Sometimes I feel like the cute girl at the gym is checking me out.

Sometimes I feel like the cute girl at the gym is checking me out. We made eye contact a few times and she didn’t feel disgusted

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  1. 9 months ago

    didn’t look disgusted*

    She looks like this but with smaller boobs but a huge ass and legs

    • 9 months ago

      that's a man

  2. 9 months ago

    Next time look her in the eye with a light smile and don't break eye contact. You'll know if she likes you depending on how she reacts.
    Seriously do not break eye contact you pussy.

    • 9 months ago

      Wouldn't that be kinda weird? I don't want to have to switch gyms if I do something autistic.

      • 9 months ago

        Yeah don't stare somebody down. That's wierd as frick. Simply remove penis from concealment and gyrate hips in order to make the penis move in a helicopter movement. Only after this should you initiate conversation

        • 9 months ago

          Only if he gains lift. OP if your feet leave the ground, you're good to go.

          Sometimes I feel like the cute girl at the gym is checking me out. We made eye contact a few times and she didn’t feel disgusted

          If it's real then gauge YOURSELF. Women are parasites, not in a 'bad way' but that's what it is. You are the Host. So ask yourself, 'Is this really the situation I want to get into? What will it look like one day from now?' Visualize. Not sex rumpy pumpy but something more neutral and intimate. Like a dinner: Can I eat my dinner in peace even with this person at the table with me? Contrive a situation where she's sitting next to you; not across from you. Don't get all handsy in public. It just means she's physically closer, and she can be in your pheromone field (as can you). Sitting across is something friends do, so you can focus on your meal exclusively and maintain distance.

          Okay, here's what I'll tell you. Because I was in your similar position 3 weeks ago. And I did ask her out on a first date. I paid for sushi, I organized the whole thing even though I was nervous, because she seemed really interested back at the gym, and when she was texting me, it was all smileys and hearts. The date was a train wreck, she talked about her exes, insinuated she didn't like me in the first place, stared at other guys and belittled me along the way even though she was the one who insisted on writing down her number in my phone. Maybe she was expecting compliments, I don't know. I held my hand out on the dinner table and she said "haha you expect me to hold your hand? Well, it's too quick for me"

          I met her again randomly in a club and we kissed, so after all this I texted her asking for a 2nd date. She texted me she was not interested in dating me and said what we did was nothing.

          My point is, it's probably not worth it talking to a woman at your gym even if she seems interested. She'll probably not end up being your girlfriend, or your wife, or anyone. So in a way you have nothing to worry about because you're just wasting your energy instead of working out.

          >the least she can say is no bro

          I've wasted over 4 weeks thinking about this dumbass airhead now and how much of a disappointment this was.

          Take note.

          See also:

          • 9 months ago

            it’s evident you’ve suffered from brain damage indeed brother

            • 9 months ago

              So, the best you can do is try to attack someone instead of focus on the point?

              Lame. I can't be blamed for the mistake of your parents exchanging DNA, take that up with them.

          • 9 months ago

            If you look up comments about this from women, many would tell you that sitting next to them is "too quick" especially if you're then trying to kiss her, I saw this on YouTube comments once

            The point is, if she was a good girl I could take things slow with, sitting across wouldn't have been a problem. But she was a hoe, like gym girls usually are

            I don't think any of this shit matters if the girl is right

            • 9 months ago

              Of course there has to be something organic about it... advice like that is 95% true. The man with grey cells between his ears, has to make the final call.

      • 9 months ago

        It isn't weird if you're reasonably attractive. Girls stare at attractive guys just as much as guys stare at girls.
        It's considered a safe way to tell if a girl likes you. It's like gauging the water.

        • 9 months ago

          Let me rephrase what i [...] meant. Don't stare her down.
          You know how sometimes you meet eyes with someone when you're looking around or you look in a certain direction.
          It's like that. You're walking in a direction and your eyes end up meeting. That's when you smile and gauge her reaction.

          Ok. I somewhat frequently get cold approached by girls (and homos) at bars and clubs and get told i'm good looking, but not good looking enough for it to happen in the gym. It happened only once when I was 16 and I heard some girls talking about me as I walked past.
          I think she's way out my league though.

          • 9 months ago

            You're not gonna get anywhere with that attitude. You have to make the first move if you want consistent results.
            Most women aren't brave enough to shoot their shot unless their drunk.
            Even if she makes it obvious she still expects you to ask for her number or for a date.

      • 9 months ago

        Let me rephrase what i

        It isn't weird if you're reasonably attractive. Girls stare at attractive guys just as much as guys stare at girls.
        It's considered a safe way to tell if a girl likes you. It's like gauging the water.

        meant. Don't stare her down.
        You know how sometimes you meet eyes with someone when you're looking around or you look in a certain direction.
        It's like that. You're walking in a direction and your eyes end up meeting. That's when you smile and gauge her reaction.

  3. 9 months ago

    It's the receptionist. She's supposed to look at you.

  4. 9 months ago

    Stare her down, be a man.

  5. 9 months ago

    She's not Danish right? ...right??

    • 9 months ago

      idk, don't think so. I don't live in Denmark.

      • 9 months ago

        Okay, here's what I'll tell you. Because I was in your similar position 3 weeks ago. And I did ask her out on a first date. I paid for sushi, I organized the whole thing even though I was nervous, because she seemed really interested back at the gym, and when she was texting me, it was all smileys and hearts. The date was a train wreck, she talked about her exes, insinuated she didn't like me in the first place, stared at other guys and belittled me along the way even though she was the one who insisted on writing down her number in my phone. Maybe she was expecting compliments, I don't know. I held my hand out on the dinner table and she said "haha you expect me to hold your hand? Well, it's too quick for me"

        I met her again randomly in a club and we kissed, so after all this I texted her asking for a 2nd date. She texted me she was not interested in dating me and said what we did was nothing.

        My point is, it's probably not worth it talking to a woman at your gym even if she seems interested. She'll probably not end up being your girlfriend, or your wife, or anyone. So in a way you have nothing to worry about because you're just wasting your energy instead of working out.

        >the least she can say is no bro

        I've wasted over 4 weeks thinking about this dumbass airhead now and how much of a disappointment this was.

        • 9 months ago

          Why do you act like your experience is universal?

          • 9 months ago

            Because it is. Go ahead and talk to her, same shit will happen to you. You'll get shit tested and disappointed. Enjoy!

            • 9 months ago

              But you're a subhuman. Why do you assume OP is too? Why do you assume everyone else is?

              • 9 months ago

                I'm not saying anything. I'm saying good girls don't go to the gym dressed like prostitutes. I had to learn that the hard way. You will not find your wife at the fricking gym and you're a moron for thinking otherwise and falling for their bait.

              • 9 months ago

                Your wife will be a prostitute just like every other prostitute, except you’ll be the guy she finishes last with (if you’re lucky) and she’ll already likely be 25+ because women don’t waste their good years on their husbands.

        • 9 months ago

          In her defense, holding hands across the table is what established couples do, if at all. It's not something you do on a first date.

          • 9 months ago

            What does "established couples" mean? So kissing is not for "established couples"?
            With every girl I've I've with, I always started by holding her hand. You autistic spastic.

            • 9 months ago

              It means they are in a committed relationship. Holding hands is one thing, holding hands across the table is another.

              • 9 months ago

                If a woman wants to touch you, she'll touch you, no such thing as "established couples", okay I may have been autistic but I literally organized everything else for her, I even apologized before we kissed for being nervous

                Your wife will be a prostitute just like every other prostitute, except you’ll be the guy she finishes last with (if you’re lucky) and she’ll already likely be 25+ because women don’t waste their good years on their husbands.

                Yeah okay enjoy your prostitute then, I've found alternative ways to continue my lineage without being a cuck! Like (you)

          • 9 months ago

            Lmao look at this loser

            But you're a subhuman. Why do you assume OP is too? Why do you assume everyone else is?

            Also she ridiculed me and made fun of me for not having an Instagram, I looked up her insta later and every picture is of her in some foreign country with her "girlfriends" with her ass hanging out from bikinis

            She had like 5 ex boyfriends on that Instagram page she paraded around

        • 9 months ago

          Lmao look at this loser

        • 9 months ago

          >i’ve wasted over 4 weeks thinking about this dumbass airhead now and how much of a disappointment this was.

          imagine getting this attached to a girl you never even fricked. it’s not that deep lil bro, approach dates with absolutely zero expectations beyond having a fun time for yourself.

          also getting sushi for your first date is moronic but whatever. a coffee or drink allows you gauge her personality and you can dip in 10 minutes if needed.

  6. 9 months ago

    Sometimes I feel like a cute girl

  7. 9 months ago

    >notice the qt checking me out for a while
    >decide to make eye contact with her
    >she just keeps starting at me
    >her expression not changing at all
    >look away and do my set

    What do we think of this situation?

    • 9 months ago

      government surveillance drone/agent

  8. 9 months ago

    what’s this eye contact shit about? Go and talk to her, if she’s a dick just forget about it. God you homosexuals overthink everything. Brrrrghh.

  9. 9 months ago

    The point is you should not ask a girl out at your fricking gym, she's there for attention, she's there to get fricked, that's it

    Also I need to really take it slow with a girl to get horny with her so just pumping and dumping a girl isn't an option

    • 9 months ago

      this is why I almost go out of my way not to look at the thots dressed in skintight skimp-wear. A woman would have to come up to me and start a conversation and that's far more likely to not ever happen at the gym, no way. ESPECIALLY since there are guys in way better shape than me, too. haha

      • 9 months ago

        You're not missing out on much. Said girl I've been contemplating asking her out, but this time to church instead of at a party or a restaurant or her getting drunk

        I wish I could save her soul. But I don't think that's possible. I don't think you c save any of these gym girls either. They are shallow, selfish, vapid ghouls and you should avoid them at all costs and you are right in doing so. I have spent the last 1 month in self doubt, regret, sadness because of this. And I have barely talked to her. This is what talking to a gym girl gets you.

        What kind of woman goes to the gym dressed like that? Against my better judgement, I did not ask myself for once.

        • 9 months ago

          brother you need some pussy holy frick

          • 9 months ago

            It's been a year. 1 year anniversary. I can't take it anymore
            I'm starting to think I must be really ugly or my personality must be absolute garbage
            And my flaws literally eat through me
            What the point of deadlifting 100kg when I feel this way?
            I feel so unlikable and lonely
            The hot girls want me to impress them so I only mostly attract fat girls or girls with bpd
            My ex taught me women want abuse but I'm starting to think this is not the case
            I'm nearing my 30s and I've had several girls pregnant but I just want someone to cuddle in bed again

            Like I said I'd rather go to church with a girl than clubs, but clubs were all she was interested in. Literally partied for 6 weeks straight. That's insane. And repulsive. But I'm also repulsive so I can't talk.

            • 9 months ago

              Man i can tell by your whiny b***h post why you are single.
              Also: Maybe go to the church if that's where you want a find a girl to go with you.

  10. 9 months ago

    i intentionally don’t look at women knowing full well i wouldn’t do shit about it if they sent inviting signals

    although sometimes that makes them want your attention even more if they find you attractive

    the one time i slipped up at the bar and caught a girl’s eye she did the come here finger gesture to get me to go to her. and that’s exactly why i try to avoid creating these situations

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