The bar is open.

The last one died pretty quickly, lets try again.

Shopping Cart Returner Shirt $21.68

Tip Your Landlord Shirt $21.68

Shopping Cart Returner Shirt $21.68

  1. 12 months ago

    I can't drink but I'll have a non-alcoholic malt
    I want to go camping but don't have any friends to do it with, is it fine to go alone?

    • 12 months ago


    • 12 months ago

      It's fine anon, nothing's wrong with going camping alone. I also do things alone cause I have no friends. In a way it's better because you can go on your own terms and don't have to wait on anyone

      • 12 months ago

        id love to go camping with you if this wasnt an anonymous imageboard. i dont drink either lol. but yes go alone, enjoy nature and the quiet- itll be refreshing

        Wendigo hands typed these posts

        • 12 months ago

          how2kill wendigo?

          • 12 months ago

            Dip a bullet in ash.

    • 12 months ago

      id love to go camping with you if this wasnt an anonymous imageboard. i dont drink either lol. but yes go alone, enjoy nature and the quiet- itll be refreshing

    • 12 months ago

      Bring a knife just in case

    • 12 months ago

      Make sure someone knows when you're supposed to be back, you don't want to be murdered AND forgotten about

  2. 12 months ago

    >the bar is open
    >doesn't post jazz lounge
    ngmi you moronic Black person

    • 12 months ago

      >you moronic Black person
      >posts jazz

      • 12 months ago

        Whatever man, jazz is nice.

  3. 12 months ago

    Would you rather have BPD gf or no gf

    • 12 months ago

      No gf
      Don't walk into a fricking bomb

      • 12 months ago

        better alternative than loneliness at this point

        • 12 months ago

          If you can get a bpd gf you can get a normal one too moron.

        • 12 months ago

          Hahahaha holy shit no it is not.

          Some women are absolute nutjobs and will frick your life up.

        • 12 months ago

          Some ugly manlet once said, 'if you're lonely when you're along, you're in bad company.'

          It's all in your head bro. Solitude is one of the most pure and greatest experiences.

    • 12 months ago

      Honestly man at this point I'd date a rock from the ground. Just don't be too mentally taxing or lame and you're cool in my book.

    • 12 months ago

      No gf.
      I’ve had two bdp gfs. It’s not worth it. I want a gf who I can grow and experience happiness with not someone who thinks of me as a pet.

    • 12 months ago

      >BPD gf
      no thanks i'm not trying to get my life ruined with false rape accusations

    • 12 months ago

      Bpd. My second car is from the 80s and has no interior trunk release.

    • 12 months ago

      no gf. I've never had a gf but I have been exposed to multiple people with BPD, both male and female. Most of which occured in couples. BPD male with BPD female. I want fricking zilch to do with that after seeing how horrible their lives are.

    • 12 months ago

      Date the BPD gf to learn to appreciate single life for its merits

  4. 12 months ago

    i like working out

  5. 12 months ago

    >last one died pretty quickly

    Oh no what a shame. I can’t believe we missed dozens more comments of guys crying about missing their ex girlfriend while also talking about how many new girls they are having sex with at their 6 figure wfh jobs

    OP thank you so much for making a new one

    • 12 months ago

      what’s good homie

    • 12 months ago

      You are welcome. I agree with you though.

      • 12 months ago

        We can agree to disagree.

    • 12 months ago

      You forgot that every anon is 6’5” with an 8” wiener and has a body count of 35.

      • 12 months ago

        > 35
        Mine is only 32, and I'm already 19. It's fricking over.

    • 12 months ago

      It's the blue collar cuck kek
      How's it going my poor friend 🙂 ?

  6. 12 months ago

    saw my ex bpd gf with another guy and haven't slept last night. never expected this to happen, she was obsessed with me.

    why im i so fragile bros?

    • 12 months ago

      It's not fragility, them bpd girls are notorious for love bombing
      You got exposed to something like a drug from her before she kicked off
      Just realize that good love isn't like that. It's slow and consistent.

  7. 12 months ago

    >girl I've been talking to for a while drops that she has an onlyfans
    fricking hell lads

    • 12 months ago

      Found out a girl I was talking to for a while used to be a stripper

      • 12 months ago

        I bang them regardless
        In fact only fans/ stripper pussy is like running a high level emulator
        >not as accurate
        >prone to crashing
        >looks good and runs near full speed
        They are not as good as getting a regular hot girl which requires more time and effort
        But if your choices are 8/10 crazy stripper girlfriend or 5/10 basic Becky working at Starbucks
        8/10 stripper will offer more fun

    • 12 months ago

      send to her father

      • 12 months ago

        >OF thot having contact with a father figure

    • 12 months ago

      Found out a girl I was talking to for a while used to be a stripper


    • 12 months ago

      Nothing of value was lost. Sorry to hear that, anon.

  8. 12 months ago

    Moscow mule?
    It's 11:55 saturday night why the frick am I even here?

  9. 12 months ago

    I finally got over my oneitis once I realized she was extremely ugly and i'm better looking and could do far far better. Once I identified the severe lack of sexual attraction i was free.

    • 12 months ago

      the gag is women of that stature do not dare men more attractive than them and you’ll see it when she ends up with a guy uglier than herself

      • 12 months ago

        Its exactly what happened. Went back to her ex who was a chubby out of shape manlet, depressed, mommy issue alcoholic and didnt have a job and played overwatch all day.

        I dont know why they do that but i'm just hoping it says that way. Soon as I get her social media handles im blocking her on all of them for 0 chance of her trying to reconnect to me. I already know when I end up finding some one new shes gonna try butting in since she was also the jealous type. Problem is we also share a mutual friend so thats the way she could find out.

        • 12 months ago

          >Went back to her ex who was a chubby out of shape manlet, depressed, mommy issue alcoholic and didnt have a job and played overwatch all day.
          Why do they do this? It's so weird.

          • 12 months ago

            Because you're not man enough. You might be IST but also an uninteresting pussy that she can walk all over.

          • 12 months ago

            Because they have no fricking idea what they want and it changes like seasons. When they get fed up of an “butthole” who will put them in their place or tell them what they need to hear (with their best interest in mind) and who is real about things with them, they go running back to some homosexual who will coddle them and shower them with affection and let them get away with whatever the frick.
            Look into “Patrice O’Neal and Sharks/penguins” on YouTube he explains this very well.

            What Patrice doesn’t tell you is that a woman who’s like this isn’t your wife. She’s barely your girlfriend. A woman doing this effectively self categorizes herself as a human fleshlight. So if you’re looking for an actual worth having relationship, you let her go but then you block her and move on. You don’t wait for her to come back. Now, if you dgaf and can ditch any feels you developed, truly, and you’re cool with the low effort pussy you’ve already had, then by all means.

  10. 12 months ago

    I have completely given up on getting a girlfriend. I have a job, i am tall go to the gym, have fun hobbies, like to travel bla bla bla
    I guess there's something about me! Whatever

    • 12 months ago

      You will get a gf, its a matter of time.

      • 12 months ago

        thanks! just gotta keep on living

    • 12 months ago

      What are your fun hobbies? How often do you choose to talk to women?

  11. 12 months ago

    >Missed hookup offer two weeks ago
    >Didn't realize it until last week
    >girl is far more distant and cold towards me
    >trying to hang out 1 on 1 to clear this up
    >We keep getting pulled into social events instead
    I guess I'll try to talk to her at the party? Or after it? Idk what I'd even say, I figure apologize for being a fricking moron and tell her I'm interested?

  12. 12 months ago

    a shot of Whiskey
    >be me
    >is terrible at anything action-related like fighting, learning a martial art, or even playing action games.
    My instructor tried to encourage me with shit like "you tried the hardest in the class", but it sucks when I realize that I take 2-3 times longer to learn anything action-related. The only cope I have is beating my martial art classmates at RTS or chess.

    • 12 months ago

      What kind of martial arts have you tried?
      I sucked at striking martial arts like boxing but I was pretty good at judo.

      • 12 months ago

        Karate, tae kwon do, and boxing.

    • 12 months ago

      >it sucks when I realize that I take 2-3 times longer to learn anything action-related
      It sucks knowing you have to show up early and work harder than others, but at least you know yourself. Acknowledging your weaknesses and working through them is commendable even if your results might not be as great as other peoples.

      • 12 months ago

        Thank, anon.

  13. 12 months ago

    Bro, when a girl with a bf flirts with you do you sometimes think you should go full scumbag and go for it?

    • 12 months ago

      yes. youre saving him from a prostitute in the long term, and you get crazy puss

    • 12 months ago

      Yes and I have

    • 12 months ago

      Yeah but I wouldn't have sex with her and I'd just expose her to her bf. I hate prostitutes.

    • 12 months ago

      Depends on how well you know the dude. If you're friends, obviously not. If he's part of your friend group, still no because there's a very real chance she's just using you for an ego boost, and even if not you'll look like a dick unless you're more well liked than him.

      If you barely know the guy or don't know him at all, yeah just do it. She's gonna be a bawd anyway so you might as well benefit from it.

    • 12 months ago

      I felt immense guilt going for it and I didnt even know the dude. just knowing gutted me more and more but I was too pussy to tell him. consider how you handle shit like guilt before trying.

  14. 12 months ago

    I’ll have a shot of Smirnoff
    >working abroad
    >have a sister in her late teens
    >she’s verbally abusive to my parents
    >slowly becoming a NEET
    >parent’s mental health is visibly worse every time I call home
    >everything they try with her fails
    >No opportunities if I move back to my home country
    >I can see my family falling apart in real time and I can’t do anything about it
    What do I do bros? It’s consuming my mind, everything I do is overshadowed by this. My parents try to hide the situation from me but I can tell it’s only getting worse, especially every time I visit home.
    >lifts for this feel?

    • 12 months ago

      Your sister needs correction.

    • 12 months ago

      'break in' to your house in a mask at night and do this

      Your sister needs correction.

      to set her straight

    • 12 months ago

      I've *sort of* had this same situation your in. My father was strict though and she wasnt abusive but just very rebellious. He eventually said frick it and threw her out on the street and let her fend for herself. The door was open for her to come back of she wanted to settle down and finally obey the rules. And she would come and go but ultimately she just never learned. I wish I could give you advice but I dont think theres anything you can do if shes refusing to listen to anyone. Prayer is the best thing you can do.

  15. 12 months ago

    GET A FRICKING POCKET PUSSY. I always thought it was a joke and you're a b***h if you get 1 but it feels fricking amazing. Your hand simply does not compare. I legit have so much energy rn I feel like I could run a 1k.

  16. 12 months ago

    Ah frick idk what to do. Did some shopping. Got super anxious with the cute cashier. Got anxious waiting in line at another store because there were two hot blonde fitness b***hes in front of me and they seemed to notice me getting anxious.
    I’m 27. Far too old for this. It’s been worse in the past. I can actually speak now at least. But frick I wish this didn’t happen anymore. I’m not even a virgin or anything. I’ve had hookups over dates I’ve had GFs I’ve even had female friends.
    Maybe I coom too much.
    Maybe it’s because I’m super out of shape and I’m humiliated by my looks.
    Idk. I just wish I could do whatever like a normal person. It even happens with b***hes I’m not interested in. I wish I could just do whatever and not suddenly get anxious because sometimes hyper aware of some attractive girl.

    • 12 months ago

      The last one died pretty quickly, lets try again.

      It seems my only option is to stop being a coomer and get back in shape. I can’t be anxious AND a fat coomer. If I’m anxious and I’m fit I know from experience that b***hes see it as cute rather than creepy which then causes me to be less anxious and functional instead of like a deer in headlights.

  17. 12 months ago

    I can't tell if I'm attractive or not and it's starting to get me frustrated. I see girls staring at me, make it obvious they look my way but every time I try to initiate even friendly small talk with gym girls that are regulars I get the cold shoulder almost immediately the second time I open them. At this point I just walk around without focusing on anyone anymore.

    Is avoiding eye contact with everyone the optimum strategy?

    • 12 months ago

      I’m the guy above you and I feel I can help, part of what I’m going through is having been the fat ugly loser then blossoming into ripped athletic tall chad in college and then getting back out of shape. So I know.
      This is a good way to figure out if you’re attractive
      >bitches staring at you
      When this first started my self esteem was so low I thought I was disfigured or mentally moronic and freak show levels.
      A b***h won’t stare if you’re not attractive in some way. You’ll be invisible.
      It’s rare a woman is ballsy but if a woman, an attractive one especially, flirts or hits on you or even goes out of her way to speak to you and is friendly when she doesn’t have to, you are attractive.
      >gay dudes
      They will stare and be friendly and hit on you.

      >they cold shoulder me
      They realize you’re nervous if you are. Instead, don’t approach. I know it limits chances but let them come to you, or talk to them in natural settings such as school or a friend group or if it’s a part time job you can replace easily work.
      Or, just keep doing it to any who eye frick you and the second it fails forget it and move to the next and you’ll git gud eventually.

  18. 12 months ago

    Tap water. I’m at a crossroads right now in life. 20 year old virgin that is confused and unmotivated to do much. Still live with my parents commuting to uni, majoring in a degree if I don’t know what I wanna do. Don’t have many if any friends at uni and only talk to the ones from high school that see practically never. I don’t know what to do anons

  19. 12 months ago

    >be me
    >develop massive crush on some chick
    >think I'd never in a million years have a chance or that we aren't compatible anyway
    >force myself to forget about her
    >months/years later learn I actually had a chance and was just too much of a pussy
    Looks like I just fricked up another one these last months. I swear I will be lying on my deathbed after spending my entire life alone afraid to ping the cute nurse for some pain meds because I'm afraid she would get the wrong idea

    • 12 months ago
      • 12 months ago

        I’m on this path, 25 year old NEET KHV (aspergoid)

      • 12 months ago


      • 12 months ago

        Thankfully I'm rather successful in life in all regards except women. I had that wakeup call that just doing nothing is worse than failing a while ago.

      • 12 months ago

        I am this except that by 54 I will have been retired for ~7 or 8 years, will own my house, have a dog and a car I like driving and have no debts and enough money to live to about 80 in comfort.
        I'm not sure if I'll regret this path but I know of no other.

  20. 12 months ago

    My ex from college hit me up. Tried a bunch of gold digger scams on me, in succession. This seems to be becoming more common- maybe a part of getting older? Or maybe it signifies cultural/ economic changes?

    >1. Hey I'm good at investing now and I'm successful I just need startup capital for a project.
    >2. Hey we're both getting older, soon we'll be all used up. My friends got engaged after only a couple months of knowing each other- why don't we try the same thing?
    >3. I'm in love with you but you're cold and unkind and need to demonstrate your affection for me. We could rekindle our relationship if you bought me X or paid for a vacation to Y. I need comfort.
    >4. You're abusive and you need to do something major immediately to make our relationship viable. This happened with my friends and he fixed it by taking her on a trip to Sweden and Denmark where they topped up her wardrobe...
    >5. You raped me and I have sufficient evidence to take you to civil claims. But we could also protect your reputation and save a lot of trouble by settling outside of court...

    Thank god I didn't fall for any of that shit. I did fall hard emotionally though. Its good she cut it off when she did though (realizing I was a poor target)- saved me a frickload of money.

    • 12 months ago

      Lessons learned:
      >If they play any emotional games with you regarding sex, leave them ASAP. For example: "I had boyfriends in the past but I need get more comfortable with you first"
      >If they're overly cynical about you, leave. For example: "did you take me out to this place so that you'd get to have sex with me?"
      >If she's on meds or needs therapy, leave
      >Make jokes about stuff to strain her personna
      >If her reasons for desiring you are overly vague or generic, leave. For example: "you're so masculine and handsome"
      >if she apparently has any abusive exes or family members, leave
      >if she makes any big changes to her social media when you get together, leave
      >if she has a lot of gold digger friends, leave
      >if she has a lot of strange guy friends, leave

      Might be forgetting some

      • 12 months ago

        >>If her reasons for desiring you are overly vague or generic, leave. For example: "you're so masculine and handsome"
        Hows this one bad

        • 12 months ago

          Gold diggers dont actually find the guy attractive and will have a hard time generating a timely genuine response to questions like that. I'd tell her sometimes things I found attractive about her, and a couple times asked why she'd gone through so much trouble to rekindle things, like what about me struck her as attractive years after we broke up. And her answer would always be some gay and unnatural shit. Which is different from other girls who have things to say

      • 12 months ago

        >If she's on meds or needs therapy, leave
        >if she apparently has any abusive exes or family members, leave
        >if she has a lot of strange guy friends, leave
        You're right. Time to leave.

        • 12 months ago

          >>if she apparently has any abusive exes or family members, leave
          My ex would constantly go on about how her ex was "so abusive" but couldn't name any concrete examples except for that time he broke someone's finger... in self defence when they were trying to mug him.
          Anyway she turned out to be an abusive b***h herself, and is probably telling her new bf similar stories about me.

      • 12 months ago

        >If she's on meds or needs therapy, leave
        >if she apparently has any abusive exes or family members, leave
        >if she has a lot of strange guy friends, leave
        You're right. Time to leave.

        My soon-to-be ex GF fits most of these criteria. Big hint for anyone wondering: If she has BPD, don't even try. Most young guys have the compulsion to try and "save" everything and every one around them. Work to save yourself first, because you're obviously attracting the wrong types of people.

    • 12 months ago

      I suggest you block, or if you want a funny story flex financial status (even if fake) for her to see, wait for her to try this shit again 1-3 weeks later, screen shot her texts and send them to her with “Lol look at this babe she’s still trying” then send “frick my bad.” Wait a day for her rage, then ghost/block 24 hours later.

      • 12 months ago

        She'll be back in a couple years. She's hot so won't have issues finding guys who want to frick her. But I can't imagine her having any better options financially. So when she comes back I'm probably going to find some way to flex on her and then reject her while pretending to be on her side.

        Like "everything about you is great but you're just not young anymore... Since the last time I saw you your skin has changed, your hair is thinner. You're just all used up. There are lots of great guys out there though and I'm sure if you work hard you'll find one in the end!"

        • 12 months ago

          Be more subtle than that, more backhanded.
          “Besides I don’t like this new style.. the haircut.. whatever you started doing with makeup.. you’re just not who you were when we dated all those years ago, but I’m sure you’ll find some guy who’s into this new look!”

        • 12 months ago

          NO. The best option when someone is coming back into you life to use you is to fricking seem way worse off. Say youre broke, say youre all fricked up on these meds, say you have AIDS... ANYTHING. There is no winning in this situation other than that person being out of your fricking life.

  21. 12 months ago

    >can't stop thinking about her
    >dream last night
    >wake up regretting that I didn't rape her
    >nearly cum when thinking about meeting her and my child years later, wasn't even touching dick
    This is a feeling I can't explain and have never experienced before.
    Don't reply.

  22. 12 months ago

    everyone on the internet seems to have been with bpd girls, I know all girls are a bit crazy and emotional but I doubt most girls have debilitating mental illness to the scary point of bpd

    • 12 months ago

      I call my ex that, in reality she had some kinda avoidant anxiety/depression/narcissism from being neglected
      but it's quicker to mis-use bpd as a simple shorthand for "she often did shit that made no logical sense then judged others for not living in her reality"

    • 12 months ago

      BPD girls have insane body counts and often target shy, quiet, or introverted men so it's not out of the realm of realism that ISTners have a high representation of being with them.

  23. 12 months ago


    • 12 months ago

      How the frick do you tell if a chick is genuinely attracted to you or if she's just fricking with you?
      Help me IST.

      • 12 months ago

        If you have to ask, she's not, now go yo /LULZ/ you fricking pussy.

        • 12 months ago

          That's uncalled for anon.

  24. 12 months ago

    One of those days, just being.

    Old fashioned please.

  25. 12 months ago

    >out drinking with friends and girl i've been flirting with
    >we spend the entire night flirting
    >friend asks us what our relationship is since we seem so close
    >she says we're like siblings
    it's so over

    • 12 months ago

      this is you

      • 12 months ago

        Lmao I just opened this link after posting

        Because they have no fricking idea what they want and it changes like seasons. When they get fed up of an “butthole” who will put them in their place or tell them what they need to hear (with their best interest in mind) and who is real about things with them, they go running back to some homosexual who will coddle them and shower them with affection and let them get away with whatever the frick.
        Look into “Patrice O’Neal and Sharks/penguins” on YouTube he explains this very well.

        What Patrice doesn’t tell you is that a woman who’s like this isn’t your wife. She’s barely your girlfriend. A woman doing this effectively self categorizes herself as a human fleshlight. So if you’re looking for an actual worth having relationship, you let her go but then you block her and move on. You don’t wait for her to come back. Now, if you dgaf and can ditch any feels you developed, truly, and you’re cool with the low effort pussy you’ve already had, then by all means.


      • 12 months ago


        God damn I forgot about Patrice. I needed that. My Happiness is Paramount. Frick that hoe.

    • 12 months ago

      Start flirting with other women in front of her. Or just ghost.

    • 12 months ago

      start flirting with other women, its choose or lose anon

  26. 12 months ago

    Whiskey, straight.

    I'm trying to decide if I should end my marriage.

    • 12 months ago

      Shit anon... the frick happened?

      • 12 months ago

        Lots of little things that added up for me. For example, our communication is not that great, partly my fault but i really feel like opening up to them is always a bad choice. I'm starting to doubt we could successfully raise children together since our values are fairly different. I didn't think it was a big deal and we could work it out but the more time we spend together the more I realize we will never see eye to eye on certain things. Sorry if I'm being kinda vague. I feel very uncertain myself, I've never had a better partner but these little things keep adding up to make me feel miserable and wondering if I could do better.

        • 12 months ago

          If you don't have kids then go ahead why the frick does it matter
          If you do then try to ride it out for their sake
          Sounds like you don't THOUGH

  27. 12 months ago

    > go out with friends
    > have a good time, shoot the shit
    > go home
    > immediately start obsessing over even the smallest missteps and shifts in body language and convince myself that they despise me and tolerate me out of pity
    I'm supposed to be a grown man.

    • 12 months ago

      Man I do this after every social outing lol it’s over

    • 12 months ago

      arive late and leave early

  28. 12 months ago

    Am I justified in hating my father for being a complete loser frickup even though he never directly targeted me with bad intentions? Never taught me a thing, totally uninvolved, complete buffoon that can't stop joking every 5 seconds, threw literal millions of inheritance down the drain in the pursuit of vain dreams with zero planning, never kept a cent aside for me to go to uni, put my mother through horrible stress and destroyed his marriage, couldn't hold a job for more than 3 months and never developed a career, now pushing 60 and rents a bedroom with some pothead.

    Complete lack of introspection, zero personal growth since I was put onto this earth, a literal manchild. He's unironically the most pathetic person I know, but this stupid tiny voice keeps telling me that I should care because he's my dad after all... but I can't, and I don't want to. He serves me as an example of everything I have to avoid.

    • 12 months ago

      My dad was very much the same. I used to have the same phase, ultimately though you just need to grow up and do your own thing and stop being a resentful little shit.

      • 12 months ago

        How did you handle that on a practical level, just indifference?

        • 12 months ago

          Yeah, more or less. I can still get pissed off when he starts acting like I owe him anything, but for the most part I just don't really think about him.

    • 12 months ago

      Its natural to be disgusted by such loser behavior, ESPECIALLY when its from someone you care about. ESPECIALLY when it directly affected you or the life you could've had. It shows they didn't think about you, didn't care about you as they should have. Hold on to these feelings and use them to be the man your father should have been, the man you know your sons will need.

    • 12 months ago

      My dad was very much the same. I used to have the same phase, ultimately though you just need to grow up and do your own thing and stop being a resentful little shit.

      Yes you are justified in hating him.
      I agree with the guy saying at some point "grow up", but I'd rephrase it:
      It's your life. Being resentful is putting your life on hold, waiting for your dad to come clean up the mess he made. He won't. I have met men in their 40s who are still waiting.
      But you do need to be mad at him, and you do need to grieve the fact that you didn't get the father you deserved. You're right, he's a pathetic bum who can't do shit to you now and isn't worth your time. But he did hurt you, while you were growing up, with his neglect. Process that fact. It might not take that long for you, given you seem pretty self-aware and understanding that he's a bum.
      As you process your anger and underlying pain, you'll achieve what the other guy described: truly seeing your dad for what he is, and not thinking much about him anymore. You might even be able to forgive him and maintain a casual relationship with him. That's up to you.
      But it is your life.

  29. 12 months ago

    why are women such a fricking meme, this stacy at the workplace wanted me to go out with her for running and other fitness related things but still wanted to date someone else. When I said I am not having any of this and told her we should just stop going out if we aren't a couple she got mad at me and is fuming constantly now when in my presence
    she even started getting more close and flirty with another coworker wanting to make me mad

    • 12 months ago

      >When I said I am not having any of this and told her we should just stop going out if we aren't a couple
      Jesus Christ anon...
      Why couldn't you just play it cool?

      • 12 months ago

        >play it cooler
        what does this even mean in this situation in normie speak?

        • 12 months ago

          You weren't dating, you were running together. She was trying to size you up. You blew it by asking for commitment way too early (also you should never do that).

        • 12 months ago

          Patience. Unless you're never going to see her again, you shouldn't rush things. The only thing preventing you from waiting and seeing how things play out is your dick that's taken over your mind.

        • 12 months ago

          Anon, ignore the morons in this thread talking about dating. You missed out on a possible friendship. I get it, you want to date women and have sex. Valid. But not every woman is or should be a sex partner.

          She wanted a friend. You wanted to date her. She is mad because you couldn't get over wanting to stick your dick in her. Therefore, she remains friendless (or less friendfilled).

          Steps to resolve this issue:
          1. Find another woman that you have a successful relationship OR at least seriously start looking for that
          2. Approach her and be honest about your autism
          3. Go for runs and fitness stuff; enjoy your new friendship

          • 12 months ago

            No sane person wants to be friends with women lol. Especially one clearly chasing attention from as many men as possible

            • 12 months ago

              Suit yourself but I've had good friendships with women. I will admit that it is very indivdual centric (i.e. if they're a moron it's not happening). I just set my boundaries, don't frick around sexually AT ALL with them, and make sure to find a romantic link outside of them.

          • 12 months ago

            >You missed out on a possible friendship
            probably, but I liked her way more than that I was honest about that
            imo woman-man platonic friendships don't exist, or I haven't seen them. Sure I get along at work with lots of women but I mind never cross the casual boundary and never bring up personal stuff or approach them after work
            >She wanted a friend. You wanted to date her
            yep shit like this happens, nothing I can do about it

            No sane person wants to be friends with women lol. Especially one clearly chasing attention from as many men as possible

            >Especially one clearly chasing attention from as many men as possible
            yeah this got to me, I am not playing that game

            • 12 months ago

              >yeah this got to me, I am not playing that game
              Good luck in that case.

            • 12 months ago

              Sure, you don't have to live the way I do. I just wanted to point out that maybe it wouldn't have been so bad to just be friends.

              i do yes, but where do I even go? am I supposed to go to one of those dumb meetup groups? how did you make friends

              List out your hobbies anon and we will help direct you.

              • 12 months ago

                well I like the typical nerdy stuff like video games. coding, and movies. I also like gardening, painting, and creative writing, but I'm more into the nerdy shit tbh. I take college classes online and my job makes you work alone so it's a bit hard to really stick around and talk to people

              • 12 months ago

                >video games


                Look for a film club

                Look for a community garden

                Take some painting classes, go to art museums/galleries

                >creative writing
                Go to book clubs, poetry readings, etc.

                >I'm more into the nerdy shit tbh

                >I take college classes online

                >my job makes you work alone so it's a bit hard to really stick around and talk to people
                Make the effort or else ngmi

                My assessment is you like a bunch of solitary shit and need toe xpand your horizons if you want to make friends. You might meet someone that likes all that shit too, but you're not going to do it in your apartment. Get some social hobbies and meet people, then drag those interested into that shit into it.

              • 12 months ago

                Similar to that guy but I WANT to do social shit. Bad social anxiety. I’ve done a ton of exposure and for whatever reason people just seem to dislike me. I can’t explain it. Maybe it’s because I’m fat and look like shit. When I was lean it wasn’t like this. Second I went over 18% body fat it was over. Friends avoided me, went from eye fricked and hit on everywhere to invisible to women. Went from people going out of their way to help me or make things easier for me to no one having any patience. Bosses and coworkers respected me and had faith that I could perform, didn’t mind helping me out, now it’s the opposite.
                I’m working on it, but suppose that’s not the answer and when this cut ends nothing changes to how it used to be.. then what do I do?
                Because at this rate I prefer being alone than feeling like shit because I’m outcasted and alienated and people seem annoyed with me.

                And for the record if it is just my body & health, I understand and feel the same way about other fats. I don’t think I’m delusional.

              • 12 months ago

                You may have body dysmorphia. People might, on a superficial level, like you more if you're IST but there are plenty of IST guys that can't get friends/dates due to being unpleasant to be around.

                Being specific, why do you think people dislike you? Why do you feel outcasted and alientaed? Give concrete examples.

                i got fricking fat again and i just cant go back to dieting or gym
                frick me how can i get that flame back, im thinking about even coming back to IST

                Success is not some grand herculean effort; it's a sum of small, correct attitudes and habits. Start with developing small beneficial changes, and just snowball them. If you need help deciding what, then say so here what you need help with.

                I'm so fricking lonely
                I stopped drinking since January but I really want to get wasted right now because that's the only way I know to feel better that works

                You might feel like you're in a hole right now, but you're actually at a very pivotal time (!). What you do RIGHT NOW will flow into the future. If you get drunk, you'll engrain that. If you CHOOSE to do something else, you'll engrain that instead. I say you do something else and even if it doesn't feel great, it's still a win since you make a small step in the right direction.


                do normies really go out every fricking weekend? now that im fit and sociable people expect me to hang out every weekend and are shocked when i dont. once, maybe 2 weekends a month in the city is fine for me. not to mention socializing entails either drinking or eating like shit and i gave alcohol since i started working out. this is what i overheard from this lady in the office:
                >weekend 1 went to a baseball game, then went out to eat, then to a fair
                >weekend 2 wedding, then to a water park
                >weekend 3 took a four day weekend to go the beach
                this same lady was complaining about credit card debt. is this the cost of being social?

                Some do, but they're usually middle class bland. It's due to them not having any real hobbies so they just "do stuff" to fill the void. I don't necessarily disagree with what they do either, just that they're only playing with half the puzzle.

                Thinking I'll start applying for work again next month. I'm a young able bodied man who's decently intelligent and not too bad socially even though I get anxiety. I'm nervous as hell that I'll somehow frick it up though. Hoping that I can hold a job until next year without regressing into panic attacks & weed addiction & if so I'll be ready to go back to university to do engineering.
                I guess I just gotta let the excitement I have about to possibility of a better future overpower my fear that it'll somehow come crashing down. Regardless of how it all turns out I'm better off at least trying.

                There are always going to be challenges. You will never "arrive" at a successful, non-complicated life. There will also be something crashing down. A better mindset would be to acknowledge this and learn how to solve issues when they arise.

              • 12 months ago

                >What you do RIGHT NOW will flow into the future. If you get drunk, you'll engrain that.
                No frick that, I'm not getting drunk. But I haven't felt this shitty in a while and I'm scared when it happens next time I will get wasted. I just want to not be weak.

              • 12 months ago

                You only weak if you give in and drink, anon. You're a winner every day you struggle against the shit sandwich you're being force fed by life.

              • 12 months ago

                Maybe, but I don't feel like a winner. I feel like a loser whatever I do.

              • 12 months ago

                >body dismorphia
                No dude I let myself go. I look disgusting. I’m a fat frick. 280lbs 6’2”
                >Give concrete examples.
                1.) People talk over me constantly
                2.) I’m spoken down to quite often
                3.) if I attempt to socialize shit gets awkward fast and people will just kind of look at me like I have 3 heads
                It wasn’t like this before. Maybe it’s because when I was lean and knew I looked good I carried myself differently. Which could mean a combination of being insecure / low self esteem /anxious and in my own head about it in the first place makes me over think how things actually went. It’s now 100%, not even 50% in my head though. There’s a night and day difference to how social things are for me being attractive vs fat. People on average treat me better. Unironcially life begins at 12%.

                You're autistic, unironically.

                Unfortunately I don’t. I’ve attempted to get diagnosed 3 times and it’s always negative.

              • 12 months ago

                You're autistic, unironically.

          • 12 months ago

            Don't see the issue tbh, he doesn't owe her friendship. It's also generally bad idea to try and be friends with someone you're attracted to. She doesn't owe him sex but he doesn't owe her friendship or validation either

  30. 12 months ago

    >be fat and lonely, no social skills
    >feel empty
    >lose weight
    >feel empty
    >make friends
    >feel empty
    >have sex
    >feel empty
    hmm. maybe I should do some real introspective work and love myself instead of seeking external validation...
    >drink liquor
    >feel amazing
    ah frick

    • 12 months ago

      good post

  31. 12 months ago

    Scotch whiskey, on the rocks please.

    My little sister is suicidal, I've tried mostly everything to get her into the gym, or just generally outside but nothing I do for her does anything, it's like she's just mentally dead.
    I don't know what to do tbh, I feel useless.

  32. 12 months ago

    i'm 26 years old and I have 0 friends but idk how to make any. Like I'm kind of autistic but I'm capable of talking to people... I just don't really know where to go to meet new people other than bars/clubs

    • 12 months ago

      I wouldn't make any friends if it weren't for my nerdy hobbies. You have hobbies don't you?

      • 12 months ago

        i do yes, but where do I even go? am I supposed to go to one of those dumb meetup groups? how did you make friends

  33. 12 months ago

    Two shots of mezcal, the juice of a lemon, four tablespoons of pomegranate molasses, and seltzer, please.
    I fricked up by being disregarding reason for impulse. That's it.
    Cheers to a short life.

  34. 12 months ago

    I'm unironically shocked that Uncle Ted is dead and a little disheartened, but also emboldened by it. I'm antithetical to him in that I don't think tech is bad when used correctly, but I guess he'd call me a glowBlack person and a homosexual for that, as would many here. Regardless, I thought him a man who had many personality traits in common with myself, even if I'm far more flawed in the ignoble sense than he (greedy instead of murderous, just a scummy guy looking out for himself).

    Even so, some of his ideals spoke and still speak to me, and make me second guess if my deranged ambition which I've posted on here before, my untrusting and callous attitude, my antisocial and selfish sentiment isn't just a product of the twisted post modern world which instills such traits in those maladjusted to it. Even if there's lots of stories of such things, it's probably abnormal for a man to hold impossibly high dreams and chase them at the cost of all else, sacrificing interpersonal relations to sate his own greed and lust for power and influence. It'd be a lonely road for me just like him, although I wouldn't have moral high ground as I only do it for myself.

    His quote gives me strength. Maybe my dream will come true after all, as even when I think the wife and kids might be nice, a voice in the back of my head tells me that there's only one real way things will go, and I'll always be on my own.

    RIP Theodore John Kaczynski.

  35. 12 months ago

    >broke up with gf of 7 years
    >feeling like shit
    >get with new girl, tell her that it's strictly for fun and I can't commit
    >we fugg and hang out
    >one day we're laying together and she says that she's never felt this intimate with someone before
    >I know that I can never commit to this woman
    what the frick have I done. I'm gonna feel like shit but I think I have to cut this shit off. Need to get my shit together and stop using women

    • 12 months ago

      How did you meet this latest girl?

      I don’t see why you can’t just keep fricking her. Why is having sex seen as “using”? Both sides are participating in sex. No one is “using” anyone more than the other.

      • 12 months ago

        *adjusts glasses*

        because of easy contraception, the link between sex and commitment/familly has been severed in most countries

        as such you get the abnormal case where one of the partners has sex with the other for his pleasure only, but without committing himself emotionally and materially more to the other person, and he hopes to continue this engagement as long as he can fool the used party. Without a kid or pressure from society, these early or late 20's adults waste their time and well being using someone else to jerk off basically

      • 12 months ago

        Because she's clearly caught feelings and I haven't, and that makes me feel guilty. I'm not even treating her nicely because she means a lot to me, but because I'm used to being a boyfriend. My actions are insincere

    • 12 months ago

      Did similar, only I was trying for a relationship with the new girl. Just when the time came to pull the trigger I knew I couldn't commit.
      In my case letting her go was the right decision.
      Now I'm just focusing on working and working out till my ex fills the same space in my head as "that one other girl I dated back in college" i.e. I wish her well, but thinking back on it doesn't move the emotional needle much at all.

      I've made more progress on that front in month of being alone after letting the new girl go than the 6 months we were talking.
      It hasn't been easy, but even the setbacks when seen through turn into progress. Keep pushing and you'll make it through

    • 12 months ago

      You can't "use" women. You're clearly some sort of chad, just keep fricking her and move on when you're ready, some moron will wife her up within a week, you have nothing to feel bad about she'll be fine.

  36. 12 months ago

    i'm starting to thing it's pointless to save myself for marriage when the women aren't doing it themselves

    • 12 months ago

      There is no saving oneself for marriage. There is just lack of going out and trying things.

  37. 12 months ago

    >doctors/rabbis have to take my foreskin 18 months ago due to chronic BXO homosexualry
    >get by fine without it
    >last couple of weeks looks like scar has changed shape and size
    >might just be hypochondria and me obsessing over it, seeing change where there is none
    FFS lads, dont get a chronic illness. It will continue to haunt you even after it's "solved".

  38. 12 months ago

    going on vacation with a few friends this summer
    cant wait to get some rest from work, relax by the beach, get drunk with the boys and maybe even snag some hottie, god knows I could use it, been drier than sahara since covid started

    wonder if thats why there are so many men who are single nowadays, just got complacent during the rona

  39. 12 months ago

    >one shot at life and this is it
    What a fricking waste.

    Don't think I'll ever dig myself out of this hole. Guess I gotta try anyway. That's all I ever do, try and try and never succeed.

  40. 12 months ago

    One paloma please
    I'm 32 and never been in a relationship
    I'm a real late bloomer and became somewhat attractive these past years
    It's helped me get laid but having a gf and being in a relationship is elusive
    A lot of women I run into are attracted to me and want to flirt and sometimes frick but aren't really interested in anything bigger
    Sometimes I worry that I don't have what it takes to be in a long term relationship
    When I see my female coworkers get so excited over their partner its like a puzzle to me how to get that

  41. 12 months ago

    >date girl, low body count, no social media, lives other side of state but do best to make it work, she seems great
    >have pre existing trust problems with women but make a conscious effort to trust her, even when things are sketchy
    >eventually trust her enough to open up to her and be vulnerable about how I feel a bit anxious/insecure at times
    >she uses it against me same week, week long fight about her doing that ensues where she plays victim because I had an audacity to lose trust after she basically threatened to put me on a back burner for another guy, break it off because now I actually cant trust her. She only had to apologize and offer some reassurance that she didnt mean that shit and understand it was not okay to do/couldnt happen again
    >we get back together 2 months later, I don’t trust her. Give her opportunities to show me I can trust her, she basically acts like I’m mean when I’m literally just asking for reassurance.
    >says I’m “bawd shaming” somehow
    >end it for good
    >texts me every month, ignore
    >sends a paragraph at month 3 trying to say sorry but never really apologizes for the thing that made me leave even though I explained it to her very clearly previously
    >hmu again now she claims to miss me, starts texting me as if we never broke up and heavily insinuates were still together
    This shit isn’t fair. She’s preying on me. She has to know deep down I want her to finally express feelings in some way to justify trying to make it work. “I miss you” is the most expressive thing she’s ever said to me. Part of me deep down wants to believe she just genuinely made mistakes and it’s all okay and it can work and she’s worth while.
    I blocked her. I called her father and told him to make her leave me alone.
    I want so bad to have a real relationship with someone worthwhile where shits healthy and works. Shit like yeah okay we fight, but we actually explain our sides and listen with the mutual goal of finding a solution and work past it.

    • 12 months ago

      Bro, I got trust issues from my last relationship as well.
      My ex was a shut in, family orientated, "good" girl with some anxiety and depression issues.
      She turned out to be heavily manipulative and was leading several men on at the same time for validation.
      She was also emotionally unavailable and never even said she liked me in 2 years of us being together.

      Women like that are deeply insecure themselves.
      You cannot be vulnerable with them because they are weak and freak out if they believe their man shows some kind of weakness.
      This isn't your fault. You need a partner that will work with you on the trust issues in the healthy way you described.

      • 12 months ago

        That sounds a lot like my ex. I never confirmed if she was doing anything like yours but that’s the gut feeling I had. That she was “collecting” boyfriends purely for attention and trying to avoid ever fricking or really hanging out with them. I made sure I was piping her I wouldn’t have stuck around as long if I wasn’t. But she had a boyfriend before me who she never let hit once in a year of dating (I actually believe her about that, he was a complete geek). When I mentioned this issue (I have a crazy sex drive could easily frick 10x a day every day and have in the past) she kind of laughed at it and said she didn’t see why it was even important and that she believed a relationship could “exist inside a phone” (phone calls/texting).
        Really fricking weird with the conviction she held that she thought that sounded normal and not like she was using me.
        She was either how you described or incredibly immature with a fricked yo idea about how dating worked and what it was. Like a tick. “I get ABC and in return you get the opportunity to provide ABC. What? Sex? Bonding? Helping each other grow and truly forming a real relationship and love? Why does that matter that’s not ABC.”

        But my gut instinct told me she was talking to multiple of us.
        >this isn’t your fault
        Thank you man. I can see which mistakes I made, mainly not realizing all of this sooner and investing how I did. But you’re right. I was played in one way or another even if I made sure I was fricking, it’s like she only put forth a quarter of the energy and effort into making it work that I did.

  42. 12 months ago

    My cat had to be euthanized a few days ago. I lifted so I could always be able healthy enough to provide for her. I know it was better than letting her slowly die in pain from cancer, but I can't handle it. I can't eat, I can't lift, and I'm drinking for the first time in years.

    She was always there for me for 18 years and now she's gone.

    • 12 months ago
    • 12 months ago

      Im sorry man, I know how it is. My cat died after having him for 19 years. I was 4 when we got him. He was my best friend. This was years ago now, but it'll still make me cry when I think about how much I miss him.

      Its really difficult to deal with loss of such magnitude. You'll bounce back with enough time, but dont feel shamed for grieving. It's okay to fall off for a bit. You'll stand up again. We have to keep moving forward to honor the memory of those no longer with us, they're counting on us to do them proud.

      • 12 months ago

        >It's okay to fall off for a bit. You'll stand up again. We have to keep moving forward to honor the memory of those no longer with us, they're counting on us to do them proud.
        Intellectually, I understand this and I know it's okay. But, I can't even function in my own house anymore: I keep looking at all the stops she used to prefer to lay at and I break down crying because she's not there. This morning I ended up staring at her empty food bowl so long my work called me to ask why I wasn't in yet.

        • 12 months ago

          Just take your time man, everything you're going through is normal. All that stuff about bouncing back wont really make sense or seem realistic right now. It's just gonna take time. You'll have to keep on trudging through all of this pain for now. Isn't it interesting how it's always the little things that we miss the most? All those precious little details about life are so beautiful and charming. I'll be praying for you anon.

          • 12 months ago

            thank you anon, your words mean more than you'll ever know

  43. 12 months ago

    i got fricking fat again and i just cant go back to dieting or gym
    frick me how can i get that flame back, im thinking about even coming back to IST

  44. 12 months ago

    I'm so fricking lonely
    I stopped drinking since January but I really want to get wasted right now because that's the only way I know to feel better that works

  45. 12 months ago

    do normies really go out every fricking weekend? now that im fit and sociable people expect me to hang out every weekend and are shocked when i dont. once, maybe 2 weekends a month in the city is fine for me. not to mention socializing entails either drinking or eating like shit and i gave alcohol since i started working out. this is what i overheard from this lady in the office:
    >weekend 1 went to a baseball game, then went out to eat, then to a fair
    >weekend 2 wedding, then to a water park
    >weekend 3 took a four day weekend to go the beach
    this same lady was complaining about credit card debt. is this the cost of being social?

    • 12 months ago

      now you know why normies are poor, in debt and have shit health

    • 12 months ago

      You don't even know the half of it.
      In my neck of the woods you're expected to go out on workdays and not only that, but everyone does that Black personish thing where you buy rounds for everyone else.
      I mean, I love the Balkans but sometimes I wish I was born in Sweden.

    • 12 months ago

      /fit/s dream girl

    • 12 months ago

      THIS shit right here is what I hate being social. It's not enough to do it once in a while and do it cheaply, you have to do it all the time AND SPEND MONEY. I have been at endless barbeques where every one is having a great time, hanging out by the pool, eating hamburgers NOT spending money and it's always some woman that says "heeeeeey we should go to that bar with the obnoxious name like The Flaming wiener that's extremely crowded and has overpriced drinks. Come on let's go!!!" I always go home when that happens. I refuse to enable these c**ts.

      • 12 months ago

        >"heeeeeey we should go to that bar with the obnoxious name like The Flaming wiener that's extremely crowded and has overpriced drinks. Come on let's go!!!"
        >not deep throating the flaming wiener specialty wienertail


      • 12 months ago

        >"heeeeeey we should go to that bar with the obnoxious name like The Flaming wiener that's extremely crowded and has overpriced drinks. Come on let's go!!!"
        >not deep throating the flaming wiener specialty wienertail



    • 12 months ago

      You may have body dysmorphia. People might, on a superficial level, like you more if you're IST but there are plenty of IST guys that can't get friends/dates due to being unpleasant to be around.

      Being specific, why do you think people dislike you? Why do you feel outcasted and alientaed? Give concrete examples.

      Success is not some grand herculean effort; it's a sum of small, correct attitudes and habits. Start with developing small beneficial changes, and just snowball them. If you need help deciding what, then say so here what you need help with.

      You might feel like you're in a hole right now, but you're actually at a very pivotal time (!). What you do RIGHT NOW will flow into the future. If you get drunk, you'll engrain that. If you CHOOSE to do something else, you'll engrain that instead. I say you do something else and even if it doesn't feel great, it's still a win since you make a small step in the right direction.

      Some do, but they're usually middle class bland. It's due to them not having any real hobbies so they just "do stuff" to fill the void. I don't necessarily disagree with what they do either, just that they're only playing with half the puzzle.

      There are always going to be challenges. You will never "arrive" at a successful, non-complicated life. There will also be something crashing down. A better mindset would be to acknowledge this and learn how to solve issues when they arise.

      >I don't necessarily disagree with what they do either, just that they're only playing with half the puzzle.
      like i said before, i go out once or two times every weekend. if this means i wont find a woman then so fricking be it. i am not going to play these consumerist bullshit games

      • 12 months ago

        im an idiot. i meant to say i only go out one or two weekends a month.

        • 12 months ago

          >I don't necessarily disagree with what they do either, just that they're only playing with half the puzzle.
          like i said before, i go out once or two times every weekend. if this means i wont find a woman then so fricking be it. i am not going to play these consumerist bullshit games

          One or two weekends a month is great. As long as you're doing something out there, you'll find someone eventually.

          >body dismorphia
          No dude I let myself go. I look disgusting. I’m a fat frick. 280lbs 6’2”
          >Give concrete examples.
          1.) People talk over me constantly
          2.) I’m spoken down to quite often
          3.) if I attempt to socialize shit gets awkward fast and people will just kind of look at me like I have 3 heads
          It wasn’t like this before. Maybe it’s because when I was lean and knew I looked good I carried myself differently. Which could mean a combination of being insecure / low self esteem /anxious and in my own head about it in the first place makes me over think how things actually went. It’s now 100%, not even 50% in my head though. There’s a night and day difference to how social things are for me being attractive vs fat. People on average treat me better. Unironcially life begins at 12%.
          Unfortunately I don’t. I’ve attempted to get diagnosed 3 times and it’s always negative.

          Then get IST again. It certainly will help but it won't solve everything.

          >People talk over me constantly
          Not necessarily a you thing. Sometimes it's just a bad habit from the other person. I used to be really bad at talking over other people and it wasn't because I didn't like them (I actually liked them a lot), I just had a lot to say and was generally a dominant person so I talked over everyone. The reason I tried to improve in this was because I could see how it hurt my friends.

          >I’m spoken down to quite often
          Two thoughts: do you deserve it (i.e. do you do literally moronic things like gamble your money away at the VLTs and people call you moronic for it)? and again, is it just the other person is a toxic butthole?

          Again, a story from my life. I used to talk lot of shit about this guy who was a friend of a friend because he was a total piece of shit. The kind of guy who would ask you to help him move and offer a pizza party or something, then after you helped him move he would renege of the deal so he could gamble all his money at the VLT. I routinely bullied and harassed him.

          >if I attempt to socialize shit gets awkward fast and people will just kind of look at me like I have 3 heads
          Be more specific. What is going on? What do you say?

          >It wasn’t like this before. Maybe it’s because when I was lean and knew I looked good I carried myself differently. That would contribute. Which could mean a combination of being insecure / low self esteem /anxious and in my own head about it in the first place makes me over think how things actually went. It’s now 100%, not even 50% in my head though. There’s a night and day difference to how social things are for me being attractive vs fat. People on average treat me better. Unironcially life begins at 12%.
          Bro, this is literally body dysmorphia.

          • 12 months ago

            >talking over people
            This has bothered me so much I’ve paid close attention to it. Like I’ve taken notes in the past and spent months observing. People who did it to me did it to no one else in the circles. I know when I was “on top” if it happened people always caught themself and apologized or stopped to listen to me. I’m aware because before I got fit it was like this and it was a nice change I noticed. Now that I’m out of shape again and it happens, if it happens EVERYONE ignores me and listens to the other person no matter how pointless what they’re saying is, convo gets changed to their subject and no one seems to even realize this.
            >Two thoughts: do you deserve it (i.e. do you do literally moronic things like gamble your money away at the VLTs and people call you moronic for it)? and again, is it just the other person is a toxic butthole?
            No I do nothing like that. All I can think of is along the same lines what I’ve already posted. I’m not on top of my shit. Body, money, etc. I don’t do anything dumb like gamble though. It’s more like I’m just never taken seriously and if I open my mouth I’m belittled or spoken down to just for existing.
            >Be more specific. What do you say?
            just normal small talk shit. At a friends house: hear two friends discussing an anime. Sit close, make it obvious I’m listening. “Dude that fight was so crazy that’s not how that would have went.” They move and change subject.
            Typing this I’m realizing some of the people were genuine ass wipe weirdos and I did nothing wrong. So thank you for that.
            >body dismorphia
            I feel like this is an elaborate ruse to make me post body. I’m not exaggerating bro. I’m a fat frick. Trust me man I’ve been every body shape in the past, I know whether I look good or not. I’m like 30% body fat. I have breasts. I have a built in flotation device as love handles. It’s not an exaggeration I’m not seeing myself as fatter than I am. I’m being realistic here.

            • 12 months ago

              >This has bothered me so much I’ve paid close attention to it. Like I’ve taken notes in the past and spent months observing. People who did it to me did it to no one else in the circles.
              Anon, this is autistic. Perhaps they don't like you because you're being autistic.

              >I’m not on top of my shit. Body, money, etc.
              Fair point. People will not respect you as much if you're not on top of your shit. Do you complain about not being on top of your shit? How has your personality changed during your physical regression? Do you talk about different things? Are you more of a downer?

              >At a friends house: hear two friends discussing an anime. Sit close, make it obvious I’m listening. “Dude that fight was so crazy that’s not how that would have went.” They move and change subject.
              I can see this being weird, but I've also done stuff like that myself. It think it depends if you seem desperate to join the conversation for attention/companionship (i.e. he's only here to insert himself into the conversation) or you actually have something to say. The way you wrote that makes it seem like the former, but I also wasn't there so I can't confirm yes/no.

              >I feel like this is an elaborate ruse to make me post body. I’m not exaggerating bro. I’m a fat frick.
              Anon, what you describe is LITERALLY BODY DYSMORPHIA. Even if you're fat. The reason I say this is because you're associating social/psychological processes to a physical state. Even if you don't currently have that physical state, you're still psychologically primed to believe that physical state will solve your problems, which is why I am saying body dysmorphia.

              To make that super clear, you have dysmorphia not because you're not as fat as you think you are but because you're irrationally assigning your current body as the entire issue.

              You can't "use" women. You're clearly some sort of chad, just keep fricking her and move on when you're ready, some moron will wife her up within a week, you have nothing to feel bad about she'll be fine.

              Disagree. If you do this you are only contributing to the problem of low quality men.

              • 12 months ago

                >Do you complain about not being on top of your shit? How has your personality changed during your physical regression? Do you talk about different things? Are you more of a downer?
                No, and not a downer either. I’d say I’ve gotten quieter after realizing the things I’ve mentioned kept happening.

                >body dismorphia
                I just really feel like the halo effect thing is true and that it’s life changing. I had women throwing themself at me, I had friends everywhere I went and made new ones easily. I had respect for no reason, even in situations where I probably shouldn’t have. That began after I got lean and ripped and looked good. It gradually went away as I got fat again. I’m not saying you’re wrong, but I just don’t think I can see it any other way.
                Maybe nothings changed at all and me being lean had me subconsciously know/ feel it doesn’t matter so I barely noticed or even registered all the bullshit when I was happy and now I’m just hypersensitive to it. The way a man who loves being on a boat in the water would barely notice the days he caught no fish, he still enjoyed himself anyways.
                Idk. All I know is I can’t be this fat for my own well being or for social purposes, it’s not beneficial.
                I’ll try to be mindful of these changes as I cut back down. But frick if it’s truly night and day again and how I think, I honestly don’t know. I’ll likely harbor a touch of resentment and not take most people too seriously.

    • 12 months ago

      It is generally impossible to save money and "go out". However you don't have to "go out" to a bar/restaurant/club to have fun with your friends or gf. The worst is when people invite you to sporting events or concerts or dinners and you feel obligated to buy something even if you can't afford it. That's why it's best to choose a partner and friends who doesn't mind doing things for cheap

    • 12 months ago

      >weekend 2 wedding, then to a water park
      I never believed the wedding shit, are these b***hes are going to 30 weddings a year? How many fricking people do you know let alone how many of them are getting married?

  46. 12 months ago

    Thinking I'll start applying for work again next month. I'm a young able bodied man who's decently intelligent and not too bad socially even though I get anxiety. I'm nervous as hell that I'll somehow frick it up though. Hoping that I can hold a job until next year without regressing into panic attacks & weed addiction & if so I'll be ready to go back to university to do engineering.
    I guess I just gotta let the excitement I have about to possibility of a better future overpower my fear that it'll somehow come crashing down. Regardless of how it all turns out I'm better off at least trying.

    • 12 months ago

      I’m in the same place and I relate to your fears exactly. I’m anxious thinking about having a job tbqh. But if I get through the first month, gain some footing and familiarity with co workers it should be smooth sailing.
      Last thing I need to quit is caffeine. It jacks that anxiety up to unbearable levels that can easily tune into a work place panic attack because too many people talked to me in too short a time span, or if I get overwhelmed with too many tasks.

  47. 12 months ago

    >don't see my gym crush for 1 month
    >go to a music event near my city
    >meet plenty of old friends telling me I like awesome and how crazy my fitness transformation is
    >my gym crush passes me with her ugly ass boy friend
    >mood goes into suicidal thoughs level
    >went home and just binge ate shit
    >going for a bulk now frick the cut

    Some of us are just made to suffer, the first girl in my life I'm actually into at the age of 25. I have plenty of those short goblin thots chatting me up but I don't care about them. I only want her.

    • 12 months ago

      it's the year in our lord 2023 and you are seriously having oneitis on a girl you barely know at 25 years old? anon, by making her "the one" you've already lost. travel a little bit. there's millions of "ones" out there.

      • 12 months ago

        I know it's dumb and childish but that's how emotions work. You are right anon, but I can't stop loving her. Mentally ill level, kinda sad tbh.

        • 12 months ago

          i know this isn't very popular around here, but you need to have more sex and get out more. you are mixing lust with love. get it out of your system.

    • 12 months ago

      >never even talked to his gym crush
      >never made a move
      >probably purely physical attraction
      >never even tried to woo her
      >"WOE IS ME" t. anon
      Shut the frick up, anon.

      Maybe, but I don't feel like a winner. I feel like a loser whatever I do.

      Why? Because you're lonely?

  48. 12 months ago

    >having a bad day
    >Driving down road
    >Only other car on the road swerves into my lane 5ft in front of me and gives me the finger

    • 12 months ago

      Jelly of your gains, anon.

    • 12 months ago

      Probably driving slow in the passing lane. If so you deserved worse.

      • 12 months ago

        I was going 60 in a 45 in the slow lane

  49. 12 months ago

    I got rejected by a chubby girl at the club. I was dancing, having a good time, I was decently taller than most of the guys there, and I got rejected by the girl I had picked out as a BACKUP. Is it time to just bloatmaxx and castrate myself?

    • 12 months ago

      please see


      God damn I forgot about Patrice. I needed that. My Happiness is Paramount. Frick that hoe.

      homie YOU CAN'T BE SEASONAL!!!

  50. 12 months ago

    someone needs to sticky Black phillip videos every time there's a feels/bar thread. would keep us on self improvement instead of endless b***h drama.

    • 12 months ago

      please see [...]
      homie YOU CAN'T BE SEASONAL!!!

      Checked and seriously. I can’t believe I forgot about all the shit I’ve learned from Patrice and I’ve been posting about some b***h who didn’t care about me in these threads. Thanks again dude. I’ll start posting it too from now on. This shit has seriously helped me in the past and now again.

      • 12 months ago

        yea man ive been in the same place when i got off my game. patrice's lessons need to be listened once or twice a month. daily if it's your first time. this shit will save you so much time, money and improve your happiness.

  51. 12 months ago

    I hate being weak and vulnerable to the vagaries of fate. Nothing mogs harder than luck itself, in a sick and sadistic way. I have a baseline feeling of subtle but notable anxiety knowing the powerlessness all have against the universe's randomness, including me. I can cushion myself in all sorts of ways, and prepare and calculate all sorts of things, but the suddenness and unpredictability of fate is disturbing.

    My education, finances, and body are still in the clutches of luck. It just isn't a good feeling.

    • 12 months ago

      first of all, stop writing like a homosexual. you write well, but this is an image board, not a fricking writers workshop. secondly, yes luck is a thing but you remember that luck is when opportunity meets preparedness. so keep on improving so that when opportunity presents itself, you can take full advantage of it.

  52. 12 months ago

    What the FRICK is wrong me with anons?

    >big street festival
    >am with some people and hot girl who ive known since 6th grade
    >she stays until 3:30 am at a club with me and two other people
    >those two people telle me to make a move
    >i do frick all
    >walk both home ,she say goodbye

    Fricking what is wrong with me ? This is like one of the big occasions she drings alcohol, and i couldnt even muster up the courage to kiss her
    fricking hell

    • 12 months ago

      Next time, try just holding her hand. Usually, that cues the girl into what may come next, and she may even make the moves herself.

      • 12 months ago

        We unironically touched hands/arms a LOT of times
        It's like i'm incapabale of stepping it up
        All my head goes to is "what are all the other people gonna think about this" and such thoughts
        These kind of "touchy moments" have been going on for a literal year now
        Dont want to date her, because i know our personaltities are gonna clash. But, i do find her hot.

        • 12 months ago

          >These kind of "touchy moments" have been going on for a literal year now
          Can you at least step up the kind of touch that you do? Like holding her closer?

          • 12 months ago

            i do, like, i hold her close to me she comes to me holding me in her arms and stuff
            But i dont fricking know what the frick is wrong with me not just outright kissing her

            Have you fricked around with girls in public before?
            I had a girl shove her tongue down my throat at a bar before and it got rid of that fear from me.

            Only thing different is, that shes one of the people i've known since 6th class. I dont know man

            • 12 months ago

              How close are you two?
              I think you make excuses for not wanting to date her because you're afraid of rejection and losing her.
              You're putting her on a pedestal and won't touch her.

              • 12 months ago

                >How close are you two?
                If we're around each other at a gathering where there's something to drink, close
                i.e. She puts her arm around me, people tell me i should make a move, that kind of stuff
                >wanting to date her because you're afraid
                Hmm not really ,i'm very certaing dating her would be ok but i'd want nothing more. Our personalities clash too much. Whenever she drinks a bit, i find her very attractive
                >shorter than me
                >thin yet big breasts
                >long hair
                that kinda stuff
                i'm very certain i dont' want an acutal relationship with her
                just outright making out with her? i just dont do it, be it thinking about possible repurcussions or whatever.
                Even this evening, buddy of mine told me i should just kiss her and i didnt.
                Texted her like a cuck if she got home safe.
                >You're putting her on a pedestal and won't touch her.
                Maybe. Then again, i dont want to date her

              • 12 months ago

                If there are no feelings involved then you just need to say frick it at some point and go for it
                Next time you go drinking make an excuse for the two of you to go to some part of the bar without your group and just make the move

              • 12 months ago

                Ive tried multiple times, thing is
                My brain gets in my way like
                >what if i kiss her, whats she gonna tell to her friends
                >what if she doenst want o

                I hate this kind of thinking, she stayed until 3 am at a club with people and me just because.
                Ive bee out of the dating game for so long, im doubting myself

              • 12 months ago

                If you pay attention to her body language and are respectful if she pulls back then the most that will happen will be her telling her friends "Anon tried to kiss me, teehee" and you get embarrassed for a week
                Just shut off the brain

        • 12 months ago

          Have you fricked around with girls in public before?
          I had a girl shove her tongue down my throat at a bar before and it got rid of that fear from me.

          • 12 months ago

            (not that guy) A girl once did that to me and I almost vomited out of disgust.
            But I am an autist. I hope he is not

        • 12 months ago

          >We unironically touched hands/arms a LOT of times
          Yeah that wasn't on accident and it was her consenting to your physical touch. I've had experience with women doing that at a concert when they want me to dance with them. God I love women.

  53. 12 months ago

    I need to avoid alcohol for now so I’ll just have sparkling water.
    I’m suffering from crippling anxiety caused by a concussion I had in late April

  54. 12 months ago

    Lifting to get a stoner gf
    Next month I blast the ultimate recovery blend and HGH supps
    Lifting with immense pain from labrum in shoulders
    Patellar tendon in knees
    And tfcc injuries in wrists
    Small town demons yelling to kms
    Am actually recovering though it's just really hard. Gonna finish lifting and probably sprint as one anon suggested.
    Just a few sprints and my whole entire legs are sore
    It's a great exercise.
    I'm gonna finish my temp job on the 21st, fast for 7 days and then blast all of June and go ask her out at her job when I have a six pack

    • 12 months ago

      All of July

    • 12 months ago

      Damn I got way more feels than anyone
      Couple this with bad friendships and failed romances with the ever looming fact that I have always failed in social settings and became hated and it's doomsville.
      But reading about other anons whinging about the equivalent of a stubbed toe makes me feel better..or perhaps this site's just full of zoomers so I'm automatically superior no matter what

    • 12 months ago

      do this breathing exercise and full body yoga video every day. your body and mind will thank you

      • 12 months ago

        here's a good video specifically for your shoulders. stretch and do yoga now while you're young, anons.


    • 12 months ago

      here's a good video specifically for your shoulders. stretch and do yoga now while you're young, anons.

  55. 12 months ago

    why is the sun so fricking exhausting? I hate being white as hell, even an hour in the direct sun tires me out the entire rest of the day. Feels like someone beat up my body with hammers

    • 12 months ago

      I spent a lot of time in the sauna and the sun's heat no longer affects me.
      It feels good.
      Sweating and drinking water cool you off. Try running or cycling and the wind will cool you too.
      Also just try enjoying it and not complaining

    • 12 months ago

      I’m a white Australian and love the she sun but I adapted to it. If I had to live in cold, dark, grey England then I’d have killed myself by now

    • 12 months ago

      >be in heat
      >body is stress
      >grow tired
      Lmao why depression make you so sleepy? Lmao why running make you so sleepy? Lmao why autistic rage fits make you so sleepy?

      The last one died pretty quickly, lets try again.

      Lifts for getting into veterinarian school?
      Lifts for getting a job?
      Lifts for buying a car?
      Lifts for forgetting age? And people no longer in your life?
      Lifts for coping with no visible changes after lmao2months?

      My dog just tried to hump one of his toys but gave up because he was too tall. Lmao lanklet problems.

  56. 12 months ago

    I hate how being cheated on ruins you, I got cheated on at fricking 18 years old, almost 10 years later it still affects me and my level of trust and paranoia

  57. 12 months ago

    I can't see to find a job that keeps me happy. Little over 18 months into my current role and I'm looking for something new.

    • 12 months ago

      Very few people are happy in their job.
      Find something that you can stand and pays well, and that's the ideal.

      • 12 months ago

        That seems fair but it's such a big part of your life you'd think you would want to be happy with it.

        • 12 months ago

          me too anon. It would be ideal.
          But life is not as we wish it to be.

    • 12 months ago

      I am feeling good this week. Good workouts, hoping today finally broke my plateau on my cut, lots of other projects done, great news from work
      I need to start getting out and socializing again, I'm making big steps towards it

      I was like that, always a bit unsatisfied and thinking something wasn't right. Thought it was something wrong with me till I finally found a job that I love.
      My advice, stay professional and stick it through any hard stuff, the contacts you gain from being trustworthy are worth it. But if you don't like the idea of doing what you're doing for the next 20 years jump to something else
      Unlike say a relationship you can jump to another job without hurting anyone and life's too short to stick to something non-ideal if you have other options that at worst will be equally non-ideal.

  58. 12 months ago

    25 year old autistic KHV here. I’m on the verge of leaving skinnyfat and my face has gone from 4/10 to 7/10 after going from 95kg to 70kg. I have another 7kg or so to lose and if this makes my face go to an 8/10 then I fear the potential of women being friendly with and approaching me (it hasn’t happened yet because I am a NEET who doesnt go outside or socialise but I am looking for work) I cannot keep a conversation going for more than 5 seconds and I panic when a woman speaks to me, especially out of fear of her finding out how much of a loser I am. The war within myself is only just beginning

    • 12 months ago


  59. 12 months ago

    Last days of highschool. Do I go on a rampage trying to find a female to interact with? I’ve got nothing left to prove and I don’t care anymore

  60. 12 months ago

    hey ISTizens

    Its been a year since I last came here, ha, I thought I could leave. Since we last spoke I got engaged, got a research position, lifted a bit, made some friends, grew closer to god, the usual stuff.

    However I recently have been down very badly, im financially in shambles despite managing my money fairly well and having three part time jobs, money just doesnt go as far as it used to. So now I have 0.55 cents to my name and a few 100 dollars of credit cart debt to back that up for the next week or so.

    Emotionally I wish I could say im good, but im not. I have friends who I get along with well, I enjoy each of my jobs, have plenty of free time, and am engaged to a wonderful woman. I have everything I could every think about wanting. Yet im still empty inside.

    I tried delving deep into religeon and building a relationship with god, but that was just a different type of emptiness.

    Recently I've realized two things,
    1: I dont really have a super deep connection with anybody,
    2: I dont think I will ever be happy

    To elaborate on one, yes im engaged, yes I have a best freind, and yes my family loves me. The issue with my family is is I have 6 siblings, even if my parents cared enough to fully know and understand me, they just don't have the time. And a feud between my father and I when we we younger put a damper on us ever sharing emotions. My mother despite being the sweetest woman ever, has far to much on her plate for my to whine to her 24/7.
    My best friend and I hang out frequently and do hold each other accountable for our missteps, however I feel that he can often get carried away with power over other people, so i have to be very careful with what I share with him.
    And my fiance hurts the most to talk about. Shes the person I feel like I can be the closest too, and who understands me the best. However i fear hurting her to much to tell her some things. Such as my relapse on my porn addiction. 1/2

    • 12 months ago

      >middle child whining about no momy love
      Oooohhh woooow we have a real unique person here whose problems are totally unsolvable because he's so different than everyone even though his life is absolutely fine.

      In short
      I lost my house
      Fell in love but threw all my shit in her face
      Lost my job
      Lost my dad
      No longer have friends
      And have no prospects for getting back on my feet.
      Eat your fiances wiener and cry on your boyfriends shoulder homosexual.

      • 12 months ago

        Im the eldest, and Im sorry you feel that way. I wish I could help you with your problems anon, I have an empty room in my house you could stay in for a few days if you really need it and would love to chat with you.

        I just thought I would come to the feels bar and let my frustration out. Im not here to participate in the suffering olympics becasue I know there are people who have it far worse than I do, hell ive had it worse before. I do wish the best to you tho.

        If you do need a fren tho you can email me at [email protected]

    • 12 months ago

      She told me we would break up if I ever relapsed, so I cannot tell her things like that. She also has far too different of an upbringing to understand my past and the things that drive who I am today. She is always supporive, but I dont think she really understands who I am. Which is very sad to think about.

      I never even had someone I fully connected with as a child and even into high school, my freindships were all surface level, and my relationships I was a manipulative butthole until I met my fiance. So i really have never experienced genuine human connection.

      I think that plays into point number 2. I will never be really happy. I feel sparks of joy, Such as when im with my pets, or when I help another person. But at the end of the day my default is sadness. even with investing time into the lord, my sadness was still there, i just felt like one day it would be gone. But i think im ready to accept that im going to keep going though life unhappy.

      Dont get me wrong, I would never kill myself, but part of my wants to abandon everything I have right now, and keep looking for something to make me feel better, I just dont want to do that to those close to me. Who knows, maybe i'll snap one of these days, pack up and move into the mountains or on a sailboat like Ive planned. But i dont think I am that strong.

      I know few bothered to read this all the way, and if you did, thank you, I just needed to get it all out of my system. and Im back on IST for now, because I know at least some of you anons understand.

      • 12 months ago

        You might need some form of a shrink to spill out your guts and get your thoughts together
        I think there's no use looking out, it's within that brings that lonely feeling
        I also think you need a confidant
        someone you can trust and the feeling is mutual.
        but finding that confidant within your group of friends may be difficult.
        You may need to be honest with your best friend and tell him what you think of his power-hungry faults.
        If he's really your best friend he'd understand if he's not then, well, I don't really know how to find someone trustworthy. Trust is something built over time
        I don't think you should tell much of your weakness to your wife because she's a woman. Some things are OK but your in-depth psyche not so much. She may not understand

        I don't think when you're looking for an answer for something like the happiness you'd find it. Everyone has a method or step program for getting something. What may work for them, even if they're extremely vocal and confident about it, may not work for you since we're all vastly different.
        Try new things out of your comfort zone without being reckless is something that worked for me

        What do you think your idea of the best version of you would try?

        • 12 months ago

          just 1
          I thought I'd have more to type

        • 12 months ago

          Unfortunately, I don't trust anyone in psych or healthcare. And i don't think I ever could so thats out of the question.
          And finding a confidant is difficult at this point. I dont know how I would even build that level of trust with someone.

          As for my best freind we do discuss each others faults, its very much an iron sharpens iron mentality. However, I see to many worring situations with him that keep me from trusting him fully. Any yeah, I dont think she would understand at all, I don't delve into it to much as I get that, I just was stuck with that ol; fasion idea that you spouse should know everything about you and you them, so it was kinda shocking to figure out it wasn't like that.

          And I understand that achieving happiness is different for everyone, it just feels like I have everything I could ever need to be happy, but I still am not.

          As for my new life, I think I would like to live on a sailboat, making just enough money to live from port to port, catching fish, meeting new people, trying new things. Maybe pick up some deckhands for a few ports. A life like that just seems unacheivable, and conflicts with my goal of becoming a father.

          Also Thanks for replying, It really means a lot to me.

          • 12 months ago

            >Thanks for replying
            No problem anon, glad I can be of some help

            For your boat dream perhaps you can hit a middle ground and live near the water in some quaint country or state and teach your kids the wonders of boatmanship.
            with .55 cents to your name it may be difficult and take a while but if you've come this far on your own nothing is impossible and it gives you something to shoot for I guess

            • 12 months ago

              I just wish that the love I have for those around me was stronger than my longing for something more. I wish that it got drowned out by compassion. But now I am burdened by the expectations of others as well as my sadness, and I don't know if I like it more or less.

              You have a good night anon, I will pray for blessing to come to you. Im headed to sleep tho.

  61. 12 months ago

    It's been over 8 months and I still can't stop thinking about my ex. I don't miss her or want her back so much as I hate that I pathetically loved her so much when she obviously didn't love me. I keep imagining scenarios where she wants me back and I can reject her. There's been hotter girls that I've managed to sleep with since but the girls were both trashy bawds not worth falling for. Then again neither was my ex I suppose.

  62. 12 months ago

    The cashier made fun of me today bros...
    >Be me
    >on many drugs that leach my potasium like crazy
    >shopping, check, check, check,
    >list complete
    >look down
    >Citric acid, 4 bottles of potasium Chloride, and milk
    >cashier is giving me a look the entire time
    >"wow anon, why are you getting xyz?"
    >me freeze.mp4
    >"well uh, just getting stuff I couldn't find anywhere else"
    >frick me
    >cashier "wow, that's weirder than the time I saw a guy buy xyz"
    > he's not making it better
    >drop spaghetti out of pockets
    >"the potasium goes good with the balance"
    >What the hell did I say
    >pay and scuttle out of store as fast as I can

    What the hell was I supposed to do?

    • 12 months ago

      you should ahve told her you needed all the potassium because you were fricking your gf too much and needed electrolytes

    • 12 months ago

      look at him deadpan and say im syntezigin potassium permanganate to make a bomb. If he looks at you weird or asks really just laugh and say
      >no but you shoulda seen the look on your face
      pay and as you walk out say
      >you have a good day

      Literally being witty is just one laugh away from being deranged. do better next time soldier

      • 12 months ago

        Pomegranate doesn't have potassium. Wouldn't it be easier to say something like soap for nitroglycerin?

        • 12 months ago

          The cashier made fun of me today bros...
          >Be me
          >on many drugs that leach my potasium like crazy
          >shopping, check, check, check,
          >list complete
          >look down
          >Citric acid, 4 bottles of potasium Chloride, and milk
          >cashier is giving me a look the entire time
          >"wow anon, why are you getting xyz?"
          >me freeze.mp4
          >"well uh, just getting stuff I couldn't find anywhere else"
          >frick me
          >cashier "wow, that's weirder than the time I saw a guy buy xyz"
          > he's not making it better
          >drop spaghetti out of pockets
          >"the potasium goes good with the balance"
          >What the hell did I say
          >pay and scuttle out of store as fast as I can

          What the hell was I supposed to do?

          >4 bottles of pottasium chloride
          reading comprehension homie

          • 12 months ago

            Did I stutter

            • 12 months ago

              No i understood, this I was replying to this

              Pomegranate doesn't have potassium. Wouldn't it be easier to say something like soap for nitroglycerin?

              homosexual who thought you said pomegranates

  63. 12 months ago

    >grandfather turned 90 recently
    >health is declining rapidly
    >dementia is pretty bad
    >still lives at home and my grandmother struggles to take care of him, she is also 90
    >Visiting from out of state and go see grandparents
    >grandfather doesn’t make much sense but says something about wanting to have a bonfire in the woods
    >having bonfires with my grandfather was a favorite childhood memory
    >mom and I go buy a fire pit and have a fire for grandpa in the driveway, so that he can see from the window
    >he is getting checked into hospice care on Monday
    Moscow Mule, please

  64. 12 months ago

    I am in a dark place, bros. Sometimes it hits hard but I know I must keep going on.
    How can I be happy with myself even with gains if friends and family are still so cold towards me?
    This is a hurdle I can not get over.

    • 12 months ago

      Im this anon here

      hey ISTizens

      Its been a year since I last came here, ha, I thought I could leave. Since we last spoke I got engaged, got a research position, lifted a bit, made some friends, grew closer to god, the usual stuff.

      However I recently have been down very badly, im financially in shambles despite managing my money fairly well and having three part time jobs, money just doesnt go as far as it used to. So now I have 0.55 cents to my name and a few 100 dollars of credit cart debt to back that up for the next week or so.

      Emotionally I wish I could say im good, but im not. I have friends who I get along with well, I enjoy each of my jobs, have plenty of free time, and am engaged to a wonderful woman. I have everything I could every think about wanting. Yet im still empty inside.

      I tried delving deep into religeon and building a relationship with god, but that was just a different type of emptiness.

      Recently I've realized two things,
      1: I dont really have a super deep connection with anybody,
      2: I dont think I will ever be happy

      To elaborate on one, yes im engaged, yes I have a best freind, and yes my family loves me. The issue with my family is is I have 6 siblings, even if my parents cared enough to fully know and understand me, they just don't have the time. And a feud between my father and I when we we younger put a damper on us ever sharing emotions. My mother despite being the sweetest woman ever, has far to much on her plate for my to whine to her 24/7.
      My best friend and I hang out frequently and do hold each other accountable for our missteps, however I feel that he can often get carried away with power over other people, so i have to be very careful with what I share with him.
      And my fiance hurts the most to talk about. Shes the person I feel like I can be the closest too, and who understands me the best. However i fear hurting her to much to tell her some things. Such as my relapse on my porn addiction. 1/2

      were in a similar situation. I think we just gotta keep going for now. Make new friends, have new experiences, I can only hope that one day things get better. But its very hard as men, to feel like we can fix everything with hard work and grit, to stumble into a situation where we really cant change it through work. I cant tell you how to make it better, but I can tell you htat I know the pain you feel fren

      • 12 months ago

        I stumbled into a situation later this week over a woman, she is everything I want but it does not seem genuine. Its so difficult with people these days. All I can do is what you said, put in that hard work. It is God that gives us his toughest challenges.

  65. 12 months ago

    Why the frick some customer service females act so nice and cute. I was ordering a beer and she was suggesting me some of her favourites and we exchanged a pleasant conversation. All this time her face was lit up like she actually was having fun discussing beverages. I love her anons.. But I do realize she does this with everyone and I wouldn't want to ask for her number and then get rejected. Why do I fall for them? she was so cute too

    • 12 months ago

      >Why the frick some customer service females act so nice and cute
      >Why do I fall for them
      They choose cute girls specifically for this and train them specifically for this
      Defend your money at all costs

      • 12 months ago
  66. 12 months ago

    Should I feel to bad about never having a gf at almost 24 if I spent my mid to late teens battling severe mental health issues? Not long after I got better Covid hit and ever since stuff has been open I haven’t been going anywhere girls my age are besides the gym…. It sucks man I remember being younger and having girls flirt and express interest in me and even get a decent amount of matches on dating sites but can’t bring myself to meet them…

    • 12 months ago

      Thanks for the response guys. I guess crying about an ex is the only way to get responses here

  67. 12 months ago

    I want a woman with a boyfriend
    I want to take care of her and make her my woman
    I want to build the lifestyle where I can protect her and keep her happy
    I want her to have my kids

    I want to be selfish in this world and take a chunk of it for myself

  68. 12 months ago

    had to say goodbye to a very close female friend the other day, going separate ways and not sure when i’ll see her again. i guess i do kinda have a little bit of romantic feeling for her but i really to just love her in a platonic way as well, and we said that as we were saying good bye. we spent a ton of time together slept in the same bed more than once cuddling and i’ve opened up/had deeper conversations with her than pretty much anyone else in my life. feeling pretty lonely and shitty right now tbh

    • 12 months ago

      Don't give up bro. Talk to her again to be sure, give love a chance.

      • 12 months ago

        i definitely will be talking to her a lot while we’re apart but i don’t know. i don’t want to ruin what we have

  69. 12 months ago

    After a traumatic life-changing event, I think finally, after years of attempts, I'm on the right path.

    I've been doing great, working out, losing weight, I found a job I enjoy, and I have great support from my family and friends as I'm building myself back up.

    But what is with this desire for attention?
    Why do I want to be praised for the hurdles I overcome and the things I do?
    Maybe I'm just a lonely frick and need a gf but I think that's the last thing I need right now

    • 12 months ago

      it doesnt get better after you get a gf. its just someone else that you fight for the attention for. someone who you should be close to but still feel the distance. be happy with what you have. idk wreck your car or something.

  70. 12 months ago

    My wife is pregnant, not sure if boy or girl but i dont care, just want a healthy baby. Feeling strange about my life right now, I'm excited to move onto the next stage of my life but also been reflecting a lot on my teenage/early 20s.

  71. 12 months ago

    I'll have a bourbon on the rocks please and thank you.

    I'm going to divorce my wife. She doesn't know it yet but I have been miserable since I married her 5 years ago. I didn't know what I was doing and I'm not making excuses. I am going down with the ship.

    • 12 months ago

      if you don't mind me asking, why did you marry her in the first place? did you feel like you needed to get married or else you'd be behind in life?

      • 12 months ago

        I was an incel and I didn't like her but I thought well this is my only chance but wow was that dumb.

  72. 12 months ago

    > on a lark check out r/bpdmemes
    > find a lot of them relatable
    > Some of them just bluntly describe thoughts and feelings that I have
    > I am an adult male
    it might unironically be the most over that it has ever been in the history of IST.

  73. 12 months ago

    I've been feeling like shit lately, hopefully a manic episode comes along

  74. 12 months ago

    >Never had a gf.
    >Stuck in a dead end job where everyone hates me.
    >Gains: minimal
    >Every single hobby I try to get into feels boring or a waste of time.
    How do I break free bros

    • 12 months ago

      get a sales job
      nobody gives a shit about your degree or if you're a piece of shit the only thing that matters is your last week's numbers, they'll hire anyone because how the frick can you even tell if someone's gonna be good at it

  75. 12 months ago

    Went to a big stret festival yesterday
    Drinking etc.

    There's this one girl i've known since 6th grade, so like 15+ years
    I went to a club with her and 2 buddies
    But i couldnt bring myself to make out with her even though i do find her really hot
    No idea what's wrong with me
    Probably would've had an easy game but.... my head's always in the way

    • 12 months ago

      > on a lark check out r/bpdmemes
      > find a lot of them relatable
      > Some of them just bluntly describe thoughts and feelings that I have
      > I am an adult male
      it might unironically be the most over that it has ever been in the history of IST.

      You already talked about this what the frick. Why are so many people starting the same shit up all over again in the same fricking thread y'all are making me think im schizophrenic.

      • 12 months ago

        What? I think you're mistaking me for someone else anon

  76. 12 months ago

    Baaaaaad company...
    Til the day I die

    • 12 months ago

      For me it's

  77. 12 months ago

    >quit porn
    >quit alcohol
    >quit fast food and take aways
    >quite refined carbs/sugars
    >can't quit milk

    Any other milkoholics out there?

    • 12 months ago

      milk has broteen

  78. 12 months ago

    Where do you anons stand in regards to God? It's like, I want to believe and hope Christians have the right of it, but I just can't do it.
    I'm pretty sure I'm ngmi bros.

    • 12 months ago

      If God existed she wouldn't have been married and I wouldn't have fricked up so hard.
      But this world is cruel and apathetic.
      Acknowledge this and do what you will.

      • 12 months ago

        Hard to argue against.
        On the other hand we are talking about animal world. There is something to spirituality and the attempt to transcend suffering and our base natures.
        Maybe it is just cope in the end, but if biology and matter born of random chance and chaos is all there is, then what's the fricking point?

        • 12 months ago

          The point is for me to ascend and take her away from her husband in time to have babies with her.

        • 12 months ago

          Me again. Im pretty sure most religions differ on "what's the point" but its usually some variation of "multiplying fruit" bhuddys, and the like, say lmao no point just suffering but it's like a wheel bro. There's also combat between schizos and sociopaths arguing over "this man is a man of god so listen" or "god speaks to me directly so no"
          Best I've been able to dig out is really mindfulness plus filling the hole in your heart with the most expensive you can.
          >she's 38
          It's almost too late.

  79. 12 months ago

    >be me, autistic
    >attended wedding with gf yesterday
    >talked to a lot of people
    >ate some okay food and didn't drink
    >reception was extremely loud and wore me down really fast (the band was really good though)
    >forgot my earplugs, frick
    >wanted to leave within an hour, but the reception lasted like five hours
    >gf was shitfaced and wanted to dance the whole time, I hate dancing
    >normie boomers pestering us with questions about when we're getting married and having kids
    >normie millennials asking me why I'm not drinking
    >felt dizzy and exhausted by the end of it, couldn't walk straight (still feel a little off even in the morning)
    >it's in the middle of nowhere and by the time we're done and hungry the only things open are McDonald's and Taco Bell
    >drunk gf begging for nuggets and crunchwrap, so I'm driving us out for food at like 23:30
    These are probably the worst days of the year for me. I hate going to weddings, because they're the only times when I really feel like I have a disability. I wish I could just enjoy them like everyone else, but instead I feel like a fragile alien.
    Can't believe I forgot my fricking earplugs.

  80. 12 months ago

    Im 2 months pregnant and struggling to keep up with lifting. Im trying to prevent muscle loss by maintaining my pre pregnancy lifts, though the naseua is hard.

    • 12 months ago

      I know this is bait, but still, here's your (You).

      • 12 months ago

        not bait. Been here since 2005. My standing BB OHP had finally hit 80# so Im motivated to maintain it

  81. 12 months ago

    Just turned 27 and looking for ways to kill myself. I've lost weight and I'm doing "better than ever" but I'm miserable and feel worthless. I don't know what to do. I've attempted last year and the year before but one attempt the rope untied itself and fell down (lol) and the other I b***hed out. I keep going because of my Dad but shit hurts too much.

    • 12 months ago

      Sleeping pills and wine.

      • 12 months ago

        Nitrous gas mask.

        Will do the charcoal grill in an enclosed space with Valium and vodka to knock me out. I'll wait a while because I need to think things though, I'll reach a few goals first and gauge how I feel. I want to go out with a bang and knock over a few things on my bucket list first.

        • 12 months ago

          suicide by cop and take out some bankers in minecraft server you coward

    • 12 months ago

      Nitrous gas mask.

    • 12 months ago

      Anon. Please don’t. I’ve attempted in the past and failed and it shouldn’t have failed. I swallowed about 30 Vicodin at age 15. Slept for 14 hours. And then woke up groggy. I took it as a sign that I need to push through the pain and find happiness. And I eventually did start feeling happy. Im depressed again and I do get the thoughts creeping from time to time, but just experiencing some real genuine joy and happiness was enough to instill hope in me.
      The fact you failed twice should tell you something. The fact you b***hed out means you don’t really want to do this. And not to be an ass but it’s an incredibly selfish decision.
      At the very least, wait until you have no family or loved ones left. And in the mean time, because you may as fricking well, search for happiness and joy. You either have some fun in the process and never truly find happiness or joy, and end it after no one’s left who would have to deal with the trauma of losing you. Or you find reasons to live.

      • 12 months ago

        For family, yes. But for everyone else involved I am convinced that the "trauma" they would have to experience would be a week of discomfort followed by people turning you into an inside joke.

  82. 12 months ago

    Anybody else give up casual sex? I always get existential dread right after the deed, not to mention the STD paranoia.

  83. 12 months ago


    Bro not even memeing but this guy Patrice is changing my whole world view, thanks bro.

  84. 12 months ago

    I have a cavity. First in my life at 30.

  85. 12 months ago

    >facebook message from friend I haven't spoken to in 15 years pops in

    Am I about to be offered an NFT or something

    • 12 months ago

      I was asked for money when it happened to me

  86. 12 months ago

    >went to church
    >suicidal thoughts in full force
    it be like that sometimes

  87. 12 months ago

    Has any of you ever got the feeling that you've just met the girl you have always dreamed about, that you have plenty in common with but still don't even try to ask her out because you know she's miles upon miles above your league?

    • 12 months ago

      and then you realize she has bpd, is narcissist or is a paranoid schizo.

    • 12 months ago

      No I basically told her immediately I refuse to hide what I feel from anyone.

  88. 12 months ago

    Long time dyel, first time lifter here. I started working out for the first time a couple months ago. I'm starting to get visible pecs, but they're flabby and soft 🙁

    I have a new respect for people who are visibly shredded. Takes more dedication and consistency than I ever realized.

  89. 12 months ago

    Got called a manlet(5'10.5) at work by the teenage girls who are like 5'9

    • 12 months ago

      Counting half an inch, dude just wear height increasing insoles/shoes nobody is gonna know

      • 12 months ago

        Nah I'm gonna use the virtrubian method and HGH
        For some reason my calves are shorter than they should be
        I should be able stretch them out with resistance bands while sleeping

        • 12 months ago

          Also will do hanging exercises and stretch and take supps and get tons of sleep and HIIT

  90. 12 months ago

    Things aren't great right now, but I'm certain that they will get better

  91. 12 months ago

    Turned 25 today, just feels weird how fast time is going now. Feel like I got pressure to be hitting certain goals now

    • 12 months ago


      • 12 months ago

        zoomed bad no cap

        • 12 months ago

          So cringe

  92. 12 months ago

    Had a nice lady over to my place today. She was laying on me while I was rubbing her scalp and said "this is my favorite part" and she molesting my chest. Felt good.

  93. 12 months ago

    I rarely drink as it is but I’m looking to quit altogether. The only thing stopping me is that I’m anxious about feeling awkward or weird the occasional time I go out with friends/colleagues. Anyone here totally sober? What do you order when you’re out? Soda/water/nothing at all? Did it take you a while to get used to it?

  94. 12 months ago

    Everywhere I go, women are taken. It's as if God made it that I remain a lonely frick. Thanks.

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