Testosterone useage to be reclassified as an illegal and controlled substance, as UK government commits to eradicating transgenderism.

Testosterone useage to be reclassified as an illegal and controlled substance, as UK government commits to eradicating transgenderism.

Imports of hormones will be stringently policed under the Online Safety Bill.


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  1. 1 year ago

    seems like a problem for op the low t homosexual, not me

    • 1 year ago


      Testosterone useage to be reclassified as an illegal and controlled substance, as UK government commits to eradicating transgenderism.

      Imports of hormones will be stringently policed under the Online Safety Bill.


      It's a good thing. No more fake tough guys and fake alpha males.

      If you have low T, you shouldn't reproduce. Simple as. Frick you, you genetically inferior subhumans.

      • 1 year ago

        >guys on steroids
        >biologically able to reproduce

        • 1 year ago

          Any man that uses steroids is one step away from being a troony.

          • 1 year ago

            trannies are better than roid trannies. they meke themselves cuter instead of gorillayfing themselves out of insecurity. not to mention that they are kinder.

            • 1 year ago

              >they meke themselves cuter
              >they are kinder

            • 1 year ago

              >not to mention that they are kinder.

              • 1 year ago

                Why censor the names. These trannies need to be bullied into suicide (or into a sooner suicide kek)

      • 1 year ago

        >If you have low T, you shouldn't reproduce. Simple as
        Never thought about it this way. I wonder what the long term effects of low T men artificially raising their T levels to find a mate will be on the human race.

        • 1 year ago

          80% of men are not getting laid, its just natural selection at work

        • 1 year ago

          increased infertility and violent crime

        • 1 year ago

          Inexplicably incel sons. These guys grow huge jaws and look rugged from roid usage. It's not in their genes.

          • 1 year ago

            and they'll get BTFO by Crisper mutants from China.

            Breed all you want, the future is chinese and bespoke superhuman.

  2. 1 year ago

    Don't care much. I don't roid

    • 1 year ago

      seems like a problem for op the low t homosexual, not me

      Is this why brits are low T?

  3. 1 year ago

    >twitter pic
    To answer his question: Its irrelevant. Look, if you need to slip into an either/or or all-or-nothing fallacy to argue a point, your point probably wasn't very strong.
    Why is it irrelevant? Its irrelevant because if somebody passes as one gender, they wouldn't need permission to use the restroom they pass for. Nobody would bat an eye. Realistically speaking, it would only be an issue if people notice there is an issue. If there is no tangible effect, then there is no problem.
    Regarding why I called it a fallacy, we both know damn well most trans people do not pass, as evident by the fact there is indeed a problem. That is to say there is generally speaking obviously a tangible difference between a trans person and a normal gendered person. But more notably, trying to lean on the small, small group of people that could get away with presenting themselves as something other than their "assigned gender" without incident when you yourself are the problem is wrong because fundamentally the incidents where people don't pass are the problem, not the cases where people do pass.
    Remember this: Words like "man" and "women" were brought into language to be reflectors of what we see, not directors of what we feel. They cannot be directors because if that was the case their reason for existing would be determined by their existence; they would have no basis or reason for existing, a vicious circle. They were created with the purpose to identify what we observed outside of ourselves, not what one feels within themselves.

    Anyways if this is TL/DR, the short of it is you will never pass and should have a nice day.

    • 1 year ago

      You take away our hormones then laugh when we dont pass

      • 1 year ago

        If we knew to take them away, you weren't passing to begin with.

        • 1 year ago

          Thats nonsense. We need then to alleviate dysphoria and go through the right puberty.

          You're a psycopathic bully that likes to see others in misery

          • 1 year ago

            These hormones don't just change how the body looks but also heavily effect how your brain thinks. If neither your body or brain was the gender you thought your were, then why did you think you were that gender?

            • 1 year ago

              Yes gender dysphoria is a profound and overwhelming feeling of being in the wrong body. This body produces hormones incongruent with how our brains function.

              Giving trans people hormone medication results in vastly improved mental health. Unfortunately we live in a world of spiteful people that want nothing more than to impose their beliefs on others.

              And no one chooses to be trans, its something that happens at birth, we're just born into the wrong body. I hate how this has been made into a massive thing as a political wedge issue.

              Anyways, in the elites desire to crush us, a lot of other people will be affected too

              • 1 year ago

                why do mtf with supposedly female brains always engage in such notoriously female dominated activities such as programming and video games?

              • 1 year ago

                >why do social outcasts prefer solitary hobbies and staying inside
                Idk man, hard to say

              • 1 year ago

                Freedom of choice to do as they wish. And you dont meet trans people irl, just online ones. So that would skew your perception.

                You're basically admitting its a fetish, but more importantly, trans people generally do not pass anyways even after your suggested treatment. Like explained earlier, if they did actually pass, there wouldn't be an issue. And, if they don't pass, they demonstrability are different than the gender they claim they are, that is to say they are not that gender.

                Where did i say it was a fetish? Gender dysphoria is a medical condition. Crossdressing is usually a fetish, not always. You dont need gender dysphoria to cross dress

                And whats wrong with not passing? Its not ideal because people are violent, but is rather not pass and have my brain relax, than be in constant turmoil.

                And the fact you dont care about people wanting to minimise their pain, reveals you just want to hate, you dont come from a genuine place of concern.

                I feel like the earth is flat. It's 1550 and all the experts agree with me. Therefore, the earth is flat.

                Ok? Its your right to believe as you wish

              • 1 year ago

                No, I am only satisfied if you agree with me that the earth is flat. It's my belief and it's my right to it.

              • 1 year ago

                You implied it was a fetish. Its evident to most honest people it is a fetish. The issue I have with continuing to argue this point is we both know it is a fetish, but you just don't want to admit it. There is no realistic reason to continue to claim a point neither party is able to believe.

                Not passing is wrong because it means a demonstrable difference exists. If an "assigned at birth" women wears no makeup, a tshirt, and has short hair, people would still identify her a female at face value immediately. Meanwhile, transgender people cannot do this, they are identifiable as trans even dressed with cues that indicate which gender they want to be identified as, but even lack the ability to be identified as this gender when dressed down. That is to say there is a identifiable and assumed difference between trans and not trans, therefore they ARE different. The use of the term women in "trans women" cannot exist without the "trans" if the individual in question does not pass, so it follows those who do not pass are different than women, and therefore are not women.

                "Minimizing pain" is nothing but wishful thinking on your part. As explained, logic does not back the belief you stand behind, meaning the belief is just something you want, not a conclusion drawn from seeing the world as it is. Nobody will truly ever remain happy with a delusion, especially when you understand why the delusion is fraudulent. The issue with the transgender delusion is its easy to see why its fraudulent (in the ways I have previously explained), and as a result people will keep being pained by it regardless of other actors' malice. For that reason I believe it should taken away from popular discourse and should no longer mislead people into feeling pain.

              • 1 year ago

                Dysphoria is actually dysmorphia
                You were uncomfortable in your own skin
                Instead of living with it, you chose to alter yourself permanently.

              • 1 year ago

                No, dysphoria is being born in the wrong body, dysmorpia is always being unhappy with your body no matter how much you change it.

                When people transition successfuly their mental health drastically improves. Isnt bodybuilding a form of gender affirming care.

                You cant live with dysphoria, its overwhelming. You can only alleviate it

              • 1 year ago

                Says you, you dumb frick
                If a short man says he was born in the wrong body, and should be in a tall man's body, that is dysmorphia
                Now shut the frick up.

              • 1 year ago

                >dysphoria is being born in the wrong body
                Your body is heavily based in your genetics and your genetics are part of you.
                So, to be of different genetics is to be a different person.
                But you cannot change your genetics and even if you could it would mean being a different person.
                So, it follows that people with dysphoria will always be self hating.

                Its my understanding that to have dysphoria is simply be suicidal. Its means always wishing you did not exist and person you preferred existed instead. If that person did exists, they wouldn't have the experiences or knowledge you have anyways. They would have nothing to do with you.

                You said a cis person will automatically be gendered correctly. I said then why are cis women called out by other cis women for being trans.

                Then you gave me a dog analogy. So i stated you dont understand how someone can be genetically female and not look female at all. Genotype and phenotype

                All I'm getting from this is you're either not smart enough for this discussion or more likely you're deliberately choosing to take a side you see logical flaws with.

              • 1 year ago

                want to be a different race?
                >flender dysphoria
                >yender dysphoria
                >zender dysphoria
                You don't deal with mental diseases by affirming delusions. I don't cry to a doctor and have him declare me Caesar every time I wish I had higher social status.

              • 1 year ago

                How do you treat dysphroia then? Its consistent enough across time and culture to be diagnosed.

              • 1 year ago

                Spend a week in nature with no access to electricity or the internet. Hunt for your own food and only drink water. When that homosexual voice inside you says homosexual shit realise it is a demon that your brain has cooked up due to being in completely anti human and unnatural environments at all times. You will be on the path to being cured if you do this

              • 1 year ago

                AGP, or autogynephilia, functions more like an addiction than an orientation or identity Understanding it as an addiction also gives insight into the escalating nature of the phenomenon.
                Men who crossdress start out doing it occasionally as a masturbatory exercise. Over time, the bliss wanes, and the AGP begins to chase the dragon There are extensive psychiatric comorbidities among this population because addictions, even non-substance-use ones, are regularly part of a mentally ill person's coping strategies.

                Dissociation is the source of the "high" for the AGP. He'd achieve that perfect bliss in embodying any role that was deeply "not him." This is why sexism is an absolute prerequisite for AGP He sees women as another species, not just people who happen to be female He must "other" women in order to reach that non-self place.

                To access that gender euphoria, everyone they interact with has to speak and behave as though they're women. Otherwise, these men are stuck with crossdressing at home or in CD/kink groups And that really limits how much they can up their dosage, and how often they can dose.

                This is because we aren't functioning as human beings living and letting live. We are animated props for the role play scenario that lets these people access a specific mental state. We're set pieces, and the whole world becomes their drug. And if you speak or act wrong (according to gender culture rules), you have now become the thing standing in between an addict and their fix. You cannot satisfy an addict It's not chemically possible. Trying to do so doesn't help them and isn't good for you.

              • 1 year ago

                Ok blanchard

              • 1 year ago

                I'm AGP but I'm not Trans.

              • 1 year ago

                now that's a high quality post

              • 1 year ago

                You're basically admitting its a fetish, but more importantly, trans people generally do not pass anyways even after your suggested treatment. Like explained earlier, if they did actually pass, there wouldn't be an issue. And, if they don't pass, they demonstrability are different than the gender they claim they are, that is to say they are not that gender.

              • 1 year ago

                Not wanting millions to be mutilated and kids to be groomed with your own money in your society is spiteful now?

              • 1 year ago

                except for circumcision and child marriage, of course

              • 1 year ago

                Why you want a 30 year old roastie who's been ran through?

              • 1 year ago

                This isnt a genuine post. No one under 18 can access hormones in the UK.

                Trans kids arent groomed, they are born that way. You dont understand dysphoria, so you assume everyone is born how you are, then somehow corrupted to be trans.

                Its quite the opposite, trans kids will express their feelings and then get abused or ostracised by their parents/ society.

                I got beaten up by my family but i still grew up to be trans

                No, I am only satisfied if you agree with me that the earth is flat. It's my belief and it's my right to it.

                Then you should attempt to find inner peace and reconcile your beliefs with the world we live in. I dont expect anyone to accept me, i just would like not to be spat at or assualted for going to the shops.

              • 1 year ago

                >Then you should attempt to find inner peace and reconcile your beliefs with the world we live in.

              • 1 year ago

                And? You can believe what you want, you shouldnt be assualted or removed from society for your beliefs.

              • 1 year ago

                We do it to murderers all the time who believe unstate-sanctioned murders are okay.

              • 1 year ago

                Ok? Are you having a conversation in your head? Murderers infrint on the rights of others, thats why they are imprisoned. If you want to believe the earth is flat, that doesnt stop me from believing its round

              • 1 year ago

                you are infringing on my rights by disagreeing with my belief that the earth is flat.

              • 1 year ago

                >No one under 18 can access hormones in the UK
                yet! trannies are constantly pushing for kiddos to be allowed to troon out, and do you have any proof of your "born with dysphoria" claim?

              • 1 year ago

                You cant prove such a thing, you can only listen to people. Its like saying prove you are depressed.

                No, trans kids are pushing for that. I was that child that was absused, and alone, and bullied constantly. No one cared about me, where were you? You say you care, but there was no one there to care, just people like you stamping on the head of a teenager for being different. The same people that hate trans were the ones that bullied me for being different.

                When it comes to dysphoria you either trust the individual person telling you something, or you dont.

                you are infringing on my rights by disagreeing with my belief that the earth is flat.

                Based moron

              • 1 year ago

                yes of course, this makes perfect sense and now I'm convinced that "transgenders" are normal and need to be accepted. anyone who doesn't want total child mutilation is just a big ol' meanie poopyhead bully

              • 1 year ago

                I dont care what you think, i want to live my life without being attacked or spat at. What you believe is none of my concern, i just want to be left alone. Im not hurting you

              • 1 year ago

                it is actually my concern when you start demanding everyone validate your delusion and mutilate you and mutilate others and destroy society as a whole

              • 1 year ago

                >Trans kids arent groomed, they are born that way

                And it just so happens more people are being 'born that way' at the exact moment it becomes fashionable

              • 1 year ago

                Like how everyone suddenly became left handed at a time when students were allowed to write with either hand.

                muh phenotype, muh gene expression. it doesn't matter, because everyone stays what they are born as

                In what way? What takes precedence, chrom

              • 1 year ago

                The whole of it

              • 1 year ago

                >Like how everyone suddenly became left handed at a time when students were allowed to write with either hand.
                This isn't related to gender because people actually were right handed when trained to be. You can't train a boy to be a girl as he doesn't have the gear for it.

              • 1 year ago

                I look like a woman, and i live like one. It helps alleviate dysphoria

              • 1 year ago

                you aren't a woman though, and enabling delusions only leads to bad things

              • 1 year ago

                If you looked like a women you wouldn't have to argue it. You'd just appear to be one.

              • 1 year ago


                you aren't a woman though, and enabling delusions only leads to bad things

                I dont need anyone to enable me, i live my life how i choose

                >There is very little money in trans healthcare
                There is an absurd amount of money in trans healthcare, as I pointed out already. Here is the link from a pro-LGBT but economically sensible source: https://www.investopedia.com/paying-for-transgender-surgeries-5184794

                Please keep in mind these are conservative figures, as the facial surgeries alone were 50-70,000. None of the much higher consumer costs of a female lifestyle (the majority of transpeople being MtF naturally) are included here.

                The NHS is collapsing, much like Canada's healthcare system is, and turning into the nightmare for-profit care system that is my country. If under insurance, it's still making the medical and pharma industries a great deal of money (far more in fact than without insurance).

                Nope, billions are nothing compared to the trillions in other areas. If it was about pure business, why is the UK government making life very difficult for trans people, why are they shutting down clinics and having long wait times?

              • 1 year ago


              • 1 year ago

                Maybe you didn't understand, the fact you argue you are a women proves you aren't one.

              • 1 year ago

                I dont argue anything, i said i want to be left alone


                What do you doubt

              • 1 year ago

                i doubt you are not having your delusions enabled considering the large ring of troon enablers that

              • 1 year ago

                Your claim is you wanted to be left alone, but you spent hours losing arguments on IST?

              • 1 year ago

                What have you won?

              • 1 year ago


              • 1 year ago

                0.003 * 67 million = 201 000
                201 000 * $175 000 = $35 175 000 000

                It's not in the trillions, but this is nothing to laugh at as a very conservative figure which still follows the principle of population control (interests of the elites) while reflecting a market base which is less than 1% as you said. I have not included re-occurring and permanent treatment, revision surgeries, or extra packages.

              • 1 year ago

                Answer my question

                you are supporting evil ideas in the name of freedom and sugarcoating it by making it sound like it's just people wearing silly hats

                >evil ideas
                Freedom is an evil idea?

                If you want an actual answer for that, it probably has origins in the campaigns against female circumcision. But not that you would have known, since you aren't a women.

                FGM is conducted on children, surgery is conducted on over 18s, false equivalence

              • 1 year ago

                Mutilation is an evil idea.

              • 1 year ago

                >Answer my question
                I did already. Here is again:
                >The NHS is collapsing, much like Canada's healthcare system is, and turning into the nightmare for-profit care system that is my country. If under insurance, it's still making the medical and pharma industries a great deal of money (far more in fact than without insurance).

                You are in the death throes of a public, non-for-profit healthcare system. A horrible dysfunctional hybrid of private-public that the United States pioneered since the early 2000's is being actively adopted by your leaders, much as in Canada. For now, it is not seen as a vital surgery (correctly) when viewed in the lens of limited resources and life-saving surgeries. If the taxpayer is footing the bill yet has no say due to the monolith of big business, like here, such things are no longer an issue and whatever makes the most amount of money is what reigns.

              • 1 year ago

                So the system is collapsing but its ok because trans people are hurt too?

                Weird flex. So you prove my point, theres very little money in trans healthcare.

              • 1 year ago

                Oh, no, it's always okay if trans people are hurt but that's besides the point. My point is you are the guinea pigs of the wealthy and powerful, unable to fight back or breed, yet cursed to a life time of work and a guaranteed consumer base. On top of this, you can't even do basic arithmetic or see your own shortcomings, only project your weakness and failings onto others on some anime board.

                We're all unfortunately dealing with the sins of you not being happy when you looked in the mirror as a child and never seeking help when there was time.

              • 1 year ago

                Why do you want to hurt other people?

                If your mom is physically abusing you, she doesn't get the "why would I attack my mom" treatment. She doesn't deserve the title of mother.
                Anyways, I wouldn't want you to actually "attack" your mom, just to defend yourself against someone hurting you if that's happening to you.

                This was when i was a child, im an adult now. Many trans kids get abused, its really sad. We live in some fricked up reality where the most vulnerable in society are being treated so badly, I've been attacked as an adult, and look at this thread, look how angry and nasty people are. Thats just how england is, and i would love to leave

              • 1 year ago

                >it's always okay if people are hurt
                Objectively evil person unfit for society.

              • 1 year ago

                >unfit for society
                Which one of us has a brain which tells us we're not ourselves every day since birth, by your own admission? I won't be reading your answer, already leaving this thread as I realized none of you are posing questions in good faith or taking responsibility when uncomfortable replies are brought up, even after I did research for you.

              • 1 year ago

                Your arguments can't hold up so run back to your echo chamber moron.

              • 1 year ago

                Stop lieing right now.

              • 1 year ago

                I dont need to lie, i look like Kylie Jenner. my face and my pussy cost more than your mortgage and your inc1ome

              • 1 year ago

                >I got beaten up by my family but i still grew up to be trans

                Trannies literally admitting they were traumatised as a young child

              • 1 year ago

                >muh grooming
                I always see this shit meme around (especially from christcucks and ISTners who post in uncleanon threads). Just because someone knows they want to transition young doesn't mean they were groomed. If you don't want to transition you don't get the hormones, simple as.
                >b-but they do it for social capital
                What fricking social capital do you get from being a troony

              • 1 year ago

                fricking moron, like 1/2 the fricking 4th graders at local schools are claiming to be trannies now. i know a few teachers and it's absolutely socially contagious. they aren't really mentally ill, they're just being indoctrinated by frickheads like you. they shouldnt be allowed to get surgeries or hormones because they're goddamn kids that don't have a clue yet what they're asking for. have a nice day you grooming piece of shit.

              • 1 year ago

                >fricking moron, like 1/2 the fricking 4th graders at local schools are claiming to be trannies now. i know a few teachers and it's absolutely socially contagious.
                Yeah well all the fourth graders around me are totally into creationism and biblical evangelism
                I can say shit too
                >they aren't really mentally ill, they're just being indoctrinated by frickheads like you
                I'm not doing shit. I'm not even a troony, I just befriended a few.
                >they shouldnt be allowed to get surgeries or hormones because they're goddamn kids that don't have a clue yet what they're asking for.
                No shit, but by puberty most will have figured out whether they are or not and have a greater chance at passing.
                >have a nice day you grooming piece of shit.
                Consider hanging yourself from a bridge as a warning to others to not be so fricking braindead. I hope your family writes you off their inheritance and that you end up rotting in an open pit, forgotten for all time

              • 1 year ago

                Absolutely based

                Don't know what you're referencing but men will always be men and women will always be women.

                What does this even mean? What if someone changes their phenotype?

                Because its a fetish and you knew that.
                Also your point about gene expression was already poked full of holes.

                Why are you determines to label it a fetish? Does that somehow make it easier to deny the humanity of a group you hate? Why cant you accept its a medical condition?

                Spend a week in nature with no access to electricity or the internet. Hunt for your own food and only drink water. When that homosexual voice inside you says homosexual shit realise it is a demon that your brain has cooked up due to being in completely anti human and unnatural environments at all times. You will be on the path to being cured if you do this

                Do you use this same argument for cancer patients, or people with severe autism, by calling their conditions "demonic"?

                Altering "gene expression" does not make you born something else so it's an irrelevancy. Sounds to me like you are far too in delusion to be able to see the ham fisted nature of our mih science.

                It helps alleviate dysphoria

              • 1 year ago

                muh phenotype, muh gene expression. it doesn't matter, because everyone stays what they are born as

              • 1 year ago

                In what way? What takes precedence, chromosomes, alleles, hormones or gametes?

                Tranies people who "transition early" can't care what people think because they're children you disgusting groomer homosexual, and they do so at the behest of their sickening failure parents. Reality is what it is and you will never change it. You will always be nothing but a groomer, an error at best.

                My mom beat me and threw me out the house. No one told me to transtion, infact, there are so many barriers I've had to be exceptionally strong to do so. Look at all the horrible posts in this thread and in general. But im still going to live my life how i want.

              • 1 year ago

                Based mom, I'd beat my kid too if they turned out to be a degenerate groomer pedo homosexual.

              • 1 year ago

                You'd hurt your own child? I believe you. How sad.

                >Do you use this same argument for cancer patients, or people with severe autism, by calling their conditions "demonic"?
                Yours is an immaterial cancer of the mind, socially engineered into you by pharmaceutical marketing reps who have capitalised on your mental illness so as to create an entirely new market to sell cheaply and shoddily made hormonal medication that will only make your suffering worse. They then decided to display your mental illness en masse to create a scapegoat for normal people to be disgusted at so that they can use the excuse of "bigotry" to continue to sell you their product. I truly and deeply feel sorry for you and I hope you are able to overcome this without paying these deeply evil people anything. God Loves you and I love you. Please do not do this to yourself.

                Then why is it so difficult every step of the way to transition?

              • 1 year ago

                >Then why is it so difficult every step of the way to transition?
                Not sure what you mean by this as you haven't really answered anything of what I've said, but it should be difficult. Transitioning is a supposed "cure" that doesn't address the root of the problem. The technology isn't at a point where someone can effectively transition to another gender yet and is essentially psychotic body mutilation with extra steps. Imagine if after transitioning it still doesn't fix your problems. Just do this for me. What if you've been lied to about this being the cure. What if in 20 years we look back at this in the same way as we do lobotomys. This is a barbaric and disgusting practice that takes advantage of severely mentally ill people.

              • 1 year ago

                >What if in 20 years we look back at this in the same way as we do lobotomys
                for sure

              • 1 year ago

                I have no doubt in my mind that the parents of supposed trans children who would allow said children to do this to themselves will burn in hell forever. This is a mind virus engineered from the top and it is beyond evil to do this to such mentally ill people

              • 1 year ago

                A "transgender" man masquerading as a woman is not a woman, therefore he's a man.

              • 1 year ago

                What about phenotype? And why do you feel so strongly on this topic?

              • 1 year ago

                I wouldn't say it's a strong feeling to repeat basic truths

              • 1 year ago

                But why do you want to categorise me as such? Why do you care

                >Then why is it so difficult every step of the way to transition?
                Not sure what you mean by this as you haven't really answered anything of what I've said, but it should be difficult. Transitioning is a supposed "cure" that doesn't address the root of the problem. The technology isn't at a point where someone can effectively transition to another gender yet and is essentially psychotic body mutilation with extra steps. Imagine if after transitioning it still doesn't fix your problems. Just do this for me. What if you've been lied to about this being the cure. What if in 20 years we look back at this in the same way as we do lobotomys. This is a barbaric and disgusting practice that takes advantage of severely mentally ill people.

                Because im trans right now and i feel 100 times better than i did as a man.

              • 1 year ago

                Why wouldn't I care that millions of people are mentally ill and are being pushed to mutilation under the guise that they can become the other sex?

              • 1 year ago

                This isnt what i asked. You were pushing the gender binary, and i want to know why you feel so strongly? Why do you have to categorise me?

              • 1 year ago

                Humanity is categorized by default and I pointed it out, would you get this defensive if someone pointed out that a fish isn't a dog?

              • 1 year ago

                Im just curious why you feel so strongly. What's wrong with people transitioning? Why is this a threat?


                You mean words?

                Considering your whole very being still relies on what gender you are perceived as by others I would argue that you would've been better off seeking other means of beating this thing instead of mutilating yourself. I will pray for you.

                No, my self identity isnt dependant upon others.


                This is why you never support the oppression of a minority group, because the tools and side effects of oppression will also be used to oppress you.

                Smart anon. 99.7% of the population are not trans, yet the system is giving itself all these laws to crush 0.3% of the population?

                Why? Does anyone think it will end there

              • 1 year ago

                Mass mutilation of mentally ill individuals is what's wrong.

              • 1 year ago


                Why do terfs use this word constantly. Its ridiculous.

              • 1 year ago

                because cutting off your genitals or breasts is mutilation

              • 1 year ago

                No under 18s are doing this, so why do you want the government to have control over adults bodies?

              • 1 year ago

                Actually there are plenty of under 18 getting life altering hormones and freedom isn't a reason for people having their life ruined.

              • 1 year ago

                Your "neo vegana" is an open gaping wound that you have to keep open with various tools to stop it from healing because your body knows that it should t be there. It has a high chance of going septic or necrotic because it is, again, an open wound where your penis used to be. Every single rational human being in the world would consider this mutilation. You know deep down that it is mutilation.

              • 1 year ago

                Why do you care what i do with my body?

                Actually there are plenty of under 18 getting life altering hormones and freedom isn't a reason for people having their life ruined.

                All under 18 clinics in the UK have been shut

                Mutilation is an evil idea.

                No offence, you sound unhinged. You keep repeating this word over and over. Im sorry you are so warped.

              • 1 year ago

                I sound unhinged because I don't want men to get their penises cut off? Literally how does this make sense in any world

              • 1 year ago

                Its my body, who are you to tell me what i can or cant do with it

                Bigotry and oppression is evil.
                You were always allowed to do that.


              • 1 year ago

                >Its my body, who are you to tell me what i can or cant do with it
                you're right, i can't get you out of the mental illness that convinced you to mutilate and ruin your life

              • 1 year ago

                trannies: logical conclusion of libertarianism

              • 1 year ago

                >Why do you care what i do with my body?
                Because you were made in the image of God and I do not want you to torture yourself and suffer such an existence

              • 1 year ago

                Well what i want for myself beats what you want for me

                you're not being oppressed and no one is being bigoted, also not an argument when you're arguing for mutilation

                The government is passing laws to remove trans people from all discrimination protections

                >Its my body, who are you to tell me what i can or cant do with it
                you're right, i can't get you out of the mental illness that convinced you to mutilate and ruin your life

                Based, you cant. I dont care what your opinion is of me, just dont attack me and dont take away my rights

              • 1 year ago

                >The government is passing laws to remove trans people from all discrimination protections
                >Based, you cant. I dont care what your opinion is of me, just dont attack me and dont take away my rights
                no one is attacking "transgenders" and there is no such thing as right to mutilation

              • 1 year ago


                Because if you tolerate this, what will be next?

              • 1 year ago

                You constantly try to redirect arguments to semantics because you can't win them normally.

              • 1 year ago

                how am i playing semantics?

              • 1 year ago

                All of your arguments hinge on your own personal definitions of words and concepts instead of what they actually mean.

              • 1 year ago

                >All under 18 clinics in the UK have been shut
                Why the frick were they open in the first place?

              • 1 year ago

                Because its very imporant that treatment is given

                The solution is to let transmen - i.e. females - use the men's bathroom if they want.

                The salient point is that the danger doesn't come from real women; it comes from men. Especially so when they're porn-addled coomers in dresses.

                Basically, if some 5'2" frogvoiced roided lesbo wants to use her SheWee at a urinal, no-one is going to give a frick. The same thing can't be said for looming hons hanging out in the ladies.

                If you ever get stuck in this discussion, just explain that it's fine for actual women - regardless of how they 'identify' - to use the men's if they want: 99.9% of sexual violence comes from males, not females.

                Cis women can be exceptionally violent, and transmen often get assualted as much as trans women. No cis man is going to start taking hormones and get surgeries with the goal of assualting cis women, thats insane.

                You just hate all men and want to rationalise your hatred, and mask your contempt.

              • 1 year ago

                >No cis man is going to start taking hormones and get surgeries with the goal of assualting cis women, thats insane.

                Thanks to your wackadoodle self-ID rules, they don't need to. They can just turn up and act like perverts, beard and all.

              • 1 year ago

                NTA, I don't want to have to clear the public restroom of men before my 7 year old daughter can use it.
                I work at a truck stop as a mechanic. About 2 months ago, they told us that customers can use either restroom, based on what gender they identity as.

                About a week and a half ago, one of the female cashiers came and got me, saying there was a trucker, big ol bearded dude, sitting in the lady's room, in a stall, listening to women using the restroom and jerking off.
                He had been I there for almost 30 minutes and she had multiple women, some with children, come to her to complain and ask us to make him leave. I was the only sort of big guy on that shift, so she came and got me to go get him out.
                The whole time he kept screaming "frick you, I'm a woman!" I told him he was leaving on his own or I was going to drag him out, and he finally left, but called in and reported me.
                I was written up and may still lose my job over this.
                You act like you just want to be left alone, but that's not it, and even if you personally do, the trans community as a whole does not see it that way. You are absolutely infringing on the rights and saftey of others.

              • 1 year ago

                If you want an actual answer for that, it probably has origins in the campaigns against female circumcision. But not that you would have known, since you aren't a women.

              • 1 year ago

                Humans have 2 legs. Some people are rarely born with 1 or 3 legs. It would be silly to say humans aren't bipeds, but instead that there is a spectrum of legs, all equally valid and acceptable.

              • 1 year ago

                Considering your whole very being still relies on what gender you are perceived as by others I would argue that you would've been better off seeking other means of beating this thing instead of mutilating yourself. I will pray for you.

              • 1 year ago

                >my mom beat me
                Uh get swole and defend yourself? Shouldn't be that hard against a literal woman? Get a knife or some shit?

              • 1 year ago

                No, why would i attack my mom. I dont want to attack anyone, but it says a lot you're the first person to even address this. People in england would hurt their own children, then tell themselves their good people.

                I think people are fundamentally evil, because the way i got treated before i passed was awful

              • 1 year ago

                Why the frick are you on IST. Write a blog post somewhere else you massive moron

              • 1 year ago

                I just posted that testosterone will become a controlled substance and a bunch of hateful people decide to spend their time attacking me, so i tried to calmly explain that taking hormones isnt heroin, and that mutiliation is a terf dog whistle.

                Brits hate freedom, they hate it, when they see someone living how they choose they have to attack them, verbally and physically

              • 1 year ago

                Then log off?? Lol how the frick is this a problem for you?? Turn your computer off or close the tab you moronic freak

              • 1 year ago

                >mutilation is a terf dog whistle
                is calling a dog a dog a terf dog whistle too

              • 1 year ago

                No because you know full well plastic surgery isnt mutiliation.

                Then log off?? Lol how the frick is this a problem for you?? Turn your computer off or close the tab you moronic freak

                I just wanted to post my thread, i didnt expect everyone to become hostile.

              • 1 year ago

                I would argue plastic surgery is actually another form of mutilation but regardless, cutting your penis and balls off isn't plastic surgery, it's straight up mutilation. it's that simple.

              • 1 year ago

                Is amputation not surgery? moron. I'm not even on the trans side, you just sound like such a fricking idiot.

              • 1 year ago

                what does ambutation have to do with plastic surgery

              • 1 year ago

                Really? Plastic surgery is mutiliation?

                So if someone has wonky nose, getting jt straightend mutliates it? Do you really believe this shit?

              • 1 year ago

                If your mom is physically abusing you, she doesn't get the "why would I attack my mom" treatment. She doesn't deserve the title of mother.
                Anyways, I wouldn't want you to actually "attack" your mom, just to defend yourself against someone hurting you if that's happening to you.

              • 1 year ago

                "Medical condition" really just means it is something relating to something being wrong with the body. It doesn't mean it is not or is also a fetish. I say its a fetish because we both know damn well it is. You're like a kid with crumbs on their face lying like this.

                At any rate I think you see why your ways have errors. You'll probably develop some new opinions once you sleep on all of this. Typically people don't change in the moment even if you prove your point multiple ways. So anyways, I'm out.

              • 1 year ago

                Oh ok, its a fetish but you say so dammit! Lol.

                No, unfortunately its a medical condition and i wish it wasnt because being trans isnt fun, i have to live in England, this awful, backwater nation where housing is expensive, violene is out of control, vut the population are more interested in telling me to live my life the "right" way

              • 1 year ago

                >Do you use this same argument for cancer patients, or people with severe autism, by calling their conditions "demonic"?
                Yours is an immaterial cancer of the mind, socially engineered into you by pharmaceutical marketing reps who have capitalised on your mental illness so as to create an entirely new market to sell cheaply and shoddily made hormonal medication that will only make your suffering worse. They then decided to display your mental illness en masse to create a scapegoat for normal people to be disgusted at so that they can use the excuse of "bigotry" to continue to sell you their product. I truly and deeply feel sorry for you and I hope you are able to overcome this without paying these deeply evil people anything. God Loves you and I love you. Please do not do this to yourself.

              • 1 year ago

                They make you bud light spokesperson

              • 1 year ago

                >especially from christcucks and ISTners
                One school shot up
                Watch out IST server room, you are next!

              • 1 year ago

                >improved mental health
                >still 42%

              • 1 year ago

                Do you know why? Do you even care or do you just want to use suicide as a "gotcha"

              • 1 year ago

                >elites desire to crush you
                You are the elites' wet dream. You do know this, right? You are a massive soak of resources and expense that could be put to very good use for solving dire, yet cost-effective problems in cis people who have a much higher chance of producing a net good to the world. You are guaranteed to produce no offspring, yet still serve as a workhorse for elites as they age -- off-setting drastic population control methods like One Child Policy, while still offering them the means of sexual use of the younger generations.

                Sex re-assignment surgeries and treatment, in whole, costs at least $150,000-$200,000, not including overwhelmingly turning men into consumer-minded pseudo-females which further ensures a lifetime of consooming. On top of this, you openly devalue and defraud the few opportunities and ways of escape or pleasure that the lower classes retreat to such as sports or scholarships from sports / rare achievements.

                Now I have to literally forgo testosterone treatment to be a man, which I was born into being, because you couldn't handle being born a woman? You are the problem exclusively.

              • 1 year ago

                Then why is the government determined to ban tranners from everyday life? Why have they made transitioning defacto impossible on the NHS?

                Tranners make up 0.3% of the West, there is very little money in trans healthcare, 95% of GPs admitted to being ignorant of trans healthcare.

              • 1 year ago

                >There is very little money in trans healthcare
                There is an absurd amount of money in trans healthcare, as I pointed out already. Here is the link from a pro-LGBT but economically sensible source: https://www.investopedia.com/paying-for-transgender-surgeries-5184794

                Please keep in mind these are conservative figures, as the facial surgeries alone were 50-70,000. None of the much higher consumer costs of a female lifestyle (the majority of transpeople being MtF naturally) are included here.

                The NHS is collapsing, much like Canada's healthcare system is, and turning into the nightmare for-profit care system that is my country. If under insurance, it's still making the medical and pharma industries a great deal of money (far more in fact than without insurance).

              • 1 year ago
              • 1 year ago

                imagine transitioning instead of buying a house, or a car

                lmao what a world

              • 1 year ago

                If surgeons were actually able to make you taller, with your jaw and cheekbones more pronounced in a way that looked more or less natural, most males would opt for it instead of buying a house

              • 1 year ago

                most males are fricking morons, what's your point? I'm just here to watch people ruin their lives and I'm loving every fricking minute of it.

              • 1 year ago

                Most men who Troon out mog me, so in a way it's less competition, which makes me a bit disappointed

              • 1 year ago

                Trannies do not belong in every day life. It is a fetish at best, severe mental illness at worst. Nothing more. It seems impossible to "transition" because "transitioning" as trannies define it is an impossible task. A male cannot become female, regardless of whether it has fack breasts and chops off its own dick.

              • 1 year ago

                So if the brain is born in the wrong body, why change the body?

                You can change the brain to be in line with the body.
                Added bonus that it doesn't need expensive, high failure rates, invasive surgery that cannot be reversed and need a lifetime of hormones to keep up with the facade.
                All it takes is a few visits to the psychologist or psychiatrist.

                Other than that, YWNBAW

              • 1 year ago

                You cant change the brain, unfortunately

              • 1 year ago

                look up "neuroplasticity"

              • 1 year ago

                Lmao this is the biggest cope

              • 1 year ago

                >Giving trans people hormone medication results in vastly improved mental health

                No they're just feeling the effects of heightened estradiol, strictly physiological response and has nothing to do with proving their insanity "right"

              • 1 year ago

                Have you taken estrogen before?

              • 1 year ago

                >we're just born into the wrong body
                Nonsensical unless you embrace gender platonism. You're clearly low iq.

              • 1 year ago

                Well its the truth. IQ is irrelevant. Born into the wrong body, and i feel so much better on hormones.

                Lol your so ridiculous, imagine you are telling me how i feel

              • 1 year ago

                Feelings are not an argument. You do not possess an immaterial soul with some sort of gender node, having no connection to physical reality or behavior.
                >born into the wrong body
                Is nonsensical metaphysics. You are an extremely low iq extremist and unable to see how your ideology is absurd.

              • 1 year ago

                Ok. You still havent managed to stop me transitioning.

                And we all have souls, even you.

              • 1 year ago

                you have the body of a man and the brain of a man. there's nothing left then to make you ACTUALLY be a woman.

              • 1 year ago

                >Yes gender dysphoria is a profound and overwhelming feeling of being in the wrong body.

                So the solution to dysphoria is to irreversibly change your body through hormones, puberty blockers, and surgery, instead of actually trying to treat the dysphoria itself? Children no less?

              • 1 year ago


              • 1 year ago

                You will never be a real woman. You have no womb, you have no ovaries, you have no eggs. You are a homosexual man twisted by drugs and surgery into a crude mockery of nature’s perfection.

                All the “validation” you get is two-faced and half-hearted. Behind your back people mock you. Your parents are disgusted and ashamed of you, your “friends” laugh at your ghoulish appearance behind closed doors.

                Men are utterly repulsed by you. Thousands of years of evolution have allowed men to sniff out frauds with incredible efficiency. Even trannies who “pass” look uncanny and unnatural to a man. Your bone structure is a dead giveaway. And even if you manage to get a drunk guy home with you, he’ll turn tail and bolt the second he gets a whiff of your diseased, infected axe wound.

                You will never be happy. You wrench out a fake smile every single morning and tell yourself it’s going to be ok, but deep inside you feel the depression creeping up like a weed, ready to crush you under the unbearable weight.

                Eventually it’ll be too much to bear - you’ll buy a rope, tie a noose, put it around your neck, and plunge into the cold abyss. Your parents will find you, heartbroken but relieved that they no longer have to live with the unbearable shame and disappointment. They’ll bury you with a headstone marked with your birth name, and every passerby for the rest of eternity will know a man is buried there. Your body will decay and go back to the dust, and all that will remain of your legacy is a skeleton that is unmistakably male.

                This is your fate. This is what you chose. There is no turning back.

              • 1 year ago

                Cool pasta, didnt read but post it again bro

                And you'll still never be a woman

                I am woman 🙂

                A beautiful one. Im more attractive than you.

              • 1 year ago

                >post it again bro
                Say no more

                You will never truly embody a woman. There is no womb in you, no ovaries in you, and no eggs in you. You are a homosexual guy who has been distorted by medications and surgery into a grotesque parody of the perfection of nature.

                All the "validation" you receive is false and insincere. People make fun of you behind your back. Your "friends" laugh at your ghoulish appearance when you're not around while your parents are embarrassed and ashamed of you.

                You disgust men to their very core. Men can spot scammers with amazing accuracy thanks to thousands of years of evolution. To a male, even trannies who "pass" appear eerie and unnatural. Your skeletal system is a blatant giveaway. Furthermore, even if you are able to convince a drunken man to accompany you home, he will flee away as soon as he smells your festering, diseased axe wound.

                You'll never be content. Every morning you force a phony grin onto your face and tell yourself everything will be OK, but deep down you sense the depression growing like a weed inside of you, ready to overwhelm you with its crushing weight.

                When it becomes too much to handle, you'll buy a rope, tie a noose to it, have a nice day, and fall into the icy depths. Your parents will come across you, devastated but happy to be free of the horrible humiliation and disappointment. They will bury you with a gravestone bearing your birth name so that everyone who passes by would know a man is interred there for all of eternity. Your physical body will deteriorate and return to dust, leaving just a clearly masculine skeleton as your legacy.

                This is the outcome. You decided on this. Backtracking is not an option.

              • 1 year ago

                Cool, still going to live my life how i want. Maybe if you just keep trying you'll ease that hatred chewing you up lol

              • 1 year ago

                I feel in my bones that i am a poolboy stud. Give me test and anavar NOW

              • 1 year ago

                Sure! Pool boys are hot, we have a shortage of hot men


              • 1 year ago

                Ah yes chatting on discord and posing as anime characters in videogames
                Truly women's favorite pass time

              • 1 year ago

                No, i have a relationship, and a career and i like to travel. What does it matter to you how other people spend their time

                trannies: logical conclusion of libertarianism

                So you want the government to control what does and doesnt go into your body?

                You can fuss all you want about numbers and confirmation bias, but it sidesteps the entire point. Which is trannies are degenerate and a detriment to a prosperous society every single way. It's like heroin or even just smoking. It mostly benefits a few shady people at an enormous cost to mankind. No one truly sympathizes with something like that. Trannies are a net loss on mankind and they bring absolutely nothing to the table except filling a few niche fetishes. And that is why you will ultimately lose once the people profiting your suffering and ignorance lose control of the narrative.

                Holy shit why are you so deranged. You sure do think about tranners a lot.

              • 1 year ago

                As a 30 yo boomer, ive seen how autists have shifted their obsession over the years. At first it was sanic, then mlp, and now this generations autistic fetish is becoming a troony. Many such cases. Sad!

          • 1 year ago

            I'm still waiting on the science papers that show estrogen alleviates dysphoria/depression. At least roidtrannies have some evidence with testosterone.

            • 1 year ago

              I dont need a paper to tell me how to feel. If i showed you studies you'd just dismiss them.

              And why should i have to prove to someone im trans? How do you prove someone is trans? You cant prove this, you have to trust the individual person, and we live in a nation where the individual must be crushed by society

              • 1 year ago

                I feel like the earth is flat. It's 1550 and all the experts agree with me. Therefore, the earth is flat.

              • 1 year ago

                have a nice day. why the frick are you on IST anyway you moronic troony? don't you have some protest to be at? to get kids to chop off their balls and take IQ lowering drugs?

              • 1 year ago

                I like how IST is anonymous. I dont protest. And hormones dont affect IQ lol how silly.

                You implied it was a fetish. Its evident to most honest people it is a fetish. The issue I have with continuing to argue this point is we both know it is a fetish, but you just don't want to admit it. There is no realistic reason to continue to claim a point neither party is able to believe.

                Not passing is wrong because it means a demonstrable difference exists. If an "assigned at birth" women wears no makeup, a tshirt, and has short hair, people would still identify her a female at face value immediately. Meanwhile, transgender people cannot do this, they are identifiable as trans even dressed with cues that indicate which gender they want to be identified as, but even lack the ability to be identified as this gender when dressed down. That is to say there is a identifiable and assumed difference between trans and not trans, therefore they ARE different. The use of the term women in "trans women" cannot exist without the "trans" if the individual in question does not pass, so it follows those who do not pass are different than women, and therefore are not women.

                "Minimizing pain" is nothing but wishful thinking on your part. As explained, logic does not back the belief you stand behind, meaning the belief is just something you want, not a conclusion drawn from seeing the world as it is. Nobody will truly ever remain happy with a delusion, especially when you understand why the delusion is fraudulent. The issue with the transgender delusion is its easy to see why its fraudulent (in the ways I have previously explained), and as a result people will keep being pained by it regardless of other actors' malice. For that reason I believe it should taken away from popular discourse and should no longer mislead people into feeling pain.

                I never said or implied it was a fetish.

                Why do some cis women get accused of being trans then? Daniel Radcliffe's wife was accused of being trans.

                Ok who are you to decide what pain im in. Imagine if i told you what level of psychological pain you are in, thats insane. You cant know what im feeling. Dysporia is like schizophrenia, you cant cure it, only treat it

                >the right puberty
                you will never menstruate

                Ok and? Its my right to decide what goes into my body, not the governments

                it is actually my concern when you start demanding everyone validate your delusion and mutilate you and mutilate others and destroy society as a whole

                Who are you talking about? Me personally? I dont care what anyone else thinks, i want to be left alone

                fricking moron, like 1/2 the fricking 4th graders at local schools are claiming to be trannies now. i know a few teachers and it's absolutely socially contagious. they aren't really mentally ill, they're just being indoctrinated by frickheads like you. they shouldnt be allowed to get surgeries or hormones because they're goddamn kids that don't have a clue yet what they're asking for. have a nice day you grooming piece of shit.

                There are safeguards in place for this. No one under 18 is getting hormones or surgery.

              • 1 year ago

                no such thing as right to self harm. you seem to care quite a lot considering you're trying to make us think mutilation linked to mental illness is fine and dandy. and there are many cases of under 18ers getting troonificiation support

              • 1 year ago

                Its not self harm, its treatment. You just want to control what i can do with my own life.

                And this comes back to the root of the issue. Going through the wrong puberty is disastrous, so the govenrment stops the treatment, but people transition later in life, and then the government makes us wait years for hormones, then you laugh when people dont pass. Its exceptionally cruel

              • 1 year ago

                so heroin is treatment too then huh? and there is no "wrong puberty" there is only puberty

              • 1 year ago

                No, heroin is a drug, thats a false equivalence. A better one would be insulin

                >Why do some cis women get accused of being trans then?
                I just want to talk about this one, because its a really funny thing for you to be arguing. Its such a big logical fallacy for (I assume) an adult to be making.
                Let me ask you this, if cis women being accused of being trans by some actor implied generalizations are irrelevant, then wouldn't that mean I could disprove any point you made by finding a fringe case similar to this one?
                For example, even if most zoologists believed that a Great Dane was a type of dog, if I found a single individual that claimed a Great Dane was not a type of dog, would that imply the zoologists' understanding of what a dog was is invalid? Obviously not. It wouldn't be relevant or meaningful as talking point as most individuals would see a Great Dane and call it a dog.
                Do you see why its a stupid point for you to make?
                Unfortunately people generally see you and others as their birth gender. Fringe cases in any context will always exist but never mater regardless of where they come from.

                You dont understand the difference between genotype and phenotype

              • 1 year ago

                Not false equivelance, shooting your body full of synthetic foreign hormones is as bad as heroin if not worse even without mutilation

              • 1 year ago

                Ok, so estrogen is like heroin? This is what you truly believe? Why do you think this, this is exceptionally weird

              • 1 year ago

                how is a "transgender" harming themself with synthetic foreign hormones not equal to doing heroin

              • 1 year ago

                Because heroin is a narcotic, hormones alter gene expression and change secondary sexual characteristics.

              • 1 year ago

                both are drugs, both are bad for you

              • 1 year ago

                >both are drugs, both are bad for you

                Ok, sure.

                Says you, you dumb frick
                If a short man says he was born in the wrong body, and should be in a tall man's body, that is dysmorphia
                Now shut the frick up.

                Bit rude

                >dysphoria is being born in the wrong body
                Your body is heavily based in your genetics and your genetics are part of you.
                So, to be of different genetics is to be a different person.
                But you cannot change your genetics and even if you could it would mean being a different person.
                So, it follows that people with dysphoria will always be self hating.

                Its my understanding that to have dysphoria is simply be suicidal. Its means always wishing you did not exist and person you preferred existed instead. If that person did exists, they wouldn't have the experiences or knowledge you have anyways. They would have nothing to do with you.

                All I'm getting from this is you're either not smart enough for this discussion or more likely you're deliberately choosing to take a side you see logical flaws with.

                Hormones alter gene expression

              • 1 year ago

                >Bit rude
                You have no argument.

              • 1 year ago

                Dysphoria and dysmorpia are separate issues

              • 1 year ago

                If you are born a man, you will never be a woman. If you are born a woman, you will never be a man. It's this simple

              • 1 year ago

                This. It's not hard to see. It doesn't matter how hard you play dress up, you are what you are.

              • 1 year ago

                Most trans people dont care what you think, and the ones that do, shouldn't. Passing is a great thing, but if you cant pass its still preferable to the pain of not transitioning.

                Again, people that transition early are indistinguishable. I pass, and if i posted my face no one could tell i was trans

              • 1 year ago

                yes, of course, that's why "transgender women" will fight to the last breath about being women, because they just don't care about it!

              • 1 year ago

                Tranies people who "transition early" can't care what people think because they're children you disgusting groomer homosexual, and they do so at the behest of their sickening failure parents. Reality is what it is and you will never change it. You will always be nothing but a groomer, an error at best.

              • 1 year ago

                Hormones alter gene expression

                Not all expression, because if it did then all trans people would pass, which we know they demonstrably do not. But on top of this, you're experiences before the point of treatment would not be those of the gender you thought you wanted, they are experiences built of the other gender. So, neither nature nor nurture is the gender you wanted.

                Puberty leads to irreversible changes. What you say cannot be true, because if it was, why do people feel the need to transition in the first place. You're conflating social experience with physiological and psychological needs

              • 1 year ago

                Don't know what you're referencing but men will always be men and women will always be women.

              • 1 year ago

                Because its a fetish and you knew that.
                Also your point about gene expression was already poked full of holes.

              • 1 year ago

                Altering "gene expression" does not make you born something else so it's an irrelevancy. Sounds to me like you are far too in delusion to be able to see the ham fisted nature of our mih science.

              • 1 year ago

                Not all expression, because if it did then all trans people would pass, which we know they demonstrably do not. But on top of this, you're experiences before the point of treatment would not be those of the gender you thought you wanted, they are experiences built of the other gender. So, neither nature nor nurture is the gender you wanted.

              • 1 year ago

                Genuinely, please explain why you think
                >You dont understand the difference between genotype and phenotype
                is in any way an actual response to that post. It actually does not make sense.

              • 1 year ago

                You said a cis person will automatically be gendered correctly. I said then why are cis women called out by other cis women for being trans.

                Then you gave me a dog analogy. So i stated you dont understand how someone can be genetically female and not look female at all. Genotype and phenotype

              • 1 year ago

                >Why do some cis women get accused of being trans then?
                I just want to talk about this one, because its a really funny thing for you to be arguing. Its such a big logical fallacy for (I assume) an adult to be making.
                Let me ask you this, if cis women being accused of being trans by some actor implied generalizations are irrelevant, then wouldn't that mean I could disprove any point you made by finding a fringe case similar to this one?
                For example, even if most zoologists believed that a Great Dane was a type of dog, if I found a single individual that claimed a Great Dane was not a type of dog, would that imply the zoologists' understanding of what a dog was is invalid? Obviously not. It wouldn't be relevant or meaningful as talking point as most individuals would see a Great Dane and call it a dog.
                Do you see why its a stupid point for you to make?
                Unfortunately people generally see you and others as their birth gender. Fringe cases in any context will always exist but never mater regardless of where they come from.

              • 1 year ago

                Facts don't care about your feelings

              • 1 year ago

                Ok Ben, the fact is im going to live my life how i want, and for all the seethe not one person in this thread has stopped lol and you never will

              • 1 year ago

                Sure you will, and then you'll probably have a nice day. That's fine. What's not fine is propagating the notion that it is acceptable for children to do the same.

              • 1 year ago

                Lmao no, being alive makes everyone here seethe, i quite like being alive.

                Im happy within myself, i dont ask others to suicide. Thats the sign of someone deeply troubled

              • 1 year ago

                How happy will you be after the nth misgendering? After so many people look at you weirdly? How all the people you interact with stumble over how they should treat you? After so many years of loneliness? When you fully realize that you will never be a woman, and neither can you ever be a man again? No wonder the suicide rate is so high.

              • 1 year ago

                Im beautiful, and that comes with its own issues.

                No one looks at me weirdly

                People talk to me a lot, i wish they wouldnt so much

                We're all lonely, its the human condition

                I am a woman. The suicide rate is high because of many reasons, chief among them how disgusting society treats people a little bit different. Anons already admitted they would abuse their child if they were trans.

              • 1 year ago

                >Im beautiful, and that comes with its own issues.
                Sure you are. Post body then. You won't because you would get dismantled.

                Trannies cope until they rope. Western societies are by and large extremely tolerant, and despite what people may think about your kind the overwhelming majority of people will you with as much respect as they can.

              • 1 year ago

                I am beautiful, and i smile when i look in the mirror. I obviously wont post myself here, i stealth.

                Western societies are what they are, if you have money you can be relatively insulated, if you are poor you're fricked.

                Interesting how you find suicide such a flippant topic, it says a lot about you

              • 1 year ago

                And you'll still never be a woman

              • 1 year ago

                >How do you prove someone is trans?
                With my eyes. Most trannies don't pass, and the ones that sorta pass are easily identified with a few seconds of observation.

            • 1 year ago

              Who cares if it does? If coddling to personal delusion is what makes someone happy, can it really be said then that the solution to a problem is to make everyone play along? What is more important, the delusion of a deeply disturbed person, or truth?

              • 1 year ago

                I dont want anyone to play anything. You live your life and I'll live mine

                You're whining about problems you create for yourself. No one is going to sympathize when the solution is as simple as "take off the dress." It's not our fault. Not our cause. Not our responsibility to fix. You broke it, you fix it.

                Lol I've had facial sugery, i can stick my hair in a bun, and wear a jumper and get gendered female because i look like a woman. A bald headed norfen builder doesnt tell everyone to call him "he" its natural. Same with me

                Also I've been doing this for longer than you've been legally able to vote, no one cared back in the the day, then Occupy Wall street happend and now we're going through the Great Reset and inflation is out of control. The daily mail pumps out an anti trans article all the time.

                Then silly people get themselves into a tizzy and a moral panic. Its really sad but rather than care about housing, or inflation, or wages, or crime, you'd rather stop me taking hormones, its a joke and the elite hold you in contempt for believing this nonsense

          • 1 year ago

            >the right puberty
            you will never menstruate

          • 1 year ago

            You need antipsychotics, pervert

            • 1 year ago

              Im not a pervert, but its telling you use that word. Part of yourself is reflected in your outward thoughts. And they put me on anti-psychotics it didnt work.

              99% of violent sexual crimes are committed by males.

              Ninety fricking nine.

              And 91% of the victims are female.

              This is why people loathe you castrato nutcases; you can't be honest even when things are staring you in the face. Why the frick would you try and put females and males on an even footing when it comes to violence? You don't even believe it yourself. It's fricking nuts. But you are nuts so...

              >99% of violent sexual crimes are committed by males.

              Absolute lie. Women can be extremely sexually violent, under UK women cannot rape, but in reality they can rape. The laws are designed to favour cis women at every opportunity.

              If a man is falsely accused, it isnt "what is the impact on his life", its "it may stop others from coming forward". No one gives a frick about men, and its hilarious since terfs hate all men, and yet you get simps agreeing with you lol

              • 1 year ago

                >Absolute lie. Women can be extremely sexually violent
                Sure, 1% of offenses are committed by women, after all. no one said they couldn't. you're deflecting, and not facing the big fricking 99% right in your face.

              • 1 year ago

                No, read again. Under UK law women cannot be legally convicted of rape, they are convicted under the lesser charge of sexual assualt, which carries much less severe penalties.

                You know full well that not all men are bad, and not all rapists are men. Thats very disingenuous, and i say that as someone insulted by men in this very thread.


                >Absolute lie.

                >In the years ending March 2017 and March 2020 combined, the majority of victims who had experienced rape or assault by penetration since they were 16 years old reported that the perpetrator(s) were male (98%). Almost two-thirds (65%) reported that the perpetrator was a male aged between 20 and 39 years

                From the ONS.

                And this data is reflected in every single developed nation which tracks it. So why the frick are you lying?

                See above

              • 1 year ago

                I'm a man and I can say that -basically- all rapists are men. The number of women rapists out there is so close that it's basically zero. You're comparing the size of an elephant to a baby kitten and trying to explain to me the signifigance of the kitten. Stop trying to escape the point.

              • 1 year ago

                No, i dont care what you are, the facts are that women are as capable as men in causing harm.

                The majority of child abusers are women, according to the NSPCC. And it makes sense, since they are primarily in teaching and nursery roles, as well as custodians of children

                Nobody does. Why would they?

                So where are you getting this information from? Twitter? What a load of shit. Thats like trying to get an idea of white people from pol, ofcourse its going to be skewed. Thats why i dont talk about my identity irl, i get on with my life

              • 1 year ago

                The internet's social hangouts are a source of honest information. People speak openly, without shame of repercussions. There is no greater source of data on how people really feel than the internet. You can catch opinions and stories from both sides with ease.

                You saying that should be ignored is just you coping because the vast majority of opinions about trannies on the internet are extremely derogatory.

                "N-no you that's just the internet. You can't that." So much fricking cope. Everyone hates you. The celebrities that speak out for you only do it for PR. The nobodies that champion your cause make fun of you behind your back, or are simply bots. Your 'supportive' parents lay in bed at night shaking their heads in disappointment when you're not looking. Your 'friends' use you as a tool for social elevation or alleviation of personal guilts. They don't invite you to anything that doesn't benefit them somehow, and they make fun of you behind your back at great length.

                ... but you'll just deny all that and continue to think everyone loves you, because otherwise we'd be up to 90% right now instead of 40%.

              • 1 year ago

                >No, read again. Under UK law women cannot be legally convicted of rape, they are convicted under the lesser charge of sexual assualt, which carries much less severe penalties.

                Pic related is for ALL sexual offences.

                If you're correct then there would have to be a hidden, unreported, unconvicted epidemic of women committing sexual offences. And alos other violent crime, presumably.

                You're arguing black is white here.

                I'll leave with this:


                And YWNBAM.

              • 1 year ago

                Well im glad we could share information

                The internet's social hangouts are a source of honest information. People speak openly, without shame of repercussions. There is no greater source of data on how people really feel than the internet. You can catch opinions and stories from both sides with ease.

                You saying that should be ignored is just you coping because the vast majority of opinions about trannies on the internet are extremely derogatory.

                "N-no you that's just the internet. You can't that." So much fricking cope. Everyone hates you. The celebrities that speak out for you only do it for PR. The nobodies that champion your cause make fun of you behind your back, or are simply bots. Your 'supportive' parents lay in bed at night shaking their heads in disappointment when you're not looking. Your 'friends' use you as a tool for social elevation or alleviation of personal guilts. They don't invite you to anything that doesn't benefit them somehow, and they make fun of you behind your back at great length.

                ... but you'll just deny all that and continue to think everyone loves you, because otherwise we'd be up to 90% right now instead of 40%.

                No, because i dont doubt twitter tranners believe what they are saying, but its not what i think, or what anyone else i know thinks.

                But its confirmation bias, you see the 1% that are loud and it slots into your worldview, but if you spoke to me you'd have a different opinion and that would would challenge your viewpoints. I've sat down with a literal far right nazi before, and we spoke, and i learnt things I'd never get from pol

              • 1 year ago

                You can fuss all you want about numbers and confirmation bias, but it sidesteps the entire point. Which is trannies are degenerate and a detriment to a prosperous society every single way. It's like heroin or even just smoking. It mostly benefits a few shady people at an enormous cost to mankind. No one truly sympathizes with something like that. Trannies are a net loss on mankind and they bring absolutely nothing to the table except filling a few niche fetishes. And that is why you will ultimately lose once the people profiting your suffering and ignorance lose control of the narrative.

              • 1 year ago

                >lose control of the narrative.

                I want to be left alone you dumb frick, the anti trans hate is pushed by very rich and shady organisations, and the trojan horse is "we're going after trans", but the laws govts will give themselves will be used against the general population.

                This govt cares so much about women it imports the violent third world and covers up rape gangs in northern cities, but suddenly 0.15% of the population is a threat? And you cant see this?

                No wonder the elite hold the population in contempt

              • 1 year ago

                Trannies want anything but to be "left alone." They demand public spaces be made available to foist their disgusting lifestyle onto everyone else. They want the law to sanction medical procedures which turn innocent children into grotesque medical experiments. They demand more and more with every new concession. There would be literally no problem if transgenderism stayed where it belonged, as some underground degenerate sex fetish culture. But that's not enough for trannies. They want to shove their shit down everyone's throats. They will not rest until a 50 year old fat balding male pervert with implants wearing a revealing dress is considered perfectly qualified to be a school teacher. Enough.

              • 1 year ago

                I want to be left alone. I would love to move back to the countryside

              • 1 year ago

                best post in thread

              • 1 year ago

                A 14 year old boy fricking his hot female teacher is nothing like the reverse with a male teacher and teenage girl. Absolutely no young fella would be "traumatized" by that experience. There's a double standard cos the situations aren't remotely similar

              • 1 year ago

                you can just imagine this little homie saying "oh man i wish that were me XDD!!!"

              • 1 year ago

                >If you're correct then there would have to be a hidden, unreported, unconvicted epidemic of women committing sexual offences.
                So you know the way a big argument against trans women is that a man would use being treated 'like a woman' to access and abuse women and children?
                Now imagine that there's a class of people who you can only accuse of sexual assault at a high social cost.
                Imagine that these people had privileged roles in terms of access to children- whether their own or other peoples'- because their traditional societal role is as the primary caregiver of children.
                Imagine that, as the primary caregiver group, this group of people would receive lower sentences- they're needed outside to look after the family, after all.
                How much underreporting of abuse by this group of people do you think there'd be?

                >And alos other violent crime, presumably.
                Sexual crime and violent crime are not the same thing. But yeah, violence by women is underreported; you'll get laughed at by society for reporting, it'll be viewed as self-defense by the woman, and women are convicted less and punished less severely than men for violent crime. A woman can pick up a claw hammer and go to town just as easily as a man, especially if the victim is vulnerable (for example, a smaller woman).

                I'm not saying that women and men are equal in terms of harm; men are by far the more dangerous sex, for physical and societal reasons. But it's closer than what you're saying, because there's a *lot* of underreporting and under-conviction.

                t. works in jails

              • 1 year ago

                >Absolute lie.

                >In the years ending March 2017 and March 2020 combined, the majority of victims who had experienced rape or assault by penetration since they were 16 years old reported that the perpetrator(s) were male (98%). Almost two-thirds (65%) reported that the perpetrator was a male aged between 20 and 39 years

                From the ONS.

                And this data is reflected in every single developed nation which tracks it. So why the frick are you lying?

              • 1 year ago

                Didn't read, have a nice day troon. You are a deranged schizophrenic sexual deviant and it would be a net benefit for humanity if you just did what you know you want to do and roped yourself

              • 1 year ago

                Aww you sound angry. Poor baby. Post some more, maybe next time you'll achieve your goal

    • 1 year ago

      The solution is to let transmen - i.e. females - use the men's bathroom if they want.

      The salient point is that the danger doesn't come from real women; it comes from men. Especially so when they're porn-addled coomers in dresses.

      Basically, if some 5'2" frogvoiced roided lesbo wants to use her SheWee at a urinal, no-one is going to give a frick. The same thing can't be said for looming hons hanging out in the ladies.

      If you ever get stuck in this discussion, just explain that it's fine for actual women - regardless of how they 'identify' - to use the men's if they want: 99.9% of sexual violence comes from males, not females.

    • 1 year ago

      The danger comes from men, period. There is no threat from women in anyone’s bathroom, no matter what they look like.

      A woman who is masquerading as a man is no threat to anyone in any bathroom, but a man masquerading as a woman is a potential threat to women, if allowed into their private spaces. A man has the potential impulses to impose themselves sexually on others that women simply don’t have.

      The argument presented in OPs pic disregard this common sense reality.

      • 1 year ago

        >A woman who is masquerading as a man is no threat to anyone in any bathroom
        Yep, they are.
        Women follow people who don't want to be followed, women abuse people physically, women abuse people sexually.
        It's rarer than in men, but can be very dangerous in that it's harder to spot than in men.

        • 1 year ago

          99% of violent sexual crimes are committed by males.

          Ninety fricking nine.

          And 91% of the victims are female.

          This is why people loathe you castrato nutcases; you can't be honest even when things are staring you in the face. Why the frick would you try and put females and males on an even footing when it comes to violence? You don't even believe it yourself. It's fricking nuts. But you are nuts so...

  4. 1 year ago

    The weakest IST bro could kick the ever loving frick out of Jamie.

  5. 1 year ago

    OI M8

  6. 1 year ago

    >another trans thread
    I have to deal with this shit in real life, on the internet, and now, here? This has literally nothing to do with fitness. I do not give a single shit what you Black folk think about trannies.

  7. 1 year ago

    troonys are not taking the loss of /fig/ very well at all by the looks of things. You homosexuals pushed the envelope way too far trying to foist your sick fricking fetish onto children. You deserve to be whipped in the streets

  8. 1 year ago


  9. 1 year ago

    >hurr answer the question
    >it’s none of your business
    i fricking hate twatter and the the homosexuals that post screencaps from it

  10. 1 year ago

    >pin test for gains
    >this makes both trans people and nattys seethe
    great time to be a fraudster

  11. 1 year ago

    >Testosterone useage to be reclassified as an illegal and controlled substance
    >as UK government commits to eradicating transgenderism
    Very based.

    All in all, the scale is on the side of based. The sacrifice is worth it. Kill all troons.

  12. 1 year ago

    Good. Enough of trannies, roid or standard varieties

  13. 1 year ago

    >UK government commits to eradicating transgenderism


  14. 1 year ago

    Oh great, not one fricking day passes by before another mental breakdown happens in on a fit thread kek

  15. 1 year ago

    Oh great another thread about school shooters

  16. 1 year ago

    This is why you never support the oppression of a minority group, because the tools and side effects of oppression will also be used to oppress you.

    • 1 year ago

      >support mutilation so you can get quik gainz!!!

      • 1 year ago

        I support people's freedom to do what they wish with themselves in general.

        • 1 year ago

          you are supporting evil ideas in the name of freedom and sugarcoating it by making it sound like it's just people wearing silly hats

          • 1 year ago

            Bigotry and oppression is evil.

            Would you support my freedom to preach a religion to your offspring?

            You were always allowed to do that.

            • 1 year ago

              you're not being oppressed and no one is being bigoted, also not an argument when you're arguing for mutilation

              • 1 year ago

                You have a very warped view of reality.

        • 1 year ago

          Would you support my freedom to preach a religion to your offspring?

  17. 1 year ago

    >135 replies
    >26 posters

    • 1 year ago

      Well lets just say I can't quite tell if they'll rule it as a suicide or a murder.

  18. 1 year ago

    >as UK government commits to eradicating transgenderism.
    Fricking based

  19. 1 year ago

    All you people whining about trans people: grow the frick up and take responsibility for your lives

    Same goes to all the trannies in this thread, your gender isn't your issue, and your gender isn't "you".

    You all need to find some inner peace goddamn.

    • 1 year ago

      All you people whining about crack addicts: grow the frick up and take responsibility for your lives

      Same goes to all the crack addicts in this thread, your drugs aren't your issue, and your drugs isn't "you".

      You all need to find some inner peace.

      • 1 year ago

        >All of you people whining about the flying spaghetti monster: grow the frick up and take responsibility for your lives
        (Reddit space)
        >Same goes to all the flying spaghetti monsters in this thread, your meatballs aren't your issue and your meatballs isn't(sic) "you)
        (Reddit space)
        >You all need to find some inner peace

      • 1 year ago

        I actually still stand by that first sentence. Crack addicts are gonna crack addict regardless of what you say, yet here you are malding on IST.

        The second sentence doesn't follow, drugs are a (usually) harmful physical substance, while obsessing over gender is literally something born from the mind.

        • 1 year ago

          so you're admitting you think people shouldn't care about others wellbeing?

          • 1 year ago

            Wrong, I only stated you shouldn't be consumed with rage against something you can't control.
            Why do you want to be angry right now?

            • 1 year ago

              i'm not angry right now though, are you projecting by any chance?

              • 1 year ago

                Then why don't you focus on reaching a conclusion to the discussion on hand? What point are you trying to ultimately make?

              • 1 year ago

                You're right. In conclusion, mentally ill individuals are being mutilated for financial gain, men will always be men, women will always be women, and these mentally ill individuals need help.

          • 1 year ago

            I have a very special and tightly secured cell for you to go into. You're required by law to be there, in fact. It's justified because its for your own wellbeing.

            • 1 year ago

              wow, this is so true, going to prison is the same thing as not being allowed to get mutilated!

              • 1 year ago

                Yes, it is! Now I have a funny jacket and helmet for you to put on, this will prevent you from hurting yourself. I'm doing this to protect you (:

    • 1 year ago

      anon invents world peace

    • 1 year ago


  20. 1 year ago

    What's this homosexual gonna do, roll up to the urinal and whip out her frankenstein neo-penis? Or piss out of her vegana

  21. 1 year ago

    I would love to see some testosterone arrests solely because I'm sick and tired of seeing teenagers asking for TRT everywhere I look. I'd also like to see the people promoting it to be charged too but I can't come up with a real reason why, yet.

    • 1 year ago

      Androgens are PEDs. They makes skin look older and decrease lifespan. Not to mention mental effects are more suited for cavemen than civilized men. They would be better taking anvar.

  22. 1 year ago

    Roid trannies btfo. Will never be real men.

  23. 1 year ago

    There are no news articles on this

    You have made it up

  24. 1 year ago

    Another thread that's not really about troonys but about the liberal experiment coming to an end in the West.

    And no, it's not because of morality or god, just abandon the illusion of control and dance to the chorus.

    • 1 year ago

      why is it?

  25. 1 year ago

    Testosterone is already a controlled substance in the US and getting it is still about as easy as ordering off Amazon
    Also it won't even affect trannies because
    >FtM trannies outside of this website are already absolutely terrified of diy hrt
    >the only way to prevent the import of MtF hrt wolud be to lab test every peppermint that goes through the border, which isn't happening either

  26. 1 year ago

    Isnt it insane how triggered IST is just by my existence. I love being a beautiful woman, it makes me happy. I get to wear pretty clothes and people are nice to me, and i get taken out to nice places

    Being a man is shit, imagine having to life as a man frick that, no one cares about men

    • 1 year ago


    • 1 year ago

      Being a man is great as long as you aren't genetic trash.

  27. 1 year ago

    Troons, male or female, should use the male washroom.
    Is that so difficult to understand?

    • 1 year ago

      No, because then men tell me to get out lol

      • 1 year ago

        I Live In a non western country.
        When I see transvestites in the washroom I may laugh a bit, but no one cares

        • 1 year ago

          Fair enough, as long as you dont hurt them. The West is more violent.

  28. 1 year ago

    Roiders will get away with eating s o y boys for a while.

  29. 1 year ago

    homies really in here arguing with a troony. he's going to commit suicide

    • 1 year ago

      No, i quite like being alive. Its fascinating how humans can hate so deeply that they find suicide a flippant topic. I wonder if animals feel that way

      >How do you prove someone is trans?
      With my eyes. Most trannies don't pass, and the ones that sorta pass are easily identified with a few seconds of observation.

      So? Because someone doesnt pass doesnt make them less human

      look up "neuroplasticity"

      Sure, im open to learning about new treatments, give me qrd

      • 1 year ago

        >Sure, im open to learning about new treatments, give me qrd
        First and foremost you need to develope an actual identity. Preferably in God, family, and what you can contribute to society. Your gender identity should be so low on the list of things that make you you that you barely care whether it matches your body or not.

        • 1 year ago

          My gender identity is like 1% of who i am

          • 1 year ago

            Ok, then why is it so important to you to spend tens of thousands of dollars on transitioning and demanding people use your preferred pronouns and to use the woman's bathroom?

            • 1 year ago

              Read the thread, i just want to be left alone, dont care what people think. Want to look a certain way, its my choice i can afford it, use the womens because its the safest place for me to wee.

              • 1 year ago

                Fine, then do that and stop concerning yourself with the identity movement. If you really do pass you'll never have a problem. You will live an almost certainly unfulfilling life as an unloveable liar, but you'll be safe. As long as you're not doing overtly freaky shit in public it shouldn't matter.

              • 1 year ago

                >"I don't care what people think!"
                >spends hours arguing trying to change people's minds
                Every troony does this. Same thing with fats.
                >"I'm so stunning and brave. I don't care what people say"
                >"No! You have to find me attractive and acceptable and stop saying I'm destroying my body!"
                Before you switch the argument, I know you're not saying people have to find you attractive. Though you keep referencing that you supposedly look like Kylie Jenner, which leads me (and others) to think this is a fetish.
                >"I just wanted to post a thread and everyone attacked me"
                You posted the thread. Mission accomplished. You could have left at any time. You also didn't have to mention you were trans. Your personal identity had nothing to do with people's thoughts on the topic you posted. Considering all of this, why are you still arguing? If you want to be left alone and don't care what people think, why are you still here? Why did you deliberately mention unimportant information that you knew would get a reaction like this? People mention that trannies do it for the attention. It seems like that was your intent here as well.

  30. 1 year ago

    >Trans identified males hiding behind FTM so they can jerk off in stalls next to women

    Based, total roastie death

  31. 1 year ago

    Dude. This is blue board. Hide that female nipple

  32. 1 year ago

    Here's a study done by that famous right-wing fascist dictatorship Canada, showing that nearly half of men who identify as women in Canadian prisons are sex offenders, and more than half of their victims were children:


    >"But just let everyone into the ladies! They just want to pee!"

    • 1 year ago

      Trans women arrested for prostitution will be classed as sex offenders. Because society treats mtfs badly, they can't get work, and turn to prostitution. When they are caught, they get prosecuted as men, since cis female prostitutes wont be prosecuted.

      So the numbers go up, and then dickheads like you post here. These are desperate, isolated people being exploited. Im convened the majority of humanity is deeply evil because i wouldnt laugh at a cis woman in that postion, but you lack all empathy. I truly believe people are evil, just look at this thread

      • 1 year ago

        wee wee woo woo the world is evil because this tiny group of population has it weally weally bad. they are victims so give pwease give them power to abuse other people

      • 1 year ago

        You're whining about problems you create for yourself. No one is going to sympathize when the solution is as simple as "take off the dress." It's not our fault. Not our cause. Not our responsibility to fix. You broke it, you fix it.

  33. 1 year ago

    I really hope John Money is rotting in hell, because the animus of his soul is clearly still alive.

    • 1 year ago

      >John Money

      This just proves that transgenderism is real. You cant convince or persuade someone to be trans, you either are or you arent.

      For example, if you woke up and your wiener had fallen off and you had grown breasts, what would be your immediate reaction?

      Mine would be relief. If you wouldn't feel that, you're not trans

      i would unironically support transgenders being genocided and eradicated. disgusting creatures

      Thats horrible. Would you kill me personally?

  34. 1 year ago

    i would unironically support transgenders being genocided and eradicated. disgusting creatures

  35. 1 year ago

    didn't read any of this thread but anything that BTFO's roidtroons is BASED

  36. 1 year ago

    I will just never understand this trans thing. If the point is to change to the other gender and live life as the other gender, why do they spend 90% of their time loudly proclaiming that they're not biologically the gender they are pretending to be (ie: that they're trans)?

    I mean, it defies logic. By their own standards, any acknowledgement that their trans is just highlighting the fact that they aren't the gender being presented. They should be rabidly denying their trans, and avoiding any association with a trans movement or organization.

    • 1 year ago

      Do you talk to a lot of trans people irl?

      • 1 year ago

        Nobody does. Why would they?

  37. 1 year ago

    yall need to be more chill with our transgender comrades

    • 1 year ago

      Right after they stop demanding access to children to groom and stop trying to make everyone participate in their sick fricking fetish. And frick you too, pedo enabler

      • 1 year ago

        Thats just nonsense and its frightening how powerful propaganda is

        wee wee woo woo the world is evil because this tiny group of population has it weally weally bad. they are victims so give pwease give them power to abuse other people

        No, sadly the world is evil. I just want to be left alone. Id love nothing more than if the media shut up. Im still going to leave England, i hate it here.

        • 1 year ago

          Your lies and your amorality are disgusting. The only propaganda is that you’re some kind of victim instead of the mentally fricked pervert cross dresser that you truly are. Things are only going to get worse for you from here. You homosexuals pushed the envelope too far when you started going after kids.

          • 1 year ago

            This is really quite horrible to read, it makes me feel really sad.

            As a 30 yo boomer, ive seen how autists have shifted their obsession over the years. At first it was sanic, then mlp, and now this generations autistic fetish is becoming a troony. Many such cases. Sad!

            I just want to be left alone, maybe autusts do latch onto being trans, but thats why support is important

            Humans have 2 legs. Some people are rarely born with 1 or 3 legs. It would be silly to say humans aren't bipeds, but instead that there is a spectrum of legs, all equally valid and acceptable.

            Thats ridiculous. And there isnt a spectrum of identities. Thats silly too. People conflate sexuality with gender identity. Im a woman, and i like men.

            NTA, I don't want to have to clear the public restroom of men before my 7 year old daughter can use it.
            I work at a truck stop as a mechanic. About 2 months ago, they told us that customers can use either restroom, based on what gender they identity as.

            About a week and a half ago, one of the female cashiers came and got me, saying there was a trucker, big ol bearded dude, sitting in the lady's room, in a stall, listening to women using the restroom and jerking off.
            He had been I there for almost 30 minutes and she had multiple women, some with children, come to her to complain and ask us to make him leave. I was the only sort of big guy on that shift, so she came and got me to go get him out.
            The whole time he kept screaming "frick you, I'm a woman!" I told him he was leaving on his own or I was going to drag him out, and he finally left, but called in and reported me.
            I was written up and may still lose my job over this.
            You act like you just want to be left alone, but that's not it, and even if you personally do, the trans community as a whole does not see it that way. You are absolutely infringing on the rights and saftey of others.

            Yeah thats disgusting. I look like kylie Jenner, i dont want to see some bearded man in the bathroom. I want to feel safe, and a lot of my cis friends, who dont know im trans, feel safe around me. I wouldnt feel safe around a beared big burly man, im 5'4.

            The problem is that dysphoria is necessary for transition, you cannot have a beard and call yourself a transwoman, its impossible because the dysphoria would be so crippling you'd want to suicide.

            Its gender non-conforming/ non binary. But i remember cut my skin so close it would bleed when i was a kid because i wanted the hair to stop. I've had laser now so im very smooth and soft

            • 1 year ago

              Mechanic here, I hear what you're saying but you need to understand that a large portion, if not the majority of the trans community does not feel how you do about "can't be a real trans if you're bearded, obviously a man ect".
              There is no way to pass a law that would allow you to use a woman's restroom but disallow some big gorilla dude with a beard and a wig from doing the same.

              • 1 year ago

                This is why it ruins it for everyone. Honestly if i went into the mens id be kicked out of the venue lol, it would look odd! I think it should be a case by case basis. The worst thing that ever happened was when the WHO demedicallised it. It is a medical condition, and look how people here have treated me, do you think this is nice for? It makes me want to cry and i hope i can just change one or two minds that im a human being too, and i dont want to be hurt or killed

              • 1 year ago

                Okay but how could a case by case basis be implemented even on a small scale, much less a large one? Should we have bathroom guards that make personal decisions about if someone looks "too manly"? I have seen masculine looking women, should they have to show their vegana to prove it?
                Surely you must see how a case by case system can't be implemented. The fact is there is no good way to do what you're asking, and people, including me, will always choose the saftey of their children and wives over the rights of born men that want to use women's personal spaces.
                I don't hate you anon, I don't think you're a woman, but I don't have to agree with you to care about you. You just have to face the fact that asking people to choose trans rights over their own daughters well being is insane and not gonna happen.
                I wish you well and will pray for us both.

              • 1 year ago

                But thats a false choice. You dont have to choose between something. You can keep your child safe, and i can also keep myself safe.

                But whats the solution then? Why did the Gov't and media make this an issue, it wasnt like this 10 years ago. Im so ridiculously sad

              • 1 year ago

                Laws which "protect" (read, enable since trannies are not actually in any danger) trannies enable perverted mentally ill people to get closer to children. In a sense you're right though. Trannies in the first world typically live very safe lives, besides all of the irreparable harm they commit to themselves. They don't need protection.

                This is now an issue so that normal western people have yet another bogeyman to distract them from their shit leadership. The intent behind all of this is probably to enact laws which normalize transgenderism and encourages them to be in public spaces so that they actually do start becoming a real problem for people, at which point they will be a more effective distraction which has to be further "dealt with" through more shitty government intervention. Keeping the public squabbling amongst themselves is one of their most effective ruling tools.

            • 1 year ago

              men cannot become women

              • 1 year ago

                Can women become men?

              • 1 year ago


              • 1 year ago

                What is a mam

              • 1 year ago


              • 1 year ago

                They can't become cis men.
                They can become trans men.

  38. 1 year ago

    I'm gay as hell, but I'd frick and worship Jamie's pussy.

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