Share some fit tips you found out about

>whey tastes best with ice cold water
>no point in buying anything but vanilla ice cream whey all other flavours are shit
>beef jerky mogs protein bars
>bread and potatoes are better then rice
>knee hurts, massage outside of quads deeply, knee no longer hurts

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A Conspiracy Theorist Is Talking Shirt $21.68

  1. 12 months ago

    Beef jerky mogs everything and costs an arm and leg.
    Artifical sweeteners are cancerous.
    Bread is nice but it's unhealthy goyslop

    • 12 months ago

      the dunning kruger effect right here

      • 12 months ago

        Anyone who mentions dunning kruger is the biggest dimwit redditor tier shitstain. Thx for exposing yourself as such. Black person.

        Sage and frick you for bumping your disgusting miserable thread.

        • 12 months ago

          >uses reddit spacing
          okay dude lole babole

          • 12 months ago

            >reddit spacing
            don't try to use terms when you don't know what they mean, you out yourself as a dipshit newbie

            • 12 months ago

              Anyone who mentions dunning kruger is the biggest dimwit redditor tier shitstain. Thx for exposing yourself as such. Black person.

              Sage and frick you for bumping your disgusting miserable thread.

              >uses reddit spacing
              okay dude lole babole

              People who say "Dunning Kreuger" really self own themselves. You can't decipher someones IQ based on 1 or 2 posts on IST. So they just call you dumb in a 'new way' they saw on the internet and think they won or trolled you, but ultimately, the act of doing this really just makes you a huge homosexual who exposed themselves as being a terminally online loser who talks shit on anonymous forums. Its kind of like how zoomers always get pissed off at youtube e-celebs for their opinions. Its really simple, its just some fricking guy with a webcam who suckered you suckers into watching, they could die tomorrow, they provide no value to the world, and nobody ultimately gives a shit. Just live your life bros

              Have a nice day.

              • 12 months ago

                Why so mad lil guy?

              • 12 months ago

                you get called dumb a lot, don't you anon

              • 12 months ago

                Based stupid reddit troony lingo noticer.
                Have a nice day and op is a gay.

              • 12 months ago

                Ask for a food dehydrater for christmas or a smoker....or throw a coke can crushed up to crack open the oven so it gets moisture and throw a roast on a tray.

                No. I am just an oldgay and I've noticed kind of the way the internet has evolved. Lots of people use stuff they see on the internet like
                >Dunning Kreuger
                >When you're ____ and ____
                >I'm just gunna leave this here
                >____bros, we lost
                >I was today years old when I realized _____
                >Midwit/Dimwit/whatever wit post

                I just consider this language cringe and exposing that someone is just terminally online and needs to get off the computer maybe and live their life. An entire generation of kids who have sacrificed inter-personal relationships and friends for e-celebs and arguing with people on the internet.

                Arguing on the internet is like running in the special olympics. Win or lose you're still a moron

                By the way, OP here, I wasn't the guy who said Dunning Kroeger.

              • 12 months ago

                shut up homosexual

            • 12 months ago

              mad cus u got caught reddit spacing

        • 12 months ago

          >uses reddit spacing
          okay dude lole babole

          >le reddit spacing
          >uses the biggest redditor twitter troony Pseudo intellect lingo
          Kys you idiot. Keep eating bread and your vanilla whey you disgusting manchild.
          Who cares how you whey tastes like, buy bland and mix a banana into it fricking low iq Black person

          >reddit spacing
          don't try to use terms when you don't know what they mean, you out yourself as a dipshit newbie

          People who say "Dunning Kreuger" really self own themselves. You can't decipher someones IQ based on 1 or 2 posts on IST. So they just call you dumb in a 'new way' they saw on the internet and think they won or trolled you, but ultimately, the act of doing this really just makes you a huge homosexual who exposed themselves as being a terminally online loser who talks shit on anonymous forums. Its kind of like how zoomers always get pissed off at youtube e-celebs for their opinions. Its really simple, its just some fricking guy with a webcam who suckered you suckers into watching, they could die tomorrow, they provide no value to the world, and nobody ultimately gives a shit. Just live your life bros

          Have a nice day.

          Ask for a food dehydrater for christmas or a smoker....or throw a coke can crushed up to crack open the oven so it gets moisture and throw a roast on a tray.

          No. I am just an oldgay and I've noticed kind of the way the internet has evolved. Lots of people use stuff they see on the internet like
          >Dunning Kreuger
          >When you're ____ and ____
          >I'm just gunna leave this here
          >____bros, we lost
          >I was today years old when I realized _____
          >Midwit/Dimwit/whatever wit post

          I just consider this language cringe and exposing that someone is just terminally online and needs to get off the computer maybe and live their life. An entire generation of kids who have sacrificed inter-personal relationships and friends for e-celebs and arguing with people on the internet.

          Arguing on the internet is like running in the special olympics. Win or lose you're still a moron

          Two words to trigger this.
          damn that was easy.

        • 12 months ago

          Cram it.

          • 12 months ago

            Frick Black folk, frick yankees, frick israelites, frick redditors, frick jannies and frick you too you virtue signaling little b***h.

        • 12 months ago

          I've honestly gone the last year without reading an n bomb and the day reddit shuts down a new wave of users who suddenly drop n bombs in every thread show up. Classic reddit moments

    • 12 months ago

      What's unhealthy about bread? It's literally just cooked wheat. Unless they actually add sugar to bread in the us or something.
      You can get beef jerky bars for fairly cheap, or get a 50$ food dehydrator and make your own.

      • 12 months ago

        Wholegrain bread, made at home is fine but wouldn't eat that every day either.

      • 12 months ago

        >You can get beef jerky bars for fairly cheap, or get a 50$ food dehydrator and make your own
        Nah, maybe in us but israeliterope is not like that. Dehydrator is good I guess but a simple stove on 60c will do the trick just fine.

      • 12 months ago

        Yeast is a mind altering fungi

        • 12 months ago

          I love mushrooms, sometimes I eat 0 5kg or mushrooms a day, several times a week actually.

          • 12 months ago

            Oh no I think Fungi already took over this guy... Rip

    • 12 months ago

      >whey tastes best with ice cold water
      >no point in buying anything but vanilla ice cream whey all other flavours are shit
      >beef jerky mogs protein bars
      >bread and potatoes are better then rice
      >knee hurts, massage outside of quads deeply, knee no longer hurts

      Anyone who mentions dunning kruger is the biggest dimwit redditor tier shitstain. Thx for exposing yourself as such. Black person.

      Sage and frick you for bumping your disgusting miserable thread.

      >not eating homemade smoked venison or fish jerky

      • 12 months ago

        Rosemary Walleye jerky hmm hmm good

        • 12 months ago

          Can you make a thread on IST next time you make jerky? That looks amazing. I tried making jerky once and it just turned out super tough and unflavorful.

          Im sure its not great healthwise but ive found drinking like 2 pots of coffee and throwing in some snus a few times a day has killed my apetite. Im down a little over 10 lbs. Was 195 when i started and now im at 182. Goal is 170ish at 5'10.

          • 12 months ago

            Sure if I don’t get banned. I always get banned from all of IST from that board. That being said it’s usually because I post that video of that Indian kid getting his head cut off with slowly with a butter knife

            • 12 months ago

              I mean, maybe try to refrain from posting that?

            • 12 months ago


      • 12 months ago

        Rosemary Walleye jerky hmm hmm good

        I would murk a man just to eat like this every day.
        I don't buy store jerky, while I love the taste it's nothing like homemade jerky and feels very industrial. Also the fricking price.
        Fish jerky I never tried I bet its heavenly.

        If I could I would eat only dried meat every single day but I can't afford 800 on beef a month.

        • 12 months ago

          Ask for a food dehydrater for christmas or a smoker....or throw a coke can crushed up to crack open the oven so it gets moisture and throw a roast on a tray.

          Why so mad lil guy?

          you get called dumb a lot, don't you anon

          No. I am just an oldgay and I've noticed kind of the way the internet has evolved. Lots of people use stuff they see on the internet like
          >Dunning Kreuger
          >When you're ____ and ____
          >I'm just gunna leave this here
          >____bros, we lost
          >I was today years old when I realized _____
          >Midwit/Dimwit/whatever wit post

          I just consider this language cringe and exposing that someone is just terminally online and needs to get off the computer maybe and live their life. An entire generation of kids who have sacrificed inter-personal relationships and friends for e-celebs and arguing with people on the internet.

          Arguing on the internet is like running in the special olympics. Win or lose you're still a moron

    • 12 months ago

      >bread is evil
      >Eaten for thousands of fricking years by various cultures leavened or unleavened
      >It's just ground flour and water at its most basic form
      What the frick

  2. 12 months ago

    Frick, i'd eat all that for free.

    No tips since all i know is the basics

  3. 12 months ago

    >le reddit spacing
    >uses the biggest redditor twitter troony Pseudo intellect lingo
    Kys you idiot. Keep eating bread and your vanilla whey you disgusting manchild.
    Who cares how you whey tastes like, buy bland and mix a banana into it fricking low iq Black person

    • 12 months ago

      Lol Reddit gay can’t even reply properly
      Do you need a tutorial on how to use this moronic basket weaving site?

  4. 12 months ago

    >>whey tastes best with ice cold water
    Whey tastes best with milk you skinnygay

    • 12 months ago

      Also this. Frick op. Milk is best but I don't trust it anymore as cows are unhealthy as frick.

      • 12 months ago

        >>whey tastes best with ice cold water
        Whey tastes best with milk you skinnygay

        Whey tastes better with water.

        >le reddit spacing
        >uses the biggest redditor twitter troony Pseudo intellect lingo
        Kys you idiot. Keep eating bread and your vanilla whey you disgusting manchild.
        Who cares how you whey tastes like, buy bland and mix a banana into it fricking low iq Black person

        moronic ass homie.

        • 12 months ago

          >whey tastes best with ice cold water
          >no point in buying anything but vanilla ice cream whey all other flavours are shit
          >beef jerky mogs protein bars
          >bread and potatoes are better then rice
          >knee hurts, massage outside of quads deeply, knee no longer hurts

          ..are you guys still drinking artificially flavoured whey?

  5. 12 months ago

    These aren't tips, rhey're just your shitty opinions

  6. 12 months ago

    Monkfruit is a way you can cheat through life. All the bad shit you love you can replace with this and it's better than sugar.
    You're probably magnesium and zinc deficient so you should supplement.
    Everything that you experience that's bad health wise can be fixed by supplements. I've reversed more medical conditions than I can count.
    Vaping is worse than smoking health wise so if you want to quit, start taking DXM as directed - it's like methadone for nicotine.
    Eating like you're borderline diabetic has huge advantages to losing weight and staying skinny even when you're not counting calories.
    Speaking of which, it really is CICO (and this is me talking even with a hormone problem that makes it hard to lose weight).
    Don't over train. There are times when you need to push yourself to get more strength or stamina but you need to let yourself rest. Take a CNS break every 8-10 weeks by just sitting the frick down for a week. Not deload, just sitting. Your stamina and gains will go through the roof and you'll stop feeling like shit.
    Find your favorite water bottle, the one that keeps water cold a long time and just keep refilling it throughout the day. Don't leave for the store or out in the world without it. You'll soon realize you're drinking a lot of water.

    • 12 months ago

      >Everything that you experience that's bad health wise can be fixed by supplements. I've reversed more medical conditions than I can count.
      Wish there was a lexicon containing all of this information. I just hate Pharma israelites and greedy disgusting doctors so much its unreal. Rope them all.

      I believe Castor and rosemary oil is giving my hair back and I'm middle aged as frick. There must be always a natural remedy... Just too much noise, shillsa and snake oil salesmen out there.

    • 12 months ago

      >Everything that you experience that's bad health wise can be fixed by supplements. I've reversed more medical conditions than I can count.
      Not everything, but most general medical problems arlnd people feeling bad is a result of a poor diet. Supplements are for shills who are too lazy or stupid to cook balanced meals.
      >Vaping is worse than smoking health wise
      Plainly untrue. We don't know the long term effects of vaping, but even if they are identical to cigarettes vaping is better for your body. Both are poison and should be avoided at all costs. If someone chooses to smoke, they demonstrate poor judgement and low IQ and should not be taken seriously.

      The rest is solid if a little broscience-y.

    • 12 months ago

      >Eating like you're borderline diabetic has huge advantages to losing weight and staying skinny even when you're not counting calories.
      I'm guessing this is meant to say borderline anorexic, if not share your beetus secrets

      • 12 months ago

        Nta but I assume he just means avoid refined grains and get your carbs from milk and veggies instead.

  7. 12 months ago

    Keeping cooked thick cut bacon in the fridge mogs jerky
    >cut in half
    >cook whole pound
    >keeps in the fridge for am eternity
    >if the craving for a salty snack comes up take out a half or 2
    >craving satisfied
    As long as you aren't a no will power mongoloid who eats a whole pound at once, bacon is the absolute best snack craving killer

    • 12 months ago

      Lmao I guess to each their own but cooked fridge bacon? Mogging jerky? Not for me. Véry very far away from it.
      I guess bacon is too much of a part of our culture so I just got very bored of it but still a good salted dry jerky makes me wanna cum in my pants. So satisfying and the jaw gains are real.

  8. 12 months ago

    Everyone ITT needs to post body with timestamp
    No excuses. Unless you post body, nothing you say has any weight or credence

    • 12 months ago


      Ask for a food dehydrater for christmas or a smoker....or throw a coke can crushed up to crack open the oven so it gets moisture and throw a roast on a tray.

      No. I am just an oldgay and I've noticed kind of the way the internet has evolved. Lots of people use stuff they see on the internet like
      >Dunning Kreuger
      >When you're ____ and ____
      >I'm just gunna leave this here
      >____bros, we lost
      >I was today years old when I realized _____
      >Midwit/Dimwit/whatever wit post

      I just consider this language cringe and exposing that someone is just terminally online and needs to get off the computer maybe and live their life. An entire generation of kids who have sacrificed inter-personal relationships and friends for e-celebs and arguing with people on the internet.

      Arguing on the internet is like running in the special olympics. Win or lose you're still a moron

      >not eating homemade smoked venison or fish jerky

      People who say "Dunning Kreuger" really self own themselves. You can't decipher someones IQ based on 1 or 2 posts on IST. So they just call you dumb in a 'new way' they saw on the internet and think they won or trolled you, but ultimately, the act of doing this really just makes you a huge homosexual who exposed themselves as being a terminally online loser who talks shit on anonymous forums. Its kind of like how zoomers always get pissed off at youtube e-celebs for their opinions. Its really simple, its just some fricking guy with a webcam who suckered you suckers into watching, they could die tomorrow, they provide no value to the world, and nobody ultimately gives a shit. Just live your life bros

      Have a nice day.

      Rosemary Walleye jerky hmm hmm good

      I won't post myself online, but hows a picture of my wife's breasts?

      • 12 months ago

        I've seen your wife's breasts before, and I have the good sense to not want to see them again.

      • 12 months ago

        Not gonna click it gotta save my phone data but damn your wife's breasts look awesome

      • 12 months ago

        These dont look like breasts. I aint clickin that.

  9. 12 months ago

    >nobody posted their body
    Yup. That's what I thought.

  10. 12 months ago

    Refined protein is garbage just eat meat
    You can't use more than 0.8g/lb of LEAN mass anyway
    You can eat any protein rich entree, just don't eat the sides
    Sugar hurts your gains, alcohol fricking destroys them

    • 12 months ago

      >You can't use more than 0.8g/lb of LEAN mass anyway
      I notice I am very sore if I eat less than 1g/lb of lean mass
      0.8 is very low

  11. 12 months ago

    This has got to be a troll, I could easily eat that in 15 minutes WITHOUT trying to speed-eat or anything

    • 12 months ago

      Hi Bob

      • 12 months ago

        Blasting through it is how you eat a frickton of food, gotta get it all in there before the body knows its full.

  12. 12 months ago

    >wear a tracker. It makes you very aware of which activities get your heartrate up, and how much you actually burn doing them
    >after a while you can work out how many calories you'll burn based on your evening plans
    >chart a walking course starting and ending at your front door which takes you an hour, and take note of how many calories it burns
    >for me, my route is 1 hour and burns about 550kcal
    >want 1000 deficit per day? Eat maintenance and do 2 laps. Easy. I can be sedentary until 10pm and then walk til midnight if I want.

    Cutting is literally so easy

    • 12 months ago

      >Cutting is literally so easy
      Let me know how it goes when you get to 10% bf

      • 12 months ago

        I've been 10% before, it's not worth going lower in my opinion.
        If I ever wake up without wood, I go back to maintaining. Im happiest overall around 12%, when I say cutting I mean losing 4kg I gained over winter to get back to 12%

        I've been doing this a while

  13. 12 months ago

    Even at my fattest the most I could eat was 2 McDoubles, large fry, and coke. BMI was 33 at the time.

  14. 12 months ago

    6'2" and could easily eat that much if incentivized to do so. Bob is a fat b***h that would actually want to though. Should have just typed "Hell yeah I could eat that, no problem." and it would have went over better instead of being memed forever for the dishonest nature of the tweet.

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