>spend 5 days in full depression mode not leaving the house. >eat shit food. >masturbate 8 hours a day

>spend 5 days in full depression mode not leaving the house
>eat shit food
>jerk off 8 hours a day
>go to the gym expecting the worst session ever
>break PRs

How? Fatigue? Idk i only workout 3-4 days a week usually.

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  1. 11 months ago

    Best PRs/best sessions for me have always been after like a week of being a lazy frick.
    Yeah probably systemic fatigue, I learned you can't go full blast for long. Periodization/deloads have been a game changer for me tbh

  2. 11 months ago

    im happy as frick because i've conquered most of my vices (porn was the biggest, laziness was the second biggest)

    my biggest problems now are being humble and accepting that I'm not actually better than my gf and that I should finally marry her and start a family (she loves me a lot but I always treated her like an option) and trying to keep my extended family together by being a constant presence in their lives (they always want me to hang out but I would always turn it down cuz of work/whacking off at home)

    i want to have real integrity and be a person worthy of good things and happiness (i don't believe coomers and people with vices deserve happiness, dont care what your excuse is, the only people who deserve happiness are people who never indulge in vices)

    • 11 months ago

      The moment you stop treating her like an option, will be the moment she will turn on you. Mark my words.

      • 11 months ago

        so what, there's no such thing as a good girl? they're always back-stabbing prostitutes?

        • 11 months ago

          A part of her attraction towards you is built on the premise that you can always do better if you wanted to, that's how women operate. Women are not evil per se, they just stop caring about you if they don't have feelings for you, you should treat that as something neutral.

        • 11 months ago

          >they're always back-stabbing prostitutes?

          Yes anon this is explained in the first couple pages of the Bible

    • 11 months ago

      >i don't believe coomers and people with vices deserve happiness, dont care what your excuse is, the only people who deserve happiness are people who never indulge in vices)

      I expect that you have never had premarital sex with your aforementioned girlfriend then? Otherwise your a hypocritical trad moron talking out your ass

      • 11 months ago

        you sound like an angry incel, premarital sex with someone you love is not a fraction as corrupt or damaging to yourself or society as gooning to porn. you'll learn when you finally have sex that porn and the infidelity it inspires is preferable to your mind and body 99% of the time, and working to only love one other person and keeping your mind and soul oriented to only them is a sacrifice and a virtue, marriage or not. i do think marriage is preferable tho

    • 11 months ago

      It's nice to be an idealist but reality rarely reflects it. It seems you already know you have a gay ass ego, and the notion that only non-indoolgers >deserve happiness is a super gay extension of that. Not because I don't like you talking shit about vices, but because you're doing the typical male meme where logically if x -> then y. Happiness doesn't come from a certain set of steps. You can't just say I never indulge therefore I deserve happiness and wait for it to fall on your lap.

    • 11 months ago

      You got spooked kid. However, it’s Not the worst mindset I suppose.

    • 11 months ago

      You sound like a complete subhuman, and I'm not even talking from the last paragraph but rather just being with someone and having a mindset to treat it like that. She deserves better than a fit incel

  3. 11 months ago

    your lucky your depressive mood was only 5 days. when I get depressed i usually binge alcohol 24/7 for 1 month straight.

  4. 11 months ago

    Maybe you just gained weight. But your lifts as a percentage of body weight may not be PRs.

    But it’s also possible you just never recovered properly. It’s difficult to take breaks without having them extend indefinitely. And it’s easy to keep up the momentum of working out daily but then you never fully recover.

  5. 11 months ago

    do you people really do it for 8 hours a day? am i just low test or something? dudes on here mention jacking off 10+ times a day sometimes and at my absolute best I was into jacking off only once a day, then I'd have no interest until the next day. same thing with sex, I can't do more often then once every 24 hours

  6. 11 months ago

    You were overtrained and took a break. Totally normal.

  7. 11 months ago


    My moms boob do that hnng sagga

    • 11 months ago

      how about her ass anon

  8. 11 months ago

    Imagine giving her some fatigue, if you catch my drift

  9. 11 months ago


    i went to a casino with my gf and her parents for the first time in my life a bit ago (her parents go for fun, they're in their 50s)

    i guess i didn't know what i expected, but it def wasn't a hellscape of 95% "slot machines" where the only thing you do is insert money, hit a single button, and then lose money, over and over and over again. ig i thought there was some kind of strategy? some way to interact with the machine or game to change your odds of winning maybe? but nope, it's literally just "$5 to roll, oops you lost, $5 to roll again, oops you lost, $5 to roll again" etc. I couldn't fricking believe it, it was just a ton of old people sitting at these things hitting the buttons, losing hundreds if not thousands of dollars, then moving to a different machine to do it again. Couldn't they at least make them a kind of "game" so there's a semblance of a skill component that might give you a better or worse chance of winning? It was all the single most depressing thing I have ever seen, just hundreds of boomers throwing away thousands of dollars, what the absolute frick

    I thought there would be more poker and card games, stuff where skill played a part, but those were all sequestered away in a tiny room, almost the entire place were those scam fricking slot machines

    after that visit I am an absolute believer that gambling should be outlawed and oppressed constantly, with violations punished severely. Absolutely insane.

    • 11 months ago

      Slots are where the casinos make the most money, there are endless boomers and silent gen cotton tops pumping $20 bills into them all day long and aside from an occasional servicing, there's no need to have a human involved.
      Whereas, you need a dealer and a pit boss for a blackjack table, the odds of a real win where you're not getting $0.25 back on a $5 spin on slots are much higher, and people can often parlay $200 into multiple hours of enjoyment once they know the game if they play right.
      Slots are for the stupid, and they make a LOT of money for the casino.

      • 11 months ago

        I get that, and I get that slots are for dementia-old people and the moronic, but holy frick I didn't know it was so bad, I can't believe they're not considered exploitation and universally illegal

        they're the machine equivalent of a guy standing there saying
        >if you give me $20 I might give you $200
        >nah you're not gonna get $200 rn, but gimme another $20 and it might happen
        >nah you're not gonna get $200 rn, another $20 and maybe tho

    • 11 months ago

      Thats every casino nowadays, even vegas is the same thing, machines everywhere

  10. 11 months ago

    do you guys legit find legs like this attractive

    • 11 months ago


    • 11 months ago

      oh yeah

    • 11 months ago

      >thicc legs but instead of fat it's muscle
      So tell us about the life of being a homosexual in the modern world anon.

  11. 11 months ago

    start running.

  12. 11 months ago

    I am on OMAD throughout the week but at least once I eat straight junk simply because my body needs it.

  13. 11 months ago

    I need a gym mommy

  14. 11 months ago

    Your post is giving me hope OP. Currently dealing with a URI and just walking gets me winded. Been off for 3 days now but think I might have to take a whole week off. My appetite has been shit and have only been able to eat soup, protein shakes, and an occasional sandwich. I'm afraid of how much my gains are going to suffer when I get back into the gym

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