Sword training

How do I use a sword for training

Just saw the latest guts anon thread.
I'm wondering why they don't have a fitness routine based on sword swinging. I know they have mace swinging, but I'm looking for sword swinging.
Maces have their weight on the tip on the weapon, swords are more balanced towards center/hilt. So the training is completely different.

Looking for ways to train and larp as my favorite anime sword fighter (sasuke uchia)

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  1. 10 months ago

    Because using a sword doesn't require you to be fit.

    • 10 months ago

      It doesnt, but it can help you be fit. You don't have to be fit to use a barbell either

  2. 10 months ago

    why are his eyes red, is he some kind of vampire demon

    • 10 months ago

      He has sharingan eyes. Basically let's him precieve things 5 times faster than a normal person, he can see your chakra, and unlocks plot armor special abilities depending on who you are

      Sasuke can create black fire that can never be put out, make people see illusions that basically kill them, and summon a skeletal suit of armor that's basically indestructible and has OP weapons

      • 10 months ago

        those all sound like very useful abilities for a swordsman.

        • 10 months ago

          Yeah. He's able to see your movements before you complete them making him completely OP in close range situations, then if you keep your distance he has the black fire and if you try to break his defense he has the skeletal armor. Not to mention anytime you look into his eyes he can make you see illusions.

          He's honestly really busted and one of the most broken anime characters across all anime/manga. Thats not even going into his rinnegan abilities which are basically super sharingan x 10 (he has all the powers of Pain, another one of the strongest characters of all naruto on top of his regular abilities)

          Basically kishimoto had to nerf sasuke by making him always "out of chakra" and never had time to rest and recover or else sasuke could probably 1v9 the entire boruto storyline at full strength. Same with hokage naruto

      • 10 months ago

        >have a mangekyou sharingan
        >it isn't Itachi's or Shisui's or Obito's
        How can powerlets cope? Just imagine having a shirtringan whose power is to manipulate the jobber flames while Itachi was putting people into eternal genjustus, Shisui is basically a walking Jedi mind trick and Obito is just nigh invulnerable.

        • 10 months ago

          We actually don't see a lot of the mangekyou powers. I don't even think they confirmed madaras power

        • 10 months ago

          Itachi also had Amaterasu

      • 10 months ago

        how can byakucels even cope?

  3. 10 months ago


    • 10 months ago

      Thank you. I see lots of training material on YouTube already

  4. 10 months ago

    Has some good drills, don’t overdo it, you will give yourself tendinitis. If you don’t have a sword use a hammer.

  5. 10 months ago

    If you'd train for any japanese swordmanship atleast they'd let you do a shit ton of "haya suburi" which pretty much means fast (sword)swings.

    First you will do a lot of repetitions with a normal bokken (wooden sword) and later you will use heavier so called suburi-to. A mace is good for sword training as it's pretty much a progressive overload.

    I'd recommend ordering a bokken and a suburito from any martial arts store or amazon and train haya suburi. Especially the harsh and abrupt stops of the blade will give you good doms and if you train to stop the bokken very close to any target you can get VERY accurate.

    Later order a Katana from ryan sword for example, they offer great quality for small coin. Then roll up newspapers and soak them in water as makeshift tatami mats and cut away.

    That was my way anyway, was pretty cool, larped too. Got rockhard forearms from this.

    • 10 months ago

      >First you will do a lot of repetitions with a normal bokken (wooden sword) and later you will use heavier so called suburi-to. A mace is good for sword training as it's pretty much a progressive overload.
      >I'd recommend ordering a bokken and a suburito from any martial arts store or amazon and train haya suburi. Especially the harsh and abrupt stops of the blade will give you good doms and if you train to stop the bokken very close to any target you can get VERY accurate.

      I plan on going to Chicago to the sword stores and looking around. I really want to feel the sword before I buy one as I don't know what style or size I want to train with. I'm thinking maybe a straight sword rather than a katana or even a shorter sword to a long sword.

      I'll definitely buy wooden training ones first before I start looking into the real deal. I want to buy 2. One for me and my wife and a nice foam one for my son

  6. 10 months ago

    have a nice day narutard

    • 10 months ago

      Frick off. Naruto is the best shounen of all time

  7. 10 months ago

    You will never be Guts. You have no insane willpower, you have no Band of the Hawk, you haven't slain evils. You are a gym nerd twisted by daddy issues and trauma into a crude mockery of the strugglers perfection.

    All the “validation” you get is two-faced and half-hearted. Behind your back Chads mock you. Your parents are disgusted and ashamed of you, your “friends” laugh at your cringe avatargayging behind closed doors.

    Anons are utterly laughing at you. Thousands of shitposts have allowed anons to sniff out LARPers with incredible efficiency. Even roiders who “pass” as Guts look uncanny and unnatural to a natty. Your inserts alone are a dead giveaway. And even if you manage to get a black girl home with you, she’ll die of cringe the moment she hears a second of your trap anime workout mix.

    You will never be badass. You wrench out an "intimidating" grin after every poor night of sleep and tell yourself this is going to be just another struggle, but deep inside you feel the cope creeping up like an apostle, ready to crush you under the unbearable weight.

    Eventually it’ll be too much to bear – you’ll buy a life-size Dragonslayer replica, do an overhead press, accidentally smash your skull, and plunge into the cold abyss. Your parents will find you, heartbroken but relieved that they no longer have to live with the unbearable shame and disappointment. They’ll bury you with a headstone marked with your birth name, and every passerby for the rest of eternity will know a background character is buried there. Your body will decay and go back to the dust, and all that will remain of your legacy is a skeleton that is unmistakably of a fodder soldier.

    • 10 months ago

      But I don't want to be guts. I want to be sasuke

  8. 10 months ago

    Assuming you are using a sword one handed you get wrist gains the most, followed by some shoulder gains.
    If you use it two handed wrist gets less work and probably only shoulder mobility and footwork gains.
    Anyway it wont yield you big muscle gains, but it could be a fun way to get a base on some muscles that usually get neglected.

    • 10 months ago

      >has never used a sword before

      • 10 months ago


        • 10 months ago

          Then you should know well that using a sword, especially a katana is going to give you wrist and forearm gains if you use it with 2 hands

          • 10 months ago


            • 10 months ago

              Are you swinging the sword like a baseball bat? Thats the only way you won't get wrist gains. When you strike you're supposed to extend your wrist and forearms in the path of the blade to "cut". I can see in your webm you don't have enough skill to twirl the blade. Maybe you're too busy LARPing and not actually training

              • 10 months ago

                > I can see in your webm you don't have enough skill to twirl the blade.
                >catching a sharp spinning sword mid air without looking at it is not skill

              • 10 months ago

                It's not. Especially not a quarter rotation like in your webm. Can't believe you said it was "spinning" lol.
                If you don't know how that you're supposed to use your wrists and forearms to cut during your strikes, I can only assume you're wildly swinging your sword like a baseball bat LARPing as an anime swordsman.
                Which then means you're a complete novice, untrained, and playing with a dangerous weapon. Treating it as if it's a toy.

                You're old enough to know better than to play with sharp objects kid

              • 10 months ago

                put in your effort into actually training

              • 10 months ago


                If this is you from the other thread, then my point is proven. Youre just wildly swinging with no form or finesse. The lack of training is obvious to anyone who has trained with a sword for more than a week

              • 10 months ago

                >> The lack of training is obvious to anyone who has trained with a sword for more than a week

                lmao "tell me how you are incel without telling me you are incel"

                it's obv just a game to get muscles

              • 10 months ago

                So then why are you claiming to know proper form, and claiming you have sword skills when you're just playing a game?

              • 10 months ago

                >How dare you disrespect my dojo, my master knows best, I saw him on youtube a lot of times and he personally taught me to be a master swords man....H-how many actual fights have I been in....uh well....

              • 10 months ago

                You don't understand bro, hes seen some youtube videos so hes an expert. He is sure to win due to his superior knowledge of medieval techniques.

              • 10 months ago

                >How dare you disrespect my dojo, my master knows best, I saw him on youtube a lot of times and he personally taught me to be a master swords man....H-how many actual fights have I been in....uh well....

                I actually practice HEMA if you must know. Armizare to be specific

              • 10 months ago

                >I do and elaborate form of LARP with no practical uses
                just fricking end yourself, you homo

  9. 10 months ago


    • 10 months ago

      How is it not?


      how can byakucels even cope?

      Seriously a low point in the manga. Even hinata should have been able to block those spikes

  10. 10 months ago

    choose one of those

    • 10 months ago

      terrible larp practices that focus on technique masturbation. You wont be making gains on those.

      • 10 months ago

        >hey guys just swing this metal bar around like a moron. For the gains bro. Think of the gains.

        Take your larp somewhere else

        • 10 months ago

          Let me guess you won't post your body that you have built excursively doing fencing, hema, kendo. But you will mock the anon whos built a nice physique swinging his bar around.
          Yet you call him the larper.

      • 10 months ago

        >You wont be making gains on those.
        Yes because most of those sports require you to be fast with great cardio, it's the same reason why most non-Heavyweight kickboxer look dyel

        • 10 months ago

          >Yes because most of those sports
          Exactly, sports, larping for points. Not a real fight or battle.
          >require you to be fast because the quality of a hit doesn't matter, armor is not in play, etc etc. So it all devolves into speed homosexualy of who can make touch as fast as possible. Quality of a hit or cut does not matter as nobody actually has to brush bone, penetrate armor inflict damage and so on.
          >with great cardio
          you think swinging around a heavy metal bar doesn't require good cardio?
          > it's the same reason why most non-Heavyweight kickboxer look dyel
          They have weight classes anon. In real life, in a real fight or battle nobody ges to pick and choose the opponents weight.

          • 10 months ago

            Are we talking about training or fighting irl? Also, fencer don't really need to crush bones or anything instead of just thrusting a sword through a guy's eye socket and brain

            • 10 months ago

              >Are we talking about training or fighting irl?
              Well we are on IST. The op wants to train to get some gains, as one might assume.
              I talk about training to get some gains, as would be fitting for this board.
              Some hema/kendo/fencing autist jumps into the thread and starts seething about people not using the correct historical movements and he would totally kill everybody here with his skills. and calls everybody else a larper.
              When their own "training' is larping, but they don't even make gains.
              >Also, fencer don't really need to crush bones or anything instead of just thrusting a sword through a guy's eye socket and brain
              Again, depends on what weapon the enemy has, what armor they have and so on, but naturally technique gays will ignore this and furiously jerk off to some scenario in their mind.

              • 10 months ago

                >Well we are on IST. The op wants to train to get some gains, as one might assume.
                Or he just wants to get fitter, IST is not purely bodybuilding, it's fitness, also OP asked to look like Sasuke and the dude is literally dyel, dude doesn't even have abs
                >Some hema/kendo/fencing autist jumps into the thread and starts seething about people not using the correct historical movements and he would totally kill everybody here with his skills. and calls everybody else a larper.
                >When their own "training' is larping, but they don't even make gains.
                I'm not sure why you are so hostile against those sports when it's one autist who is probably experiencing dunning-kruger for the first time, just let it go brah

              • 10 months ago

                >Or he just wants to get fitter
                That's still gains anon. Gains doesn't imply body building.
                >also OP asked to look like Sasuke
                All I saw is that he likes the character and wants to larp as them.
                >I'm not sure why you are so hostile against those sports
                Sport itself is just that a sport. If it's a good sport entirely depends on what your goals are.
                The only real issue is that these sports in particular tend to attract the kind of people who want to be taken very seriously as some master duelist, while being divorced form reality. That's why they need to constantly mount "muh respect, muh dojo, muh sensei, muh technique" in order to bolster the image in their head of what they are doing to be more grand than it actually is.

                The whole premise is stupid because swords are not toys. You ahouldnt be playing or LARPing with a sword. That's like a newbie unracking 3pl8s because it looks cool.
                Swords are weapons and should be treated as such. If you want to LARP go swing your metal pole around. Don't play with a real sword.

                People like you and OP need to watch yourselves instead of watching anime. People have seriously injured/killed themselves larping with real swords

                people like OP and gutsanon actually make progress and gains. People like you seethe at others on the internet and never post body.

              • 10 months ago

                The whole premise is stupid because swords are not toys. You ahouldnt be playing or LARPing with a sword. That's like a newbie unracking 3pl8s because it looks cool.
                Swords are weapons and should be treated as such. If you want to LARP go swing your metal pole around. Don't play with a real sword.

                People like you and OP need to watch yourselves instead of watching anime. People have seriously injured/killed themselves larping with real swords

  11. 10 months ago

    >swinging the autism stick
    There are like a million things that would be better if you wanted to get good at sword fighting. Working on cardio, legs, doing bodyweight exercises, going to an actual gym, actually training for what you want to do…

    Still, beats sitting around on the couch. Probably 99% of all people who ever needed to use a sword in combat had just a stick to train with.

    >t. Epee chad

  12. 10 months ago

    Someone get these animegays off my Christian board

    • 10 months ago

      join a good HEMA club and have fun. you'll become good acquaintances soon enough

      anime imageboard. get used to it or leave.

  13. 10 months ago


  14. 10 months ago


  15. 10 months ago

    Or blue

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