Seventh Day Fappism - Softcore conditioning

Because we are tired of both brainfried coomers and nofap cultists using stupid broscience. Testosterone peaks at 7 days of not cooming and then it declines so it only makes sense that you should coom if you want your testosterone not to decline and preserve your sexual functions. So the rules are simple:

>You ONLY use softcore porn(i.e. solo vanilla) because it's less stimulating thus less bingeable

>You aim to fap no more and no less than once every 7 days

>(optional)You use a thrusting motion instead of rubbing your meat since it simulates real sex and also gives you a mini-conditioning workout. Fleshlight can be used

Your main focus shouldn't be achieving the 7-day fap cycle, rather to force yourself to fap only to softcore. The main enemy hardcore pornography because of its highly addictive and mentally destructive nature. Think of it as sugar, eating fruit is fine since the fiber will prevent you from binging on it, but eating candy is not fine since it will allow you to binge on it. You then gradually increase your cycle from 3-4 days to finally 7th day fappism.

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  1. 7 months ago

    I avoid all porn. When I wish to jack off, I simply conjure up images of beautiful women within my mind's eye

    • 7 months ago

      Real sex is not affected by this program whatsoever because it's not what the program is about. The only difference is that if you have sex at least once every 7 days then you may skip the fapping altogether, although not necessarily. Same for nocturnal emissions.

      Good for you anon. That means this is not for you

      • 7 months ago

        Because we are tired of both brainfried coomers and nofap cultists using stupid broscience. Testosterone peaks at 7 days of not cooming and then it declines so it only makes sense that you should coom if you want your testosterone not to decline and preserve your sexual functions. So the rules are simple:

        >You ONLY use softcore porn(i.e. solo vanilla) because it's less stimulating thus less bingeable

        >You aim to fap no more and no less than once every 7 days

        >(optional)You use a thrusting motion instead of rubbing your meat since it simulates real sex and also gives you a mini-conditioning workout. Fleshlight can be used

        Your main focus shouldn't be achieving the 7-day fap cycle, rather to force yourself to fap only to softcore. The main enemy hardcore pornography because of its highly addictive and mentally destructive nature. Think of it as sugar, eating fruit is fine since the fiber will prevent you from binging on it, but eating candy is not fine since it will allow you to binge on it. You then gradually increase your cycle from 3-4 days to finally 7th day fappism.

        >testosterone peaks at 7 days of not cooming and then it declines
        Declines into a higher baseline than it was originally, with the cycle repeating

        • 7 months ago

          It's like weight-loss plateaus. You get one cheat meal per week, and you break through the plateau. You fap once a week within reasonable limits (no porn, lube, thrust into fleshlight, think of memories of real sex) and your baseline increases each time. Noporn is best, but prolonged nofapping bears diminishing returns.

        • 7 months ago

          Thats not how homeostasis works dude. Its not like muscle mass where you keep adding on

        • 7 months ago


      • 7 months ago

        This "test falls after 7 days" thing is so moronic that I refuse to believe anyone legitimately believes in this shit. You have to be such a moron to think that the blood level of testosterone is the only thing that matters and fluctuations like this are an indicator that abstinence is meaningless. Literal fricking midwits.

        • 7 months ago

          moron cultist

      • 7 months ago

        >Same for nocturnal emissions.
        I have wet dreams if I go around 3 days without fapping. Before I wanked (around 19ish) I would regularly get wet dreams all the time and I never really understood it. Waking up covered in cum is a miserable experience.

        • 7 months ago

          Why miserable? I don't understand. Are you a larping femoid?

        • 7 months ago

          >Waking up covered in cum is a miserable experience
          Said no one ever

  2. 7 months ago

    Stop touching your penis and start jerking off anally.

    • 7 months ago

      That's gay

      how old are you?


      I am a massive coomer and (when I use porn) I only use softcore. I can't imagine anything more cucked than watching porn with dicks on it.
      True coomers just fap to their imagination tho.

      Softcore is just a guideline. If that is still addictive then you should progress to plain images, to imagination, although imagination can also be tricky if you imagine non-vanilla things

  3. 7 months ago

    how old are you?

  4. 7 months ago

    I am a massive coomer and (when I use porn) I only use softcore. I can't imagine anything more cucked than watching porn with dicks on it.
    True coomers just fap to their imagination tho.

  5. 7 months ago

    So i fap to pictures of my ldr girlfriend and sometimes we have camsex. It's actually easier to cum when I dont have to dirty talk and think of sexy things to say, although she really enjoys it. I love her moaning so i guess it's only fair.

    How bad is this?

    • 7 months ago

      It depends whether you actually met her

      • 7 months ago

        Planning to ofcourse.

        • 7 months ago

          Just so you know you’ve been jerking off with a dude, probably middle-aged, fat and with very poor hygiene

          • 7 months ago

            But this "dude" has a pussy and "he" can make it squirt.

    • 7 months ago

      damn. society really destroyed the zoomers before they even had a chance.

      • 7 months ago

        What's wrong with me having a ldr girlfriend if I plan to se her when i've saved up some money?

        • 7 months ago

          You'll find out shortly.

  6. 7 months ago

    for the past 5 months ive just stopped jacking off completely
    the sex is definitely a lot more powerful now, but it was absolutely a horrifying pain to go months without any sex or cooming

    >t. coom 10-20 times a day since 7 years old till about 15 (when i got first gf) and then 5ish times everyday after that when i was single till now

    yeah im like the og coomer who escaped
    all my friends irl say i have a beautiful glow n dont look tired anymore now that im not a silly little wanker

  7. 7 months ago

    They did more experiments, testosterone rises even beyond 7 days.
    Also even if you fap you should never watch porn because it completely wrecks your brain

  8. 7 months ago

    7 day fap cycle is a good idea. I've been doing this for a few months, but didn't notice a huge difference. One noticeable benefit was that I got out of the routine of fapping every night before bed. During long bulks I get so horny that anything slightly arousing sets me off and I feel an urge to jerk off immediately.

    Porn has never had an affect on me I jerk off to very kinky degenerate shit, but it has never stopped me from being aroused by an attractive woman in the gym, or when I'm having sex IRL. No issues of premature ejaculation or ED either. I think you need to be able to separate reality from fiction when it comes to porn. Others talk about benefiting from no-porn, so it's not a bad idea. Just something I never felt the need to do myself.

    I truly believe masturbation is beneficial in a lot of ways. It will help you learn your body, what you find erotic and can help you perform better sexually if you actually treat it as a form of training.

    Overall, I would recommend once-a-week fap over nofap

  9. 7 months ago

    >not sinning makes you a cultist
    Fine by me.
    May God have mercy on your "fap regime"

  10. 7 months ago

    I always preferred softcore/amateur, but recently I'm starting to dislike porn in general.
    I feel like my energy goes down as soon as I look at it.
    Like, instead of interacting actual women and getting a positive feedback loop for my hard work and boldness, I'm gonna look at this image/video of a woman who's just immediately giving that dopamine hit, for a camera and anonymous strangers?
    It feels so empty.
    >get motivated to find a woman *like* those in porn
    Eh, doesn't really work for me, and sets bad expectations. Either you're working towards your "ideal gf" you made up in your head, i.e., something that isn't found in the real world, or you're gonna try to project that ideal onto real women, and pursue them based on incorrect assumptions.

  11. 7 months ago

    I didn't watch porn for a year and it did absolutely frick all for me. I recently started watching femboy porn and gore videos, and I feel better than I did throughout the last year. Gave me enough drive to seduce a coworker I've liked for a while.

  12. 7 months ago

    I rarely jerk off now partly because it’s hard to find the time and privacy but mostly because I like saving up big loads for my wife. Big facials, cumshots and anal creampies are my thing.

    • 7 months ago

      >anal creampies
      You're having gay sex with your wife.

  13. 7 months ago

    does it matter when on the 7th day? like if sunday I bust at 12pm, then sunday2 I bust at 10am am I leaving test on the table? what about 2pm?

    • 7 months ago

      time should be consistent

  14. 7 months ago

    And on the seventh day, he coomed

  15. 7 months ago

    >no one called OP a homosexual zoomer yet
    IST has fallen to the broccoli head horde

  16. 7 months ago

    You're basing all this on a single shitty study. Correct?
    Have you read that other single shitty study that claimed onions juice increased testosterone by 700%?

  17. 7 months ago

    Any time I have the urge to watch porn, I just think about a girl I used to frick and jerk off ASAP to get it out the way before resorting to the internet

  18. 7 months ago

    'anal cream pies" holy frick what a degenerate! Check yourself into treatment and let your "wife" find a man who isn't a complete degenerate! fricking hell!

  19. 7 months ago

    I like to think that I'm a somewhat practical person. Am I gonna watch porn? Probably yeah. Am I gonna jerk it? Probably yeah. No use in fighting it really. I've had girlfriends before, they're cool and all, but for the periods in my life where I am single I simply only have 1 rule:
    >no 3dpd porn
    That's literally it. Anything else goes, as long as it isn't a "real" girl on the screen. Hentaishit OK, furshit OK, clopshit OK. Don't care, doesn't matter, as long as it isn't 3dpd. If I want it that badly I'll just go outside, dm some b***hes, or put a stripper through college. It's simple and it works.

  20. 7 months ago

    >Testosterone peaks at 7 days
    no it doesn't that's absolute nonsense some morons like you say on repeat no matter how many times you are called out.

  21. 7 months ago

    Ever since I got on test cyp 300mg a week split into 2 IM 6 months agl, its impossibe to no fap/no sex. Before it was easy, but now, every thought of sex or see your type of girl results in an instant boner. Shit is wild. My gf likes it since its been twice a day and i still fap atleast once when she's not around. Can imagine being on test/anabolics and not having a girl. If ugly ones would get it. When I blast for 12 weeks at 600mg a week, the boners are still there but it takes for ever for me to cooom. Gf hates that shit but I love it

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