Solutions for recessed chin?

This is on topic because it relates to HEALTH affecting your sleep.

Now with that said, I need a solution to this because It’s my biggest insecurity. The actual best thing would be to get jaw surgery but I currently don’t possess the money or courage to do that. I’m wondering if anything else that’s cheaper and less invasive can be done to actually have a good looking result instead of getting bogged.

I’ve already gymmaxxed and have a decent physique at a low body fat percentage (actually 11%) but my face still looks like shit. My chin goes back, I have no jawline and my lips don’t touch even when my mouth is close. I have mouth breath my entire development years only because I had a deviated septum and swollen turbinates so mouth breathing was literally the only way I could get oxygen into my lungs. I got the surgery to fix my septum at 18 and it worked but I’m still left with a ugly fave where I look weak and disgusted all the time.
It’s ruining my aesthetic.
Yeah, I look like a slightly worse version of the chud face meme.

Solutions please!!!!!

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  1. 10 months ago

    Only surgery. Every other "solution" will waste your time. Get a second job and save some money for surgery

    • 10 months ago

      I do, I think a shitty chin looks terrible and its a damn shame good men have to deal with them.

  2. 10 months ago

    >stop mouthbreathing
    >mastic gum
    >get a CPAP chin strap
    also stop being insecure people dont care as much as you think they do

  3. 10 months ago

    The surgeries don't even guarantee you'll stay like so. A lot of people with spine issues tend to slowly drift back into rat chin mode post-surgery.

  4. 10 months ago

    My chin is going forward since a month of hindu push ups (60 a day 3 times a week)
    >affecting your sleep.
    My sleep has also improved despite my coffee intake going up from 3 to 5 cups a day

  5. 10 months ago

    If your lower jaw recession is anywhere near as bad as your picrel, then your only viable option is jaw surgery in my opinion - especially if you're over the age of 21 since that's when bones typically stop growing in men.

    Do not get duped into pursuing any other option - e.g., dangerous expander devices or ineffective mewing.

    Here's an article about these expander devices seriously fricking up people's teeth.

    You could possibly pursue getting a chin implant if your jaws are otherwise aligned correctly, or at least to a degree that they don't give you serious problems. But I don't really know a whole lot about that option since I had the exact opposite problem that you have. I had a pretty severe underbite, and so my lower was too big and would jut forward like an orc. I finally got double jaw surgery to fix it a few months ago. And you're right to be scared because it was absolutely awful. It was also pretty expensive at about $17,000 for the entire process after insurance (including braces, wisdom teeth removal, hospital bills, an ambulance ride because I almost died, like 20 visits to my oral surgeon, et cetera).

    Picrel is me if you want to get an idea of what the recovery is like.

    But I honestly wouldn't recommend a chin implant if your face looks anything like your pircel. As you can see in your picrel, that dude's nose and cheek bones look better as well. And he might not have gotten a nose job or cheek implants in order to accomplish that. His oral surgeon might have moved his upper jaw forward so much that it actually straightened out his nose and gave him more prominent cheek bones. That's what happened to me. And lots of other people in the jaw surgery community express shock over jaw surgery fixing the rest of their face for free.


    • 10 months ago

      Although he might have gone to a more Gucci oral surgery clinic like LACOMS which takes your entire face into account and tries to give you the most aesthetic outcome possible, because he looks great and the before and after is so drastic. Most oral surgeons like mine don't do that. They only care about the proper alignment of your jaws and your airways and whatnot. And getting that level of surgical treatment is much more expensive at $25,000+. I've even seen people say that they paid $200,000 - which is crazy.

      But if you want to save money, I recommend figuring out which insurances to get. I didn't really do a very good job of that and just stuck with my health insurance and dental insurance and prayed that they'd cover most of it (they did at about 90%). Finding dental insurance that covers braces will save you a lot of money. I have MetLife, and they didn't cover shit. I heard that Delta insurance covers like 50%, but I could be wrong. Also, I've seen lots of people on /r/JawSurgery complain about their health insurance refusing to cover jaw surgery, or forcing them to do sleep studies and speech therapy in order to get approval. I've also seen people saying that health insurers are catching on to people increasingly using sleep studies in order to gain approval from insurers to cover their jaw surgeries, and are starting to close that "loophole", or that they might start doing so soon. So that would definitely suck and make jaw surgery unaffordable for most Americans who need it.

      Frick this country by the way. It's so infuriating to see people from Europe posting on /r/JawSurgery about how their surgery was completely free. Because not only is it free, but the results are top notch as well. It's so crazy to me that we Americans just continue to put up with this evil, for-profit healthcare system which is fleecing the frick out of desperate and sick people.

      And so I guess your only option is to move to Europe, bro.

      • 10 months ago

        Who is allowing the American healthcare system to charge such high rates for such low quality care?

        • 10 months ago

          Republicans. They've been brainwashed by lobbying into believing that nationalizing our health care system will transform America into a communist cesspit.

          • 10 months ago

            Don't pin this on one shitty side, both groups have been more than happy to feed the medical hegemon we are stuck with now, just in different moronic ways. The government won't magically start caring about the best interests of the people in regards to health if you handed them all the reins now, this isn't europe where the people actually make an attempt to take care of themselves and the medical industry doesn't hold more power than any amount of well intentioned individuals. They've fricked it up bad, but it was going to hell no matter who got their way, and nobody has any sincere or informed intention of making it better.

      • 10 months ago

        >your only option is to move to Europe
        Stopped reading there

    • 10 months ago

      I also have a pretty bad underbite, maybe the same or a little worse than yours; it's hard to tell from your picture. People have been commenting on my huge chin for years. I've thought about corrective surgery before.
      How long did recovery take? Is one as bad as yours typical? Was it worth it?

  6. 10 months ago

    Not knowing how to breathe or how to properly chew is one of the largest health pandemics in this country. A large amount of what we would describe as “dysgenic” in terms of abnormal structure development or behaviors is simply a lack of proper education on hygiene/maintenance.

    • 10 months ago


      • 10 months ago


    • 10 months ago

      I knew how, I wasn’t dumb. I just physically could not do it due to having a deviated septum.

  7. 10 months ago

    From chud to chad. It's so simple

  8. 10 months ago

    surgery and/or beard.

    • 10 months ago

      any tips on growing a beard? is there something like finasteride for facial hair?

      • 10 months ago

        minoxidil and dermaneedling should work on all type of hair, whether normal, facial or body.

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