
I’ve rarely seen the reasons for and proper method to fixing skinnyfat online. Mainly because the people dishing out the advice have never been in the situation. Skinnyfat is caused by consistent under-eating—skipping meals and not eating enough protein. You can have a perfectly active lifestyle and still be skinnyfat.

Your body has adjusted to the under-eating and has chosen to store fat rather than build lean tissue because it thinks food is scarce.

You will not be able to fix being skinnyfat on a cut because your body will just attack the lean tissue rather than the fat. You will just become a smaller skinnyfat version of yourself. Bulking will fix skinnyfat but you will just get fat and we obviously want to avoid that.

The proper method to fixing skinnyfat is eating breakfast, lunch, and dinner consistently and adopting a low carb diet. I dislike the keto crowd so I won’t call it that.

Your diet should consist of pork, eggs, canned fish, chicken, beef, vegetables and other greens. You should be eating over 1g of protein per pound of bodyweight. I was eating closer to 1.5g.

DO NOT pay attention to TDEE calculators. DO NOT count your calories. Just focus on reaching your protein goals.

With this change in diet you will lift six times a week on a PPL routine.

This process should take no more than three months and then a balanced diet can be restored.

Get as active as possible. I was partial to night walking but do whatever.

When you do this, the fat you have will begin to harden, and then shrink until you are skinny. It will be a remarkable transformation. You will feel energised and see great results.

If you do bulking and cutting cycles you will get disheartened and end up skinnyfat forever. Heed this warning. Do exactly what I’ve described and go on autopilot for three months.

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  1. 7 months ago

    >Your body has adjusted to the under-eating and has chosen to store fat rather than build lean tissue because it thinks food is scarce.
    your body doesn't think shit
    skinnyfat = low muscle + not too much fat but enough that you're starting to not be slim anymore
    If you were truly undereating then your body would need to use that fat that you think you're storing.

    • 7 months ago

      >If you were truly undereating then your body would need to use that fat that you think you're storing.
      Your body metabolically adjusts.

    • 7 months ago

      >If you were truly undereating then your body would need to use that fat that you think you're storing.
      not him, but this won't work if you're eating multiple meals a day with carbs in them. you'll burn lean mass.

      • 7 months ago

        not him but you're a delusional cargo cultist kind of Black person

  2. 7 months ago

    how low carb of a diet are we talking?
    i like my rice and pasta
    with my meats

    • 7 months ago

      Less than 30.

  3. 7 months ago

    You're wrong.

    Skinnyfat is being low muscle mass, low body weight, but high body fat.

    To fix it you must treat it like you are fat. Cut first while lifting intensely. Do cardio. You will build muscle because your body is not used to the stimuli. These are newbie gains.

    Diet is high protein, while being in a caloric deficit. Standard rule is 1g of protein per pound of bodyweight and 500cal below your tdee. Remember, you do not have much muscle your BMR is slower than average for someone of the same weight, height and age. Eat cleanly, avoid added sugar and alcohol.

    Lose weight until you get to or below 15% bodyfat, then you can bulk.

    Skinnyfat is the hardest body to fix and requires the most precision in terms of diet and exercise for newbies. The most important things to remember are cut first, then bulk, high protein, train intensely.

    • 7 months ago

      This guy gets it, especially the first sentence
      I see so many skinnyFat fricks on here with love handles and moobs like “but I’m only 165 how am I considered fat!?!?” Like brother in Christ because you have 0lbm and all that weight is fat tissue and bone. Being low weight =/= being slim
      Treating it like you’re a regular ham planet is the way to go

    • 7 months ago

      How aggressive a deficit can you have?

      • 7 months ago

        Max 1,000.
        Don't go too hard or you'll risk stalling or you'll have uncontrollable urges to stuff your face and it'll be a waste of time.

  4. 7 months ago

    Is skinnyFat more a result of bad genetics, bad lifestyle or both?
    Because you have people like David lain who was a stick as a teen despite eating like shit and being a gamer but you’ll see the average Indian guy sometimes eating 90% clean but having love handles and moobs
    So is it just unlucky genetics or a mix ?

    • 7 months ago


      I still had love handles and a gut at 12% bodyfat. Gypsy genetics.

      • 7 months ago

        having no muscle means you'll show more fat at low bodyfat %s still.

    • 7 months ago

      >eating clean

    • 7 months ago

      bro have you ever seen a progamer? most of them are scrawny as frick. they are literally permadistracting themselves from hunger with games, a millenia old tried-and-true classic. sure, they do it for different reasons than back in the day, but your body doesn't give a shit about that. for staying skinny gaming just werkz.

      • 7 months ago

        But that makes the exceptions so much cooler

  5. 7 months ago

    you should eat clean and exercise/progressive overload and be patient, it will take years to fix. Just do what everyone else should do. It doesn't take a genius to figure out and the fact that you are not a landwhale won't change the fact that you're not an athlete and you're out of shape

    • 7 months ago

      >it will take years to fix
      Not really. Assuming a 500 calorie deficit a skinnyfat person can become skinny in 10 weeks (losing 10 pounds of fat, gaining 5 pounds of muscle). They’ll be at around 15% bodyfat.

      • 7 months ago

        >Not really. Assuming a 500 calorie deficit a skinnyfat person can become skinny in 10 weeks (losing 10 pounds of fat, gaining 5 pounds of muscle)


        • 7 months ago

          Is that a lmao at the laziness of skinnyfat people or do you disagree with the statement?

  6. 7 months ago

    am i skinnyfat?

    • 7 months ago

      I would squeeze those breasts

      • 7 months ago
    • 7 months ago


  7. 7 months ago

    The problem is within the term."Skinnyfat" should not exist as a word. No you are not "skinny"fat, you are fat. You are not fricking fat, but you are fat. Skinnyfats are easily >25% bodyfat. That's not skinny, that's fat. Your weight might not be that high because you have small frame and no muscle mass. You are still fat. Fat fat people are literally >40% bodyfat and if you are tall with wide frame, you can be really fricking big.

    Anyways you need to ditch the "skinny" part away from the word and just accept that okay I'm 20-25% bodyfat, Im fat and I need to lose weight. I dont give a FRICK what the scale says. I dont FRICKING CARE IF WOMEN OR KIDS IN MIDDLE SCHOOL WEIGH THE SAME AS YOU WHEN YOU ARE LEAN. That is completely irrelevant. Cut, eat protein, lift weights and frick off moron.

    • 7 months ago

      It’s about losing fat not weight. I’m 6’1” 175lbs and skinny fat but I’m sure there are lots of lean guys that weight more than me.

  8. 7 months ago

    Like the other bros have said, skinnyfat literally just means you're lacking muscle mass but high bodyfat. So someone at 5'9" 140lbs can be skinny fat, even though they're not even heavy. Usually it's caused by a lifetime of being sedentary, someone who is say 19 years old, who has never lifted, done hikes, played football or whatever - and has instead just stayed at home playing vidya constantly - will always be skinnyfat. Diet too, skinnyfats always eat nothing but pizza, noodles and fries. Microwave shit and McDonald's too

    Honestly, the solution is to just eat well and lift weights consistently. Of course it will never be a quick fix, it might take months or even over a year to actually start looking good. Also CARDIO CARDIO CARDIO. Cardio is your best friend, what you'll see is that the people who don't do their cardio universally look like shit. Start out small, for most skinny fats it's a challenge to even run for 10 minutes. So make that your first goal, then build up to 20, then 30. There's no need to do more than 30, plus you don't have time to run all day when you have a job/family/social life etc. I only do 2 hours of running a week, in 4 different 30 minute sessions, and it is enough.
    Running isn't as straightforward as non rooners might think though, make sure your form is correct and you're breathing right (this sounds like a no brainer but a lot of people do actually frick this up)

    I also disagree with you on the calorie counting, I think you should count. Fat people, including skinnyfats, have no idea how much they're actually eating or drinking. A single can of coke has over 100 calories in it. Some of those starbucks drinks' calories are in the hundreds. Even things you can easily overlook, like garlic dips, can have like 500 calories in them. I'd say count your calories for 2 months, track them with an app or journal. And after 2 months you'll know enough to make accurate estimates and get a good idea of where you're at

    • 7 months ago

      Also, you don't need a gram of protein per pound of bodyweight. It's a gram of protein per pound of IDEAL bodyweight. A 190lbs fatty does not need 190g of protein - in fact someone weighing that with little muscle mass probably can't even eat 190g of protein without over eating lol, let alone eating 1.5 grams per pound.

      Someone who's 190lbs skinnyfat would realistically weigh ~160lbs of they were in an ideal body composition/lean, so 160g is enough

    • 7 months ago

      Cardio but quality cardio. Running for 30mins at a jogging pace is not going to do much to your body. Running for 10-20mins at tempo pace(not race pace or jogging pace) will benefit the skinnyfat crowd, or anyone for that matter. This pace is considered around 7-8min a mile pace.

  9. 7 months ago

    >lift weights
    >do a couple of prolonged fasts
    >High protein maintenance refeed periods
    problem fricking solved

    Also, skinny-fat doesn't exist. Motherfrickers are just fat and have no muscle. Skinny-fat homosexuals need to lose like 20-40 lbs on average just to be an acceptable level of leanness. They are usually 20-40 lbs lower in lean mass than they should be. No muscle having fat fricks

  10. 7 months ago

    Do you have any sources?

    I'm chronic skinnyfat. Whenvere I bulk I just get fat and whenever I cut I lose whatever gains I'd made. Last year I cut down to 150lbs 15%bf. Now I've been bulking since March and I'm now 170lbs 20%bf. Everywhere online says that should be a decent bulking rate but rn I just feel kinda fat, I definitely bulk too fast. But whatever, it's water under the bridge. The question is what to do now. Option 1: bulk even more to try get more of that important muscle but get fatter, Option 2: cut and risk losing the small precious gains I've made, Option 3: try a recomp but risk spinning my wheels. 3 sees like it has the least downside.

    Thanks for reading my diary tbh.

    • 7 months ago

      Skinnyfat is a sign of low test and disrupted hormones, some people like this guy will never escape it.
      Cut to 10% bf then to a test cycle, ur body will now act normal and not turn you into a skinnyfat again.

      • 7 months ago

        I escaped it in <10 months
        It’s a mindset thing

        • 7 months ago

          This is easily 15-19bf
          You haven’t escaped shit

          • 7 months ago

            cope, he unironically looks good tbh
            he made it

            • 7 months ago

              >having barely visible top abs in favourable lighting is making it

              • 7 months ago

                >not fat
                >visible muscles including top abs
                that's literally all you need to mog most males. anything else is further improvement on top of making it

              • 7 months ago

                It’s not just about his looks. You know that’s progress Anon who spams himself 24-7 in cbt with racist remarks and brags about cheating and driving a Tesla? Regardless it’s over if you act like that that

        • 7 months ago


        • 7 months ago

          You're borderline chubby, even the most favourable lighting. Frick off.

          • 7 months ago

            This is a picture of me, but not posted by me. It’s one week into a cut after bulking. Of course I’m relatively high body fat. US navy says 14%.
            If you think I didn’t escape skinny fat you’re delusional.

  11. 7 months ago

    Is recomp a meme the ?

  12. 7 months ago

    Didn't read past the first sentence.

    Actually go to the gym and lift weights you anemic disgusting frick.

  13. 7 months ago

    Skinnyfat is literally normal weight obesity. You should always cut first.

  14. 7 months ago

    Well most anons have already answered you, I might just recount my experience with it. I will add to fix your posture however: if you have anterior pelvic tilt (and you most likely do) you will look like shit at all bf%.
    Firstly, to get this way like all anons remarked you need low musle, high fat. This comes from years of slightly excessive consumption of shit food and low movement. Keep in mind, even if you did practice a sport, a shit diet can trump all gainz it gave you. I used to swim and did so for years, still looked like shite. So the first order of business for me was fixing my diet. Cut out all soft drinks, eat out only with friends or dates. Add protein to your diet. Another commonality of skinnifat people is low protein consumption - that was my case as well. Eggs meat and rice: learn to love them.
    Secondly, like all anons mentioned, cut first. Some Black folk will tell you to bulk - social media fitness people are particularly fond of saying it - they do so because they hope you get fatter and buy their shit. Cut first. You will be skinny, yes, but it beats being a slob. From a purely rational standpoint, it will be the best you ever looked so far, it's only up from there and already up from where you were. If you lift you should also be able to develop noticeable muscle in the process.
    Once that's done it's up to you and your phisiology. Bulking is good advice, but after years of being fat your body might want to put the fat back on - I found this out the hard way. There's no shame in taking it slow, as a beginner you'll make gains regardless of anything else as long as the protein is right, so staying at mainenance and giving your body a chance to calm down for a bit is not a bad idea either. Remember: you are changing your lifestyle, this isn't a dash to an arbitrary goal. You won't become a greek god just yet, but after a year you will be unrecognizeable. good luck on your journey and remember: consistency is everything, it's your new life.

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