
How do I quit smoking? Its really a cheat code for cutting

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  1. 11 months ago

    do cigarettes really curb your appetite that much?
    I never felt that effect very strongly
    there are plenty of nicotine replacement options, I use swedish snus, but you can get the newish nicotine pouches, you can get gum, you can start vaping. i've heard the patch gives some people nightmares -- i would like to try one sometime, but i'm not about to buy a whole box
    quitting really isn't that hard, man, you just need a little willpower. you will probably miss the act of smoking, especially during certain activities for which you have a ritual -- post meal, while drinking, with your morning coffee, after gooning for 27 hours, etc. it's really not that hard, tho. you can do it.
    how much more weight are you trying to cut, anyway?

    • 11 months ago

      Only if you have a healthy relationship with food. If you’re fat, you’ll just end up fat and a smoker.

    • 11 months ago

      >I never felt that effect very strongly
      t.smokes low nicotine content cigarettes.
      take a hit from a 30mg or higher nicotine content vape. just one and your cravings will instantly vanish.
      (ofc don't do this coz you're not a supermodel and no one is paying you to destroy your cardiovascular system)

  2. 11 months ago

    Ultra rare pepe. Would be a shame if someone stole it

  3. 11 months ago

    Vape for a bit. Keep cutting juice nicotine down until it’s not enjoyable anymore. Then just quit vaping.

  4. 11 months ago

    Buy nicotine gum and pop those for the rest of your cut. You'll still get the nic but you get to break the awful cig habit. But to stick with it and not relapse you really gotta want to stop. Only reason people still smoke, drink, shoot up, whatever is that they don't really want to quit.

  5. 11 months ago


  6. 11 months ago

    The only way is to just stop cold turkey.
    Throw out all your cigarettes. All your lighters too.
    Don't buy any more.
    Get through the 2 weeks of nicotine cravings.
    After a month you will realize how much better you can breathe again.

    Cold turkey is legit the only real way to quit shit. Vapes will just have you addicted to vaping. Patches are shit. Gum is a meme.

    • 11 months ago

      This is the absolute truth. I was way more addicted to vaping than cigs, and I was. horrendously addicted to cigs. Cold turkey is the only way. I waited for the weekend, chucked my vape into the dumpster at work at the end of my shift and went home. First few days was nothing but vidya yo keep my mind off of the cravings and avoiding people so I wouldn't be a complete butthole to them.

      In the end, I actually got some gains out of the deal. My appetite got out of control, so I ate tons of lean protein instead of junk, and I used lifting to keep my mood in check. The physical cravings will take a few days, the mental part a while longer depending on how much nicotine you've been using and for how long - you have to confront situations that trigger your cravings one by one and your brain has to start producing dopamine on its own again. Take it from me, just get it over with. It'll never be easier than it is right now.

  7. 11 months ago

    I never smoked and cutting is easy as frick. Once you get used to a clean diet, you will have more problems with bulking than cutting.

  8. 11 months ago

    I used to use my friends vape almost daily and bum cigarettes off my lab mate 2-3 times a week yet when we all graduated and I was cutoff from free nicotine I didn't go back even once why didn't I get addicted?

    • 11 months ago

      I imagine it's probably something in your brain chemistry. You didn't get addicted to nicotine at all, but I got hooked instantly,and quitting it was the absolute hardest thing I've ever had to do. Meanwhile, I can leave alcohol alone no problem, but some guys can't have a drop without going on a weeklong bender.

      • 11 months ago

        >Meanwhile, I can leave alcohol alone no problem, but some guys can't have a drop without going on a weeklong bender
        This is me and it sucks cause I get a headache like, 3 beers in. There's literally nothing to it but pain, so why do I keep trying?

  9. 11 months ago

    Smoking increases test

  10. 11 months ago

    You are aging at 1.25x speed.

    But you wont belive, I know.

    • 11 months ago

      Post sources

  11. 11 months ago

    start vaping

    >inb4 you look gay
    yup. no cancer tho.

    • 11 months ago

      >no cancer tho

      • 11 months ago

        ok fine. a more accurate statement is:
        as of yet, there is no epidemiologic evidence whatsoever to point to vaping being carcinogenic to any extent. moreover, since vaping does not involve the inhalation of any known carcinogens, and in fact all the substances that do get inhaled are known not to be carcinogenic, there is also no reason to suspect that we ever will find evidence that vaping is carcinogenic.

        so, yea, tldr, no cancer tho.

  12. 11 months ago

    Take a strong dose of acid, op. Not kidding

  13. 11 months ago


  14. 11 months ago

    get a small vape and go lower and lower on your nicotine. you may waffle between cigarettes and vape like I did for years but remind yourself how disgusting it tastes and how shitty you smell after. I'm down to 3mg nic on a very small refillable vape pod.

    I'm not sure how to quit the vape though.

  15. 11 months ago

    I'm going to start smoking

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