Spine day

GG guys, i was doing deadlift 140kg 5x5, at the last set, last rep mid way felt a click, no pain or anything, dropped the weight and started putting the weights away thats when it started to feel painful and now i get pain whenever i bend a certain way, pain is kinda dull, not sharp or anything like that. How fricked am i bros? The weirdest thing is that the weight wasn't something i couldnt handle and felt my hamstrings and glutes work properly when doing the rep, but still snapped my shit up.

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  1. 1 year ago

    Probably nobody can tell you what’s going on exactly. Is it upper back? Lower back? More on one side?

    • 1 year ago

      Lower back.

      If your back is sore from deadlifting, then you’re just fatigued and need to rest your back, it’s gonna be tight to bend over or turn certain ways but it’s like not being able to bend your arms after a brutal arm bicep/tricep set
      However, if there is a burning sharp pain that feels deep in your back (like in your spine/nerve) then you REALLY need to take it easy for a couple weeks because you actually might take a one-way trip to Snap City®
      If you still feel like your spine is made of firecrackers after two weeks, then cut your losses and go to a doc to try and get UNsnapped

      No burning sharp pain. I'm hoping that it's only sprained muscles and the click i felt was air popping. I'll see how it is after 2 weeks, meanwhile gonna take it easy and do other exercises. Just gotta wait until tommorow to see how bad is it.

      • 1 year ago

        >Lower back
        it's over

        look into stuart mcgill to have a chance of escaping snap city

  2. 1 year ago

    If your back is sore from deadlifting, then you’re just fatigued and need to rest your back, it’s gonna be tight to bend over or turn certain ways but it’s like not being able to bend your arms after a brutal arm bicep/tricep set
    However, if there is a burning sharp pain that feels deep in your back (like in your spine/nerve) then you REALLY need to take it easy for a couple weeks because you actually might take a one-way trip to Snap City®
    If you still feel like your spine is made of firecrackers after two weeks, then cut your losses and go to a doc to try and get UNsnapped

  3. 1 year ago

    >multiple deadlift sets
    Lmao, why didn't you listen to Rip?

    • 1 year ago

      while this statement is partially correct,
      not all multi-set deadlifts are bad
      5x5 = bad
      3x3 = good
      5/3/1 = good

      just keep it low reps is my point
      >source: me, 7pl8 DL

      • 1 year ago

        >7pl8 DL
        Post erector spinae

        • 1 year ago

          post body

          dont go jacking off to this please
          >5'10, 230lbs
          also, dont forget your pullups, they are crazy good

          • 1 year ago


          • 1 year ago

            Don’t go shooting someone now ya hear?

            • 1 year ago

              anon, i live in a country where we dont allow guns for every nutcase who can afford one

          • 1 year ago

            Looking crazy thick. Natty? Ever injured yourself?

            • 1 year ago

              natty yes
              injury also yes, multiple

              i never had any coaching, or even went to a commercial gym, so i had to teach myself everything, including exercises and body posititioning and such.

              I injured my shoulder, elbow, forearm, twice my lower back, knees, ankle

              what got me as far as i did was partly genetics,
              but a large part also my autism (literal) and ocd (selfdiagnosed).
              that combo gave me hyperfocus/obsession over a single thing, which turned out to be lifting weights
              i think the key to getting this strong/big was the dedication to:
              -working out (every day, every week was planned, down to what specific time to start, what the warmup weights would be, what rest times to use, etc)
              -eating right (here also, made a scheme in excel, with precise macro's, and literally never ate outside this)

              some people would call it hell, but for me,
              the strict scheduling, dieting, etc was a dream come true for my autism,
              these days im even able to combine it with a fiance, and a baby on the way

              anyway, not sure if this was AT ALL helpful,
              just wanted to sort of show the inner workings of my mind

              • 1 year ago

                based autist
                wish I was moronic like that instead of ADHD

              • 1 year ago

                Tiime training? Bench, Squat, OHP?

              • 1 year ago

                been lifting for strength for about 10 years now i think, 3 years before that were calisthenics

                i dont do Flat Bench or Back Squat, i do Incline Bench & Front Squat
                Incline Bench: 4pl8
                Front Squat: 5pl8
                OHP: 2.5pl8
                also very important, but often memed about: Pendlay Row also 4pl8 (ideally it should be the same as Incline Bench, just like Bent over Row = Flat Bench)

              • 1 year ago

                Godspeed. Hopefully I can look half as good one day.

              • 1 year ago

                A 5pl8 front squat sounds too good to be true, do you have any videos of yourself doing that?

              • 1 year ago

                i dont record myself much, but tomorrow is squat day, so i could make one tomorrow.
                im sure another appropriate thread will occur

                based autist posting great shit, love that you learned this stuff through your own trial and error. I only do smaller rep schemes like you post, but what is the genuine issue with 5x5 for deadlift worksets? Is it just too fatiguing and thus more likely to injure yourself?

                deadlifts put alot of strain on basically every muscle in your posterior chain, and also the cns.
                sets with higher reps tend to fatigue not only the main fibers, but also the stabilizing muscles, meaning you are more likely to frick up your form without noticing.

                i was doing deadlifts 4x8 at the time, with only 3pl8, but i remember a sort of "rubber band snapping" feeling in my lower back, and after i couldnt walk for 2 days because of the pain.
                took me 4 years to completely get rid of the pain...

                in short: high reps fry your stabilizers and cns, please dont

              • 1 year ago

                Sounds like you popped your QL, which often feels like it's spinal but it's just a hair off to the side of the spine. Used to frick mine up ALL the time when I first had a disc injury because I was overcompensating on one side and it fricked everything up.
                Best advice I can give to everyone is, use a belt if you're lifting at 80% or more of your max deadlift or if you're going with a high RPE high rep set, and LEARN TO BRACE PROPERLY, that shit will literally change everything for not getting hurt once you learn how to set up effectively and actually have intent with how you're tight from top to bottom before you initiate the pull.
                Only last thing is, if you ever get too fricked to pull conventional, learn 2 sumo, it may be a last resort. Conventional still gives me some grief above 500 lbs., but I can pull 500+ sumo beltless now, so I'll take it.

              • 1 year ago

                funny that you mention the belt, because when i snapped, i wasnt wearing one

                have been wearing a belt on everything but bench ever since (better safe than sorry)

              • 1 year ago

                why not on bench

              • 1 year ago

                because a proper bench doesnt put much stress on lower back, at least for me, even on incline tbh
                but it does feel sort of naked not wearing it

                Are squats also dangerous to do for high reps?

                same principle sort of applies, but squats are a bit more forgiving. and if you are training for strength, you shouldnt even do higher reps anyway. but if you want the mass/aesthetics, and thus more reps, you should be more aware of the weight you are using, aka: mind/muscle connection

              • 1 year ago

                I used to HATE the idea of a belt, until I kept getting fricked up. And, even when I first started using one, I didn't really KNOW how to use it effectively.
                Just make sure that you learn proper core bracing and to get as much air in your belly as you can, not chest-breathing. If you can push your core out hard and feel the full 360 degrees of support inside the belt, and hold it through the lift, the odds of getting hurt again drop MASSIVELY.
                Best of luck recovering, anon.

              • 1 year ago

                >If you can push your core out hard
                you're not supposed to do that


                Dont listen to this gay [...]
                You rock the serial killer style.

                What belt do you guys use?
                I have a lever 4inch tall belt and it fricks my shit up way too bad because I have a short torso and it is either so high it digs into my ribs or so low that it digs into my illiac crest.

                >I have a lever 4inch tall belt and it fricks my shit up way too bad because I have a short torso and it is either so high it digs into my ribs or so low that it digs into my illiac crest.
                another case of not listening to rip. sad

              • 1 year ago

                Are squats also dangerous to do for high reps?

              • 1 year ago

                Yes, Yes, Yes! Same! It’s like gym just finally clicked with me. I also have this thing where i can literally eat the same food every single day, rice and ground meat for weeks straight, other people can’t comprehend eating anything same for more than 3 days. There is like this crazy focus every single time at the gym, I never slack off and put in 101% into what I’m doing. It’s like I’ve found my happy place, feel me? I got fricking Injured and I’m already thinking of how im gonna get myself to gym and work around my injuries cuz I ain’t stopping any time soon.

          • 1 year ago

            Get rid of those glasses, it looks like shit

          • 1 year ago

            Dont listen to this gay

            Get rid of those glasses, it looks like shit

            You rock the serial killer style.

            I used to HATE the idea of a belt, until I kept getting fricked up. And, even when I first started using one, I didn't really KNOW how to use it effectively.
            Just make sure that you learn proper core bracing and to get as much air in your belly as you can, not chest-breathing. If you can push your core out hard and feel the full 360 degrees of support inside the belt, and hold it through the lift, the odds of getting hurt again drop MASSIVELY.
            Best of luck recovering, anon.

            funny that you mention the belt, because when i snapped, i wasnt wearing one

            have been wearing a belt on everything but bench ever since (better safe than sorry)

            Sounds like you popped your QL, which often feels like it's spinal but it's just a hair off to the side of the spine. Used to frick mine up ALL the time when I first had a disc injury because I was overcompensating on one side and it fricked everything up.
            Best advice I can give to everyone is, use a belt if you're lifting at 80% or more of your max deadlift or if you're going with a high RPE high rep set, and LEARN TO BRACE PROPERLY, that shit will literally change everything for not getting hurt once you learn how to set up effectively and actually have intent with how you're tight from top to bottom before you initiate the pull.
            Only last thing is, if you ever get too fricked to pull conventional, learn 2 sumo, it may be a last resort. Conventional still gives me some grief above 500 lbs., but I can pull 500+ sumo beltless now, so I'll take it.

            What belt do you guys use?
            I have a lever 4inch tall belt and it fricks my shit up way too bad because I have a short torso and it is either so high it digs into my ribs or so low that it digs into my illiac crest.

      • 1 year ago

        post body

      • 1 year ago

        based autist posting great shit, love that you learned this stuff through your own trial and error. I only do smaller rep schemes like you post, but what is the genuine issue with 5x5 for deadlift worksets? Is it just too fatiguing and thus more likely to injure yourself?

      • 1 year ago

        5x5 of any compound is moronic if you're going remotely heavy

        • 1 year ago

          that depends on your definition of heavy.
          if you are still in the novice phase, 5x5 is good until you stall, even if that is like 4pl8
          personally, i am glad im out of 5x5

  4. 1 year ago

    congratulations, your meme high risk 0-reward egolift has condemned your gains for the following 3 months at best and for life at worst

  5. 1 year ago

    Thats what you get for powershitting

  6. 1 year ago

    >he fell for the deadlifts are safe meme

    • 1 year ago

      they are safe and effective

      t. based bodyweight exercises practitioner and enjoyer and not injurer

  7. 1 year ago

    Do you feel perfectly fine standing up straight and when lying flat? Do you feel pain on the spine itself, either by pressing it on purpose or when flexing?

    If you answered yes to the above, this sounds like an injury to the facet joint of one of your vertebrae.
    The good news: you will make a full recovery; these are never permanent, though they are sometimes chronic. You can (and should) continue to lift with it; physio can help a lot.
    The bad news: These can honest to god last for months and there really is nothing you can do about them and they just sort of disappear one day -- feels like you aren't healing at all.

  8. 1 year ago

    Fuuuuuck i saw this thread whilst taking pre gym shit and thought nothing of it but something stuck. I go gym, do deadlifts, same warmup + dynamic streche I've been doing for 3 years with no problems aaand.. crrkk .. i think i slipped a disc. Frick. Frick. No more squats or dl for 2 months now. Fricking mad at myself even tho form was good, had my belt. Was pulling 180kg. Now im lying down 🙁 strong dull pain in lower back. I'll recover stronger bros

  9. 1 year ago

    Probably a back tweak. The thing you can do is face the pain and keep moving. Go easy on your next deadlifts but face the pain. You can be pain free in a few days. Slipping a disc is uncommon and probably not your case. I wouldn't worry about it.

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