Stretches to Heal Lower Back Injury after Deadlifting

I was deadlifting and all was well. I did 315lbs, 405lbs, 455lbs and was back in the middle of my 405lbs set when something distracted me and I lost the tension in my abdomen/lower back.

Immediately, I felt sharp pain and I have been walking poorly, unable to bend down, and if I am not careful, it feels like a pinching nerve like pain with the slightest movement.

I have been doing lower back stretches, back hyper extensions, and simple dead hangs along with a normal routine that avoids unnecessary spine work (no standing OHP, bent over rows, or deadlifts).

If anyone can help, that’d be great. I am seriously considering a chiropractor but they injure people constantly so I’m reluctant. The pain seems exacerbated by prolonged sitting for work. I don’t think this is as serious as a slipped disc, but it feels like 1/10th of that condition.

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  1. 9 months ago

    You're fricked.
    You will have to get used to it.
    Stretches are not a magic cure all.
    Now: Lay on your back, close to the edge of whatever you're laying on. Bend the knee on the far side from the edge, bring it up so you have hip and knee bent 90 degrees. Bring it over the opposite knee and down past the edge of whatever youre lying on. Resist the torque with xour shoulders, get the knee really low down there. The point is to twist xour torso. Do the same for both sides no less than 2 minutes a day for each side.

    • 9 months ago

      I'm gonna disregard the first two sentences and thanks be for the stretch recommendation. I do this stretch and it is not having the same effect as in the past for healing this.

      Same exact thing happened to me a couple weeks ago. Try putting a towel or pillow or something behind your low back when you sit to keep your spine in extension. Then look up 'Cobra pose' as a rehab exercise. Skip the chiro, but you might want to go to a physical therapist.

      You more than likely pulled whatever muscle/ ligament in your back is hurting. Stretching it will lengthen the recovery process. You need to alternatively ice and heat the area when possible, and let your shit heal. Don't go to a chiro, they can only pop joints, and even good ones just "adjust" your bones or whatever horseshit. If you really need 3rd party help seek out a physical therapist or someone else who went to actual medical school. If you sit for long periods at work stand whenever possible. If you have your own office lie on the floor when nobody is around.

      Ok, thanks.

      A lot of times people feel pain in their lower back and they think they need to stretch the lower back, but they are actually making it worse because what's happening is the hamstrings are pulling on the lower back creating tightness.

      Interesting, thanks.

      I started a little routine with Dead Bugs, side lying leg lifts or whatever they're called and glute bridges. Dunno if it helps much but there is just too much information out there. It could be weak glutes, hamstrings or lower back. Everyone has different talking points.
      The only thing that really helps immediately is walking. As you said, sitting is the worst.
      Month 4 of 5x5 gg

      I've been riding the stationary bicycle to see if that can help with correcting the disc/compression.

      I agree with the previous comments on skip the chiro. I also tweaked my back doing deads and then subsequently squats. I went to the chiro for 8 months and I still have an issue with my lower back.

      Thanks for confirming my aversion. My fear stems from a lawsuit.

    • 9 months ago

      you busted a disc, you'll always feel it to some extent
      your best bet is to stop doing conventional squats and dls (squats seem to irritate this injury more though), they don't give you much anyway and tend to produce these kinds of life long injuries
      it will never fully heal

      • 9 months ago


  2. 9 months ago

    Same exact thing happened to me a couple weeks ago. Try putting a towel or pillow or something behind your low back when you sit to keep your spine in extension. Then look up 'Cobra pose' as a rehab exercise. Skip the chiro, but you might want to go to a physical therapist.

  3. 9 months ago

    You more than likely pulled whatever muscle/ ligament in your back is hurting. Stretching it will lengthen the recovery process. You need to alternatively ice and heat the area when possible, and let your shit heal. Don't go to a chiro, they can only pop joints, and even good ones just "adjust" your bones or whatever horseshit. If you really need 3rd party help seek out a physical therapist or someone else who went to actual medical school. If you sit for long periods at work stand whenever possible. If you have your own office lie on the floor when nobody is around.

  4. 9 months ago

    I wonder what her butthole smells like

    • 9 months ago


  5. 9 months ago

    A lot of times people feel pain in their lower back and they think they need to stretch the lower back, but they are actually making it worse because what's happening is the hamstrings are pulling on the lower back creating tightness.

  6. 9 months ago

    the onlyfans watermark is missing

  7. 9 months ago

    haha we memed another one

  8. 9 months ago

    I started a little routine with Dead Bugs, side lying leg lifts or whatever they're called and glute bridges. Dunno if it helps much but there is just too much information out there. It could be weak glutes, hamstrings or lower back. Everyone has different talking points.
    The only thing that really helps immediately is walking. As you said, sitting is the worst.
    Month 4 of 5x5 gg

  9. 9 months ago

    I agree with the previous comments on skip the chiro. I also tweaked my back doing deads and then subsequently squats. I went to the chiro for 8 months and I still have an issue with my lower back.

  10. 9 months ago

    Similar thing happen to me yesterday. Already went to chiro. Now just need a few days for inflammation to go down and everything to get back in place and will hopefully be alright soon. Has happened before.

  11. 9 months ago

    You don't stretch your lower back, anon. It's not supposed to be flexible. Stretch your hips and hams if you must. If you tweaked a disc, which is highly possible, the last thing you want to do is try to stretch it.

  12. 9 months ago

    What helped me were machine hip adductors/abductors (maintain STRICT posture, no cheating, only thighs should do the movements), lay with your legs at 90º for 5 seconds then slowly control them down and up, horse kickbacks, RDLs, single leg DLs and SLDLs.
    If you truly fricked up, there's no going back. You have to be mindful of your posture at all times and HINGE at your hips if you need to go down.
    It sucks but you'll have to give up on DLs for a while or do them with severely lowered weight.

    If you ever feel anything, stop immediately, slowly go back to neutral, brace and then retry. Even if it's just picking up your keys from the floor.

    You should create the habit of squatting to pick things up.

    Do not go to a chiropractor. Either find a deep tissue massagist or, better yet, a physiotherapist to teach you how to move without danger.

    • 9 months ago

      Why do people insist on squatting to pick (light) things up ? Working against almost no resistance other than gravity acting on your upper body is the perfect opportunity to move your back through its ROM. Why try to get even stiffer after injury ?

      • 9 months ago

        If you ever had that kind of back pain, you would know why.
        After a stint with lower back pain, I thought it was fine after an entire of no pain at all. Running, and gymming, all movements were OK.
        Crunched over to pick up my dog's toy.
        One millimetre on the way up: one of the worst pains I've ever felt shot from my back. Had to stay hunched over for 30 seconds before SLOWLY being able to stand upright.
        It took me 3 minutes to move back in my home because I didn't want to walk on all fours on the street. Once inside, I still had to walk up the stairs. So I sat on my couch waiting for it calm down.
        It didn't.
        Walking on all fours, I went up the stairs so I could get any medicine for the pain. Any torsal movement at all triggered it.
        On my knees, I had to brace my core and stiffen my upper body so I could get the meds.
        Three hours later, it only marginally got better.
        Had to wait for someone to get home so they could drive me to the hospital.

        Two muscle relaxant injections and two weeks later, I still feel it and it made me afraid of that pain and getting that immobile again. While wearing my shoes, it shot up again and for a few minutes I couldn't move right.

        It is not the kind of pain you're thinking it is.

    • 9 months ago

      Thanks, I’ll try the kickbacks. You’re right, picking things up off the floor can be grueling lately.

      you busted a disc, you'll always feel it to some extent
      your best bet is to stop doing conventional squats and dls (squats seem to irritate this injury more though), they don't give you much anyway and tend to produce these kinds of life long injuries
      it will never fully heal

      I’ve had this before and healed it but I can’t find the video I used/stretch routine of this Russian guy in a red shirt showing how to cure lower back pain after deadlifting instantly.

      Stretches won't cure it. You just need to avoid reinjuring it and it will heal.
      Also, never do the thing you did in the first place, there's no reason to go heavier than your back can handle.

      That was the point of giving the numbers, I actually had the injury at less than my 1RM.

      But yeah, I basically tried to test myself, did 3 x 10 of 100lb dumbbell rows and one rep of 225lbs deadlift. It was excruciating.

  13. 9 months ago

    Stretches won't cure it. You just need to avoid reinjuring it and it will heal.
    Also, never do the thing you did in the first place, there's no reason to go heavier than your back can handle.

    • 9 months ago

      What if the weight was really low? OP did 400+ while I'm at 120 lol. Just quit DL altogether at this low point?

      • 9 months ago

        DLs are really fricking great but the risk of injury without proper form is there. You have many examples of people DLing 400, 500, 600, 700, 800, 900+ without injury but if are afraid, don't do it.
        Switch to good mornings, back extensions, RDLs, SLDLs, single leg DLs and nordic curls.

        • 9 months ago

          All those exercises just to mimic a fraction of my power

  14. 9 months ago

    >gymrat moron ruins his back permanently
    Hate to see it (not)

  15. 9 months ago

    McGill big 3 obviously
    Lesser known but effective exercise: sciatica flossing; always gives me quick relief
    Decompress your spine every chance you get. The most obvious way is a dead hang. Concentrate on relaxing everything below the shoulder. It's easier to do the same on a dip station. One more effective thing I've instinctively improvised is sitting on a (suitable) armchair, bending your calves at the knee under the chair, trapping them, and pushing yourself up with your arm, actively relaxing your core. When this produces crackles in the lumbar vertebrae, I feel deep relief. Then GENTLY put your weight back, engaging the core. As I literally made that last one up, try at your own risk, but it feels so right to me. Granted, the underside and the arms of the chair needs to be a good height

  16. 9 months ago

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