Starting this weekend I'm gonna fast for 7 days. What am I in for? in terms of. 1. fat loss. 2. muscle loss. 3.

Starting this weekend I'm gonna fast for 7 days. What am I in for?

in terms of
1. fat loss
2. muscle loss
3. mental effects

any tips?

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  1. 7 months ago


  2. 7 months ago

    >1. fat loss
    Not much
    >2. muscle loss
    Not much, but definitely less performance
    >3. mental effects
    Lossof sleep, easily irritated, finding out life is a little more boring without food

    Just take a lot of naps and drink a lot of coffee anon

  3. 7 months ago

    You'll lose around 30-40lbs. You need to drink water and take salt and multivitamins or you could risk serious and permanent damage or death.

    • 7 months ago

      Starting this weekend I'm gonna fast for 7 days. What am I in for?

      in terms of
      1. fat loss
      2. muscle loss
      3. mental effects

      any tips?

      As far as mental effects you will be significantly slower thinking wise.

    • 7 months ago

      Actually calculate your weight loss as a percentage, you'll lose around 35-40% of your current weight.

    • 7 months ago

      >You'll lose around 30-40lbs
      maybe if you're a fricking hamplanet that weights 400lbs+

      • 7 months ago

        I did what OP is planning to do a few years ago when I weighed around 185lbs and I dropped to 135lbs.
        Fasting longer than 36 hours at a time will destroy your body mass. Exponential self cannibalization rates.

        • 7 months ago

          simply do not believe you

          • 7 months ago

            habeeb it.
            I used to be very spiritual and would do prolonged fasts as part of long prayer sessions. The longest I every went was 7 days of no food and I lost 50lbs. That's about average for people. You lose body mass fast. That's how I know people who say they can't lose weight are pigs and full of shit. You have to eat like a fricking SWINE EVERY DAY to stay as fat as most people are these days.

            • 7 months ago

              You are so obviously lying.

              • 7 months ago

                yes, you are

              • 7 months ago

                0 people believe you.

            • 7 months ago

              20kg in 7days is not possible
              There is about 7000kcal in a kilo of fat
              Meaning you'd have to burn 20000 kcal a day
              That's 10x what a normal male burns

            • 7 months ago

              I lost 12 at the most when I first had covid and didn't eat or drink for a week.

        • 7 months ago

          Yeah that's absolutely not how the body works so

      • 7 months ago

        >You'll lose around 30-40lbs
        >one week

        • 7 months ago

          Try it and find out.
          a full 7 day week, count the hours.
          Only water, salt and multivitamins. No milk, nothing with calories.
          You won't be able to walk after the 4th or 5th day if you have a semi-active lifestyle, such as having to stay on your feet all day for work.

          • 7 months ago

            Not him, I want to try it and prove you wrong but after day three all farts are diarrhea untll proven otherwise and I don't want to have an accident at the office

          • 7 months ago

            >Try it and find out.
            I did.
            I finished my 11 day fast few days ago and I lost 25 lbs. Only water + salts

            • 7 months ago

              I don't believe you. At all. First of all, you shouldn't be able to walk around after fasting that long. Unless you live a life where you sit all day, walking half a mile in one day will ruin your legs if you've been fasting for around 4 days because you have no calories or protein and limited nutrients to repair your legs.
              There is no way you would be up and walking around after 11 days of no food.
              Not only that, bust fasting for that long HURTS like a b***h.

              • 7 months ago

                >be able to walk around after fasting that long
                Fricking cringe. If he was that fat and had salt water at his disposal then the only problem would be his willpower. Stop being such a crybaby "le stoooodies" homosexual

              • 7 months ago

                I can tell you people are pretenders because you don't talk about the realities of fasting that no one mentions unless they've actually done it, one of those realities being that long term fasting is incredibly painful.

              • 7 months ago

                I fasted for 21 days back in 2018. I lost 11 pounds. The first two weeks were totally fine once I entered ketosis. I drank plenty of water, electrolytes, and a multivitamin once per day. The last week I started to feel awful and wish I had stopped sooner. I broke the fast very gently with some heavy cream and beef broth.

              • 7 months ago

                I was walking 7-14km everyday on my 11 days long fast. Fasting does not hurt at all. All I felt was boredom and occasional craving. Never hunger or pain

    • 7 months ago

      Semen slurper have a nice day

      • 7 months ago

        Are you fricking stupid?
        Do you know you're talking to strangers on this website you know nothing about?

        • 7 months ago

          Semen drinker have a nice day homosexual

  4. 7 months ago

    You'll lose fat, muscle and be tired all the time.

    • 7 months ago

      Don't listen to these fools

      >1. fat loss
      Not much
      >2. muscle loss
      Not much, but definitely less performance
      >3. mental effects
      Lossof sleep, easily irritated, finding out life is a little more boring without food

      Just take a lot of naps and drink a lot of coffee anon

      Actually calculate your weight loss as a percentage, you'll lose around 35-40% of your current weight.

      You'll lose around 30-40lbs. You need to drink water and take salt and multivitamins or you could risk serious and permanent damage or death.

      you'll mostly lose fat and a tiny bit of muscle. You'll feel horrible until day 3, then fine until day ~5 and then horrible again.

      Refeed on something light (broth or something) or you'll shit your guts out

      • 7 months ago

        Unlike you I actually did what OP plans on doing and I lost 50lbs.

        • 7 months ago

          how fat were you

          • 7 months ago


            • 7 months ago

              Unlike you I actually did what OP plans on doing and I lost 50lbs.

              >You'll lose around 30-40lbs
              maybe if you're a fricking hamplanet that weights 400lbs+

              Actually calculate your weight loss as a percentage, you'll lose around 35-40% of your current weight.

              You'll lose around 30-40lbs. You need to drink water and take salt and multivitamins or you could risk serious and permanent damage or death.

              y'all full of shit

              1 lbs of fat is ~3500 kcal.
              from basal metabolism you lose ~2500 kcal per day
              7 days x 2500 = 17500
              17500/3500 = 7 lbs of fat lost.

  5. 7 months ago

    Here is somebody who fasted for 15 days. His bodyfat actually went up as he lost quite a bit of muscle.

    Long fasts are pretty fricking moronic.

    • 7 months ago

      I ain't clicking that shit Black person

    • 7 months ago

      Correction: Body fat percentage went up.

      Obviously he lost fat but his body composition worsened.

    • 7 months ago

      homosexual didnt do resistance training.
      If you fast, workout EVERY DAY or you'll lose muscle. Also, when it's over, break it with a light meal (<200cals) like a yogurt, or you'll frick up your digestive system nigh permanently

    • 7 months ago

      >redditor loses 800g in left arm and only 100 in right
      Damn, it's almost like his right arm got a lot more exercise than the left

  6. 7 months ago

    > 1. fat loss
    Tons of it.
    > 2. muscle loss
    A frickton.
    > 3. mental effects
    You're a moron as is, so not much

    Do a regular fricking cut

  7. 7 months ago

    Don't forget your electrolytes or you're gonna die lil homie. Aside from that a week lpng fast probably not gonna do much else. I do 3 day fasts routinely.

  8. 7 months ago

    Did this last year when i was around 85kg (skinny fat)
    1.Lost about 8kg
    2.No idea cannot track
    3. Felt fine, light, waves of energy, some mild headaches but mostly bored until day 5 when i started drinking flavoured but zero calorie fizzy water and then i fell off a cliff, massive headaches, weakness, could barely get out of bed by day 7, i assume my electrolytes got fricked by something in the water.

  9. 7 months ago

    Considering the longest anyone has ever fasted by recording is 9 days because his organs were failing on day 7 and he survived until day 9 until he completely died, maybe you should just count calories instead of being a c**t and listening to life/death advice on IST.

    • 7 months ago

      Lmao why are you trolling like this?

      • 7 months ago

        INB4 you post the guy that supposedly lasted 385 days
        he was forcefed and only abstained from solid food

        Not trolling. The longest dry fast was 9-15 days and he died from organ failure even though he did “everything right”.

        • 7 months ago

          oh so now we are talking about DRY fast?

          also the guy was not forcefed

  10. 7 months ago

    Curious - why 7 days?

    I've been reading about the anti-cancer benefits, but it seems like 48-72 hours is sufficient. I've only done 24 hours myself, but I plan to do a 48 hour fast some time before EOY.

  11. 7 months ago

    My acid reflux starts acting up when I fast

  12. 7 months ago

    I've done 5 days twice.

    I got headaches to start, which I later realised was probably caffeine withdrawal. I felt shit the first time as I didn't have any salt. I lost about 7kg the first time, which I mostly put down to water loss due to lack of salt. I didn't weigh myself the second time. I wasted a lot of time watching food videos which was probably a bad idea. I ate a full meal as soon as I hit the 5 day mark, none of this refeed nonsense, it was great, would recommend, tastiest meal in years.

    - have salt
    - have caffeine if you're addicted
    - don't overthink it. Not eating isn't hard.

  13. 7 months ago

    I do about one of these a year. My experience, the usual hunger that starts to fade at 36-48 hours and is just about gone by 72. Feel great after that, creativity and mental clarity through the roof and very productive. Anyone that says otherwise isn't taking in enough electrolytes, or just doesn't want to fast in the first place. Training intensity is high, but of course the strength isn't there, I just go much lower weight, high rep for the week. After I'm fed, strength is right back up to where it was.
    >it'll just eat all your muscle bro, you go into starvation mode
    No, unless you're already low bf%. I'm sure you technically lose a little mass, but it was nothing noticeable. Just keep training during the fast.
    You MUST keep your electrolyte intake up after ~48 hours.
    >inb4 fatty
    Not a fatty, I do this for the mental side of things really, there are far better ways of lowering bf% while training unless you actually are a fatty. The one and only thing I dislike about fasting is trouble sleeping.

  14. 7 months ago

    Don’t do that.

  15. 7 months ago

    Depends on how obese you are you fat fricking Black person israelite. You lose a shitload of weight by not eating you dumb fricking Black person israelite monkey.

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