Take the hormones they said. You'll get muscles they said

Take the hormones they said.
You'll get muscles they said

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It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

  1. 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      >5'6 and bald

      He had no choice

    • 2 years ago


      How to prevent this when on roids?

      >same 3 pictures
      >every thread
      Go to therapy you homosexual

    • 2 years ago

      This one's okay with me.
      I would probably suicide if I was that bald and ugly, hopefully trooning out bought him a few more years before the rope.

    • 2 years ago


      How to prevent this when on roids?

      What's your aim with spamming this thread?

    • 2 years ago

      my penis is confused bros

    • 2 years ago

      >dat ass

  2. 2 years ago

    How to prevent this when on roids?

    • 2 years ago

      >I'm a woman
      >Realises he couldn't fool a blind man in the dark
      >Ackshually I'm non-binary

    • 2 years ago

      This is what I imagined Hugh/Helen Steeply from Infinite Jest probably looked like

    • 2 years ago

      aromatase inhibitors

  3. 2 years ago

    Is this because classic roids make the body stop producing test naturally so they become even bigger gays? I havent studied up on newer roids. Did they just overdo cycles and frick up test?

    • 2 years ago

      None of that. Just body dysmorphia. Go to a therapist before you start taking troony juice. I used to feel like a troony and was body dysmorphic. Had a mental breakdown and now I’m just a schizophrenic (much better).

      • 2 years ago

        Well duh im not gonna take any troony juice I was just curious. Yeah unfortunately dysmorphia is pushed into full irreversible troony shit by mainstream and anyone who lived it first hand that is trying to warn against jumping off deep end immediately is banned from discussions.

      • 2 years ago

        My troony mate has booked a date to get his wiener chopped off, how do I save him before it's to late? He's 25 and has had a history of depression. I've already told him that the technology isn't there and he can still "be a woman" with a penis. I've warned him about potential side effects and complications but he's living a fantasy where he thinks his neo vegana will be perfect, self lubricating and still maintain sensitivity. I asked if he had body dysmorphia and he told me yes. I asked if he was considering other surgery and told me he was going to get a tracheal shave. He told me getting his penis cut off is something he's wanted to do since 8 years old and he's almost cut it off himself. He was normal 2 years ago and is still into women.

        • 2 years ago

          >something he's wanted to do since 8 years old
          When they say shit like this they're lying 100% of the time. The problem is they don't know they're lying.

          • 2 years ago

            I know he's lying to himself. He's spiralled into alcoholism (weekend exclusive) but still swears he's the happiest he's ever been since he got on hormones. He's surrounded by an echo chamber on troony Discord servers / Reddit pages and he spends lots of time VRChat. How do I make him see reason? I have come out completely against the trans idea as I still want to maintain friendship so I can be there to support him when it all collapses but when he told he booked a date for his surgery and he's flying to Thailand I had to put my foot down and say something.

            • 2 years ago

              I haven't come out completely against*

            • 2 years ago

              Like the other anon said there really might not be anything you can do about it. People that delusional are a lot like religious zealots when it comes to what they believe. The best you can do is just keep chipping away at the idea that the wienerchop might not be the fix-all solution he thinks it is.

              • 2 years ago

                Chipping away from a medical standpoint and not an emotional standpoint seems like the only option I've got without being "transphobic". Delay the surgery and hope that in 5+ years he'll be able to face the denial.

                I know you care about him but I honestly don't know if you should be there for him after he makes a decision like that. He's listening to mentally ill freaks on the internet over you and will likely be akin to a person drowning and will drag you down with him. If you are super strong emotionally and care enough and can deal with something like that then by all means try but it can definitely bleed into your life and make you unhealthy. Do you have the examples of people getting banned and having their posts deleted by those very same forums he frequents? The people who had their mexican or thai surgeries and talk about smelly disgusting holes and being even more depressed? There's also medical data showing that something like 80%+ of these people's sexual desires and outlets are completely gone. So he's going to have a smelly hole where his dick was and he wont be even able to get off anymore.

                I care about him as a mate cos he was there for me when I lost my Dad and got me a job when I was close to bankruptcy. This was years ago but I feel like I owe him the favor of being there. If you have links to any studies or verified statistics I'd love to have links I could share to him. I've been struggling to find evidence beyond anecdotal reports... it also seems like there has been active effort to censor and silence those who've reported negative results. It also seems like most cases I've found where there are negative reports the OP's have deleted their accounts.

                I did ask how he'd react if he got bad results and couldn't get pleasure anymore and be claims that he's never really enjoyed sex and thinks he might even be asexual which doesn't really line up with history. I know he's had a history of low libido.

              • 2 years ago

                Meme of the fricking century. There was an FTM detransitioner who said she was asexual, then six months later she got a boyfriend and mysteriously changed her mind.

              • 2 years ago

                I can't imagine what's going through his head that he hates his body so much he's created a fantasy history of wanting to get rid of his dick. It doesn't even sound like he cares about having a functional "vegana" he just wants his wiener gone. I'm certain he's just blinded by the fantasy of perfect results (appearance, minimal scarring, max depth, self lubricating, multiple orgasm levels of sensitivity) and isn't even truely considering the idea of complications impacting him. I just need to make him understand he's signing up for decades of painful dilation, opiate addiction/withdrawal, infection, stench, maintenance, no pleasure, medical complications, expensive followup surgeries and that's all if he doesn't off himself first.

              • 2 years ago


                >In retrospect, 62.4% of trans women reported a decrease in sexual desire after SRT. Seventy-three percent of trans women never or rarely experienced spontaneous and responsive sexual desire. A third reported associated personal or relational distress resulting in a prevalence of HSDD of 22%.

                Problem is he may latch onto the next part while ignoring what came before it.
                >Respondents who had undergone vaginoplasty experienced more spontaneous sexual desire compared with those who planned this surgery but had not yet undergone it (P = 0.03).

                Unfortunately I don't have the stuff saved anymore but as goofy as it sounds you may make try making both a serious, and if not successful, a bait thread on pol about trans. Sometimes serious threads get no attention but if you bait and say something really dumb people will come out of the woodwork to post and it will give you a chance to skim through the shit to find the good links and screencaps.

              • 2 years ago

                Cheers for the response. I'll have a dig through thread archives for keywords and if can't find anything I might try making a thread somewhere like adv, lgbt or pol. If anyone else has any good links / resources or infographics please post them.

              • 2 years ago

                Seconding the suggestion to bait /misc/. Just start a troony hate thread and you'll get everything you need. I'd also suggest you try getting your friend on TRT before he goes too far with surgery. Best case scenario he realizes he hated being a man because he had low-T and treatment turns him into a gigachad mog machine. Worst case he goes on T, still hates being a man, comes off, and tanks his natural test production. Its a win-win

              • 2 years ago

                He's already on T blockers and apparently before being given his dose amount for titty pills he had to do a T levels test. I had a theory he was low T (balding, low libido, weed addiction, depression, mood swings, extremely low muscle mass) and I was trying to find out what his test results were exactly but all he told me was he was "in the normal range" but we all know how low doctors consider normal. I've considered spiking him with trt, considered kidnapping and forcing him to live as a man in the bush for survival for a few months, considered replacing his titty pills with oral roids / sarms.

              • 2 years ago

                >all he told me was he was "in the normal range"
                t. 200 ng/dl

              • 2 years ago

                I remember seeing some detrans stories about MtFtM who got on T after detransitioning and suddenly realizing that their entire problem was low T all along. Might be worth digging those up on r/detrans or /misc/ to show him because it sounds like a textbook case of failed male looking for an alternative to the masculinity he doesn't think he's capable of achieving.

              • 2 years ago

                This is my best theory. It all started after he got with his psycho dominating ex who used him and spent all his money on fueling her obesity / weed addiction. It was her who introduced him to the LGBT community as she was bisexual. She destroyed all his confidence, and his confidence was low before that as his previous ex cheated on him. He's got major parental issues as he was seperated from his father at 11, moved countries and was raised pretty much his whole life by a single mother who has her own mental issues (bpd). Basically worst case scenario of no male role models during most important development stages, T lowering drug addiction, poor diet and destroyed confidence. I didn't get IST till only a couple years ago... I just wish I had known a few years ago what I know now I could have done something before it all started. I'm not the type to dwell on could have beens though and I'm just trying to plan what to do from here. If anyone else reads this story and knows someone struggling learn from my mistakes.

              • 2 years ago

                Swap his titty skittles with oral tren

              • 2 years ago

                Let me just clone his house keys... I'll break in monthly to modify his script. Also I'd open and empty the capsules then refill them so he couldn't tell the difference. Might even mix in some anti psychotic medication like the meds used to treat cross dressing in the past.

              • 2 years ago

                I get you. And it blows to see someone you care about going down this path, but to these kinds of people, their internal emotive reality is everything. Their sense of reality and their sense of themselves are one and the same. Trying to argue with facts and logic against what they percieve to be correct is tantamount to shitting on their vey being and will get you nowhere. Hell, even reality is no match for some troony delusions. Hence why 41% of them rope. They'd rather die than admit their fantasies are just that. The only paths for your friend out of this castration cult are (i) TRT/lifting/doing guy shit to kickstart T production and change his inner reality, (ii) Detransition after chopping off his balls and realizing he hasn't fixed any of his actual problems, is still depressed, and now can't have sex even if he were to become a man again [good luck being on trt with no dick], (iii) living a life of quiet suffering and delusion, ready to snap at any moment lest something or someone try to wake him from his daydreams, or (iv) becoming an hero.
                You think oral tren is a joke, but this is clown world we're dealing with. Jokes are the most potent weapons you have.

            • 2 years ago

              I haven't come out completely against*

              I know you care about him but I honestly don't know if you should be there for him after he makes a decision like that. He's listening to mentally ill freaks on the internet over you and will likely be akin to a person drowning and will drag you down with him. If you are super strong emotionally and care enough and can deal with something like that then by all means try but it can definitely bleed into your life and make you unhealthy. Do you have the examples of people getting banned and having their posts deleted by those very same forums he frequents? The people who had their mexican or thai surgeries and talk about smelly disgusting holes and being even more depressed? There's also medical data showing that something like 80%+ of these people's sexual desires and outlets are completely gone. So he's going to have a smelly hole where his dick was and he wont be even able to get off anymore.

            • 2 years ago

              >VRchat troony
              Damn, the TRANShumanist meme is real

              • 2 years ago

                Unfortunately VRChat seems to have become to ultimate breeding ground for trans identities. He started off as "gender fluid" before becoming "gender fluid, fem presenting" then came out as "MTF trans". He's already legally and socially transitioned. Given the amount of young and impressionable children/teens on VRChat I worry about the impact this is going to have in mass on the next generation... especially as the metaverse becomes a thing in mainstream culture.

              • 2 years ago

                Trannies are the biggest fricking groomers on earth and if you say anything about it they immediately accuse you of wanting to genocide them. They literally prey on kids and for some reason this is just seen as completely okay.

              • 2 years ago

                When you attack their identity they lash out because they know they're wrong. The second they lose external validation they implode.

                >He started off as "gender fluid" before becoming "gender fluid, fem presenting" then came out as "MTF trans"
                So the usual trannies find a person with mental health issues that doesn't fit their sex's stereotypes 100% and then slowly gaslight them into believing that they are in fact a member of the opposite sex trapped in a wrong body then. It is pretty impressive how much we have gone back on rejecting gender stereotypes during the last couple decades. Remember when a boy could like the color pink and a girl could prefer playing football to playing with barbies without some crossdressing nutjob immediately popping up telling them that they should be put on drugs and get a dozen plastic surgeries?

                I had my sister's do nail polish on me as a kid and played dress up. Can't imagine what would have happened to me if that had happened in our current times. I worry for my friend who's a father of 3... his eldest daughter (12) came out as lesbian a couple months ago and last week cut herself for the first time. He blames the trans teacher at his child's school for creating a literal LGBT club for students. You try your best to protect your children yet still this insanity finds its way to your kids. I don't even think homeschooling is a valid solution anymore due to social media and even mainstream media.

              • 2 years ago

                >troony teacher
                >LGBT club
                >Daughter is now a lesbian
                Alphabet mafia will say this is pure coincidence.

              • 2 years ago

                She just wants to fit in and it's trendy. Apparently a lot of the main characters in some shows she watches are lesbian / gay. She's always been a bit of an odd kid and obsesses over whatever she's into... A few months ago it was the Twilight books and about a year ago it was Harry Potter. I hope for his sake this lesbian thing is just a phase. As for the self harm I have no clue how he should respond and what this means for her future.

              • 2 years ago

                >He started off as "gender fluid" before becoming "gender fluid, fem presenting" then came out as "MTF trans"
                So the usual trannies find a person with mental health issues that doesn't fit their sex's stereotypes 100% and then slowly gaslight them into believing that they are in fact a member of the opposite sex trapped in a wrong body then. It is pretty impressive how much we have gone back on rejecting gender stereotypes during the last couple decades. Remember when a boy could like the color pink and a girl could prefer playing football to playing with barbies without some crossdressing nutjob immediately popping up telling them that they should be put on drugs and get a dozen plastic surgeries?

              • 2 years ago

                I too remember when tomboys were a thing.

            • 2 years ago

              Beat him

        • 2 years ago


          >something he's wanted to do since 8 years old
          When they say shit like this they're lying 100% of the time. The problem is they don't know they're lying.

          they have been fricked up by online forums that ban any rational discussion. Plenty of examples of people that did the surgeries and were extremely unhappy, shared their experience and they get the banhammer. Unfortunately this whole thing is wrapped up in mental illness so you may not be able to do anything. The people pushing this stuff are evil.

          • 2 years ago

            He told me he's spoken to people who've had the surgery and are happy. I know the people's he's talking to are also in denial. He said he saw photos from a friend of his who had it done a week ago and told me it looks really good and they're the happiest they've ever been despite being on opiates, being unable to walk and dilating for hours for weeks. I asked if he's thought about the future and spoken to literally anyone who had it done 5+ years ago and he can't answer. He said he's getting a different method done (suporn clinic?) as he says he's spoken to people who had the penile inversion method and are unhappy.

            • 2 years ago

              Tell him you are attracted to him but we’re afraid to come out, tell him you’ve always wanted to suck his wiener, get down on your knees and milk him dry. Then beg him to keep it. He probably will.

    • 2 years ago

      Its likely that people with an already present mental disorder or body image issues does steroids and transitioning. First they try to fix their feelings with getting huge and that dosn't work so they try to fix it by becoming woman.

    • 2 years ago

      No. It's mental illness. They super compensated with not feeling masculine by taking roids, then eventually embraced they'd never feel masculine and went full tilt the other direction.

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