The bar is open

Come take a seat. Have a drink, on the house. How's your day so far?

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  1. 2 years ago

    It's Sunday, no workout, sad.
    Gonna start a deload tomorrow, more sad.

    • 2 years ago

      I cant get dey pussy 🙁

      Diss too

  2. 2 years ago

    i just went to the barber, got the patrick bateman, cost me $30 wth haircuts were like 12 bucks before the pandemic

    • 2 years ago

      True, I'm starting to cut my own hair so that I can avoid spending money.

  3. 2 years ago

    >tfw no gf

    • 2 years ago

      >Flirt with women
      Ew creep get away!
      >Reject women


      • 2 years ago

        1. You've never flirted with a woman.
        2. You've never been called out irl for rejecting women
        3.quit basing your view of the world on screencaps posted by bucket crabs

        • 2 years ago

          NTA but I've done both, it's quite maddening. Am probably just too ugly to get away with wanting specific things and not settling for less.

    • 2 years ago

      I'm becoming more and more attractive and getting mires here and there but I feel as though unlearning this shit is going to be the hardest thing to do. I feel as though I've been trained to not show attraction at all, both as a means of avoiding rejection and of avoiding being thought of as a creep/rapist/etc. I was at college at the height of #metoo and even had some false shit lobbed against me by some psycho c**t, and I started hiding my fear in aloofness.

      But I am now aware of these truths. Therefore, my weakness is the only thing holding me back from getting pussy and finding meaningful relationships.

    • 2 years ago

      >forcing the "i dont desire you" that virgins do

      I don't get what this means

    • 2 years ago

      shit thats my flirting strategy with my gf...
      But then again, most of the time i really dont desire her

  4. 2 years ago

    >Uneven hips
    >Right side leg doesn't work properly
    >Even walking fricking sucks since I realized how fricking amorphic I am and how badly my body works
    >Right shoulder is much lower than left shoulder
    I'm amorphic as frick bros, and my body mechanics are all fricked up because of it, my glute doesn't work. My shoulder doesn't work. I quit lifting and cardio because I know that eventually I'm gonna snap my sjit from so much compensation. This shit sucks I love lifting and running.

    • 2 years ago

      get a skeletal alignment, my little brother went to have one then learnt how to do them himself and started fixing people up, stright up fixing the walking problems, uneven legs, etc. he tells me stories of entire families giving him prayers, getting his hands kissed by elderly and given large tips for just doing shit like vidrel

      He has aligned me twice, I didn't needed it, I just wanted to get the spine decompress, it hurts in the hips lol

    • 2 years ago

      Kneesovertoesguy on youtube

  5. 2 years ago

    got back into working out a month ago, just started sprinting up a hill, now my knee has been inflamed for like a week, I can't roon for probably a few weeks. Sucks because I was really enjoying running, trying to switch to bodyweight squats and stuff until it heals.

    • 2 years ago

      Kneesovertoesguy on YouTube

  6. 2 years ago

    can't wait for this stream. horse meat disco is hella gay but they have the best disco house mixes naturally.

  7. 2 years ago

    My gf is gone away for a few days and I'm having such a peaceful time. Just watching television, which I never do cause usually I feel there's jobs or chores around that need to be done, seems really enjoyable again.
    I might try some solo boardgaming tomorrow, which I did a lot of when single but can't seem to concentrate on these days.
    I think I need to have a serious think about things if my few days alone are more enjoyable than days with her.

    Also I'll hit the gym tomorrow and not be thinking I need to leave to be home to spend time together

  8. 2 years ago

    Turned 32 recently. Never had a real gf. Feel like time is passing by too quickly. Worried I'll never actually find happiness, or achieve what I truly want with the limited time I have left.

  9. 2 years ago

    Just had a killer leg work out, but I'm cutting so I feel like it was a waste

  10. 2 years ago



  11. 2 years ago

    I'm in love with my older cousin. Even as a wee kid I had a crush on her when she was 18 and would babysit me. I was always wrapped around her.
    Laying together on grandma's hammock and falling asleep in her arms under the warm sun are some of the best memories from my childhood.
    We reconnected recently, I was drunk gave her a kiss on the lips after we hugged. Haven't been able to think of anything else.

    • 2 years ago

      I hope you get the chance to frick your cousin. I'm rooting for you.

      • 2 years ago

        Thanks for the dubs and the support breh

    • 2 years ago

      Anon, the gods have blessed you with trips. Thou shalt prosper.

    • 2 years ago

      get some anon

    • 2 years ago

      Crazy 8s over here is gonna frick his cousin like the kings of old!

    • 2 years ago

      Based and genetic fitness pilled

    • 2 years ago


  12. 2 years ago

    Hendricks on the rocks please. Day was good, did my calisthenics shit today but the little 20yo thot that I occasionally tard wrangle couldn't meet me tonight.

  13. 2 years ago

    Ummm ... pic is abit morbid if not quite ghoulish yhhh. 😐

  14. 2 years ago

    Just finished my penultimate year of comp sci degree. Got a couple months free here I wanna spend as well as I can. I wanna spend more time in nature, and try out some new things.

    After being so focused on my studies and training the last few months I feel a bit lost now. Gonna continue training hard but not entirely sure what I'm gonna do with the rest of my free time. My boys mostly work so I'd have to do stuff on my own. Any recommendations?

  15. 2 years ago

    Listening to playlists on Spotify I made when I first got out of prison back in 2018.

    Now thinking about the shape I was in then vs. now.

    Feels bittersweet m8s

    • 2 years ago

      because you were in better shape or? just a certain time of your life kinda feel?

  16. 2 years ago

    I leave for grad school in 5 weeks and I'm a nervous fricking wreck. I don't have a symposium advisor and I wanted to get help on the assignment I was hoping to present for my dissertation. I have until August to present, but the program is intensive and I go to 3 classes Monday through Friday and its a lot of work.

    I also need help developing a new work out routine, I will likely only be able to do 3-4 days instead of my normal 6 day PPL. Any advice here?

  17. 2 years ago

    Grandfather died today. He helped raise me and was there when nobody was helping me as a young adult. Worked with his hands all his life but he unfortunately had to spend the last two years of his life with a neurological disease that took all the strength from his arms, so he couldn't even lift them. Going to lift extra hard this week. I couldnt really say this to him towards the end, even though I think he knew I was grateful, so Im writing it here at least. Thanks for everything grandpa.

    • 2 years ago

      Sorry for your loss man

    • 2 years ago

      I'm sure he knows and nothing would make him prouder than you continuing to use your hands to work on things, yourself included

      RIP your grandpa

    • 2 years ago

      hey man, sorry for your loss. i lost mine a couple weeks ago and i never knew him well because we've always been in different countries, but he was an admirable man and i'm sure yours was as well. rip brother

  18. 2 years ago

    Rest day. Can't lift.

  19. 2 years ago

    I have everything i could've ever wanted
    Life has exceeded my wildest expectations
    Yet I am drinking heavily and sad
    Such is life

  20. 2 years ago

    i just want to have kids with an autistic girl with hyperlactation syndrome
    it's that too much to ask?

  21. 2 years ago



  22. 2 years ago

    >i wanna garden
    >i wanna build my own sauna
    >i wanna do yard work
    >i wanna make my house how i want it
    I can't do frick shit in my own apartment except lift, jack off, and play vidya.

    • 2 years ago

      Move to the south.

      • 2 years ago

        The south doesn't pay for shit though.

  23. 2 years ago

    My girlfriend had sex with 4 black guys before we started dating. I look up pictures of them on social media and then jerk off to the idea of them fricking her. After I cum I hate myself and want to neck. I am extremely addicted to pornography. How do I be better?

    • 2 years ago

      don't have sex with trashy chicks?

    • 2 years ago

      have a nice day perhaps
      But you expected this
      You bait
      I bite
      Such is life
      In a different world, I could've killed you

      • 2 years ago

        a true poet

  24. 2 years ago

    I can't tell if lifting weights has improved or dramatically worsened my metal state. I used to be upset about the way I looked, I lacked confidence and all the typical stuff. But now, I am happy with how I look. But I am stuck in this weird mind set. Its like no matter how bad a thing happens to me I just accept it as mind set and lift in the gym. Like yesterday I saw a girl at uni, I have spoken to her a few times sure but never expressed my interest or anything. Well when I saw her this time she didn't see me. For some reason that did something in me, when I got home I got a PR on bench. Like sure I got gains but I know my mental state now and the way I react to things is not normal.

  25. 2 years ago

    I started lifting to better my self, not for girls attention. But I have for sure gotten much more attention from women than ever. I am a very personable fellow so I don't have any trouble talking to women. I do have issues meeting them. My friends don't like going out much and my degree has very few women. I think I might need to resort to dating apps. I am at the stage where I would like to talk to women but don't get the opportunity,

  26. 2 years ago

    I was at a soccer tournament this weekend where most of the teams were made up of Mexican adults, so most of the spectators were also Mexican adults, I saw so many hot thick Latinas I had trouble paying attention seeing the fat assed and titted Latinas in the crowd. There was also this super hot black girl who was watching as well

  27. 2 years ago

    Fricking terrible I hit rock bottom I started improving my life I quit using IST/porn actually started working out and now I'm here and on pornsites again and I'm still fat.

    I'm going to give it another go because this sucks and I don't want to spend my entire life living like this.

    • 2 years ago

      good night feelsbar, gonna squat tomorrow on mushrooms. might try 1rep ass to grass 2pl8 for the first time

      height and weight?

      • 2 years ago

        5'10 and 180 lbs

        • 2 years ago

          posting shrooms

          you mean the perfect weight for your height? why would you go below that

          • 2 years ago

            I have like 0 muscles its all fat

  28. 2 years ago

    fuark they didn’t post

  29. 2 years ago

    I crave companionship and intimacy but deep down I know I'm not worthy of it. I hope God can forgive a wretched coward with no self-discipline like me. I'm sorry if it seems like I'm wasting the life you've blessed with me, Lord. I'm sorry for not being stronger.

    • 2 years ago

      You must understand that every moment is a fresh rebirth. Youth and purity are always with you anon. There is nothing tying you to your past self. The Lord is waiting to take care of you just like he takes care of the fields and the flowers within them. You’ve got this anon, greatness awaits.

    • 2 years ago

      God always loves you anon

  30. 2 years ago

    Is drinking on weekends fine if I want to gain muscle

  31. 2 years ago

    I sort of got a gf. Dating a girl, we’re exclusive, even met some of her friends and family but she rarely texts me. I don’t know if I should give her more space and text less (she will often wait even longer to reply if I wait as well) or just say frick it and respond asap and see if she mirrors that. Either way it makes for annoying communication. IRL dates are good tho and the sex is getting ready good as we learn more abt what each of us likes.

    • 2 years ago

      I know this feeling all too well. Sometimes the insecurity in me thinks she just doesn't care, sometimes I think it's ADHD. Girls have so much going on on their phones that they can easily forget to text back.

    • 2 years ago

      honestly man that’s just something you’re going to have to communicate with her about. i had that kind of relationship with the ex. it just leads to hot and cold behavior and you not feeling secure about your relationship when you’re not with them in person. i did that more space and text less bs and it caused an almost break up halfway in, and then months later her excuse for breaking up was indifference when i was simply mirroring her ways of communication knowing she was always busy and disliked texting lol
      i got myself a new girl and we talk everyday and i never have to worry about that dumb shit. just constantly validated and secure in what we’re doing. don’t let these women play these games with you that they’re not going to hold themselves accountable for anyway when shit goes left

      • 2 years ago

        This anon has wisdom

    • 2 years ago

      if she barely texts you then she's seeing other men. girls are 24/7 on their phone unless maybe they're working. if a girl is really into you and genuinely likes you she will blow up your phone. don't worry, you'll figure this out soon enough.

  32. 2 years ago

    I just discovered the girl I had a relationship with moved to another country (we had a fight years ago because I was an autistic dickhead and I blocked her). She was just the perfect girl in looks and personal beliefs. I was lifting for her since then and now I discovered it is gone. I must keep lifting though, it just feels… empty. I lost my only target.

    • 2 years ago

      this is exactly why we here at IST say do not use women as motivation to lift

  33. 2 years ago

    I'm tired of always feeling like an outsider

  34. 2 years ago

    I don't understand snap. If a girl randomly snaps me during the day, do I respond or wait? I'm usually busy as frick and respond hour later and she never responds until way later too sometimes never.

    • 2 years ago

      I don’t get it either anon. I didn’t use it in high school or college, and now I’m 22, finally trying to actually get a go and have no fricking clue how to use snap and other zoomed shit properly. Definitely a disadvantage.

      • 2 years ago

        Almost samme boat too. Honestly it's so round about it bugs me so much. The only other time I used snap was once in university and it was chat only. She was so chatty on snap but super shy in person then after our fling I never used it again. I'll figure it out I guess.

  35. 2 years ago

    Day 4 no weed. I hate the mood swings

  36. 2 years ago

    I don't program rest days in because I assume they'll just happen due to life. Today was one of those days because I went to a violin performance and a barbeque, and my gym closed at 7. I thought I'd be okay with the occasional rest day, but I'm honestly pretty mad about it.

  37. 2 years ago

    When you’re feeling overwhelmed, instead of popping another pill, or kicking the dog, or punching the wall, or having another drink, or lighting up another cigarette, or cursing the day you were born, cry out to God. Take your burdens to the Lord and leave them there.

  38. 2 years ago
  39. 2 years ago

    I haven't had meat in weeks. It's just too expensive rn. I'm doing fire with eggs, milk and greek yogurt but god damn do I crave a steak

  40. 2 years ago

    I resent my girlfriend so much, but I can't just end things out of the blue because she's obsessed with me and would drag things out trying to "change".

    I love her, but I'm not as IN LOVE with her anymore. I don't know if I'm having a quarter-life crisis imagining greener pastures, or if she truly is a shallower, status quo person than when we met.

    • 2 years ago

      leave her anon, you're going to resent her and cause her to resent you too. You can always try again later on, but sounds like you'll be miserable in the foreseeable future and pass that onto her

    • 2 years ago

      Don't leave her frickhead

    • 2 years ago

      I was kinda in the same situation anon but we ended things because our careers were taking us in two different directions and we would have been long distance indefinitely. If you truly love her tell her about how you feel. Maybe you both can work things out. If not and she takes it poorly then you have confirmation that things aren't gonna work. You won't know until you say something

    • 2 years ago

      In the same goddamn situation. I'm not sure I love her anymore... she'll be the best wife but if she gives me ugly manlets because of her looks I'll be sad for the rest of my life.

    • 2 years ago

      >didn't think I felt like this
      >cute classmate flirts with me for a while
      >thoughts come racing back
      yeah I'm shutting this shit down

    • 2 years ago

      Did you try to figure out why you don't feel the same way about her anymore? All in all I imagine growing out of your honeymoon phase is quite normal, it's not supposed to be roses and rainbows all the time, even if you still love someone.

      • 2 years ago

        >Did you try to figure out why you don't feel the same way about her anymore?
        My career field has demanded more of my attention, and I realized that I'm two entirely different people around work/colleagues/family than I am with her. We've been in a rut where things are too much of the early "do nothing" honeymoon phase (for years now), and she 100% cannot handle interruptions or challenges to that established routine.

        I don't need her to talk shop with me, but I can't keep leaving a research lab and being greeted at home with tiktoks and celebrity garbage every day.

        She won't grow up emotionally, I guess.

        • 2 years ago

          Try talking it out with her anon, but not directly. Instead of making it sound like you're demanding she changes (she'll hate that) try finding productive activities she might have a good time doing and gently nudge her towards them, maybe she'll get hooked and change. Also, don't put all the burden on her, a good deal of her attitude towards your relationship can come from how distant you're being, as women need attention as much as they need air. I don't know what this lab means to you, but no relationship will work out if you dedicate more time to research than to your woman. Work should be a means to achieve stability and provide for the people you care, if it starts getting in the way of your relationships it might be best to reevaluate your work life, and do it now rather than later when you already have a family that resents you for not being around.

        • 2 years ago

          are you me? well, me back at the start of the year

          things had been going well with my gf of 3 years but I started a new job as a teacher and told her I would be spending more time on my job because it dictates it. She was fine and supportive of it as she was going back to school too and worked full time. Our routine was both of us get off from work and then she wanted to get dinner, coffee and/or beer, then go home watch something and then sleep. My new job interrupted that schedule and she slowly started doing those things without me and would start ditching school too to satiate that routine. Sometimes she wouldn't even acknowledge me or she'd ignore my messages (we had lived apart but were shopping for an apartment). I'd get messages at 2AM saying she just had one beer with a friend, if I was awake, etc.

          you get where this is going. Your situation is a little different, but the point is she will start distancing herself to feed into her own desires and seek attention and validation. If you think its worth salvaging, try to talk to her, otherwise, its best to let her go before you both get more distant and the relationship reaches a breaking point you can't turn back from. If you leave on amicable terms, you can always try again later on, after some time and re-evaluation.

  41. 2 years ago

    Watches sniffing becomes mainstream
    >Girls are not visibly weirded out
    >Actually laughing at seat sniffing

    • 2 years ago


      this behavior is no different

    • 2 years ago
      • 2 years ago
  42. 2 years ago

    >Experimenting with preworkout dosages and combos
    >half scoop Cannibal Ferox, 2 scoops Essential Amino Energy for 325mg caffeine total

    I was able to workout for 2 hours today and then unicycle for another 1.5 hours at the beach, which is an activity that draws questionable mires.

  43. 2 years ago

    Good morrow, barkeep

    Just chilling and about to pick up a 6er of light beer.

    Probably going to continue watching Obi-wan tonight in my man cave.

    How's it going tonight with you /barkeep?

  44. 2 years ago

    >tfw age 24
    >girl thought I was 19 and lying about my age
    >guy at the store while buying beer said i looked 12

    Is it over? How do I make myself look like an actual man instead of an overgrown teenager

    • 2 years ago

      looking 10 years younger >>> looking 5 years older

      t. grad student able to pull freshmen without them thinking I'm too old

    • 2 years ago

      you don't, enjoy it, it will be a bigger blessing when you get older

      t. 31 year-old who gets mistaken for 26 year-old

    • 2 years ago

      Take care of yourself now. You can be 30+ and still pull 18 year olds

    • 2 years ago

      i'm 26 and the oldest guess someone has ever given me is 23 and that's when i had a full beard. usually people give me 20-21 and some even less than that.
      once i'm 30 i'll still look 24-25 and be able to get some prime 18-20 dicky

    • 2 years ago

      >start balding at 15
      >people think I'm >30 since I shaved it off at 22
      Stop whining

  45. 2 years ago

    I'm starting to harbor feelings for one of my subordinates (I'm the head of a uni organization)
    >calls me daddy jokingly within the group
    >had tons of simps, but says in the group "they're not anon so what's the point"
    >started this inside joke where the group calls me a tsundere
    >i confronted her about her simps one time and she replied, "you'll learn to love me the way they do eventually"
    >i have a gf but am planning to break up soon regardless
    >have 3 other friends rooting for this 1 friend that's into her
    >they have no idea im into her as well because i put on a leader role mask
    Idk if this b***h is just teasing or not and I hate it. I have to play the leader here and call her out on shit fairly, but personally my pride is telling me to go after her and put her in her place.

    • 2 years ago

      Source on the pic? Movie or show?

      • 2 years ago

        Andrei Tarkovsky's mirror, it's a very good movie.

    • 2 years ago

      She got you huh
      Don’t lose your job

  46. 2 years ago

    I got almost no sleep at all last night, less than an hour probably and if it happens again tonight then tomorrow my long drive I have to do is gonna be horrendous

  47. 2 years ago

    >Make 47,000 dollarydoos a year
    >Can't afford or even find an apartment near me
    I just want my own place for a bit! I don't want to spend half of my earnings on a shoebox.

    • 2 years ago

      yeah dude, capitalism really be ragdolling us lower wage workers

    • 2 years ago

      same, moved back in with my parents and I can't afford anything right now. Talked with them and they're ok with me staying another year to two years to save for a home.

      • 2 years ago

        >save for a home.

        • 2 years ago

          whats wrong with wanting to buy a home

  48. 2 years ago

    I saw someone I knew in highschool at the pool today. I had just come home from picking up some pizza and walked up to her. She was with a group of friends and I asked if they went to my old highschool. We talked for two minutes but a few of them were giggling the entire time because I was carrying a stack of pizza like pic related. They asked who it was for and I said myself. As I left they kept laughing about how I was the "pizza guy". How should I feel about this?

    • 2 years ago

      >still live with parents at 29 because autist
      >pretty sure on the train last week i saw a guy i went to hs with but couldnt tell for sure because we are mask cucks, but he was a small framed black guy and there were few black guys at our hs and he was a small framed one

      perhaps i should have tried to talk to him and we could have pontificated about how big of losers we both possibly are

    • 2 years ago

      Goodmaxxing is perfectly fine

      • 2 years ago

        Not him. Define goodmaxxing.

        • 2 years ago

          Making people laugh

        • 2 years ago

          Wait I just noticed I wrote goodmaxing since I was studying while posting.
          I meant to type goofmaxing which is building a personality that brings people laughter

  49. 2 years ago

    lads im down fricking bad. i cant stop wanking and since moving in with room mates and gf its starting to become a problem
    >cant watch porn anymore cos no alone time
    >cravings get so fricking intense sometimes
    >go for a drive and jack off in my car under a bridge. feels illegal?

    frick dude, what am i meant to do? im not some moronic porn addict but not having a good fap every week or two drives me fricking INSANE.. please any advice

    • 2 years ago

      Jerk off in the bathroom and wipe your cum really good, had an incident where my roommate found some cum on the toilet seat (honestly if it was me I would’ve just wiped it off and not said anything but normies will be normies)
      Also cut the porn it’s not doing you any favors. And why don’t you just frick your girlfriend man lol

      • 2 years ago

        >And why don’t you just frick your girlfriend man lol

        I do, plenty, but it gets old we dont really have the space for 'intimacy' due to shared living situation, sex is very formulaic for us unless we are travelling. hotel sex is pretty cool.

        sorry for the blogpost

        • 2 years ago

          Take the hookerpill. Gf will respect you more because you feel more confident and get your sex needs met without having to watch porn.

    • 2 years ago

      imagine having the personality to frick thots like that. i actually can't, lol. like a chick like that has been hit on by 1000s of dudes minimum, why does she pick the guy she picks? it's probably some guy who works out at an mma gym and has a lot of tattoos but doesn't actually compete even though he does light sparring. she doesn't know the difference. he makes like 70k doing hvac or something and blows it all on cars and clothes. probably in debt, she doesn't know or care. now that i think about it, chicks like that always go for gym npcs. the guys who are in the background, never preparing for a fight or sparring, never competing, but then they show up at your fight with that chick who then they go home and frick after you go home and put ice on your shins alone.

    • 2 years ago

      this is probably a sign to try and beat your addiction. cut the porn. maybe jerk it in the shower once a week. get yourself together anon.

  50. 2 years ago

    Even though I am pretty good with women I can’t get over the fact that I am 5’7. Everytime I start to feel slightly better about myself I just drift into a spiral where I’ll seek out blackpill forums and my mood will be ruined.

    I lift and the only times I have had sex are when women make the first move so I don’t think I am ugly but I hate being seen as inferior just do to sheer virtue of my height, I’ll always have an intrusive thought and call myself a manlet whenever someone taller passes me by. Will shoelifts help with this or will I just be more insecure. Please help anons I know there are some good natured people here who aren’t blackpilled and won’t rush to call me a manlet

    • 2 years ago

      Look into meditation, if intrusive thoughts are a problem they’re easily dealt with if you practice for about a month. As far as feeling bad about being short, do you look down on others for being shorter than you? If you do you’re a dick, but you probably don’t. Thinking bad about yourself is conceited and equally dickish.

      • 2 years ago

        It’s hard to not have them when the internet keeps reinforcing it. I wish IST wasn’t so blackpilled, the demoralization gets to you. It sucks because I hate Reddit and there’s useful info here, and the only plave on the internet not completely pozzed

        • 2 years ago

          I’m telling you brother, not having them isn’t needed. You meditate, and you will be able to spot a thought you view as intrusive easily, you name it as intrusive and it loses its power, over time your brain will become more disciplined and it will figure out these thoughts aren’t needed so it will stop them. A disciplined mind fixes this, take my word. A lot of people attach magic powers to meditation on here but this power is actually very doable in the next month or so if you’re consistent in your practice.

          • 2 years ago

            Thank you anon have always seen meditation shilled by normies but I might take it on. I’m sick of hanging out on blackpill forums my brain feels fried. Will always be insecure but at least I won’t be as pathetic as the people who dedicate their lives to their shortcomings

  51. 2 years ago

    Moved with my wife today. Was a nice ride and now the cleaning of the flat and organizing the stuff. The complex is nice and has a "gym" without barbells. Fun fact, my wife had a stressful week after the weeding and thought she got pregnant because her period is late, although I used a condom. Regardlessly, I told her that it was impossible and spent money on pregnancy test just to get the negative results. Also, my mother in-law thinks I have OCD because I clean everything throughly. Other than that, I want to get back on track with my routine.

  52. 2 years ago

    I'm gonna take a long break from dating apps soon, this shit is just demoralizing as hell. Only thing that makes me unironically miss college is that getting girls was easy as frick.
    Thought I was so unhappy not having a gf but if getting a gf means having to slog through all of this shit then what's the point. I'm just so frickin tired of it all man, god forbid I want to have a nice girl to talk to and cuddle and occasionally frick.

    • 2 years ago

      If you aren’t a virgin dude take the escort pill. I’m telling you casual dating is such a waste of fricking time, stack your bread and just go somewhere it is legall. Casual sex is basically the same as hooker sex anyway and they can give you a pretty good girlfriend experience as cringe as it sounds. If you are a virgin tho wouldn’t recommend but I’ve had my fair amount of validational sex and don’t care for peawienering in a club to get scraps of pussy when I can frick a 8/10 Ukrainian b***h for like 80$ where I live

  53. 2 years ago

    How do I redeem myself for being a creepy incel for years? I got a lot of issues but at this point I might just be an outcast society. Sorry to move, a little off tonight

    • 2 years ago

      *To society, frick.

    • 2 years ago

      Log off. Do good things without ulterior motive. Give yourself challenges and hobbies to develop.

      • 2 years ago

        Any examples? Hard to try when I think everyone hates me (I have proof as well)

        • 2 years ago

          volunteer somewhere, you'll meet a lot of people of different walks of life and are bound to connect with a few

    • 2 years ago

      Move to a different state

      • 2 years ago

        Saving up to do that, but depends if I get a remote job or one out of state

        • 2 years ago

          Yeah I guess it is easier said than done. Plus you're starting from nothing socially, so if you're an autismo that's going to be tough.

          • 2 years ago

            I just wish God or the universe would end me already, what is the POINT of being stuck like this. My life isn't even that bad, just numb and pointless most days.

            • 2 years ago

              This was me. Sorry for being a whiny homosexual.

    • 2 years ago

      all you have to do is pay your taxes and do jury duty if they call you. those are your obligations as an american. you don't even have to vote. frick society.

    • 2 years ago

      Stop saying N word

      • 2 years ago

        But I AM a N word...

        • 2 years ago

          Then you gotta run, kid

  54. 2 years ago

    I used to be 180 lean and now I'm literally double fat and don't know what to do anymore. I used to just be able to lose weight by doing normal shit I liked to do and now it's extremely hard to do anything. The thing is I feel no different now then when I was fit. Still depressed. Still sad everyday. I don't see the point anymore.

  55. 2 years ago

    The girl that I like only sees me as a friend bros. We've been friends for more than 5 years and during that period I fell in love with her. I don't want to ruin our friendship. This fricking shit hurts

  56. 2 years ago

    Some whiskey please. Things have been going okay - I'm in a welding training program and it's going pretty well, i'm losing weight, not great strength gains but they're there, saving money, getting out of the house as much as I can. But I feel like i've wasted too much time. I was at a bbq one of my friends threw for memorial day and I just felt so far behind everyone else. They're talking about buying houses, advancing their careers, getting places with their gfs, buying new cars, etc, and here I am still living with my parents, a year out minimum from getting a better job, single and lonely af, driving the same shitbox i've had since 2016. I know that it'll take time to climb out of the hole i've dug, and I just need to keep pushing forward, but I can't stop thinking that i've waited too long to get my shit together and i'll never meet anyone or really be happy.
    Sorry for blogposting. Have a picture from my hike yesterday.

    • 2 years ago

      never compare your progress to someone else's, you don't know the struggles or reality they are facing. Your time will come, it is coming at its own pace, but it is coming.

      • 2 years ago

        >you don't know the struggles or reality they are facing.
        yeah normies have such hard lives compared to losers like us lol

      • 2 years ago

        I know I shouldn't, but it's hard to feel good about my progress when my friends are so much further along and in (seemingly) better places. It's hard not to be envious of what they have, even though I know that it's my own fault that i'm where I am in life.

  57. 2 years ago

    We cute n valid
    Its 2022 #Stop Aussie Hate

  58. 2 years ago

    On Saturday I went to a christian formal party. There was a lot of pretty single girls. All of them trad wife material. I picked one and spent most of the evening dancing and chatting with her. I had a great time and so did she. I've been thinking about her ever since. The thing that sucks is that I know it wouldn't work because I'm not much of a christian. Hopefully I forget about her soon. The feels are starting to get to me.

  59. 2 years ago

    >Went on a vacation with gf
    >fought a little bit but nothing too serious
    >now will have to move in with her
    >getting more and more worried about her anger issues
    >two days ago we were in her friend's car and going on a mountain road when friend in the front seat saw some wild piglets and pulled her window down to take pictures
    >some dust got into the car and my gf sitting behind snapped to close the window in a really unpleasant manner
    >now it turns out after we left they've been fighting over text and decided to stop being friends
    >I know I'm supposed to take gf's side but I don't see how what her friend was wrong, it definitely did not warrant such language and tone of voice
    >been noticing that gf gets really pissy and angry at random people when she's inconvenienced, especially at waiters
    Will she treat me like that eventually? Right now she treats me really well, but I'm worried it'll change.
    And it's kinda scary how easily she dropped her friend despite clearly being in the wrong.

    • 2 years ago

      the break up is going to be ruthless, that’s for sure

      • 2 years ago

        I'm gonna end up homeless, aren't I? Should I somehow sabotage the relationship before moving in? I don't want to hurt her, but I'm really feeling like I should be more worried about the opposite.

    • 2 years ago

      You are 100% going to become the main recipient of all that anger. If you stay in that relationship, you are going to learn to constantly walk on eggshells to avoid her wrath, and you will develop a reflexive habit of apologizing and taking blame for everything, even when you know it's not your fault. Dont let this happen to you.

      • 2 years ago

        >you will develop a reflexive habit of apologizing and taking blame for everything
        Shit, already there. Frick me. Frick.

      • 2 years ago

        How do I confront her about it? Whenever I try to bring up anything negative about her she just bursts into tears...

        • 2 years ago

          I am you at an advanced stage, I live with her.

          >How do I confront her about it? Whenever I try to bring up anything negative about her she just bursts into tears...

          The only way to win with these people is not to play. They'll be as harsh as possible with you, but even gentle pushback causes them to meltdown. As the other poster said- you will end up apologising, taking blame, and trying to fix things yourself.

          The other poster is right.

          • 2 years ago

            I miss my ex so much... I'm in hell of my own making and there's no way out.

        • 2 years ago

          You dont need to confront her. Just tell her you're done and leave.

          You want to logic out an emotional situation, fix someone else's defective personality, and/or end a relationship in such a way that everyone is happy and you don't feel like a bad guy. That is naive. Things never happen that way.

          What WILL happen, is that this woman will use you as a psychological punching bag and then mag-dump an emotional breakdown into you when you try to get out, in order to keep you in line. This will never stop.
          Accept that you will be painted as the bad guy, and run. Fricking run.

          • 2 years ago

            God dammit. You're making sense. Frick.

            Be calm, assertive, and unfazed by her tears.
            My qt. Hobbit wife has always had a sweet personality overall, but that doesn't mean she hasn't had her tantrums. She's sensitive but also has a little tendency for anger, which used to be worse before.
            Whenever she was (is) out of line either with me or someone else (particularly her mom, which she used to lash out onto sometimes), I would calmly but firmly tell her why she wasn't being reasonable, and that she had to do better.

            "You have to avoid reacting in such a way, otherwise you'll hurt other people and eventually yourself, like you are now"
            >cries more - "I know, I suck blablabla"
            "You can cry to let those bad feelings out, but you need more than that, you need an attitude change, otherwise the cycle will just repeat itself. I'll be by your side and help you the way I can, IF you also help yourself"

            Something along those lines.
            My wife always took it well and improved significantly over the years... but you have to be prepared for her NOT to change, not to be willing to put the effort on being better. If that becomes the case, you absolutely HAVE to be ready to dump her, before you become the main recipient of her anry entitlement, like the other Anons said.
            Or you can dump her right now if you're not willing to get the trouble.
            The one thing you CANNOT do is to give in to her crying and "accept the way she is". That's a terrible meme that will make your relationship miserable long term.

            That sounds reasonable too. I don't know if I am willing to dump her out of the blue, so far she's been treating me really well.
            But my bar is very low, for me "treating well" is "not leeching money and not ghosting".

            • 2 years ago

              >But my bar is very low, for me "treating well

              They know. They know how to find the ones they need. They find me. They found that other anon, the 'slightly future you' guy. They find military dudes a lot, for some reason. Pre-broken, maybe?

              Do you ever find yourself feeling paralysed when trying to make a minor decision, not because of any pros and cons inherent to the situation, but because you can't figure out which choice would cause her to arbitrarily blow her stack or have a boo-hoo breakdown?
              Do you find yourself biting your tongue and accepting her shit, because she gave you a bit of unnecessary shitty attitude, but not ENOUGH shitty attitude that you can justify getting into an argument over it?
              Do you want me to keep going? Run. Its not going to get any easier.

              • 2 years ago

                >but not ENOUGH shitty attitude that you can justify getting into an argument over it?
                Oh god

        • 2 years ago

          Be calm, assertive, and unfazed by her tears.
          My qt. Hobbit wife has always had a sweet personality overall, but that doesn't mean she hasn't had her tantrums. She's sensitive but also has a little tendency for anger, which used to be worse before.
          Whenever she was (is) out of line either with me or someone else (particularly her mom, which she used to lash out onto sometimes), I would calmly but firmly tell her why she wasn't being reasonable, and that she had to do better.

          "You have to avoid reacting in such a way, otherwise you'll hurt other people and eventually yourself, like you are now"
          >cries more - "I know, I suck blablabla"
          "You can cry to let those bad feelings out, but you need more than that, you need an attitude change, otherwise the cycle will just repeat itself. I'll be by your side and help you the way I can, IF you also help yourself"

          Something along those lines.
          My wife always took it well and improved significantly over the years... but you have to be prepared for her NOT to change, not to be willing to put the effort on being better. If that becomes the case, you absolutely HAVE to be ready to dump her, before you become the main recipient of her anry entitlement, like the other Anons said.
          Or you can dump her right now if you're not willing to get the trouble.
          The one thing you CANNOT do is to give in to her crying and "accept the way she is". That's a terrible meme that will make your relationship miserable long term.

        • 2 years ago

          > Whenever I try to bring up anything negative about her she just bursts into tears...
          If the true shall kill them, let them die.

          • 2 years ago

            Hobbit wife Anon here. The way it has worked for me is to aknowledge her tears while at the same time reinforcing the idea that crying won't solve the issue.
            >Stop crying it won't help
            >I'm sorry babe, it's ok, it's ok
            But instead
            >I know you're feeling bad right now, but you have to use it to do XYZ otherwise you'll always return to this point

            Apparently some women CAN listen to logic when you first reach them on their emotional state and then associate it with the logical points you want to come across. I'm not sure if it works with many - definitely not with my own mother, who is almost unironically a 60+ years old child -, but that's precisely the point at which you decide if she's worth it or not. I for one would NEVER, EVER date someone who had the personality of my mother (I love her to death, but she's 100% the "women can't think logically" trope).

    • 2 years ago

      break up with her and get with her friend, since she seems cooler, staying with her friend won't end well

      • 2 years ago

        We were on vacation halfway across the world, and friend is married.
        I just want to be single I think. No sex, nobody to cuddle with but also no headache.

    • 2 years ago

      When they treat waiters poorly that is always a red flag dawg, waiters represent a powerless person they can get away with treating like crap and that could be you if you stay.

      • 2 years ago

        It was even worse
        >she's scared of big dogs
        >we're in a shithole village in the mountains
        >a lot of wandering stray dogs
        >we get approached by one the size of a goddamn pony
        >she gets freaked, I try to distract the dog who's acting passive, begging for food basically
        >random old woman, must've been over 80, jumps into the fray, hits the dog with her walking stick and tries to chase it off
        >ends up using her entire frail body to press the dog against a wall to hold it while we leave
        >she yells at the old lady "Don't you feed your dogs?!"
        Not only was it clearly a stray and not that old lady's dog, she bravely charged in to save us, poor dumbfrick tourists. Probably risked breaking a hip. And got yelled at for her effort.
        It's really bad.
        And now gf's been texting me sweet things all day about how much she misses me. How the frick do I do this... I'm gonna feel like the worst person on the planet if I break it off now.

  60. 2 years ago

    I pulled my back out anons. At least a week before I can probably go back to the gym doing light shit.

    I already feel like shit. Family got pizza since I went to the hospital, Already ate more than my TDEE. The second my pattern is broken I frick myself over. I keep trying to see this as a silver lining, losing weight too fast can be bad and leave your body all flabby.

  61. 2 years ago

    It's been interesting. Made a move on a female friend Ive known for years who I thought was showing interest in me now that I'm getting more fit. Mightve fricked up a half decade long friendship for nothing but im glad I tried. I never would've done something like that before coming here

    • 2 years ago

      >made a move
      >MIGHT have fricked up

      In my experience, if you don't know if you secured the bag, you didn't.

      • 2 years ago

        Yeah I'm figuring that's the case but idk. she's kinda autistic about expressing emotions generally so I think there's a chance it's not totally fricked.

    • 2 years ago

      It's for the best. Take that as a lesson in two things. Never not express interest in a new female acquaintance right away. And only be friends with women you're not attracted to.

  62. 2 years ago

    I'm afraid of taking on responsibility and don't even know why since I have nothing to lose.

  63. 2 years ago

    I'm planning on doing something really autistic, but frick it. I turned my life around massively in the last 5 years. This week I will finish me degree. One of the things I have planned for this summer with a lot of free time is just visiting some places of my childhood and adolescence that are of significance to me. Don't really no why, but I feel the need to have closure on my old life, so I can really move forward.

  64. 2 years ago

    I'm dead, empty shell, entity walking through life feeling no happiness.
    Started going to a psychologist, I had second session today. He had some good pointers, which I will try to apply, such as mindfulness and self reflection, and taking just pushing through life with anhedonia as success.
    I had my morning workout before work so I guess I'm done with living for today.

  65. 2 years ago

    I have emaciated twink body but no idea what to eat/do to achieve peak form.
    >Women, despite what they say, what 6,5 220 who makes them submit to their muscles.
    >Tried asking before, straightforward, what should I do/eat to achieve JoJo meme body.
    >Gets shit on instead.

  66. 2 years ago

    My lower back has been preventing me from squatting, deadlifting, and going hard in bjj class for 8 weeks. Why hasnt it fricking recovered?

    On a positive note I got a silver medal in my last comp and lost to a brown belt, as a blue belt (cope city)

    • 2 years ago

      First congrats my dude. Second go see a doc

  67. 2 years ago

    Things broke off suddenly with a israeli girl that I was seeing for around seven months like three weeks ago (not like it would have ever worked anyway) I’m way better off without her and have been with two women sexually since... I’m just trying to focus on self improvement mostly (diet and exercise). I’m currently on a water fast (36 hours so far) and am going on a date today with a girl from Texas, so I will be ending my fast around noon then go out at like seven. Other than that, still a miserable poor gay, just working my tradie job, trying to focus on art and getting a real estate license for side money, and practicing Italian and chess occasionally. I walk around with so much anger inside of me, I was so pissed yesterday walking at the park thinking about what I’d do if I saw my ex, especially if she was with a guy and how I would go ape shit. I feel like I’m so angry all the time and ducks me up inside.

    • 2 years ago


  68. 2 years ago

    my rommmate's mom is here cooking shit and stinking up the whole house for the last two days i can't even think with this shit. it's probably a plot to get me to move out. i don't understand how it can reek for DAYS what the frick lady.

  69. 2 years ago

    I got 3 months do to literally whatever the frick I want and I don't know what to do other than autistically lift and box

    Advice people??? Specifics please eg
    >get out in nature
    Where? How?

  70. 2 years ago

    >be me
    >Math teacher sends us a homework
    >"Hey anon could you make a zoom call and explain us how you solved it?"
    >I accept
    >Doing the explanation
    >I share screen
    >Forgot to close my PE pdf
    >Gets recorded
    >Everybody knows i'm a dicklet
    I want to die.

    • 2 years ago

      Lmao. How long until graduation.

      • 2 years ago

        2 years

    • 2 years ago

      At least share the pdf.
      And anon, the guy who gets laid the most I know always boasts about how his dick is small. Somehow confidence makes women want to check, frick if I know how.

      • 2 years ago

  71. 2 years ago

    Pretty shit m8 ,Iost a whole lot of money out of stupidity (taking this one to the grave boys)

  72. 2 years ago

    I fell back in my bad habits, started smoking again, weed then tobacco. I hate the fact I managed to quit for 6 months only to be back at day 0. Frick it I will do it again but I swear my life would be easier if I wasnt self-terroristing me every once in a while.

    • 2 years ago

      i started posting on this site again when the weather got warm and i was feeling alienated from life i'll prob quit again soon but not just yet

  73. 2 years ago

    Since some time ago I decided to embark on a little adventure of sorts. There was this tomboy girl that was my crush when I was 10 or 12 or something, we were neighbors and played on the street. I think she liked me too for several reasons, but as I was a gay like most of you I didnt fess up until it was too late and she moved.

    It's been over ten years, today I work at the state's court of law and I stalked this girl to a T, I know where she works, where she lives, and I've made up an autistically detailed and robust plan to use my job to 'naturally' approach her, since this is common for my job and I don't think she'd know any better. In these years she has majored in psychology and taken (unironic) marxist psychology courses. Every new picture she posts on linkedin she looks less and less like a tomboy and more and more like those crazy radfem dykes, but I am confident I can bring her back. I will meet her on grounds of legally notifying her about an ongoing procedure, 'casually' remember her mid conversation, take it from there and straight up invite her for a walk or a coffee afterwards.

    For many many years have I regretted being a pussy and not saying anything, no more. Maybe this will fail terribly and there's about a 0.005% chance this goes very very badly for me (including loss of job + jailtime for usurping my legal powers to pull this shit, but highly unlikely to happen) and about a 50% or so chance it will work. I hope I make it, fellas.

  74. 2 years ago

    Trying to get over a girl that I really liked. She was very hot, had an insta following. We went out for a month. She told me she wanted to keep it casual, I wanted something long term. So we decided to break it off, but I think i should've just let it stay casual. I started seeing other girls right away and even saw the original girl while on a date with a new girl. I can't get over her though. How do I cope

    • 2 years ago

      kek this is the most pathetic thing ive ever read, its a vapid prostitute who cares

  75. 2 years ago

    Pint of beer.

    If I was a young dude, with no important relationship or attachment keeping me to a certain place, like most of you seem to be, here is what I would do;
    Join the military. Spend your contract getting fit and having dumb fun adventures with your squad buddies. bank money, and leave with a gi bill and an honourable discharge that will have boomers and fed jobs sucking your dick.
    Move somewhere nice while you pursue education/training; beach or mountains. Pick training for a career path you can do anywhere, work for others, or hang your shingle. Work hard on it, but allow weekends for a social life. Spend your free time hanging with classmates doing fun chad shit. Hang at the beach, ski, surf, play sports, host parties, frick cute college girls. Your slight age/maturity advantage and savings will be an asset here.
    Once you are certified/accredited/whatever, move to some affordable wholesome, small town out in the country. Anytown, USA. Get hired or set up shop. Then, make yourself known. Get active in the community. Volunteer for town committees, join fraternal societies,coach youth sports, support candidates for local offices, run for small positions yourself, and aim higher over time. Rub shoulders and make business deals with principal citizens. Eventually you will become a pillar of the community, aquire status, and build a nice life for yourself.
    You can do this.

    • 2 years ago

      >die for Israel
      No thanks fren.

  76. 2 years ago

    gf is on SSRIs causing her to have close to no sex drive. this and my premature ejaculation give me the bad feels

  77. 2 years ago

    I'll just have whatever that guy is having, barkeep

    >Injured my wrist and doc said no heavy lifting for at least 2 weeks
    >Uni stuff getting more intense, keeping up so far but feeling like I'm destined to fail for some reason (but this is mostly me, I'm also quite sure I will be OK)
    >My budget for this month is fricked because I bought some stuff I needed but also some stuff I definitely did not need, not starvation mode but still sucks because I feel like I have no self control
    >Relapsed on porn again after two weeks (this happened twice before), beating myself over lack of self control as above
    Ironically tha last one bugs me the most, why is it so fricking hard?

  78. 2 years ago

    for reference, i am super fricking awkward and autistic.
    >have first gf ever through sheer luck at 24
    >huge confidence boost but i’m far from a casanova
    >getting lean as frick this year
    >trying to talk more and be more sociable, make less awkward eye contact and try to actually look people in the eye
    >recently women have flat out started flirting with me
    >also got a crush on a colleage myself because she’s so nice
    >half the time i’m just being nice so people are just being nice back but there’s little things that tell me they’re attracted
    >don’t want to hurt gf but coomer in me says fricking go for it with these girls
    >have an ex-incel angel on one shoulder and a coomer demon on the other

    • 2 years ago

      As a late bloomer who also found myself surrounded with attention from girls around your age, don't cheat. If you want to frick around, that's fine, but break up with your girlfriend before doing so. You'll have more respect for yourself instead of cheating behind her back like a coward. Trust.

  79. 2 years ago

    Been waking up at like 11 or 12 every day since I mostly work in the late afternoon/evening but today I work at 4PM so I got up at 8:30 to get ready and be at the gym by 10 so I can do my full 2 hours. So, kinda tired, but also hype.

  80. 2 years ago

    I have a girlfriend that doesn't like it in the ass while I have a huge anal fixation. I love her so much she's a white/asian hybrid with cute anime eyes, flat thin waist and a juicy bubble butt and she lets me play with her ass during sex no problems, but she just doesnt like the dick in there. I always tend to think of a time in which I have a girl that enjoys anal but then I also want to stay to her. Why does it have to be like this?

  81. 2 years ago

    tfw no dog but really want to play with some doggos

  82. 2 years ago

    I don't give a frick what people on IST say, Huel was the best decision of my life. After years of squats and oats getting me nowhere, I finally have my goal physique.

  83. 2 years ago

    Saw a group of teens in the gym, like 5 guys and 1 tiny average looking girl and they all orbit the shit out of her, are young men bred to be simps? Like wtf

  84. 2 years ago

    Pint of lager plz.
    I'm starting a 12-month internship in July, and I'll be living with my parents. How the frick do people make friends after university

  85. 2 years ago

    >girl asks me out
    >go on date
    >we kiss at the end
    >ghosts me afterwards

    not like i saw potential in her anyway haha am i right?

    • 2 years ago

      Haha yeah haha

    • 2 years ago

      Something tells me you fricked up somewhere. Let me guess, you were the one to text her after the date (probably within a day)?

  86. 2 years ago

    All those incel gays are yet to discover how much of a fricking disappointment 99% of women turn out to be

  87. 2 years ago

    Anyone else sexually repressed?
    Not me, asking for a friend.

  88. 2 years ago

    Guys, I picked up some bad habits from my past relationship. Not affected my gains but still. Send help

    • 2 years ago

      What are they and why are they? C'mon anon, help me to help you.

      • 2 years ago

        Wearing sloppy clothes, small shit like not organizing my stuff. Planning things in advance. I'm out of fricks to give.

  89. 2 years ago

    I'm afraid of my relationship with alcohol. I stopped smoking weed in November which is also when I became horrifically depressed and was binge-drinking, rage-drinking. Now things are actually much better, but the habit has stuck and I'm doing it way too regularly and I'm scaring myself. I've put on 15-20lbs from doing so, my sleep is fricked up, and I spend a decent amount of time just fried from the night before, pickling my brain.
    I start a new job, new line of work, tomorrow, getting out of manual labor. When I got the job, I thought I would stop the boozing. I've had a couple hard moments where I was coping since. And after the last day of my old job, on Friday, I went nuts. I can go days without any just fine. And I'm perfectly capable of drinking normally around others, just one or two in a night out. But after that casual social event, basically the next time I find myself at home alone with a day of no plans I'm boozing like a madman. This professional transition is big, and might be the transformation I need to break bad habits. But I'm really worried I might not be able to have a "normal" relationship with alcohol sustainable across time.

  90. 2 years ago

    I wanna build muscle and I workout 5 times a week, but I'm afraid I won't achieve anything because I don't consume whey protein. I eat protein rich food regardless, but i think i can only get like 80grams per day. Can I make it? T. a skeleton.

    • 2 years ago

      Probably need 100g+ bro. Depending on your BW, you're likely gonna want like 120-140g for optimal results.

      Highly recommend skyr, 50g protein 300ish cals for a tub. Check your local supermarket.

  91. 2 years ago

    I refuse to believe this one girl at my gym is attracted to me

    Positive signs
    >when she sees me the first time, she gets really fidgety or if she's sitting, starts swinging her legs
    >she smiled at me once without me doing anything
    >she started dressing in tighter and more revealing clothing
    >she mires me when she thinks I can't see it (gym has mirrors on almost every wall LMAO)
    >when I catch her mirin and smile at her, she spills her spaghetti
    >once I looked at her from the other side of the room and she started blinking really fast
    >she does stuff like pulling her gym pants higher so I can see her camel toe or pulling her shirt so I can see her tummy
    >she learned my gym routine and changed hers so that when I go to the stretching area to stretch, she'll come there and do abs near me
    >once she saw me do "deadlift stretching" (basically put on 2.5pl and hold the bar up for as long as I can), started shaking and blushing and playing with her hair with a shocked look on her face

    Negative signs
    >once or twice when our eyes have met she has given me this "wtf are you looking at" expression and turned away fast while looking anxious

    Summary: she thinks I'm creepy and hideous and I'm going to switch my gym schedule so she can train in peace

    • 2 years ago

      Go talk to her you moron, if she's not into you she won't even bother to pretend she wants to chat

      • 2 years ago

        I actually talked to her once. I asked if she was using both sides of one cable machine and she said yeah she was but that she could make do with one and I could use the other one. I said "ok", started training and that was that.

        What the frick would I even say to her? She has her headphones on all the time.

        • 2 years ago

          Smile and wave, see what her response is

        • 2 years ago

          That's... That's not what "talking with" means you moron

          • 2 years ago

            We talked. That's talking. We opened our mouths and said words. That's more than I've done with any other girl at my gym.

            • 2 years ago

              Go chat her up next time you see her anon, ask her name, make some small talk and get her number

    • 2 years ago

      Is that your kinostation?
      Looks comfy

  92. 2 years ago

    I got drunk and skipped leg day.

  93. 2 years ago

    When I make an effort to be self aware i realize the extreme negative way I think about myself, others, the past and the future and that this is causing my problems, but I'm not sure how to just "stop." It saps all my confidence but believing in myself seems so impossible just because I look back and see a long history of failure, rejection and cowardice then I look forward and see the same bad things happening that have always happened.

    • 2 years ago

      I struggle with self doubt too, tried to stop second-guessing my worth but couldn't, like you. Eventually I just resolved to do shit even without believing I can pull it off, and although I haven't had much success I've learned quite a bit from my failures and got some new perspectives out of it. It's usually of to fail and be rejected, sure it's gonna hurt like hell at first, but it's gonna get you used to the possibility of not achieving much of anything, and free you from the uncertainties and stagnancy it causes. My own personal experience: recently I was orbiting this cute girl from my gym, she always seemed friendly and upbeat around others but I never managed to sneak in some chatting since we have no friends in common, eventually got fed up with just looking at her from a distance, but couldn't think of a way to cold approach her, so I just did it YOLO. Did it work? Not really, I've been having more success trying to talk to a wall than to her and she's even been a bit rude once or twice (that characteristic "eew why are you talking to me" attitude I'm sure you're familiar with), so I'll back off for now and let her get used to my presence and just try to hit her up every once in a while, to see how she reacts. Do I have much hope she'll change her demeanor? Hell no, but that doesn't mean I shouldn't still try.

  94. 2 years ago

    Last night was fricking atrocious for me. Story time
    >be with this girl, qt 8/10
    >been doing cute shit and dates and stuff
    >neither of us have our own place so been making out and cuddling in da car
    >she's ready to take it further tonight
    >take it further tonight
    >haven't had sex in 2yrs
    >3 strokes and I'm done
    >she laughs about it and comforts me while I'm dying inside
    >clean up, return to just cuddling
    >start making out again, she gets on top
    >ready for round 2
    >halfway to starting round 2;electric boogaloo light floods car
    >it's the fuzz
    >get wienerblocked by cops, get let go and just kinda drive around a little bit
    >find another spot
    >moar cuddling
    >picrel is me right then even tho she still wants to cuddle and keeps telling me it's fine
    I swear to God I'm going to actually just commit toaster bath I've never felt so fricking bad about anything in my life

    • 2 years ago

      >reassured you with intimacy after 1st session
      >clearly aroused even after 1st session
      >laughed to show you there's no awkward tension
      >was still actively interested even after interrupted by cops
      anon don't overthink this, she clearly likes you a lot and doesn't care about what happened
      just laugh it off with her and keep it as a cute story if you guys stay together long term

    • 2 years ago

      >commit toaster bath
      why? she literally doesn't give a frick and is interested in you despite your lack of self-esteem. Enjoy and pursue it further, you'll be fine and able to last longer when you stop worrying so much.

    • 2 years ago

      Well it's better than my story
      >be me
      >don't have sex

    • 2 years ago

      its normal to cum early anon, women dont care you can cum all you want, they just need your dick to stay hard

    • 2 years ago

      Alright fellas, how the frick is this avoided? How do some people last for 30 minutes while others finish in three pumps?

      • 2 years ago

        take meth...and'll last hours. Or mdma but mdma makes you be gay.

  95. 2 years ago

    >Woke up feeling tired on 4 hours sleep
    >had to take a nap when I got home from morning shift, whole day free
    >Take beta alanine + bcaa mix to psych myself up for a workout
    >stomach ache
    >Go to get food, both Chinese places are shut
    >This girl I'm trying to get with has been too busy to chat lately
    Tomorrow will be better, right?

  96. 2 years ago

    I feel like I have no agency. My life is dictated by everyone around me and they're all pulling me in different directions. I just want to run away from everyone so I can gain some amount of control over myself but it's impossible.

    • 2 years ago

      Same bro. I'm just trying to get my mental health in check so I can get a decent job, move, and still just to through the motions of talking to the people I absolutely need to

  97. 2 years ago

    >worked out today for the second time since 2020 (last time was January)
    >almost 4k in debt and need to find a new place to live by the end of July because my long distance gf is moving here
    >she won't have a job when she moves so I'm worried that I won't be able to cover bills alone (I'm a student and work part time) and we might need to live with my mother for a while
    >been daydreaming about going back to Thailand to train at the gym I used to visit, just looked at flight prices and they're more than double what they used to be

    Mostly just worried about money and finding a place to live, going to need to work as many hours as I can these next few months. A friend of mine has offered me a bunch of opportunities for freelance work in my industry but he's unpredictable and I'm worried about him fricking up my reputation by introducing me to clients and then doing something stupid. He keeps telling people we work together which is not true. The guy's a charlatan but we get along and I could really use the extra money.

    Felt great to get back to the gym, I want to stop drinking again, used to be teetotal and really on top of my diet. I want to make sure today was a real first step towards being healthy again - the money pressure might be a blessing in disguise if I can't afford luxuries like junk food and beer. Wish me luck in everything bros

    • 2 years ago

      Thai boxing? Tell of your experiences

      • 2 years ago

        Been to train in Phuket 3 times, never fought or did any seedy shit, just took a holiday to train and eat healthy in the sun without any other responsibilities, for a month at a time each time. Was training MMA but mostly Muay Thai. I'd recommend it, it's great for the mind and body. Just went solo each time but always met bros in the gym. It's really fricking fun and it was pretty cheap too all things considered - when I last went in 2019 I spent about £2000 altogether - that's including flights, a nice room, gym fee, food, laundry, transport and luxuries like protein shakes and new shorts/gloves and tourist shit. If you want to know anything specific just ask and I'll try to answer as best I can

        • 2 years ago

          Awesome man, I've trained on and off for a couple years and would love to go over there one day, hopefully in the next year. The culture just seems so much better plus the Thai style of light respectful sparring etc. Would be a dream.

          • 2 years ago

            Definitely do it, it's life changing. I always felt really sad every time I came home, seriously considered moving there before covid fricked everything up. Maybe one day

            • 2 years ago

              Thanks for sharing your experience bro, definitely seems like a goal for me to wage slave towards. Thailand end of 2022 Oooweee WE'RE ALL GOING TO MAKE IT BROS!

  98. 2 years ago

    holy shit look at these boomers

  99. 2 years ago

    kraken rum cola, i need a heavy distraction
    >known this girl for 7 years, kind of flirted jokingly with her but i always had a bit of a crush on her
    >drift apart after i get in a relationship
    >meet her again after i broke up
    >1 more year of flirting and chatting ends up with us starting to frick regularly
    >keeping it casual for a month
    >but i'm falling deeper and deeper for her
    >we decide to stay after our friends left so that we can have some time for a quick frick
    >it turns into about 1 hour of fricking and 2 hours of cuddling, she held my hand, kissed me, kisses that came from affection and not sexual urge
    >said things like "you make me stop thinking and finally relax" and often said that she didn't want to leave my embrace or go home
    >next day acts like a normal friend again

    i don't get it
    it hurts so bad
    how can you spend time like this with a man and pretend that it didn't mean the world to him?
    how can you hold a man's hand, cuddle with him, let him old you in his arms like you are the most precious thing in this universe for him, say how he makes you feel safe, calm, how he makes you forget that your life is falling apart just by being there and then just act like a friend the day after?
    i don't know what i'm supposed to do, this girl made me forget every suffering i've had to endure with my ex, but it feels like i'm going to go through heartbreak again

    • 2 years ago

      You seem to be pretty in your head and neurotic about this, as if you already know percisely what she's thinking and what her intentions are. Calm down, these "casual" situations are games and everyone keeps their apperance up because it's very easy to frick up the sense of ease that makes them work. Just pull your head out of your oxytocin driven ass and evaluate the situation, moving foward from a casual hook up is a sensitive matter and you're well advised to get a grip on your "teenager deeply in love" coombrain before making any sudden moves. You're dealing with a women you've somewhat known for 7 years, and that you've been fricking for a month, not some earthly angel or the one and only love of your life

      • 2 years ago

        you're right
        i wasn't going to make any sudden moves, but you're right

        • 2 years ago

          It's easy to get stuck in your own head and turn something into a gravely serious affair, happens to most of us, whether it's a women, friends, or your carrer. I've made it into a habbit to occassionally just ask myself "am I acting like a moron right now?" and pondering on that for a while tends to put things into perspective

          • 2 years ago

            i should absolutely do that, thank you anon

  100. 2 years ago

    >memorial day holiday
    >traditionally a holiday where you do stuff with friends, cookout, go to the lake, vacation all weekend, etc.
    >still here with my parents doing nothing
    >never done anything of note for any memorial day holiday
    >30 years old

  101. 2 years ago

    This girl i was talking to texted me "Hey, you" the other day and i almost broke down crying. Im so lonely

    • 2 years ago

      Well I hope you texted her back

      • 2 years ago

        Of course i did, weve been talking lately, it just made me realise how long its been since i had a friend

        • 2 years ago

          That's a good anon, ygmi

  102. 2 years ago

    I want to be a singing pirate but thats not realistic 🙁

  103. 2 years ago

    Had a date. Was surprisingly entertained. We ended up trying to catch frogs at the pond. And set a date for next saturday so we can catch frogs properly

  104. 2 years ago

    I'm seeing my side piece on Thursday. One of her neighbors raped my good friend a few weeks ago and I'm hoping that I don't see him because I'll end up fighting him. My friend doesn't know I know it was rape, only that she regrets it. I don't really want to bring this up with anyone so I'm posting about it here.

  105. 2 years ago

    >be ex-fat obese planet
    >spend years learning about exercise and nutrition, going through lifes up and downs
    >finally this past year I figured everything out (or so it felt)
    >job I like, school almost finished, good balance of work, social life, school and gym
    >making progress in literally everything, holy shit this is great
    >random sunday in november, doing my usual gym routine when feel sharp pain in back kind of near my right scapula
    >hurts a lot, but stretch and massage it out and it feels fine, continue workout and go home
    >few hours later can't really walk and bend my knees, figure just sore or something
    >next day feeling persists, go to doctor, doctor tells me i need to go to emergency room
    >long story short: ended up needing emergency surgery on spinal cord

    I have lost all my progress in not only the gym but life in general. shit sucks bro's

  106. 2 years ago


    i don't think it would happen in that order tbh

  107. 2 years ago

    Gf wants to visit her family in another country over the summer but I don't want to come. I came the last 2 summers and it always sucked balls, I have to sleep in a tiny hot closet and I don't understand their language. And then it was only for a week, now she wants to do it for a month and every year.
    I mustered up all my courage and told her I'm not coming but then she threw a hissy fit about not respecting her, breaking up if that's how I feel about her family (honestly her family is fine it's just the logistics of going to live in a fricking closet for a month that bug me), etc. so I begrudgingly agreed to go anyway.
    I have absolutely no intention of going anyway though, how the frick do I manage that?

    • 2 years ago

      Gotta break up, my man. She chose her family over you, so she doesn't get to have you as her family.

    • 2 years ago

      taking time off to travel abroad for a month is a big request, why does your gf feel entitled to such a thing

    • 2 years ago

      Why didn't you learn nthe language?

      • 2 years ago

        She was the one who came here, not me.

        taking time off to travel abroad for a month is a big request, why does your gf feel entitled to such a thing

        I know right. And then she complains because we visit my family so often, yet they live a 45 minute drive away and we can sleep in our own beds at the end of the day.

        Gotta break up, my man. She chose her family over you, so she doesn't get to have you as her family.

        Maybe, but I'm still testing the waters. I don't think she will actually follow through and break up if I just don't go but make her feel like I regret it.

        • 2 years ago

          >She was the one who came here, not me
          So? It's still a good opportunity to learn something useful and it's gonna help you actually get in touch with her family more, maybe even start enjoying these trips.

          Gotta break up, my man. She chose her family over you, so she doesn't get to have you as her family.

          As it should be, family is forever, what right anyone has to ask someone they (supposedly) care about to stay away from their family, specially when the significant other is actively trying to include you in their family.

          • 2 years ago

            I'm not asking her to stay away from her family. She can go and visit them of course. I just don't want to be dragged along.

            what country?


            • 2 years ago

              >I'm not asking her to stay away from her family. She can go and visit them of course. I just don't want to be dragged along.
              Anon, you two are a couple, the frick you think couples are supposed to do in situations like that? She could be going alone to visit her family and not even have to worry about accomodating you, but instead she's making a point of including your insensitive ass. You think she does that because it's funny? She wants you to be part of her family, you moron. She's ready to take an extra step but sees you're hesitating, thinking it would be better to break up if you're not willing to fully commit.
              >I just don't want to be dragged along.
              Then I guess she likes you a whole lot more than you like her.

              • 2 years ago

                lol I didn't expect such a reddit response on here

              • 2 years ago

                Did I make too much sense?

            • 2 years ago

              Lmao I thought you were going to say the Phillipines. Italian isn't too difficult, it's really similar to Spanish, and learning a new language is great for your brain gains.

              I have some sympathy for your situation but sounds like the remedy is either learning to sleep in a hot environment (use one of those log pillows) or figuring out how to schedule trips around the EU so you're not in the uncomfortable house the whole time.

    • 2 years ago

      what country?

  108. 2 years ago

    >33 years old
    >5'10, 330 lbs
    >no friends
    >no hopes of finding a gf
    >have a wedding for a cousin in December coming up, won't fit in my suit right now
    >parents are disappointed despite finally living on my own and having a good job
    >only "friend" is my cat that I'm convinced I'm not raising right
    >don't care about buying life insurance or saving for retirement because I doubt I'll live that long
    I'm an utter failure of a human being and deserve to die.

  109. 2 years ago

    the older i become the angrier i get. every little thing pisses me off and i just start punching myself in the head or the wall because it's the only way to get that anger out. im so frustrated with this shit life

  110. 2 years ago

    Got rejected for my dream job bros, it was my only chance to stop being a fricking neet and also to finally move out on my own.

    I feel like crap, there are only 3 companies in my country related to my job, I was rejected from one and the other two are not looking for new people so I don't have another opportunity.

    • 2 years ago

      what field

  111. 2 years ago

    That skeleton looks like me whenever I'm at the bar on a friday night.

  112. 2 years ago

    the many saints of newark is on sale for $8 on itunes should i watch it? never seen the sopranos but spent a lot of time in newark.

  113. 2 years ago

    Job is good and make decent money at 24 with upward mobility. Can't complain in this space.

    Can't stop thinking about how much older my grandparents have gotten and how little time we may have left together. They were huge in my life and paid for all my schooling because they never got the chance. Literal angels in my life.

    Also, because this is a Taiwanese basket weaving form and the last anonymous corner of the internet I can feel comfortable saying this into the void: I've been dating my gf now for 3.5 years and she's awesome but can't stop thinking about this one girl who was the "one that got away". Goddamn she's a smokeshow too and was a great friend before I ever developed feelings. We once drunk admitted we had feelings for each other but life got in the way (too long to explain and I had just started dating my now gf). She now has a bf of 1 year.

    Ppl keep jokingly asking me about marriage but I just feel meh about it and am not excited about it. Feel very trapped in this regard. I just try my hardest each day. I just hope one person reads this because it's been pent up.

    I know I could have it a lot worse, but it feels good to get this shit off your chest.

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