Should I return the dumbbells and adjustable bench that I bought from Amazon and instead buy a bike?

Should I return the dumbbells and adjustable bench that I bought from Amazon and instead buy a bike? I was thinking of getting the Trek FX series. I don't care about being strong, I just wanna be healthy and live a long life.

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  1. 9 months ago

    You should return your lack of resolve and get some balls

    • 9 months ago

      No need to be mean, I'm looking for actual advice.

      • 9 months ago

        +1 grow a pair

      • 9 months ago

        Do you know where you are ?

  2. 9 months ago

    The bike would be better for general health and longevity yes. Doing both would be ideal of course, but if you're going to do only one, do the bike. Good luck bro 🙂

  3. 9 months ago

    Fking sperg thinks its about getting streng.. the whole point of lifting flere rigtig over ypur head
    Just kys

  4. 9 months ago

    >Trek FX
    Lul just buy a Giant Escape instead. The Trek is coming out of a Giant factory anyway and charging extra for the Trek sticker. Escape will get better parts/specs for a lower price.

    • 9 months ago

      Giant Escape 2 Disc looks like exactly what I need, my research was pointing me towards the Trek FX 2 Disc and Sp. Sirrus X 2.0. I'll head to some bike shops this weekend and see if I can try all three though.

      • 9 months ago

        They're all going to test ride basically the same. If you need to make a "tough call" then choose entirely based off which shop seem like dudes you can trust versus who seems like Black folk who will cheat you. You're going to need those people so pick good ones.

        • 9 months ago

          Understandable, thank you for the advice. I hate maintenance and tuning so I'll probably have to be there relatively often. Kind of why I want a bike is so I don't have to have a car.

  5. 9 months ago

    what's the second pic supposed to be? i see only femoid

  6. 9 months ago

    You will not live long if you’re strong. The Fog is coming. Be strong or perish

  7. 9 months ago

    why did you buy weights in the first place if you didnt want to be strong? to answer your question yes some cardio thing will be better suited to what youre after

    • 9 months ago

      Well most of the topics on this board are about weight lifting and I rarely see anything about cardio. I bought into it, but now I realized that I don't really care about how I look only my quality of life. ( :

      • 9 months ago

        more power to you, enjoy

  8. 9 months ago

    I think you should keep the lifting equipment. Anaerobic and aerobic activity (weight lifting and cardio) have different benefits and to maximize health you should do both. You don’t need a machine to do cardio you can walk, run, hike etc for free.

    • 9 months ago

      It's my best option because I don't have a whole lot of extra money and the weights + bench were very expensive.

  9. 9 months ago

    why are you asking others what to do with your life? Are you sheep?

    • 9 months ago

      We stand on the shoulders of giants, anon. There's nothing wrong with soliciting advice from others, as they may be more knowledgeable on a subject than you are.

  10. 9 months ago

    >healthy and live a long life.
    kinda cringe

    • 9 months ago

      I've seen too many people above the age of 50-60 that cannot enjoy life due to their health. My mentor/boss was a somewhat active cyclist and he was sharp, witty, and energetic in his early 70's. I think I just realized that strength training is temporary and doesn't keep you youthful like cardio does. I am open to hearing arguments against my logic as it's only based on my personal observations though.

      • 9 months ago

        weightraining does keep your bones strong when you age, and in regards to the "youtfulness" argument, it's almost certainly just genetics and cardio had little to do with it
        >I've seen too many people above the age of 50-60 that cannot enjoy life due to their health.
        because they are sedentary and their bones are weak, they haven't touched a weight or anything heavy in decades
        >but I don't want to get big. I don't want to maintain muscles
        you're not gonna look like picrel just because you picked up a weight anon, that's moronic, you could just lift until you get a sixpack and defined arms and literally just maintain after that, maintaining muscle is fairly easy btw, building it is the hard part
        >eat a bunch of protein
        if you're not a vegan you might already be eating enough, lots of things have significant amounts of protein, milk, cheese, meat, beans, fish, etc
        >modifying routines and supplements.
        i haven't modified my routine in months, it's not a thing you regularly do, the only supplement i take is creatine, you'd be fine without it

  11. 9 months ago

    You'd get more with a bike and a pair of rings than a shitty bench and 50lbs of weight.

  12. 9 months ago

    No, you are collecting/ swapping tools to avoid doing the work. Just start with the dumbbells today in front of the mirror at whatever small weight you can manage, do overhead presses or lateral raises. Do a different exercise tomorrow eg squats (while holding the dumbbells). Alternate between them, add exercises and increase eight as you get more confident. You'll start using the bench soon enough. Just make working out a daily routine, take 1 day a week off. Accepting the routine into your life will unlock motivation.

    • 9 months ago

      You're kind of correct, but I've used the equipment for the last two weeks every other day. I don't know if it's body dysmorphia or a mental block, but I don't want to get big. I don't want to maintain muscles, eat a bunch of protein, and have to deal with modifying routines and supplements. It's never going to be enough. I just want to stay slim and healthy.

  13. 9 months ago

    >live a long life
    Imagine wanting to live a long life on this hell planet.

    • 9 months ago

      You will never experience the joy of seeing your grandchildren grow up if you die early. My parents and grandparents died years ago and I wouldn't want my family to have to experience what I have. It's a certain type of loneliness knowing you're the only one left.

      weightraining does keep your bones strong when you age, and in regards to the "youtfulness" argument, it's almost certainly just genetics and cardio had little to do with it
      >I've seen too many people above the age of 50-60 that cannot enjoy life due to their health.
      because they are sedentary and their bones are weak, they haven't touched a weight or anything heavy in decades
      >but I don't want to get big. I don't want to maintain muscles
      you're not gonna look like picrel just because you picked up a weight anon, that's moronic, you could just lift until you get a sixpack and defined arms and literally just maintain after that, maintaining muscle is fairly easy btw, building it is the hard part
      >eat a bunch of protein
      if you're not a vegan you might already be eating enough, lots of things have significant amounts of protein, milk, cheese, meat, beans, fish, etc
      >modifying routines and supplements.
      i haven't modified my routine in months, it's not a thing you regularly do, the only supplement i take is creatine, you'd be fine without it

      Resistance training is important, yes. But cycling should still build muscle, no? I know I'm not going to become some super shredded power lifter on accident by using some weights, but I see most people here embrace it as their lifestyle. I want to have more free time to grow myself in other ways, rather than have vanity as a goal.

      • 9 months ago

        >But cycling should still build muscle, no?
        a little i suppose, not that much if you just leisurely drive, afaik competetive cyclists with huge legs got them through weighttraining (squats) and not cycling, though.
        >but I see most people here embrace it as their lifestyle.
        we value looks and strenght more than you do i suppose
        >I want to have more free time to grow myself in other ways, rather than have vanity as a goal.
        you don't have to spend that much time in the gym if you don't want to, an hour three or four days a week would be enough if you just reduced rest times and lifted with enough intensity, and once you achieved your desired physique you could cut back on the time/days a bit.
        anyway, im not trying to say you have to do weighttraining if you don't want to, go get that bike if that's what you want, i just think that lifting is a better use of most peoples time

  14. 9 months ago

    bike give cancer in groin region.

  15. 9 months ago

    Return adjustable bench, use dumbbells to build juicy fruity ass, mr bike twink. I want to feel the meat there when I'll be pounding your bussy

    • 9 months ago

      What the frick? No.

      • 9 months ago

        You're not here to decide

  16. 9 months ago

    I'm going to be honest with you. If you return the weights and buy the bike instead you will end up not using that too and find another excuse not to work out at all. "Oh wait I'm not a bike guy, I should do this or that thing instead!". You're problem is that you won't commit to anything. Like oher anon said keep the weights, do both strength and jog as cardio.

    How do I know all of this? I'm the same and trying to convince myself to train today but it's looking bleak.

    • 9 months ago

      I walk/jog every day and have been using the weights. I can stick to a routine, I just tend to be a little indecisive and not know what I want. Main benefits of buying a bicycle would be getting more fresh air, saving my joints, and possibly replacing my car as daily transport because my work is only 8.5 miles away and there's good bike paths. I don't walk to work because it takes too long, and insomnia gives me very little leeway in the mornings.

      • 9 months ago

        Why did you even start the thread then if you are so sure about returning the weights and buying the bike? Because something if you think it's the wrong idea and that you are trying to fool yourself.

        • 9 months ago

          Because I'm fricking dumb and hoped you guys would tell me something that would change my mind. Sorry for being a pathetic idiot.

          • 9 months ago

            Muscle mass is a bigger signifier of longevity and biological health than VO2 max. Cardio is essential for health but so is mucle. You do not need to prioritize it if that's not where your heart lies, but you shouldn't neglect muscle gain just as people shouldn't neglect cardio. Muscle is metabolically healthy tissue and it insulates your body. You do not want to be frail, especially as you age. The bone density associated with it, and the strength throughout all your body's different ranges of motion that comes from all-around hypertrophy training, can make the differance between taking a fall at 65 and spending your proceeding years slowly wasting away trying to recupurate and living a healthy all the way through old age until your time comes and you rather quickly pass away. Muscle isn't just vain appearance; if you're interested in quality of life, do not neglect any aspect of fitness, whether muscle or cardio.

  17. 9 months ago

    Strength and vo2 max (cardio) are similar predictors of longevity. Do both. However, you do really need equipment to train strength properly but cardio can be trained using your feet. Literally any bicycle will do as well

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