Showing a purty girl for response. Why is it always suggested not to pop a herpes (hsv-1 or hsv-2) sore?

Showing a purty girl for response

Why is it always suggested not to pop a herpes (hsv-1 or hsv-2) sore?

Multiple sources say that it risks making it worse, but the healing process is for them to break and drain on their own anyway.

If the Fluid contains heavy amounts of the virus, wouldn't popping it in a controlled and clean environment be better? Why just let it pop and drain to potentially infect all the areas the fluid rubs on unknowingly?

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  1. 8 months ago

    >self-inflicted lumbar lordosis just for some shitty social media photo
    Women are moronic

    • 8 months ago

      >>self-inflicted lumbar lordosis

      Nice side profile, lil guy!

      I would gladly accept death in 24 hours if I were given the remaining time with my face nestled between those butt cheeks

  2. 8 months ago

    >>self-inflicted lumbar lordosis

    • 8 months ago

      Nice side profile, lil guy!

      • 8 months ago

        Boy you sure are upset, lil celly

        • 8 months ago

          Whatever you say, lil guy!

        • 8 months ago


          • 8 months ago


          • 8 months ago

            Yea I get it.

          • 8 months ago

            >mfw picrel is literally me aside from the shelby
            life is a b***h

    • 8 months ago

      Top post

  3. 8 months ago

    Because you might pop it into your own body/bloodstream where as if you leave it alone it’ll be forced outwards gradually. Also the virus would just refill the site since it’s still active

  4. 8 months ago

    Nice Belgian blue.

  5. 8 months ago

    Giving it time to naturally pop gives your immune system time to isolate the virus infection as much as possible, and also causes way less tissue damage than popping it forcibly

    in both cases you should avoid contact with other people

  6. 8 months ago

    Get abreva for faster healing.

  7. 8 months ago

    You've never accidentally knocked one off before? It just sets back the healing process back to day 1. Also twice I knocked a full blown cold sore scab off and ended up getting ill straight after. However in better news, the last two cold sores I've had have been so minor in terms of size that I think the intensity of them is lessening. I've seen people mention that they eventually stop forming too.

  8. 8 months ago

    >have never had a cold sore
    >recently developed “flat warts” (HPV) on my fingers on one hand

  9. 8 months ago

    I got up this morning and didn't notice anything until I ran over it with a loofah in the shower and the pain. So it's popped already, hurt like hell, but alcohol and peroxide later (taking lysine and putting abreva on it) I wonder why not do this every time.

    • 8 months ago

      10/10 image thanks

  10. 8 months ago

    I had a pus filled bump on the base of my dick I thought was herpes, turns out it's just folliculitis.

  11. 8 months ago

    sex with Aline

    • 8 months ago

      imagine sharing a bathroom with her, must be some unreal smells

    • 8 months ago

      In all seriousness:
      How can you realistically get a girl who looks similar to this?
      Is money, looks what they care about the most?
      How do you even cold approach a girl similar to this on campus, in the gym, etc not feel nervous when you're talking to her and successfully get her number?
      In all seriousness:
      Girls who look this good are practically never single and have plenty of other guys who talk to her, is there really even any point in talking to her?
      Just being honest about how I think and would feel in a situation like this.

      Is this what the kids call, "kangaroo mode"? Giant glutes, thighs, and calves with a tiny, moderately muscular upper body in comparison.

  12. 8 months ago

    I am also interested in anons experiences in case I have another flair up

  13. 8 months ago

    Damm who is that b***h?

    • 8 months ago
      coomer sauce dropper

      ig @aline_dessine

  14. 8 months ago

    In all seriousness:
    How can you realistically get a girl who looks similar to this?
    Is money, looks what they care about the most?
    How do you even cold approach a girl similar to this on campus, in the gym, etc not feel nervous when you're talking to her and successfully get her number?
    In all seriousness:
    Girls who look this good are practically never single and have plenty of other guys who talk to her, is there really even any point in talking to her?
    Just being honest about how I think and would feel in a situation like this.

    • 8 months ago

      Mutable characteristic: income

      If you are under 30 and have a nice car and a nice house and maintain good hygeine and a good wardrobe, it is so incredibly easy to smash hot bawds in their 20s. Most guys in their 20s are poorgay slobs who live in apartments. Having a nice house in your 20s is basically like wearing a giant sign that says "I take care of my shit"

    • 8 months ago

      Damm who is that b***h?

      Mutable characteristic: income

      If you are under 30 and have a nice car and a nice house and maintain good hygeine and a good wardrobe, it is so incredibly easy to smash hot bawds in their 20s. Most guys in their 20s are poorgay slobs who live in apartments. Having a nice house in your 20s is basically like wearing a giant sign that says "I take care of my shit"

      imagine having access to her brapstink every day

    • 8 months ago

      It depends on what they like.
      I have a woman like picrel (but she's ginger) and I don't even spend money on her. In fact, one of our earliest 'relationship talks' included me telling her that she will NEVER be a housewife like her mother and that she needs to pull her weight if she wants to be my wife.
      The reason this happened is because I am exactly her type. She likes tall bearmode blonde men with a chip on their shoulder, which is exactly what I am. She melts for me and I don't even have to try.
      Still together a year and a half later. The only toxic traits I can think of are that she gets really jealous and she wants to get taken out to 'feel special' every once in a while. I usually take her for ice cream once every 2 weeks or so and frick her super hard 2-3 times a week and she's happy.
      >Every girl has unique preferences. Somewhere out there is a beautiful woman like picrel that pictures an image of YOU as her "dream man." Just gotta find it, I guess.

      • 8 months ago

        what does her butthole smell like

    • 8 months ago

      She's dating this guy:

      Is this what the kids call, "kangaroo mode"? Giant glutes, thighs, and calves with a tiny, moderately muscular upper body in comparison.

      Her upper body is alright too, doesn't look like a dyel for a women anyway

  15. 8 months ago

    >get sore
    >Immediately break it open, and cover area in table salt
    >also take shitton of lysine
    >area is dry within 8 hours, take away the salt, let it heal normally
    Don't remember who told me to do this but it works. I will NOT let my appearance be even a bit grosser than neccessary.
    Also you get better results the earlier you do this. I can normally feel sores before they become visually noticeable, so I attack right away.

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