So pretty much all I have to do to build muscle is take steroids?

So pretty much all I have to do to build muscle is take steroids? In the recent Sam SULEK interview, Sam said he only eats 100g protein every day, because protein powder is too expansive. Sam prework is 1400 calories of cinnamon toast crunch. I didn't think it was possible to build muscle just eating sugary carbs and fat with little protein. Honesty we're all just wasting our time at the job and wasting our money buying high protein food.

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  1. 10 months ago

    Where's the fun in the easy way? I want to earn my gains, not pay for them.

    • 10 months ago

      Yeah, but the truth is that it's mainly testosterone that build muscle. Eating healthy and working out a lot doesn't mean shit. Sam had 6 donuts as his meal after a workout.

      • 10 months ago

        >muh testosterone cope
        if you only knew how much you can improve your t levels natty. i was like you once but these days i wouldn't mess with my hormone levels unless i had a gun against my head. the feeling is undescribable

        • 10 months ago

          nattys increasing their test is like adding a teaspoon of sugar to the ocean you'll never notice

          • 10 months ago

            Never wore the mask
            Never took a swab
            Never tested
            Never socially distanced/isolated
            Never obeyed lockdown
            Never signed in
            Never used a QR Code
            Never vaccinated
            you have my permission to bow you little cuckold estrogen b***h demoralised weak little pussy man, I will break yo like a Black person buck
            I am quite literally a GOD to (You), superior in every way, pure of blood, divine spark with the cosmos for my honorable and noble ways BOW you shit, to a real man
            I am natty and a GOD, I could crush your bones, drink from your vaccinated homosexual deformed skull feed the rest of you to my dogs. I wouldn't, your meat is tainted with vax israelite cum

            • 10 months ago

              The Navy Seals Rant is at least a funny read

            • 10 months ago

              can't even say israelite ok frick off back to r/thedonald kek

  2. 10 months ago

    Bro he's joking. He's literally sponsored by a supplement company.

    Go watch any pro bodybuillder full day of eating on YouTube and they're all eating way above the cucked 1g per lb ratio.

  3. 10 months ago

    You can gain mucle mass with no excersise at all under high doses of test alone. This is why you dont follow advise of roiders, they can frick everything up and still get away with gains, at the cost of a list of very frequent severe side effects in the short and long term. On top of that, roiders recover from intense workouts stupidly fast. While you are sore for a week because of leg day and you can barely mobe, they squat 69 times per week

    • 10 months ago

      Bro he's joking. He's literally sponsored by a supplement company.

      Go watch any pro bodybuillder full day of eating on YouTube and they're all eating way above the cucked 1g per lb ratio.

      So pretty much all I have to do to build muscle is take steroids? In the recent Sam SULEK interview, Sam said he only eats 100g protein every day, because protein powder is too expansive. Sam prework is 1400 calories of cinnamon toast crunch. I didn't think it was possible to build muscle just eating sugary carbs and fat with little protein. Honesty we're all just wasting our time at the job and wasting our money buying high protein food.

      All you need is roids.
      Thats why vegans and farm animals can get jacked on hormones just eating fricking grass. This is what happens when you troost the sooience, you end up thinking everything is logical in the body and what happens in the lab in a dish is what happens in your bloodstream and organs

  4. 10 months ago

    Natty lifting is a fricking joke

    • 10 months ago

      Bodubuilding yes, but natty lifting for general health and fitness is ok. But roids are amazing drugs and work very well.

    • 10 months ago

      Post body

      • 10 months ago

        Why would he? Natty physiques are laughable
        Natty lifting is a fricking joke

        • 10 months ago

          I don't even know what this argument is I haven't read it but
          >post body
          >is natty
          hahahaha dyel
          >post body
          >is roider
          Hahahaha troony

          it's all pointless. Even if by some miracle you're a big natural 10 year trained white tattooless nw0 blonde haired blue eyed 18 year old they will just call you a gymcel

        • 10 months ago

          You are absolutely mind raped by media if you think you can't look good natty.

          Again, post body

    • 10 months ago


  5. 10 months ago

    Just putting it out there, that smells like BS

  6. 10 months ago

    He also has elite genetics. He looked jacked when he was younger and natty. He was an elite athlete before bodybuilding

    • 10 months ago

      Lol elite genetics
      he looks trained that’s all
      if he would have stayed natty he would have maxxed out his genetic potential by 90% in a year or two and would be a third of his current size and barely and bigger than in pic related

      if any roider or fake natty is big you denialists always cry about how they actually just have better genes and work harder than natties and roids aren’t powerful at all

      • 10 months ago

        You need good genetics for roids to work

    • 10 months ago

      >He also has elite genetics.
      no, this guy made it to the Olympia stage after a few bodybuilding comps.

      • 10 months ago

        Lol elite genetics
        he looks trained that’s all
        if he would have stayed natty he would have maxxed out his genetic potential by 90% in a year or two and would be a third of his current size and barely and bigger than in pic related

        if any roider or fake natty is big you denialists always cry about how they actually just have better genes and work harder than natties and roids aren’t powerful at all

        Lol, look at his pictures when he was 17 years old. He is the definition of elite genetics.
        >if any roider or fake natty is big you denialists always cry about how they actually just have better genes and work harder
        They DO have better genes. Jeff Nippard just posted a video about this subject, he showed a study where people were given the same amount of testosterone and some gained 9lbs of muscle while the highest amount of muscle gained was a whopping 31 pounds!
        Thats over three times more

        • 10 months ago

          He's been roiding since his teens and hasn't got anywhere.
          Kevin Levrone starts roiding in 1990, then enters comps and wins everything and is on the Mr Olympia stage in 92. That what elite genetics are.
          Sam Sulek will go no where professional bodybuilding, he doesn't have the genetics I'm afraid. Mark my words.

          • 10 months ago

            >"He can't have elite genetics because this guy has better genetics!"

            • 10 months ago


              He's been roiding since his teens and hasn't got anywhere.
              Kevin Levrone starts roiding in 1990, then enters comps and wins everything and is on the Mr Olympia stage in 92. That what elite genetics are.
              Sam Sulek will go no where professional bodybuilding, he doesn't have the genetics I'm afraid. Mark my words.

              And Levrone was 26 at his first competition, Sam is only 21. Five years to build muscle

              • 10 months ago

                You mean five years of androgen abuse
                Hes gonna -ACK at 30 like other roidtroons

            • 10 months ago

              He looks nothing special for someone whos been training and roiding for so long. Lots of roiders who don't go anywhere in bodybuilding are his size. People are blowing him up just because he is popular on tiktok and youtube. He will get a reality check at his first comp.

              • 10 months ago

                He does. He is only 21 years old.

              • 10 months ago

                Hassan is like 30 years old.

                Time will tell then...

            • 10 months ago

              >"He can't have elite genetics
              NO, he can't.

              • 10 months ago

                Hassan is like 30 years old.

              • 10 months ago

                >Hassan is like 30 years old.
                Genetics bro.

              • 10 months ago

                >I smoked one single dbol tablet and didn't even inhale

              • 10 months ago

                roid cheater lies about his first cycle and totally didndunuffin
                even arnie and ronnie cant be honest about their steroids usage
                bodybuilding is full of fraud people

              • 10 months ago

                How do you know if someone is being honest or not, if you don't know the truth?

              • 10 months ago

                yesterday i flew to the moon anon
                dare to call me a liar based on your logic?

              • 10 months ago

                pro bodybuilders cycles are far more believable than flying to the moon

                No matter what bodybuilders say they take you will always call them a liar due to insecurity. You will never be satisfied until they say some big doses that hit some arbitrary threshold that you just made up in your head with no experience.



              • 10 months ago

                >only 600mg of test and 400mg of deca and some oxy
                roiders are delusional lol

              • 10 months ago

                600mg test
                400mg deca
                700mg anadrol (100mg per day)
                1700mg of juice per week

                Similar total dosages to what Ronnie Coleman took in 1998

              • 10 months ago

                i think you misunderstood my post
                i do believe that top bodybuilders use "relative" low amount cycles even though the emphasis is on relative since
                600mg a week alone of test already gives you 4-6x the normal test level

                my point was that bodybuilders pretend that they didn't took roids when they were already jacked as frick

                look at ronnie here supposedly natty
                for me that's as unbelievable as flying to the moon
                if you chose to believe them fine

              • 10 months ago

                Ronnie was natural in 1992, which was the year of his first Mr Olympia in which he placed dead last. He gained more than 70lbs of lean hard muscle tissue over the following several years after starting steroids post 1992 in order to win the coveted Mr Olympia for the first time in 1998 and dominate like no other before him, winning 8 consecutive Mr Olympia titles from 1998 to 2005.

                He states here in this interview in 1992 before the 1992 Mr Olympia that he was natural:


                In 1991 he had similar FFMI to the top pre-steroid era bodybuilders (see pic related). Except that Ronnie had better genetics, muscle shape, insertions, small joints, muscle separation, small waist etc. which made him look more impressive at similar sizes. And overall better genetics for gaining muscle naturally, probably one of the best ever known. His top 99.999% genetic ability to gain muscle naturally is what allowed him to be superior to every other pro bodybuilder once he started taking the same drugs they did after he competed natural at the 1992 Mr Olympia. He surpassed them all easily within the space of 5 years, and dominated the Mr Olympia for 8 years to become the best bodybuilder in the history of mankind.

                This is freak outlier genetics. Once in a lifetime. Most other bodybuilders once they reach the Olympia stage are already maxed out and don't really change all that much from year to year. Whereas Ronnie piled on at least 70 more pounds of lean tissue AFTER his first Olympia in 1992 where he competed naturally. This is unheard of at the Olympia level, and indicated subsequent commencement of muscle building steroids and growth hormones after the 1992 Mr Olympia in which he was a natural athlete.

                Just a reminder that Ronnie got to the Mr Olympia stage in 1992 naturally. Cope and seethe everybody.

              • 10 months ago

                Kid you dont compete against roided guys natty. If you want to believe the lies good for you but it just makes you seem like a delusional fanboy.

              • 10 months ago

                >Kid you dont compete against roided guys natty.
                That's what ronnie learnt as he kept coming last. Then he started roiding and blew past everyone like they were standing still.

                Look at him in 1992

              • 10 months ago

                LOL thats before the hgh and slin hookup, so early is just anabolics , then its anabolics hgh and insulin combined.

              • 10 months ago

                >He states here in this interview in 1992 before the 1992 Mr Olympia that he was natural
                not relevant

                >pre roid era
                is kind of a stretch in 1950 olympics you already had russian weightlifters on roids
                test was first synthesized in the 30ies
                so they might have had access to it
                plus your pic says the ffmi of the 1939-1959 winners are estimated so they might as well be wrong
                since the didnt have the right data

              • 10 months ago

                I will always consider myself small regardless of what anyone else says

                You are small

              • 10 months ago

                He hasn't been surpassed.

              • 10 months ago


              • 10 months ago


              • 10 months ago

                >Ronnie was natural in 1992
                Always a good idea to open with a joke
                >He states here in this interview in 1992 before the 1992 Mr Olympia that he was natural
                Yes. People do lie about their drug use. Even in tested sports, people use test, lie about it, and continue to do so either until they retire or they actually get caught. If they admit using them, it's when they could no longer deny it or there's nothing at stake for them.
                >comparing ronnie to silver era boys
                There is no definitive proof that there weren't people who were experimenting with testosterone even in the 1940's for bodybuilding. Eiferman and Delinger very much may have been experimenting with the drugs available at the time and got results from it. Methyl testosterone and Testosterone Propionate were available at the time and discussed in muscle magazines. The real question is whether or not anyone actually used them with success.

                Second FFMI for people in the past are ESTIMATES that is, they aren't actually the real thing because you don't really know what exactly the bf% of many these guys were, that's even if you have the accurate weight and height measurements at your disposal. Many methods of measuring or estimating bf% are often inaccurate. Calipers for example (which would have been the common way for measuring bf% at the time) have large errors; for example you can conclude from a caliper measurement that you bf% is 10% but it can actually be as high as 13-15% or in some special cases as low as 7% depending on how fat is distributed outside of subcutaneous fat. The fact that they're estimates means that they didn't have enough data to definitively declare what their FFMI was; which is likely the BF% which is what they're estimating around 10%. Eiferman for example was big, but smooth. He might have been as high as 20% BF (in which case his FFMI would be less than 25), yet had the musculature and right fat distribution to see the shape of his muscles.

              • 10 months ago

                As a note for FFMI. FFMI also includes skeletal mass and water weight. That is, it's not entirely indicative of muscle mass. Someone may be retaining a lot of water or have particularly dense or thick bones and have the same FFMI as someone with thinner or less dense bones who weighs the same, is the same height, and has the same BF% in spite of having less musculature.

              • 10 months ago

                I remember my first year lifting.
                To everyone that takes bodybuilding serious that shit is so clear to see. I don’t even know where to start but I just can’t remember anymore how it was to be so naive.

              • 10 months ago

                LMAO you beleive a liar like coleman? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

              • 10 months ago

                The liar bidybuilders that pretend it isnt because of the drugs are more insecure lol

              • 10 months ago

                >The liar bidybuilders that pretend it isnt because of the drugs are more insecure lol
                They literally say their cycles, typically around 2g per week for top genetically gifted pros.
                Do you really think you will make much more gains on 3g? Once you go beyond a certain dose nothing happens apart from side effects. It's like taking to much vitamins, your body just pisses out the excess that it can't use.

              • 10 months ago

                Then why was dallas macarver on 10g of test when he died lol . You dont know what people are taking. They will never tell you as it is all drugs and if you know its all drugs it takes them out of the picture and they like to pretend they are super special lol yet theres thousands of guys that come and come all the time when one dies another takes his place, nothing new.

              • 10 months ago

                >Then why was dallas macarver on 10g of test when he died lol .
                There is no way of knowing how much he took based on toxicology report as hormones pool and increase in concentration due to various factors post mortem. The numbers were elevated due to this. He took far less than on the autopsy report guaranteed.

                >You dont know what people are taking.
                Dallas Mcarver never said what he took, but other bodybuilders have.

              • 10 months ago

                All you need is roids.
                Thats why vegans and farm animals can get jacked on hormones just eating fricking grass. This is what happens when you troost the sooience, you end up thinking everything is logical in the body and what happens in the lab in a dish is what happens in your bloodstream and organs

                Animals have different digestive systems that allow them to actually digest the proteins in grass and shit. Like cows having multiple stomachs or gorillas having bacteria that convert it to usable proteins

              • 10 months ago

                what if we transplant gut bacteria from gorillas to humans for gains

              • 10 months ago

                It would be extremely painful

              • 10 months ago

                Bodubuildy is built on fraud....they had guys taking pharma medications saying its fartpowder buy this shake and stack it with creatine. The industry has only sort of turned around with rich potato 5% who told the truth and then still sold supps and people bought them lmao

              • 10 months ago

                >believing anything a bodybuilder tells you
                God dam you can’t be this stupid. At least you outed yourself as someone that has zero ZERO knowledge about bodybuilding

          • 10 months ago

            >He also has elite genetics.
            no, this guy made it to the Olympia stage after a few bodybuilding comps.

            Frick off to Jurassic park with your fat bubble guts dinosaurs boomer no one gives a shit about them

        • 10 months ago

          He is absolutely not natty here

        • 10 months ago

          >Those traps
          Youre moronic

          • 10 months ago

            I have traps like that and im natty

        • 10 months ago

          >Jeff Nippard just...
          ahh the elite genetic 5'2'' manlet on roids you mean
          maybe next time you can also mention greg elite israelite to make it more credible

          so elite genetics is determined by how well you react on steroids? sam doesnt seem to have elite genes after all then since he is maxxig out is dosage pretty hard telling by the amount of acne he has
          give me a gram test, deca and some tren and i will look as good as sam in a year
          seems i am elite too after all

          • 10 months ago

            >elite genetics is determined by how well you react on steroids?

            Yes, that what people mean by good genetics for bodybuilding. Then the difference is tiny between those top hyper responders.

            • 10 months ago

              if that's the case why show him when he wasn't on a cycle with 17?
              you contradict yourself
              >elite genes are determined by how well you react to roids
              >looks how elite his genes are already at 17 when he wasnt on roids and nobody could tell how his boy would react to it

              seem logical anon

              • 10 months ago

                >elite genes for bodybuilding are different criteria than elite genes for other purposes

              • 10 months ago

                are you braindead anon? or do you argue besides my point on purpose because your opinion is not sound?
                ofc they are different
                but your point was that he has elite genetics for roid yet you show him in a pick where he didnt even take roids yet
                so no way to tell if he is a good responder
                and unless you know what cycle he runs you have no idea if he has elite genes for bodybuilding since he might as well just take a shit ton of gear

          • 10 months ago

            >give me a gram test, deca and some tren and i will look as good as sam in a year
            >seems i am elite too after all
            you don't know that you could be this gay a non responder

        • 10 months ago

          >elite genetics
          He was roiding back then too.
          >same amount of testosterone
          You have to wonder about whether or not the guys who grew the largest were already taking roids on the side and just used the study to take advantage of the free roids. Then there's the fact that all those guys with "elite genetics" are pumping themselves full of HGH and insulin as well as is the case after the 1990's.

      • 10 months ago

        Compare to ops pic lol ops guy is just wet bloated glycogen bags, no crazy dense muscle fibres just watery body.

        • 10 months ago

          Prime Big Lenny mogs him.

          • 10 months ago

            prime lenny was the greats bodybuilder of all time and got to frick white chinaa

            • 10 months ago

              I will actually feel sad when lenny dies. I dont care when anyone else outside my family dies. Big Lenny is soemthing else. He can diet aswell gets shredded even at his age.

    • 10 months ago

      if he was an an elite athlete he'd compete in sports

  7. 10 months ago

    Frick off Sam.

  8. 10 months ago

    >stops inecting
    >loses all gains within two months

    No thx, natty gains are for life.

  9. 10 months ago

    >start roiding
    >still smol because shit genes

  10. 10 months ago

    Tell me about Sam, why does he wear the hat?

  11. 10 months ago

    Sam has elite muscle building AND steroid response genetics. Combined with being on insanely high PED doses he can do just about anything and follow any of the shit advice he gives and still build muscle.

    Sam's advice as almost all bait for views and shouldn't be taken seriously, don't mistake roiders being big with knowing how to train

    • 10 months ago

      His advice is good, what is bad about it?

  12. 10 months ago

    You will need more protein than that. Generally 0.82g/lb is the max for elite bodybuilders, although you may actually need more than that if you are going on your first cycle and have good genetics for roids.
    Once you’ve built the muscle, you actually need less protein than when you were just starting out.

  13. 10 months ago

    The amount of protein needed for building / maintaining muscle espec for natties are overexaggerated in the industry. Whilst I agree 2-2,5g protein per kg is definitely safer and more optimal for building muscle, I've pretty much done 1-1,7g/kg all my lifting life and still built a good physique.

  14. 10 months ago

    Sam literally convinced me to just go to failure every set

    Frick it

    • 10 months ago

      You needed some kid to tell you that lmao just give it up homosexual go play with your dolls

      • 10 months ago

        I fell hook like and sinker for the basedence based set rep schemes

        • 10 months ago

          You dont know your own body? Lmao. You dont know how it feels to push yourself? Lmao .... dolls are that way kid.

  15. 10 months ago

    The amount of buttfrick moronic children on this website is amazing. Sam clearly has great genetics, and is also on a lot of drugs. If you don’t have amazing genetics, you’ll have to use drugs to if you want to look like a freak. Good news is, only mentally ill women and homosexuals want balloon animals. So unless have no personality and charisma, you probably shouldn’t frick up your hormones for pussy. Lastly, natty lifting is only a waste of time if you have low t. Which most of us do today in the west. Fixing that doesn’t mean hopping on your first cycle. It means getting healthier/ trt if needed.

  16. 10 months ago

    Roiding just to be big is so dumb. Like, cool, you're big and scary, but also unhealthy. Now what? You're trapped. You have to keep roiding forever, or you'll deflate. If you're roiding for athletic performance, that makes sense. Most of those dudes don't overdue it because they aren't concerned with becoming giant freaks.

    • 10 months ago

      >You have to keep roiding forever, or you'll deflate.
      you might lose water weight but there is muscle memory and you'll always look better than a natty kek

  17. 10 months ago

    I will always consider myself small regardless of what anyone else says

    • 10 months ago

      You have the makings of a pro bodybuilder, thought about roiding?

  18. 10 months ago

    100 grams is sufficient for most people. It’s just not “optimal.”

  19. 10 months ago

    He will be dead within 15 years. Don't fall for the fake life roidtroonys try to sell you.

    • 10 months ago

      you knkw more natties turn tanny right or is this just some natty cope for looking dyel?

      • 10 months ago

        gonna need a source for that

        • 10 months ago

          yes your images of 3 roiders turned to trannies you have saved is way more than the 1000s of natties turned to trannies

          • 10 months ago

            How many roiders are there vs nattys? Learn what per capita is my friend.

            • 10 months ago

              Yep per capita more natties turn trannies you are just a Black person who can't do basic math

  20. 10 months ago

    It's hilarious that in the year of our lord 2023 some rubes still cling to the delusion that pro bodybuilders don't pathologically lie about their dosages. For current competitors it's a trade secret. For retired guys it's a combination of "setting a better example for the kids" and protecting their legacies. Ronnie Coleman went on late night talk shows after winning Mr. Olympia and lied on national television about being natty. Bodybuilders were dragged kicking and screaming into admitting they took something after steroids became mainstream from the MLB hearings in Congress. If they were willing to lie in the face of the obvious back then, why would you believe they aren't lieing now?

    • 10 months ago

      Seriously I can’t comprehend how people straight up say „but he told his yoke in an interview what does he gain from lying ?!“
      „Well but he said he was natty“
      Bodybuilder are the biggest filthiest liars. I blast and cruise and so many people lie shit to me about their dosages while I know their supplier and what they order. Some even try to downplay their workout or lie to you about their diet. If you wanna really know about bodybuilder dosages read the gh15 bible or his posts on getbig. Also I’m so tired of the same old argument when you call them out on their shit „you are just jealous!!!!?!“ „cope“
      „Stop hating man just cuz YOU need higher dosages“. It’s because natties need to cling to the possibility that they can achieve a little bit of the aesthetic these roiders have.
      >if he did it natty/with only so few roids then I wonder how far I can come

      • 10 months ago

        Yeah gh15 is pretty much spot on. It was as close to what youd ever hear from a pro or someone close to pros or a guru.

        • 10 months ago

          Man i really miss him and his weird lingo
          > yor mama food
          He really laid it out as it is. But I think the people refuse to acceptwqht bodybuilding truly is. There are even people believing liver king came off

  21. 10 months ago

    nattytards fall for anything

  22. 10 months ago

    >science works
    no shit

  23. 10 months ago

    60% carbs
    25% protein
    15% fat

  24. 10 months ago

    Protein chasing is the most overrated thing ever and pushed by supplement companies.

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