>sleepmaxing + nofap for 3 weeks

>sleepmaxing + nofap for 3 weeks
>clear skin, hotter face, eye contact with chicks, mired all the time, better jokes and faster brain activity, more confidence, gratefulness to God, talking to strangers
frick bros. this is all there is to it, im reaching my maximum potential

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  1. 7 months ago

    Anyone that knocks can't make it one month, what are you gonna die? Get prostate issues in 30 days?

    • 7 months ago


      >sleepmaxing + nofap for 3 weeks
      >clear skin, hotter face, eye contact with chicks, mired all the time, better jokes and faster brain activity, more confidence, gratefulness to God, talking to strangers
      frick bros. this is all there is to it, im reaching my maximum potential

      coomers coping. ignore the israelite threads psyopping you to watch porn because it's "Healthy"
      >Keepin my life energy in me
      >keepin my fire burning
      >retaining my fertile youth
      >not wasting it rubbing my penis for pixels on a screen alone in my room

  2. 7 months ago

    do a 72 hour fast while taking antiparasitics if you never have before. nearly all of us have worms sucking our vitality by default.

    • 7 months ago

      can someone normal confirm if this is schizo rambling or real

      • 7 months ago

        You even gotta ask?

      • 7 months ago

        Yeah idk but loads of people say the same thing lol, though it's probably just the same three morons

  3. 7 months ago
    Chud Anon

    >gratefulness to God

    • 7 months ago

      Ever wonder why you can't help yourself from posting that shit?

  4. 7 months ago

    >day 28 NNN
    >Even started late november but lets say it doesnt count
    >NoCoffee Day 28
    >Sleepmaxxing Day 28
    >Force myself to talk my friends, phone them if i don't manage to see them
    >Religously lift x3 per week
    >Minimized pufa and fast food as humanly possible
    >zinc + mag
    And yet im still anxious and fricking depressed.

    Frick all those memes, nothing works. Im tired of trying, i went so hard and i landed up being 31 and washed up. the blackpill is real and i wished i accepted it sooner.

    • 7 months ago

      Have you tried going off the internet?

      • 7 months ago


        • 7 months ago

          have you tried 28 days no internet?

    • 7 months ago

      One thing to try, which is quite easy, is to do a fast one day per week, drink nothing but warm or hot water, seriously, even tea will weaken the effect.

      Just one day per week and don't strain yourself during that day, walking to the store etc is okay, but don't lift weights or run or walk too much.

      I don't know about anxiety, but it works well for a lot of other things. There should be a significant difference after several weeks, also the benefits are determined by what you eat after the fast, the first meal should be something warm and easy to digest, like a small-moderate portion of vegetables baked in the oven with a little butter.

      • 7 months ago

        Why warm water?

        • 7 months ago

          Fasting makes you get cold (temperature) more easily, if you drink cold water you are straining your body unnecessarily, it might seem like an insignificant hing, but if you keep doing it it's going to add up, you might not think it works this way, that your body would just get better at warming itself or something, but trust me, you should do it.

          You should boil all your water anyway, no matter where you live, you know it's better for you because it tastes better, so you might as well drink it before it cools down all the way.

          Also there is a bigger difference between hot and cold water than just your body having to heat it or not, try drinking a large glass of 45-50 degree water in the morning, boil it the night before so you wouldn't have to wait for it to warm up and then reheat it in the kettle in the morning.

          It even unblocks the nose somewhat, if your the kind of person who has a somewhat clogged nose after waking up.

          • 7 months ago

            Wouldn't have to wait for it to cool down, is what I meant to write.

      • 7 months ago

        how would starving myself benefit me bro? i need to be more happier, not more depressed.

        • 7 months ago

          starving brings you closer to God, Jesus is waiting to take your troubles away but you have to seek him. Follow what he says for a week and you will see

    • 7 months ago

      Get some sun, take a vacation if you must, and at least try to get a gf. You don't even know what the blackpill is. Quit being a homosexual

  5. 7 months ago

    The mental gains are real

  6. 7 months ago

    >Don't far for 3 weeks
    >So horny that I start to imagine every chick wanting to frick

    • 7 months ago

      This. I turn into a caveman after like a week and a half. How do people make it a whole month without their balls exploding or raping someone?

  7. 7 months ago

    No fap is meme


    Don’t forget this maxim

    • 7 months ago

      >No fap is meme
      No, it isn't.

      • 7 months ago

        Yes no fap no porn is the best

        But no porn is far more important than no fap cuz this heal our dopamine receptor

  8. 7 months ago

    Don’t get trapped into this trick
    Normie do fap but don’t watch porn like every single day and heavily Long hours

    Coomer without no porn
    This is All you need
    If you don’t watch porn
    Amount of cooming will decline naturally from 2-3 a day to 1shot every 2 or 3 week

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