Stoicism btfo 2k years ago!

If you don't have fun at the gym its worthless and an incomplete workout.

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  1. 4 months ago
    Cecelia Drakensang In Seattle

    Stoicism is a precursor of pleasure, as it takes away the misery of events in life, and teaches you how to deal with them in a positive way.

    To say a stoic is devoid of pleasure, is a misunderstanding. A stoic has moments of pleasure and happiness; but their philosophy teaches them how to handle the other side of happiness.

    >how to spot someone who hasn't even read meditations

    Many such cases.

    • 4 months ago

      Holy shit please have a nice day! "Actually stoicism is totally not a midwit cope philosophy". Stoics are gay, and even your reference to meditations shows how fricking mediocre you are. At least read Seneca or Epictetus your dumb sub-two plate benching frick!

      • 4 months ago
        Cecelia Drakensang In Seattle

        >no refute

        Might I suggest stoicism lad?

        >and even your reference to meditations shows how fricking mediocre you are

        It is called applying the highest common denominator for the greater universal understanding. Peanut brain lol.

        Stop being a fricking b***h
        There. Apply this to your life and you are now stoic.
        Excep most stoic larpers are homosexuals that are busy being b***hes

        Separate them from stoicism. There are a lot of homosexual weight lifters. Are all weight lifters homosexuals?

        Yes, philosophy often attracts the fedora type who think they are above people and more learned. But those are the exact type who fail to understand Stoicism. I guess it attracts a lot of Dunning–Krugers.

        • 4 months ago

          >Separate them from stoicism.
          Kys gay

          • 4 months ago
            Cecelia Drakensang In Seattle

            You sound upset.

            • 4 months ago

              Stoicism is literal slave philosophy.
              >dude just stop complaining and be virtuous
              Yeah, good for slaves and soldiers (military slaves), not good for the free man.

              • 4 months ago

                You definitely are not a free man. It's not even a question. You sound like a man who has zero control in his life, you understand you're in a cage and you scream and you act like you're free.

              • 4 months ago

                What free man doesnt have the ability to frick twinks in the morning?probably not

                Case in point,youre not free.scrape of your finger nails

              • 4 months ago

                Ahh minor mistake.i meant "probaly you"

              • 4 months ago

                Nice attempt to solicit an emotional reaction but this is just you trying to cope with your cage which I've now told you exists.

              • 4 months ago

                My cage?damn you have a way with words shakespear.but no,me getting angry at something isnt taking away my fufilling free a matter of fact,i can be happy i exprerience these feelings to begin with and can knock some teeth out from somebody as pretencious as you on the street when they tell my their shizo beliefs

              • 4 months ago

                Anon you are so emotional your words are coming out like a stroke victim. At least take a breath before you start to type your reactionary animal nonsense.

              • 4 months ago

                And i do love being emotional,who doesnt?anon,do you have something against us happy people?calling us animals for liking the sensation of emotions?

              • 4 months ago

                You don't appear to be happy

              • 4 months ago

                Can you read my facial expression through my strings of letters?

              • 4 months ago

                If you were happy you wouldn't be replying. I think the correct assessment is you're out of control and seething. Some might even suggest you're possessed.

              • 4 months ago

                >you're possessed
                I love your wierd choice of words,i love wierd people

              • 4 months ago

                >gnashes teeth

              • 4 months ago

                It never gets booring the way you reply my honeybunch

              • 4 months ago

                >damn you have a way with words shakespear
                i mean hes stoic SAGE after all

              • 4 months ago

                You don't even understand what you're talking about.

                You can complain and cry about it, or you can figure another way around it.

                Why are you seething so much? Just stop being angry and be virtuous.

              • 4 months ago

                Apparently being virtuous is a sin now. Truly the world is based on saying lies are the truth.

              • 4 months ago
                Cecelia Drakensang In Seattle

                >look mom
                >i'm projecting

              • 4 months ago
                Cecelia Drakensang In Seattle

                You don't even understand what you're talking about.

                You can complain and cry about it, or you can figure another way around it.

    • 4 months ago

      Stop being a fricking b***h
      There. Apply this to your life and you are now stoic.
      Excep most stoic larpers are homosexuals that are busy being b***hes

  2. 4 months ago

    >hurr durr your fosofaly isn't smoke pot and masturbation all day? Ur must be boarding...

  3. 4 months ago

    Stoicism isn't about being a robot, thet's what cowards afraid of their own feelings think it is. Just focus on what you are doing to do it properly, be it enjoying your time of leisure or working.

  4. 4 months ago

    >throwing shade

    • 4 months ago

      Saw that and stopped reading

  5. 4 months ago

    What about the days where there is no fun to be had? Do you then not go to the gym? Whence cometh pleasure?

    • 4 months ago

      I'll just make it fun you dumb frick

      • 4 months ago

        >there is no fun to be had
        >i'll just make fun
        How about we answer the question shall we? Can you make the gym so fun such as to overshadow the death of someone something you love? What about if you got fired from your dream job? Or any myriad issues that can arise that sap the fun from your routine? You can't imagine a day where it may not matter how creative your workout becomes; the fun just isn't there? And if such a day were to come, assume it is possible, then would you not go to the gym?

        • 4 months ago

          Crazy how you throw all out all these examples to prove its not always fun when i quite literally coped through the passing of my grandparents by lifting(basically the people who raised me for 90% of childhood).maybe you shouldnt see everything as challenge in life for your personal "character growth",since thats what i imagine happend to your thinking process after watching one to many "self improvement" tiktoks and can make hard things fun

          • 4 months ago

            So you're not interested in debating philosophy. You're interested in making anecdotes and assumptions about me and what I think.
            >maybe you shouldnt see everything as challenge in life for your personal "character growth"
            You didn't make a case for this. You just said you "coped". You didn't explain how you made the gym more fun in light of this situation.
            >you can make hard things fun
            Please. Explain how you made your grandparents dying fun.

            • 4 months ago

              Point 1:
              Coping got my mind off something tragic.hard thing became fun again.

              Point 2:
              I had fun lifting weights.

              My sentences are extra short and used simple vocab so maybe you get it this time

              • 4 months ago

                What does your first point make of pleasure that Stoicism does not?
                What does your second point have to do with anything?

              • 4 months ago

                First point is different to stoicism due to the fact you shizo stoics just dont seem to like the idea of having fun during hard times(see your first reply to me)

                Second point has something to do with your fricking question you asked

                Please stop using this pretencious and sophisticated vocab if that head of yours doesnt use it very well

              • 4 months ago

                >First point is different to stoicism due to the fact you shizo stoics just dont seem to like the idea of having fun during hard times(see your first reply to me)
                It's not about like or dislike. That's my entire point. So again, what's different exactly?

              • 4 months ago

                >How about we answer the question shall we? Can you make the gym so fun such as to overshadow the death of someone something you love? What about if you got fired from your dream job? Or any myriad issues that can arise that sap the fun from your routine? You can't imagine a day where it may not matter how creative your workout becomes; the fun just isn't there? And if such a day were to come, assume it is possible, then would you not go to the gym?

                Read your own paragraph of absoloute incel self imrpovment ranting and then read what i was talking about in the first point still is that you can make hard things fun but by your definition i should be a b***hboy and just act like some dead greek preson from a few thouasand years ago locking in. i know you can make sad shit fun and smile through getting stabbed on the street by some thug because people do it all the out there find happiness in the game of life, they wished not to participate, by just making it fun.i made my worst times fun,you can make sad shit fun if you want and that goes for evrybody you lonely frick.i also was a super hard stoicism incel watching hamza and sorts and that shit was dpressing knowing how serious i took shit i shouldnt have taken serious(pic of me and a dead rat i saw on the way to uni)

              • 4 months ago

                Sounds like you are more a schizo to be honest.

              • 4 months ago

                Great've won the internets prize

              • 4 months ago

                Thanks, i guess. Just saying most normal people dont have a good laugh while they are being brutally stabbed or go around snapping pics of dead animals.

              • 4 months ago

                Do normal people have that much fun?who has a life more joyous?

  6. 4 months ago

    Stoicism is by nature the acceptance of incompleteness. It's why for thousands of years now it's been reflected on and journaled hoping it will lead each subsequent generation to new strength and understanding they can add onto. It's almost a religion in some senses.

  7. 4 months ago

    Epicurus has it all figured out. Pleasure is the absence of pain.

  8. 4 months ago

    Stoicism is to philosophy, what cuckolding is to sexual fetishes

    • 4 months ago

      stoicism is basically reaction formation the philosophy, you cold argue cuckoldry comes from same kind of ego defense mechanism

    • 4 months ago

      stoicism is basically reaction formation the philosophy, you cold argue cuckoldry comes from same kind of ego defense mechanism

      masochism def can be seen as convincing yourself ,,you love'' pain that is unavoidable or seems unavoidable

  9. 4 months ago

    Pleasures were solved even before stoicism. Don't overindulge. That's it

    • 4 months ago

      Our author agrees and even says rarity doesn't make something more pleasurable. A pleasureless philosophy is like a sexless life.
      >"as too in the case of food, we do not right away believe things that are scarce to be absolutely more pleasant than those which are abundant." However, is it easier for us naturally to do without things that are plentiful? "Such questions will be considered frequently."

      Stoicism is to philosophy, what cuckolding is to sexual fetishes

      Marcus Aurelius was a famous cuckold who appointed his illegitimate son and failed the state. All due to stoicism.

      • 4 months ago

        stoicism is just for people in shitty situation so they dont ,,break character''

  10. 4 months ago

    >it's another pseud off topic thread

  11. 4 months ago

    I personally consider myself a sensible hedonist. I go to gym because being in shape makes me happier than being out of shape. I eat good food, but not too much because being fat would make me unhappy. I drink wine and beer, but not too much because hangovers suck.

    Biggest problem with stoicism is it encourages you to just lie down and take it instead of seeking out opportunities and living life.

    • 4 months ago
      Cecelia Drakensang In Seattle

      >it encourages you to just lie down and take it instead of seeking out opportunities and living life.

      Not sure about thus. In simple terms:

      >guy scared to approach woman
      >fear of rejection
      >fear of the unknown
      >doesn't approach
      >is upset and angry


      >overcome fear as it does not control you
      >i can't control the rejection but I can respond to it in a positive way
      >gets rejected
      >oh well nothing lost, perhaps next time there will be another outcome

      I think it gives opportunities; rather than takes them away.

      There are masses of videos of how now 90% of young men never approach women because of fear. They are the ones not living life.

      • 4 months ago

        >There are masses of videos of how now 90% of young men never approach women because of fear. They are the ones not living life

        Laws and neo societal norms have killed that urge for most of them.

        • 4 months ago
          Cecelia Drakensang In Seattle

          And the impact this will have will be unseen before.

          Prior to the internet, a woman's area was just around her physical area. Local bar, club, library.

          As was for all of history.

          Now 10k messages from across the world. The inability to understand almost all are not viable, but instead to swallow it up and believe they are highly in demand. And then the wait for Prince Charming who will never ever arrive.

          Boys told approach is creepy and scary, so they avoid it. Don't want their lives ruined.

          And even in person, you are still competing, as she looks at you, and thinks she gets 10k messages a day, you are not Prince Charming.

          The whole backbone of the Western world are working white boys, that will all be gone. They have nothing to work for now. NO women, no family, house prices out of their range.

          Literally I only see such measures could be reversed by extreme measures such as banning women form the internet.

          I am ugly, but I have had more sex than the average "chad" zoomer today, simply because I was around prior to the internet and women on social media.

          If I was 20 today in this world as a male.. frick.. I don't even know.

          This is why most guys here think the "solution" is working out. In reality, you are making it harder for yourself by setting that as a standard. Soon every guy will achieve it. Then how will you get ahead? Meanwhile women will do.. ZERO to improve. They don't have to.

  12. 4 months ago

    >go to gym
    >pissed off expression
    >stare at wall
    >talk to no one
    >say nothing
    >sweat and make myself physically uncomfortable
    Honestly the highlight of my day a lot of the time

  13. 4 months ago

    I think Marcus Aurelius says something to the effect that a human can become a slave to pleasure as is obvious in porn/drug addicts

  14. 4 months ago

    Stoics are either the hardest dudes you’ve ever met or completely impotent. The former understands that in order to accomplish substantial goals you must act through discipline instead of “feeling like doing it”, the latter are passive homosexuals that detach from life completely and use stoicism as a justification for allowing a fat HR lady to cuss them out. Stoicism seems like a reasonable philosophy to incorporate into yourself if you have a large workload and mammoth goals to accomplish but it’s more of a byproduct of taking on that kind of lifestyle; there’s nothing to be “learned” it’s moreso wisdom acquired from living a demanding life. These 16 year olds neutering themselves to be like le based Marcus need to sharpen their claws and be boys before they take on the personality of old men. Suppressing the shadow is refusing to integrate it, and as a result you are a shell of what you could be; the darker aspects of ourselves, the sex-seeking, high chasing parts of ourselves push us to achieve greatly. Look at every man that constantly denies himself and you will see half a person. Choose vitality, chase dopamine, although not of a degenerate nature, and find a mission that consumes your entire being and you’ll become a stoic by default.

    • 4 months ago

      TLDR by chasing what you want and fully tossing yourself into the fire you become a stoic as a result, not the other way around. Don’t study the stoics in order to talk to a girl or chase a dream, chase the dream and stoicism will come naturally

  15. 4 months ago

    The soi face consumer is not experiencing pleasure, I reject your assertion.

  16. 4 months ago

    >bros sitting around talking about where life is going and what it might mean
    >philodemus in the corner gooning to black feet etchings

  17. 4 months ago

    I thought stoicism got exposed as a cope since Marcus Arelius was a cuck and raising a shitty bastard child who ruined the empire?

    • 4 months ago

      stoicism is good for masses to keep wheels spinning, but in leadership positions? lol

      • 4 months ago

        I’d argue the opposite, I’d rather have a leader who doesn’t ape out or whine and never loses his cool. I was saying it’s a cope for dudes who get walked all over and don’t know how to set or enforce boundaries.
        >im not getting bullied, I’m just too stoic and calm to fight back :’^)

        • 4 months ago

          >I’d rather have a leader who doesn’t ape out or whine and never loses his cool
          that has nothing to do with stoicism. pragmatism=/=stoicism. stoicism is just there to soften the blow

          • 4 months ago

            Ok if stoacism isn’t remaining calm and collected under all circumstances then what is it?

            • 4 months ago

              remaining calm and collected because you are doing mental gymnastics. wouldnt want someone with oly gold running my country any time tbh

          • 4 months ago

            Life is a bullshit storm, getting upset does not serve you.

            • 4 months ago

              getting upsted does serve you if you find way to do shit. if you got no anger or lust you got no action, and stoicism is basically repression or reaction formation.

              • 4 months ago

                If you do not choose when to get angry you are a slave.

              • 4 months ago


              • 4 months ago

                I know you're a slave because you cannot choose when to react, you just act like an animal.

              • 4 months ago

                keep preaching padre

        • 4 months ago
          Cecelia Drakensang In Seattle

          Ok if stoacism isn’t remaining calm and collected under all circumstances then what is it?

          Stoicism is not turning the other cheek. Being meek.

          Stoicism is courage to stand up to a bully, and it is virtuous for a man to stand up for himself and his beliefs.

          If a bunch of outsiders come in, and start raping your women, a stoic does not sit back. A stoic takes action, there would be no virtue to do so. Sometimes causing harm (and death) is the correct path.

          I'm not sure why people think an Emperor of a great Empire that conquers lies on his back and takes it.

          It's about not flipping out, not going wild, but it is not about inaction. It is about the control of emotions to figure out the best cause of action. But action there will be.

          Stoicism is fill of "nu-stoics" just like the "nu-pagans" of today that run around with rainbow flags. But are false, biased and led by modern ideology.

  18. 4 months ago

    I thought that stoicism is about being virtuous and self growing. I have a vague memory about having to exercise because only that way you'll find out your true potential and that it's easier to stay in bed instead of going out and working out but that life is not about being comfortable.
    I have terrible memory so I might be confusing things.

  19. 4 months ago

    Stoicism is fulfilled in Christianity

    • 4 months ago

      >spiritual grifts
      No thanks

  20. 4 months ago

    i derive no pleasure. all the typical pleasure causing activities do nothing except further stave off the perpetual feelings of self loathing and doubt. i suppose that could be considered pleasurable but i don’t remember the last time i was was able to wear a legitimate smile across my face. am i stoic? or am i simply a depressed autist?

  21. 4 months ago

    Uh oh positive mindset gains traction? Time for IST contrarians to shit on it simply for the sake of disagreeing with something

  22. 4 months ago

    You are a joke OP. You will understand why stoicism is a must once you face actual hardship.

  23. 4 months ago

    Of course stoicism isn't the full picture. It was invented for hotblooded young males who had to deal with their emotions and the fact they had to die one day. They already had all the passion for life to experience pleasure. Stoicism was meant to quell that fire and direct it towards a longterm attitude that would lead to happyness.

    If you are depressed stoicism can't suddenly make you enjoy life again. For that you need another philosophy with yang attributes.

  24. 4 months ago

    stoics are the type of people to say to learn to let go and stop getting so mad at fat people because you cannot control the obesity epidemic

    • 4 months ago

      >Stoicly go to gymmaxxx
      >Stoicly wine and dine a woman 2x your weight
      >Stoicly marry unattractive fat woman
      >Stoicly have sex with obese wife
      >Stoicly have fat kids

      • 4 months ago

        As opposed to blackpill posting online as an incel?

        • 4 months ago

          blackpill is very pragmatic when paired with action.
          not guy u replied to btw.

          • 4 months ago

            Posting on IST isn't considered action

            • 4 months ago

              leisure is important

        • 4 months ago

          Not fricking a fat girl sorry.

    • 4 months ago

      Its fully in my control to avoid interacting with fat people, the only exception are the shaniquas at the DMV

  25. 4 months ago

    Fear not, brethren

  26. 4 months ago

    One of the most important Stoic philosophers, Chrysippus, is said to have died of laughter. While watching a donkey eat a man's olives, Chrysippus said, "get him some wine to wash it down!" then laughed so hard at his own joke that he died.

    • 4 months ago

      Guess even stoics weren't stoic. The fact is that he died of the only happiness he had in his sad stoic life, or his stoicism was saving him from death.

    • 4 months ago

      Is that stoic?

  27. 4 months ago

    >shit might be fricked up, and always producing more shit, but you ain't gotta be fricked up from all that shit

    there i defined all of stoicism

  28. 4 months ago


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