Teeth disappearing quickly

I eat so much to gain weight, my teeth are developing massive craters now. What do I do. Should I brush after every meal? I leeave it 30 minutes after breakfast and my last meal for brushingbecause I heard you're supposed to

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  1. 12 months ago

    Shouldn't have carbmaxed.

  2. 12 months ago

    Go to the dentist, Jesus Christ

    • 12 months ago

      the dentist literally just scrapes more of your tooth bone out in order to give you "cavities" to charge you later to fill them

      • 12 months ago

        Now I know corruption and all exists (and/or you are trolling and i took the bait), but they do that because they need to remove all the caries eaten parts. Dead/sick painful parts



        I eat so much to gain weight, my teeth are developing massive craters now. What do I do. Should I brush after every meal? I leeave it 30 minutes after breakfast and my last meal for brushingbecause I heard you're supposed to

        go to the fricking dentist. i left a cavity for like a year, and it's just going to make treatments longer and worse the more you wait. The cavities eventually eats to your roots, and root fillings cost a lot more than if you'd have gone earlier.

      • 12 months ago

        Normally I’d call you a moron but I had a dentist that totally did this

        He got sued to hell and put out of practice, stay away from family dentists

        • 12 months ago

          What are you talking about, most dentists do this.

          If you like being fricked they will get more intimate going harder and deeper, like veneers, crowns, root canals, you name it.

      • 12 months ago

        Very fricking true. Another thing they do is drill massive "fillings" when they need to do a tiny one.
        Obviously not all of them are wiener suckers but if you have no pain, no visible damage and they cant prove it on a scan they're lying.

      • 12 months ago



        >We never had to take the oath.

        they are literal goblins, also I'm 100% sure more than half of buccal shit people suffer from can be fixed from outside like diet
        just like medical doctors in a sense, they fix the pain and not what causing it

        also, root canal has a chance to fail and frick your shit up for real, look it up

        • 12 months ago

          During education we learn all about prevention. However in practice your manager/boss often scolds you if you inform people too much. Prevention doesn't earn money compared to root canal, crowns, implants. I did an extra year in uni just to learn root canal treatment but anyone is allowed to do it, if you want it done well with the right tools and materials you'll have to visit a specialized practice and pay up or get lucky and find someone who knows how to do it right and works at a regular practice.

          Captcha: GG JOY

          • 12 months ago

            >During education we learn all about prevention. However in practice your manager/boss often scolds you if you inform people too much. Prevention doesn't earn money compared to root canal, crowns, implants.
            pretty scary if you ask me, I'm sure it's the same with practitioners

            • 12 months ago

              I know people from other branches like engineering and they have similar stories. Cutting corners, maximizing profit, sometimes get sick of it especially when they act all arrogant about it. The story of the sunken sub is the symbolic end result of greed and ignorance, everyone loses.

              Opinion on mouthwash? Lately I've been brushing my teeth and then I'll wait 30 minutes before using some listerine.

              At best useless and masks mouth odour for 15 minutes, at worst it dries out your gums and increases risk of cancer. (alcohol based mouthwash is worst)

              >brush with the brush at 45 angle towards your gums
              dentist friend of mine told me to do this but its just impossible, it hurts like hell and can cause bleeding. sometimes a a brush 'hair' will get stuck and you end up pushing it inside with the brushing motion and it stings like a b***h.

              Use a soft brush, don't apply too much pressure and make little circle motions instead of zigzagging left to right. If your dental hygiene isn't good your gums are inflamated and will ALWAYS BLEED while brushing and potentially be sensitive. Don't stop cleaning, don't avoid spots which bleed, those require even more cleaning until they stop bleeding after 2-3 days of good hygiene.

    • 12 months ago

      Go to a dentist.

      Go to a dentist.

      the dentist literally just scrapes more of your tooth bone out in order to give you "cavities" to charge you later to fill them

      Normally I’d call you a moron but I had a dentist that totally did this

      He got sued to hell and put out of practice, stay away from family dentists

      Very fricking true. Another thing they do is drill massive "fillings" when they need to do a tiny one.
      Obviously not all of them are wiener suckers but if you have no pain, no visible damage and they cant prove it on a scan they're lying.

      I guess don't ever do anything because you can't trust anyone ever? Please tell me who you would trust instead?
      A lot of dentists actually care deeply about helping people. You just need to make sure you aren't seeing one of the few who are only in it for the money or power trip. They're pretty easy to spot honestly because they'll just dismiss all of your problems.

  3. 12 months ago

    Eat more animal foods. Eat less modern foods. Brushing makes very little difference. I suggest reading stuff by Ramiel Nagel on reversing tooth decay, and reading some Weston Price.

    • 12 months ago

      thanks anon

    • 12 months ago

      moronic comment
      brush and floss twice daily ffs

    • 12 months ago


    • 12 months ago

      no no brushing and flossing make a difference
      it's toothpaste that doesn't seem to do much or is downright detrimental

    • 12 months ago

      Frick brushing, frick flossing, frick dentists.

    • 12 months ago

      >reversing tooth decay
      you morons will fall for anything if a youtuber shills it to you

  4. 12 months ago

    So what I'm getting is I should just cut carbs massively? Even non-sugar carbs?

    • 12 months ago

      all carbs are sugar

      • 12 months ago

        starches are not sugars

        • 12 months ago


        • 12 months ago

          They will be after the enzymes in your mouth get to them

        • 12 months ago

          b***h it’s a complex sugar

        • 12 months ago

          biochemlets not welcome

        • 12 months ago

          Starch is literally a long sugar chain

      • 12 months ago

        No. Lot's of complex carbs are not broken down into simple carbs (aka sugars) until later in the digestive process.

        starches are not sugars

        Enzymes in the saliva will break starches down to monosaccharides.

        • 12 months ago

          >Enzymes in the saliva will break starches down to monosaccharides.
          but not at the rate that flushing your teeth with coke or chocolate does... the amount of sugar matters, your oral biome can handle some.

      • 12 months ago

        all food when digested is converted to sugar

  5. 12 months ago

    Stop eating carbs

  6. 12 months ago

    Eat more apples, they clean your teeth nicely. If u bite on them as nature intended that is.

    • 12 months ago

      >tfw braces

  7. 12 months ago

    For me it's the gums, it's minimal for now but I'm afraid it'll go worse...

  8. 12 months ago

    you can still wash your mouth with water and floss

  9. 12 months ago

    I have stopped consuming processed sugar since 2021 and I have always felt my mouth was healthy ever since. I would suggest doing the same.

  10. 12 months ago

    Drink nothing but water - no juice, no soda, no energy drinks, nothing dyed or dark colored.

    Brush 2x per day with a remineralizing toothpaste (ideally one that contains nanohydroxyapatite) and don't eat or drink anything for at least 30 minutes after brushing - don't rinse your teeth after using the toothpaste; do so beforehand.

    Also eat more vegetables and whole foods (including meat), and if the problem persists, go to a doctor and have them do a blood workup. You could be vitamin or mineral deficient (could be Vit D, Calcium, or Vit A are lacking in your diet).

    Lastly cut the ultraprocessed goyslop and bulk with fatty meats (again unprocessed or minimally processed), nuts, eggs, animal fats and some dairy if you can handle it, extra virgin olive oil, starchy fruits like bananas, root vegetables, leafy greens for vitamins, and carbs like potatoes or quinoa (in moderation). Avoid fried shit like the plague. Tooth issues can also be a sign of developing heart issues so take your dental health seriously!

    • 12 months ago

      How do you buy toothpaste with nanohydroxyapatite?

      • 12 months ago

        if you are a burger, get this

        Opinion on mouthwash? Lately I've been brushing my teeth and then I'll wait 30 minutes before using some listerine.

        >Opinion on mouthwash?
        will frick you up, it's fricking bad, himalayan salt with water and scraping your tongue is enough to purify your mouth

        • 12 months ago

          >himalayan salt

  11. 12 months ago

    don't brush immediately after eating and especially not after drinking soda. you don't want to scrub your teeth with a brush immediately after weakening them with acid

    get toothpaste with novamin, like someone else suggested. look for imported sensodyne on amazon.

    floss, drink some god damn water instead of soda once in a while, don't get high and fall asleep dehydrated with your mouth open

    get a job with dental insurance and see a dentist twice a year

    buy a sonicare and replace the heads when they wear out, don't try to save a buck here

    chew orbit or other Sucralose gum after eating anything

  12. 12 months ago

    Um... how on earth did you actually develop that crater? Just "eating a lot" doesn't do this... does it bros?

  13. 12 months ago

    Stop getting your boosters, vaxie

  14. 12 months ago

    Actual dentist anon here, you're likely consuming lots of power drinks for your training. These are both high in sugar which feeds bacteria around your teeth that produce acid waste products causing cavities. Besides that those drinks are often acidic themself also making your teeth rot away.
    My advice:
    -Limit consumption of energy drinks/high carb sweets to certain moments per day preferably together with your regular meals, the amount you consume doesn't actually matter, only the frequency. If you sip a single can of energy drink over an entire day it's equally destructive to your teeth as drinking 10 cans over a day.
    -Improve dental hygiene, even if you brush atleast once a day many people do it so poorly it's worthless. Check this vid for a correct technique: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xm9c5HAUBpY Most important is the brushing technique, the rest is extra. Using a rotating electric tooth brush and dental picks/floss is highly adviced as well. Make sure you're using toothpaste containing around 1450ppm fluoride, don't rinse your mouth with water after brushing, just spit out the toothpaste and leave the rest between your teeth for longer protection.
    -Please visit a dentist ASAP, there's a huge difference in prognosis and price if the cavities are small/superficial or deep and reaching towards the nerve. You want to avoid root canal treatment at all cost cause there's a good chance you'll lose those teeth within 10 year anyway given the average skill level of dentists.

    • 12 months ago

      My top front right tooth started to feel a little rough and I could feel it was almost sandy, like it was crumbling.
      I bigger (1mm) piece fell away so I went to my local dentist and the smoothed off the tooth for me. Seems fine now but I'm assuming this is happening because I've been drinking one monster a day on work days.
      I drink it with water over a 20 minute period.
      I've started using tooth mousse after I brush, anything else I can do?

      • 12 months ago

        It's perfectly reasonable for your dentist to smooth out a broken piece of your tooth instead of filling it up again if it aint deep cause otherwise that may require him to drill even more tooth to place the filling. So your dentist seems to know what he's doing.
        That crumbling rough feeling on a tooth is likely a cavity.
        Unfortunately water isn't very effective at diluting acid in the context of your mouth, if you really need to drink a monster a day do it quickly in 5-10 minutes. Something I always do personally but I haven't really found good literature during my studies is drinking a bit of milk after I ate a sweet or something acidic. The high amount of calcium should protect your teeth for an hour until the acid in your mouth goes away.
        Did your dentist recommend the tooth mousse?
        If so, tooth mousse is designed to naturally heal early small stage 1 cavities that haven't broken through yet, so yes please use it but it's not meant to be used for longer than 6 months. That's why I mentioned not rinsing your mouth after brusing your teeth just spitting out, toothpaste has a similar effect but can be done forever.

        • 12 months ago

          Thanks for the advice. The energy drinks are a habit I really need to kick, but they help me get through my office job.
          I will also look at getting a straw which I heard should help as well.
          The dentist didn't tell me to use tooth mousse, my wife just had some in the cupboard. I didn't know that you shouldn't use it long term, so I'll stop using it after a few weeks.
          I have been rinsing my mouth after brushing so I'll stop doing that too.
          Thanks for the advice anon

          • 12 months ago

            You gotta drop the energy drinks. It does suck, the sips are great, but bad for your teeth and your gut biome.

            Coffee isn't a great alternative flavor wise, but it will do the trick. Espresso shots are great. Caffeine pills will help you taper off or keep your caffeine tolerance, depending on what you want to do.

            Again, shit does suck, but energy drinks wear your teeth down fast.

            • 12 months ago

              Thanks for the advice. The energy drinks are a habit I really need to kick, but they help me get through my office job.
              I will also look at getting a straw which I heard should help as well.
              The dentist didn't tell me to use tooth mousse, my wife just had some in the cupboard. I didn't know that you shouldn't use it long term, so I'll stop using it after a few weeks.
              I have been rinsing my mouth after brushing so I'll stop doing that too.
              Thanks for the advice anon

              I'm just some moron but I swapped to a powdered mix you can just put in water. No sugar and its not carbonated and shit so I'm hoping its a solution? Most of them suck turbo ass though.

    • 12 months ago

      dentist anon do you know if fun light is actually bad for my teeth, or if my dentist is a just a puritist like most doctors? 3.4 PH value I think, sugar free. Post a cute dentist anime girl so I know it's you

    • 12 months ago

      >telling people on a Sudanese potato farming website to use more fluoride

    • 12 months ago

      Hello, dentist anon. I don't like you people. You've done a piss poor job for me in the past. I have a permanent dental retainer, bonded to the inside of my lower canines. This prevents proper brushing and has led to the accumulation of plaque on the teeth covered by the retainer. A dentist worked on this once when I visited last, but he obviously was pressed for time and didn't do a thorough job of removing the plaque. Predictably, he also traumatized my gums which, also predictably (as in this happens every time I go to the dentist), caused painful mouth ulcers for the next couple of weeks. I suffer from recurrent aphthous stomatitis.
      The reason I'm mentioning this is that last year I purchased a dental pick and have had incredible success removing that plaque completely, painlessly and without damaging my gums, all with a simple steel pick while looking at my teeth in the mirror. I'd prefer to spend 10 minutes once per week removing plaque myself than pay a dentist once or twice a year to do a worse job than an untrained me.

      • 12 months ago

        If there's a collapse I'm defiantly taking out dentists and medical people that broke the Hippocratic oath. good luck ducking a bullet from 1000m.

        • 12 months ago

          you wont do shit. Go back to sleep ur drunk

    • 12 months ago

      Dentist anon, whats your stance on wisdom teeth. My doc told me i needed all 4 out. two years later, no pain, teeth haven't shifted at all, everything just looks fine.

      Is wisdom teeth extraction a complete scam? Or did I just luck out by not having any issues with mine.

      • 12 months ago

        Not the dentist anon but you lucked out. I had a dentist point out my 4 wisdom teeth but he never recommended I do anything about it. He just pointed out he sees them without any further comment. He did however tell me other issues I do need to make moves on

      • 12 months ago

        not him but they remove wisdom teeth because if they get a cavity on the back side of the tooth its almost impossible to get a drill back to there to fix it, and even if they could dentists dont bother fixing wisdom teeth cavities anyway

        • 12 months ago

          yea I'm always VERY meiticulous about brushing my teeth. I make sure to brush and floss at the back of my wisdom teeth every night. Also I don't eat too much refined carbs/sugar too.

      • 12 months ago

        If they're not impacting or erupting and don't cause you any issues then no, you don't need them out. However if they ARE impacted or erupted DON'T FRICKING WAIT TO GET THEM TAKEN OUT. I've been in hell for the last few months because I ignored the multiple warnings given to me about my impacted wisdoms. Food would get stuck and I couldn't reach it with my toothbrush and so they started decaying. I've had multiple infections spread to my nose ears and neck and been in so much stress and pain. I just got the second impacted one out. Wisdom teeth problems are no fricking joke.
        If you're warned to get them taken out DO IT
        pic very related

    • 12 months ago

      Opinion on mouthwash? Lately I've been brushing my teeth and then I'll wait 30 minutes before using some listerine.

    • 12 months ago

      >brush with the brush at 45 angle towards your gums
      dentist friend of mine told me to do this but its just impossible, it hurts like hell and can cause bleeding. sometimes a a brush 'hair' will get stuck and you end up pushing it inside with the brushing motion and it stings like a b***h.

  15. 12 months ago

    Nano hypoxyapitate, Vitamin D/K2 + magnesium. Floss, waterpick also if possible. Drink more water after you eat.

    It won't fully reverse the damage and will take 6-8 months to see a real difference.

    And cut sugar out.

  16. 12 months ago

    They grow back, you don't remember?

  17. 12 months ago

    >tooth mousse

    is this an ESL moron thing or an actual thing

    • 12 months ago

      It was developed by the University of Melbourne and is produced in Japan

  18. 12 months ago

    I haven't brushed my teeth in weeks and yet I have never, ever had a cavity in my life.
    Its pretty much up to genetics OP.

    • 12 months ago

      I went like 15 years without brushing or flossing and never had issues like this. Are you people drinking acid? Energy Drinks? What the absolute frick are you doing.

      I am OP and this is exact same for me. It must be 100% diet or the toothbrushing itself that causes this

      • 12 months ago

        stop eating sugar and eat more raw vegetables like carrots, kohlrabi or celery. I used to treat my teeth like shit in my teens, then turned everything around and tooth decay has completely halted.

  19. 12 months ago

    I went like 15 years without brushing or flossing and never had issues like this. Are you people drinking acid? Energy Drinks? What the absolute frick are you doing.

    • 12 months ago

      mouth breathing while sleep

  20. 12 months ago

    stop eating plant we carnivorechads have don't deal with this

  21. 12 months ago

    I'm similar but I'm American and can't afford a dentist. At least I'll have gains to make up for my fricked up teeth.

  22. 12 months ago

    Eat your carbs first and your protein and fats last

  23. 12 months ago

    Have any cavities drilled and filler, or pulled, and yes. . . brush after every single meal or caloric beverage you frickwit.

  24. 12 months ago

    get prescription 5% flouride toothpaste.

  25. 12 months ago

    Stopped getting cavities when I switched from a fluoride toothpaste to one with xylitol. Cut carbs but failing that at least brush after eating them.

  26. 12 months ago

    Don't be bri'ish

  27. 12 months ago

    If that's your mouth go see a dentist ASAP.

    I didn't do a ton of brushing or flossing in high school. Most of my molars got cavities. I got them all filled. I haven't gotten any since I started brush + floss + waterpick of water/hydrogen peroxide 72/25 mix + floride. The waterpick was the biggest upgrade from 1 new filling needed/year to zero.

  28. 12 months ago

    >swish mouth with water to get food particles off after you're done eating
    >2 pieces of chewing gum
    Then just floss and brush morning and evening. Get good toothpaste, re-mineralization kind. Also brush properly and get an electric toothbrush if you don't have one already.
    If you get anything stuck between teeth, floss immediately to get rid of it.
    Also cut out any excess carbs, candy, soda, energy drinks or other processed garbage.

    And get checked at least yearly by a good dentist.

  29. 12 months ago

    brushing is never enough. You need to floss every single day. Every single day. If you floss and it smells like death, then your dental hygiene is not good enough and you will get new cavities. Also get something like a waterpik. There are even small portable ones.

    No soda or anything too acidic. Water helps flush away food particles after eating and it also helps lowering the acidity in your mouth. If you ate something that likes to get stuck between your teeth then you should floss or use your waterpik soon after.

    use toothpaste with fluoride and don't spit it out for 30 seconds after brushing. And learn to brush your teeth. don't brush too hard like a moron.

    We probably won't be able to regrow new teeth in our lifetime, but it's very likely that we'll be able to repair enamel in a few decades. So taking care of whatever you have left in your mouth will likely pay off.

  30. 12 months ago

    dental health is always a conspiracy until you get chronic pain and more than 1 tooth is starting to decay

  31. 12 months ago

    >was chillax about teeth cause young moron
    >had a small crater
    >meh gona just chill and get to it soon enough
    >eat ice cream one day
    >suddenly in intense pain
    >cant do anything about
    >cant think
    >cant sleep
    >just pace around the room yelling
    >literaly call every dentistry in town
    >one takes me the next day after closing hours
    >stay awake for 36h just pacing around in agony, no sleep, untill fix tooth next day
    Ive been brushing and flossing after every meal, incredibly traumatic experience

  32. 12 months ago

    >hydroxyapatiot toothpaste
    wil remineralize your teeth
    >vit d vit k
    cod liver oil supplement or fresh does the job
    >limit grain or starch consumption
    >oil pulling with coconut oil 20mn a day
    >flossing once a day
    >vit c supplementation
    >raw dairy/raw cheese for dat dere calcium, vit k2
    >magnesium food avocado for example, or supplement it
    >avoid seeds

  33. 12 months ago

    whats the least damaging way to whiten teeth? do you guys go to the dentist or just use whitening strips?

  34. 12 months ago


    >We never had to take the oath.
    it makes sense now

  35. 12 months ago

    Brush once with paste, twice without every day. Non-flouride ideally.

  36. 12 months ago


    Are teeth genetics highly variable? I rarely brushed my teeth as a kid or in my teens (maybe once every 3 weeks) and ate like shit (I was obese) but I've never had a cavity or anything like that

    • 12 months ago

      Aside from real genetic disorders such as Amelogenesis imperfecta your teeth won't be much different from someone else. Some enviromental factors like fluoride in drinking water can further strengthen your permanent teeth during formation in childhood.
      What is highly variable is the mouth microbiome, what type bacteria are dominant inside your mouth. Some people have mostly benign bacteria while others have lots of agressive bacteria that quickly produce lots of acid from sugar. It's formed during infancy and you can't really change it.

    • 12 months ago

      Im sure the mouth is either too acidic and creates cavity or stays normal and your mouth stays normal
      I never brush my teeth, outside maybe 10 times in 10 years and the small cavities I had since 18yo never got worse
      and I ate like a fricking moron sometimes like 10 mars icecream bars or whole breads and shit

  37. 12 months ago

    Wtf are you eating, normal food don't cause such a quick decay

  38. 12 months ago

    What kind of food are you eating that gives you cavities ?

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