tfw taking clonazepam makes me social but also makes me lose 50 iq

tfw taking clonazepam makes me social but also makes me lose 50 iq

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  1. 9 months ago

    you're just too smart to be social sweetie 🙂

    • 9 months ago

      what do babe how do i get the pros of the medication without making me dumb dumb

      • 9 months ago

        luckily for you, you chose a class of medication that isn't recommended to be prescribed for more than 4 weeks, has the longest and most dangerous withdrawal out of any recreational substance, and literally destroys your memory permanently 🙂

        • 9 months ago

          “ While memory loss is a common side effect of clonazepam use, the symptoms are likely to cease when a person ends their short-term use. However, prolonged and excessive use of the drug can cause brain damage that might be irreversible.”

          i’m not abusing it so therefore i should be alright

          • 9 months ago

            >4 weeks

            • 9 months ago


              i’ll have one week every cycle where i refrain from it to prevent developing tolerance and dependency

              • 9 months ago


                >i'll have one week every cycle where I won't smoke cigarettes; that'll protect me.

              • 9 months ago

                that’s a false equivalence

              • 9 months ago

                Good luck

              • 9 months ago


              • 9 months ago

                this is fricking moronic

                2 years ago i started benzos before quitting and i was never once dependant or hooked to it nor did i experience any blackouts

                it’s all about self control and knowing your limits


                i’ll have one week every cycle where i refrain from it to prevent developing tolerance and dependency

                Good luck boys

  2. 9 months ago

    I remember taking clonazepam 3 years ago for „social anxiety” I split my last pill in 4 pieces took 3 pieces and lost the 4th.
    Up to today I still think about the 4th piece laying around here somewhere .
    benzos are an illusion alprazolam,phenibut, clonazepam it’s all the same type of Desaster.

  3. 9 months ago

    Don't get hooked to that crap. It will kill you

    • 9 months ago

      I remember taking clonazepam 3 years ago for „social anxiety” I split my last pill in 4 pieces took 3 pieces and lost the 4th.
      Up to today I still think about the 4th piece laying around here somewhere .
      benzos are an illusion alprazolam,phenibut, clonazepam it’s all the same type of Desaster.


  4. 9 months ago

    >getting hooked on benzos

    • 9 months ago


      You'll get addicted to it and chronic usage of that crap will legit turn you into a moron. I've seen people abuse it and lose like 10 IQ points over the years

  5. 9 months ago

    could you elaborate a bit on that OP? both the social part and the IQ part

    • 9 months ago

      it just means i feel sluggish and dumb and ill say stupid shit

      You'll get addicted to it and chronic usage of that crap will legit turn you into a moron. I've seen people abuse it and lose like 10 IQ points over the years

      luckily for you, you chose a class of medication that isn't recommended to be prescribed for more than 4 weeks, has the longest and most dangerous withdrawal out of any recreational substance, and literally destroys your memory permanently 🙂

      i’m not addicted to it and try and limit my use to 0.5mg 3 times a week

      • 9 months ago

        “ While memory loss is a common side effect of clonazepam use, the symptoms are likely to cease when a person ends their short-term use. However, prolonged and excessive use of the drug can cause brain damage that might be irreversible.”

        i’m not abusing it so therefore i should be alright

        Good luck bro.

      • 9 months ago


        >i’m not addicted to it and try and limit my use to 0.5mg 3 times a week

        Benzos are a creeping drug you get high but you can’t feel or determine anymore how high you are while being completely fricked up “what op as -50iq describes”
        So expect blackouts compulsive redosing that you have 0 memory of and completely moronic unhinged behaviour.
        Nobody who ever got addicted had the goal to be, with benzos you lose all control, all composure, it takes hold of your decision making system and ultimately will win if you don’t take measures

        It’s not worth it just read the addict cope of op he’s in love with the drug

        • 9 months ago

          this is fricking moronic

          2 years ago i started benzos before quitting and i was never once dependant or hooked to it nor did i experience any blackouts

          it’s all about self control and knowing your limits

          • 9 months ago

            and i quit because i couldn’t be bothered to go back to the psychiatrist and didn’t see it as something that mattered, i could easily go without it like i’ve proven

            also i had quit after 6 months

          • 9 months ago

            >muh anecdotal experience is indicative of a larger trend
            Looks like the benzos stole quite a few IQ points from you

            • 9 months ago


      • 9 months ago

        >i’m not addicted to it and try and limit my use to 0.5mg 3 times a week
        >3 times a week
        cute. You are already on path down to dependency. You use benzos AS NEEDED, not on schedule. You have anxiety disorder but have job interviev? yeah, pop a pill. Where I live clonazepam was given to lifelong alcoholics in early stages of rehab to counteract siezures. Benzos are a tool and is meant to be used, but it's dangerous one.
        chugging them on schedule is moronic, and all issues you tried to cure will come back multiple times over when you eventually get off of them.


        >i’m not addicted to it and try and limit my use to 0.5mg 3 times a week

        Benzos are a creeping drug you get high but you can’t feel or determine anymore how high you are while being completely fricked up “what op as -50iq describes”
        So expect blackouts compulsive redosing that you have 0 memory of and completely moronic unhinged behaviour.
        Nobody who ever got addicted had the goal to be, with benzos you lose all control, all composure, it takes hold of your decision making system and ultimately will win if you don’t take measures

        It’s not worth it just read the addict cope of op he’s in love with the drug

        >So expect blackouts compulsive redosing that you have 0 memory of and completely moronic unhinged behaviour.
        happened to me too, but I was also drinking heavily.

      • 9 months ago

        >0.5mg 3x a week

        Clonazepam is constantly in your system your body never is not on clonazepam there always some residuals in you.

        Buddy hard to break it down but that’s how addictions start you get used to the feeling so much that when it ends you desperately and as safely as possible to want to continue the party

        May be god with you

        • 9 months ago

          I know where that's from

  6. 9 months ago

    I'd sooner risk schizomaxxing and take a heroic dose of mushrooms or LSD than hop on benzos long term tbh. Shit destroys people.

  7. 9 months ago

    > goes from 130 to 80 IQ
    > can suddenly relate to average social people
    Sounds about right to me.

  8. 9 months ago

    doctors and psychiatrists are such good and useful people to society

  9. 9 months ago

    i work in a psych ward and i have become so black pilled. gas the mentally ill. for their sake and ours

  10. 9 months ago

    Was prescribed this shit for years by a dickhead doctor it's legit not worth it, I've withdrawn from just about every drug there is and this is by far the worst took me months to ween off it legit takes your soul absolutely not worth it

  11. 9 months ago

    I used to abuse Klonopin and take it with large amounts of alcohol. I would black out completely for days at a time. Absolutely no recollection of where I had been, who I had been around, or what I had done. Bad days. Luckily, that was years ago, and now I'm clean and sober. Somehow, I still managed to retain some level of intelligence. Not much, but some. God speed, OP, that shit is a nightmare.

    • 9 months ago

      >and now I'm clean and sober.
      I'd expected to read "and now I'm wearing a GoPro".

  12. 9 months ago

    You're a fricking idiot on a doomed path you've set for yourself.
    Any bets on how much longer op has before he's calling his family and friends and saying he'll kill them?

  13. 9 months ago

    I miss etizolam

  14. 9 months ago

    was prescribed clonazepam .25mg for a parasomnia years ago, withdrawal was awful and i was off of it for 3-4 years

    more recently a different dr. prescribed it for severe anxiety & i chose to take it, but this time it was 1mg morning & night - eventually i wanted off of it and withdrawal felt like my reality was being ripped into layers in front of me and i felt out of my body with the strangest headache that is impossible to describe, and that lasted for 11 days

    do not recommend

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