Should I have better results than these after 4 months?

What can I do to improve my body? Should I try to lose weight or gain it?

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  1. 11 months ago

    which of those are before and which are after?

    • 11 months ago

      alright, this is not a good sign…

      • 10 months ago

        before:: top left, bottom right
        after: top right, bottom left

        it's ok progress. keep at it.

  2. 11 months ago

    Have you tried lifting weights?

    • 11 months ago

      it’s seriously that bad? at least give me some advice AND shit on me, instead of just shitting on me

      • 11 months ago

        eat more do more volume/increase intensity

        • 11 months ago

          alright, others in the past have said im too fat so that’s why im confused, if i east less i’ll be more defined but i also don’t want to lose what little i’ve gained either, and i don’t want to be a toothpick

          • 11 months ago

            You're not fat, you're skinny fat. Your body will recomp over time with lifting, just eat a little more than what you currently are so you don't gain too much fat in comparison to muscle.

            • 11 months ago

              alright thank you anon

  3. 11 months ago

    Let me know if this is correct: top left and bottom right are “before”, and top right and bottom left are “after”?

    • 11 months ago


  4. 11 months ago

    maybe you should focus a litle more on your abs bro also how many days you hit the gym per week?

    • 11 months ago

      i don’t go to the gym, that’s probably 90% of the problem right there, i workout from home, dips, pushups, dumbbells, mainly. but yeah, if i work on abs i’ll at least give the illusion of being more fit i guess, i workout every second day for about an hour and on “off days” i try to hit a quota of 100 pushups a day and 50 dips

      • 11 months ago

        Work out 6 days a week but alternate weight/ exercises. I have been doing the same kinda thing thing about the same length of time but at twice your intensity.
        Don't do pushups and dips on the same day. Get a bench, it help a lot, used ones are cheap. What dumbbell weights?

        • 11 months ago

          35lbs, i mainly just do curls and overhead presses, and flat dumbbell presses since i don’t have a bench

  5. 11 months ago

    Try lifting weights. It doesn't matter if you cut or bulk because untrained individuals will gain muscle in almost any conditions once they start lifting

  6. 11 months ago

    Gain weight, takes a lot of effort to gain 10 lbs of muscle, almost none to lose 10 lbs of fat. Focus on intensity over volume, learn how to push it. 2 sets of gut grinding effort is better than 3-4 of half assed effort if you can't figure out where the middle is.

  7. 11 months ago

    Gain. Lift more weight, do more chest work, weighted crunches

  8. 11 months ago

    Pretty much what everyone else said. Just do starting strength with arm/ab isolations, eat 200-400 over maintainence for like six months and you'll look better

  9. 11 months ago

    Might want to add some more chest work, 3x5 barbell bench just isn't enough. I'd probably do some 5x10 dumbbell incline bench and 3xfail dips, you could alternate them after the main workout I guess.

    • 10 months ago

      No one said starting strength, don't listen to this homosexual. I did it for 6 months and I gained 0 muscle, only fat from the moronic diet that comes with it.

  10. 10 months ago

    Just follow a routine written by someone who knows what they are doing. Do the routine on the bodyweightfitness reddit if you dont have access to a gym.

    • 10 months ago

      >3x5 add reps until can do 3x8 then move to more difficult variant of the move
      the jumps between some move variants are way too big to make progress like that

  11. 10 months ago

    I'm probably less of an expert then most of the people on IST but I agree with the anon that said, body fat's not your issue. If you gain lean mass, even if you don't lose any body fat at all, you'll still look much more "athletic". Also remember that the heavier weights you can lift, the easier it is for you to burn fat in the long run.

    Also, progress doesn't look bad for four months. The key point is to be consistent. So any consistent progress is good progress, is what I'd like to think. You're def going to make it, at your own pace!

  12. 10 months ago

    Assuming you are eating >100g protein a day and don't have moronic programming, the rest of your results are genetically determined. It was obvious which ones were after (top right and bottom left), ignore the trolls.

    Keep up the consistency and don't get injured.

    • 10 months ago

      i don’t go to the gym, that’s probably 90% of the problem right there, i workout from home, dips, pushups, dumbbells, mainly. but yeah, if i work on abs i’ll at least give the illusion of being more fit i guess, i workout every second day for about an hour and on “off days” i try to hit a quota of 100 pushups a day and 50 dips

      whoops just saw this. you have moronic programming.

  13. 10 months ago

    My dude why don't you just go to the gym? Stop wasting so much time fricking around and use real weights to get real results.

    • 10 months ago

      This. I never gained a single ounce of visible muscle until I finally started hitting the barbells and dumbbells.

  14. 10 months ago
    Based Boomer

    Your posture is shit.

    You've been sitting your whole life and your abdomen sticks out like a baby.

    You need to pull your guts in and stand up straight and tall.

    Here's my 1 yr progress coming out of ~10yr sedentary life as an office worker (IT/computer related).

    I found fastest progress in simply walking on treadmill carrying dumbbells of increasing weight. Keep at it until you can hold 30lbs at maximum incline for 2 miles straight (speed at whatever you can manage).

    Anytime you feel yourself slumping over, focus your willpower on standing up straight and tall.

    This should be your cardio/warmup.

    Work in proper form decline situps and get started on barbell complex.
    In lieu of barbell complex....bench, squats, curls, Overhead press.

    • 10 months ago
      Based Boomer

      I'm 36yrs old and haven't lifted weights since start of 2020 (lol COVID).

      By simply keeping good eating habits I've continued to lose weight/cut to point that 6 pack is visible again.

      Once again....after lifting heavy and eating at a surplus in 2018-2019, I haven't lifted or done any exercise other than walking and hikes and at 36 fricking years old, I still have/making aesthetic gains.

      The changes your body goes through via lifting stay with you a long time if done correctly.

      Reps of 15-20, as many sets as you can do while staying above 10 reps.
      When form breaks, lower weight.

      Once you got your muscles working, throw in some "heavy shit" (5repsx5sets of heavy fricking weight) until your reps gradually increase.
      After a couple of months, deload and go for higher reps again.

      The shit you do for endurance and higher reps (15-20reps) work your type I muscle fibers. These are your actual muscle fibers build from blood capillaries and stay with you long after you stop working out.

      Heavy weight rep schemes work your Type 2 fibers which are mostly fluid. You get a pump, but it fades quickly (within days/weeks away from gym).

      • 10 months ago
        Based Boomer

        You are only ever lossing mass (cutting) or gaining (bulking). Maintaining is kinda sorta a thing, but in the end not perfect. Either over or under eating.

        1) weight gain = more mass
        2) muscle is denser than fat
        3) strength muscle fibers are denser than high capacity medium strength fibers (mostly water).

        Thats why hypertrophy gays lose all size quickly.
        And without strength training or training slow twitch(endurance), they also lose strength.

        I consider these mediun strength/hypertrophy fibers to be for aesthetics and mostly for show.

        • 10 months ago
          Based Boomer

 for hypertrophy and training for strength yield different results .

          Strength training is slower and requires you to gradually reinforce bone and TENDON. Tendons heal much slower than muscle.
          Generally no one on IST will tell you to train for endurance (type i) but these muscles are recruited first and alongside all other muscles and since they are build via capillaries are incredibly Dense and full of blood. Meaning they don't give you much size, but give you near wolverine level healing factor and fat burning/metabolism.

          1) Size =/= strength
          2) Mix endurance work with strength training to maximize gains
          3) switch to hypertrophy to blow up size after you've hit some fat loss and strength goals. If you start with hypertrophy, your lifts will be shit.
          4) make sure you do complete range of motion (i.e. good form) to ensure you completely work muscle fibers otherwise you have "short muscles that pop" (not "elongated muscles that work"). It's much harder to regain full ROM if you spent months half-assing your way there...literally fighting your shorter tendons and muscle pull to "stretch" properly.

          • 10 months ago
            Based Boomer

            Examples of endurance work.

            100lb Dumbell hip thrusts, 30reps x 5 sets
            Farmers carries with heavy weight for MILES (Not yards).

          • 10 months ago

            >if you spent months half-assing your way there
            i've been doing that my whole life in every aspect of life. not going to change that

  15. 10 months ago

    I used to look like that 4mo s ago. I need to work more on the arms, I have been focusing on the chest since I started 8 (now nearly 9) months.

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