Sexual Health

How do I make my erections more powerful and last longer? I'm 24 and I'm quite IST. The only reason I can fathom having erectile problems if my porn addiction. Any suggestions other than "just quit porn"? I'm trying already.

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  1. 10 months ago

    Stop taking fin.

    • 10 months ago

      This too. Finasteride permanently fricked up my dick.

    • 10 months ago

      no without it I'd not be able to use my dick anyway

    • 10 months ago

      never. Frick off baldies stop trying to make everyone a bald homosexual like yourselves

  2. 10 months ago

    Become very aroused

  3. 10 months ago

    cialis my homie

  4. 10 months ago

    I was forced to nofap for about 6 weeks because I chose to get circumcised last year. And not only was I not allowed to fap, but I couldn't even allow myself to get an erection, even a semi-chub, because it would pull on my stitches and hurt like a motherfricker. And so I basically had to turn myself into a monk and not look at anything or even think about anything even remotely sexual. My erections were diamond hard again at the end of this monk-like existence of extreme nofap. And so porn addiction and fapping definitely contributes to erectile dysfunction.

    • 10 months ago

      >I was forced to nofap for about 6 weeks because I chose to get circumcised last year.

    • 10 months ago

      >I chose to get circumcised last year
      What the frick man, why would you voluntarily undergo a israeli humiliation ritual, I understand if you've just been born and your parents hand you off to be mutilated, but as a grown ass man choosing this?

      • 10 months ago

        I have all sorts of mental disorders like body dysmorphia. Despite having an 8+ inch dick, I still feel like I have a disgusting micropenis. I also hated not being circumcised because I felt like a freak and thought it looked awful. I also did jelqing in high school to increase the size of my dick, and it made my already excessively long foreskin even longer. It also permanently darkened my foreskin and the underside of my dick - which I hate.

        I started to research penis enlargement techniques, and learned about Penuma - which is the only legit-ish penis enhancement surgery and is FDA approved. The top surgeon in the entire world for it just so happens to be in my area. And so I did a consultation with him about 2 years ago. He described my dick as already being huge and refused to do the surgery on me because he felt like I have body dysmorphia - which is true. And he recommended that I could instead try a penis stretcher from Germany called the Penimaster Pro. He said that some of his patients who wore it for a few hours every day increased their penis size by an inch. And so I became obsessed with using it. It uses a vacuum device which seals around the head of your penis - which would tear my frenulum and give me really bad bubble blisters on my foreskin.

        I also discovered penis enlargement forums like /r/GettingBigger and the Thunder forums, and they convinced me to use a penis pump every day for girth gains and better erection quality. And that also tore my frenulum and gave me bad bubble blisters on my foreskin.

        And so I chose to get circumcised so that I could more easily use penis stretchers and penis pumps.

        You also need to be circumcised in order to get the Penuma surgery, and I'm still hellbent on getting it done somehow with this surgeon.

        So, yeah - I'm getting really sick of living with this mental disorder. It's horrible and is ruining my life.

        • 10 months ago

          Have you tried curing your mental illness first? I had a family member go to a psychologist who prescribed lithium and all her crazy just melted away overnight.

        • 10 months ago

          😐 I dont think you are larping.
          Post your dick so we can judge if its really as big as you say it is or just a micro penis

          • 10 months ago

            Mmm. I'm pretty hesitant to post my dick pics because 1) underage kids probably look at this forum, 2) there's lots of gay dudes on here who are trying to manipulate mentally ill straight guys like me into posting nudes.

        • 10 months ago

          >dr thinks you have dysmorphia
          >prove him wrong by getting electively circumcised to become eligible for another elective surgery
          I'm sure he'll be swayed.

      • 10 months ago

        >I understand if you've just been born and your parents hand you off to be mutilated
        I don't understand that either 2bh. It's fricking reprehensible, it's baby genital mutilation is what it is and it should be banned but somehow it's fine. It's even worse than trannies cutting their dicks off because the baby has no say in the matter. Frick israelites for bringing this into the world and christcucks and muzzies for adopting it.

        • 10 months ago

          >t should be banned but somehow it's fine
          Most issues are like this, but israelites control the media, the courts and Congress so it's unlikely to ever change

  5. 10 months ago

    Angion method

  6. 10 months ago

    vasodilators that you'll find in pre-workout can give you better boners by improving blood flow, although you don't want one with a stimulant in it, as those can sometimes give you boner problems
    l-arginine and l-citrulline work fairly well -- probably not on the level of viagra or cialis, but still decent. you obviously still need to get aroused, they don't give you an instaboner or anything.
    black seed oil has some blood thinning effects, so i've found that to also be of some help

  7. 10 months ago

    >No fap
    >Leg day
    >Abs day
    >vitamin supplements
    >better diet
    >doing things that boost your self confidence and self worth
    >quit porn you degenerate
    >lose weight

  8. 10 months ago

    Cardio. Heart gets stronger. Pumps blood better. More blood to your penis

  9. 10 months ago

    smoke weed erryday

  10. 10 months ago


  11. 10 months ago


    >people make suggestions
    >no i dont want this
    enjoy your limp dick then moron
    just take cialis its op as frick

    • 10 months ago

      my homie do you not understand that some people dont want to become dependent on drugs for everything? thanks for the suggestion tho, if my situation ever becomes severe i will consider cialis just for you anon <3

      • 10 months ago

        next best thing is l-citrulline, which is just a supplement
        but at worst you can only become psychologically dependent on cialis. if you cant even quit porn youre already psychologically fried anyway, so what difference does it really make.
        im 4 years younger than you and gave myself ED from cutting, to the point where i couldnt get hard no matter what. i dont even watch porn. 2 hours after i took my first cialis i went full robowiener and could frick for hours.
        quit porn srs, if it doesnt fix your problem hop on cialis
        make sure you think of me when you have sex.

        • 10 months ago

          ok ok, i'll check out L-citrulline
          i will remember you when im fricking, anon

        • 10 months ago

          >gave myself ED from cutting
          cutting what? your dick?

  12. 10 months ago

    It is part of getting older

  13. 10 months ago

    Estrogen levels? Too little estrogen and arousal is impossible. Too much and you develop breasts.

  14. 10 months ago

    I started watching hardcore porn 2 years ago, and I struggle to quit despite many attempts and reading up on how bad it is.
    Very tiresome, if I had a gf I would probably make it but no girl wants to date a porn slave addict. Catch 22 boyos.

    • 10 months ago

      I am a porn addict and have a girlfriend. Just be like every other addict and lie about it. No woman could even fathom the depths that we explore unless you tell them.

      On the other hand, I was listening to some interviews with recovered drug and alcohol addicts the other day and several of them talked about a very important part of their recovery. They said that they literally can't lie any more. Not just about their addiction either, just lying in general about anything. They didn't really expound on that but I would guess part of it is the lying to yourself. "Oh I'm gonna stop tomorrow." "I can go to this party, I just won't drink." "Maybe I'll just browse a sissy hypno BBC thread on /gif/ for the discussion."

      • 10 months ago

        >Not just about their addiction either, just lying in general about anything. They didn't really expound on that but I would guess part of it is the lying to yourself.
        Interesting insight, thanks anon. The older I get the more brutallly honest I get.
        I'm happy you have a gf.

      • 10 months ago

        Did you tell your gf?
        Suprised how common porn addiction seems, Larry Wheels even came out about it.

  15. 10 months ago

    Kegels, train your pelvic floor. Edging works too.

    • 10 months ago

      edging is the biggest meme ever and I hate people for saying it’s good.
      Yes I hold the base of the shaft very stiff to the point of cutting off blood flow, it does not increase arousal or feel good. frick you edging homosexuals, I’m sure it’s why I have ED now.

      • 10 months ago

        could be bc of death grip

        • 10 months ago

          elaborate on what a “death grip” is.
          Anyway last night I had a somewhat nice sex dream but woke up with a cold which has mostly persisted all day so not in the best mood. I’m pretty sure my dreams are just my body showing that it doesn’t like fictional sex stuff anymore and wants the real deal. But didn’t wake up with any semen leakage or stiffness after the dream which is normal for me and has been for years.

          • 10 months ago

            anything tighter than your boyfriends anus. grabbing tighter when you are about cum. going dry, no lube so the nerves are damaged. best option for recovery is a flesh light or onahole.

            • 10 months ago

              Black person I’m a straight virgin. I don’t care or want to know how tight someone’s anus is, just tell me how hard I need to grip.
              And elaborate on the lube, I’m not buying shit from Amazon or other websites.

  16. 10 months ago


    >any fruits or vegetables good for this? i try to stay away from medication
    word, arginine and citrulline are just amino acids, so they're found in lots of foods, but probably not in the quantity you get from taking a pill or two

  17. 10 months ago

    its so fricking easy
    just run
    thats it
    thats all u need

    • 10 months ago

      This. Even with running you should be getting a bare minimum of an hour of walking a day if you sit for more than 6 hours.

  18. 10 months ago

    Quit masturbation, there is nothing more harmful to your erections.

    Three weeks of abstinence increases testostorone levels

    Masturbation is associated with lower psychological health and reproductive well-being

    Sperm contains compounds that prolong lifespan, fight cancer & heart disease

    Men who are sexually active in their 20s and 30s are more likely to develop prostate cancer

    Masturbation decreases dopamine levels

    Watching porn reduces gray matter in prefrontal cortex

    Porn addiction has similar mechanism with substance addiction

    Making sperm shortens lifespan of male worms

    jerking off 3 days in a row decreases sperm count by 20%

    Increasing ejaculation frequency decreases sperm count significantly

    Prevalence of erectile dysfunction doubled between 2004 and 2013

    Pornography consumption is associated with mental health issues

    • 10 months ago

      >H&R Block entered the chat

  19. 10 months ago

    All you need to do is start eating low-fat. You'll see improvements in a day or two.

  20. 10 months ago


    >i dont wana use supplements and become dependent on them
    You don't want to become healthy and stay healthy? What the fricking kind of reasoning is this? Do you also not workout to avoid becoming dependent on working out for your health?

  21. 10 months ago

    >run couple times a week and walk a lot
    >eat a healthy diet, stay around 15% body fat
    >seriously eat all the meme health foods like oysters and pomegranate juice it works
    >drop alcohol completely
    >sleep a lot
    >live a low stress life with a lot of time spent in the sun
    >work as little as possible
    >last but not least have sex daily with very attractive slim 18 year olds
    >do not under any circumstances have sex with unattractive even slightly fat 24+ year olds
    Hope this helps

  22. 10 months ago

    kegels and reverse kegels, unironically training it like a muscle 3x a day, i got my dick diamonds hard, specially the head which got me nice compliments, and unironically gained girth and veins got way bigger

    You do whatever you want with this info

  23. 10 months ago


    >any fruits or vegetables good for this? i try to stay away from medication
    you are welcome

    • 10 months ago

      >natural vasodilators
      >coffee, a vasoconstrictor

  24. 10 months ago


    >kegels scare me
    you unironically do kegels while peeing or taking a shit, even when you get scared like with a jumpscare you do a kegel... what is scary about it you just need to clench and unclech

    • 10 months ago

      Take a looksy through /r/PE_Injuries. It's full of dudes claiming that kegals fricked up their dicks by giving them erectile dysfunction, hard flaccid, and pain.

  25. 10 months ago

    How do I know whether my ED (dick gets hard as a diamond, but then gets soft when it's time to perform) is psychological or low T?

    • 10 months ago

      If you still morning wood, then your T levels are probably fine. If you only get ED when you actually need to perform in real life with a naked woman in front of you, then it's probably psychological and linked to porn addiction and anxiety.

      • 10 months ago

        >morning wood
        I get it like once every 2 or 3 days. I'm 39 and on cpap, so my sleep isn't so great. Better than the 0 morning wood I had before the cpap.

        • 10 months ago

          To add that. There's some days when I can do my wife a couple of times in a day, and others where I can't at all.

  26. 10 months ago

    Best thing is to become really porn addicted for a like a year, cooming and edging non stop to shemale joi videos and such. Then stop. Stop for good. Your body will enter in arousal overdrive and the next time you see a naked women your lust will be overwhelming there is no way you don't get hard. Of course once this is achieved you never go near porn again in your life.

    • 10 months ago

      >to stop porn, watch even more, even extremer porn
      Ok rabbi

      • 10 months ago

        If you've never been a real porn addict you don't know how good it feels to quit and see a real, 3D, naked woman.

  27. 10 months ago

    I am 34, 5'10, 350lbs. I have been obese, smoking & drinking since I was 15. I have only ever done mild cardio & basic strength training. I am working on my 2nd wife & raising two kids. I watch porn all fricking day pretty much. I have & continue to frick like a horny walrus pornstar. Your problem is way bigger than you think & I am thinking its severely psychological.

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