SSRIs Gains Killers

I took fluoxetine for about a year after getting prescribed during a depressive episode, lowest dose, this shit is legitimately poison for your brain. I had become so numb that I was completely on autopilot, felt numb, zero empathy, sex drive absolutely decimated (had sex twice in 6 months, couldn’t keep hard and barely got a full boner.) My missus (best woman I’ve ever met, we have a 1yr old son together) and I would argue and I felt nothing, she would be crying in front of me telling me how she’s felt distant recently and that we need to fix it and I would feel nothing. I decided to stop taking them one day and within a week my body and mind is returning to normal. I’ve got the sex drive of a teenager, random boners, have fricked my missus daily for over 2 weeks, I stopped these demon pills about 2 months ago and I feel fricking good, the initial week or two as my brain chemicals rebalanced I was crying at music, felt almost manically happy like id just taken MDMA. I’m reaching out to friends and spending time together, eating healthy, lifting consistently. If you’re currently taking these drugs for low/mid level depression and don’t feel suicidal this is your sign to stop right now.

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  1. 5 months ago

    did it help with depression doe

    • 5 months ago

      severe it does. mild to moderate it's as good as placebo in efficacy

    • 5 months ago

      OP here yes it did, but I think they need to be used as a means to an end rather than the cure. If you are so depressed that you cannot get out of bed, feel suicidal and have zero motivation they are great to pull you out of that slump so you can start exercising, therapy, and making lifestyle changes to help improve your depression. My doc prescribed them and never checked in to see how I was doing so I just kept taking them scared if I stopped I’d feel depressed again.
      I went to see her to get viagra as my dick was basically a limp noodle used only for pissing and she said “do you think you still need SSRIs” and I just said “yes” and she didn’t even argue and prescribed me a different SSRI within 1 minute. I stopped them that day.

      • 5 months ago

        did you get access to other kinds of therapy simultaneously? say a guy or gal to talk to like tony soprano did
        also how are you feeling now dude? did you get withdrawal? hows the relationship with your family now?

        • 5 months ago

          I saw a psych for therapy maybe 5 years ago so I feel like I had the tools to help myself and didn’t go back during this last depression era, just popped SSRIs as it was easy and felt like it fixed my depression. The scariest part is you become so numb and emotionless that you don’t notice it at first until someone points it out, and even then you just don’t care because you’re numb. Looking back at how hard my missus had it while our son was super young, and I wasn’t there to support her emotionally, I feel pretty bad now. Which makes me happy because I actually FEEL shit again. I love her so much, I actually proposed to her a week ago at this beautiful lookout, my heart feels so full and I have so much warmth in my life again. I play with my son way more, I’m getting stronger to mog the fat dads at the beach. We got home and my missus said she was miring the whole time we were there, felt good man. I’m ranting at this stage but frick boys we are definitely going to make it.

      • 5 months ago

        Similar experience—I had a counselor, not even a physician or medically licensed professional, prescribe me Zoloft and got it the same day. When I took it in the morning, I would feel that weird electrical zap kick in a couple hours later. Literally a switch, almost couldn't stop being in a better mood. Used the opportunity to regain a grip on my life. I didn't like the effects though, and I had to stop my counselor from getting a refill request submitted.

        It's great if you need a crutch out of a slump, anons, but if you don't fix the root cause then you're not going to really go anywhere with it and I desperately feared becoming dependent on meds.

        • 5 months ago

          I got that electrical “brain zap” feeling for a couple of weeks coming off SSRIs, apparently a super common side effect. Interestingly I took a frickload of MDMA with about 5 close friends and got the same brain zaps in the week following, I guess both MDMA and SSRIs frick with your serotonin levels but it was a lot worse coming off a year+ of Prozac

      • 5 months ago

        I've been on 50mg sertraline (prozac?) For over a year now, it has helped me heaps. I have always worked (30 now) and have qualifications, a career and a house plus past relationships and I have worked out for 12 years.
        I don't want to make people feel bad, but if your anxiety and depression is bad, you need mental health help.
        For me that was 3 months on Jeju, Korea during early covid when visting my mother at an international school, and forcing myself through the exercises of '10 days to self esteem' by dr david d burns. It is cognitigr behavioural therapy, and it promotes active exercises and mechanisms to deal with day-to-day life to achieve a more sound and relaxed mind. You can have the things I have/had and still feel like shit, but active mental health work AND SSRIs helped alot.

        In conclusion, I still have my ups and downs, but they are never as low and I can feel for content in life. Try and find the right drug, dosage and most importantly the right therapy style for you.

        • 5 months ago

          Prozac is a brand name for fluoxetine, sertraline is the generic name for what is better known as Zoloft in the US. I was on the same dose for roughly the same amount of time as you and I am starting to get off it now because I feel like it helps with anxiety but not depression. 50 mg also makes me so damn tired. If I don't get a perfect night of sleep on Zoloft then I might as well write off the entire day because I'm going to be a brain fogged zombie. Sertraline is a miracle drug for generalized anxiety and panic attacks though, anyone who says otherwise is lying. CBT is good too.

          • 5 months ago

            I got told I had GAD and it does help alot, also helped deal with anger fluctuations, but yeah depression can still seep in.
            Are you going to try another SSRI?

  2. 5 months ago

    I'm on trazodone. It works

  3. 5 months ago

    Yeah but what dose were you on? I got mild side effects on 50 mg of sertraline but it didnt completely kill my sex drives or emotions or something. Did make me a tired bastard though which is why I stopped. Crazy that some people are prescribed 200 mg or more daily.

  4. 5 months ago

    imagine taking israelite zombie pills to not feel depressed.

    THank you for making me feel so much better about myself

  5. 5 months ago

    SSRI are a israeli meme meant to keep you soft and harmless, they were never designed to help you in any substantial way. anyone who says otherwise is either a israelite or fell for the meme themselves and is deep in denial. Those pills have next to no scientific basis besides a few non replicable pharma sponsored studies. My heart ache for my brothers who fell for it but my souls burns even hotter with rage for those who push this garbage onto our vulnerable brothers and sisters

  6. 5 months ago

    I took them for a month and experienced the zombifying effect it has on your mentality. I also remember them killing my sexual stamina permanently too. Never would recommend them.

  7. 5 months ago

    Low serotonin hasn't been proven to cause depression. SSRIs don't work any more better than covid vaccines.

    • 5 months ago

      So SSRI’s must work phenomenally then since the Covid vaccine is very effective

  8. 5 months ago

    ssri are a fricking fraud and a joke.

    im on cialis and after 2 months I noticed:
    >improved cognition and mood
    >lifts are up
    >god tier pump
    >dick is like being 14 again
    >gyno nowhere to be seen
    >finally break dyel

    my test and aromatase finally seem to be at peace

  9. 5 months ago

    "I took a drug made out of fluoride, used to chemically castrate prisoners, and I lost libido (lust for life)"
    no shit moron. if you take pills for your lé emotions you already filled the litmus test

    • 5 months ago

      Is bipolar disorder or schizophrenia “emotions” you fricking idiot

      • 5 months ago

        Former is just an inability to regulate your own emotional state. No pills can fix your weakness, only willfull practice.
        The latter is not even bad. Falsely demonised.

  10. 5 months ago

    it's so hard to get depressed if you're eating healthy and exercising. I honestly believe most of the times people are le depressed is because they're deficient in something. My missus is an actual psychologist and she obviously does not fully agree but will admit that healthy habits lead to a healthy brain

  11. 5 months ago

    There's an anon around here who lost all his gains because of ssris, pic much related

    • 5 months ago

      Different people dumbass

      • 5 months ago

        >Different people dumbass

  12. 5 months ago

    >I stopped these demon pills about 2 months ago and I feel fricking good, the initial week or two as my brain chemicals rebalanced I was crying at music, felt almost manically happy like id just taken MDMA. I’m reaching out to friends and spending time together, eating healthy, lifting consistently. If you’re currently taking these drugs for low/mid level depression and don’t feel suicidal this is your sign to stop right now.
    SO the antidepressants worked then.

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