>talking with zoomer gf (I'm 32). >she shows me some meme with Zyzz

>talking with zoomer gf (I'm 32)
>she shows me some meme with Zyzz
>tell her he died of a heart attack at 22
>"wtf anon he doesn't even look big or roided"

Fake natties have completely destroyed this generation's perception. Girls think that pic related is completely attainable natty now.

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  1. 1 year ago

    Wait... TikTok zoomers are unaware?

    • 1 year ago

      He died a decade ago, anon. Zoomers were still in primary school.

  2. 1 year ago

    >tell her he died of a heart attack at 22
    u sound jelly

    • 1 year ago


      >talking with zoomer gf (I'm 32)
      >she shows me some meme with Zyzz
      >tell her he died of a heart attack at 22
      >"wtf anon he doesn't even look big or roided"

      Fake natties have completely destroyed this generation's perception. Girls think that pic related is completely attainable natty now.

      I bet ur also the type that says "but hes on steriods" when celebs are talking about muscle and how they got fit for a role.

    • 1 year ago

      I bet ur also the type that says "but hes on steriods" when celebs are talking about muscle and how they got fit for a role.

      I mentioned it because the was something like "this is why you should lift" with a pic of him surrounded by girls. I was pointing out that attention cost him his life.

      • 1 year ago

        So you are absolutely jealous. Zyzz lived more in 5 years than you will in your whole life.

    • 1 year ago

      I am

    • 1 year ago


      Zyzz isn't talked about because of his body, but because of his influence and what he managed to do. IST posting WoW playing virgin nerd becomes Internet phenomenon Chad. Changes the entire damn paradigm. A fitness influencer before fitness influencer even existed. To this day you say "we are all going to make it" just because of him. WAGMI mire fuarkkk all of it. Literally made an entire generation of men start lifting weights.

      This, he gave people hope. The incel morons who cling to this board like a disease wouldnt get it. Most people on here look better than teenage zyzz yet cry about how theyll never be chad and they cant make it. Its pathetic.

      Post body

      He was a stripper who died in his early 20's doing drugs. Get better heroes.

    • 1 year ago

      I'm jelly of anyone who got to die at 22.

      • 1 year ago

        you are.

        Yeah well he's white, tall, and handsome with a skin tight shirt.

        he gives off nice safe guy vibes and the pick up vid is clearly for clout and hes not a player. once you actually do lots of pick up, you lose that nice guy vibe.

        • 1 year ago

          >hes not a player
          Heh wait until you see the videos of him out on the town at night when there are women licking food off his body. They know he's a player.

          • 1 year ago

            hes a nice safe guy that looks good and girls like. thats not a player. i knew lots of dudes that lots of girls liked with girls around them, but they were still beta mindset about females. if looks was everything, how come so few guys are like Leonarda Dicapio? because being a player takes work and ballz.

      • 1 year ago


        There is nothing like coming close to death that makes you want to live. I have seen beheaded bodies in person in front of me. I see edgy bois online hurr I have seen those videos I am so hardcore!!

        It's a different world in person. The smell of death is horrific.

        Frick me, you'll have the hardest hard on ever after that just living a basic day and being alive.

  3. 1 year ago

    >zoomers are moronic

    More at 11.

    • 1 year ago

      Thank you for being baselessly hopeful about life, zyzz, I am inspired to keep living because of your stupidity.
      >people will die at 60
      Hope I don't live that long kek.

    • 1 year ago

      >tell her he died of a heart attack at 22
      u sound jelly

      >zyzz is immortal
      >zyzz is a legend
      >zoomer bawds schlick to zyzz without knowing who he is
      The world lost a real one when this homosexual died.

      being 90+kg at 187 doesn't make you some extraordinary genetic phenomenon.

      Many invisible homosexuals in this board have talked shit to me and told me to give up. Zyzz told me - and you too - that we are ALL gonna make it. I don't get the hate on the dude even though I am against roids too. Just an incredibly uplifting person who put roasties at their place. Did he do stupid shit? Yeah, he was a fricking 22 yo. That's when people do stupid shit. Get over it. Dude is a legend and will always be remembered both for his physique and his personality. WAGMI.

      • 1 year ago

        based. i have nothing against roids. the average person isnt going to use a dosage for ifbb, just similar to what zyzz did.

      • 1 year ago

        >you can only do stupid shit when you're 22
        You're not the boss of me, I'll show you how moronic I can be.

      • 1 year ago

        There's plenty of role models who are uplifting and also actually fit. I personally like Nick Symmonds.

        • 1 year ago

          Nick symmonds seems like a narcissist. After I watched him make people recite his stats to him in a video I knew something was off with him.

    • 1 year ago

      In a sauna eh? Jeez. I've been in so many intense sweats where i felt like I might die and stayed in anyway. I guess we all go when it's time. Some stars burn hot bright and fast.

  4. 1 year ago

    The average age of an NFL player is 26

    Their average life expectancy is 60

    The effects of PEDs

    • 1 year ago

      PEDs but also CTE, painkiller and alcohol addiction due to chronic injuries etc

  5. 1 year ago

    >zyzz is immortal
    >zyzz is a legend
    >zoomer bawds schlick to zyzz without knowing who he is
    The world lost a real one when this homosexual died.

  6. 1 year ago

    well its because roiders these days are massive

  7. 1 year ago

    >Girls think that pic related is completely attainable natty now.

    it is, zyzz never learned how to train and was laughably small for a roider.

    • 1 year ago

      He and his brother just have dense muscle instead of bubbly muscle. He was 95kg and lean at his biggest.

      • 1 year ago

        being 90+kg at 187 doesn't make you some extraordinary genetic phenomenon.

        • 1 year ago

          Zyzz had extraordinary good muscle insertions.

          • 1 year ago

            not really, he mostly had a good chest and core, but very weak shoulders narrow shoulders in combination with disproportional traps that made him look even narrower.

            he doesn't have particularly good flow.

            • 1 year ago
              • 1 year ago

                are you trying to prove my point?

                like I said, he has narrow shoulders, literal dumpy tier proportions even on drugs, and his traps made it look even worse, his arms were never good either because he didn't know how to train, back looked natty.

            • 1 year ago

              yet he still looks better than all the current fake natty influencers

              • 1 year ago

                not really, that's just selection bias, there's plenty of people that take far less and look far better and won't die at age 22, hell there's plenty of naturals that look better than him since he wasn't particularly big to begin with.

              • 1 year ago

                that guy looks worse than zyzz, and its a black and white photo
                zyzz hit the perfect balance. much bigger than what he was and its quickly getting into disgusting territory.

              • 1 year ago

                you have an awful sense of aesthetics if you think zyzz even came close to that.

                >zyzz hit the perfect balance
                if only he had a better skeletal structure and smaller traps, but he didn't and just looks dumpy as a result.

                he had very good insertions in his core, and a square shaped chest, and that's where it ends, arms were shit, back was shit, shoulders were natty tier, in fact even at his absolute biggest most of his proportions were naturally achievable, you just will never get that chest naturally.

              • 1 year ago

                Have you actually measured him or are you just making this shit up? How do you know how many heads tall he was? I think it's very likely he was fashion or heroic.

              • 1 year ago

                all im reading is cope

              • 1 year ago

                Zyzz looks better than that dude in every single way. Only the most dysmorphic of morons would think otherwise.

            • 1 year ago

              >very weak shoulders narrow shoulders
              lol. admit it, ur jelly

        • 1 year ago

          he had good genetics, like proportion and insertions and aesthetics. That itself is extraordinary genetic phenomenon. he wasnt offensive to the eyes lemme guess u like guys that are 240 lb.

    • 1 year ago

      >laughably small for a roider.
      dude was too big by the time he was 21

      • 1 year ago

        my brother in christ he was around 95kg at his absolute peak, that's not extraordinarily heavy at 187 cm.


        Have you actually measured him or are you just making this shit up? How do you know how many heads tall he was? I think it's very likely he was fashion or heroic.

        feel free to make the comparison here's him from the front that you posted yourself


        it should be fairly obvious that he's below average.

        >very weak shoulders narrow shoulders
        lol. admit it, ur jelly

        imagine roiding but not having roid shoulders.

        he had good genetics, like proportion and insertions and aesthetics. That itself is extraordinary genetic phenomenon. he wasnt offensive to the eyes lemme guess u like guys that are 240 lb.

        he had awful genetics for aesthetics considering his shoulder with is barely two heads.

        • 1 year ago

          its about proportion, i saw his more recent pics, and he was definitely getting into "too big" territory

          • 1 year ago

            this was his absolute peak in terms of size, he died not long after that


            not really, he mostly had a good chest and core, but very weak shoulders narrow shoulders in combination with disproportional traps that made him look even narrower.

            he doesn't have particularly good flow.

            if it's about proportion he'd lose because his taper wasn't good due to his frame, he had a lot going for him, but also plenty of flaws that I've already pointed out for you, pay attention to his traps in most of his pictures, they absolutely ruin the way his already narrow shoulders look, most of the examples used of him are poses in which this part of his body specifically doesn't show.

            • 1 year ago

              Fairly unflattering photo.

              • 1 year ago

                thanks for the rare zyzz but his back still wasn't very good considering his dosages, he really just didn't know how to train, this is also obvious from the training footage that exists, he died before ever reaching his peak.

              • 1 year ago

                Certain bodyparts came and went because he didn't know how to cycle his gear that's for sure. That good back photo is before his mid back tat.

            • 1 year ago

              do you like this more?

              • 1 year ago

                I don't think that's zyzz I'm afraid, notice there's a tattoo on both shoulders, he never had that.

            • 1 year ago

              you just want him to like every bodybuilder. if he looked like that, he wouldve just been another gymshark bro.

            • 1 year ago

              His festival photos are ironically his worst photos. He didn't like water retention so he didn't even use creatine, he was on fatburners so he would get really flat during a day out without eating a lot of food because he didn't want to bloat his stomach with his shirt off. Turns out intramuscular water is what makes you look big.

        • 1 year ago

          his shoulder are clearly past a natty limit already, but yeah, ur right about him not having roid shoulders.

          >he had awful genetics for aesthetics
          Clearly not, otherwise no one wud be talking about him. hes aesthetic.

        • 1 year ago

          Post body you dyel neckbeard

  8. 1 year ago

    Zyzz WAS a moron
    >took high tren cycles for ottermode
    >did cycles back to back with no cooldown to let his body recover
    >abused drugs while using steroids

    It honestly pisses me off that people still talk about this dude 10+ years later. Lots of dudes have gotten better bodies without killing themselves

    • 1 year ago

      Zyzz isn't talked about because of his body, but because of his influence and what he managed to do. IST posting WoW playing virgin nerd becomes Internet phenomenon Chad. Changes the entire damn paradigm. A fitness influencer before fitness influencer even existed. To this day you say "we are all going to make it" just because of him. WAGMI mire fuarkkk all of it. Literally made an entire generation of men start lifting weights.

      • 1 year ago

        >wasn’t in a fraternity

        • 1 year ago

          True. Bum is the ultimate Chad because Chads are born not made.
          >frat bro
          >party host at his frat house
          >gym bro
          >football player
          >looks like that

          • 1 year ago

            >implying you can be a chad with a lisp

          • 1 year ago

            CBum is not a chad. hes beta af.


            you have an awful sense of aesthetics if you think zyzz even came close to that.

            >zyzz hit the perfect balance
            if only he had a better skeletal structure and smaller traps, but he didn't and just looks dumpy as a result.

            he had very good insertions in his core, and a square shaped chest, and that's where it ends, arms were shit, back was shit, shoulders were natty tier, in fact even at his absolute biggest most of his proportions were naturally achievable, you just will never get that chest naturally.

            >looks dumpy
            holy shit lol

          • 1 year ago

            chad are born, but then schooling does its hardest to brainwash it out of you. Those that retain it are true chads. Cbum is born one, but now, his 4 foot 5 gf talks shit about him on vlogs and he doesnt notice it. cause hes blue pilled bout females.

          • 1 year ago

            >football player
            tom brady plays football, one of the best, still a beta.

            • 1 year ago

              He's literally the ultimate Chad. He has a new young model lusting after him after his divorce.

              • 1 year ago

                no hes not. and im glad so many people think like you.

          • 1 year ago

            Gay demoralizer thread. Dubs and you die in your sleep.


            not really, that's just selection bias, there's plenty of people that take far less and look far better and won't die at age 22, hell there's plenty of naturals that look better than him since he wasn't particularly big to begin with.

            >wasn’t in a fraternity

            None of this is a good thing though.
            >nerds trying to defy nature to rise above their station as false chads
            >fitness influencers are cancer
            >an entire generation inspired meaning my gym is crowded with clueless zoomers

            You too

            • 1 year ago

              his muscles were so fricking dense though.

              yeah, majority of people are losers that wont admit it and just lash out, its hilarious. losers are born, but the worse thing is when these losers think they arent.

          • 1 year ago

            >looks 30
            I always noticed people identify chadly traits with being "looking mature" (without looking like shit, obviously).

            • 1 year ago

              Chadly traits are hypermasculine traits that exist on people who haven't been poisoned by the estrogenic water and food supply growing up. He just looks like an 18 year old from the 70s.

              • 1 year ago

                >Chadly traits are hypermasculine traits
                he had the physicality, but not the mindset. most males dont. its brainwashed out of us. female teachers, female mothers, Hollywood movies, msm, proaganda. Hes also white, so for sure his family had equal decision making between mother and father. so yeah, thats why Tom Bradies and Cbum, who wouldve been true chads end up bluepilled men cus they dunt believe in the red pill or no one exposed them to it.

              • 1 year ago

                What I meant to say is high testosterone = more aging and masculine features, anyway
                I fear for his marriage. Massive mistake in my opinion. Especially when these big fitness guys have thirsty women who literally DM them and become their girlfriend the way Cbum's wife and Alex Eubank's girl have. No way it can end well when a woman latches onto a successful guy.

              • 1 year ago

                >Chadly traits are hypermasculine traits
                he had the physicality, but not the mindset. most males dont. its brainwashed out of us. female teachers, female mothers, hollywood movies, msm, proaganda. Hes also white, so for sure his family had equal decision making between mother and father. so yeah, thats why Tom Bradies and Cbum, who wouldve been true chads end up bluepilled men cus they dunt believe in the red pill or no one exposed them to it.

                we shud have mixed gym classes so young boys know the inferiority of females instead of those classes where girls score higher than boys in a written test. its well know girls score higher in written tests. you spend 4 years in univeristy for a degree, you play 1000 hours to be good at a sport, but how many hours did theese men put into to being able to handle females and fame?

              • 1 year ago

                Considering he ran a party scene in a frat maybe he knows a bit about female nature when he was running through all the drunk college vegana coming through the door.

              • 1 year ago

                thats the thing, partying with chicks and casual sex doesnt bring out what it takes to handle girls. im glad you brought that up. many dudes dont undestand this. its a player thing. idk how to put it in words. but my best way to explain it is, you would think a guy that is a celeb and lots of girls would know to handle females, buts not the case. its like a nerd becomming a billionaire and still not being the type girls dig.

              • 1 year ago

                he was just a dumb blue pilled frat boy partying and engaging in casual sex if he was lucky. thats why its called "getting lucky" which is what it is for most men. majority if males lack the skillz and determination to bed a chick outside of luck. thats why they end up "settling down."

              • 1 year ago

                Chadly traits are hypermasculine traits that exist on people who haven't been poisoned by the estrogenic water and food supply growing up. He just looks like an 18 year old from the 70s.

                separating the boys and the girls during gym class, but not in math or other subjects. male dominance is something frowned up. so yeah, its not a surprise when many males who are already beta males turn into reddit s 0 yy boys

              • 1 year ago

                Zyzz wasn’t white.

              • 1 year ago

                Arnold was true alpha, but it seems like in the last decade hes just spewing whatever nonsense the msm want him to

        • 1 year ago

          being in some establishment that pushed students to get vaxxed and constantly promotes a certain ideology, hes defintely a chad for not going.

        • 1 year ago

          >in Australia
          Please don't tell me you thought he was American you moronic Zoomer

      • 1 year ago

        None of this is a good thing though.
        >nerds trying to defy nature to rise above their station as false chads
        >fitness influencers are cancer
        >an entire generation inspired meaning my gym is crowded with clueless zoomers

        • 1 year ago

          Definitely the worst post on IST in awhile
          >you should stay weak
          >don’t be inspired by others
          >more people wanting to improve themselves is bad
          You might as well troon out now brah

      • 1 year ago

        This, he gave people hope. The incel morons who cling to this board like a disease wouldnt get it. Most people on here look better than teenage zyzz yet cry about how theyll never be chad and they cant make it. Its pathetic.

        his muscles were so fricking dense though.

        yeah, majority of people are losers that wont admit it and just lash out, its hilarious. losers are born, but the worse thing is when these losers think they arent.

        Post body

        • 1 year ago

          >Most people on here look better than teenage zyzz y
          zyzz had the drive to not be a beta loser average male, most males never have this drive.

          • 1 year ago

            Thats exactly what im trying to say

            • 1 year ago

              oh yeah.

        • 1 year ago

          >Most people on here look better than teenage zyzz yet cry about how theyll never be chad and they cant make it. Its pathetic.
          He died barely over 20 because of how bad he was at frauding. How the frick is that being a chad

    • 1 year ago

      didn't he died due to a congenital heart defect?

      • 1 year ago

        Steroids are hard on your heart so they would speed up the ticker on whatever defect he was born with

        • 1 year ago

          This is it. Not to mention, Zyzz was allegedly really into party drugs and raves, and his spike in fame made him super stressed all the time. Not a good combination

        • 1 year ago

          even among steroid abusers, it's very unusual to die in your early twenties. from what I've read the cause of death was heart failure due to a defect that runs in his family. maybe steroids, other drugs, excessive exercise, etc compounded that, but the idea some young anons itt have that this is a cautionary tale about roiding yourself to death is just silly.

  9. 1 year ago

    you don't have a gf and this convo never happened boomer

  10. 1 year ago

    You can but it'll take longer

  11. 1 year ago

    You're totally right about zoomer expectations but I want to offer a defense of this girl just because I've got a point which might not have been considered. If a guy is famous on social media for his physique, an average person might assume he's got top 1% genetics for gaining muscle & getting lean, (cream of the crop, ain't no regular genetics Joe's getting famous for their physiques), & if that's the case, you might be able to look like pic related naturally.
    Of course the reality is that this assumption of social media famous physique person having 1% muscle building & getting lean genetics is baseless & that in reality it's a combination of good face, frame, decent inserts & muscle which you really have no idea if it's attained naturally but it probably wasn't

    • 1 year ago

      You won’t look like zyzz naturally regardless of your genetics, lmao

      • 1 year ago

        Where did I say I would?

  12. 1 year ago

    >human females are moronic

    You've made a groundbreaking discovery anon.

  13. 1 year ago


    What is happening is guys need to roid to be "normal" and the bar goes up and up and becomes so deadly. And then for women, they use masses of filters and makeup, and their bar goes up and up too.

    It is totally fricked.

    I honestly think Islamic societies are pretty based. Women are not thots, know their place, respect virginity, and dudes don't need to roid 24/7.

    • 1 year ago

      >dudes don't need to roid 24/7.
      >Dubai enters the chat.
      I agree about Islamic society though. Christians are too cucked to do anything about the israeli enemy, totally infiltrated.

    • 1 year ago

      Only someone whose brain has rotted from being perpetually online would post this. The majority of people are fat and out of shape, Id say probably 10% of people in first world countries lift weights, maybe even less.

      The bar goes up for online influencers and models in a hypercompetitive market based entirely on aesthetics. It doesnt go up for normal people.

  14. 1 year ago

    >zoomer gf
    How'd you meet? I once in a while bang zoomer girls from tinder but they're always unstable novelty driven bawds looking to frick out their daddy issues, not really gf material.

    • 1 year ago

      Throw away your perceived shame. Western society says older dudes should be connected with young chicks. It keeps feminists in power, that you gotta be attracted to salty old b***hes.

      And even online, just message zoomers. Even an ugly son of a b***h like me, has messaged 18 year olds on dating sites, and actually had replies, like "I like older guys" but most older guys simply dare not do that as they think it is "creepy" or wrong.

      >dudes don't need to roid 24/7.
      >Dubai enters the chat.
      I agree about Islamic society though. Christians are too cucked to do anything about the israeli enemy, totally infiltrated.

      Eh well Dubai is a weird place of the super rich, and the place IG "models" go to get pooped on for 10k.

      Only someone whose brain has rotted from being perpetually online would post this. The majority of people are fat and out of shape, Id say probably 10% of people in first world countries lift weights, maybe even less.

      The bar goes up for online influencers and models in a hypercompetitive market based entirely on aesthetics. It doesnt go up for normal people.

      >Only someone whose brain has rotted from being perpetually online would post this

      Dude I am 40 fricking something. And I hate social media. I didn't grow up online, nor spend much time on it, so you're wrong.

      >The majority of people are fat and out of shape

      They are. But I am talking 500lbs plus subhumans, who are surely 1% or less.

      >It doesnt go up for normal people.

      This board itself is an example of it that every normal looking dude is called skinny and small. Wake up.

      Every chick online has filters and makeup. It's you who is not in reality.

      • 1 year ago

        >And even online, just message zoomers.
        Bruh I just said I already do that, they always tend to be unstable and not gf material if they actually reply.

        • 1 year ago

          It's not because they are "zoomers" but because they are young. And while traditionally, there is no issue with older and younger, the world they grew up tells them that is wrong, so of course you'll only meet the ones a little messed up. if you're looking for some mature stable minded zoomer girl who wants to actually date long term an older guy, you're probably looking for rocking horse shit.

  15. 1 year ago

    >>"wtf anon he doesn't even look big or roided"
    shes clearly lying when she said that, to most girls, hes already big but not too big. but whatever, shes just insecure, like most dudes itt. calling small and not looking like he roided or no muscles lol

    • 1 year ago

      Any female who stood next to him would say he's too big and freaky because of the leanness. The striations and size are plenty. Pic related is what women want. There are videos to prove it. A lot of it is face, insertions, height, right amount of size, literally pretty much perfect.

      • 1 year ago

        He's also 2 inches taller than Zyzz and about 10 pounds lighter while being less lean I should add.

      • 1 year ago

        right but what i was trying to say was that girl was just saying it out of insecurity. like calling a muscular dude "small" or an aesthetic dude "noo hes not"

      • 1 year ago

        >Pic related is what women want.
        sure cause pic related looks like more like a nice safe guy. zyzz gives off a more exciting look and girls would feel less secure around him. pic related looks like a boring nice safe guy

        • 1 year ago

          Yeah well he's white, tall, and handsome with a skin tight shirt.

          • 1 year ago

            This is primal. Genetics are everything. His physical form proves he can protect and provide.

          • 1 year ago

            he does have a bit of wieneriness, which is great, but i can sense the validation seeking behaviour that he still has a bit. like he still has that "please like me" vibe that i can pick up on

            • 1 year ago

              girls do that shit easy, i didnt make girls do that, but i guess i shudve, that idea never crossed my mind.

          • 1 year ago

            the thumbnail gives off "please like me" vibes.

            This is primal. Genetics are everything. His physical form proves he can protect and provide.

            hes providing for sure, not protecting, he lacks that carnal primal low IQ animal side. most white males lack that side, which is why some girls end up fricking blacks.

          • 1 year ago

            his game is good looks but not swag or cool. good looks can get good looking girls,but he aint dominating a sexy girl. hence why dudes like tom brady end up looking so beta cause hes got no swagger, coolness.

          • 1 year ago

            girls dont react the same way to looks the same way a male does when they see an attractive girl.

            • 1 year ago

              When they're horny they absolutely do.

              • 1 year ago

                so relying on the moment and luck. true. thats fine. hes making those vids for clout. i wanna see what hes like when hes 1 on 1 with a girl and how hes like in a relationships. that russianviliaty guy is like this pic related dude, but 1 on 1 with a chick in a room, he clearly lacked the dominance.

              • 1 year ago

                Well yes Connor has a small penis so he's truly cursed. Can't have it all.

              • 1 year ago

                lmfao. anyways. hes better than like 90 percent of men. the fact he approaches chicks is already top shit. most dues dotn gtot t

              • 1 year ago

                *most dudes dont got da ballz

              • 1 year ago

                >the fact he approaches chicks is already top shit.

                This is a huge part of his game, that people do not understand. Many times I am at the club, handsome friends, good bods, but lack in confidence. Chicks smiled at them, meaning they should say hi.

                They do not. 2 hours later some ugly fat short dude making out with the chick, just cause he made the move.

              • 1 year ago

                right, tom brady is a good example of this, as are most good looking and famous men. lack charisma and ballz

              • 1 year ago

                Yep. We apparently have young tall and athletic dudes here. But the reality is, I am certain I get more pussy than 99% of this board.

                Yet I am over 40, short, bald, and have a horror show face.

                Why? Because I also do not give a shit. I can approach a group of 10 women.

                In the past, that was more normal, but today, everyone lives online, so young guys never ever approach.

                and natty dudes end up with lots of muscle and a layer of fat, so they end up pretty big

                OMGGGGGGGGGG SHUT UP!

                You do not get big by accident. You work at it, lbs by lbs over years.

              • 1 year ago

                >You do not get big by accident. You work at it, lbs by lbs over years.
                yeah you work to get big, and then you accidently get too big

            • 1 year ago

              Yes they do. If you're hot enough you'll make a girl's panties wet just looking at you and at that point you can literally do or say whatever you want to them.

              • 1 year ago

                sometimes, not all. im not talking about situations, im talking about generally. the hottest girl will get more attention than the hottest male

      • 1 year ago

        pic related looks easier to tie down than zyzz

      • 1 year ago

        this dude lost his hair and then lost his mind

        • 1 year ago

          The agepill my friends. Should've capitalized more in his early 20s.

  16. 1 year ago

    My mom was surprised Rambo was roided up. Normies think people like Jay Cutler are blasting but anything less than that is just diet and working out. Which is why they so often think you can just "get big" accidentally.

    • 1 year ago

      >i wanna start working out
      >i don't want to get too big though

      Oh sweet summer child. I remember than mindset, I wish I was there again.

      especially with chicks..

      >i'm 5'2" 100lbs and want to get in shape but i don't want to get huge muscles

      • 1 year ago

        you can definitely get too big

        • 1 year ago

          Oh yeah OOPS I got too big.

          No you can't. It requires years of work and dedication. When you get to a certain size you maintain. But for most people you can't go beyond that anyway without being a roid troony. Nobody goes from 150lbs of muscle to 220 and "too big" accidentally.

          • 1 year ago

            thats what i meant, when you work out a lot and put on mass, eventually you will look too big.

            • 1 year ago

              By purpose and intention, not by accident. Nobody who starts working out is going to accidentally going to get too big. So by saying I want to work out but not get too big is bullshit.

              • 1 year ago

                you get too big when you have too much muscle for your frame.

              • 1 year ago

                Dude I don't hold back my words, but are you third world? English your 3rd language?

                None of that shit happens by accident.

                Almost all natties never gain too much muscle for their frame, as that would be genetically impossible.

              • 1 year ago

                just like how you can get too fat, you can get too musclely where you look like a big blob of muscle

              • 1 year ago

                >None of that shit happens by accident.
                yeah and the natty dude dint go like hmm maybe i have lots of muscle

                Yabba doo yabba dee look mom! I'm troll!

                You see the map you just stepped onto, son? It's the map that results with me slapping the gawd dang shit outta you.

                Know your role.

              • 1 year ago

                lol. you work to get big, but you dont work to get too big. heres are reward

              • 1 year ago

                Son, now stay in your lane.

                you mentioned you are short, so how have not reached the stage where you have too much muscle

                Because I am not a roid troony.

                >Girls think that pic related is completely attainable natty now.
                Good. Use that to your advantage. Blast grams of Tren and then claim natty and have others seethe at you.

                You gain NOTHING by admitting using roids. Nobody respects your honesty. It's like admitting watching porn in middle school. You get made fun of for it yet every other dude does it too.

                >Blast grams of Tren and then claim natty and have others seethe at you.

                And destroy your health, and watch your balls reverse to those of an 8 year old. Cool beans.

              • 1 year ago

                >Because I am not a roid troony.
                dude, if what you say is true, based on your age and height, you should be very big by now even natty. you either dunno how fricking huge you look or ur moronic.

              • 1 year ago

                >the older you get the more you grow

                You have never lifted in your life.

                im in the prestige lane lol, special lane for me.

                Special bus for you, son.

              • 1 year ago

                im in the prestige lane lol, special lane for me.

              • 1 year ago

                you clearly have some deep issues you have to get rid off. i thought approaching lots of chicks brings these issues to the surface so u can face them.

              • 1 year ago

                I had issues, I no longer do.

                I am finally free.

                That's why I am a threat to sheep in the matrix like you.

              • 1 year ago

                If I still lived in Seattle I would tell you to come to Queen Anne so I could kick your ass. Dog statue in front of Trader Joe’s.

              • 1 year ago

                you mentioned you are short, so how have not reached the stage where you have too much muscle

              • 1 year ago

                >None of that shit happens by accident.
                yeah and the natty dude dint go like hmm maybe i have lots of muscle

              • 1 year ago

                and natty dudes end up with lots of muscle and a layer of fat, so they end up pretty big

  17. 1 year ago

    Ey brehs

  18. 1 year ago

    Blame leanbeefsteroids. The new breed of fake natty egirls have completely warped zoomer's body standards. They complain about women having high standards then immediately rush to defend their favourite fake natty coomer bait.

    The truth is, it's far too easy to make bank on social media just taking steroids and lying about it because beta DYEL orbiters will always defend your natty claims. You just thirst trap/general egirl prostitute until you get sponsorship deals from shady supps companies, or just open an OF.

    Reminder that Dana Lynn Bailey still claims natty and DYEL coomers believe her.

    • 1 year ago

      susana spears is a good example of peak female fitness.

      • 1 year ago

        anon I hate to break it to you, but she's been a fake natty for years. Did you think her breasts were real too?

        • 1 year ago

          nooooo. lol. but she was sexy. you seen her youtube fitness vids from like 2010. damn she was sexy

  19. 1 year ago

    >Girls think that pic related is completely attainable natty now.
    Good. Use that to your advantage. Blast grams of Tren and then claim natty and have others seethe at you.

    You gain NOTHING by admitting using roids. Nobody respects your honesty. It's like admitting watching porn in middle school. You get made fun of for it yet every other dude does it too.

  20. 1 year ago

    Do you change gfs when she gets too old?
    I started dating my current gf in 2020 when she was 19, and I was 31.
    My last gf was 26 and I felt she was becoming complacent.

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