Should I do it bros? I am tired of spending tons on useless creams that do nothing in tackling the problem.

Should I do it bros? I am tired of spending tons on useless creams that do nothing in tackling the problem. I am tired of watching what to eat because my forehead might get covered in acne overnight. I am tired of having to run to the bathroom so I can wash my face after hard cardio session. This acne shit is fricking my shit up. I do not give a frick about roaccutane side effects

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  1. 3 months ago

    Just to mention my acne is not severe but nothing works in fully eliminating it

    • 3 months ago

      worth it.
      do it.
      but stay off message boards, just listen to your derm.

      • 3 months ago

        /thread, same goes for basically all other medical advice too. go to a specialist, ignore all message boards and Google, at least for all things non-SSRI related. I wasted soooo many fricking years being afraid of meds that quite literally changed my life, for the better, and had absolutely zero of the fear mongering side effects that a bunch of fat smelly libtarded losers on plebbit convinced me I would have. I'm convinced 9/10ths of it is sour grapes crab bucket mentality

  2. 3 months ago

    also I am trans not sure if that matters

  3. 3 months ago

    hmm not sure if it is worth it. I took it as a teen when ~20 years ago. It got rid of 90% of my acne but i still get some. It permanently weakens your skin to the sun. I kind of wish I just held out through puberty so I could retain my oily skin so I won't age like a prune.

    • 3 months ago

      i am 26 yo brother and the acne's been the same for like 7-8 years

      • 3 months ago

        give it a go bro. It took at least 6 months to see results, it actually got worse at first. Don't know if the science has changed in 20 years but back then you were supposed to take it for 9 months. I needed it for like 18 months.

        You will need to use sunscreen every day while on it, your skin will have 0 protection from UV rays while on it and then you will regain partial protection afterwards. You will need chapstick as well because your lips will dry up until they bleed while on it.

        way back then my dermatologist told me the more severe side effects like depression and suicidal thoughts were misattributed to roaccutane and he said its teens getting the medication so they tend to have these issues, it's not the medication doing it. He said basically if you're a friendless loser before roaccutane then you'll still be a friendless loser afterwards, dont think this will solve any of your problems or you're going to come out the other side feeling like shit. Gave me a chuckle so I always remembered it. Anyways in my case the only symptoms were for my skin and lips.

      • 3 months ago

        Bro, get to it know imo you waited too long to see if something would change, my parents were tards and said it would magically go away when I was an adult, thank god I don't listen to morons and took accutane the second I was a free person.

  4. 3 months ago

    Go ahead. It helped fix my acne. Just keep a chapstick with you.
    I took it for six months and didn't really see any improvement in that time, but gradually after that my acne went away and hasn't returned.

  5. 3 months ago

    i'm into 40mg/day

    depression is a hoax. aches and dry eyes/lips are real tho.

    face is literally new

    • 3 months ago

      honestly, the depression comes from being a hideous acne covered freak. Accutane doesn't cause depression.

    • 3 months ago

      this, i used this same dosage 40mg.
      but suffered a lot because i did this dosage and treatment for 6 months, when i was 50kg of weight the doctor was a motherfricker.
      a friend of mine did 20mg over a year, had more sustainable side effects and got the same effect without eye, and lips being fricked by the larger dosage.
      i would recommend doing less dosage over a bigger time of treatment.
      >depression is a hoax. aches and dry eyes/lips are real tho.
      he is right, it dont cause depression, but for some reason i didn´t feel depressed but i didn´t feel happier either, i think the drug don´t cause depression but block in somewhat your happiness, being at right state of mind will make you well.
      after the first month of treatment(the first month the acne will get worse first to then get better) i got better day by day and it make me feel joy, since woman didn´t feel repulsive to me anymore.
      the only drawback is that i lost a lot of strength at gym.

      oh i forgot to say something important, Roacutane© is better than the generic isotretinin.

  6. 3 months ago

    I'm on it at the moment, started in Jan. Side effects like dry skin/lips aren't an issue but it makes me blush really really easy and its making my life pretty hard as It's something I struggle with anyway.

    Everytime I talk to someone my face flushes bright red, so I'm thinking of stopping it. I'm hoping my skin recovers after.

  7. 3 months ago

    i used it but i don´t recomend it until you´ve tried everything.
    >I am tired of watching what to eat
    go for it, but i used it and most of acne came back after some years, i took me more than 10 years to discover the cause, for me it was the milk, dropping anything with lactose made me my skin clean, so it means, chocolate or any shit milk derived, my skin cleared in about 2 weeks for me to see, and completely vanished with 2 months off.

    I do not give a frick about roaccutane side effects
    the problem with accutane, is that he drys entire glands of the whole body, this happens to ALL GLANDS so that shit lowered my testosterone, lowered my tyroids , and my liver suffered a lot.

    but if you are male and acne is preventing you from getting laid, like me, you should definitely do it.
    > I can wash my face after hard cardio session.
    but i advise to stop any supplements, because depending of the country majority of them has testosterone mixed in to "cause a gain effect" and not amino acids or proteins.

  8. 3 months ago

    Have you tried topical tretinoin? Might be better to try first. It’s prescription as well, doesn’t seem to have the side effects that oral tret does. I used it while on gear and it worked pretty effectively

  9. 3 months ago

    Any anons used this topically for aesthetic reasons? I have some coming in the post.

  10. 3 months ago

    I was put on this when I was 16. 110% worth it for the long term, but when you're on it, it can be absolute hell. I was on it for 2 years, and for every day of that 2 years, my lips were so dry that they ended up being sharp and bleeding. I have a split in my lip that, when cold, will split and bleed to this day. It's been 11 years.

  11. 3 months ago

    It's been two weeks since I took the last of my perscription of the stuff, was on it for 9 months. Dry skin, dry lips and lower back pain really hit me in the last couple of months but it fixed my skin completely, just make sure to apply sunscreen.

  12. 3 months ago

    Cystic acne is a white people problem. So much for superior genetics lmao

    • 3 months ago

      Kek, have you ever seen teenage Meheecans? They all have skin boiled meat with constant eruptions of cystic acne that make white people's acne look like amateur hour.
      Latino people got it the worst for acne.

  13. 3 months ago

    I'm 30 but get mistaken for 19. I attribute it to either my two rounds of isotretinoin over the last decade, or a testosterone deficiency.

    It gave me glassy porcelain skin though, but five-six years after the first I got hormonal acne back again in my mouth/chin region, and went on a second isotretinoin treatment. Much less severe dryness side effects the second round, barely noticed I was on it apart from my skin obviously clearing up.

  14. 3 months ago

    If you can't afford laser sebum gland treatment, yes you should. I took it at 19, it really turned my life around. I'd say it was one of the best decisions I ever made, but I think it did give me some health problems, which is why I'd stress getting laser if you can afford it. Still reccomend it though.

  15. 3 months ago

    youre gonna regret it for the rest of your life

    • 3 months ago

      Shut up you fearmongering homosexual.

    • 3 months ago

      This. You’re going to regret not having done it sooner and living a life free from acne

      • 3 months ago

        Dude my life was hell when my acne was bad, I went from having chicks flirt with me and try to hold hands to having ZERO interest from women, that hurt, and it stayed that way all through HS and early college. Do the 'tane dude, just fricking do it. I need to get off my ass and treat the scars anyone know if DIY microneedling is good enough?

        • 3 months ago

          >DIY microneedling is good enough?
          Done properly and consistently it should help. But treat it like /fraud/ injections in terms of sterility and hygiene.

  16. 3 months ago

    stop jerking off/edging (definitely ejaculating). stop eating refined carbs. stop eating fried foods as much as possible. also don't overdo cardio because it become catabolic at a point, increasing stress thereby increasing inflammation.

    t. someone who had terrible acne way even way into adulthood and the above was the only thing that helped. and yes I took accutane and it made things worse. fix the underlying causes.

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