Suicidal from work. And life I guess

Feel like I'm in a black hole. I just, can't see way out. It's all so painful.. I don't feel it anymore. I just want to die. I feel so confused . I can't think straight.

It all came so suddenly. It's like my mind started suddenly breaking down. I feel half comatose. Im dying

What's the point.

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  1. 9 months ago

    not fitness related

    • 9 months ago

      Sorry. I just didn't know where to post it. And the guys here seem the most helpful. Sorry

    • 9 months ago

      It couldn't be more fitness related?
      Mental fitness.

      • 9 months ago

        Guts got buckbroke by Griffith in the last chapters. Feels bad man

  2. 9 months ago

    stop all drugs, drink water and take HOT shower.
    lmao quit your job even if it means homelessness. do the above, eat a balanced non-gs food diet and sleep 10 hours a day, for a month, then come back to tell me if you still want to an hero. don't be a laugh stock for the bignosed ones in hell

    • 9 months ago

      check these digits

    • 9 months ago

      Honestly thanks for the advice. That's pretty based.
      I understand. I was thinking of quitting and I do think it's a valid route. It's avolry route.
      At the very least I have recovered and can think more clearly now. I don't be killing myself at least not yet. I'm just gonna be much more ... Laxx. Relaxed. If I get fired I get fired. Live and let die....

      But I also really need to like, grow up maybe. Why is that kids in africa can walk hours for water. But me, a comfy white boi going to my office job is somehow worse than death for no real reason. I'm just too weak.
      I'm just too weak. Much too weak. Im sick of it. I'm sick of caving in to the world.

      • 9 months ago

        Maybe try camping or le outdoor survival sometime. You sound like the type that needs it.

      • 9 months ago

        >I was thinking of quitting.
        So you were doing drugs.. the thing that directly affects and fricks the pleasure system in the brain. And you want it to blame it on other things?
        How fricking stupid are you? Have you googled the effect of drugs? Like, I dabble with them some times but I try play it on the safe side. Morons like you with 0 discipline that come looking for pitty piss me off. If you want to unfrick yourself you're going to have to suffer, be a man, accept your fate, push through and try come out a better person.
        >I've had a difficult childhood
        >My past trauma
        man the frick up

  3. 9 months ago

    Felt the same, then started walking for 2-3 hours every day in addition to lifting.
    Somewhere along the line regained clear internal monologue, started closing browser tabs, it took months.
    Figured out what I want and don't want out of my life, saved up a bit and quit my job.
    Now after a month of sleeping 10h a night, lifting 6x a week, eating good food and MOST importantly, pursuing my goals for 2-3 hours per day (not much but the time is rising), I feel alive, like when I was a kid 10 years ago, before I died mentally and lost 30iq points.
    Best of luck op.

    • 9 months ago

      Oh god..thank you. Screen shoted This is the advice I needed.its something that I know is true inside. Like my soul knows this is what I need. Truthfully I always knew deep down, but I just neglected my self, my soul, and let myself either away as I played games at home after work.

      Games are worse than drugs sometimes

  4. 9 months ago

    What kind of job? If you're all day indoors sitting on a desk consider a change of career.

    • 9 months ago

      Wrong, wfh or office software/IT jobs are the best jobs in existence

      • 9 months ago

        Shut the frick up nerd.

      • 9 months ago

        Fricking this. I'm a project manager and make 6 figures working from home. I get to lift and do cardio in the middle of the day. Shit's cash.

        • 9 months ago

          Wish I was smart enough to be an engineering project manager like everyone on fit is

  5. 9 months ago


    Shut the frick up you


    dumb nerd, this is a chad board.
    My job was in IT, wfh 4 days a week, picturesque IT onions office and smart reddit tier colleagues, even some qts. I wanted to kms, felt castrated, impotent. Aids'd by stupid nerd autism problems.
    Don't let them gaslight you OP, once again, good luck

    • 9 months ago

      what do you do now?

      • 9 months ago

        Nothing, have a year's worth saved up. Studying Japanese for 3 hours and gonna ramp that up to 6-7h to pass the N1(highest lvl) exam in June. Then Imma get a scholarship and do my master's in Jp.
        1. I'm really good at languages and not at STEM, I stopped lying to myself
        2. That sounds like a fricking adventure man, even if I fail, it'll be something to remember
        3. It was revealed to me on a walk, a magnetic pull, a calling, a compulsion

        Maybe your dream will be practical, but I couldn't give a frick about anything else right now except for this and lifting.

        • 9 months ago

          nice man, living an honest life like that is surprisingly rare from what ive seen

        • 9 months ago

          Every time

        • 9 months ago

          what a waste of fricking time lmao how is learning chingchong going to make your life any better you poor b***h

          • 9 months ago

            Every time

            Ahahaha, I just know that something good is gonna happen.

            And if not, being poor is gonna be a fricking blast. What's the worst that can happen. You're performing well at your job, right anon? Surely they would take you back no questions asked
            Unless you're a druggie or severely mentally ill, it's impossible to starve.

            • 9 months ago

              "I just know something good is going to happen"
              No one is going to pay you to speak japanese you mentally ill anime Black person

              • 9 months ago

                So what, I'll work at a convenience store for years if I have to. We are not the same tho, I'll learn something else next year if I have to, just like I did to get this job.
                Just shared my experience to help OP. Advise him against this if you think it's wrong.

              • 9 months ago


            • 9 months ago

              you're right but people are going to hate you for it. do not listen

  6. 9 months ago

    Stop jerking off and watching porn for 3 months. Thank me later

  7. 9 months ago

    Its cuz ur ugly. Good looking people enjoy everything because its always a positive experiwnce

  8. 9 months ago

    me too man, idk how people do this for their entire life.

  9. 9 months ago

    kiss girl

  10. 9 months ago

    This has been me lately. I have been on antidepressants and they work well, but then times get stressful at work and I feel like I want to maul someone or an hero.

    Understanding that it starts with work, and that I usually hate it, I have come to the understanding that I will change jobs.
    How else will I know if it's any better anywhere else?

  11. 9 months ago

    i was like this a year ago. my new career unironically saved my life. i was going to kms.
    then i decided to hunker down and get 4-5 certifications to be qualified to work on a cargo ship out in the ocean. life's kinda sweet now. i get to see the world and get tons of time off. if i had to work in an office i would blow my brains out
    anyway i dunno. career change maybe?

    • 9 months ago

      What type of certs did you get? I interviewed with this shipping agency that would help me get a TWIC card. what else helps with global type jobs

  12. 9 months ago

    dumb washizuposter

  13. 9 months ago

    Wanting to have a nice day just means you're weak and impatient. You will die anyway, embrace the suffering until your natural demise. Probably almost half way there anyway. Who is to say things will be resolved when you're dead?

  14. 9 months ago

    Questions: Are you American? Are you white? How old are you?

  15. 9 months ago

    Hey OP check out this guy. Has nothing to do with your problem though lol.

  16. 9 months ago

    OP I need you to trust me when I say this. The solution is to buy as much of any psychedelic you want (LSD DMT toad poison you got from a injun doesn't matter) and get as much as possible I'm talking literally as much as you can get your hands on. Take it all at once. There's no need to take more after it or use it regularly you just have to have do this once. I won't tell you why this works cause they will reveal themselves to you in due time.

    • 9 months ago

      Psychs can frick some people up

    • 9 months ago

      what do you expect OP will get out of it?

  17. 9 months ago

    I feel the exact same way. I have a completely pathetic job. I've ruined my entire life at it I commute to it, basically do nothing all day, then leave. Going to it literally makes me want to kill myself. I wasted and ruined all of my 20s and first few years of my 30s now at it. I am terrified of leaving it because I'm such a worthless, skill-less moron that if I leave I'll probably never get another job. I'm terrified of the thought of doing a job interview and having to explain what I've done there for my entire life. Taking the subway every day and seeing all the normal people going to real and professional jobs/careers where they actually have responsibilities and can be proud of their career and do normal adult things makes me so depressed and miserable.

    But getting a good job or career won't even help me or make me happy. I'm such a complete and utter loser in the rest of my life with no goals or aspirations anyway that there's no point. At this point it's hard enough just restraining myself from jumping in front of one of the trains that picks me up every day.

    • 9 months ago

      How tragic, you get paid to do nothing. Try working in the sun 8 hours a day on your knees carrying heavy shit and working with a bunch of fat alcoholic boomers and beaners. Yeah, tell me more how hard your office job is.

  18. 9 months ago

    Don’t have a nice day. Suicide is not the answer to your problems.

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