>tfw lift for 6 years. >become huge and strong af. >no gf. >no nothing. >start doing martial arts

>tfw lift for 6 years
>become huge and strong af
>no gf
>no nothing
>start doing martial arts
>strength helps, but I'm still a shitter at the end of the day
>realize that I've wasted 6 years of my life
>get fat
>no gf
>no job
>no nothing
What's the point? What's making it?

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  1. 4 months ago

    Literally use it to socialize easier, of course it does nothing if you just spergout

  2. 4 months ago

    Most women dont like huge roided up meatheads.. this is common knowledge anon

  3. 4 months ago

    6ft+, sharp jawline, dominant/confident personality had to do none of that and is drowning in pussy. The internet ruined fitness for the rest of us by telling losers it'll get them a gf.

  4. 4 months ago

    You thought that the gym/muscles is some sort of cheat code for gf/job/fulfilling life? You are mega moronic.

  5. 4 months ago

    homosexual Demoralizer go get Ligma. WAGMI

    • 4 months ago

      What's ligma?

  6. 4 months ago

    if you are huge and strong you attract a certain type of women. and that certain type of women is probably not "who you are" if you are a genetic dead end incel loser. you are probably looking for some cute nextdoor neighbour bookworm. well getting huge and strong was a fricking net negative with that in mind.

    making it is coming to terms with who you are and who you looksmatch and personalitymatch with

    • 4 months ago

      Theres a lot of awkward women that looksmaxxed into hotties that are still cute down to earth girls on the inside. Stop trying to demoralize people you geek

  7. 4 months ago

    How is it a waste? You are big and strong now, do you really think being out of shape and small would give you an advantage?

  8. 4 months ago

    >>no gf

    As a man you literally have to make the first move.
    I'm a 172cm manlet who frick 1 to 5 women every year. And you cant even get a girlfriend?
    This year, I already cold approached 56 women, face to face, in busy street and shopping mall.
    Wbu, whats your number?

    • 4 months ago

      What's your opener?

      • 4 months ago

        frick you. I'm not answering basic shit like this. You can learn pua for free on youtube. Search for tom torero.

        How the frick do you approach 56 women and handle all the rejections, mad sus

        Bro, 56 is nothing. By the end of the year I'll be over 1k. Like I do every year.
        When learning daygame, you learn to kill your ego and stop taking the rejections personally (these girls rejecting you know literally nothing about you, nor you about them).

    • 4 months ago

      How the frick do you approach 56 women and handle all the rejections, mad sus

    • 4 months ago

      Fat chicks don't count

    • 4 months ago

      God I hate normies so much. Kys

      • 4 months ago

        Spamming 1k cold approaches a year to bang 5 girls is NOT normie level thats a subhuman who tries hard frick despite the odds

        • 4 months ago

          gotta make up for the lack of chad genes somehow.

          Also kek at the anons criticising me while they cant manage a single approach while sober and not shitting their pants.

          Keep coping about how you are above chasing skirts homosexuals

          • 4 months ago

            Black person you approach every single female that breathes and you barely frick one in a year, I'm pretty sure you frick the ugly ones

          • 4 months ago

            your identity is based around seeking the approval of random women
            there's no need to be defensive

            • 4 months ago

              if you actually knew anything about game you would know a woman doesnt have to like you or even find you attractive to frick you.

              • 4 months ago

                Rape is not game

              • 4 months ago

                So your strategy is to waste time by bothering countless women that don't want you in the first place and you're trying to school us on what "game" is. Pretty funny if you think about it

              • 4 months ago

                Rape is not game

                >seek her approval or rape her.
                >seek her approval or bother her.

                You two need to stop embarassing yourselves.

    • 4 months ago

      >Wbu, whats your number?
      Asked my homegirl for a date...thats far as it goes for 24 so far....just because she dress the way I like

  9. 4 months ago

    Sounds like a mental illness. Depression body dysmorphia and maybe some type of personality disorder lmfao

  10. 4 months ago

    >>get fat
    >>no gf
    >>no job
    >>no nothing
    This homosexual tells us he got fat, does nothing with his life and complains and we are supposed to hold his opinion up high? Fricking kek
    Lemme guess, you thought that somehow people would engage with your autistic ass just because you lift weights? Brah you need friends, that's how you find people for long term relationships, apps will fail the majority of people including you.
    >no job
    Start applying? Like what do you want *me* to do?
    >no nothing
    >do nothing
    >nothing happens
    Damn, whoumst've could've seened thatch cooming?

  11. 4 months ago

    you need to improve your social skills and flirt with women more often. also find a job that you wont be bored of.

  12. 4 months ago

    There is some peace in knowing that no woman was, is or ever will be interested in me whatsoever.

    Sure at the base level it's just coping, but I see nearly every man around me spend so much time, money and effort every single day on either trying to get a woman or in trying to keep his woman while I live care-free without ever even contemplating if anyone likes me or not. Makes life a lot more simple

    • 4 months ago

      All cool but what makes you think anybody would want to know how unlovable you are? What makes you want to say all this shit, to admit how fricked up you are, do you get any satisfaction out of it? Do you feel pleasure from admitting you're a subhuman? Genuine mental illness

      • 4 months ago

        Just stating my situation as a matter of fact. Some people are simply meant to die alone and that's ok.

        Life is still worth living

    • 4 months ago

      >There is some peace in knowing that no woman was, is or ever will be interested in me whatsoever.

      you do not know you fricking butthole, you think, you project and shape your own reality.
      You are living what we like to call the identity trap.

      You view the world a certain way because of your own previous experience and your stupid brain, but you wrongly believe other people view the world the same way.

      A basic principle of game is that, its the woman who has to reject you. never self eliminate. Its like when looking for a job. Apply, apply, apply, make the hr c**t reject you. Then apply again.

      • 4 months ago

        After a ridiculous amount of job rejections surely you have to come to your senses that the problem is you, not others. If you're self-aware enough that is.

        But my point is that even knowing that life is still worth living, no need to cry about it

        • 4 months ago

          >After a ridiculous amount of job rejections surely you have to come to your senses that the problem is you, not others. If you're self-aware enough that is.

          not true. WTF. Depends on the economy, phony job ads, nepotism, etc.

          But you didnt get my point. I wanted to convey to you that a man strive for wtf he wants, despites the odds, despite the hardship.

          • 4 months ago

            This isn't a case of a someone not getting the job because of "nepotism" or anything like that. The problem isn't other people.

            A blind person can delusionally dream about becoming a pilot, but at some point he has to accept his situation and focus on other things instead

  13. 4 months ago

    If you were lifting for anything other than your own personal satisfaction you were never going to make it in the first place.

  14. 4 months ago

    >22 yo
    >skinnyfat with some remnant of muscles from my teenage sports years
    >good enough frame but unimpressive
    >6/10 baby face
    >dress extremely well and take care of my hair
    >couldn't have sex to save my life in home country
    >move to Ireland for job offer
    >decide to leave my pc back home and force myself to socialize every day
    >first trials are total failures but I learn from all my fricked up interactions
    >eventually make many friends
    >relationships start snowballing
    >first ever girlfriend from japan
    >gf's friend confess feelings for me and gives me all the attention in the world
    >ffw 2 months and a new girl confesses to me
    >end of my contract
    >go home
    >get back to my old habits binging video games and arguing online all day
    >no friend
    >feeling like shit
    >start lifting again
    >nothing changes
    >move to Japan for contract
    >no gym membership so stop lifting
    >left my pc back home again
    >fw a new girl every day again by going out and socialize with people
    >lift again
    >suddenly don't even need to talk to a girl and convince her Im a great guy for her to be interested anymore

    Lifting only multiplies your chances but if you don't actually take a shot then anything times zero is still zero.

    • 4 months ago

      >Average white guy who couldn't get the time of day from women in his own country discovers that dating is really easy if he goes overseas and dates non-white women.
      >5'9 guy goes to Japan and gets the same attention that a 6' guy gets in the West
      Not possible for men who aren't white, are below average face or short (5'9 is average, 5'7 or less is short).

  15. 4 months ago

    All you had to do was keep at it. Now you have to come back from the bottom again.

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