Strap question

i've been seeing a lot of discourse about straps and lifting and had a question.

would i be hindering my grip if i used straps but didn't improve my strapless deadlift? so if i did something like 315 lb, 330 and 345 all strapless but my grip alone gave out on the last set for 345 and i decided to use straps and got to 390. what about about my grip?

i would have to keep using lower weight for higher reps to work on my deadlifting grip which would fatigue my back before trying to hit heavy single and double reps? should i just keep lifting strapless and slowly progress my body altogether or cave in and buy straps and set better pr's at the cost of my grip being shit?

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  1. 9 months ago

    Use straps, don't let dick heads here stop you. Get a fricking bionic suit if you really want. You shouldn't take what cretins here say and spend toouch time thinking about it. If you don't use straps, you're leaving gains on the table. Just train your grip in other ways

    • 9 months ago

      but isn't heavy deadlifting one of the best ways of training grip? also if you can't hold onto the barbell to pick it up, doesn't that defeat the purpose of the lift? like, deadlifting is supposed to be a 'le functional exercise' but if you add in straps you make it stop being a functional exercise. when are you going to be lifting up something like a heavy box or log or something like that without holding onto it?

      • 9 months ago

        NTA but if muh functionality is your concern you should be doing strongman training along with some calesthenics and cardio to supplement it and even they use straps. They're so pro strap that they use what are called figure 8 straps and lifting hooks that take your grip almost entirely out of the equation. If you want to have a strong grip there are plenty of exercises that will train your grip way better than a strapless deadlift will. Doing pinch block training and strapless rack pulls would do you much better

    • 9 months ago

      >If you don't use straps, you're leaving gains on the table
      Damn thats based. You motivated me to buy straps

    • 9 months ago

      >If you don't use straps, you're leaving gains on the table.

  2. 9 months ago

    Ignore the dyels that troll straps on deadlift. Unless you are traning grip strength or genetically gifted with vice grip hands you will out deadlift your grip strength like you are finding out. Its just the way it is. For me my grip started slipping when I was in the 400s, which is fairly common. You can try and use an alternate grip or go with straps. I do both. Im also training my grip but its a slow process.

  3. 9 months ago

    Use straps on deadlifts and train your grip doing strapless rack pulls. Your grip shouldn't be the limiting factor for deadlifts.

  4. 9 months ago

    If you use straps you are 100% cheating your strength. I'm gonna get serious shit for saying this and pooh-poohing on people's deadlifts.

    >b-but grip is the limiting factor!
    Don't care, work with the weight.
    >I-I don't care about what others think of my deadlift!!
    Good, then you should be doing it raw if you don't care.
    >b-but I can deadlift over 6pl8!!!
    No, you can stand up with 6pl8 but you can't pick up 6pl8.
    >b-but nobody can truly lift 6pl8 without straps!
    Go on YouTube and look up videos of people doing it and realize that they are probably stronger than you.
    >p-post body DYEL!! I can d-deadlift mo-
    No. You if you needed to use literal fricking rope to do 50% of the job for you you're not strong enough to deadlift the weight. Be proud that you can stand up with 6pl8's, don't tell me you can deadlift it though.

    Post any "deadlift" and it will almost always be wrong.

    Grab the bar, stand up with it. That's a deadlift. Key note here, grabbing the bar and holding it.

    • 9 months ago

      Post dead lift or shut the fuk up idiot.

      • 9 months ago

        Already did them yesterday. Post yours though.

        • 9 months ago

          Your in a thread posting about muh grip strength despite the opinion of anyone who actually lifts. The onus is on you idiot, prove us all wrong and show us how its done. Post your strapless 4pl8t min dead lift or shut the fuk up homosexual.

          • 9 months ago


            • 9 months ago
    • 9 months ago

      >muh no straps in the jungle mentality

    • 9 months ago

      I need to use straps to hoist my dick up and feed it into your mum's hungry, glistening c**t lips, but she has never complained about me using straps while rearranging her internals. Strange.

  5. 9 months ago

    I do the majority of my deadlifting with straps, can train grip other ways.

    • 9 months ago

      >axle bar

  6. 9 months ago

    if you cant lift the weight you cant lift the weight

    • 9 months ago

      >if you cant lift the weight you cant lift the weight
      Post your strapless 4pl8t min dead lift or shut the fuk up homosexual.

      • 9 months ago

        Why don't you?

        • 9 months ago

          Youre in a thread posting about muh grip strength despite the opinion of anyone who actually lifts. The onus is on you idiot, prove us all wrong and show us how its done.

          • 9 months ago

            Almost had it dude, just needed the apostrophe. Anyways, I'm already spent from doing them yesterday. Since you're so photogenic, why don't you mog us all? Oh wait, you can't.

            • 9 months ago

              >ignores post
              >omg axchully apostrophe
              Yore a homosexual that needs to back up his claims. But you wont because you dont lift.

              • 9 months ago

                Why don't you show us you're deadlift, clearly I can't do it. But, you can. You're spiked up about it. Show us you lifting without straps 400 lbs.

              • 9 months ago

                >clearly I can't do it
                Wait. So youre saying that you dead lift with straps?!

              • 9 months ago

                No, I'm saying I can't upload a video of me deadlifting 400 lbs. strapless because I just did them yesterday and I don't like uploading videos onto the internet.

                But YOOOOOOUUU Caaaaan.

              • 9 months ago

                Holy fuk yore moronic.

              • 9 months ago

                You're the one who thinks deadlifting 600 lbs. with straps is a greater feat of strength than lifting 400 lbs. without straps.

              • 9 months ago

                600 is way more impressive than 400 tbh.

              • 9 months ago


                >You're the one who thinks deadlifting 600 lbs. with straps is a greater feat of strength than lifting 400 lbs. without straps.
                Here he is bros. I found him, the ultimate moron.

                Are trying to lift the maximum amount of weight you can for a competition or to post on Instagram? Then use all the gear you want and all the shit leverage and zero ROM stances. It's the point of the sport to lift as much as you can however you can. Are you isolating your back and ass? Use straps. Are you trying to get stronger and more robust in general? Don't use straps or belts or sleeves. You'll train greater motor units in your whole body if you work with a good intensity and RPE instead of 'muh 1RM %' But you're a noob newbie who doesn't know a thing about basic kinesiology or lifting.

                It's such a basic thing. If it's too hard to pick up and lift, keep trying with slightly less weight until you adapt and are able to lift it with greater ease. Weight is just variation. Intensity is what matters.

              • 9 months ago

                >Weight is just variation.
                >is just
                Yore the biggest most dumbest gorrilla Black person moron this board has ever seen.
                Not once have you backed up any of your moronic claims that goes against decades of experienced lifters including myself. Post your heavy dead lift without straps or shut the frick up.

              • 9 months ago

                Weight is literally just variation. Just like how reps, sets, rest time, tempo and different exercises are variation. The amount of weight is variation. You're such fricking novice it's embarrassing.

                Here's an incredibly simple, easy question:

                What causes strength adaptation:

              • 9 months ago

                >Weight is literally just variation
                >I keep saying moronic shit so its true
                >It just is ok!!

              • 9 months ago

                You are, without a single doubt in my head, the most moronic and apathetic person I've ever had the displeasure of writing to on this website.

                Davis's law

                >Davis's law is used in anatomy and physiology to describe how soft tissue models along imposed demands. It is similar to Wolff's law, which applies to osseous tissue. It is a physiological principle stating that soft tissue heal according to the manner in which they are mechanically stressed.

                Can you even eat or drink without an IV drip?

              • 9 months ago

                >still hasnt posted a single heavy deadlift without straps to back up his larp
                >posts some academic gobilty asiatic
                >see heres proof
                So you are absolutely full of shit with no real world expierience.

              • 9 months ago

                Bruh I can pick up 400lbs with my elbows

              • 9 months ago

                these don't look like elbows to me

              • 9 months ago

                >You're the one who thinks deadlifting 600 lbs. with straps is a greater feat of strength than lifting 400 lbs. without straps.
                Here he is bros. I found him, the ultimate moron.

              • 9 months ago

                >You're the one who thinks deadlifting 600 lbs. with straps is a greater feat of strength than lifting 400 lbs. without straps.
                Go ahead and post your lift. We all wanna see you make a 400 pound dl lift look like a greater feat than a 600 pound dl.

              • 9 months ago

                I can't, I already lifted yesterday. Why don't you? I'm not the only one with a barbell. Post strapless 400.

                >still hasnt posted a single heavy deadlift without straps to back up his larp
                >posts some academic gobilty asiatic
                >see heres proof
                So you are absolutely full of shit with no real world expierience.

                >Gobilty asiatic
                >Literally the single most basic law of muscle growth
                You're just a Black person, that is all. I feel bad for your caretakers.

              • 9 months ago

                >Post strapless 400
                You do know 4pl8 is 405?

              • 9 months ago

                Then 405, whatever


                >Literally the single most basic law of muscle growth


              • 9 months ago

                >Then 405, whatever
                Mr larp'n Black person
                You would think someone as experienced as yoreself who worked his way to 4pl8 strapless dead would know what 4pl8 weighs.. maybe some academic has wrote a paper on how to fuking add up the weight on your bar.

              • 9 months ago

                I just say 400 cause it's an exact number. Just like when you say 200 before you set your PR.

              • 9 months ago

                >I just say
                Oh naaw turbo Black person. Yore larp has been exposed so many times in this thread. Pls continue with the Ls. Ive thourghly enjoyed busting yore shit up. You dont lift.
                Another moronic dyel number.

              • 9 months ago

                You can not deadlift over 400 lbs. You have coped so much and seethed so hard and have so little to rationalize any of it.

              • 9 months ago

                >doubles down again on larp
                Post yourself in any excersize, lifting anything. Prove yore not a larp'n Black person for once in this entire thread.

              • 9 months ago

                No. Find me a reason to lift with straps.

              • 9 months ago

                >Literally the single most basic law of muscle growth

              • 9 months ago

                Homie is trolling and the nigs are eating it up.

  7. 9 months ago

    Just use chalk before you use straps, and don't get lazy and use straps for lower weights than you absolutely need to. And while you're at it, train your grip directly with deadhangs and farmer's walks.

  8. 9 months ago

    >what about about my grip?
    Congratulations, you have discovered the purpose of assistance exercises

  9. 9 months ago

    Who cares?
    If the weakest link in your deadlift is your grip then training deadlifts will improve your grip.
    The weakest link in my back squat is my quads, I'm not gonna replace them with hip thrusts because I'm "leaving glute gains on the table". Just add in accessories for the muscles that weren't trained to failure.

  10. 9 months ago

    What ground do you have to stand on when saying you should use straps when lifting for strength and strength alone? If the whole purpose of lifting and exercise is to literally get gud, what the frick are you doing giving yourself crutches to lift more weight? How are you going to say the guy lifting with straps is stronger than the one who isn't? Has IST's gone bananas?

  11. 9 months ago

    Straps are cringe and gay. Simple as

  12. 9 months ago

    Is that lulu

  13. 9 months ago

    I deadlift 5 plates and I never use straps. I hate people who say stupid shit like
    >if you don’t use straps you’re leaving gains on the table
    No, if you don’t use straps YOU are leaving gains on the table. Not me. My grip strength is elite. Idk why but griplets piss me off.

    • 9 months ago

      >I deadlift 5 plates and I never use straps
      Post dead lift

      • 9 months ago

        Bro you're so mind broken by people with stronger grips that you NEED to see proof of any existence of it. Here, watch these:




        • 9 months ago

          >still hasnt proved he actually lifts
          Cool more larp.
          Post some more studies and other people who lift.

          • 9 months ago

            Why would I take such an interest in lifting if I didn't myself lift. Are you that delusional? Do you believe you're the only person on this website who lifts?

            • 9 months ago

              Its real simple you idiot. Having more weight on the bar will always make you stronger than the guy who has less. This is an absolute fact. And no study or youtube video is going to turn reality into your delusion. So when you make claim other wise, youre expected to back up your claim. If this is too much to ask of you, then youre either full of shit or a complete larper.

              • 9 months ago

                You know why having more weight on the bar makes you stronger? Because it's variation to cause more stress. What are you not getting?
                >will always make you stronger than the guy who has less
                Not necessarily, just because you can hit a 1RM with 415 while the other guy can do a 3RM 410 doesn't mean the 415 guy is stronger. It just means he lifted more weight. You are not understanding the single, most fundamental part of strength training and getting stronger. Stress.

                Listen to me, you fantastic moron. You're body can't count, it can't understand 4pl8 vs 4.5pl8 or even 100 lbs. It just knows stress. If you're hitting and RPE of 10, literally almost blacking out trying to lift 415 even with straps and lifting gear. You're not stronger than you were before. Shit sucks man I know, but you need to understand this.

                Are you just a powerlifter?

              • 9 months ago

                Now I'm fricking up the 'you're' and 'your' thing, God dammit.

              • 9 months ago

                >Not necessarily
                Stopped reading there. The only thing that matters is the weight on the bar.

              • 9 months ago

                Why don't you just do your 1RM all the time? Just get into the widest sumo stance possible with the thickest boat rope straps and fattest leather lifting belt, wearing the most elastic suit possible. And lift the bar up to a regulation standard 2/100 of an inch off the ground. You'll really showcase how strong you are.

              • 9 months ago

                >goes full turbo sperg
                We are talking about straps on a conventional deadlift regarding opie. The only thing that matters is putting more weight on the bar in this context larping homosexual.

              • 9 months ago

                What's the context? Lifting for a competition or lifting to get stronger?

              • 9 months ago

                >What's the context?
                The OP you dumb Black person.
                >Lifting for a competition or lifting to get stronger?
                Either way both those are the same you pants on head drooling moron because your goal is to always put more weight on the bar. Post more studies and other people lifting.

              • 9 months ago

                >powerlifting and strength training is the same because they both use a barbell
                homie, I can't work with you anymore. If you were in a triage I would declare you 'EXPECTANT.' You have surpassed my expectations on how moronic a person can become. Can I ask you something, why don't you just lift your 1 RM? Just keep doing your 1 RM Every single day since that's how you get strong is by having a bunch of weight on the bar. Nothing else matters, not technique or ROM or actually holding onto the bar just if you have 2.5 lbs. more than before.

                OP, if you're still in this blow out of a thread, don't use straps. If you really, really, REALLY want to use them. At least use them when your grip has completely given out and you firmly believe you can keep going with your other muscles. But, if you're lifting properly and using proper intensity for the weight you shouldn't run into this problem.

        • 9 months ago
    • 9 months ago

      >you’re leaving gains on the table
      This always boggled my mind. How the frick are you 'leaving gains on the table' if you're using more muscle to lift the weight? As well as improving your form and ability to lift heavy weight by using the same weight over a greater amount of time.

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