>start going to the gym and getting fitter. >gf now thinks I'm going to cheat or leave her

>start going to the gym and getting fitter
>gf now thinks I'm going to cheat or leave her

Is this good or bad?

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  1. 8 months ago

    Probably good, maybe she'll work on herself and the relationship. If not then if it ends it ends and you start fresh with someone else

  2. 8 months ago

    Girls like this tend to act better knowing you [might] have options and will just leave if they misbehave. She needs to fix her own insecurities though- you can be supportive but if she goes insane because her bf is fit and she's not, that's on her.
    Keep it up bro, women respect a guy who's fit and doesn't give a frick a lot more than a guy who tries to make her happy (I think it's dumb but that's how our women work, bleugh)

  3. 8 months ago

    My wife wasn’t fricking me beyond more than like once a month, if that. I started just gymcelling hard and shot past 1/2/3/4 and she, in order:
    >started losing her mind, lashing out, accusing me of having a gym wife or not going to the gym at all and instead going to frick bawds
    >stopped the crazy, and lost 20 pounds
    >and now, fricking me 2+ times a week, often even initiating

    • 8 months ago

      As said, it's a shit test. Not even a conciseness one, but if your gf is treating thinks treating your body like a temple means you're cheating on her, she's basically saying "do you value yourself over me?"
      Obviously, no. No woman is worth more than her king.

    • 8 months ago

      Checked and many such cases, especially among younger women. Personality comes 3rd after looks/status, took me way too long to realize it; and it's always better being the the guy in the frickzone than the friendzone.

    • 8 months ago

      Man I've only just started my fitness journey and it is straight up fricked how true this is. First few months she unconsciously tried so hard to demoralize me, claiming getting fit wouldn't make me attractive to her and bringing up more muscular celebrity crushes. And it fricking hurt. But now that I've been at it for eight months and I'm starting to see results, she's become way more supportive and has even made plans to get herself in the gym (she's pregnant right now so working out is slow goings), and she's actively working to lose weight by eating less shitty food.
      Women are fricking crazy, man.

      • 8 months ago

        > claiming getting fit wouldn't make me attractive to her and bringing up more muscular celebrity crushes.
        women are funny. It's like when they say "We're not having sex" when they're thinking about it.
        Your kid will have awesome looking parents that can keep up with them btw- You'll both have more energy and it's a win-win for everyone.

    • 8 months ago

      Did you start treating her differently during this time? I can't quite believe that just getting fit is enough to completely change how women act around you

      • 8 months ago

        Not in particular but the best way I can put it is, it takes two to tango- her change in behavior I reacted to. It was firm, but not brutal, on my part. I reassured her I didn't have eyes for anyone else, while also reproaching her for not trusting me and being what can only really be described as crabby. Once or twice, while she was angry, I just initiated strong sexual advances which completed disarmed her (which if I were to have done in the past, I'm pretty sure would have made her more angry).
        At least a few times other women demonstrated some vague, passing interest while we were together, and I basically just brushed it off and joked about it to her, which likely reinforced both my "value" and her sense of security.

        • 8 months ago

          I should stress... all of this was just frankly "my nature"- it just started working when it didn't really work before. I've always been strongly attracted to her and handsy, but I'd get a verbal lashing and pulled away from. I've always been reassuring, but kind of willing to speak up and defend myself while wronged, but she'd find a way to rewrite history to have that mean something else. It just clicked when I was fit.

      • 8 months ago

        Nta but you'd be surprised at how being physically attractive can redefine your normal behavior to the female mind. If you're a caring, loving husband but you are overweight and a DYEL, she will be fond of you and be comfortable with you - the standard married life, basically. But if you're a caring, loving husband AND you're fit? Suddenly you're the epitome of her fantasies and her primal brain will be screaming at her to jump your bones. Across the board, the number one thing that has revitalized a marriage and made partners go from "comfortable" to "beyond happy" is one or both partners getting fit.

  4. 8 months ago

    dude that's like a massive red flag for anyone over the age of 16.

    get out of that shit asap

  5. 8 months ago

    >he put as much roids into his body as possible until it exploded his heart killing him at 21 to look like a natty
    Zyzz lmao

    • 8 months ago

      died from drug overdose but his family kept it a secret

  6. 8 months ago

    >Is this good or bad?
    Its fake. We have this same post reworded 300 times a week.

    • 8 months ago

      Women are all the same anon

  7. 8 months ago

    nobody prepared me for how horny women are. my ex was the same and i don’t blame her, i underestimated how much i have improoved and the effects it has.

    • 8 months ago

      There is no situation I miss having attention. Being invisible is terrible. Never again.

      I lost 50lbs. My wife is struggling to lose 10 over 6 months. Instead she has been taking care of the house better and trying to be a better person overall. I want her to lose more weight, but I would pick a good wife over a fit wife every day.

      She gets credit for trying- It really is 80% diet though, and women do hold onto fat differently than men- Ironically they need more strength training and less cardio, but women are afraid of getting big so it's all cardio.

      • 8 months ago

        >there is no situation I miss having attention
        BPD girl was licking my hands and squeezing my thighs last weekend and it felt like my stomach was a gaping pit.
        >what are you, gay?
        Never dick down crazy

        • 8 months ago

          Not gay bro I get it, it's a fun time until the crazy comes out and they set your stuff on fire or something. I'll still take this over being invisible.

        • 8 months ago

          What do bpd girls look like? The ones on tiktok look MID.

          • 8 months ago

            Usually pretty mid. They’re typically dishevelled and a little mousey due to not being able to hold down a job between freak outs. The thing you have to watch out for is when they’re DETERMINED aka they have a “favourite person” they can clean up tremendously for as long as it takes to sink their fangs in.

  8. 8 months ago

    I lost 50lbs. My wife is struggling to lose 10 over 6 months. Instead she has been taking care of the house better and trying to be a better person overall. I want her to lose more weight, but I would pick a good wife over a fit wife every day.

  9. 8 months ago

    going to the gym and getting fitter
    >>gf now thinks I'm going to cheat or leave her
    >Is this good or bad?
    Good, either she will start getting fitter or you will find a new girlfriend and cheat on her, if that's true then she should have gotten /fit

    • 8 months ago

      This. It rarely works. If you’re putting in the work and your gf isn’t, if you have any integrity at all she’s eventually going to just disgust you on principle. Last girl I dated was just an absolute turd that was content to do nothing, but get fatter and lazier as I got in better shape and just improved across every dimension in life. When I broke up with her she was shocked. Pure entitlement. OP, just end it and move on. Your gf would rather try to break your legs than learn to run quicker. That shit will not work for you.

  10. 8 months ago

    Assure her that you won’t cheat or leave her, else you might be the one getting cheated on, ironically.

    But keep pushing.

  11. 8 months ago

    Depends on whether she puts out more because of this. Does she put out more in fear of losing you OP?

  12. 8 months ago

    A good relationship between you and a girl is when she is a little bit insecure. Cuz she gotta up her game.

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