Seed oils

Is it possible to detox from seed oils? Is restricting/limiting seed oils enough, or must they be cut out entirely? My diet up until now has been highly processed and my entire household is addicted to food with seed oils in. I want to free myself from the food addiction that has plagued my life so far and I think this is the cause

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  1. 1 year ago

    how do you mean?

    • 1 year ago

      please stop posting her my yellow fever is getting out of control

  2. 1 year ago

    use real fats and they will replace over time

  3. 1 year ago

    if you have to eat seed oils (restaurant) just take a vitamin e supplement. obviously try to use coconut oil or butter. Maybe buy your own pan to use. If you are serious then you will be doing a lot of cooking at home. There are plenty of different products you can buy without seed oils, just check the ingredient list.

  4. 1 year ago

    You must absolutely cut out oxidized seed oils, so basically everything fried + processed stuff like cookies etc. To create such oil they already boil it multiple times during the production so you could argue that even consuming them in a salad is unhealthy.

  5. 1 year ago

    I decided to cut out seed oil from my diet as much as I could, since it's in absolutely everything the best I can do is minimize it as much as possible.

    I kid you not I'm not even on a calorie deficit and my stubborn bellyfat is diminishing at a rate that kinda worries me.

    I wonder if this goy-oil has also been keeping other benefits from me this whole time.

    • 1 year ago

      food addictions should be easier to control if you stop seed oils 100% since real fat is more satiating
      helps preserve energy better

      start meal prepping so that you leave less chance that youre walking around the house snacking,

      give it a few more months and you should notice better sleep quality and improved mental clarity too
      too much fricking toxic garbage in food these days making people believe its normal to feel like shit
      and they wouldnt notice because its all theyve ever known

    • 1 year ago

      food addictions should be easier to control if you stop seed oils 100% since real fat is more satiating
      helps preserve energy better

      start meal prepping so that you leave less chance that youre walking around the house snacking,

      give it a few more months and you should notice better sleep quality and improved mental clarity too
      too much fricking toxic garbage in food these days making people believe its normal to feel like shit
      and they wouldnt notice because its all theyve ever known

      Placebo effect. It's just the newest meme IST is bombarded with by viral marketers.

      • 1 year ago

        lol wut? What viral marketers? What profit is being made by telling people seed oils are poison?

        But to OP's point, you should aim for under 4g PUFA/day. Many things have naturally occuring PUFA though. Eating some eggs and drinking a quart of milk, and you're already at your daily limit. Which means you're gonna have to cut out literally everything made specifically with seed oils.

        Fat stores get released when you lose weight, obviously. If you were doing a high PUFA diet, you don't want to release them all at once, as that will cause a lot of damage. It'll take a few years before they're out of your body if you stay on a good, sustainable diet.

        • 1 year ago

          milk does not have that much pufa the fatty acid profile is like maximum 3% pufa iirc, so 1 quart is like .84g
          eggs are unfortunately zogged and theyre fed onions and corn waste feed high in pufa, which is why they have pufa at all
          ideally you should know someone who owns chickens but thats not usually possible
          egg yolks are still very worth it tho for the vit a and cholesterol especially, and you can avoid most of the pufa by separating out the whites and only eating the yolk
          the whites dont have any micronutrients anyway, just a little protein but you can compensate elsewhere

      • 1 year ago


        Does anyone still use activated almonds? No, I didn't think so.

      • 1 year ago

        typical science ignorant moronic vegan, just admit that your vegan cult has flaws and move on

        the impact of good fats in your diet both serves the digestion and your ability to preserve more
        long lasting energy and the people who usually suffers from brain fog is vegans with tons of sneed oils in their diet

        its not some fricking "placebo" effect to feel good from things that are vital to your longevity and general well being,
        usually when people feel like they are "dropping" in the middle of the day is likely due to symptoms caused by toxic
        foods and lack of essential nooootrients (inb4 calories in calories out, nutrition serves no functionalies within our bodies blabla)

        its not fricking hard to replace bad foods with good foods and its usually really good for your economy,
        might even help you feel compelled to start growing crops and do the things that vegans dont have the energy or the iq to do.

      • 1 year ago

        It's not a placebo effect that beta oxidation of unsaturated fats takes progressively longer to accomplish for your cells for every unsaturated c=c bond, as a several-step pathway must first be completed to saturated the bonds before oxidation can be completed.
        Saturated fats skip these steps entirely.

  6. 1 year ago

    Heres a pro tip, get some kerrygold butter and cook with that instead. Tastes better and you will be more satiated

  7. 1 year ago

    If you switch to eating high quality saturated fat then your body's fat stores will eventually switch to it too

  8. 1 year ago

    half life of fat stored in fat cells is about 600 days, meaning in about 4 years you should have about 80% turn-over of the fat content of your body.

    However you should notice the benefits of eating coconut oil almost imediately after ingestion, but the fact that the PUFAs are integrated into the body, and are released by fat cells during times of stress, means the damage continues for many years afterwards.

    But to summarize, 4 years strict avoidance of seed oils and you should get most of the benefits by then.

  9. 1 year ago

    I just ate a poppy seed, is that considered seed oil!??!

  10. 1 year ago

    takes about a couple years minimum to fully flush out even if youre very strict about avoiding it but youll notice improvements to your general health within a month or two

  11. 1 year ago

    Stop worrying about a stupid meme

  12. 1 year ago


    Imagine deleting this but not this:

    Placebo effect. It's just the newest meme IST is bombarded with by viral marketers.

    • 1 year ago

      i stand by that post but there was a typo

      • 1 year ago

        Newhomosexual homosexual, we don't delete typos here. Frick off and lurk more before posting trash opinions.

  13. 1 year ago

    what's wrong with seed oils exactly?

    • 1 year ago

      Nothing really. If you eat them in excess, which happens if you eat a lot of crappy processed food then it screws up your omega intake balance. morons are trying to make it into a carnivore vs vegan thing, but it's basically just a case of choosing whole foods vs processed crap.

    • 1 year ago

      They are bad for you in nearly every conceivable way. See
      Ignore Reddit homosexuals like

      Nothing really. If you eat them in excess, which happens if you eat a lot of crappy processed food then it screws up your omega intake balance. morons are trying to make it into a carnivore vs vegan thing, but it's basically just a case of choosing whole foods vs processed crap.

      who have done 0 research and spew undergraduate “le heckin mean between the extremes”-tier takes.

  14. 1 year ago

    You basically just stop eating processed food with added seed oils, then you won’t have added seed oils in your diet.

  15. 1 year ago

    seed oils are in almost everything these days

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