So I believe that fapping and porn usage has done a lot of damage to my brain in terms of brain fog, etc...

So I believe that fapping and porn usage has done a lot of damage to my brain in terms of brain fog, etc... but I do believe that porn is the main culprit behind all these problems I am dealing with. Would quitting porn and fapping to imagination help reverse all this damage or do I need to go cold turkey?

Surely, jerking off can't be the problem and I have no problem doing it without porn.

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  1. 1 year ago

    I’m fighting the urge right now brother…stay strong

    • 1 year ago

      I mean the urge is there and I do believe that a lot of it can be chalked up to me being the age that I am and just having all this excess sexual energy in me, but it could also be a sign of addiction. Which is why I'm wondering if I should still keep to fapping and just give up on porn.

      I understand that porn is horrible for anyone, but does it have that much of an effect on a person's mind as I make it out to be?

      • 1 year ago

        It absolutely does anon. It turns your libido and natural, healthy sex drive into a thirsty, twisted beast that is constantly asking for more. As

        Fapping and porn do damage in different ways.
        For the fapping, consider eating. A fat person will have a large appetite. A person who eats 5 times a day gets accustomed to many meals. Fasting stops bothering you after a few days. It's not merely eating, either. Sleeping in a biphasic sleep schedule is a b***h to get out of after you slip into it for a week or two. Circadian rhythms of different sorts.
        Fapping is a rush of brain chemicals that the brain also gets accustomed to, not even mentioning the mineral cost to produce the seminal fluid you're just throwing out.

        There are reasons that religions / lifestyles / whatever, separated by time and distance across the continuum of human existence, have said "hey bro don't touch yourself too much." Get some sun, take some zinc, and lay off the porn and masturbation.

        said, it's like if eating real food a bit too often, you were gorging yourself on MacDonald's and other such greasy, fatty fried trash 5x a day.
        Porn is a "never" thing. As for masturbation/semen retention, that's for you to figure out. The way I see it is this - it's a juggling act. When you release, you release tension and pressure, and you can relax. When you retain, you're pressing the pedal to the metal.
        If you have a test, fight, some kind of physical or mental trial coming up, it's a good idea to retain.
        If you've just accomplished something, it's probably alright to release, especially if it's stopping you from sleeping from how pent up you are (note that the conservation and re-absorption of the minerals in semen into the blood will actually improve your sleep and recovery quality).
        I'd say to start off if you're quitting porn, fap once a week in the shower (NO PORN!). Do NOT watch porn or even ENTERTAIN the idea of watching porn. And that includes everything - video, photos, sound, writings, anything.
        Good luck. You can make it.

        • 1 year ago

          I see what you are saying and I do agree with you in most aspects, but my problem is mainly that I have an addictive personality and putting that into perspective, I'm starting to realize that without quitting both, I will most likely add the other element in the moment my mind gets "bored" from just fapping alone. I need to just put all my energy and focus onto stopping both and going from there. Maybe I can channel this excess energy and emotions into something more productive. Tired of feeling like a zombie and tired of acting like a robot with those I love and care for. Sure, it may sound cringe to others, but I do believe that quitting both will benefit me significantly. Will do my best, thanks for writing this out anon. It did allow me to see things from a different viewpoint and I do hope that things will begin to change tomorrow.

          • 1 year ago

            If you get bored halfway through jerking off and can't finish then what's the issue? It just means you get to retain longer. You will feel it when you absolutely need to let one out, and you won't need porn.
            If you're super severely addicted yeah you might need to not jerk off for like 2 months or something before your libido is back up to natural levels. But that's 2 months of quality retention and recovery, so it's not a problem.
            Just don't let yourself retain to the point that you make stupid horny decisions like watching p*rn. GL anon

  2. 1 year ago

    Fapping and porn do damage in different ways.
    For the fapping, consider eating. A fat person will have a large appetite. A person who eats 5 times a day gets accustomed to many meals. Fasting stops bothering you after a few days. It's not merely eating, either. Sleeping in a biphasic sleep schedule is a b***h to get out of after you slip into it for a week or two. Circadian rhythms of different sorts.
    Fapping is a rush of brain chemicals that the brain also gets accustomed to, not even mentioning the mineral cost to produce the seminal fluid you're just throwing out.

    There are reasons that religions / lifestyles / whatever, separated by time and distance across the continuum of human existence, have said "hey bro don't touch yourself too much." Get some sun, take some zinc, and lay off the porn and masturbation.

  3. 1 year ago

    I would naturally recommend stopping both, but you can't stop jerking off only without stopping porn.
    You CAN stop porn without stopping jerking off but it'll be more work than stopping both.
    The MAIN thing to stop is the porn though.

  4. 1 year ago

    What is brain fog?
    And yeah, it's better to quit porn or at least stop being addicted to it and watch only occasionally.

  5. 1 year ago

    porn does brain fog in the same way receiving a 'like' on social media does brain fog

  6. 1 year ago

    >did nofap from age 0 to 23
    >started fapping
    >now feel the need to fap

    I understand what you're saying anon "that you have a sexual urge". However based on my previous experience I'd say it's entirely possible to not fap and not have the urge AND just have a healthy libido.
    Now, I'm a hypocrite for saying this because I did it 4 times yesterday but I will remain hopeful that I can get rid of fapping and porn completely and not feel like a sexually aroused animal all the time like I feel now but actually just having a healthy libido.

    I have no evidence to back this up other than the fact I spent the first 23 years of my life never fapping. If I was able to do it then and be fine, I can PROBABLY do it again.

    • 1 year ago

      Oh I'm sure and if anything, refraining from such an activity like this can only benefit you since a lot of that energy can be used in many numerous ways to benefit you and your sex life if anything. You are more outgoing, you have this natural need for social interaction, and much more.. I used to be like that for so long, but ever since I've been a slave to my own personal desires, I've become a hollowed version of my former self. I know things can change, which is why I plan to just quit both of them starting tomorrow. May God be with you and good luck!

    • 1 year ago

      How is it even possible to now fap in your teen years? I don't mean this as an insult, but do you have an actual problem to your hormones or something?

      • 1 year ago

        I think everyone hears about it from their friends and then it becomes normalised, if you're not exposed to that or those people (or western sex education, which teaches children how to wack off? Fricking weird homie.) It's easy enough to make it without discovering the plunge function on the heroin needle limb you've been swingin around since birth

        • 1 year ago

          I figured it out at a young age before I had the internet (thank you Kate Winslet), it’s definitely a natural thing. But what you jerk off to is learned behavior

  7. 1 year ago

    What's this new brain fog meme? Never heard of it or experienced it

    • 1 year ago

      Imagine your brain going into "standby" mode and nothing around you excites you and you just begin to feel mentally "numb". Can't really talk to people in person as much because I stutter a lot and my speech is absolutely shot, I easily forget things, etc.

    • 1 year ago

      Basically if you’re an atheist, you’re in a constant state of brain fog. The only way to truly get rid of it is by repenting, connecting with God again, get rid of heedlessness, and only then will your “brain fog” disappear as you have a purpose again.

  8. 1 year ago

    I couldnt get hard first time having sex because I jerked off so much. Now i almost cum from making out. Not jerking off is like being drunk cause youre so horny that you dont really care if someone rejects you, you just want that sweet wet pussy. Dont jerk off kids

  9. 1 year ago

    I've been addicted to porn for 14 years OP. Yesterday I watched it and jerk offd for 4 hours straight.

    Quitting porn definitely helps, the most I've ever been able to make it was 1 month, but I'm trying for it again soon. jerking off isn't the problem, porn is the problem. You need to quit porn cold turkey, but I think jerking off once a week and using your imagination is still healthy and normal. NoFap is moronic because you'll just end up cumming in your sleep eventually anyways.

  10. 1 year ago

    Anons i need some opinions. I've been weening myself of porn and am mainly jerking it solely to gfs nudes - does this have the same adverse psychological effects as regular porn would?

    • 1 year ago

      It all leads down the same path, there is no little fix, it's all the same addiction, you're still tip toeing towards desensitizing your natural sexual state.

  11. 1 year ago

    Imagination is a strong weapon for your sexual health.
    I have stopped watching porn and I exclusively fap to imagination, and after years of practice now I can close my eyes and create entire scenes about me and any woman I know, projecting in my mind their bodies, their voice, their movements and facial expressions as if I was creating deepfakes in my head.
    Now I'm working towards IMAGINING scents and smells, since I noticed when I really like a woman, I become particularly sensitive to her scent.
    One day I will finally leave humanity behind and live inside my mind forever.

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