soooo can?

soooo can IST squat more than an 18yr old PAWG or nah

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  1. 3 months ago

    Why do americans feel compelled to turn everything into race shit?

    • 3 months ago

      Why are you gay and a socialist?

    • 3 months ago

      race is just like gender

      • 3 months ago

        But anon, you can't choose a new race at will, that would be ridiculous

        • 3 months ago

          that's where you're wrong, bucko

      • 3 months ago

        hi rabbi

    • 3 months ago

      I'm tired, boss. They will unironically think about BBC 24/7 and project it onto every woman..

      • 3 months ago

        Its looksmax incels ethnic shitskin incels and gay discord troonys
        If you go on the looksmax forums its indian incels complaning about their addiction to interracial porn

        • 3 months ago

          Its all white incels dude what are you on about.

          • 3 months ago

            White incels are included in Looksmax incels and gay discord troony category

          • 3 months ago

            If you look through the forums you'll realize whites are a minority of incels. It's mainly Indians, Turk/Arabs, Blacks Mutts and Asians, in that order

    • 3 months ago

      Pawg is a completely meaningless term now. It started just being used to refer to any white woman in porn, but now it also is used for latinas it seems.

      • 3 months ago

        it is supposed to mean phat ass white gril
        some latinas are white passing, so it's fine
        I don't watch porn btw
        YOU are a COOMER

    • 3 months ago

      >Turns it into a nationality thing instead

    • 3 months ago

      Because it isnt Americans, its typically Ccp Chinks or internet israelites pushing it.

      • 3 months ago

        Many use vpns
        I remember this white anon was arguing with this chinse anon and the chink started sperging about black dicks out of nowhere lol
        Weird people

  2. 3 months ago

    as a matter of fact, i can

    u mad?

    • 3 months ago

      >7 years ago
      post current lifts

      • 3 months ago

        You first

    • 3 months ago

      >lowbar squatmorning compared to a smooth highbar ATG

      • 3 months ago

        Go ahead and post a video of yourself. A smooth highbar ATG at just a mere 70% of that anon's weight to make it really, really easy for you. If you can't then you need to stop judging, okay?

        • 3 months ago

          I'm not in the habit of attention whoring on the internet, sorry, but when you are, you should be ready for the critique, like when posting a different exercise

          • 3 months ago

            Good luck improving that 2pl8 high bar squat, big guy.

    • 3 months ago

      Now that's a shart and a half

      • 3 months ago

        u mad, u jelly

  3. 3 months ago

    yes, my 90° hack squat pr is 200

  4. 3 months ago

    Would clap those pale cheeks with my BBC

  5. 3 months ago

    IST can't squat more than a twelve year old girl. She back squats 3pl8 by the way.

    • 3 months ago

      10 and 15 lb plates

      • 3 months ago

        >dyel flustered by a 12 year old girl
        How pathetic.

    • 3 months ago

      literal child abuse - human body is not designed to perform this movement
      >no, skwat, slav skwat blah blah
      it's not, those knees wanting to clap, all this unnecessary torque on joints, that locked thoracic, protracted shoulders
      i can squat, no sound no torque on knees flat footed, but u gotta completely extend thoracic with hands raised above head, u gotta unlock it first, u gotta have adduktors stretched enough, u gotta have hips opened enough, shoulders open enough, scapulae mobile enough and hams long enough - then and only then u can sit ur pelvis which does not change angle one bit between knees - this is not squat, this is just crime

    • 3 months ago

      thats one hot 12 yo

  6. 3 months ago

    try doing that at 38

    • 3 months ago

      I'm 39 and lifetime natty and in the past 3 months I've high bar squatted 535x2 and 555x1

    • 3 months ago

      Im 43, natty and can do 180 for 5.

  7. 3 months ago
    evergreen article

    • 3 months ago

      Great article great site, plan on reading more.

      • 3 months ago

        The guy that wrote that article got his dick blown off for Israel

        • 3 months ago

          Looks cool

          • 3 months ago

            Not having a penis looks cool to you?

        • 3 months ago

          holy shit is this the same guy from the YouTube channel?

          • 3 months ago


          • 3 months ago

            yeah justin

        • 3 months ago
        • 3 months ago

          Nah, SOF is cool. To them it's about being the best, not all that rah rah bullshit. Plus they get all the cool gear and get to do the fun naughty stuff and skirt the Geneva convention.

          • 3 months ago

            They’re homosexuals lol they’re the biggest corn balls ever

          • 3 months ago

            yeah bro, hella cool lmao

        • 3 months ago

          >got his dick blown off for Israel
          how to say you are muslim without being saying it

          • 3 months ago

            Justin isn't Muslim and he did literally unironcally get his penis blown off for israel

    • 3 months ago

      Great article great site, plan on reading more.

      moronic article. most men will never be able to squat 4pl8, regardless of their training/diet/sleep. most probably won't even get to 3pl8 if they don't go over 15% body fat.

      • 3 months ago

        The article doesn't argue that most men will squat 4pl8. The article argues that the vast majority of men have the -potential- to squat 4pl8. Yeah, some people like you train like shit or don't train for strength, but if you wanted to and tried it wouldn't be impossible.

        You really don't even need very complicated training for it either. Starting Strength into Texas Method and most men will squat 4pl8 within two years.
        >but bf!!!
        Yeah, also at normal bodyfat percentages. Not lean as frick, but you're not a homosexual, so who cares?

        • 3 months ago

          I was talking about potential as I said "regardless of their training/diet/sleep". No amount of training/diet/sleep will get most men to a 4pl8 squat. Thus the potential isn't there.
          >Starting Strength into Texas Method and most men will squat 4pl8 within two years.
          not even close. you're just as moronic and delusional as the article.

          • 3 months ago

            You are projecting your own shitty progress on general mankind. Make a new thread and maybe we can help you get unstuck.

            • 3 months ago

              no, mate, you're just delusional about the general population due to selection bias, survivorship bias, and the common cope of the harsh reality of genetics (they don't real and anyone can do anything if they just "try" hard enough).

              • 3 months ago

                4pl8s is only slightly harder than 4pl8 dead. literally ANY normal male can do it. you are just a coping for your own unproductive lifting.

              • 3 months ago

                >4pl8s is only slightly harder than 4pl8 dead.
                Quarter squats don't count.
                And unless your definition of normal man is 6+ feet with top 20% wrist/ankle circumference, then you're wrong.

                No. Basically every single thread about someone being hardstuck and blaming genetics has always had a very clear solution. Unless you're genetically fricked (way, way below average) you just need to fix form, effort, and training approach.
                Guy could use a bit more depth on some reps, but who cares? He's not lifting in a competition and he's clearly strong. I'll never understand 2pl8ers whine so much about low bar and parallel squatting as if they could even unrack 4pl8 themselves.

                There's always something you can improve, but that doesn't mean it will magically get you huge gains. Genetics are real. The guy who's "hardstuck" at 2pl8 might eventually get to 3pl8 if he did everything right for years, but he'll never get to 4pl8.
                You can cope all you want, but how close a muscle's tendon inserts to the joint affects greatly how much torque is created by the exact same amount of muscle contraction force. A few cm difference can instantly give a 40% torque advantage with the exact same muscle force. Insertions are purely genetically based. And that's just one of the thousands of genetic factors that ultimately determine strength outcomes.

              • 3 months ago

                Sure, for some it's harder. Harder doesn't mean impossible. We're talking about a 4pl8 squat, which is nowhere near human limits, so no need for perfect genetics and the strongest form. Anon, there are twelve year old girls squatting 3pl8 in bodies that are obviously much less than ideal. The average man can without doubt get past that. Some freaks of nature (super tall ones) may not be able to squat, but those are exceptions.

                I have read and seen so many threads about people stalling on squats and beginner strength programs over the years. I can't remember a single example of someone who was stalling because of genetics. Every single dude complaining about femur this, tightness that, proportion this was just doing things wrong.

                Can I ask you how much you personally squat?

              • 3 months ago

                Look up what a Bell curve is.
                Nobody said anything about the top of human limits or perfect genetics. 4pl8 squat is very good, easily top 20% genetics. But obviously top 1% or better can achieve a lot higher still.
                12 year old girls squatting 3pl8 are an insane exception, and the genetic factors that allow them to do so with relatively low muscle mass and small bones are pretty much as ideal as it can get. You couldn't be more wrong.
                You clearly have no clue about the average man. About 50% of US males is 5'9 or shorter, and 13% are 5'6 or shorter.
                >everyone that doesn't squat 4pl8 is doing things wrong
                Guys with large frames and good strength/muscle genetics, will get strong regardless of their training. They can do 3 sets of squats once a week and get to 4pl8. Training specifics just don't matter. You can always find something wrong with any training program and blame that instead of genetics, but it just doesn't matter compared to genetic variability. If someone pushes themselves decently close to failure, sleeps enough, and gets enough protein and calories, then the difference in outcomes between individuals are 90% explained by genetics and 10% by training/diet.

              • 3 months ago

                >12 year old girls squatting 3pl8 are an insane exception, and the genetic factors that allow them to do so with relatively low muscle mass and small bones are pretty much as ideal as it can get.
                They're still 12 year old girls. I don't care that it's super rare. As a healthy adult human male you simply can't have less potential than -any- 12 year old girl. That's incredibly fricked up if you're admitting defeat to them. Give me the strongest 12 year old in the world and I'll still beat them to a pulp (figuratively of course).
                >4pl8 squat is very good, easily top 20% genetics. But obviously top 1% or better can achieve a lot higher still.
                You made those numbers up. You can Google "Texas Method squat stall" and see for yourself at what point people start stalling on an intermediate program. Hint: 4 out of 5 posts aren't talking about stalling before 4pl8. Especially not for years. For some reason most people who actively try to increase their squat actually seem to make it just fine. I wonder why.
                >About 50% of US males is 5'9 or shorter
                Irrelevant. Even a 2x bw squat wouldn't make them obese at that height.
                >everyone that doesn't squat 4pl8 is doing things wrong
                Unironically yes. The vast, vast majority of people complaining about genetics have really, really shitty technique. I've seen enough threads like that to be able to make such a conclusion. You are right that training isn't that much of a game changer on the way to 4pl8. That's because it's not a particularly heavy squat; you can reach it on the simplest of programs. Technique however is of utmost importance.

              • 3 months ago

                >I don't care that it's super rare.
                you not caring about reality doesn't make it any less real.
                >As a healthy adult human male you simply can't have less potential than -any- 12 year old girl.
                just because you said so? no. just because 99% of men are stronger than 99% of 12 year old girls doesn't mean 0.000001% of 12 year old girls are stronger than 50% of men.
                >Give me the strongest 12 year old in the world and I'll still beat them to a pulp
                squats are lower body strength, moron.
                >You made those numbers up.
                yes, the top 20% is an estimate. but it's infinitely more realistic than your moronic ass claiming that 99% of men can get a 4pl8 squat if they "just try hard enough".
                >Hint: 4 out of 5 posts aren't talking about stalling before 4pl8.
                what is selection bias and survivorship bias?
                >For some reason most people who actively try to increase their squat actually seem to make it just fine. I wonder why.
                you're deluded beyond belief if you think that most men who "try" get their squat up to 4pl8 "just fine". the only case in which that could even be remotely true would be football athletes who were already selected based on their large frames, height, etc.
                >height is "Irrelevant."
                height is the single biggest predictor of the amount of muscle mass someone can put on. weight classes are height classes in disguise.

              • 3 months ago

                >The vast, vast majority of people complaining about genetics have really, really shitty technique.
                this doesn't matter at all. people who go on the internet to post about their lifts and "complain" about genetics are such a small fringe group that it doesn't affect anything except your severely biased views. pro tip: most people who don't have the frame/build/propensity to be strong never try or do anything weight-related. this already skews your view immensely. and of the small group of people with shitty frames who do try lifting weights, most of them quit pretty soon because they're just not getting much out of it. they either switch to an endurance- or skill-based sport or quit sports altogether.
                also, plenty of large guys squat with "really, really shitty technique" and still get to 4pl8 because they just have a good build/genetics for lower body strength. this applies even more to deadlifts than squats.
                bad technique as the primary reason why people can't get their squat up is one of the weakest arguments you can come up with. not getting close enough to failure, not doing enough sets, doing too high reps, etc, are all way better arguments and even those are 90% irrelevant compared to genetic differences between people.

                >12 year old girls doesn't mean 0.000001% of 12 year old girls are stronger than 50% of men.
                Incredibly pathetic mindset.
                >weight classes are height classes in disguise.
                We're talking about meager 4pl8 squats.
                >pro tip: most people who don't have the frame/build/propensity to be strong never try or do anything weight-related.
                Your most ridiculous argument yet. You're seriously arguing that clueless novices somehow read into in-depth stuff like ideal proportions before deciding whether to start lifting. What the frick dude. Only black pilled incels like you have toxic mindsets like that.

                But hey. Thanks for that argument. You're even saying that people never even try to get to 4pl8 in the first place, so there's no way you can know their true potential.
                >plenty of large guys squat with "really, really shitty technique" and still get to 4pl8
                Yeah, some people have it even easier. Who cares? We already established this.
                >bad technique as the primary reason why people can't get their squat up is one of the weakest arguments you can come up with
                This is where you confirmed that you're a clueless dyel who never even tried. Bad technique is important not because it affects performance (it does a lot, but that's secondary), but because it causes all injuries "bad genetics" people keep whining about.

                You truly are one of the saddest, most self-loathing incels I have seen on this website. If you want to unstuck your squat then make a new thread and we'll help you out.

              • 3 months ago

                >Incredibly pathetic mindset.
                that has nothing to do with a mindset, moron.
                >We're talking about meager 4pl8 squats.
                4pl8 isn't meager at all. you do know it's 4 plates per side, right? so 180kg/405lbs in total.
                >You're seriously arguing that clueless novices somehow read into in-depth stuff like ideal proportions before deciding whether to start lifting.
                not at all. your reading comprehension sucks ass. do you have any real world experience at all? scrawny (nerdy/geeky) guys don't typically go lift weights. they do tennis, table tennis, chess, running, bowling, fencing, etc. most scrawny normie guys do something like soccer, swimming, or hockey. buff nerdy guys do rowing. buff normie guys do football/rugby.
                >You're even saying that people never even try to get to 4pl8 in the first place, so there's no way you can know their true potential.
                people who don't have the genetics to get big/strong don't try weightlifting, so the ones that do try it have a higher chance of getting big/strong. it's called selection bias.
                >Yeah, some people have it even easier. Who cares?
                you care, because your argument depends on perfect technique being crucial...
                >Bad technique is important not because it affects performance (it does a lot, but that's secondary),
                it doesn't. in fact, "bad" technique often allows someone to lift more. deadlifting with a round back improves performance because it lowers hip extension demands. but it also increases risk of injury.
                the projection is real.
                go coach a random group of men with bottom 20% wrist/ankle circumference. see how many you can get to a 4pl8 squat. I can't wait to hear ten thousand different excuses for why you couldn't do it, all to avoid admitting that genetics are real.

              • 3 months ago

                >do you have any real world experience at all? scrawny (nerdy/geeky) guys don't typically go lift weights.
                Yeah. Plenty of them do start lifting weights. Whether someone is already big doesn't have anything to do with whether they start going to the gym. Look at the dyel threads on here for one. Or just around you in the gym (not that you go yourself). Being tiny at the start is also irrelevant. Starting at 55kg bw I still squatted 4 plates well within 1.5 years. With plenty of set backs. With tons of initial tightness and poor mobility. Also with proportions you'd call unlucky.

                Your argument doesn't make sense. "Genetics prevents them from ever reaching 4 plates, but they also just never go to the gym to try in the first place". Which is it?
                >people who don't have the genetics to get big/strong don't try weightlifting
                Once again. Some dumb novice does not read into genetics before deciding whether to start lifting. What a load of nonsense. You're talking like a black pilled teenager, this is looksmaxx tier drivel. Normal people don't think like this.
                >it doesn't. in fact, "bad" technique often allows someone to lift more.
                Loooooooooool. Just because a few types of bad form can be beneficial doesn't mean that a rounded back squat is suddenly efficient. Not the point anyway. Shit form causes injuries, which prevents progress and causes stalls. It also makes incels like you think that you're genetically gimped. Though at this point I believe you when you say you are a genetic dead end; you sound autistic as frick. At this point I suspect that you're just trolling.
                >go coach a random group of men with bottom 20% wrist/ankle circumference. see how many you can get to a 4pl8 squat.
                I'd love to, so how about you make that thread already? Post a form video, some other details, and we'll get you going again.

              • 3 months ago

                your reading comprehension is truly awful. did you finish high school?

                >Plenty of them do start lifting weights.
                some do, yes. doesn't change the fact that the ratio still skews your view. and it's not just selection bias for those who never try lifting weights, it's also how soon they stop.
                >Whether someone is already big doesn't have anything to do with whether they start going to the gym.
                it does, just because the correlation isn't 100% doesn't mean it's not there. and it's not just the gym, it's sports in general which depend on muscle mass and strength.
                >Or just around you in the gym
                sure, there are still a ton of scrawny guys who try going to the gym. but most of those who don't get big/strong, often stop and go do something else.
                >not that you go yourself
                I've been going on and off for about 10 years.
                >With tons of initial tightness and poor mobility.
                that has nothing to do with genetics for getting big/strong
                >Also with proportions you'd call unlucky.
                proportions only affects your relative strength of a particular lift compared to your other lifts. someone with great genetics can have long ass femurs and still squat a ton. his squat will just suck compared to his deadlift.
                >Being tiny at the start is also irrelevant.
                common misconception that low IQ morons keep falling for. someone who starts small can still have great muscle/strength genetics for their RESPONSE to training. but starting (untrained) muscle mass is still well correlated with size/strength potential.
                >Starting at 55kg bw I still squatted 4 plates well within 1.5 years.
                so? just because you started at 55kg doesn't mean you don't have good genetics.
                >Your argument doesn't make sense.
                you're misunderstanding the argument. seriously, look up selection bias and survivorship bias and try to understand it.
                >Some dumb novice does not read into genetics before deciding whether to start lifting
                never said that, moron. if you're not gonna actually read what I'm saying, why even respond?

              • 3 months ago

                Actually, I am done with this discussion. I deleted my reply. Keep wallowing in your own weakness, you "yeah I sometimes go to the gym" incel.

              • 3 months ago

                >The vast, vast majority of people complaining about genetics have really, really shitty technique.
                this doesn't matter at all. people who go on the internet to post about their lifts and "complain" about genetics are such a small fringe group that it doesn't affect anything except your severely biased views. pro tip: most people who don't have the frame/build/propensity to be strong never try or do anything weight-related. this already skews your view immensely. and of the small group of people with shitty frames who do try lifting weights, most of them quit pretty soon because they're just not getting much out of it. they either switch to an endurance- or skill-based sport or quit sports altogether.
                also, plenty of large guys squat with "really, really shitty technique" and still get to 4pl8 because they just have a good build/genetics for lower body strength. this applies even more to deadlifts than squats.
                bad technique as the primary reason why people can't get their squat up is one of the weakest arguments you can come up with. not getting close enough to failure, not doing enough sets, doing too high reps, etc, are all way better arguments and even those are 90% irrelevant compared to genetic differences between people.

              • 3 months ago

                You’re a moronic dwarf with a 12 inch femur who looks like a walking basketball. Men who are tall and lithe and do actual athletics and movements that require more than just moron strength should not be expected to squat 415 to the grass. The 12 year old phenom you’re referring to is A) 100% on hormones (any parents getting their little girl to squat ridiculous weight by puberty are definitely experimenting on their child, I’ve witnessed it firsthand) B) is very short and has different leverage and increased flexibility in their pelvic region, joints etc to boot. While you might share this feminine structure, it is not common in many males, and should not be seen as the baseline. I squat 355 btw and am 22, I expect to be able to hit 4pl8 in another 6 months or so, but I would absolutely not be even close if I wasn’t specifically focused on strength training legs (ie if I was doing a specific kind of sport or activity)

              • 3 months ago

                Not the moron you're arguing with, but I went from 355 to 4pl8 in 3 months following the Toshiki squat program. Only 3 days a week.

              • 3 months ago

                squats are such a manlet cope, and some of the dyels prove it, squatting 4+pl8 and still having shit legs
                a tall guy squatting 2pl8 probably does the same amount of work as them, and has bigger legs to boot. Extreme example is that Dutch giant guy who has bigger quads than anyone itt but struggles squatting even 1.5pl8 due to biomechanics - he's still way stronger overall due to weighing 160 kg of lean muscle, real life strength is not about doing some gay hinging movement over a limited ROM to some arbitrary position set by some 5'5" texan powerlifting coach with a beer belly

              • 3 months ago

                you are literally 5'5" and say that others must be doing something wrong, the audacity of the powershitting manlet kek

                I am 180cm (6ft) tall. Cope more.
                >I squat 355 btw and am 22, I expect to be able to hit 4pl8 in another 6 months or so, but I would absolutely not be even close if I wasn’t specifically focused on strength training
                This is incredibly slow. You are not on a proper strength method like TM, are you? Post some more info and a form video and we can help you fix your shit.

                squats are such a manlet cope, and some of the dyels prove it, squatting 4+pl8 and still having shit legs
                a tall guy squatting 2pl8 probably does the same amount of work as them, and has bigger legs to boot. Extreme example is that Dutch giant guy who has bigger quads than anyone itt but struggles squatting even 1.5pl8 due to biomechanics - he's still way stronger overall due to weighing 160 kg of lean muscle, real life strength is not about doing some gay hinging movement over a limited ROM to some arbitrary position set by some 5'5" texan powerlifting coach with a beer belly

                >dutch giant
                Already addressed. Crazy tall freaks (2m+) are an exception. They are very rare though and not the reason why you guys make such shitty progress.

              • 3 months ago

                180cm is slightly under 5'11". And that's even a self-reported morning tippy toe height from your side, so you're probably 175cm = 5'9" flat barefoot irl, bottom kek

              • 3 months ago

                My bad for not having cm to inch conversion memorized. Whelp, you got me. 2cm short of 6ft. Way closer to your 5'5 now. Basically a manlet. Truly blackpilled.
                You realize that I am taller than the average American, right? And even if we were to go with your moronic 175 - simply false - then it'd still only be 2cm below average, which is nothing. You sound like some incel that unironically would call anything below 6ft manlet and "so over". Cheer up, dude.


                1.5pl8 squatter on the left vs you on the right wearing shoes and standing on tippytoes

                Why are you bringing up the limitations of someone that's 212cm tall when we're talking about the potential of the average man?

                post body
                post squat

                Why would I do that when I've asked every self-labeled genetic dead end to do that multiple times in this thread without response?

              • 3 months ago

                >doesn't want to post body/squat
                ah, so you're just larping.

              • 3 months ago

                Are you larping because -you- are not posting body and squat too?

              • 3 months ago

                I read through this thread and saw you making ridiculous claims.
                so once again
                >post body
                >post squat

              • 3 months ago

                >not even a new ip
                That's not how it works, anon. I asked first. You can't just go "no brah I swear I'm someone else now". If you think my claims are ridiculous, then you're in the "I'm a genetic dead end" camp. Post body and squat.

              • 3 months ago

                still not seeing any body or squat

              • 3 months ago

                well, you're putting blanket generalizations over what someone should or should not be able to achieve, regardless of genetics, no? What if I tell you the average real man should be able to grow to atleast 6'2" during puberty - regardless of genetics?
                the girl in OP is 5'4" btw

              • 3 months ago

                >well, you're putting blanket generalizations over what someone should or should not be able to achieve, regardless of genetics, no?
                No. Some unfortunate people are genetic dead ends. However, we are talking about the AVERAGE man. The AVERAGE man can reach a 4pl8 squat with proper focused strength training.
                >What if I tell you the average real man should be able to grow to atleast 6'2" during puberty - regardless of genetics?
                This is a moronic comparison.


                still not seeing any body or squat

                >doesn't know that ip count in a thread is tracked
                >frog poster
                I asked first.

              • 3 months ago

                >This is a moronic comparison
                No, it's not. You should have eaten more food to grow m8

              • 3 months ago

                >However, we are talking about the AVERAGE man.

                4pl8s is only slightly harder than 4pl8 dead. literally ANY normal male can do it. you are just a coping for your own unproductive lifting.

                >literally ANY normal male can do it.

              • 3 months ago

                That's not my post, actually. But even if it was I feel like you're just arguing semantics there. If you deviate from the average a lot then you're not really "normal"/your usual male, are you?

              • 3 months ago

                >vast vast majority of men
                >any normal male
                >average man
                if you only look at healthy men aged 20-30 without any deformity, disability, genetic disease, etc, then that would satisfy "any normal male".
                there are still some very short or very tall or other sorts of outliers within that group. so you can define "average" as the 10-90th percentile within that group, discarding 20% of people as outliers. for the "majority" of men you technically only need over 50%, so 24-76th percentile would be enough. for "vast majority" maybe something like 15-85th percentile (70% in total, leaving out 30%). and "vast vast majority" maybe something like 5-95th percentile (90% total, leaving out 10%).
                I think these are reasonable numbers, but I'm open to (slightly) different values.

              • 3 months ago

                1.5pl8 squatter on the left vs you on the right wearing shoes and standing on tippytoes

              • 3 months ago

                post body
                post squat

              • 3 months ago

                you are literally 5'5" and say that others must be doing something wrong, the audacity of the powershitting manlet kek

              • 3 months ago

                No. Basically every single thread about someone being hardstuck and blaming genetics has always had a very clear solution. Unless you're genetically fricked (way, way below average) you just need to fix form, effort, and training approach.

                that's not even powerlifting depth

                Guy could use a bit more depth on some reps, but who cares? He's not lifting in a competition and he's clearly strong. I'll never understand 2pl8ers whine so much about low bar and parallel squatting as if they could even unrack 4pl8 themselves.

  8. 3 months ago

    I'd love to see her bulk up to 81kg just to mog Mattie

    • 3 months ago

      She already mogs Mattie. She's done 115/147 and mattie's best lifts are 112/143.

      • 3 months ago

        I want Reeves to mog Mattie in her own weight class so that she will never again medal at World's.

        • 3 months ago

          just to be clear, these people you are referring to are teenage gril powerlifters?

          • 3 months ago

            Reeves (OP pic) is a 20 year old 71kg weightlifter. Mattie Rogers is an older 81kg weightlifter known for being a whiny b***h.

            • 3 months ago

              is there a lot of drama and intrigue in the femael weightlifting divisions

              • 3 months ago

                No, Mattie's literally the only controversial weightlifter in the world.

              • 3 months ago

                she sounds like a b***h

              • 3 months ago

                I trained with her for a little while and yes she is

              • 3 months ago


              • 3 months ago

                Reeves (OP pic) is a 20 year old 71kg weightlifter. Mattie Rogers is an older 81kg weightlifter known for being a whiny b***h.

                >Reeves (OP pic) is a 20 year old 71kg weightlifter. Mattie Rogers is an older 81kg weightlifter known for being a whiny b***h.
                >No, Mattie's literally the only controversial weightlifter in the world.
                xD stupid fricking b***h, she thought she had potential she just needs to git fat
                >gets fat tatted slob
                >lol, there was nothing there to begin with
                whamen weightlifting shouldn't be a thing, but if it is all the weight classes above 70kg are completely unnecessary - it's just very long open class for unapologetic whales, there is no difference in performance above that weight until the roidest chunkiest chink that looks literally like 2 fridges put together, and that is with all the gear, all the enhancements possible, even reeves is comfortably fat, and even that biggest, roidest chink could easily get down 30 kilos and there would be no difference in results at all - she (if it's a she - u can't fricking tell from the visuals) would just get less winded xD
                >Mattie Rogers is an older 81kg weightlifter
                they walk 85 at least and cut for competition
                she was never made for weightlifting in the first place
                should have just started only fans or retire into coaching, her cute factor would have carried her the rest of her life, and now it's gone, oopsie ;p

                literal child abuse - human body is not designed to perform this movement
                >no, skwat, slav skwat blah blah
                it's not, those knees wanting to clap, all this unnecessary torque on joints, that locked thoracic, protracted shoulders
                i can squat, no sound no torque on knees flat footed, but u gotta completely extend thoracic with hands raised above head, u gotta unlock it first, u gotta have adduktors stretched enough, u gotta have hips opened enough, shoulders open enough, scapulae mobile enough and hams long enough - then and only then u can sit ur pelvis which does not change angle one bit between knees - this is not squat, this is just crime

                toma does more
                she's a strong gurl on all the roidoots possibru - young weightlifting burger protege
                >but are u stronger than her?
                sure, just not in movements with moron ambormally heavy stick, doubt she could outdo me in anything actually useful
                ->honey, can u switch on this makita grinder that's designed to NOT be turned on one handed for moronic safety purpuses? no, oh, watch this, and if i try i'm gonna do it weak handed

                bot, u're an COWARD



              • 3 months ago

                Mattie walks at 81

              • 3 months ago

                >Mattie walks at 81
                oh wowo - u got me good bot, how will i ever recover ?!
                i said:

                >Reeves (OP pic) is a 20 year old 71kg weightlifter. Mattie Rogers is an older 81kg weightlifter known for being a whiny b***h.
                >No, Mattie's literally the only controversial weightlifter in the world.
                xD stupid fricking b***h, she thought she had potential she just needs to git fat
                >gets fat tatted slob
                >lol, there was nothing there to begin with
                whamen weightlifting shouldn't be a thing, but if it is all the weight classes above 70kg are completely unnecessary - it's just very long open class for unapologetic whales, there is no difference in performance above that weight until the roidest chunkiest chink that looks literally like 2 fridges put together, and that is with all the gear, all the enhancements possible, even reeves is comfortably fat, and even that biggest, roidest chink could easily get down 30 kilos and there would be no difference in results at all - she (if it's a she - u can't fricking tell from the visuals) would just get less winded xD
                >Mattie Rogers is an older 81kg weightlifter
                they walk 85 at least and cut for competition
                she was never made for weightlifting in the first place
                should have just started only fans or retire into coaching, her cute factor would have carried her the rest of her life, and now it's gone, oopsie ;p

                bot, u're an COWARD

                >stupid fricking b***h
                if it's true that she can't even bloat enough for the category that just makes her even dumber hoe

                and how does that ivalidate anything i said here?:

                >Reeves (OP pic) is a 20 year old 71kg weightlifter. Mattie Rogers is an older 81kg weightlifter known for being a whiny b***h.
                >No, Mattie's literally the only controversial weightlifter in the world.
                xD stupid fricking b***h, she thought she had potential she just needs to git fat
                >gets fat tatted slob
                >lol, there was nothing there to begin with
                whamen weightlifting shouldn't be a thing, but if it is all the weight classes above 70kg are completely unnecessary - it's just very long open class for unapologetic whales, there is no difference in performance above that weight until the roidest chunkiest chink that looks literally like 2 fridges put together, and that is with all the gear, all the enhancements possible, even reeves is comfortably fat, and even that biggest, roidest chink could easily get down 30 kilos and there would be no difference in results at all - she (if it's a she - u can't fricking tell from the visuals) would just get less winded xD
                >Mattie Rogers is an older 81kg weightlifter
                they walk 85 at least and cut for competition
                she was never made for weightlifting in the first place
                should have just started only fans or retire into coaching, her cute factor would have carried her the rest of her life, and now it's gone, oopsie ;p

                bot, u're an COWARD

              • 3 months ago

                hello schizo

  9. 3 months ago

    Well, I've done 260kg, so good for her.

    • 3 months ago

      she could probably squat at least 220 i would guess. video in the op is old. she did 210 a year and half ago. and did a super easy 200 a few weeks ago in the training hall before Euros (no idea why Americans were competing at Euros.)

      • 3 months ago

        American weightlifters b***hed about having to go to Venezuela for Panams, so they went to Euros instead. It was their Olympic qualifier event, but they couldn't medal.

      • 3 months ago

        I believe she said in an instagram story that 180 kg was 80%, which makes her max 225 kg.

  10. 3 months ago

    >juiced 18 yr old girl

    The female need for attention and the lengths there willing to go to get it amuses, saddens and disgusts me

    • 3 months ago

      She's a competing weightlifter, not some random gym thot, you moron.

      • 3 months ago

        >She's a competing weightlifter

        Is that supposed to make a difference

  11. 3 months ago

    I can barely squat at all due to my shitty old man right knee I have to do slow remedial exercises for
    so yes I will accept this mog

  12. 3 months ago

    toma does more
    she's a strong gurl on all the roidoots possibru - young weightlifting burger protege
    >but are u stronger than her?
    sure, just not in movements with moron ambormally heavy stick, doubt she could outdo me in anything actually useful
    ->honey, can u switch on this makita grinder that's designed to NOT be turned on one handed for moronic safety purpuses? no, oh, watch this, and if i try i'm gonna do it weak handed

  13. 3 months ago

    Nah I cannot squat that much. That's really impressive, especially for a chick.

  14. 3 months ago

    Yes but I'm also a 240 lb man.

    • 3 months ago

      do you have nice milkers?

  15. 3 months ago

    Can squat it for a few reps.

    • 3 months ago

      that's not even powerlifting depth

    • 3 months ago

      Poor depth

  16. 3 months ago

    I don't even squat and I mog everyone in this thread.

  17. 3 months ago

    No I could Rayp her though

  18. 3 months ago

    I can't even squat as much as a 13 year old girl

  19. 3 months ago


    Actually, I am done with this discussion. I deleted my reply. Keep wallowing in your own weakness, you "yeah I sometimes go to the gym" incel.

    your lack of reading comprehension and ability to understand arguments is astounding.
    go ask any respected strength coach (e.g. greg nuckols from strongerbyscience) what percentage of all healthy 20-30 year old men they expect can get to a 4pl8 squat if they eat, sleep, and lift well for 5-10 years (without going over 20% body fat). pro tip: they'll say it's way way lower than 95%.
    >inb4 all those strength coaches must be wrong blablabla

  20. 3 months ago

    no but I guarantee I could still rape her

  21. 3 months ago

    Squatting all that weight just to have a big ass to please BBC

    • 3 months ago

      israeli women love BBC. No doubt about that.

  22. 3 months ago

    nah. i do ATG only tho

  23. 3 months ago


    >Sorry, anon. Please read the thread. To succeed on Rip's programming you need to be very lucky in the genetics department. Only a few rare specimen can add weight weekly. Most men are unlucky and know better than to even try.
    *you make the claim that the "vast vast majority" of men can get to a 4pl8 squat with "the right" training
    *people call you out on your ridiculous claim
    *you then try to act as if they're saying a 4pl8 squat requires top tier genetics
    could you be any more intellectually dishonest?

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