Sunday night feels

The bar is open.
What bothers you, anon?
What is something that you need to get off of your chest?
Are you okay?

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Homeless People Are Sexy Shirt $21.68

Black Rifle Cuck Company, Conservative Humor Shirt $21.68

Homeless People Are Sexy Shirt $21.68

  1. 7 months ago

    i'm struggling to figure out a good weekly workout routine. i'm no longer obese but i'm not fit, and it was easy when all i had to do was eat less and walk more but now that i'm a healthy weight, i want to be stronger and leaner. i just don't know where to start and i'm too pussy to go to the gym and ask people for help

    • 7 months ago

      Exercise Sets x Reps
      Bench Press 5x5-8
      Incline Dumbbell press 3x8-10-failure
      Pec Deck 3x10-12
      Dips 3x8-10-failure
      Skull Crushers or Tricep Extension 3x10-12
      Tricep Pushdowns 3x10-12
      Total sets: 20
      Exercise Sets x Reps
      Squats 4x6-8
      RDL 3x8-10
      Leg Curls 3x10-12-failure
      Leg Extension 3x10-12-failure
      Calf Raises 4x12-15
      Planks 3x60 seconds
      Russian Twists 3x16
      Total sets: 23
      Exercise Sets x Reps
      Deadlift* 3x5
      Pull-Ups / Lat Pulldowns 4x8-10
      Rows 3x8-10
      Face Pulls 3x12-15
      Barbell Curls 3x8-10
      Hammer Curls 3x10-12
      Total sets: 19
      Exercise Sets x Reps
      Military Press 3x8-10
      Lateral Raises 3x12-15
      Face Pulls 3x12-15
      Shrugs 3x10-12
      Planks 3x60 seconds
      Russian Twists 3x16
      Total sets: 18
      *Every other week

  2. 7 months ago

    In a strange pickle:

    On the 1 hand I'm becoming more comfortable with my sexuality and the types of women I'd actually want to be serious/casual with. On the other, I want to do NoFap for max energy. Yet I still have no place to put that energy. Nothing. I just enjoy relaxing and doing the bare minimum. I have a good job, good face, good body, and a good number of sexual partners. I have no real end goal other than frick around with something until it bores me. Right now it's reading a nutrition book I found in the office. After that? IDK. I've always escaped into vidya to give me objectives on what to do. Now that vidya no longer interests me, I feel lost.

    • 7 months ago

      > and a good number of sexual partners
      Nice bro I have 5 right now each with their own weekday for sex. I keep my weekends open

      • 7 months ago

        Good times. I wish I had that motivation again to fool around but it becomes too much to manage.

    • 7 months ago

      > and a good number of sexual partners
      Nice bro I have 5 right now each with their own weekday for sex. I keep my weekends open

      Good times. I wish I had that motivation again to fool around but it becomes too much to manage.

      life sounds so hard for you.

      • 7 months ago

        If it makes you feel better, I was LARPing.

      • 7 months ago

        If it makes you feel better, I was LARPing.

        I was not.

    • 7 months ago

      frick the christ cucks, try mma or just boxing on your free days, great form of cardio and it just costs 40 bucks for some gloves and hand wraps. read some books, freely research gut health and foos quality and improve your well being and recovery. dial everything down in your current lifestyle to a T first and then expand to other hobbies

  3. 7 months ago

    >went to mass(catholic)
    >priest goes off about dindu 3rd world migrants and how we must welcome them into our countries (Europe/America) because they are so poor
    >I get up and and leave.

    I'm done with the Vatican II mass. The marxist globo homosexual has completely infiltrated the church.

    • 7 months ago

      Well... that IS pretty much what Jesus taught, isn't it?

      Reject Christianity, you know it makes sense.

      • 7 months ago

        >Jesus preached that the white man must disown his possessions and let bix noods rape his wives and daughters
        Yes this is completely true and not at all atheistic homosexualry projecting itself
        Vatican II is still heretical tho

        • 7 months ago

          Nta but I had a professor in college randomly go off course subject for a single class and start telling us how 9/11 was an inside job and all this shit about the moon landing being faked and king story short he ended it by saying churches are the biggest scams in the world and how a church goes against everything Jesus represented/goes against God.

          Lately I’ve been getting back in touch with religion, slowly. But that thing that professor said I don’t understand and can’t find anything about it. I’ve found some evidence suggesting the Bible supports church but I really don’t know. Is it true? Are we meant to worship God in our home and daily life without having to attend church? What does God want?

          • 7 months ago

            Also not the guy you responded to
            My take is that church is a good way to pass down the traditions and "feel" of Christianity. Things that have been present since essentially the beginning, and given the success of the religion, are probably good ideas.
            Personally I don't like saying much one way or another just cause it's an important decision and I'm certainly not an authority
            That being said it's always important to remember Jesus was clear as can be on what's most important.
            Love God
            Love your neighbor

            How best to do that and what else to focus on is up for discussion. But as long as you're working on those two you can't be too far off the mark

            • 7 months ago

              >Love your neighbor
              I think this is my main aversion to it. This anons


              >went to mass(catholic)
              >priest goes off about dindu 3rd world migrants and how we must welcome them into our countries (Europe/America) because they are so poor
              >I get up and and leave.

              I'm done with the Vatican II mass. The marxist globo homosexual has completely infiltrated the church.

              experience is kind of messed up. How am I supposed to be understanding and welcoming, loving towards people who are undoubtedly a problem?

              This convo will end up getting too political if it keeps up, like how I’d be ostracized for pointing out this fact that bringing migrants to a country is often a bad idea or the hypocrisy that I should be supportive of that idea while the world gives moral support to Israel in its war against Palestine but countries full of people that look and act like me have to welcome these people who openly hate us… I’m getting too political, you see my point..

              My point is it’s frustrating. I don’t think I CAN do that. Not for everyone. Individuals who I know to be good people from my interactions with them, sure. But I can’t LOVE or have any positive emotion about the idea of certain groups of people who have repeatedly proven to be unworthy of my love.

              • 7 months ago

                I get it, in a sense when you're starting from the perspective that God is literally perfect then it should be easy to love him
                But humans aren't perfect, none of us.
                Humans messed this world up and at some point we're all the bad guys in someone else's story. At the same time my bad isn't anywhere near as bad as a murderer’s right?
                My take is obviously you shouldn't support a violent murderer, but you can still approach the guy who did it from a point of love instead of blind rage.
                Blind rage is how people become murderers after all.
                The Bible has tons of examples of just punishment, love doesn't have to mean squishy let people run all over you.

                It's not easy, but He said it was important.
                Honestly I figure Mister Rogers is one of the best examples in modern times of someone who really dove into the love your neighbor aspect in a respectful but not just let people do whatever way. He focused on making people better, whoever that person was.
                Anyway, have a good one neighbor, I hope we find our answers

              • 7 months ago

                Hmmm… I wonder if I can be against the idea of sheltering these migrants, but show them love by hoping and even praying their countries (and by extension their people and communities) get fixed so that they dont want to leave anymore and bring any BS over to ours.. I feel like that’s the closest I could get.

              • 7 months ago

                I feel you anon. I do.
                >Love your neighbor
                Well, Muslims and 3rd worlders are not our neighbors. They are the enemy.
                I mean, my country, Portugal, was founded upon the Crusades, by removing kebab from the Iberian Peninsula. Should've been a lesson for these cucks.

                Well... that IS pretty much what Jesus taught, isn't it?

                Reject Christianity, you know it makes sense.

                No, not really anon.
                >Acts 17:26
                >From one man he made all the nations, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and he marked out their appointed times in history and the boundaries of their lands.
                Jesus told us to be merciful and forgiving, not dumb. Thus the crusades.

                Have you tried a St. Pius X Catholic Church? I hear they like things pre-Vatican 2.
                Similarly burger Lutherans, your ELCA is fricking globohomosexual cancer.

                >Have you tried a St. Pius X Catholic Church?
                Yes, I just went to one of their mass for the first time. The women were covered. There were more young people than at my other normie parish. Unreal. I'll definitely go again.

                Either become Traditionalist Catholic or become Orthodox.

                absolutely, might try orthodox.

              • 7 months ago

                >I feel you anon. I do.
                >Love your neighbor
                >Well, Muslims and 3rd worlders are not our neighbors. They are the enemy.
                >I mean, my country, Portugal, was founded upon the Crusades, by removing kebab from the Iberian Peninsula.
                That’s the thing though… I don’t think neighbor means literally the guy in the house next to yours. Neighbor could be as Oregon is to washing, or as Italy is to Switzerland, or even as America is Asia. We’re all on this same planet.

                The issue I have is how in the frick am I supposed to LOVE or feel anything but abhorrence and hatred towards some of these people. FFS look at Switzerland. Look at these once great white European countries that are sheltering and taking in these Black folk and camel jockeys. They’ve showed them love and often these people spit on them in return. They openly hate the countries and people, they bring crime, they frick everything up, depending on country it even directly makes it’s native people suffer via taxes to lend them financial aid. And in return they what? Make the country their home and adopt its traditions, assimilate and help better the country? Frick no. Sure some of them may chill and just kind of be there, there will even occasionally be one who embraces that country and actually does that. But most of them just bite the hand that feeds, and the most fricked up part is you or I would lose our jobs and be socially shamed for speaking up about this plain and clear reality.
                >next door neighbors house floods so you let him crash on your couch for a few weeks
                >he starts voicing how much he hates your house, continually violates any rules you have like your AC can’t go out a certain range without breaking/raising the bill, tracks mud inside, pisses on the floor, and then let’s your dog out while you’re at work so it runs away
                >you get pissed off
                >Wow omg I can’t believe you’re beating up on a guy who’s house flooded I’m telling all the neighbors about you

              • 7 months ago


                I feel you anon. I do.
                >Love your neighbor
                Well, Muslims and 3rd worlders are not our neighbors. They are the enemy.
                I mean, my country, Portugal, was founded upon the Crusades, by removing kebab from the Iberian Peninsula. Should've been a lesson for these cucks.
                No, not really anon.
                >Acts 17:26
                >From one man he made all the nations, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and he marked out their appointed times in history and the boundaries of their lands.
                Jesus told us to be merciful and forgiving, not dumb. Thus the crusades.
                >Have you tried a St. Pius X Catholic Church?
                Yes, I just went to one of their mass for the first time. The women were covered. There were more young people than at my other normie parish. Unreal. I'll definitely go again.

                absolutely, might try orthodox.

                Oh I forget to include it but the point with the flooded house example: you’re not ever going to want to interact with or help that neighbor again. You wouldn’t even let him borrow lawn equipment and if you did you’d be paranoid it either goes missing or comes back broken. Helping him again after that shit, that’s basically asking for everything he pulled last time to happen again.

                And the most ironic part, we don’t do that if we go into their “house”. We respect it and the people. And any hate they show to us is allowed and somehow justified.

                This is why I’m hung up on “love thy neighbor”. I just genuinely don’t think I am capable of doing so the way things are right now. We need crusades again.

              • 7 months ago

                >I feel you anon. I do.
                >Love your neighbor
                >Well, Muslims and 3rd worlders are not our neighbors. They are the enemy.
                >I mean, my country, Portugal, was founded upon the Crusades, by removing kebab from the Iberian Peninsula.
                That’s the thing though… I don’t think neighbor means literally the guy in the house next to yours. Neighbor could be as Oregon is to washing, or as Italy is to Switzerland, or even as America is Asia. We’re all on this same planet.

                The issue I have is how in the frick am I supposed to LOVE or feel anything but abhorrence and hatred towards some of these people. FFS look at Switzerland. Look at these once great white European countries that are sheltering and taking in these Black folk and camel jockeys. They’ve showed them love and often these people spit on them in return. They openly hate the countries and people, they bring crime, they frick everything up, depending on country it even directly makes it’s native people suffer via taxes to lend them financial aid. And in return they what? Make the country their home and adopt its traditions, assimilate and help better the country? Frick no. Sure some of them may chill and just kind of be there, there will even occasionally be one who embraces that country and actually does that. But most of them just bite the hand that feeds, and the most fricked up part is you or I would lose our jobs and be socially shamed for speaking up about this plain and clear reality.
                >next door neighbors house floods so you let him crash on your couch for a few weeks
                >he starts voicing how much he hates your house, continually violates any rules you have like your AC can’t go out a certain range without breaking/raising the bill, tracks mud inside, pisses on the floor, and then let’s your dog out while you’re at work so it runs away
                >you get pissed off
                >Wow omg I can’t believe you’re beating up on a guy who’s house flooded I’m telling all the neighbors about you

                I can at most have love from a distance, by which I mean they stay the frick in their country and I hope they do better and things workout for them. But what I can’t do is have any positive emotion at all for them when they’re doing what they are. Because at that point I have to hope things will work out for me and my people.

                I need to actually read the Bible and begin attending church but I really just don’t fricking know where to start, and I worry I won’t find the answers I want. That all I’ll come back with is “yeah they’re barley human but love them anyways while they destroy your country” I don’t want that.

          • 7 months ago

            "God" is a concept that narcissists use to dupe gullible people into doing what they want them to do. When you hear a controlling person talking about what God wants, just replace the word "god" with "I".

            Truth is nobody know what the creator wants for us,and it's unlikely that one entity even cares what we do. It's likely we were created by an unthinking force of nature that's sole motivation is to create, it couldn't care less what we do with our worthless insect lives.

      • 7 months ago

        >that IS pretty much what Jesus taught, isn't it?
        No, not it isn't.

    • 7 months ago

      Have you tried a St. Pius X Catholic Church? I hear they like things pre-Vatican 2.
      Similarly burger Lutherans, your ELCA is fricking globohomosexual cancer.

      • 7 months ago

        Just go orthodox at that point bro.

        We re the true church, the historic one

    • 7 months ago

      Either become Traditionalist Catholic or become Orthodox.

    • 7 months ago

      Abrahamism in a nutshell.

  4. 7 months ago

    back in uni tomorrow after a week off

    • 7 months ago

      uni fricking sucks why did no one tell me that?

      • 7 months ago

        i knew it was going to suck before i even started because im doing a dead-end course but jesus christ its worse than i thought

        • 7 months ago

          For me, the sports/hobby clubs, the gyms, and eating whatever I want make it worth it, but my subject (history) is constantly bogged down by cringe troon shit, and nobody there is a true friend of mine, unlike my school ones. The people here would probably get on my case if I said an edgy joke, for example. I can't really act like myself anymore. My friends aren't here.

    • 7 months ago

      update: i didnt go in because i couldnt be assed

      • 7 months ago

        Anon, I get why you did it, but you will need the social gains with your peers, it's the only way that you will get a good and cozy job unless you are extremely skilled on your career.

      • 7 months ago

        >examining a student's thesis today
        >they didn't show up to their defence
        >they have a piss poor excuse probably fuelled by some zoomer anxiety
        >I have to dock them 5%
        >their marks are now below the threshold for a phd scholarship
        you know those small choices we make? they have big consequences
        at least try the bare minimum

        • 7 months ago

          what subject kek

          • 7 months ago

            medical science, it's a shame too since I go easy on everyone

        • 7 months ago

          i study fricking music
          im literally in the top of my class because i have a decent understanding of FL studio
          all my classes are either some old guy telling us about how great ChatGPT is, a guy talking about noise music and a guy showing us how to use the studio (the only good class)
          thank god i have a manual labor job on the side

    • 7 months ago

      virginia tech?

  5. 7 months ago

    Haven't seen gf since last week cause of busy weeks at work
    Spend each night talking about how we're dying to see each other
    Try to hangout today
    >I'm way behind on chores, how about we hangout Thursday
    Barely going to be able to talk during the week cause going to be busy again

    We're taking a big trip together this weekend so I'm trying to keep cool. Still I'm a bit pissed we live 5 minutes apart and aren't taking advantage of the one day a week we could see each other.

    • 7 months ago

      >Still I'm a bit pissed we live 5 minutes apart and aren't taking advantage of the one day a week we could see each other.
      you fricking dumb Black person go see her now. she is waiting for you to have attitude. take a shower, wash your dick and go NOW.

    • 7 months ago

      y’all homies need to just move in together already

      • 7 months ago

        That'd solve a couple problems but it's a bit early for that. Maybe next year.
        She's just ocd and acts like everytime we see each other needs to be full on perfectly cleaned apartment date mode. She'll usually admit in a day or two she was being difficult for no reason, it's just annoying in this case cause by the time she admits that we’ll both genuinely be too busy.
        Nobody's perfect anyway, I'm pissed at missing the chance but it's not like she did anything malicious. So I'm just blowing off steam here where it doesn't matter

        • 7 months ago

          How long have you been dating? Maybe she’s still a bit shy to be herself around you but ultimately some people are just ocd and like to have their shit lined up before inviting people over. It’s not a bad thing, she just cares about how you’ll perceive her and at the end not her fault. Just a bad habit she learned from her parents/family.

    • 7 months ago

      >I'm way behind on chores, how about we hangout Thursday
      This is bait, right?

    • 7 months ago

      homie you are moron. If either of you actually truly cared you would make time if you only live 5 minutes away

      • 7 months ago

        Nta but what’s your opinion if the GF lives 3.5 hours away? Same state different city, roughly 190 miles away.

        She has a job and that’s her only real obligation. But insists she doesn’t have the availability. Thinking of ending it, it’s still early. I can’t be with a woman I can’t properly date and see often. Not even just for sex reasons.

        • 7 months ago

          It's already over if you're the one most often trying to spend time together and getting turned down. If she really wanted to, she would. Women want what they can't have the most.

        • 7 months ago

          If you know its not working don't overcomplicate your decision. Just end it. If she asks why be brutally honest, but don't take her back, that would set a terrible precedent for the relationship.

  6. 7 months ago

    Would you rather have a 2 inch penis or a 2 foot penis?

    • 7 months ago

      anon what the frick is this question?

      2 foot penis.

    • 7 months ago

      2 foot, and get it surgically reduced by 13 inches.

    • 7 months ago

      2 inch, and get it surgically enlarged by 13 inches.

    • 7 months ago

      2 foot and have it surgically girthened by 13 inches

    • 7 months ago

      2 foot, and then get it surgically incremented by 1 foot for TWD.

  7. 7 months ago

    My parents marriage blew up two weeks ago and my mom tried to kill herself by overdosing on opioids
    She failed but has been KO'd in a hospital since the incident and we don't know if she'll ever recover
    She blamed my father for her suicide attempt even though he provided everything for her. He's devastated.
    I don't know what to do bros. The situation is fricked.

    • 7 months ago

      I'm this guy

      Abusive father tried fricking with my life, didn't let him do it.
      So he went on and pointed his narcistic rage to my older brother who has been a heroin addict since 15 to cope with said fathers abuse. He had probation but was doing well for over a year. This shit triggered his PTSD and he relapsed breaking his probation and went to jail again this friday. Now the POS guy that is my father is acting like a victim because his son is in jail again.

      What do you mean with KO'd since and for how long? I've seen some shit and alotof OD's all of them were either a full death or a complete "recovery" like in no signifcant brain damage. Also which opioids.

      Also shits tough anon. This is something nobody should go through and luckily it's rare, some of us get bad shit thrown at us. I wish you strength. You'll need it.

  8. 7 months ago

    The changing weather has come at the worst possible time. I've hit a plateau with my cardio and I need to graduate from walking to jogging, but it's been so fricking cold at night I haven't even gone on my walks for the past few nights. I feel like shit, I need to actually fricking work out again.

  9. 7 months ago

    Abusive father tried fricking with my life, didn't let him do it.
    So he went on and pointed his narcistic rage to my older brother who has been a heroin addict since 15 to cope with said fathers abuse. He had probation but was doing well for over a year. This shit triggered his PTSD and he relapsed breaking his probation and went to jail again this friday. Now the POS guy that is my father is acting like a victim because his son is in jail again.

    • 7 months ago

      Your brother is a loser and you're an enabler. Cut your homosexual dad out of your lives and stop using him as an excuse for your failures

    • 7 months ago

      I'm this guy

      What do you mean with KO'd since and for how long? I've seen some shit and alotof OD's all of them were either a full death or a complete "recovery" like in no signifcant brain damage. Also which opioids.

      Also shits tough anon. This is something nobody should go through and luckily it's rare, some of us get bad shit thrown at us. I wish you strength. You'll need it.

      My parents marriage blew up two weeks ago and my mom tried to kill herself by overdosing on opioids
      She failed but has been KO'd in a hospital since the incident and we don't know if she'll ever recover
      She blamed my father for her suicide attempt even though he provided everything for her. He's devastated.
      I don't know what to do bros. The situation is fricked.

      Wishing you guys the best. I know my long max character count post pales in comparison to what you posted. I don’t mean this to be harsh in anyway but you helped me realize it could be way worse. My circumstance sucks but it’s not the worst thing in the world.

      I know shits expensive but you and your brother should try to move out together. Get your brother through rehab again, keep your heads down and bust your ass, get like $35k saved between the both of you and get an apartment and just keep moving up from there. I know it’s easier said than done but you need to escape that situation if it’s at the point it’s endangering your brothers health like that.

      My parents marriage blew up two weeks ago and my mom tried to kill herself by overdosing on opioids
      She failed but has been KO'd in a hospital since the incident and we don't know if she'll ever recover
      She blamed my father for her suicide attempt even though he provided everything for her. He's devastated.
      I don't know what to do bros. The situation is fricked.

      Be there for your dad, make sure he knows you and any siblings do not blame him at all or even understand how she could blame him. I’m unsure of what you mean by KO’d, like coma or just bedridden or what. If coma, pray and try the whole playing her favorite music thing. It may be worth looking into but I recall reading about how administering some drug meant for something else made most coma patients wake up, even decade long patients.
      But you need to confront that what your mom did was selfish and manipulative towards your father. I’m not saying now while it’s all fresh, but at some point you need to confront this and I’m unsure of what the best way to do that is. Divorce already sucks on its own and I don’t know what I would do in that situation other than try to be as close with my family as possible through it.

      • 7 months ago

        I've already tried paying rehab and taking him in after once. It fell apart real quick and I had to take my distance. My wife supports me but won't let me go through the pain again. I also have a kid on a way and can't take the risk to have someone relapsing in my home soon.

        I still support him as much as I can but I have a family now and can't do anything that can bring them at risk. Not that my brother is a bad guy, he has a really good heart but being close to him when he falls again is like getting stabbed in the heart.

        Thank you for your kind words anon.

        Your brother is a loser and you're an enabler. Cut your homosexual dad out of your lives and stop using him as an excuse for your failures

        I have cut my dad out of my life a long time ago. That's what I meant with not letting him frick with me. And no I dont enable my brother. I'm not stupid. I dont give him money, all I did now was front money to rent an appartment for him far away from our family/his old friends. You might be right about my brother but I still hold out hope for him but I've set boundaries a long time ago. Your advice isn't bad and would've been good a decade ago.

        I sincerely hope you dont ever have to go through something like this anon.

    • 7 months ago

      Your brother is a loser and you're an enabler. Cut your homosexual dad out of your lives and stop using him as an excuse for your failures

      Seconding this. Get that trash out of your life completely.

  10. 7 months ago

    I’m late 20s and only now has it become clear to me how much my childhood fricked me up.
    >parents divorcing when I was 7
    I was on the path to a normal childhood and life, very social always out with the neighborhood kids, some boys my age and an equal number of girls. After they split I was basically prohibited from playing outside, any time I tried hell broke lose and my parents went into a scramble searching for me literally launching mini search parties so I just stopped and sat inside playing vidya and watching TV.
    But that’s not the worst of it, I realized the divorce may have affected me with dating. I have issues trusting women and always have even before having any real reason to. Im afraid to commit, and because of this I have barely dated and never dated for long. The only women I got with were not the best… as in I was fricking them before I dated them and I’m sure you can imagine how that went. The idea of a genuine relationship sounds amazing to me and yet it terrifies me because I dont believe women are capable of genuine love or that it would last long. I truly believe if I got married Im setting myself up to get divorced and fricked over, and if we had kids I simply wouldn’t be able to forgive her or look at her without rage.
    >parents significant others
    The typical BS. My fathers home was always a mess and he brought this obese c**t and her spoiled daughter into our home like 3 months after the divorce. I remember finding roaches between the plates and I stopped eating because I was grossed out. I was called a b***h for this, as if it’s normal to have roaches in the plates and fridge. Developed OCD, dads GF started saying I was faking it for attention. Put on meds (SSRI & ADHD med combo) that made me a suicidal zombie and basically lost ages 12-16 from being in a dulled daze off the meds.

    I’ve been learning lessons from 18-27 most learn in highschool. It sucks, it infuriates me, but I just want to be happy. These flashbacks don’t help.

    • 7 months ago

      I relate to your experience, anon. I'm around your age as well and have started to come to grips with stuff in my childhood.
      The next step is to forgive your parents and conciously try to stop resenting them.

      • 7 months ago

        It’s hard but I’ve been trying to tell myself they're people the same as me. All I can do is better if I have kids of my own. Hey when these flashbacks hit or I stumble and I can link that personal flaw directly to some childhood trauma that made me this way, it gets hard.

        Side note saw my mom after months and she gave me a hug and told me she loved me. Made me feel better about a lot of this BS. Still uncomfortable around my family and can’t spend more than a couple minutes in the same room as them though.

  11. 7 months ago

    i have a gf of 6 years now, but i really cant stop wanting to frick other women

    • 7 months ago

      Same. I want to flirt and seduce other women. I don't even care about the sex.

  12. 7 months ago

    I'm a cute israeli guy who's trying to get in better shape, and I want to find a jacked white racist bf who will take me to the gym and train me to be insanely fit and hot, and also stretch my tiny israeli hole with his big white wiener in front of his friends.

    Basically i want him to totally control my body both in terms of fitness and sexuality.

    • 7 months ago

      what level of mental illness makes someone write things like this?

      • 7 months ago

        I'm just expressing how i feel in the feels thread.

    • 7 months ago

      You are an absolute homosexual. You will never have any genuine friends and it’s entirely because you are such an abhorrent homosexual.

      • 7 months ago

        I'm literally not even gay, which is the worst part.

        • 7 months ago

          The worst part is you shitposting in a feels thread. You have a whole board to shit up with your gay fantasies yet you choose the one where people come to chill and vent. Frick off.

  13. 7 months ago

    I said no to my ex offering me free creampies and the fat girl at my work offering head. I'm proud of myself for not listening to my dick. The trouble isn't worth it for crazy and/or fat women.

    • 7 months ago

      anons worried about NoFap when the real test of will power is NoFatchicks

      • 7 months ago

        NoExes is probably even harder, good for him.

    • 7 months ago

      >The trouble isn't wort it for crazy and/or fat women.

      Wise words anon. I don't think my will is as strong as yours.

    • 7 months ago

      >free creampies

    • 7 months ago

      What's wrong with free creampies? Crush plan B into the breakfast you make her the same morning if you find out she's not on the pill. Or just have sex when she's not ovulating. Pretty easy considering she was your gf, so you know when she's not fertile.

  14. 7 months ago

    I don't like my new job and gave up a unionized job for it. I'm such a frick up and really stressed out. If I don't make the probation then I'll have no clue what to do. I can't believe my dumb choice

    • 7 months ago

      Make it through probation and keep looking for a new gig if you really hate it. Don't keep dragging yourself for decisions already made. Gotta just move forward and learn.

    • 7 months ago

      from what to what

    • 7 months ago

      i realized today that i've been reciting negative mantras to myself over and over in my head every day since i was maybe 14-15. stuff like "you're fat, you're ugly, and you smell bad". things like that would just pop in my head and i'd repeat them to myself over and over, usually followed up by something about how i wasn't meant to be happy or successful. this has been going on for so long i think i didn't even realize i was doing it, i've just treated it as a normal part of my thinking since i was in high school. don't even know where to start on breaking out of this and healing my mindset.

      i am in a similar position anon. i quit a retail job that was treating me poorly for something i really don't like doing either, what i got my degree in, that pays better. i think the approach has to be just treating it like a step to something greater and keep looking for ways to move forward. i'm just going to save money to put towards moving out of my parents' house and then figure things out from there.

      • 7 months ago

        >i realized today that i've been reciting negative mantras to myself over and over in my head every day since i was maybe 14-15
        Literally me. For me it's just that I'll vaguely remember something cringey I did (picrel) and just reflexively mutter about killing myself. I don't plan on doing it obviously but it's still pretty bad.
        I need to stop randomly thinking about my dad and getting angry over it too, or compulsively muttering about TND even though I have black friends. Screw these intrusive thoughts.

  15. 7 months ago

    Went to a concert with a cute fun chick who I've been getting to know pretty well over the last month. We're not together but there was alot of dancing and cutesy shit going on and we hung out most of the night. She's the type who'd brush off any flirting as just being friendly it seems but hanging out with her just feels right.

    I just know it's gonna be trouble.

  16. 7 months ago

    found out the qt at the gym has strict religious parents and she rebels by taking drugs on the weekend and being a bawd. thought she was trad wife material but i guess this makes more sense. almost fooled me though i need to stop getting infatuated

    • 7 months ago

      Subtly drop that you lost interest in her because of that, in a very polite and vague way. Just mention it offhandedly.

  17. 7 months ago

    My dad is in the hospital.

    • 7 months ago

      I'm sorry anon.

    • 7 months ago

      what happened ot him

      • 7 months ago

        Fell off a ladder and broke his ribs and an l4 vertebrae.

    • 7 months ago

      I hope he gets better anon

  18. 7 months ago

    I fell into a rabbit hole of videos of babies dying of cancer less than a few months old. my son is almost a year old and I'm going insane thinking some random illness is going to take him out before he finds out what kind of man he'll be.

  19. 7 months ago

    >spend monday thru friday miserable, wasting my life at a worthless pathetic job I despise but have no skills or confidence that if I quit I'll ever get anything else, especially with apparently how bad the job market is now
    >also have no social engagements during the week either, basically just work-gym-home
    >weekend comes
    >no social engagements ever
    >beautiful weather both days
    >barely leave house
    >do nothing of any consequence
    >don't talk to a single person
    >do nothing to even try to fix my life, just do nothing
    >now sunday evening
    >set for another week of this worthless, unfathomably miserable life

    • 7 months ago

      You have to find a way out. Or else it'll never change.

    • 7 months ago

      go to the park/national forest on Saturday. Find a Church to go to on Sunday. You will feel better. Man longs to be with his Creator again. Spend time with his creation, and worship him.

  20. 7 months ago

    Had a good week in terms of fitness. Started my old plan which is five/six day week split. Felt good and looked forward to lifting rather then trying to force a new "better" plan. Did cardio as well on off-days as I felt restless not lifting. Diet wise I am a bit ehh but honestly just doing cardio everyday burns most of the extra shit I eat so I haven't gained a ton of weight. I feel like I am finally getting back into it.
    In terms of mental through I believe it is on the come up. I had a rough week in terms of feeling pretty nihilist but have felt better in terms of accepting that its a part of me and not to dwell on it. My major issue has been what I want to do in life. I also had this mindset of not caring and kind of just passively existing. I am sure others have felt similarly to this, but haven't seen a lot posted on it. Decided to actually try and make my own decision rather then letting life decide for me. Whether I stick to them remains to be seen but we shall see. I want to do more creative outlets such as drawing and writing, maybe even music. 3d modeling seems cool as well. Its stuff I have overlooked in favor of consuming games and media. I want to create and actually have something to show at the end of the day. Rather then just consume. Oh also I think I am just gonna give up on getting a gf. Kind of doomer vibes but I don't feel like trying to find a chick. Let them come to me, through I will try and approach more if I feel like it. I feel like if I can't be happy alone and do stuff I want, then how is having a gf gonna solve it. Although having the support system would be nice tbh.
    Anyway, yeah hopefully WGMI bros, hope y'all have a good week.

  21. 7 months ago

    I fricked up. I neglected and mistreated my girlfriend of almost two years, and she left me a couple of weeks ago. But since then, she's been stringing me along, trying to talk to me as if nothing happened. She keeps saying that she misses me and wants to get back together but needs time to heal. And then every week for the past three, we've done this runaround where she reaches out and says she misses me, then I apologize and ask her to come back, only for her to say no, and then we repeat the whole process.

    Is it time to block her? Should I just be patient and wait for her to come back? I really don't know anything anymore.

    • 7 months ago

      have you tried genuinely expressing that yes, i have been mistreating and neglecting you, and i realize that now, i shouldn't have done that and i vow to never do it again yadda yadda?

  22. 7 months ago

    My doc said my triglycerides are high and I should do more cardio. Frick that lol but also I don’t want chd

  23. 7 months ago

    Should I major in accounting? Currently in real estate and don't care for it

    • 7 months ago

      CPA over here. It depends on what's your goal is anon. If your goal is to get a solid paying job that isn't very hard then accounting is fine. I don't know many other jobs that you can make 6 figures in 3 years that don't require you to be smart as frick. All it'll take is for you to be willing to sell your soul for 2-3 years. I'm talking 70-90 hour weeks for 6 months out of the year.

  24. 7 months ago

    The more I hang out with people the less I care about them and move on to others
    It's why I could never keep a gf
    I get my prize and then the relationship loses all novelty
    Also deliberately ghosted all of my friends the past few years to relieve myself of any obligations or responsibilities or feelings towards towards them
    I realize I feel best when I'm alone as much as I have tried to lie to myself about it

  25. 7 months ago

    >took a day off work and went out of town for Halloween and anime con
    >Halloween costume was late
    >got sick out of nowhere the day i was supposed to drive out of town
    >thought I was getting better but it triggered a terrible asthma attack
    >couldn't even walk ten feet without getting out of breath
    >had to leave the con early to go to the doctor and had to spend a hundred something on medicine
    >still can't make it up stair without getting out of breath
    My life feels cursed sometimes. Whenever I try and branch out of my comfort zone it goes to shit one way or another.

  26. 7 months ago

    I have been pushing myself to the end of my rope for a long time. Just burying myself in the dig until you find gold philosophy. And I did it. With my current job I'll never want for anything unreasonable.

    I'm still unhappy. Some of the only joys I feel are when I clean and shoot my guns, when I take care of and play with my cats, or most of all hold my son. I'm not sure how long I can keep doing this, but I know I can push to see my son through college. 20 years of constant pain will be worth it if I can provide for him. If everything works out, he won't have to work a day in his life.

    Just gotta keep pushing.

  27. 7 months ago

    I feel like such a loser. I’m 40 pounds overweight. I don’t have any friends. I can’t lift to my full potential or play sports at all due to injuries.

    How do you guys meet people? My closest friends in life have been roommates, classmates, teammates, and people from my first job. I work from home and live alone, so these options aren’t on the table anymore.

    • 7 months ago

      >I work from home and live alone, so these options aren’t on the table anymore.
      another work from home autist victim

      • 7 months ago

        Yep that’s right. How should I make my life better?

        • 7 months ago

          how about you try taking your worthless autistic software engineering job to the office

          • 7 months ago

            Nobody from my company goes into the office. I’m also an environmental engineer, not a software engineer.

            Was thinking of doing F45. Is that a good way to make friends?

            Was also thinking about trying stand up or something.

    • 7 months ago

      I am having the same struggle man. My wife and I both work from home and have a kid. I want to make friends after moving to a new area but being an old gay makes it hard to make friends. If you are in central Texas, let's go kick it.

      • 7 months ago

        Close man. I’m in Houston

  28. 7 months ago

    Maybe someday I could even be up on the radio. Have a tour bus and maybe even play a couple shows. Everybody in the crowd, singing every word I wrote. Telling me that I am not the only one that feels alone. You feel alone, yea I kinda feel alone. I wonder if the feeling ever goes away when you get old.

  29. 7 months ago

    How does one combat cowardice? I realized recently that I was raised to be a meek, quiet little coward by parents who wanted to make sure I shut up and stayed "respectful". Giving in and being submissive is literally my default, to the point that I cannot even fathom standing up to people when I am in the moment - I could have all the arguments and righteous rage in the world beforehand, but the second I am face to face with someone I immediately forget everything I want to say and I become a passive little yes-man b***h once again. Naturally, I fricking detest this, because not only am I sure this is the most unattractive thing a man can do to a woman, but it also makes me feel like shit and hate myself. I want to stop being this way, I want to reprogram myself to be stronger and able to stand up for myself and what I believe in. How do I do that?

    • 7 months ago

      my parents weren't like yours, but i definitely grew up in a more traditional household and i was a nerdy, awkward goody two-shoes growing up who was always scared of confrontation.

      i think the best way to combat cowardice is to build confidence, and confidence comes from competence. i've found that for me, being self-employed for the past few years and building a business has really boosted my overall confidence and has made me way more bold and direct.

      t doesn't have to be a business though, even just going to the gym consistently and getting stronger and more aesthetic. or it could be in any other field or realm you choose. as long as you're getting good at something you're passionate about and you can see and feel the results, you will get more confident and that confidence will seep into other areas of your life.

  30. 7 months ago

    Everything is wrong. I almost quit my job today because I've lost control of my emotions and am pretty sure my testosterone is completely gone. Zero energy, no happiness and btw about 20 hours ago I was hysterically crying into a pillow for absolutely no reason.

  31. 7 months ago

    >Go to watch The Killer at cinema by myself
    >Front row center seat so no b***hes in my way.
    >Good movie.
    >Leave cinema, checking pockets because left something in screen.
    >Approached by SE asian who sat behind me.
    >She asks for my number.
    >Literally never been approached before
    >I haven't gotten laid in 11 years.
    >Frick it why not, give her my wattsapp QR code.
    >She says she'll message me tonight and leaves.
    >She never messages.
    >Probably closed wattsapp and lost my number.
    I don't know whether to be proud of my first real mire or annoyed at another opportunity that slipped through my fingers.

    • 7 months ago

      Happened to me.
      >got this fine ass b***hes number
      >closed the app before i saved it thinking it would still be there
      >It wasn;t...

    • 7 months ago

      women never approach. you dodged a bullet there

      • 7 months ago

        asian women approach tho
        they dont really count considering how desperate they are for validation

    • 7 months ago

      Happened to me.
      >got this fine ass b***hes number
      >closed the app before i saved it thinking it would still be there
      >It wasn;t...

      Found the morons with McJobs. Standard procedure in business when your job actually matters. When you exchange numbers, call and hang up or send a message immediately to both confirm you're not morons and typed the number in wrong and create a log of the numbers in both phones.

  32. 7 months ago

    >thought I was hitting it off with gym receptionist.
    >spoke to her 50% of my last workout and making each other laugh the whole time
    >go in next day and she's flirting with a bunch of other dudes
    >I pop my headphones in the rest of the workout, we give each other a cold "see ya" when I leave
    I knew subconsciously that the anons warning me that they're paid to be flirty were right, but I still wanted to believe. Whatever always think positive - I can go back to not talking to anyone and just focusing on the workout

    • 7 months ago

      thats how women validate themselves
      shes thinking ''i got another one''

  33. 7 months ago

    >Hi barkeep, one cranberry wienertail on the rocks.
    To the Anons that are good with women or at least have a girlfriend, friend with benefits or even a wife:
    How can I get a girl similar to pic related or reasonably beautiful gymgirl as my gf or fwb?
    I'm physically fit, 6'1 ft and weigh 84kg, though I'm a bit frustrated to talk to another girl again, because I've been rejected, ghosted and stood up on date nights a lot...
    I think this has been happening is because my lower jaw and lower teeth aren't aligned well:
    So I went to my dentist and orthodontist for help, though the told me it'll take years to fix my problem because there's still a bunch of procedures I need to do before I get surgery.
    Admittedly, I'm a college student who works part-time and I don't have nowhere near enough money to get this surgery done.
    Not going to lie, sometimes I legit feel like I should give up on dating.
    All I enjoy doing when I'm not on campus or at work is: hit the gym, play acoustic guitar, baking and cooking.
    Bars and clubs just aren't for me.
    Sometimes I catch girls staring at me in the gym, though I'm pretty sure they're staring just because I lift heavy.
    Anons, what should I do?
    Does a man's looks and his money ultimately matter more than his charisma and personality?

    • 7 months ago


    • 7 months ago

      >Does a man's looks and his money ultimately matter more than his charisma and personality?
      homie, what the frick are you talking about? Do you think women are fricking Kira from Death Note, always thinking ten steps ahead? Their thoughts while meeting a new guy don't go beyond things like "he seems cool/cute", same way as yours when you meet a new girl. And why the hell do you care about your weight, height, jaw or teeth that much. Just treat women normally, know how to escalate/demonstrate interest and be fun to be around, that's it. I've fricked up teeth, am a 5'9 dyel and managed to score a skinny model who has the same height as you. Do you know why anon? Because we had fun together, I joked around with her, was confident, made it clear that I was interested and stood out on her mind.
      Look, you'll be fine. Internet demotivational fricks have given you a distorted perspective of things.
      >How can I get a girl similar to pic related or reasonably beautiful gymgirl as my gf or fwb?
      Mah man, you're gonna have a bad time if you focus on looks while looking for a gf. Try to date someone who's kind hearted. Despite the banter IST autists are very fragile and manipulative/selfish women absolutely wreck our shit.
      >I've been rejected, ghosted and stood up on date nights a lot...
      Were these dates set up through apps? Apps are always a gamble and a ton of work. Not saying that you should give up on them, but the things you've described are somewhat normal. Even my chad friend had to put a frickton of work on his tinder profile/chats and had shitty dates with women. That's normal no matter who you are.
      Go easy on yourself and on the looksmaxx autism. Just from your post I think your only problem is insecurity, so focus on that for now.

    • 7 months ago

      >Anons, what should I do

      Go to bars/clubs.
      >"But I dont like it, too stressful!!"
      Shut it, if you want women you need to go to them. Bars and clubs have infinite numbers of women to talk to

      • 7 months ago

        The type of women that can be found in bars and clubs are beneath me

        • 7 months ago

          This is a moronic take if you've been to a bar before.

        • 7 months ago

          >The type of women that can be found in bars and clubs are beneath me
          Unless you are the President of a Country or a CEO of multinational, you are being extremely moronic on purpose.

    • 7 months ago

      >About 2 years ago, lowside motorcycle on my foot
      >fricked it up for about 5 months, muscle deteriorates
      >Lift something heavy, muscle imbalance, frick up my back and slip a disc
      >Sucks, be immobile for a while, turn to alcohol
      >sex with GF is essentially not on the table, thrusting is impossible with back
      >say frick this, start working out about 6 months ago, quit alcohol
      >lose 35 lbs, strengthen muscles
      >Sounds stupid but last night I was finally able to frick my GF for the first time in forever
      >life is good again
      I dunno mates, there was a scary year when I went from young and vibrant to essentially giving up, weirdly scary when you don't have your health. Don't frick up your back anons. I'm not out of the woods yet.

      >though I'm a bit frustrated to talk to another girl again, because I've been rejected, ghosted and stood up on date nights a lot...
      That's life mate. You suck it up. You will 100% be rejected. It's like getting a job or anything else in life. The lie you've been sold is that you are some main character in a play and therefore you get everything you want. That's not how life works, that's a fantasy sold to you in entertainment.
      You try, you get rejected, you learn, you keep trying. I got rejected multiple times by multiple oneitis's. It's just life.
      >Does a man's looks and his money ultimately matter more than his charisma and personality?
      Every girl I've slept with (maybe 7 in my life?) and every girl I've dated, money has never once came into the conversation. I don't even know how it would, we would meet at a party, be half-drunk, and I'd be balls deep in her that evening, why the frick would money matter at all when she just wants to be frick?
      I've been mostly chubby/fat during my hookups and I'm 5'7". I've never had problems with women. Because I make them laugh and I'm fine with rejection, I seem to be doing fine in life.

    • 7 months ago

      >About 2 years ago, lowside motorcycle on my foot
      >fricked it up for about 5 months, muscle deteriorates
      >Lift something heavy, muscle imbalance, frick up my back and slip a disc
      >Sucks, be immobile for a while, turn to alcohol
      >sex with GF is essentially not on the table, thrusting is impossible with back
      >say frick this, start working out about 6 months ago, quit alcohol
      >lose 35 lbs, strengthen muscles
      >Sounds stupid but last night I was finally able to frick my GF for the first time in forever
      >life is good again
      I dunno mates, there was a scary year when I went from young and vibrant to essentially giving up, weirdly scary when you don't have your health. Don't frick up your back anons. I'm not out of the woods yet.

      >though I'm a bit frustrated to talk to another girl again, because I've been rejected, ghosted and stood up on date nights a lot...
      That's life mate. You suck it up. You will 100% be rejected. It's like getting a job or anything else in life. The lie you've been sold is that you are some main character in a play and therefore you get everything you want. That's not how life works, that's a fantasy sold to you in entertainment.
      You try, you get rejected, you learn, you keep trying. I got rejected multiple times by multiple oneitis's. It's just life.
      >Does a man's looks and his money ultimately matter more than his charisma and personality?
      Every girl I've slept with (maybe 7 in my life?) and every girl I've dated, money has never once came into the conversation. I don't even know how it would, we would meet at a party, be half-drunk, and I'd be balls deep in her that evening, why the frick would money matter at all when she just wants to be frick?
      I've been mostly chubby/fat during my hookups and I'm 5'7". I've never had problems with women. Because I make them laugh and I'm fine with rejection, I seem to be doing fine in life.

      Some advice to add to this snobs wise words:
      Treat dates as something fun for yourself, the woman is simply an addition. If she ghosts, so fricking what you’re there to enjoy yourself. I don’t do dinner dates early on, but for instance if it was a dinner date and she ghosted: get whatever the frick you wanna eat and be a sloppy motherfricker no fricks given about the randoms seated around you.
      Girl flakes on coffee and ghosts? Okay cool, get yourself some coffee, sip it while doing some reading. The idea is to do those early first few dates doing something you want to do and would be doing no matter if she was there or not. If she’s there, cool, talk to her, get to know her a bit. If not, enjoy your solo time because once you get a gf that solo time begins to disappear. Become comfortable doing things solo too, it makes you less dependent on others which oddly seems to make women more attracted to you.
      It’s that simple. Learn to leverage everything into a win for yourself.

      • 7 months ago

        >About 2 years ago, lowside motorcycle on my foot
        >fricked it up for about 5 months, muscle deteriorates
        >Lift something heavy, muscle imbalance, frick up my back and slip a disc
        >Sucks, be immobile for a while, turn to alcohol
        >sex with GF is essentially not on the table, thrusting is impossible with back
        >say frick this, start working out about 6 months ago, quit alcohol
        >lose 35 lbs, strengthen muscles
        >Sounds stupid but last night I was finally able to frick my GF for the first time in forever
        >life is good again
        I dunno mates, there was a scary year when I went from young and vibrant to essentially giving up, weirdly scary when you don't have your health. Don't frick up your back anons. I'm not out of the woods yet.

        >though I'm a bit frustrated to talk to another girl again, because I've been rejected, ghosted and stood up on date nights a lot...
        That's life mate. You suck it up. You will 100% be rejected. It's like getting a job or anything else in life. The lie you've been sold is that you are some main character in a play and therefore you get everything you want. That's not how life works, that's a fantasy sold to you in entertainment.
        You try, you get rejected, you learn, you keep trying. I got rejected multiple times by multiple oneitis's. It's just life.
        >Does a man's looks and his money ultimately matter more than his charisma and personality?
        Every girl I've slept with (maybe 7 in my life?) and every girl I've dated, money has never once came into the conversation. I don't even know how it would, we would meet at a party, be half-drunk, and I'd be balls deep in her that evening, why the frick would money matter at all when she just wants to be frick?
        I've been mostly chubby/fat during my hookups and I'm 5'7". I've never had problems with women. Because I make them laugh and I'm fine with rejection, I seem to be doing fine in life.

        ANON**** not snob idk why it autocorrected to that… phoneposting…

      • 7 months ago

        didn't even think about it this way, but seems like a very healthy way to do dates. thanks anon

    • 7 months ago

      are you white? the way you write smells like curry

    • 7 months ago

      I remember being on IST and stressing over whether braces were viable a couple years ago, bit the bullet eventually and now they're off and I have straight teeth
      sounds simple but if you don't do anything you'll still be in the same place a couple years from now

  34. 7 months ago

    fricking fed up with myself and my flat share. I live in a big city, with two ugly b***hes. It was only one, the lesbian obese, but she complained that we need a 3rd because rent is too high. Now I'm in a small room and live with 2 ugly b***hes and can't move because I lost my job. Am starting a business, but that will take time. I can't see them any more. I've been even too depressed to go to the gym. I let that b***h walk over me, I did not want 3 here. why am I such a beta

  35. 7 months ago

    I need some advice.
    I met a bpd hoe on an app, sexted her and made her cum many times before and after she gave me her number. Talking with her I realized that she's more crazy than I thought and now I need to know the best way to flake. Pussy game seems ridiculous and she's into everything I suggested, including bringing friends of hers to have threesomes with me, but I've been with bpd women before and they scare me. She has my phone number and a ton of texts where I say very dirty things to her and the only thing I can think about is how much of a headache she'll give me if she can't take a no for an answer.
    Anyway, how to let her down gently so she doesn't go on a revenge quest against me for not fricking her and making her my bawd like I had promised? I thought about being direct and mentioning that I'm a sex addicted who went throught a ton of shit this year and wanna deal with my vice before it gets worse. That isn't even a lie btw.

    • 7 months ago

      tell her sry im actually underage, she will ghost you faster than tyrone on fathers day.

    • 7 months ago

      >bpd hoe
      Just ghost man, run far away.

    • 7 months ago

      My ex was like this and she tried to get revenge on me because I dumped her after she kept doing all kinds of crazy shit (putting her hands on me on my birthday for no reason, cutting herself saying it’s my fault, telling mutual friends I was beating her, having male co workers I didn’t trust give her rides home and then insinuating I was crazy for caring and laughing at me etc). She attempted to cancel me by posting screenshots of a text where I called her a Black person lmfao.

      So I waited for her to get a new relationship, gave it a few years all while ghosting her, then sent her a DM just saying “hi” and let her do all the work, knowing she wouldnt be able to help herself, she initiated it all. She cheated on him with me, on their 2 year anniversary a few months later I made a burner Instagram and sent the guy screenshots of every single thing. The pics, the vids, the hookup planning, the texts where she insisted she was single randomly and referred to him as “just some guy she doesn’t really care about”. The best part is after he confronted her she wasn’t sure if it was me meaning she was sending that shit to other dudes and deleting texts to cover her ass so she had no reference (assuming he showed her the screenshots I sent) and I was just the only one to tell the dude what was up. He dumped her, got a new hotter b***h and launched a business, I did the same, she gained 50lbs and fell into a depression shaved her head deleted the vids trying to cancel me and then blocked me everywhere after a final message making it clear she’s terrified of me and wants nothing to do with me.

      Just run dude. It’s so early on she won’t care or have any real investment. And don’t do that shit in the future. Never text anything you wouldn’t want others to see unless it’s to a bro you know not do that b***h shit. The ONLY reason I managed to win is because I got lucky or maybe I’m a sociopath who just knows how people will react to things idk.

  36. 7 months ago

    went to the gym for the first time this morning and i was so dyel that i couldnt do a single set of any SS exercise except assisted dips. felt so embarrassed walking home

    • 7 months ago

      Gotta start somewhere brotha

  37. 7 months ago

    I’m almost 26 and the facial hair around my mouth and cheeks is finally darkening so I don’t look like a neckbeard anymore.

  38. 7 months ago

    Tonight is my first rest day in two weeks. I need a beer.

  39. 7 months ago

    >have longterm GF
    >on and off relationship
    >broke it off for a few months
    >now reconnected
    >feels got the best of me and now back inna relationship
    >its OK but i feel like theres more to be had in life
    >nothing wrong with her, just nothing that inspires me or makes me do better/work harder
    weird feel

    • 7 months ago

      >>its OK but i feel like theres more to be had in life
      i fricking know that feel, especially towards working out
      like when you constantly feel like there's more, or you want more
      for example, i remember when i started i was like "dude, i wanna hit my bodyweight on a bench for a 1rm so bad"
      now i do 4kg below my bodyweight for reps
      and i'm looking at this and i'm like
      that's nice
      but it's not ENOUGH
      it's NEVER ENOUGH

      • 7 months ago

        This. But then do you either work on being OK with there not being more

        or do you say FRICK IT and you smash BIGGER weights and become HUGE

        and also find a BETTER gf that inspires you to become a greater man

        • 7 months ago

          it's different with weights and actual people i think
          with weights, i say frick it
          with women, i have high standards and i want women to meet them
          if a woman meets your standards and you're happy with her, then what more could you possibly want?

          • 7 months ago

            How would you accurately set your standards? During the relationship I bettered myself immensely (still not made it, but six figure job and almost down to a respectable bf%) so not sure how I would even set my standards

            • 7 months ago

              you literally made it
              well, you accurately set your standards by asking yourself "what exactly do i want in a woman?"
              for me, it's i want her to get me, i want her to be on the same wavelength, maybe really fricking passionate about something just like i am passionate about weightlifting, i want her to be pretty, and i want her to be homely, not necessarily trad-wife tier, but i want us to do chores together
              oh, and i'm ESL, but like 90% of the content i consume is in english, so i want her to know english so that i can share what like with her

              • 7 months ago

                Those seem like pretty good standards.

                I guess I'd be looking for someone who's either fully supportive in the things I do and helps me facilitate further growth, and/or someone who far outshines me in some facet that I can look up to. But combined with that in my personal life I'm trying to go beyond it makes it hard to find someone that really inspires me to go further.

                maybe im just gay haha

              • 7 months ago

                >I guess I'd be looking for someone who's either fully supportive in the things I do and helps me facilitate further growth
                yeah, this is also someone i strive for, would be awesome if i had a girl cheering me on as i bench at home
                >and/or someone who far outshines me in some facet that I can look up to
                my friend, such women are as rare as unicorns
                maybe you just need a better brotherhood, make friends with guys?

              • 7 months ago

                >yeah, this is also someone i strive for, would be awesome if i had a girl cheering me on as i bench at home
                Very based,
                >tfw no classical supportive wife gf

                >maybe you just need a better brotherhood, make friends with guys?
                yeah, years of IST use have left me completely alienated from anyone who can't casually drop holocaust jokes mid conversation. I should've never started browsing all those years ago

              • 7 months ago

                >yeah, years of IST use have left me completely alienated from anyone who can't casually drop holocaust jokes mid conversation
                Blokes like that exist. You just have to find them. They're more valuable than a gf.

  40. 7 months ago

    help lads i'm addicted to getting happy endings at asian massage parlors. my wife is eventually going to catch on.

    • 7 months ago

      you dishonor your wife

  41. 7 months ago

    Another day went by bros..

    • 7 months ago

      time flies, you wake up one day middled aged with nothing done if you dont kick your own ass every day

  42. 7 months ago

    >The bar is open.
    Man, I love the bar, even if I don't always post, sometimes I come here on Monday and the thread was pruned or deleted for some reason.
    >What bothers you, anon?
    I used to relay on family to gave me rides from work for the last year or so, and shit used to be fine, I gave my share of gas money, every payday but now that my sister started coming with us (she's 22, got a job near mine), she started being annoying every morning and suddenly they asked me for more than usual even when gas prices are the exact fricking same than last week and I only ride with them from work and back, I don't use the family car for anything else, at this point I made the math and either I finally bite the bullet and get my own car or start paying fricking Uber, it's virtually the same cost for what they are charging me.
    >What is something that you need to get off of your chest?
    I just did, above lmao. It really fricks you up when you do a payment and a couple days later they ask you for MORE just so another person doesn't have or doesn't want to pay their share.
    >Are you okay?
    Actually, yeah. I have a clear goal of what I want to do with my life which is something I lost sight of for a good whiel.

  43. 7 months ago

    wanna go to a concert but i have no friends to go with and the idea of going alone as this 30 year old boomer is just so fricking cringe. i'm already imagining myself standing in the corner like an autist

    • 7 months ago

      Thing about that is that now with social media people are all asocial in real life. It sucks. Used to be you could go to a concert alone and just see who you meet up with and make new friends. That shit does not happen anymore, it cannot. It sucks

      I'm about to start an antisocial media app. You post noting on it that identified you personally. It only works like Tinder but for people who just want to make friends. It would probably be a good idea.

  44. 7 months ago

    >gf has bumps right near her vegana
    >constantly sore form it
    >doctor mentions it could be herpes
    >Black person what
    God I hope it's not cause I fricking love this woman.

    • 7 months ago

      Wouldn't you already have it then? Hope it isn't anyway bro

      • 7 months ago

        We haven't had sex since just before she showed rash-like symptoms due to her being sore, so I'm hoping not. If she does have it then I'll get a blood test. Fun times.

        • 7 months ago

          Best of luck man, I hope it all works out for you two

  45. 7 months ago

    >Water, as always.

    Man. the difference between men who take care of themselves vs average women after 30 is fricking abismal.
    One day you are marrying a cute 20s and the next day you are legally bound to an uglier version of her mother.


    • 7 months ago

      Yet most of them still have massive egos and act like their shit doesn't stink

  46. 7 months ago

    >girl I'm dating accidentally became a furry artist
    Lifts for this feel bros?

    • 7 months ago


      • 7 months ago

        She's innocent I tell you!

        • 7 months ago

          >She's innocent I tell you!
          They always are.

    • 7 months ago

      You're a lucky guy.

  47. 7 months ago

    Where can a man aged 27-35 socialize that isn’t a bar or club or other avenue full of drunk people and loud noises?
    Somewhere to meet people, friends and women.

    A big issue I have is demotivation due to having no friends or social ties and not really knowing where to meet new ones at this age or where to meet women.
    Do I just have to learn to approach women in normal day to day life such as at the grocery store? My technique ages 18-24 was just be around people my same age and inevitably I end up getting laid, usually the girl makes the first moves, or if I’ve been acquainted for months I will. I get way too inside my own head to approach a random woman to the point I immediately go fight or flight the second I think too. Heart rate hits 150 BPM, can’t breath, can’t speak, get dizzy, any sound that I force out my mouth is strained and horse and obviously being forced out.

    Is that my only option at this age, getting over that and approaching in normal life? What about friends?

    • 7 months ago

      >Where can a man aged 27-35 socialize that isn’t a bar or club or other avenue full of drunk people and loud noises?
      I have gone to some bar that are decently quiet, but they are full of drunk people so it doesn't really fullfill your criteria. Also there are a little high end and you are probably going to hookup with a married, divorcee or "separated" woman which I don't really encourage.

      As you said, it's mostly with your social circle so no having one really puts you in a creepy/loner position. Unless you are a 10/10, rich, fit and independent man, I would start by getting social gains with some friends before taking the cold approach.

  48. 7 months ago

    been talking for like 6 weeks every day with this girl from work that works in a different department, too bad shes remote and like 700 miles away, she's pretty cool

  49. 7 months ago

    I resorted to sex work to pay for my education and lifting:

    Precision Nutrition cert - $1000
    NASM certification - $900
    Barre certification - $6000
    Gym membership(s) - $300/month (I also network and find new friends, frickbuddies, and clients)
    Boxing gym - $50/month
    BJJ gym - $150/month
    Supplements and grocery expense increase - $150/month

    • 7 months ago

      Beggars can't be choosers

  50. 7 months ago

    >entire life consists of working and then returning home to an empty apartment and looking at a screen
    Yep, might be time for the ol 'cide

    • 7 months ago

      >Social status (Family, friends?)
      WAGMI, friend.

  51. 7 months ago

    Frick, I'm haunted by porn. I officially need to fricking stop, its hurting me too much.

  52. 7 months ago

    almost two weeks of carnivore and i didnt lose much weight or cravings. i did gain some mental clarity, some minor health improvements, and i kinda feel my body less bloated, but thats it.

    Im gonna complete the month, but so far it doesnt seem like it is worth it.

  53. 7 months ago

    My OCD started off as mild but has become debilitating in the past few years, to the point where it's begun to interfere with my work. I can't take the medication because it makes me exhausted and exercise only gives me temporary relief. I have no idea what to do about it.

  54. 7 months ago

    So we are getting into the first winter since I started getting fit. How the frick do people handle the cold weather for exercise? I know lifting and stuff is fine since the gym is comfy and all, but cardio seems like a nightmare in this weather. Am I just being a b***h, or is there something I should be doing while it's cold out?

    • 7 months ago

      You are being a b***h. Either face the cold or use a treadmill for cardio.

  55. 7 months ago

    My mental health is not good. I'm eating too many calories to compensate. I'm trying to quit being a degenerate coomer and it's really touch and go. My life is a mess and it seems the more I try to fix it, the more it feels the universe conspires against me. I have no idea what career path to pursue.

    Overwhelmed. That's the feel.

  56. 7 months ago

    Yeah I post in these /LULZ/ threads and then don't check to see If I have any (you)s how'd ya know.

    I've done well for myself after college/pandemic by normie accounts. Job, moved cities, can barely pay my bills living check to check but w/e. Got cool hobbies physique is coming In lifts are progressing.
    But the crippling loneliness Is killing me, don't trust people don't like people and the few people I come to like never like me In a way that satisfies me.
    My life would be so much easier If I was a sociopath, but as It stands I just come off as one because I have no friends.
    This imperial stout is kicking my lean ass rn.

  57. 7 months ago

    My shit is fricked and I want to kill myself sooooo bad but, at the time I had a little bit of hope for the future so I have to be strong and keep going but I walk the streets wishing a motherfricker would
    Im tired and lonely lmao frick this shit

    • 7 months ago

      At the same time i have*

  58. 7 months ago

    >sweet new job which involves working with a bunch of cute girls
    >dick suddenly stops working
    >finally got my drivers license
    >fined almost immediately after for a parking violation
    >moving to a better gym
    >forced to pay old gym $300 out the ass to terminate membership
    >surpassed 1/2/3/4 and sub 20% bodyfat for the first time since I can remember
    >have very uneven abs and bad arm insertions
    I'm half-convinced I've been hexed for some heinous crime I committed in a past life. The universe is ensuring that every positive event is immediately cancelled out. Can't take this shit anymore.

  59. 7 months ago

    Warmed mugg o' belle delphine's piss please bartender. *sigh*

  60. 7 months ago

    I'm friends with a married couple from church. The wife's younger sister moved in with them for college (context: I'm a grad student) a few months ago. A year ago, she was engaged and broke it off due to anxiety and is in therapy. I got along well with her off the bat and was pretty flirty, but I didn't make a move right away because there's a 10-year age gap between us. She dated a mutual friend for about a month before getting the same feelings she had about her fiance and broke up with him, but now another month later it feels like she's getting flirty with me again. I'd date her, sure, but I have no reason not to expect her to pull the same shit on me that she did on my friend since it seems to me that she's not over her fiance, and the fact that it'd probably cause further drama with regards to dating within friend groups, even if I have her sister's approval.

    What's the best course of action?

  61. 7 months ago

    I have everything except a sweet, loving, and down to earth girlfriend, I'm going insane. I'm almost at the point where I doubt such a person exist.

    • 7 months ago

      They do not anon. Even the ones with good intentions will show their lack of worth with their behaviour.

  62. 7 months ago

    >be me
    >be 6'0 dyel
    >get IST
    >gain confidence
    >get tinder
    >shit works
    >6 hookups in 6 months
    >one hookup is a b***h
    >find out I'm banned from tinder
    >do not have the social skills to not rely on my body to attract people
    >Bumble sucks
    >other dating apps suck
    >am incredibly prone to getting depressed
    >find qt gf
    >date for 18 months
    >break it off bc im unhappy and think I can do better
    >suicidal bc even though i have everything i want, i don't have someone i love
    >struggle to make connections with people
    >push all my friends away
    >spiral into depression
    >getting IST changes nothing
    Starting Strength works guys.

    • 7 months ago

      Man up and have a nice day or realize that its not that bad and stop being a pussy

      • 7 months ago

        Thank you

  63. 7 months ago

    I just went to the gym (planet fitness) for the first time and have no idea what the frick is going on. The same 4 dudes use the squat rack for the entire hour I was there.

    The goal is to actually go to the goddamn gym for at least 3 nights a week to build the habit, but I don't want to spend my whole time there doing body weight and free weights the whole time. On top of that, I still have no idea what the frick to do or even if my form is good.

    For context, I'm 27, only did sports in school/college, and have essentially a sedentary desk job. Asperger's afflicted, so severely overwhelmed with "holy shit I look like a moron" while going to the gym and not knowing wtf to do.

  64. 7 months ago

    Not here to gloat, but want to just be grateful
    >been on top of bible study and extra reading lately
    >Took 2 weeks off the gym, but now im back on the gym grind this week
    >Finished school a few months ago debt free and now im settled into a really good paying career full of great coworkers and clients
    >bills are paid, all caught up on credit card payments, credit score has never looked better, and finally have some extra money to save on top of finally splurging on good groceries (did a Costco haul today and got lots of healthy food, meat, eggs, protien, multivitamins, supplements, and cooking ingredients)
    >had a really solid back workout today on top of folding my laundry and running all my errands
    >have the day off tomorrow and is the first time in years I’ve had Halloween off in years, gonna get some scary movies and vidya ready after my leg workout tomorrow

  65. 7 months ago

    Please keep the bar running. We need it to vent our feeling of loneliness. Just give me your best drink.

    Im the anon who have prostitute gf. I ignore all you guys advice to leave her because i really love her and also im a lonely man with no friends. But now i think this relationship is going to shit. I dont know if she is playing me or what but she still text other guy behind me and also flirting with them. Also i think she no longer interested in me and just keep me for validation and a backup plan. This really make me feel like a loser and less of a man. She is the one in control now because she know i lover her and being needy. She no longer care about this at all. What should i do fren?
    Just thinking about other man have sex with her everyday is also desctructive for my sanity. How do i cope and forget this b***h? What's the best action to take?

    • 7 months ago

      Give us a quick rundown for those who missed the original story (like me).

      Dude, the very obvious answer is to leave her, you know you deserve better. Take what you learned in this relationship and be more confident with the next girl.

      • 7 months ago

        Quick summary i fell in love with the prostitute i use. At first i dont really love her and just use her as free frick. But as the time goes and after meeting and doing things together i develop feeling and love for her. And now im crushed because she seem to no longer like me and its the opposite im the one who chasing her. Frick me. But thanks for the advice.

        I remember you, I was trying to offer my advice.

        Anon this is something I don’t think I said.
        The only man who can date a hooker, and be happy, is a pimp. Just a monster who doesn’t give a frick about her. A normal man will develop feelings for any woman he spends time courting. That is just biology. But a man with something in his head broken, a sociopath or a psychopath, can date a literal prostitute with no problems. She could die and he wouldn’t blink. He would at best be upset for losing his money until he finds another. And that’s the thing, the men that can do it aren’t doing it out of loneliness or for love, they’re doing it because they’re forcing the prostitute to give them the money she earns (a pimp).

        Then there’s the other half which I think I told you last time: this isn’t a good woman. She’s not going to deliver her portion of the relationship, as you’ve mentioned seeing in your post already. This isn’t the mother of your kids dude. Since you are not a pimp (it’s good not to be), what this is is parasitic. You offer her boyfriend experience and she offers you… not girlfriend experience. You’re essentially paying to frick her like her clients do but you’re paying with your time attention and energy.
        >what’s the best action to take
        Start here,

        Apply this to you leaving her instead of her leaving you like the clip suggests it’s the same shit.

        watch through all Patrice O’Neal clips and advices on YouTube especially things off the black Philip show. Take it with a grain of salt because his advice isn’t really for finding a wife. But the take always form his advice should be the ones about maintaining your happiness.
        His biggest advice for any man is this:
        >My happiness is paramount
        What this means is yes, your happiness needs to come first in your life (until you have kids, then they come first). And also, if you’re not happy, the relationship will not be good.

        So if you’re with the wrong woman, you’ll become miserable. The wrong woman can be a b***h, a prostitute, or just one you don’t actually like or wanna be with but stay with out of fear of being alone. You have at least 2 of those criteria.
        There’s simply no winning for you other than ending it and moving forward. You have two paths man
        >path 1
        You end it, feel lonely, maybe even sad without her for a bit, then start getting over it, move forward, and can begin to find happiness again and maybe even meet a good woman in the process. Even if you don’t meet one, you’ll still be miles happier than being with a literal fricking prostitute who makes you feel like you’re losing sanity.
        >path 2
        You stay where you are and end up worse and worse off, quite literally going insane.

        Path 2 is the more painful and dangerous route.
        For fricks sake man, even if it goes against my advice a bit you’d be far happier with a fat b***h you weren’t attracted to who at least wasn’t a prostitute.

        Yeah i remember you bro. Thanks a lot you really give good advice. Im the one who is a moron for not listening.
        I really hope i can have a heart / mind of psychopat to deal with this feeling. To just use her as some garbage disposal. But i have low self esteem and afraid to lose her. Also i have made my feeling to be played by her. Im weak. Dont be like me.
        You are right if i stay im losing my sanity in this relationship and really damaging my mental health. I cannot accept she is fricking and flirting with other guy it really hurt your soul. Man i dont wish anyone to experience this feeling like me it really really hurt and can make you insane.
        I hope i can get through this and have planed to end things with her this week. Pray for me bro and God bless.

        • 7 months ago

          >I really hope i can have a heart / mind of psychopat to deal with this feeling
          No you do not I think you misunderstood my point. What you want is to meet an actually worthwhile woman who actually cares about and loves you. A psychopath isn’t getting that, the closest they’d come is a massive LARP.
          >low self esteem, weak
          And you know what would fix this? Leaving her, fighting through any initial loneliness and shock, and coming out unscathed on the other side realizing “oh shit I don’t need her”.
          Look at it like losing your favorite pencil. What would you really lose? Wasted time in someone you know doesn’t actually like you and who makes you feel insane?

          Unironcially seek God while you fix this.

    • 7 months ago

      I remember you, I was trying to offer my advice.

      Anon this is something I don’t think I said.
      The only man who can date a hooker, and be happy, is a pimp. Just a monster who doesn’t give a frick about her. A normal man will develop feelings for any woman he spends time courting. That is just biology. But a man with something in his head broken, a sociopath or a psychopath, can date a literal prostitute with no problems. She could die and he wouldn’t blink. He would at best be upset for losing his money until he finds another. And that’s the thing, the men that can do it aren’t doing it out of loneliness or for love, they’re doing it because they’re forcing the prostitute to give them the money she earns (a pimp).

      Then there’s the other half which I think I told you last time: this isn’t a good woman. She’s not going to deliver her portion of the relationship, as you’ve mentioned seeing in your post already. This isn’t the mother of your kids dude. Since you are not a pimp (it’s good not to be), what this is is parasitic. You offer her boyfriend experience and she offers you… not girlfriend experience. You’re essentially paying to frick her like her clients do but you’re paying with your time attention and energy.
      >what’s the best action to take
      Start here,

      Apply this to you leaving her instead of her leaving you like the clip suggests it’s the same shit.

      watch through all Patrice O’Neal clips and advices on YouTube especially things off the black Philip show. Take it with a grain of salt because his advice isn’t really for finding a wife. But the take always form his advice should be the ones about maintaining your happiness.
      His biggest advice for any man is this:
      >My happiness is paramount
      What this means is yes, your happiness needs to come first in your life (until you have kids, then they come first). And also, if you’re not happy, the relationship will not be good.

    • 7 months ago

      I remember you, I was trying to offer my advice.

      Anon this is something I don’t think I said.
      The only man who can date a hooker, and be happy, is a pimp. Just a monster who doesn’t give a frick about her. A normal man will develop feelings for any woman he spends time courting. That is just biology. But a man with something in his head broken, a sociopath or a psychopath, can date a literal prostitute with no problems. She could die and he wouldn’t blink. He would at best be upset for losing his money until he finds another. And that’s the thing, the men that can do it aren’t doing it out of loneliness or for love, they’re doing it because they’re forcing the prostitute to give them the money she earns (a pimp).

      Then there’s the other half which I think I told you last time: this isn’t a good woman. She’s not going to deliver her portion of the relationship, as you’ve mentioned seeing in your post already. This isn’t the mother of your kids dude. Since you are not a pimp (it’s good not to be), what this is is parasitic. You offer her boyfriend experience and she offers you… not girlfriend experience. You’re essentially paying to frick her like her clients do but you’re paying with your time attention and energy.
      >what’s the best action to take
      Start here,

      Apply this to you leaving her instead of her leaving you like the clip suggests it’s the same shit.

      watch through all Patrice O’Neal clips and advices on YouTube especially things off the black Philip show. Take it with a grain of salt because his advice isn’t really for finding a wife. But the take always form his advice should be the ones about maintaining your happiness.
      His biggest advice for any man is this:
      >My happiness is paramount
      What this means is yes, your happiness needs to come first in your life (until you have kids, then they come first). And also, if you’re not happy, the relationship will not be good.

      So if you’re with the wrong woman, you’ll become miserable. The wrong woman can be a b***h, a prostitute, or just one you don’t actually like or wanna be with but stay with out of fear of being alone. You have at least 2 of those criteria.
      There’s simply no winning for you other than ending it and moving forward. You have two paths man
      >path 1
      You end it, feel lonely, maybe even sad without her for a bit, then start getting over it, move forward, and can begin to find happiness again and maybe even meet a good woman in the process. Even if you don’t meet one, you’ll still be miles happier than being with a literal fricking prostitute who makes you feel like you’re losing sanity.
      >path 2
      You stay where you are and end up worse and worse off, quite literally going insane.

      Path 2 is the more painful and dangerous route.
      For fricks sake man, even if it goes against my advice a bit you’d be far happier with a fat b***h you weren’t attracted to who at least wasn’t a prostitute.

  66. 7 months ago

    Smoked a 150kg bench pr today.


  67. 7 months ago

    Life is going uphill. I feel good. I hope you all do. WAGMI

  68. 7 months ago

    Got a flu for five fricking days already
    Can feel myself getting better, but I was supposed to train arms yesterday.
    The anxiety from getting sick is making me want to back to porn

  69. 7 months ago

    >Ex and I broke up a year ago
    >would get boner just talking to her
    >constant sex, hours on end, multiple times a day
    >all the kinky shit we wanted
    >for almost a year straight
    >no problems, both enjoyed it thoroughly, eventually go raw, etc
    >Perfect fricking sex life, 0 complaints
    >FF a year
    >new partner
    >Constant boners when cuddling, kissing etc
    >get to 'the moment' a few times
    >can't stay hard long enough to slap on a condom and get in position to frick most of the time
    >feel out of rhythm when it's in
    >barely notice any feeling when it's in (maybe not used to condoms anymore idk)
    What do? I'm thinking cardio and some stress relief as I'm quite burnt out.

    • 7 months ago

      Why do you broke up? Do you like your ex more or the new one? Maybe its your mind issue

      • 7 months ago

        No clue, it was very sudden. She claimed it was her declining mental health and not wanting to drag me down with her. Common friends were also cut off and have no clue. Things were great.

    • 7 months ago

      usually I just pop a viagra (one or even half a pill) before having sex with a new sexual partner. otherwise my anxiety kills my boner fast. I only need to do it once or twice at the very beginning

  70. 7 months ago

    I specifically desire to frick girls with BPD.

  71. 7 months ago

    I'm catching feelings for my foster sister....AGAIN.
    This has been messing me up for a couple of weeks now, but I feel I have to make a small greentext story for context first.
    >Be me, 14 years old
    >Living at grandma
    >Dad an hero'd
    >Mom and me are on NC and she kicked me out in the first place
    >Gran's health goes south
    >Eventually passes away
    >No family willing to take me in
    >in comes my best friends mom
    >takes me in, treats me as if her own
    >Best friend has a sister
    >13 at the time
    >cute but no feels for her then
    >time passes as I live with them
    >feelings for her grow
    >Gets unbearable and come out knowing full well what the result would be
    >"B-but you're my brother"
    >shit hurts a lot but manage to get over it eventually
    >start developing brother/sister relationship
    >both of us willl introduce/talk about each other as "my brother/sister"
    >now, like 17 goddamn years later I catch feels for her again.
    This is the worst. It all started because a homie of mine remarked that he thought she'd be perfect for me, based upon my likes and dislikes in women and the fact that she meets like 90% of my criteria. Looking at my type, and my two exes I can see why he said it, but this just feels shit. The more I started thinking about it, and about how well we get along and all that the more it sort of made sense. But it doesn't, because she's my fricking sister. But she isn't, but she IS. FRICK.
    Frick me, the thing is I am not even upset that nothing will ever happen between us, but that I am even feeling this again. Even weirder is that back when I was madly in love with her I could think of many degen things I'd like to do with her, but if I try that now even fantasy kissing her makes me feel like picrel. Because like, she's my sister, but you know, she's not.
    I'm genuinely more disgusted with myself her, it feels like I am betraying her and the people who took me in.
    Anyway, I just wanted to vent since there's like no solution to this at all, so whatever I'll just suffer.

    • 7 months ago

      How old are you now? You are not blood related. So just be honest with her and ask her about her feeling to you. If she likes you then go for it. I better in love with my foster sister than with my literally prostitute of gf right now.

  72. 7 months ago

    >great progress
    >gym is highlight of my day
    >hit a good weight, happy
    >time to finally bulk
    >all energy sapped
    >feel lethargic and unfocused
    >skipping gym

  73. 7 months ago

    >good job. Soon to be interviewed for a better one and a $20k salary bonus
    >pass by uni to drop off my dad
    >see my ex of 3 years
    >still working the same minimum wagey job. Still in bachelor's after 7 years.

    I got dumped over not having enough money and "being too much like her dad". After all this, i'm still angry and want to be even more successful to prove her wrong

    I hate that I still have any emotions when seeing her anons

    • 7 months ago

      It may not be healthy but motivation is motivation. Take what you can get

  74. 7 months ago

    I really miss my family and cannot be with them for Halloween so that sucks. I have missed many holidays now. I have been told my siblings don’t like me and think I’m lucky and weird and all kinds of shit. Idk it sucks they cast me out . I just have to wait till I find a girl to make my own family with I guess but that’s a long game unfortunately . The worst thing I’ve ever heard said to me is my dad tell me my siblings are jealous of me and don’t want me at Halloween, my favorite holiday . Whiskey for sure as soon as I’m off work lmao

  75. 7 months ago

    >go to a Halloween party
    >every girl is 220+ lbs

    Real Midwest feels

  76. 7 months ago

    >was looking forward to a Halloween party tonight
    >bought my costume and drinks all in advance and ready
    >noticed my gym session was a bit off in the morning and decided to take a nap
    >woke up an hour ago coughing my lungs out and with the beginnings of a fever

    Why does life always fricking do this to me? I’ve been looking forward to this for fricking weeks, and this the only social event I foresee in my near future. I just wanted one (1) escape from my monotonous routine and I can’t even have that. I genuinely have nothing to live for on a day to day basis and I’m running out of cope.

  77. 7 months ago

    Yet another Halloween I’m working. Doesn’t matter anyways; kids never ring my doorbell for candy because I live in a neighborhood full of old people.

  78. 7 months ago


    I met a girl online a few months ago. I met up with her with no expectations, but she seemed really interested, she literally grabbed my arm and started hugging me without me doing anything. So obviously I thought she was attracted.
    But then she starts barely responding to my messages, not agreeing on a time to meet again, etc.
    Since I hate women and their bullshit games, I just ghost her and never respond again.

    Now, after like 3 months, she suddenly messages me again and wants to meet up.

    What's going on?

    • 7 months ago

      possibly bpd, or bpd-lite. my girlfriend (post just below yours) once had a good friend blocked for a year. It isn't good, but women are much more emotional. This can mean they'll be quiet for days or weeks. There was a 3-month span when we barely spoke, but that was just because of a real emotional low, I had my doubts about seeing it through to the end, but it improved tenfold afterwards.

      Give her benefit of the doubt. Go out with her, enjoy your time, see what's up.

    • 7 months ago

      She's probably just crazy like the other guy said, but it would be interesting to get it from the horses mouth. Just straight up ask her why she went quiet on you.

  79. 7 months ago

    I think I just lost my relationship. I finish work an hour before my girlfriend wakes up. I wrote:
    >>Know what I think you'd look good in?
    >>A straight jacket

    I'm currently blocked. we both have schizophrenia, and she's very self conscious about it and not being good enough. I'm so upset, she's the most tender, gentle soul I know. We were going to spend Christmas together. She's beautiful, and a genuine nerd. Things with her have always gone easily and smoothly, she is perfect. and i really don't want to find another needle in a haystack.

    • 7 months ago

      Why the frick did you say that to her then? Were you having an episode?

  80. 7 months ago

    I have a chat with my manager tomorrow bros!
    >best outcome
    60k + permanent contract
    >expected outcome
    48-54k + permanent contract
    >the outcome where I get uppity
    42k + one year extension

  81. 7 months ago

    >missed out on an opportunity to talk to my crush

  82. 7 months ago

    >lost a great friend to an OD
    > told me he was clean but Apprently not
    >used to go the the gym a lot before I moved
    >would still talk, shoot the shit, play lots of vidya together
    >gave me a lot of great advice and always pushed me to be a better man
    >knew about the addiction issues, would always invite him places and involve him in things I did if possible because I didn’t want him to be alone and feel like using.

    >have a great life besides this, got a new job,
    > got a girlfriend I’m going to propose to soon (she’s going to say yes)
    >give two weeks at current job that I hated
    >moving out of shithole city
    >life’s great
    >feel really sad about all of it

    I think I’m just really putting things into perspective and grieving. Like I still hate that job but it all seems so petty now. One of my best friends is dead. This guy was probably going to be the best man at my wedding and he’s dead. It feels so unreal. Like it’s all a bad joke.

    I always thought we’d both make it. Now I’ll just have to make it for the both of us.

    Tell the ones you care about that you love them and are there for them y’all. You’ll never know when’s the last chance you’ll get to say it.

  83. 7 months ago

    I made it, but i wish i was happy with my body.

  84. 7 months ago

    >halloween night
    >have to remember how i have pretty much never attended any of the fun halloween parties everyone went to in hs/college/adult life, and the few that i have attended were extremely stressful and i was miserable
    >have to remember how i am such a pathetic autistic loser that i still live with my parents at 31 in a suburban neighborhood so its all just families and theyre bringing kids to the door and i literally hide in my room in the dark to prevent people from even knowing i exist at this house
    >have to remember how at this age a lot of people have young kids already and are out doing trick or treating with their little kids while i am a kissless virgin
    i desperately hope that i am not alive by next halloween.

    • 7 months ago

      Just move away. Sort your life. Be the salvation to some 35-something thot in the future.

      Haven’t tried dating in about 7 months. I think I’m too fat. I weigh 200 pounds at 5’11”. I don’t think any girl would be interested in dating me. I have muscles, but am about 25 % bf. Should I wait to lose weight to start dating?

      >Should I wait to lose weight to start dating?
      No. Just get some pussy and enjoy.

    • 7 months ago

      I have the opposite problem. Every begs me to hang and link up for Halloween, did it a few times with some homosexual friends, stopped last year, never been happier.
      Have you considered funneling this energy into self improvement?

  85. 7 months ago

    Haven’t tried dating in about 7 months. I think I’m too fat. I weigh 200 pounds at 5’11”. I don’t think any girl would be interested in dating me. I have muscles, but am about 25 % bf. Should I wait to lose weight to start dating?

  86. 7 months ago

    >Hang out with friend I made at work every day, including saturday and sunday
    >Slowly realize that we're annoying each other
    >Decide to take a break from hanging out
    >Still feel the urge to send him shitty memes on insta
    Lately I feel like my very presence is exhausting him

    • 7 months ago

      >Lately I feel like my very presence is exhausting him
      Are you sure he feels the same way? Maybe you're just afraid of making real friends.

      • 7 months ago

        Yes, because I ask him that verbatim, he agreed and we both decided to cancel hanging out for Halloween so he could have some time to just be by himself. It doesn't help that work has been crazy for him and our boss is all up his ass 24/7

  87. 7 months ago

    the career I’ve chosen requires extensive training and studying for a few years prior to the point to where having a gf is extremely difficult. I want feminine contact badly and know I can get it but I’m afraid it’ll frick up my plans.

  88. 7 months ago

    I'm applying to be an auto tech at whatever place will take a nearly 30 year old with literally no car experience. The plan is to learn how engines work, mechanical engineering, go to trade school and work in research and development for high performance vehicles. My first task is to replace the brake pads on my truck.
    I already have a bachelor's in business and can't afford to go back to uni. I fricked up several office jobs and could be stuck in minimum wage for the rest of my life.
    Also going to attempt 250lbs on deadlift for 4x4.

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