Seriously, how do people get fat?

I’ve never understood how individuals let this happen. Like do you just not realize? WTF

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  1. 3 months ago

    >boiling frog syndrome

  2. 3 months ago

    Ur body just does it. People with good genes and diet have good hormone balance. Hormones get out of whack or the body ages or gets less correct, or rgulation of hunger and food intake goes off, or energy use. Almost everything is regulated by hormone balance. By looking at your body and face, structure, bone thickness, fat and muscle deposits your genes and hormone balance are immediately communicated. The cico method is a way to overcome what your body is not naturally doing.

  3. 3 months ago

    You know how it takes a long time to lose weight? It also takes a long time to gain weight. No one wakes up and BAM they've gained 75lbs. They eat at a 50-100 calories surplus every day, gaining half a pound a month. It's so slight they barely even notice it. Maybe when they buy clothes every couple years they get one size up just because "oh this is actually more comfortable than my old one." Then they hit 34 and it dawns on them they've gained 75lbs since college.

  4. 3 months ago

    Usually happens at a younger age or during a depressive/anxious episode.
    I got fat when I was a kid, I leaned down but shit just sticks with you. I don't look fat anymore, at least with clothes on, but I still have remnants of breasts, and stubborn belly fat that hides all of my muscle definition. It does not matter how hard I train and how much I improved, this shit sticks to me, and I know the only way to get rid of it is to start going full psycho on my relationship with food and count calories and shit. I don't eat between the meals, I never eat processed food, I have cut all sugar for a while now, still, the fat won't move even if the muscles grow.

    All of that because as a kid I got addicted to fast food and other processed shit that I would buy with pocket money behind the back of my parents. When my mom realized what was going on she immediately put me on a healthy diet + got me into competitive sports. She monitored my diet until I got back to normal (took 2 years) but even then I've always had this layer of fat that I simply can not get rid of unless I start fasting extensively over multiple months or some other crazy shit.

    At this point you either decide to live with it and make up for it with muscle gains with peace of mind, or you decide that it is worthwhile to become momentarily obsessed with every single particle that reaches your stomach and monitor every single thing you put in your mouth, but that also means eating no cake at a birthday party, saying no when all your friends plan to eat out, not eating or drinking anything at a party etc.

    • 3 months ago

      In cases like this, this is when liposuction is appropriate.

      Not for 200+ lbs obese folks

  5. 3 months ago

    Too much food at our disposal lets us eat too much.
    There is no "save it for tomorrow" anymore. Only "eat it right now" even if you're full.

  6. 3 months ago

    I don't get it especially women. Even when I bulk, I never balloon especially like some women. Are they literally destroying tubs of Ben & Jerrys everyday?

    • 3 months ago

      It’s hormones, dude

  7. 3 months ago

    People usually get fat over the course of years. A 100 calorie surplus every day for 10 years would be about 100 lbs of fat.
    Also people suck at cutting; some never even try, others will lose some weight then rebound to being even fatter

    • 3 months ago

      That's not how calories work, you can only gain weight with a 500 calorie surplus or more

      • 3 months ago

        Ok buddy thanks for posting

        • 3 months ago


  8. 3 months ago

    Its simple, especially if you're American: eating too much and not exercising enough.
    t. Gained weight during covid, been cutting for a year now.

  9. 3 months ago

    I put on 61.5kgs in 12 years, it's gradual and you eventually realise but lie to yourself that it doesn't bother you and you can easily lose it so you just ignore it and eventually you're at the point of no return and that's when you have to decide wether you will get your shit together or continue down the cursed path

    • 3 months ago

      do you have nice breasts?

      • 3 months ago

        no, I had a decent fitness background and got into powershitting, the fat distributed evenly around my body, with a shirt on it looks like I have decent pecs I was practically bear mode but still a fat frick, also I lost 30kgs since reaching my max weight

  10. 3 months ago

    People get too comfy and stop worrying about how they look. Likewise some probably just give up at some point because it's easier to keep drowning out their feelings with food and drugs.

  11. 3 months ago

    >hurr I can't understand the simple fact that food tastes good

  12. 3 months ago

    The only times I start to put on fat is when I stress-eat to cope with hectic workloads. Eating helps distract me from the immense pressure on me trying to maintain a failing family business.

  13. 3 months ago

    I'm unironically too lazy to get fat
    It takes too much work to constantly be buying food (going out to restaurants, going to the store) then bothering to prepare food or get up and get something from the fridge. I have no clue how people over 400 lbs even get the energy to do it all the time.

    • 3 months ago

      Same here

  14. 3 months ago

    I went from 85kg to 105kg without really noticing, thinking i was around 90 because i didnt have a scale. I knew i had gained weight but was shocked about how much.

  15. 3 months ago

    Because they are mentally ill with deep seated problems that take decades of therapy to resolve if even possible. It’s really that simple

  16. 3 months ago

    OP here. Follow-up question: do fat people have very little shame? Personally, I feel kinda shitty when someone simply has a better physique than me and I feel like I’m falling behind. It’s hard for me to fathom not caring about being a disgusting lard

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