentesque metus nulla in neque. Suspendisse pulvinar lobortis viverra.
      What did he mean by this?

  18. 2 years ago

    OP is abusing amphetamines because there is no such thing as a lack of natural "endogenic" amphetamines production. Work out, get stressed, do something that is a challenge/competition. Reminder that 60% of the ads revenue for TV companies was and still is big pharma. If you're into hidden knowledge you'd know that the best way to take control of the minds of people is through drugs, and that religion is the Opium of the masses -based guy. Eventually OP will be overstimulated, thin as a matchstick, and will wish that he never experimented with the happy/adrenaline part of his brain. He'll never be happy again once he becomes habituated. Imagine creating a generation of zombies dependent on your amphetamines so that they're lifelong clients. The idea is to get them to slip and slide through the education/indoctrination/work system like through a roastie.

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