someone please post a comprehensive guide on how to lift for aesthetics and how to looksmaxxx

someone please post a comprehensive guide on how to lift for aesthetics and how to looksmaxxx

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  1. 7 months ago


    • 7 months ago

      someone please post a comprehensive guide on how to lift for aesthetics and how to looksmaxxx

      Shoulders wider than most of the board's posters.

  2. 7 months ago

    bros give it to me straight no BS unironically what do I have to do to get a girl like pic rel?
    I have been lifting for 5 plus years now and I am decently strong for your avg schlub and I look good without my shirt on

    • 7 months ago

      Have money and personality. And accept that it will not live up to your expectations so you can maintain your composure when SHTF

    • 7 months ago

      If you're already fit, go to nightclubs/bars every single weekend and force yourself to talk to girls. You will get better and better and at some point you'll be able to seduce and bring home a decent percentage of them.

      This is the ugly truth that nobody wants to hear, you need to grind game

    • 7 months ago

      Be 6’2”. No woman cares about how much you can lift or how big your muscles are (although musculature can be positive for a good looking guy)

      you only impress other gymcels

      • 7 months ago

        I get compliments from random strangers and dudes compliment my quads out loud
        >you only impress other gymcels
        this is sadly what it seems like.

        If you're already fit, go to nightclubs/bars every single weekend and force yourself to talk to girls. You will get better and better and at some point you'll be able to seduce and bring home a decent percentage of them.

        This is the ugly truth that nobody wants to hear, you need to grind game

        >you need to grind game
        It has taken my dumbass a long time to realize this but I have no game/approach and so I suck in failure

        • 7 months ago

          >It has taken my dumbass a long time to realize this but I have no game/approach and so I suck in failure
          "Ahoy there" works a lot of the time as opener on Tinder. Also, don't worry cuz some people are just terrible at carrying convos in text, but still might give you their number. Learning to carry a dry ass conversation to that point is an acquired skill.

    • 7 months ago

      100% straight facts no bs fr fr ong is that you have to do all the things you havent been doing. lifting is literally the very bottom of the barrel in terms of priority and importance. being buff obviously doesnt hurt but its like the icing on the cake.

      you need to personalitymaxxx, socialstatusmaxxx and then financialmaxx. Pretty much in that order too. Girls like pic rel (so 18-20 year olds) really dont care about money. They really don't. The "boys" they are dating are literally living at their parents house or loanmaxxed poor students. Yet they all date cute girls. By and large good personality is probably the single handedly most important trait you could have.

      If you have rizz, you are popular, funny, everyone's friend, you will get a girl like this. Nobody is interested in your ripped physique if you are fricking autistic and have no friends. Again, its literally at the very bottom of the barrel. Most guys look very average and they have very average financial status yet they have hot girlfriends. It's a tough one but you need to work on your personality and social circle.

      • 7 months ago

        sounds like you have advice amongst all those words anon. Perhaps I am unwilling or unable to receive it, though. I have financialmaxxed and by all accounts I am lightyears ahead of my peers and overall age group (excluding trustfund kids and crypto millionaires).
        Frick it man I am just going to get strong as frick and revel in the mires I get from dudes and some lady dudes. I just can’t capitalize on the situations which sucks

        • 7 months ago

          he literally said financialmaxxing doesnt come close to personality/social status and he's right so congrats you see where you need to fix your problem

    • 7 months ago

      good face and height while not being fat.

    • 7 months ago

      Be tall and handsome

    • 7 months ago

      Whats your financial status?
      Show us your best outfit.
      Start going places women hang out, like wine painting.

    • 7 months ago

      In this order of importance
      >be tall (MINIMUM 5'11 so you can at least say "like 6'0" and not be obviously bullshitting)
      >be handsome
      >have status
      >have money
      >have personality
      >have good skin
      >have glamor muscles
      >dress well
      I hope you at least have a respectable job

      • 7 months ago


      • 7 months ago

        >have personality
        >be sociable
        >have humor
        >be handsome
        >have muscles
        and the rest doesn't matter
        and don't be short ofc

    • 7 months ago
      I ignore women

      Just be white

    • 7 months ago

      Numbers game, just be confident and ask out a lot of girls.

  3. 7 months ago
    • 7 months ago

      If you're already fit, go to nightclubs/bars every single weekend and force yourself to talk to girls. You will get better and better and at some point you'll be able to seduce and bring home a decent percentage of them.

      This is the ugly truth that nobody wants to hear, you need to grind game

      cant believe I have to do all this shit just to have sex with an attractive girl. WTF! Ordering a real doll now and a pizza.

      • 7 months ago

        Lol, you lazy fricks. Being fit/aesthetic is the easy part. It's the part any sperg loser can manage. The things that trip people up are: being successful, funny and charismatic and confident.

        • 7 months ago

          how do you charismamaxx

          • 7 months ago

            I was about to write an essay explaining, but the real answer is:
            Git gud
            Skills give you confidence, confidence allows you to be charismatic. The rest is a no-brainer, which anyone >80IQ can figure out.

  4. 7 months ago

    First of all they're as insecure as you, that's why they lift man made metal. Secondly look at the ones in actual relationships. Many of them go for some handsome guys without any muscle mass. Being a "big boy" doesn't always cut the deal.
    At the end of the day it's a numbers game. Just talk to every girl you like and one will actually like your autistic, narcissistic, fragile ego.

    • 7 months ago

      >one will actually like your autistic, narcissistic, fragile ego.

      oh frick off man, how about you shut the frick up and lay off this tearing down other guys bullshit.
      homosexual ass downer
      Every man that I have met with a beautiful woman has always been a solid, lovely and strong person that builds up other men and done good things in the world

      • 7 months ago

        I bet most of them don't lift for mass. If they go to the gym, they're there to be fit, that's it. Most of those guys you're talking about are men outside gym, in OP's case gym is the only thing that makes him "unique". So you can call me whatever you want, it won't magically make girls fall for OP's fragile personality

    • 7 months ago

      >Just talk to every girl you like and one will actually like your autistic, narcissistic, fragile ego.
      Yeah but she wont be attractive or worth the effortl

  5. 7 months ago

    Read the sticki you Black person.

  6. 7 months ago

    It’s called shapewear, anglefrauding, lightfrauding, and photoshop

  7. 7 months ago

    IST shit
    Get short on the side, long on the top haircut. Buy normie clothes (big baggy t shirt with short shorts. J crew, H&M, idk.)

    Routine and diet
    Cut to 10% body fat (eat 1,600 calories made up of nuts, vegetables, fruit, low fat protein shake, and grilled chicken. Don’t fall for the yogurt or healthy fat meme)

    3 x 10 major compounds, pull ups/chin ups/dips, misc arm and ab exercise, jog for 5 mins treadmill.
    Hypertrophy, chase pump.

    Chew mastic gum for face gains.
    Take a low dose generic cialis. (Always be ready, girls talk.)
    Avoid alcohol and cigarette. (Not abstinence, but avoid). Drink water. Avoid junk foods and soda/energy drinks.
    Take multivitamin. Good posture. Don’t break eye contact. Learn to smile. Make pleasant convo with everyone so you are not sorry in front of qts. Don’t ruminate on times when you backed down from a fight or was a b***h—don’t let it happen again.
    Always be outside. Never be home. Don’t carry things. Walk down the street at a comfortable pace but like you have somewhere to go but don’t hold things like a beverage because you don’t know what else to do with yourself. Don’t aimlessly look off into the distance to avoid eye contact. If you are walking, and a girl comes down the way, just look at her one time, then look down in a way that says I’m giving you the space, but once you get closer, slow your pace a bit, look up, if she has slowed, you can say “hey.” Be productive at work and during socializing hours. Get an MBA. Call your parents once a week and ask them if they need any help with things. (Girls have dark powers, can sense if you are helpful).

    Be tall.
    Don’t be ugly.
    Have good benis.

    I do not follow any of this advice.

    • 7 months ago

      >Get short on the side, long on the top haircut.
      Stopped reading, wasted effort.

  8. 7 months ago

    if you have to ask it's already too late for you. accept it now and find some hobbies to consume your time or descend into mental illness

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