The bar is open

Come take a seat. Have a drink, on the house. Another week down and Friday is here again. How the hell are you?

Thread Theme:

POSIWID: The Purpose Of A System Is What It Does Shirt $21.68

UFOs Are A Psyop Shirt $21.68

POSIWID: The Purpose Of A System Is What It Does Shirt $21.68

  1. 11 months ago

    Whenever I post here nobody replies. Frick you.

    • 11 months ago

      I'm trying desperately to find a new job because I hate my help ("hell") desk job. Just something soul crushing about both the work and the office environment. Feels like where dreams go to die. Tempted to just quit even without another one lined up.

      Without a 6 figure meme job, I don't know if it's possible to make it. I'm starting from a poor background so my hopes are gambling crypto and the tech israelite

      (You) can get (you)s if you try hard enough

      • 11 months ago

        Go for System Administrator next brother

      • 11 months ago

        >routes ticket back to help desk for not providing basic information
        call the customer back wagie, I know you will as it's your job

    • 11 months ago


    • 11 months ago

      Same, but I’ve never made a b***hy post about it

    • 10 months ago

      We love you anon

      Come take a seat. Have a drink, on the house. Another week down and Friday is here again. How the hell are you?

      Thread Theme:

      Sparkling water for me barkeep
      >Losing weight, getting stronger
      >Mood stable and working on my goals everyday
      >Keep fricking up and going to get a beer after work before I start on sidegig at night
      >1-2 turns into 5-6
      >Two or three times a fricking week getting shitfaced now
      >Life I currently live sucks ass, working to get more freelancing clients and ditch dayjob
      >Feels like pushing a ball of mushy shit uphill, hear hundreds of "no"s/rejections
      >Brandon imploding the economy
      >Can't even get a halfway decent used vehicle for under 35k
      I don't know what to do to cope fellas. I have a small handful of clients, I have savings, and I can get likes on dating apps but I just hit my late 20s and it feels like I'm stuck in a dead standstill and nothing is going to go anywhere.
      My last hope is on making my product-based business work out and hit decent sales with that and scale it like my friend did (got paid 14m for his company) but until that happens I'm just working and working and working and working and working with what seems like no way out. I know we can only see progress in hindsight but damn I need to do something to at least stop wanting to drink and get shitfaced so much.

    • 10 months ago

      Make (your) question more concise or clear, I guess? If you're getting lost in the noise then that says something in itself.

  2. 11 months ago

    I'm good anon. I've just got back from working away for the week. Usually a home gymmer but had to use public gyms for the week. Found a really good one that wasn't too busy. Always a bonus when working away. Now I'm home with my wife and kids. Life can be good. I've come a long way since I used to wish for death.

  3. 11 months ago

    I am so alonely just want nice girl settle down with get freak
    under cover play with doodle !!
    To much ask !!

  4. 11 months ago

    >Come take a seat. Have a drink, on the house. Another week down and Friday is here again. How the hell are you?
    Another week getting paid to do absolutely nothing at home. Getting $4,400 a month net of taxes to sit on my ass because management is lax.

    I justify it by thinking that I'm underpaid as a software dev but really I'm depressed and rotting I think. However, at the same time I should be grateful that I have a fully remote WFH job with an above average western salary. Boss has said I can go work elsewhere for long stretches. I think that's what I'll do long term. Go move to South America and pretend I'm in Canada. Maybe give up my Toronto apartment and save another $1100/month and just move back in with my parents. Back every 3 months and say hi and then back down to Argentina or Peru or whatever to exploit the locals.

    • 11 months ago

      Having read this, I realise that my post

      I'm good anon. I've just got back from working away for the week. Usually a home gymmer but had to use public gyms for the week. Found a really good one that wasn't too busy. Always a bonus when working away. Now I'm home with my wife and kids. Life can be good. I've come a long way since I used to wish for death.

      may also come off as bragging. It was not my intention anons. I am sorry. I just wanted you all to know that no matter how dark things can get, there is always hope. Please do not lose hope

      • 11 months ago

        Mine isn't bragging either I want to kill myself

        • 11 months ago

          Then I apologise anon. With the money you are making, you can be truly happy if you try. You have something that many do not. The money to take positive actions to change your life. You have a head start on most anon.

    • 10 months ago

      Sounds like you're living the dream. Yeah, live with family or in some cheap country with beautiful weather and sexy women, use a VPN to appear as accessing from Canada, make mad bank. You could be adding $2k or more to your investment/retirement portfolio each month, which is an enviable situation. Sorry to hear about the depression anon, hang in there and better days will come.

  5. 11 months ago

    Wellsir i'll tell ya.

    >Had a job interview today.
    >said they were gonna email me a ID link.
    >15 mins before still no link
    >12:15 i get a call
    >"hello Mr anon, mr fatcat was waiting for you to join but you didn't, so we'll have to reschedule"
    >"i never got the link"
    >"mr anon did you check you junk folder?"

    and there it was, send 3 hours before the call
    they told me they'd reschedule but i've not heard anything back yet

    did i /frick/ it?

    • 11 months ago

      lol you dum dum

      don't call us we'll call you 😉

    • 11 months ago

      you idiot... first, why didn't you check your junk folder? That's the first thing to think of if you expect something that doesn't arrive. Second, why didn't you notify them that you didn't get it? You don't deserve a job.

  6. 11 months ago

    Having a lot of guy friends for a girl is a red flag right?

    • 11 months ago

      It means she's an attention seeker probably.

      It's not as bad of a red flag as being a single mom with a mixed race kid

    • 11 months ago

      red flag for relationship yes
      if you want a hook up it's a green flag, especially if you mog her orbiters
      just don't get caught in her bullshit, ezpz

    • 10 months ago

      Maybe. All-female friend groups are often backstabbing circlejerks of mutual frenemy crabs in a bucket, and some girls decide they hate that drama. At that point their options are be a loner, or have a mixed or mostly male social circle.

      I would say its more important to see what the social dynamic is like if your gf comes with a bunch of male friends. Are these friends mostly single? How many of them has she dated/fricked in the past? If she sent a mass text to all her male friends saying "so, when we fricking" how many would say "lolwat, you're joking right, you're like a sister to me" and how many would say "OMG, finally, I knew this day would come, I knew I was secretly your favourite for the past 15 years, I've already taken the liberty of buying your wedding dress m'lady"

  7. 11 months ago

    getting used to working a part time job (first one after a few years of nothing) while still writing music and performing with the band, but getting my shit together hasn't helped me make any friends
    might hit the gym tonight cause I got no one to go out for drinks with

  8. 11 months ago

    hit a weight loss plateau which made me feel like shit, but tomorrows a run day which is nice. ill beat this stupid fricking thing in no time

  9. 11 months ago

    This summer I Lost my virginity got an internship that pays 10k a month benches 2 plates, squatted 4. Travelled in Europe for 1 month. I’m 21 and still feel like shit, I’m lazy and put the bare minimum in everyday. I have this weird fear that I’m going to die int the next 2 months.

    • 11 months ago

      >This summer I Lost my virginity

      Nice to hear you got your cherry popped. What was the stallions name?

      • 11 months ago

        Won’t say but she’s of East Asian descent so definitely no stallion

    • 11 months ago

      >got an internship that pays 10k a month benches 2 plates
      wow your internship sure does bench a lot!

    • 10 months ago

      Good job, not sure if its good for your cortisol levels but keep living as if you have 2 months to live I guess

  10. 11 months ago

    Pretty good I guess. Finally getting my life together; quit smoking, and cut down heavily on caffeine and alcohol (Drinking a beer right now and will probably need some caffeine tomorrow as I plan to stay up all night for symbolic and quasi-religious purposes) Still too fat, but my arms are now 20 inches wide and I got my bench back to 150kg, gonna be around 180 once I work through my wrist injury.
    The family business is making ok money, I will try to improve it as much as I can before I leave for another year of college and go to work at either one of the MBB consulting firms or some PE firm.

    Lately, I've been thinking that money is the key to solving 90% of problems in life. Unless you have the mental fortitude of a Buddhist monk, you won't be able to stay on top of your game when facing money problems, at least I didn't - I ballooned up to 130kg, drank at least two times a week, slept like shit and probably aged myself like ten years in the past 11 months. All in all, my advice is to get money and don't have a nice day in the process and then you're good

    >inb4 blog

    • 11 months ago

      good work man.
      the money point I'm not sure about, lived broke for a lot of my life but you do have to learn a different mindset to make it work
      takes some balls to get girls to frick on a mattress on the floor but once you get into the mindset anything feels possible

    • 10 months ago

      > get money and don't have a nice day in the process

      Amen to that

  11. 11 months ago

    Does anyone else have trouble putting P in V? As in, literally, my current girl has to put it herself every time and even then she sometimes takes a good minute before I can go

    • 11 months ago

      Do you use lube? Some girls are just very fricking tight or don't get very wet

    • 11 months ago

      Is your dick curved or something? Also the girl's gotta be in the right position for things to work unless you're like nine or ten inches long

    • 11 months ago

      that would be a dream
      only had this problem at the start with my current girl, after a few weeks shit got roomy enough

    • 11 months ago

      I'll have a vodka soda, thanks.
      I started a new job about a month ago and recently found out my boss has been intentionally restricting my workload to "avoid overwhelming me." I've been bored out of my mind so I had a discussion with him about it, and while I think I accidentally hurt his feelings we had a productive conversation and I feel good about the road ahead. Also the body weight progression I've been using has been great for me. My only complaint is that I have recently begun tearing up on occasion. I can fight them back, and there's no noticeable sadness or distress, but it's an increasingly cumbersome physical reaction that I have to continuously stay on top of, which is annoying.

      You are engaging in foreplay, right anon?

    • 10 months ago

      Lots of foreplay, lots of lube, get her in a position that lends itself to deep penetration. Has she ever been diagnosed with vaginisimus?

    • 10 months ago

      Foreplay. Once she's lubricated it should be easy. Maybe she's just not very attracted to you. Better question is putting P in A. Gf doesn't like me putting fingers in or any type of ex toy. Won't do it herself. Sometimes she'll mention P in A like I'm just supposed to do it. I tried it once and she started screaming about it hurting before I even got the tip in. She also really likes to contract her sphincter, maybe it an subconscious reaction. Maybe I need to get her really drunk?

      • 10 months ago

        >millions of porn addicted morons fell for the anal sex meme

        it's literally shit to do, spreads easily more disease, and over time leads to irreversible anal sphicter tear
        a lot of anal queens find that once they reach their 40s they start spontaneously sharting themselves and require diapers

        but of course no one will mention this because ti would mean they were incredibly stupid

        • 10 months ago

          >a lot of anal queens find that once they reach their 40s they start spontaneously sharting themselves and require diapers
          Post source

          • 10 months ago


            • 10 months ago

              >not posting nikocado shitting himself/the bed

        • 10 months ago

          I had anal sex exactly once in my life. She was willing to try it again but neither of us wanted to.
          The pussy is right there bro, why are you making everything less fun and more dangerous?

  12. 11 months ago

    I'm fine.
    give me the rotgut

  13. 11 months ago

    Macallan 20 please

    It’s almost my b-day., and all I really want is 24 hours alone to drink, smoke, and meditate on my plans for next year. Instead, other people have made plans for me. Plus I always have to work on my birthday unless it’s the weekend.

  14. 11 months ago

    >want to try eating pussy
    >watch tutorials on porn sites, read some guides
    >bring a girl home
    >just start licking from bottom to top and flop my tongue where her clit is supposed to be (not sure I've managed to find it)
    >she cums buckets
    >rinse and repeat
    Not even bragging brahs, just thought that stuff is suppose to be harder. Or I just got lucky with a girl

    • 11 months ago

      Some girls are stupid easy, some are tougher.

      One of my exes took 30+ minutes to cum with perfect, constant motion on and around the clit. Rarely happened.

      Another took 5-10 minutes of whatever, sometimes she'd just take over and frick my face and it's like 3 minutes.

      Ate out a fwb and she lost count (felt like 4+) in 15-20 minutes, and for her I was just winging it.

      Dudes are simple, women vary a lot on that.

    • 10 months ago

      Haha, based. There's really no rules to eating pussy, if you have a stupid technique, but it works, then it's not stupid.

      I like to find the clit, use suction and my top lip to move the clitoral hood out of the way, then give it hell with tonguework. Find a rhythm, and if she responds to it change nothing and just keep going until she either soaks your face or climbs the walls Exorcist style. Other guys swear by long licks or internal fingering, but the above works for me in 9/10 cases.

      Anyway, good job man, eat a girl out well and she'll keep coming back for more

  15. 11 months ago

    Any tips to cope with this feeling?
    >Jailbait likes me
    >Give cold shoulder because I'm not interested beyond just pussy. Plus it feels wrong.
    >Feel powerless and angry when I pass on it
    Small towns really are the worst. I can't even ignore the feeling by going to a bar and seeing other women. I think the feeling is best summarized as "damned if I do, damned if I don't". I imagine every man deals with this feeling. I just want to feel powerful but I don't want to use power.

    • 11 months ago

      Are you me?

      Exact same thing happened to me last week and I have the exact same feeling.

      Small town here too.

    • 11 months ago

      >Jailbait likes me
      What is the problem exactly?

      • 11 months ago

        Jailbait liking me isn't the problem. The problem is I want to frick something and I do and don't want it to be a 16 year old. Even if it's legal, I feel it's wrong for a few days only to change my mind a few days later. At this point I don't care if I do or don't but Im tired of that feeling: the feeling of frustration when I relinquish power and desire for the sake of "justice".

        I deeply resent my religious upbringing and all the internal conflict it's caused me. I often do the "right" thing only for it to feel like the weak thing

        • 11 months ago

          Brother, just 100 years ago people were marrying 9 year olds. It has nothing to do with religion. The Catholic church's recommended AOC is 14.

          • 10 months ago

            Keep telling that to yourself pedoscum

  16. 11 months ago

    Trying to quit vaping. Been getting bad costochondritis that is 100% caused by it. Barely vaped at all today, it went away. Possibly have the house to myself for the next few days, so it’s perfect for me to feel shit and be anxious & b***hy.
    I’m eating whatever I want to get through the initial suck. Using coffee as needed. Will potentially use some weed too but I quit that earlier this year and would like to stay sober.
    My intake was absurd. 1 3000 puff disposable a day, HQD brand.

    I’ve outlined some goals.
    >quit nicotine
    >get back to diet & finish cutting, regain the 30lbs of muscle I’ve lost
    >get job, save money, move out, get a dog
    And when I’m done, when I’m shredded and I’ve gotten my gains back and I’ve been sober/caffeine & weed& nicotine free, and I have my own place, I’m going to buy my first cigar, and go hang out at the beach with my dog and do some fishing starting at 5am until I’m bored/have my full bag limit of fish while smoking my cigar. Maybe if I give a shit post some subtle thirst traps do a handful of people I used to hang around seethe (they’re the type who would).

    Anyways I’ll have the usual, some ice water, crushed ice. I’m feeling bored. No longer exactly depressed or anxious, but far from happy still. I know what to do and what needs to change to be happy, it’s mostly on the above. I dislike how slow this progress seems. But shit, I quit nicotine and get a job and start saving my money and that’s progress.

  17. 11 months ago

    I am now a week into quitting weed and I'm the happiest I've been in months. My social anxiety has disappeared and I've noticed more people are actually engaging with me instead of just tolerating my presence. I've still got about a month before I can piss clean so I can get into a trade but In the meantime I've been picking up new and old hobbies to combat boredom. This is the longest I've gone sober after smoking daily for two years and I'm so fricking happy bros. It feels great finally putting my life back on a positive feedback loop and getting it together. We're going to make it

    • 11 months ago

      Hey man I’m

      Trying to quit vaping. Been getting bad costochondritis that is 100% caused by it. Barely vaped at all today, it went away. Possibly have the house to myself for the next few days, so it’s perfect for me to feel shit and be anxious & b***hy.
      I’m eating whatever I want to get through the initial suck. Using coffee as needed. Will potentially use some weed too but I quit that earlier this year and would like to stay sober.
      My intake was absurd. 1 3000 puff disposable a day, HQD brand.

      I’ve outlined some goals.
      >quit nicotine
      >get back to diet & finish cutting, regain the 30lbs of muscle I’ve lost
      >get job, save money, move out, get a dog
      And when I’m done, when I’m shredded and I’ve gotten my gains back and I’ve been sober/caffeine & weed& nicotine free, and I have my own place, I’m going to buy my first cigar, and go hang out at the beach with my dog and do some fishing starting at 5am until I’m bored/have my full bag limit of fish while smoking my cigar. Maybe if I give a shit post some subtle thirst traps do a handful of people I used to hang around seethe (they’re the type who would).

      Anyways I’ll have the usual, some ice water, crushed ice. I’m feeling bored. No longer exactly depressed or anxious, but far from happy still. I know what to do and what needs to change to be happy, it’s mostly on the above. I dislike how slow this progress seems. But shit, I quit nicotine and get a job and start saving my money and that’s progress.

      and it’s worth it. Anxiety dropped by like 30% for me after the first month, steadily dropped for the next few months. I’ve been weed free since February. I’m also trying to get into a trade. I have to get a bunch of files/paper work so I can apply for a union apprenticeship, which would start January. But if I get accepted it would be a way of unfricking my life, after my second year I’d be able to finally move out and have a good $30k-$50k saved up.

      I don’t think weed is bad, just not something most people can use often. But honestly I don’t know that I even miss it. I don’t think using it occasionally or just once a year is worthwhile either though. I think I would only use it again if I was gonna frick a pornstar but that’s kind of degenerate, may be a waste too if it’s not perfectly vivid in my memories.

  18. 11 months ago

    i have a coworker who wants me to hook up with his sister. keeps telling me we would be a good fit. but she’s 25 and i’m a inexperienced 23 yo. from what i know she’s a little autistic as well. frick i don’t know what to do.

    • 11 months ago

      Are you moronic? FRICK HER
      2 years difference is nothing
      also, it's always better if she's older unless you're 30+

      • 11 months ago

        thats the thing. i would want to seriously date, i can’t really just go frick her because of my coworker, that would be weird. also am not sure what she knows about me

        • 11 months ago

          it doesn't matter
          what I tried to say is go meet her
          you'll know nothing until you try
          maybe she's your soulmate, maybe not, maybe you'll get a good friend
          just go

          • 11 months ago

            ahh yes, the very normal double autocorrect from meet to meat to frick.

    • 10 months ago

      Your coworker is trying to do the pair of you autists a favour. For fricks sake, stop overthinking and say yes. At least take the b***h out on a date before you reject the idea. What do you have to lose?

  19. 11 months ago

    I tried farting about an hour ago and instead I shit my pants for the first time since I was a child, ate or drank something funky yesterday.

    Had a great workout beforehand though so I'm excited for the weekend.

  20. 11 months ago

    Started my bodyweight regimen a few days ago, turns out I am a fricking moron who apparently doesn't know how to do something as simple as a goddamned plank, I didn't even slightly feel it in my core. Combined with the fact that I've hit a stupid plateau on my diet and I'm feeling ever so slightly discouraged. I'm still gonna keep at it, because I know I just gotta get over this hurdle, but damn if it's not demotivating.

    • 10 months ago

      Well, at least you recognized that you're moronic. I have faith in you

  21. 11 months ago

    got a flu, paranoid as frick i got aids from rawdogging a zimbabwean chick a free weeks ago. for any anons moronic enough to make the same mistake as i did you can buy self test kits online for HIV lmao. i actually had the gall to ask her directly when the last time she had been tested was tho and she responded in the positive for me so she's sweet i'd say.

    also memes i'd like to see die:
    >mentzer hit

    • 11 months ago

      Go to da doctah brudda

      • 11 months ago

        its likely fine ill run the self tests. im just super paranoid about sti's due to my love of creampies but also having had an affair (she was the cheater) witha chick who was super paz about em so i get checked quarterly anyway lol.

  22. 11 months ago

    >friend asks me to change their brakes
    >agree to do it for free
    >front two go fine
    >change back two and frick up the the actuator on the electric brakes
    >check brake light on, but car drives fine
    >she takes her car to another mechanic friend
    >he 'fixes' the actuators, but now the car makes a noise while she drives
    >she takes it to a shop
    >I pay for the fix because I feel bad, it's $400
    >a week later she says her car is still making noises
    >asks me to pay for the repair
    >say I wont because I already paid $400
    >she stops texting me
    Am I in the wrong here? I don't really blame her for being mad but I'm not sure if I'm being an butthole in this situation. I feel like since she brought it to another mechanic who worked on it, I shouldn't be responsible extensive fixing on a problem that wasn't there when she left me.
    I feel bad because I really tried to help a friend and made her life more stressful as a result.

    • 11 months ago

      You made a mistake but not a $400 one. It's good that she stopped texting you because she's just taking advantage of your guilt. Don't feel bad anon

      • 11 months ago

        Thanks man. She's in a rough financial spot so I just felt really bad. She's also one of my only friends at the moment so it would suck to lose her, but it is what it is.

        • 10 months ago

          Tell the ungrateful b***h she can pay you back with weekly blowjobs, equivalent value $20 a time

    • 10 months ago

      I hope you learned a lesson anon. No good deed goes unpunished.

      You did the decent (and very generous) thing in paying the first time, if the dumb b***h took the job to another mechanic, he did work, he signed it off, a new issue arises - that's the other guys problem, not yours.

      You agreed to do her a favour by working on it for free. She's interpreting that as a contractual agreement for you to deliver her one (1) care entirely free of defects. Seriously, women are deluded, they expect the world to fix their problems for free and with a smile.

    • 10 months ago

      Hope you learned your lesson. This is why I never try to help anyone unless I know 100% I can do it perfectly without an issues. I won't even give stock tips when my family members ask. My friend bought a table that came without holes for the legs and she asked me to help drill them. I just told her to get a handyman. I know if I frick up and do it wrong that's going to be blamed on me

    • 10 months ago

      I hope you learned a lesson anon. No good deed goes unpunished.

      You did the decent (and very generous) thing in paying the first time, if the dumb b***h took the job to another mechanic, he did work, he signed it off, a new issue arises - that's the other guys problem, not yours.

      You agreed to do her a favour by working on it for free. She's interpreting that as a contractual agreement for you to deliver her one (1) care entirely free of defects. Seriously, women are deluded, they expect the world to fix their problems for free and with a smile.

      is right, if a bit too cynical about good deeds and women.
      You did her a favor by changing the brakes, you're not a professional, mistakes happen.
      You didn't even need to pay the 400 in the first place, it was incredibly kind of you to do that.
      If her car is still fricked up AFTER she took it to another guy, she can ask him to pay for further repairs.
      And yes, she's a c**t for ghosting you for not complying. You did nothing wrong.

  23. 11 months ago

    I had a couple good gym sessions recently.
    >hit 325 Zercher squat a couple days ago
    >walk in to gym today
    >open deadlift platform with clips waiting for me right by the door when it's usually packed
    >warmed up, felt good, turned on Isis - Panopticon and cranked the volume
    >hit 385, 10lb PR
    >pulled 405 off the floor and dropped it, shocked I could even budge that weight
    >walked out with Altered Course fading out
    >moving overseas the day after tomorrow, final session at that gym
    I felt like the gym itself was sending me off on a high note.

  24. 11 months ago

    Bros, I understand why men cheat now.
    >gf of 6 years, marrying her after I graduate next year hopefully
    >happy zero argument relationship, she accepts my autistic opinions and I borderline shaped her into a perfect wife
    >she's shy and awkward 7, I have to make most of the sexual advances
    >I desire to be desired / lusted after, she does it in her awkward way but my previous semen demon relationships spoiled what a real prostitute is to me
    >would give up my life for my girl but I find myself headlarping obscene shit when hot thots look at me in the gym
    I don't want to cheat and I never will because I'll take the ascetic pill over hedonistic any day but frick dudes.. it's hard. Have any of you successfully turned your wife into a personal prostitute?

    • 11 months ago

      from experience, just take the elad dude. she won't read your mind. if you wanna frick her in the ass or like make her do more loose shit and she isn't doing it already, you're gonna have to be the catalyst lol. ive let my desire for derpaved sexuality hinder my relationships and in the future, with a genuine prostitute ideally, i won't make the same mistake again

    • 11 months ago

      This is a grass is always greener scenario. With how many women out there are prostitutes do you really want your own wife to be one as well?

      Not worth throwing away a good relationship for sexual thrills.

      • 11 months ago

        as base as it is, sex is important, while i also advocate not cheating, might as well make your good wife into a prostitute (for you).

      • 10 months ago

        A relationship without sex is a friendship.

        • 10 months ago

          He didn't say sexless, he's just brainwashed by porn and wants things he sees in his obscene videos. In many ways I can relate to what he's saying. My gf is down to have sex most times and even initiates, but it's always just the same boring vanilla sex on her terms and nothing else. I guess I'm okay with it but it's always just lacking

    • 11 months ago

      Ask her, dumby.
      The less inhibited by decorum or whatever she feels when trying to come on to you, the more kinky shit she'll be comfortable doing.

    • 11 months ago

      prostitutes are for treating like prostitutes
      wife is for treating like wife
      you can do both as long as you don't try to turn a prostitute into a wife or a wife into a prostitute

    • 11 months ago

      >Have any of you successfully turned your wife into a personal prostitute?
      Speaking as someone who has successfully done exactly this, don't. Turn around and enjoy the life you have with her as it is, vanilla and all. Trust me, the thrill seems appealing, I get it, but I beg you, don't make the same mistakes I did.

      • 11 months ago

        you can't just post this and not tell us about the consequences

        • 11 months ago

          ttell us the story then since we are advocating for what seems to have caused you pain

          yeah OP here please go on bro

          Treating your wife like a prostitute, having that level of control over her and what she does in the is a level of control that is absolutely, unbelievably intoxicating. And as time goes on, you begin to see how far you can take it - it is the nature of power, and no matter how many times you tell yourself "no, it won't happen to me", when you are in the moment you WILL give in, and eventually you will come to demand something you cannot take back, something that crosses a line neither of you knew you had. If you are fortunate, she will have the presence of mind to refuse, but more often than not those women who are willing to become their husband's personal prostitutes care about their husband too much to refuse outright, even if they themselves are not sure of the wisdom of the requests. It is not that you lose your woman physically, it is that you cause yourself pain that takes time to heal, mental and emotional pain that you never want to inflict on yourself again.
          You wanted to know why I advocate against it? I advocate against it because my own wife and I came dangerously, DANGEROUSLY close to an IRL NTR situation, one that I did not realize was happening until it was nearly too late - in my perversion-addled state of mind, EVERYTHING sounded good, and combined with engaging with a third party I THOUGHT was trustworthy, I was much more easily manipulated. Sure, you might not fall into that trap, maybe you can control it and I'm just weak. But I will still always, ALWAYS advise men to stay away from the path of the "personal prostitute", because as far as I am concerned it isn't worth the risk.

          • 11 months ago

            > IRL NTR
            so you were about to become a cuck or was it the other way around?

            • 11 months ago

              I was about to become the cuck, to a man I once considered a friend.


              thanks for sharing, I appreciate it. I will take your advice to heart. hope things work out anon.

              I will say that while the road to recovery is a long and stressful one (one that I am still walking), if you have a wife who cares for you it is easier to recover.

              >told my wife to frick a Black person because uhh...
              You're a israelite.

              Sounds like you're just a cuck b***h

              Believe me, nothing you say is anything I haven't already said to myself.

              • 11 months ago

                > I was about to become the cuck
                what was happening in your head? like how did you gaslight yourself into thinking that would be hot/cool/whatever?

              • 11 months ago

                A combination of him completely misrepresenting the situation on his side (we had agreed that we would be doing some swinging together, but he made a point to consistently get furious whenever his wife got involved with me OR my wife, ultimately negating the arrangement), praising me and making sure I felt like I was being super respected to the point of calling HIMSELF pathetic and saying that me being okay with him doing stuff with my wife was actually ME being the strong one, and using insistent terminology every time and waving it off like he just misspoke (i.e. calling me a cuck when literally everyone else called it swinging). When approached with a rational mind, it all sounds completely insane and no one in their right mind would agree to it. But he would boost my ego while I was knee-deep in horniness, wording everything to make it sound like it was all my idea. In fact, the breaking point came when he said that he would be okay with me doing stuff with his wife ONLY if he could frick my wife without a condom and cum inside of her - and given some of the things he laid out previously, he wanted her to be completely, verbally devoted to him in the moment by degrading me and praising him (i.e. hitting every stupid NTR cliche line).
                I do not absolve myself of the blame, far from it. I understand my own shitty porn-addled brain played a huge part in putting myself in that horrible situation. But at the time, it just felt right, and in fact it was only due to the intervention of my wife that things didn't continue. I was only after reflecting on the moment that I realized how close I was to a terrible, irreversible situation.

              • 11 months ago

                damn anon
                thanks for sharing, glad you're past this shit

              • 11 months ago

                this sounds awful when I realize your wife is fat and not hote

              • 10 months ago


                The other anon saying he wants he gf to be less vanilla in the bedroom, I doubt he means he wants to wear a chastity cage while a pack of nigs runs a train on her.

                There's this concept called "not taking everything to insane self destructive extremes". You can enjoy food without gaining 400lbs. You can own a fast car without wrapping it around a tree. And you can inject some much needed spice into the bedroom without getting pozzed up by trannies.

              • 10 months ago

                How many people ITT will get the "how many days pussyfree?" meme from /misc/?

          • 11 months ago

            high iq post

          • 11 months ago

            thanks for sharing, I appreciate it. I will take your advice to heart. hope things work out anon.

          • 11 months ago

            >told my wife to frick a Black person because uhh...
            You're a israelite.

            • 11 months ago

              have a nice day for putting down an anon who shared after many asked, fr fr no cap on God it's not bussin

          • 11 months ago

            Sounds like you're just a cuck b***h

            • 10 months ago

              Yeah he trully is disgusting piece if shit.

          • 11 months ago

            >you cause yourself pain that takes time to heal, mental and emotional pain that you never want to inflict on yourself again.
            can you explain this a little more?

            • 11 months ago

              >israelite has Black person friend.
              >tells Black person to frick his wife
              >wifi now loves Black person dick

            • 11 months ago

              After the arrangement ended there was a long period I didn't think too much about it, other than feeling generally sad at how it all crashed down around us. However, in the months that followed I began finding reasons not to hang out with that friend, though I also didn't think much of that, either. Then, about four months ago, I happened upon an NTR story (I was not looking for NTR specifically, at the time I liked reading tomboy doujins and I didn't see the NTR tag for the one I read), and it sent me into a panicked spiral that I genuinely could not explain - I was scared, angry and heartbroken, with a much higher intensity than a stupid porn doujin should elicit (which, of course, made it worse, the thought that I was having a breakdown from fetish porn was deeply humilating). I took some time to try and work it out, breaking every piece of the situation down bit by bit to figure out why it affected me so badly, and I discovered that it was the fact that the doujin had one too many parallels to what happened to me, the only difference being that in the story, the situation is allowed to play out. I felt horrified that I nearly subjected both myself and my wife to that situation, and I felt disgusted with myself for ever letting myself get to that point (

              >israelite has Black person friend.
              >tells Black person to frick his wife
              >wifi now loves Black person dick

              and others like him don't come close to feeling the disgust and hate I feel for myself). These days, it manifests as a crippling fear of trusting anyone and an overall paranoid terror that I cannot protect my wife - after all, if my best friend of ten years could worm his way into getting us into that position with relatively minimal effort, who's to say someone acting with more force and strength couldn't overpower me and take my wife from me? Combating this fear is why I lift, but even then I am not nearly strong enough for my own liking, so the paranoia persists.

              • 11 months ago


                >israelite has Black person friend.

                >tells Black person to frick his wife
                >wifi now loves Black person dick (You) and others like him don't come close to feeling the disgust and hate I feel for myself).

              • 11 months ago

                >Combating this fear is why I lift, but even then I am not nearly strong enough for my own liking, so the paranoia persists.
                probably gonna feel that way for the rest of your life, sorry bro

      • 11 months ago

        ttell us the story then since we are advocating for what seems to have caused you pain

      • 11 months ago

        yeah OP here please go on bro

    • 10 months ago

      I feel you bro. I get a lot of self validation from sex in particular, and physical touch and affection in general. When I don't get it I feel rejected and worthless, and when I have to remind, negotiate, beg and pester my gf for it, I feel like I'm engaging in something cheap, insincere and transactional.

      The stupid b***h KNOWS this, I've told her time and again. I don't want to always be the one initiating sex because I feel like I'm pressuring her, plus what I wrote above. I want HER to approach ME for once - I want to feel desired, not tolerated.

      All I can suggest to you bro is clear and honest communication. If she doesn't know how much it means to you, or what your expectations are, you can't expect her to read your mind. If the two of you are on two completely different pages sexually, it may not be meant to be. Just don't make my mistake and have a kid with her before coming to this realisation 🙁

  25. 11 months ago

    turned 40 last week
    had a very very shitty life
    the culmination: friend betrays and destroys mutual business, wife fricks me over, steals my money while cheating around, all in one moment
    eating disorder since I was a little kid
    porn addiction since probably 20? when I've got my first fast internet probably
    no job, no prospects nothing, want to off myself just because I don't see the point
    fast forward 5 years, got into IT by watching youtube tutorials and torrenting udemy courses
    got a nice job, grew to become a team lead/project lead over these years
    finally fixed my ED and porn addiction about three months ago (some switch just flipped inside my head, I know this time I'm gonna make it there are no doubts)

    still feel shitty but not hopelessly shitty you know
    it's getting better

    • 11 months ago

      Do you have kids anon?

      • 11 months ago


        • 11 months ago

          turned 40 last week
          had a very very shitty life
          the culmination: friend betrays and destroys mutual business, wife fricks me over, steals my money while cheating around, all in one moment
          eating disorder since I was a little kid
          porn addiction since probably 20? when I've got my first fast internet probably
          no job, no prospects nothing, want to off myself just because I don't see the point
          fast forward 5 years, got into IT by watching youtube tutorials and torrenting udemy courses
          got a nice job, grew to become a team lead/project lead over these years
          finally fixed my ED and porn addiction about three months ago (some switch just flipped inside my head, I know this time I'm gonna make it there are no doubts)

          still feel shitty but not hopelessly shitty you know
          it's getting better

          Hang in there, wagmi. it definitely seems like you're on the way up

    • 10 months ago

      Keep going buddy. Take those business skills and apply them to something bigger and better. Find a younger, hotter woman. WAGMI

  26. 11 months ago

    Anxious. My dog lives with my parents because I have no space in my apartment. I had to watch her this week and felt a large lump that loosely hangs on her neck. Took her to the vet and the doc said she's not a fan because of its location and she can't get her fingers around it so it may not be a fatty lump.

    If you squeeze it it doesn't hurt. She's not acting abnormal and has a normal diet and bathroom. But still I worry. She's only 7...

    • 10 months ago

      Dogs get all kinds of benign lumps and cysts anon. Get it checked out but it's probably nothing.

  27. 11 months ago

    120k anon from mid week thread.

    I guess I'll have another fireball.

    Made the investment account and dumped all my money into VOO based on recommendations from IST.

    Now I have to sit my wife down and tell her that she spends too much money. Last time I tried to do this, she literally broke down crying. She likes to cook and she's vegan so she makes all these extravagant meals which are delicious. But spending 150 dollars a week on groceries isn't fun. Making money ain't everything guys. Sometimes it's just more drama...

    Oh and I owe the IRS 12000 dollars. I've been putting that payment off. Might give them a call next week and let them frick my ass. Hopefully the payment plan will be less than 200 a month.

  28. 11 months ago

    How does bankruptcy work?
    Or should I wait 5 months until disability "might" kick in.

    • 10 months ago

      Depends on where you live anon. We are not lawyers. (We're all 6'4" millionaire software devs)

    • 10 months ago

      There's different types of bankruptcy. The one you're probably thinking is where your debts are cleared but the bank can take any possessions you have to recoup some of their losses

  29. 11 months ago

    Well bros, I'm a bit ticked off because I've got to take a week off.

    Was doing trap bar DLs yesterday (hit a PR which was nice) and felt a stabbing pain in my chest, couldn't breathe. Genuinely thought I was having a heart attack.

    Still hurt a bit this morning so called my GP, answered some questions over the phone and they said it wasn't a heart attack, but I've sprained/strained something in my chest so I've got to take a week off. Not ideal

  30. 11 months ago

    I've become the beta bux. A popular girl I went to high school with who became a mess (stripper, single mom, drug addict) moved back into my area and hit me up. Last time I spoke to her was 15 years ago. She wants to grab drinks, but I don't really have any interest in her (especially not as the safe choice). Feels a bit shitty to just blow her off though.

    • 11 months ago

      That feeling is what she’s counting on. Remember: her problems are not your problems. I wouldn’t even have drinks with her. Too many red flags there you should avoid, even if she is a oneitis, which is sounds like she isn’t.

      • 11 months ago

        >even if she is a oneitis
        She wasn't. We were just friendly at school. If I thought she just wanted catch up, I probably wouldn't have any reservations. Maybe it is just friendly and IST has poisoned my mind.

    • 10 months ago

      Did you spend money on the prostitute to get a worse version of what chad was having for free?.
      If not then you aren't a beta bux my friend.

    • 10 months ago

      Unless you can envision yourself a) pumping and dumping or b) raising her kid as your own, steer well clear. You owe this train wreck NOTHING.

  31. 11 months ago

    Already buzzed so...
    >Small Heinkein
    >Always Tip

    Motorcycle broke and throttle at the gas , couldn't figure out what happened and it pisses me off for the whole day....
    Couldn't find the problem , probably something with carburetor , needle or with air/gas injection for christ sake.
    Homeboy just just called asked me to chill with him and another homeboy I know (both nerds lmao and one of them on mongolian weaving bucket association board) , I can't stay at home Im off work until Monday , shit. Hope you all the best to be honest may the LORD protect you in this thread and help you with whatever you try to achieve , other than that feel again the same vibe as I were 18 and chilling with my childhood friends like 2 weeks before school ended thinking about where we'll be in our 30's , now Im doing the same for the 40's lmao , damn I dd so much planning and were so on point with achievement what I wanted...such times... now the goals seemed impossible but I found out a way somehow.... this time is different tho...

    The drop after 38:15 is killing me like a mother fricker...

    • 11 months ago

      >always tip
      homosexual b***h virtue signal

  32. 11 months ago


  33. 11 months ago

    It's my birthday today and every year pic related seems more real. Nothing ever seems to get better.

    • 11 months ago

      happy birthday anon

      • 11 months ago


        Happy birthday dude. If you are a man, shit most likely will get better.
        As long as you don't give up of course.

        >.t comfy late bloomer who was a loser in his 20s

        Thanks but it just doesn't seem that way now. It's hard to focus on individual improvements when people outside of my control are ruining everything

        • 11 months ago

          something something white water rapids in the river of life

        • 10 months ago

          > You have a right to perform your prescribed duties, but you are not entitled to the fruits of your actions. Never consider yourself to be the cause of the results of your activities, nor be attached to inaction

          While it is hard we just need to remember that all we can do is try to make the most optimal decision in the given circumstance and knowledge we have

    • 11 months ago

      Happy birthday dude. If you are a man, shit most likely will get better.
      As long as you don't give up of course.

      >.t comfy late bloomer who was a loser in his 20s

    • 10 months ago

      You'll get to 30 and realise its not some magic watershed moment, you still feel 15 mentally, and life will go on.

      Happy birthday c**t.

  34. 11 months ago

    Are dating apps really as brutal for guys as you read on the internet? Or are those guys just below average losers?
    I'm definitely good looking, IST as frick and somewhat successful. But I'm bald at a very young age (27). While I have plenty of women show interest IRL, I feel like being bald is one of those things that's and instant left swipe for 99% of women because it doesn't fit the ideal they chase on those apps.

    • 11 months ago

      You'll struggle if you're bald. Especially with younger women, unless you're literally Jason Statham tier. If you are how you say you are, you'll find some lays on there if you put the time in, but your best bet for a quality woman would be in real life

      • 11 months ago

        I'm honestly pretty blessed in most aspects and pull of the bald look as well as you can. But I also don't have any decent pictures. I'd prefer meeting people irl because I fricking hate this court jester way of trying convince chicks to give you a chance. But I also don't meet any chicks irl so I feel fricking stuck

    • 10 months ago

      If you're handsome, shave it. If not, hair system. Just do it.

    • 10 months ago

      So i had the exact same insecurity as you, same age. Very handsome and well built but bald prematurely. I took the cowards way out and didnt post any pictures of my bald head. It made things worse as would end up feeling like I was harbouring a secret from the girls i did match with. I only ended up seriosuly talking with two girls and when I told them they didnt mind. One joked that she would rub sunscreen on my head. The other one ive been in a relationship with for a year now and its going great. She says she loves my head and cant imagine me with hair and never wants to see a hair on my head. She also said she assumed I was bald before I ever told her. But yeah, whos to say when I was just a random guy if any of them would have matched with me. Im hoping tto never use tinder again but if I did have to i guess id put a pic of my bald head somwhere deeper into my stack of photos.

    • 10 months ago

      Idk, I think it’s more than just looks. There’s almost a professional tier ambience to how your profile needs to be set up.
      >1 pic out socially/with friends to show them other people like you so they should too
      >pic that very casually and subtly shows off your physique either at beach or in the correct clothing but that isn’t an obvious thirst trap, needs to be candid
      >pic in professional wear
      >pic of just you by yourself casually full body
      >pic of half body bit closer to show your face
      >bio blank or short, nothing about you save for talking
      This isn’t always true but its better than 6 bathroom selfies.

      And that’s not all, then you need half decent tinder text game which is fricking horrible of thing. Even when they’re actually interested you get close ended 1-3 work replies
      >Oh cool
      >I like horses
      >I’m a nurse
      >hahaha emoji emoji
      >Hi emoji
      >single emoji
      >Hi followed by>answer to question followed by >HAHAHA emoji emoji emoji followed by >actual sentence but close ended

      All I can seem to get the interest of on bumble and tinder is fat b***hes. I’m 27. It’s always been this way. Been this way when I was a skelly lanklet, when I was genuinely fit, when I was fat. It’s always the same. I’ve only ever gotten laid or dates with girls I met IRL in causal settings. Those girls actually made engaging over text smooth and did their part, while also being actually hot and not obese fatties with an ego they should not have. I’ve had friends text these b***hes for me and nothing. I’ve had people online do it and nothing. Every now and again Ill get some extra desperate girl to give me her number and agree to a little date but it never happens. Closest I came was having a slam pig really enthusiastically wanna hang, then text me she was wasted and I got turned off.
      I’m really hoping that when I’ve unfricked my life and have my own place in a year or two that things will be different once I unpause my profiles if I’m still single.

  35. 11 months ago

    There was some drama with the police getting brutal this week. On one hand, the violence and adrenaline are fun (and all this running is good cardio) but I also feel so trapped and hopeless. All this activism is just cope in some ways.
    Some guy talked to me at the park. He complimented my pullups and said most girls don't do that. I had to go immediately after so I felt a bit rude. Is this considered a mire? An approach? He was probably just nice.
    At least I did my pullups consistently this week.

    • 10 months ago

      If a guy approaches a female he's not related to, not working with, and it's not at a place of business, he wants to frick.

      • 10 months ago

        Really? So maybe I'll apologize to him next time I'm there. There always the fear of being cringy and annoying, but I'll try to get over it and report next week.

  36. 11 months ago

    i really want to go eat at the restaurant where my ex gf works. she cheated, gave me a std and then cried when i broke up with her pleading to stay together. i have a fwb now who’s hotter and we go out sometimes. i know it would be petty and like my ex is living rent free in my head but i still want to do it because it would piss her off. also the food is good.

    • 11 months ago

      just do it for the lulz

    • 11 months ago

      You should probably think of how it will effect your fwb too putting her in the middle of your shit. You could end up with no pussy

    • 10 months ago

      Don't do it man, that's petty. Shows she still holds power over you.

    • 10 months ago

      Depends. which STD?

  37. 11 months ago

    >gf broke up with me
    >about 2 days after she "suddenly" had a new guy
    >was likely cheating on me for a whole while anyway
    >my sleep has been shit ever since
    >my lifts stall
    >problems at work because I can't concentrate
    >next door a fat b***h any extremely annoying dog moved in
    >YAP YAP YAP YAP all day long

    Why does everything always have to turn to shit?

    • 11 months ago

      it will pass anon, don't give up

      • 11 months ago

        Gets better everyday homie

        If she cheated and did that to you she's a prostitute and will suffer for her whoring ways without you having to do a thing.

        The best revenge is living well. Take it easy on yourself for a week or 2 then get back to the heavy lifting.

        I'm going to a cookout where my cheating ex will be taking her new skinnyfat bf and I will be mogging the frick out of him because I've lifted consistently since I broke up with her prostitute ass.

        You need to get ANGRY
        ANGRY at the prostitute and the motherfricker too
        then lift hard like a motherfricker and go frick some sloots
        this is the best and only way to get over this shit, works 100% of the time every time (did for me as well)

        Thanks guys

        I'll all pass eventually, I know. But right now it sucks. Think I'll go for a long ass hike. Being alone with nothing but nature calms the mind because you realize in the grand picture none of it really matters.

    • 11 months ago

      Gets better everyday homie

      If she cheated and did that to you she's a prostitute and will suffer for her whoring ways without you having to do a thing.

      The best revenge is living well. Take it easy on yourself for a week or 2 then get back to the heavy lifting.

      I'm going to a cookout where my cheating ex will be taking her new skinnyfat bf and I will be mogging the frick out of him because I've lifted consistently since I broke up with her prostitute ass.

    • 11 months ago

      You need to get ANGRY
      ANGRY at the prostitute and the motherfricker too
      then lift hard like a motherfricker and go frick some sloots
      this is the best and only way to get over this shit, works 100% of the time every time (did for me as well)

      • 11 months ago

        This is good advice too

        Let the sad pass for a few days then convert anger into healthy fuel

      • 11 months ago

        This but don't be cringe and scream in the gym out of anger just use it as motivation.

  38. 11 months ago

    Still applying to jobs, feeling a bit of dread that nothing may come for a long while. A question I would like to ask the anons here is are you working in the same career field that you initially earned a degree in? What caused you stay or leave to find something else? I'm just drifting at this point so some pointers or shared experiences would be appreciated.

    • 11 months ago

      >Go to school
      >drop out
      >get a job
      >work up to 40,000 a year at 23
      >severe anxiety and depression
      >bumfrick around into 20,000 an hour jobs for 5 years
      >lose house
      I plan on going back to school for something completely different now.

      • 11 months ago

        What fields are you considering?

  39. 11 months ago

    I don’t want to move out and leave my dog with my parents

  40. 11 months ago

    >be me
    >doing my last year of my economics degree in two months
    >hate the subject with a burning passion, hate finance, hate reading about the economy, hate everybody that works in economics related jobs
    >realise that the only degree related job i could get that doesnt involve becoming the people i hate the most is being an economics teacher
    dealing with moronic gcse students is all i have to look forward to in life, what a shame

    • 11 months ago

      >hate the subject with a burning passion, hate finance, hate reading about the economy, hate everybody that works in economics related jobs
      I can absolutely relate to that. I had a few terms of economy, too, and I couldn't even take it seriously. How can anybody with a right mind do a comlete degree with this shit? Also, the people you are forced to study with are horrendous.

      • 11 months ago

        i cant take financial or economic work seriously man, just seems like one big clown show with a bunch of shit nobody needs. maybe just clocking in, tard wrangling some chavs, marking some exams and going home is the kind of simplicity i need in life because wall street garbage will push me into suicide

  41. 11 months ago

    >be me years ago, about to turn 18
    >at vacation in greece after prom, where I decided to not become a typical IST virgin and confess to my oneitis and she didnt reject me
    >come back home, family is broken and we were all very close, dont know what is happening
    >find out later bigger brother finally snapped after years of drug abuse
    >somehow manage to keep it together and confort grandmothers bawling their eyes out infront of me asking what they did wrong, parents constantly asking me if brother is ok even though I had no connection with him
    >botch the thing with oneitis because of all the stress
    >feel completely drained emotionally, constantly feel like everyone can and will betray me, apparently I am smart so school and university is easy for me and I continue with that
    >7 years later I have a masters in engineering, maaged to get myself a good job with responsabilites where I feel like I do something
    >brother has a work from home pr*gramming job makes almost three times as me
    >I still somehow act like a reliable strong man and do every task that comes at me, including spending most of my free time taking care of my late grandmother for the past 3 years
    >brother, somewhat straighens, after I started talking to him often, now visits family every few weeks, everyone happy to meet him
    >I am still stuck at parents place while I fix my apartament, meanwhile brother took a loan for his own apartament and consooms all day
    >I am the one that gets called if there is something that needs to be done, everyone so used to me being the one that they call to do whatever, noone really thanks me ever
    It has been years, but this burden I carry does not get any ligther. I feel like I am just a leap away from all this weight. I just want to be alone

    • 11 months ago

      You have to learn to say "no" or at least, "not now". It's good to be reliable, but if they expect you to jump on everything immediately even if it's not life or death, they take you for granted.

      • 11 months ago

        If I dont do it noone will. Its easy to say no, but I cannot leave some things.
        I usually dont think about it that much, but today I was with my brother and we saw our cousin. When he asked how is and what our grandfather is doing, my brother awnsered for both of us "he is okay we dont see him much". I do, I see him atleast 3 times a week to see if he needs help with anything, I listen to his old commie ramblings, I remind him of things that need to be done, I take him to the agro doctor and make sure to remember what they say because he wont.
        I have to wake up tomorrow and buy groceries for my grandma, then help my dad, then either fix my car or work on my apartament. But then he would invite me over to smoke weed and play nintendo, but get sad when I decline.

  42. 11 months ago

    >break up with bpd ex
    >b***h literally drained my soul and my gains
    >gave me mental problems I had to spend a month undoing
    >recently get back on tinder
    >have matched and fricked a 9/10 twink
    >found my nature milfy country frick buddy again
    >we swapped numbers and wants to hang out next Saturday
    >she's an absolute kink freak who does just about everything
    >work is turning more towards how I want things to go
    >test studying us getting easier
    Things are turning around for me.

    • 11 months ago

      homosexual hope life shits down your hedonistic throat

      • 11 months ago

        Stay mad.

    • 10 months ago

      Vile degenerate..

  43. 11 months ago

    >Water as always

    First day of zero carb/carnivore. No changes so far.

    All my life I was a fatass, so I'm kinda exited about this diet. It feels like this one will work.

  44. 11 months ago

    Had to quit my job because my paychecks kept bouncing. I'm not qualified for shit but warehouse/labor/food and I've been applying to a lot of places but I keep getting rejected. I'm going to have to dig into my savings next month. I can coast for 8 or 9 months on my savings and I know I'll have a steady job far before than but goddamn it's stressful.

    • 11 months ago

      Yeah it's bullshit. Lots of scams on job sites right now, so be careful about that.

    • 11 months ago

      yeah it's a real hires market right now.
      the inflation on jobs is just fekin ridiculous.

    • 11 months ago

      >I can coast for 8 or 9 months on my savings and I know I'll have a steady job far before
      sure you will anon

  45. 11 months ago

    >have family over for vacations
    >10 new people around the house
    >the only conversation topic is apparently me
    >"Anon, when will you invite us to your wedding?"
    >"I can't believe you don't have a line of girls behind you"
    >"come here supermodel!"
    I never in my life felt so much "like a girl", being flattered all the time
    but yet here I am, rejected again and again, unable to get a woman
    I'm not even that much of an autist, just a farmer with no interest whatsoever on modern consoomerism life

  46. 11 months ago

    i don’t know how to feel

    >be 20yo me, just started self improvement
    >have a 9/10 coworker, super bubbly and naturally flirty
    >become friends (at work)
    >she dates these stereotypical ‘bad boys’
    >”anon, you would be the type of guy i would marry”
    >obviously never make a move and just play along with the flirting
    >i eventually leave that job and we lose contact
    >fast forward 5 years
    >i got IST and improved a lot
    >see her at the gym last week
    >same old flirting, complimenting me and squeezed bicep
    >asked for my instagram to keep up
    >now she wants to work out together

    she talked about how she had her party days, doing drugs at festivals and whatnot and that she’s done with that now. she’s still hot as frick, like the type of girl you would marry instantly. i need to figure out if she’s fooling me for attention or for real. i can’t help but feel a little bad seeing she basically said she wants to settle down and then i come in the picture

    • 11 months ago

      >she talked about how she had her party days, doing drugs at festivals and whatnot and that she’s done with that now.

    • 11 months ago

      Is she still hot AF? Then it's an absolute win.

      • 11 months ago

        i don’t know how to feel

        >be 20yo me, just started self improvement
        >have a 9/10 coworker, super bubbly and naturally flirty
        >become friends (at work)
        >she dates these stereotypical ‘bad boys’
        >”anon, you would be the type of guy i would marry”
        >obviously never make a move and just play along with the flirting
        >i eventually leave that job and we lose contact
        >fast forward 5 years
        >i got IST and improved a lot
        >see her at the gym last week
        >same old flirting, complimenting me and squeezed bicep
        >asked for my instagram to keep up
        >now she wants to work out together

        she talked about how she had her party days, doing drugs at festivals and whatnot and that she’s done with that now. she’s still hot as frick, like the type of girl you would marry instantly. i need to figure out if she’s fooling me for attention or for real. i can’t help but feel a little bad seeing she basically said she wants to settle down and then i come in the picture

        smash and dash anon. Do NOT date

    • 11 months ago

      >I don’t know how to feel
      you should feel indifferent towards her

      workouts? sure
      sex? maybe, but I’d advise against it
      relationship? hell no

    • 10 months ago

      pump and dump, dont get attached (you will)
      "Never try to repair broken women"
      -Mother Theresa

  47. 11 months ago

    Shit week, been ill as frick, done no exercise. Finally managed to eat a solid meal today though. Decided to get drunk and listen to chechen war songs again.

  48. 11 months ago

    Feel so pointless and helpless. I make just barely 100k a year, if feels like there’s no way to actually become wealthy, I’m stuck in a loop of working and then being too exhausted after work to do anything when my decision making and executive faculties are running at like 10%
    And yet I see the world (west more so) going more and more towards needing to be truly wealthy to have a reasonable life while everyone else has a worse one. Yes best things in life free, money can’t buy happiness, BS. Can buy better health (if you don’t have a nice day trying to get it), good experiences, buys you time with your family (happiness), buys you life extension, buys you more time to lift, takes away 95% of worries. I just don’t know where to go from here, I’m burnt out at work and have no cognitive performance after it.

    • 11 months ago

      just stop spending money and turn everything into stonks.
      buy only PoorPeopleStocks until you've read "Book" by XXX, Warren Buffets favorite author.
      poor fit.

    • 11 months ago


  49. 11 months ago

    >have unusual sexual preferences
    >normal sex simply isn't really statisfying to me
    >rarely meet girls into the same shit as me
    >but when I do, it's 100 times better and more intense
    >however kinky shit isn't a good base for a relationship and usually I don't have much in common with them apart from that

    I wish I could just be normal and have a healthy, statisfying relationship.

    • 11 months ago

      Whats the preference? Kind of have a similar thing with prostate play.

      • 11 months ago

        Masochism. To me, sexual arousal plus a lot of pain is simply ultra intense.

        • 11 months ago

          Damn that sucks, very specific type of woman into that.

    • 11 months ago

      I love not being a degenerate dumb frick Black person moron so goddamned much.
      go do drugs or jerk off. moron.

    • 10 months ago

      feel this
      best I've felt in a relationship was with a skinny BPD chick, made me better at sex (by constantly fricking and challenging) and made me feel like a king with the quality blowjobs and public sex and shit like that
      absolute disaster in terms of relationship, constant fights (she'd shove and punch me till I threw her, then act like I'm a psychotic abuser), zero stability, constant drama and insecurity
      but god damn what I'd give for that kind of sex in a stable, healthy relationship

  50. 11 months ago

    I’ve been talking to a milf for about a year. Hot af, had the kid at 19 she’s 26 now, cooks for me is actually chill and understanding. I literally can’t go any further. I cannot cope with the fact she has a kid and we have tension points whenever we talk about meeting the kid. I can’t do it. Does anybody else feel like they found the perfect partner outside of one deal breaking aspect?

    • 11 months ago

      Give us her number buddy-boy we'll raise that kid for ya' no problem.

      • 11 months ago

        I kek’ed

        Why does the kid matter? Worried about being the cuck raising someone elses kid? Just tell her you are not interested in helping raise the child.. But that you might be open to play dates with the child.

        We’ve been just messing around for a year but I think you bros are right I just have to end it

        Your idea of a perfect partner is that she cooks for you and is chill? Walk away dude. You can find one without a kid.

        It’s more than that bro we have really good chemistry and she’s hot. Yeah I just can’t do it

    • 11 months ago

      Why does the kid matter? Worried about being the cuck raising someone elses kid? Just tell her you are not interested in helping raise the child.. But that you might be open to play dates with the child.

      • 11 months ago

        what do you think marriage is?

        • 11 months ago

          autist please, shes not even moved in with you. Do I need to draw you a flowchart on relationships for you to understand this?

          • 11 months ago

            nah I've seen it before. it's something like this.

            • 11 months ago

              the baby is seven years old so you'll just get judged and insulted

    • 11 months ago

      Your idea of a perfect partner is that she cooks for you and is chill? Walk away dude. You can find one without a kid.

  51. 11 months ago

    I never feel like I have anything worthless to contr8bute to these threads.

  52. 11 months ago

    lifted with a gym buddy yesterday. Made all the difference.

  53. 11 months ago

    First night in maybe three weeks that I've not got any work to do
    Girl I've been talking to is visiting family, so we won't chat for awhile
    To tired from working to do very much
    Really not sure what to do, might play some mindless vidya for the first time in forever
    How's your evening IST?

  54. 11 months ago

    Help, I talked up my sex skills a lot to this girl but I've only ever fricked twice and the last time was last year
    How do I fake this tomorrow night?
    Should I just act sick and fake out?

    • 11 months ago

      Just spend more time on foreplay.

  55. 11 months ago

    >lurk IG from old classmates
    >marriages, kids, houses, etc...
    >my life is a fricking disaster
    There's no cope for this

  56. 11 months ago

    Am I lonely or do I miss her? Do I feel bad for leaving her or am I just lonely?
    It’s been a year. I’ve b***hed and moaned about her in the feels threads for about a year now. Anon who’s ex threatened to talk to other dudes a day after I opened up about feeling worried about it with her.
    On average I feel over her, most of the time if I think about her I feel calm, at ease, knowing I made the right decision. But inevitably late at night before sleep it changes to this. Idk if it’s just loneliness and her being my most recent source of affection or what.
    I’d like this to stop though. I felt like this after my first ex who was 10x as bad, and that lasted for over 5 years until I met this more recent ex.
    Idk when I’ll meet another woman. I don’t get laid or date often. It just randomly happens for me. And I’ve reached a point I prefer being alone most of the time, until I’m hit with this feel.

    • 11 months ago

      Don't follow your blog, but stop putting so much mental weight on being in a relationship—especially with someone who doesn't put in the same effort in as you.

      every now and then I get so sad about not having a gf
      this is one of those moments, i miss being in love
      help frens

      You too. Love can exist beyond having a partner. It's goals, ambitions, hobbies, etc. You can be enamored with pursuit of life itself, not some romanticization of what could be.

      I get you guys wanna vent—and by all means keep doing it until you tire of it and choose to change—but make sure to pick yourselves up. Look after yourself. There's more to living than waiting on another person to """make you happy""".

      • 11 months ago

        Thanks. For the record I have been picking myself up. But it seems nothing is fixing this pre sleep loneliness. I used to just smoke weed to override it but stopped that last year. While having a girl to spoon to sleep would be nice I just want to feel normal. My goals been finding comfort and happiness by myself, but no matter what it seems this will always occur in n the hours before sleep. I hope not. I hope I can feel “normal” eventually. Oh well, I’ll be asleep soon, and like every day for the last year come morning I’ll laugh at myself for feeling this way, realize I don’t miss her, and then enjoy my day until I’m going to sleep again and repeat it.

        • 11 months ago

          >But it seems nothing is fixing this pre sleep loneliness.
          Too tired to repress your emotions, probably. Hugging and warmth is an obvious comfort so when you're missing that intimacy it easily resurfaces. You're normal for grieving. Don't think it isn't. You're heavily feeling though it to better understand the situation, but you can't let it linger. Don't let hypotheticals consume you. I can't tell you when you'll finally be able to move past it all, but what's important is that you're trying to do better. Stay strong anon.

  57. 11 months ago

    every now and then I get so sad about not having a gf
    this is one of those moments, i miss being in love
    help frens

  58. 11 months ago

    I should just stop drinking tonight. People wanted to hop on and talk and play some games but one of the peoples kids woke up and once that happened everyone else fricked off and now I am here at the perfect level of intoxicated wanting to harass people.

  59. 11 months ago

    I kinda wish I could do shrooms more often. Not like daily, but weekly.

  60. 11 months ago

    Every Friday I see this feels thread and I am reminded of yet another week of my life gone with no development of any kind whatsoever. A week that was just lonely misery. I long for the day that I see my last feel thread and finally cross the rubicon and kill myself before the next one shows up. Please God give me the strength to do this.

    • 11 months ago

      There's nothing wrong with vent threads.
      There is nothing wrong with taking a step back and realizing how shit things are right now. That's okay. Boomers are holding job advancement hostage. I just got 40 job rejection letters ranging from fast-food to stocking groceries, and every day I get to hear "but anon the economy is growing! But anon! You're not trying hard enough to get a job!"
      Like 90% of people can't afford a $500 medical bill right now.

      I know it feels like you wasted a week, but since you feel bad about it that means you are making progress.
      You can't rush that stuff. You can sit down, make a schedule, and build up your work tolerance.

      • 11 months ago

        Every Friday I see this feels thread and I am reminded of yet another week of my life gone with no development of any kind whatsoever. A week that was just lonely misery. I long for the day that I see my last feel thread and finally cross the rubicon and kill myself before the next one shows up. Please God give me the strength to do this.

        Blackest pill for me is seeing the time go by but my efforts don't match up to it. Not making gains, money, or other progress fast enough to outpace the years.

        It's petty, ugly behaviour but I hate seeing other people with more than me, and wish they'd lose it or suffer elsewhere somehow. For example, this well off Hispanic I went to high school with posted on his social media him at night clubs and a yacht party, that had dancing girls in bikinis. It pissed me off that he got all that from sheer luck, whereas I'm slaving away for mediocre wages increasingly losing their worth.

        • 11 months ago

          blackest pill for me is being despondent over what a pathetic loser i am yet doing nothing to improve because i feel completely hopeless.

  61. 11 months ago

    I detest the fricking heat. I had a great streak for my 60-day workout plan going, then out of fricking nowhere I go outside in hundred degree weather and I get fricking heat exhaustion and end up incapacitated for a day. I wasn't even planning on taking a rest day, dammit!

  62. 10 months ago

    heinkein and shit.... few Campari chasers....
    >tup as usual

  63. 10 months ago

    is it better to have a woman who admires you and thinks you’re the greatest guy ever that you just like to spend time with but aren’t totally head over heels in love with than a woman who sees you as her equal that you are madly in love with?

    • 10 months ago

      Sycophants don't make good wives, anon. Partners do.

    • 10 months ago

      I would 100% pick the girl who sees my as an equal that I truly love. Why be in a relationship if you don't actually love the person?

    • 10 months ago

      if she thinks you're her equal she'll look for someone better.

      • 10 months ago

        >If she doesn't love you she'll look for someone better.
        ftfy. It's fun and games until you realize that you're abusing the shit out of eachother in front of your kid.

      • 10 months ago

        Based post

        >If she doesn't love you she'll look for someone better.
        ftfy. It's fun and games until you realize that you're abusing the shit out of eachother in front of your kid.

        "Love" in a sexual relationship doesn't seem to last anon. Dependency on the other hand...

        • 10 months ago

          >#living with parents
          aww look whose all grown up, what did santa bring you for christmas this year, did you finally get that barbie you wanted for your THRITY SEVENTH FRICKING BIRTHDAY AT HOME

  64. 10 months ago

    I am really kind of falling in love with this guy and he is falling for me too. We've known each other for many, many years and recently found our ways back to each other. Almost kismet.

    But I have recently realized that he's an alcoholic. Not a fun guy who drinks but a mean drunk who has to drink.

    It's heartbreaking. Water for me please.

    • 10 months ago

      you can fix him. lmao

      • 10 months ago

        I know man, that's what's heartbreaking. There's no fixing it. I have to just move on

  65. 10 months ago

    Im such a FRICKING moron i want to die,. I just gort home from the bars for a going away party for an ex i ended up becoming friends with after not talking for about a year. Was so gfrickingh weird. she brought her current bf which is fine because I dont have feelings for her but she also brought her other ex and dude thoiught we werte friendfs or something ebcause we were frickiong the dsame girl year ago. Fricking moron. Frick. Frick. Frick I started to tweak inside myt head while listening to him explain to some random girl in line at the bar why we were all there and i realized I am a stupid fricking moron for being therte. Some fumb b***h's plaything. Fricking idiot. Then I get to listen to her cokehead boyfriendf tell me about how I need to "find myself a good girl". fricking die bro. Ytou and your girl are fricking reeling off hard drugs and you live with your parents. Frick. I am twealingf. Frick. I felt the pins and needles type angert all over like when I puynched a wall and broke my hand in undergrad 3 yearsd ago. Sorry if this is incohertent. Frick. I just dfont know what to do or who to talk to at this point. i used to post in cbt but the schizoposter was too much to deal with. Fucxk. Cxool thing was some random girl grabbewd my bicep at tyhe bar. Raped me?>

    • 10 months ago

      Frick i am duch a fricking idiot, guys. i cantr juyst stop like doing casual sex with random, fricking c**ts off tinder, bumble, hinge,. i gotr in like wicked good shaope and it has been dope and I am confident and shit but i actually dont think i havbe a soul anymore. my mom texted me and said she either has MS or a brain tumor and i felt nothing almost. i cant descibe it. I love myt mom but I think i ruined myself., I genuionelyt am, such a fricking piece of shit. I was doing so good. I was seriosulyt doing so good. It all just fell apart and I am just back on my old shit,. Please pray for me guys, Please. I need peace. Please.

      • 10 months ago

        Stop drinking first off, that'll clear things up.

      • 10 months ago

        i am so sorry for you anon, may Christ help you

    • 10 months ago

      it's ok bro you'll be alright with a good nights rest.
      >my mom texted me and said she either has MS or a brain tumor and i felt nothing almost.
      sorry to hear about your mom. i hope you know it's normal to not know how to process that kind of information. you seem like a good bloke and that you love your mom.

  66. 10 months ago

    One of the hardest things about growing up is the world seems to lose its sense of 'enchantment'. I'm 26 and I don't think I've quite coped with the fact that I'll be a 30 year old boomer in a measly 4 years. I guess it'd be less emotionally distressing if I didn't miss so many developmental milestones. When I was younger I imagined things would be much different. But they aren't. It's like the meme (I don't have it saved; some of you anons have probably seen it before if you've been here long enough) of the silhouettes of a man and his younger self sitting on a park bench talking with each other. The younger self eagerly asking the older self how his life turned out only to be let down and disappointed because nothing really changed and no dreams came true. I'm trying really, really, hard to stay optimistic. To restore that childlike sense of wonder, but man is it difficult.

    I guess the world never turned out to be Romantic as I'd hoped. No teenage/young love. No noble fight. No adventurous career.

    I usually try and avoid b***hing and moaning in these threads because 1) it just further reinforces by already bleak outlook and 2) 90% of other anons are doing the same thing it'll probably be read by a handful of people. But the feels were heavy tonight, so whatever.

    • 10 months ago

      its funny, i think about if i had any dreams as a child and i honestly dont think i ever did. even while i was doing well in my studies thru my childhood i never had dreams of a field of study or career. i dont think i ever really had dreams of a family or a house or anything like that.

      now at 30, i can say that those failures fully materialized.

    • 10 months ago

      I turn 26 soon myself.
      For me it's focusing on love. I have a good relationship with my parents and I have a few close friends who I make a point of texting often.
      More than that, and you can do this even if you don't have people close to you, is to learn to truly love yourself. To see yourself as someone deserving of happiness and being loved.
      It took me 14 years from the first time someone suggested that to the point where I finally am practicing it.
      When it truly sinks in, your feeling about the comic you described goes away. You understand that you have what you have, and you have the potential to work with it, no matter how old you are.
      The inner child becomes like a sidekick, excited to see what future you does, and you feel like you can still do him proud.

      • 10 months ago

        yeah but how do you actually practice self-love? I always have heard but never really knew what to do. Like, do you just repeat a bunch of positive mantras about yourself in your internal dialogue or what? Reward yourself with a treat when you do something you wanted to do?

        >One of the hardest things about growing up is the world seems to lose its sense of 'enchantment

        learn a musical instrument
        grow psychedelic plants: salvia, mushrooms, cactuses with mescaline
        star reading, IST has endless lists for your taste

        Funny that you say that. I've kicked around the idea of picking up the piano. It's one of the most beautiful instruments I think. And I've been reading a a fair bit of Romantic poetry lately, and it does kind of sequester the feels. Last thing I read was Adonis and Venus by Shakespeare. I wonder why art has the ability make me feel at least somewhat better.

        I'm reminded by those quotes of Mishima: "I want to make a poem of my life", and ""Perfect purity is possible if you turn your life into a line of poetry written with a splash of blood." Hopefully, at the end, he obtained the beauty and Romance he was searching for.

        I'm living a life of disappointment but not regret. A lot of the things in my control are working out but the girls just don't like me. I grinded my ass off to be worthwhile to go on dates with but nothing ever goes past the 2nd date. I'm getting over 1 date a month which at least gives me hope but the sexual exploration phase never happened for me. Just 1 gf for 3.5 years and then 6 years of nothing and around 8 months of actually being able to get dates.

        I look back on my life and my only regret is not asking a particular girl out in highschool and i've made sure to make myself assertive enough to never have those regrets again. Otherwise i've actually got my shit together on paper. I see happy couples and i'm happy for them. I see girls in abusive relationships and i'm reminded that they would rather be with an abusive boyfriend than with me. The world doesn't owe me anything but it certainly thinks that i owe it something.
        I've become the man i wanted to be. I really like who i am, but outside of 2 friends and my 2 parents, the love I try to give back has not been returned.
        What keeps me going is simply the idea that if I stop, I don't have anything else to look forward to in life. I learned that i couldn't be endlessly hedonistic shortly after i reached a state like that. I'm one of those people programmed to give back but very few people want what i have.

        at least you have some experience. I've never had a gf. And getting at least one date a month isn't that bad. More than me. Most of the time girls I match with don't even message me back.
        >I look back on my life and my only regret is not asking a particular girl out in highschool
        same but college. It's quite amazing actually. If we could've just mustered up literally 2 minutes of courage to ask the girls out we would have saved ourselves of a lifetime worth of regret.

        • 10 months ago

          >yeah but how do you actually practice self-love?
          The breakthrough for me was learning to get mad at the angry voice that tells me I don't deserve to be loved.
          I follow Pete Walker's Emotional Flashback Management Steps (scroll down this article to get to the steps):

          I started getting mad at the angry voice when one day something clicked and I saw it for the unproductive homosexual who does nothing but b***h that it is. Same way I'd get mad at a homosexual coworker who causes backups and then loudly and aggressively blames anyone but himself.
          As I go through the steps and start calming down, I often feel like crying because there's some kind of pain that's been released, and I'm able to look inward and start, like you said, reciting positive things to myself.
          >I deserve to be happy
          >I deserve to be loved
          >I am good enough
          >I don't have to let anybody mistreat me
          Things like that. Meditation helps too, to put yourself in a state where you'll be able to actually internalize the mantras as opposed to tweeting "I am a woman" over and over again kek.

          • 10 months ago

            Outside of the recitation, practicing self-love comes in simple things that you do to be happier and healthier, such as working out, eating properly, finding a productive project that engages you (even something as simple as getting a guitar and writing music that only you and your friends will ever hear). And like I said in my original post, work towards finding people that you can love. They're out there, and they'll be happy you found them, like you'll be happy you found them.

    • 10 months ago

      >One of the hardest things about growing up is the world seems to lose its sense of 'enchantment

      learn a musical instrument
      grow psychedelic plants: salvia, mushrooms, cactuses with mescaline
      star reading, IST has endless lists for your taste

    • 10 months ago

      I'm living a life of disappointment but not regret. A lot of the things in my control are working out but the girls just don't like me. I grinded my ass off to be worthwhile to go on dates with but nothing ever goes past the 2nd date. I'm getting over 1 date a month which at least gives me hope but the sexual exploration phase never happened for me. Just 1 gf for 3.5 years and then 6 years of nothing and around 8 months of actually being able to get dates.

      I look back on my life and my only regret is not asking a particular girl out in highschool and i've made sure to make myself assertive enough to never have those regrets again. Otherwise i've actually got my shit together on paper. I see happy couples and i'm happy for them. I see girls in abusive relationships and i'm reminded that they would rather be with an abusive boyfriend than with me. The world doesn't owe me anything but it certainly thinks that i owe it something.
      I've become the man i wanted to be. I really like who i am, but outside of 2 friends and my 2 parents, the love I try to give back has not been returned.
      What keeps me going is simply the idea that if I stop, I don't have anything else to look forward to in life. I learned that i couldn't be endlessly hedonistic shortly after i reached a state like that. I'm one of those people programmed to give back but very few people want what i have.

  67. 10 months ago

    I'm alone with my gf at her place and she's sleeping besides me. We were supposed to frick but she just fell asleep out of nowhere.
    What a fricking c**t honestly. I feel so cucked.

    • 10 months ago

      Does this happen often? It sounds like you're just horned up and getting blue balls.

      • 10 months ago

        Not often, but it's not the first time. She does pass out easily, sometimes we're having a conversation and she falls asleep midway through. But I know she's like that so I generally frick her asap and not give her a chance. She's in her period so I didn't want to be too pushy and this happened.

    • 10 months ago

      Not often, but it's not the first time. She does pass out easily, sometimes we're having a conversation and she falls asleep midway through. But I know she's like that so I generally frick her asap and not give her a chance. She's in her period so I didn't want to be too pushy and this happened.

      frick her while she is sleeping

      • 10 months ago

        I did that once and there was drama. Some people might even consider that rape. I did ask for permission and she agreed but doesn't remember it. Afterwards, withdrew consent from ever fricking her during sleep.

  68. 10 months ago

    Started getting serious about self improvement at the beginning of the year yet my confidence and self image issues feel even worse than they did before. I'm hoping this is just a result of me becoming more aware of how I look and not a sign of my mental state declining

    • 10 months ago

      Wondering if I can do better than my current gf. She's a sweetheart, she's a ton of fun to be around, and we go well together as partners. My family and friends love her. I like her family and friends, and they like me. The sex is pretty good.
      But she's just so fricking normal and doesn't have any kind of ambition or dreams. Just wants to settle down, have a couple of kids, and live comfortably. I asked her what she'd do if she knew she couldn't fail, and she said "director level job in my industry, and I'd want to cook challenging dishes." Like... That's it? If you knew it was impossible for your goals to go wrong, that's all you'd do?
      Jesus b***h, you live like this?
      Granted, I have enough ambition for both of us, but I think staying with her would be the "safe" choice. She'd make a good wife/mother, but I'm afraid that she'll hold me down.
      Feels bad, bros.

      It's very easy to fall into that trap with that topic, especially if you're constantly seeing other people who are far ahead. You'll learn to separate the emotion from it over time, and you'll also get that sense of pride from having made progress.

      • 10 months ago

        what a stupid shit you must be

      • 10 months ago

        Those sound like normal fricking ambitions to me, moron. Holy shit, you're a loser on 4chinz and somehow you think you're the one settling for her. Bro, grow up and appreciate the clear catch you have.

      • 10 months ago

        My ex was kind of boring. Then he dumped me, and I realized how fricked up most people are, and now I long for the days when my biggest complaint is that my SO is predictable

        Don't let her go anon. Take her on fun trips and experiences and show her the world.

  69. 10 months ago

    Holy shit i am turning 28 next week
    And it just hit me
    If It wasn’t for what happened a year ago
    I would of been a 28 year old man child with no future and be miserable right now
    I actually found what was my greatest weakness in life thanks to enduring some strong emotional pain.
    My attachment to things was my greatest weakness.
    I learned that everything alive is flexible it can move and bend
    Everything dead is stiff and unmovable
    Now I can move and bend to life.
    freeing my self from attachment and complacency.
    Thanks to that I have come far in less than a year and best of all I did it with my own abilities not connections from family.

  70. 10 months ago

    >Coffee, this time.

    Yesterday I lost all day in my bed with my phone. It made realize that it's the smartphone what is addictive. I never do that from my desktop.

    No more mindless scrooolling on the phone. Brb, gonna delete all my frogs.

  71. 10 months ago

    >Finally get back into lifting seriously after YEARS of battling anxiety and sleep apnea
    >injure shoulder and it doesn't seem to want to heal
    I'm 39 and wanted to finally get actually swole for once in my mediocre life and it looks like its over for me.

    • 10 months ago

      unironically hop on test/hgh. talk to your doctor

      • 10 months ago

        Thats moronic -- he should start on a taladafil regime first which can boost test levels by 30% or more to help build lean beef

        >Finally get back into lifting seriously after YEARS of battling anxiety and sleep apnea
        >injure shoulder and it doesn't seem to want to heal
        I'm 39 and wanted to finally get actually swole for once in my mediocre life and it looks like its over for me.

        Did you go get an x-ray to make sure the bones not fricked? If its just a small tissue injury then you need lots of stretching then

    • 10 months ago

      lmfao, so why were you a loser all of your prime only to start working this late haha. You will literally never see the results and your body at its peak again.

    • 10 months ago

      lmfao, so why were you a loser all of your prime only to start working this late haha. You will literally never see the results and your body at its peak again.

      Those whose first reaction is to try and demoralize are almost always pathetic themselves (prove me wrong by posting body). Don't listen to him, bro. Keep working towards your goals.

    • 10 months ago

      >get back into lifting seriously after YEARS
      >injure shoulder
      Rotator cuff tear. Many such cases

    • 10 months ago

      Start taking steroids u stupid twat,you will regenerate that shoulder in no time.

  72. 10 months ago

    my b***h fricking left me after a year of relationship lol
    lately i feel like sisyphus, searching for a woman but they're never worth my time
    only one i can tolerate is an old friend of mine but she doesn't seem want a relationship
    it is what it is
    at least i got armored core next month

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    • 10 months ago

      >my b***h left me
      >they aren't worth my time
      lmfao homie sounds like you aren't worth their time

      • 10 months ago

        it is what it is

  73. 10 months ago

    How to get a girlfriend? I am asking seriously.
    32yo khhv here, i was a social outcast during school years (due to being fat), never been friends with any cool people, never been at a party, never "socialized".
    Pretty much every job i had i was away from people or only worked with men.
    I have improved my visual appearance dramatically but i still have zero social skills and self confidence. I honestly have no fricking clue how people even manage to start dating someone.
    Never recieved romantic validation, not to mention sexual validation and it's literally killing me. This shit keeps me fully awake at night, i get 4 hours of sleep in total at best, i can't focus on anything and the only thing that's on my mind is that i failed as a human.

    • 10 months ago

      Grind on dating apps (Tinder or whatever)
      Read appropriate books ("Models" by Mark Mason, "No more mr. nice guy" is another good one)
      Treat is as an RPG, you're just grinding for XP and slowly levelling up
      Also don't take advice from here and don't hit me with the "I don't do dating apps" or other homosexual shit like that, just shut up and grind it out till you get there

      • 10 months ago

        >Grind on dating apps
        Grind what exactly? I get couple likes during first day from single mothers and that's it. No one else is liking my profile, no one sends messages, no one replies to my messages.

        • 10 months ago

          Try some different ones tbh. I've had better luck with hinge. The issue is that small pool of women looking to actively date spread over more than ten major dating apps because they all want to sell your personal information and the scarcity of women causes whales to appear.

  74. 10 months ago

    Beer, please

    I want to be a painter.

  75. 10 months ago

    >Was brutally mogged yesterday on my daily afternoon walk
    >I've seen this guy around my area a bunch of times
    >total 1/10
    >kind of feel bad for him
    >passed by me yesterday with a very cute gf, holding hands

    I work from home, home gym. Literal strangers tell me I'm handsome and how come I don't have a gf. Haven't had a gf in 6 years.
    Seeing this absolute loser get a gf legitimately made me depressed.
    picrel is oc.

    • 10 months ago

      that's a skill issue if i've ever seen one

      • 10 months ago

        How so?
        I'm simply not around datable girls and don't have many friends. My female friends kind of gatekeep their hot friends from me.

        Perhaps he has a 15 inch dick, or is a millionaire. Who knows. Stop caring so much about other people.

        yeah dude, no. This guy is broke I guarantee you that. homie takes the metro. IST and the manosphere have these copiums, but getting girls is as much about luck and circumstance as it is about actual gains and chad status.

        • 10 months ago

          try dating online
          it's mostly a cesspool of moronic roasties, but you may find a diamond sometimes
          then again, i live in russia, women are much better here than in the west

          • 10 months ago

            >i live in russia, women are much better here than in the west
            lol, lmao. Have fun with your golddiging aids prostitutes Vanja

            • 10 months ago


          • 10 months ago

            >try dating online
            >it's mostly a cesspool of moronic roasties
            >i live in russia, women are much better here than in the west
            you got it right. There's no point. it's a bunch of 28+yo roasties and tourists.
            Right again. I'm in Portugal and I don't want to date neither.
            It's fricking bleak out here I tell you. I've been going to mass because I do want a catholic gf, but it's mostly old people and Black folk in there, there's like one or two white girls in there,but they go with their family...I'm pretty stuck

            • 10 months ago

              >I'm pretty stuck
              patience is a virtue
              how old are you?

              • 10 months ago

                I'm 28. Turning 29 in January.
                I'm not meeting new people, I don't know wtf to do. I just work and lift. I've tried going to kickboxing classes, but I didn't meet anyone in 6 months.

              • 10 months ago

                try going to an actual gym for a bit, see if there's any girls you like

              • 10 months ago

                I've already done that. But there wasn't anyone there, People just workout and leave. I've bought a barbell and I just lift at home.
                You know full well those women are just trying to get attention.

                >I've tried going to kickboxing classes, but I didn't meet anyone in 6 months.
                Incredible. I can't imagine going to martial arts and not even having an instructor.

                kek'd, maybe anon was fighting with his voices.

                that's partially why I quit. Those were classes. Coach would give out exercises to 20 students and we would kind of figure things out. I progressed slowly and mostly on my own. Every time you would try to talk to people (girls) he would be on our ass like: "hey cmon, let's train, this isn't a coffee shop".

                did you try talking and getting to know people? Like at all?

                obviously I'm introverted but I make friends quickly and people like me. I did try and even went to a few events with people, but we never bond on a deeper level.

                >why am i so undateable its not fair
                >spews racial slurs
                >omg why dont i have friends
                >refuses to acknowledge that it is his shit personaliy, no, its just because im not chad

                I'm not undateable, I'm simply shy, introverted and I'm not around people at all.
                It's more about circumstance than my personality, but surely my personality defines the circumstance. I'm an artist and work from home, which is related to being introverted. Not to brag, but my IQ is higher than most people, I know it sounds arrogant, but that's not my intention. I struggle to have normie talk with women because they are very moronic.
                racial slurs
                we are on IST Black person, I don't actually spaz irl lol. Also women actually don't care.

              • 10 months ago

                >my is is higher than most people
                so 101?

              • 10 months ago

                >I've tried going to kickboxing classes, but I didn't meet anyone in 6 months.
                Incredible. I can't imagine going to martial arts and not even having an instructor.

              • 10 months ago

                kek'd, maybe anon was fighting with his voices.

              • 10 months ago

                did you try talking and getting to know people? Like at all?

    • 10 months ago

      Perhaps he has a 15 inch dick, or is a millionaire. Who knows. Stop caring so much about other people.

    • 10 months ago

      How so?
      I'm simply not around datable girls and don't have many friends. My female friends kind of gatekeep their hot friends from me.

      yeah dude, no. This guy is broke I guarantee you that. homie takes the metro. IST and the manosphere have these copiums, but getting girls is as much about luck and circumstance as it is about actual gains and chad status.

      >try dating online
      >it's mostly a cesspool of moronic roasties
      >i live in russia, women are much better here than in the west
      you got it right. There's no point. it's a bunch of 28+yo roasties and tourists.
      Right again. I'm in Portugal and I don't want to date neither.
      It's fricking bleak out here I tell you. I've been going to mass because I do want a catholic gf, but it's mostly old people and Black folk in there, there's like one or two white girls in there,but they go with their family...I'm pretty stuck

      I'm 28. Turning 29 in January.
      I'm not meeting new people, I don't know wtf to do. I just work and lift. I've tried going to kickboxing classes, but I didn't meet anyone in 6 months.

      >why am i so undateable its not fair
      >spews racial slurs
      >omg why dont i have friends
      >refuses to acknowledge that it is his shit personaliy, no, its just because im not chad

  76. 10 months ago

    >I'm ready when you are
    b***h then why have I been standing at the door for 30 minutes while you frick around?
    Shut the FRICK up.

  77. 10 months ago

    I am at peace right now I think. Not everything is right and I've got work to put in, but I'm at peace.

    I'm 23 and I've been stressing about 'making it' while I'm young, but when you come to accept that 99% of people throughout human history don't have it made until they age a bit more, you start to stress less. As long as I'm consistently taking steps towards my goals, I'll get where I need to be. Life is too beautiful to be wasted being concerned about everything.

    Right now my goal is to save up enough money to go on a big road trip next summer and see the nature of the states. Focusing on one benchmark goal at a time seems to be best for not letting your head get too crowded.

    Keep your heads up anons

  78. 10 months ago

    What do I do?
    >cut off shitty friends (shallow party circle getting wasted daily, few okay bros but the rest are shitty and these bros gravure to them)
    >make new friends by reconnecting with buddy I’ve known since 1st grade
    >turns out to be an butthole, does some of the same shit as the first group, tells the other people in this circle blatant made up BS about me or intentionally out of context shit so I can’t get close with them
    dude was cool for a few months until it was discovered a year prior to reconnecting I hooked up with a chick that flaked on him the day of his planned date, we hadnt even spoken since 5th grade when that went down & it’s not like I knew she was flaking on someone to come meet up with me. After that it was constant belittling and passive aggressive shit and telling the rest of the circle bullshit about me and basically trying his hardest to out do me and make me look bad while insisting I hang with him constantly. Dude finally got his first Gf, refuses to spend time away from her so there wasn’t even at least bro time even if the bro time was shitty. It got bad, there’s a lot more I can write but I’ll leave it at that.
    >cut this circle off, focusing on my life and myself. Not even dating right now either.
    >Getting back in shape, learning to be happy without friends, sobriety, fixing financial crap and working towards moving out.
    Now the problem I have is an old friend from middle school has been hmu to start hanging again. I haven’t spoken to him since like 10th grade. I would like to be his friend but part of me is worried considering how my last few attempts at making friends have gone, plus I really want to commit to my goals of finding happiness alone and being solo while I work on things. So far Ive told him I’m too busy and can’t hang twice. I honestly don’t want to hang. But I don’t wanna miss out on friends.
    There’s also a possibility I leave this state when I move out though so it may not matter.

  79. 10 months ago

    Self pity is so much nicer and easier than actually trying to improve myself. I’m going to just stay idle and inactive until I die. What does it mean when I still do t seem that different even after taking Ritalin? Does this mean I need the next level up like amphetimines?

  80. 10 months ago

    Spare me any ‘just do it, bro’ replies please. Does anyone here have really bad inattentive ADHD to the extent that you couldn’t maintain a single habit or routine for more than a week? Even including sleep schedule and exercise and eating, etc. I’m that way now and the constant improving on habits only makes me stick with them for a few days. It’s like a pendulum where I’ll have a few good days and then a few bad. I have near zero motivation due to my lifestyle of being a reclusive neet. I’m sure if I had to go outside each day I’d have more motivation to exercise and shape since seeing other people and even women would encourage me enough but right now I don’t go outside and so lose any pressure at all to even try anything. How do I yield motivation purely from within without it coming from outside sources? I’m applying for jobs and stuff now but it could still be months before I get hired. It got to the point I wore a rubber hand around my wrist and was going to flick myself with it if I failed to follow my daily routine I wrote down which even included items like brushing my teeth and getting sunlight. That’s how pathetic I am and how little strength and motivation I have. This isn’t just a case of being lazy or undisciplined, my brain is actually moronic.

    • 10 months ago

      Yes, however I wasn’t always like this. Idk what’s happened. I once had iron will and discipline. Did amazing in class just paying attention to lecture and taking notes, barely studying if at all. If I wanted to do something I would research it to the ground and start slow and gradually (very quickly) become proficient at it.
      Now? I can’t sit and do anything for more than 20 minutes. Even video games. I can’t focus and learn. If I try to force myself to “just do it” I retain nothing or my mind wanders no matter what.
      Even the easiest of tasks it’s like this. I have to make a list of my normal chores to do around the house, and on a 5 item list I’ll spend 3 days getting around to just starting two of those things.
      Idk what happened. I think the excessive caffeine, constant porn/masturbation addiction, weed(I quit this at least), and constant scrolling destroyed me. Turned moderate adhd into severe. It’s so bad even adderall does nothing at this point so I quit that.
      The best I’ve managed is for a few weeks at a time
      >wake up early, go for a walk, sit in sun and meditate 15 minutes
      >apply to jobs
      >clean one thing/do one chore
      >skin care, shower, brush teeth
      >healthy diet
      For 3 weeks. 3 weeks is the longest I make it before idk what happens and then it’s been a month of bullshit and I try again. I’ve tried small gradual steps over time, same shit happens.
      I once lost 130lbs in a year and built myself from a stick who struggled on the bar to having over a 1000lb total in 2 years for fricks sake. I once went from D student to straight A’s, to no hobbies to tons of them, and all that with a flourishing social life. Now? I can’t even focus and buckle down and work on one single thing. How did I end up worse off in my late 20s than I was at 18??

      • 10 months ago

        I don’t even play video games anymore. I used to bring mmos for 12 hours straight and now haven’t played a game in two months just because they weren’t stimulating anymore. It doesn’t really feel like I am making any conscious decisions but rather I’m on autopilot and following instincts and cravings to such a predictable degree like an insect being studied in a laboratory. I feel like I can’t swim and am just at the mercy of where the tide pulls me and that my slight improvements this year weren’t due to me learning to swim but rather the tide pulling me slightly into the direction I wanted to swim anyway and that I’m still completely at the tide’s mercy.

        • 10 months ago

          It’s the same shit here. I used to be able to play MMOs, or RPGs for no bullshit the entire day wake to sleep. Now I can only play fast paced match based games like smash bros or fortnite for maybe 20 minutes before I get bored. If I try to play an MMO/RPG I’m bored within 30 minutes and wont touch it again for months.
          >tide pulling not swimming
          That’s pretty good. It’s accurate. It sucks. Your posts are exactly what I’ve been experiencing to a T.

          Really wish I could fix this. There’s so much I need to fix yet it’s not a lot, and it’s nothing impossible to accomplish. And by fixing those things I’d have my life bakc and be happy again, no more anxiety. Hey… I’ve failed at this repeatedly the last few years.

          • 10 months ago

            I don’t even play video games anymore. I used to bring mmos for 12 hours straight and now haven’t played a game in two months just because they weren’t stimulating anymore. It doesn’t really feel like I am making any conscious decisions but rather I’m on autopilot and following instincts and cravings to such a predictable degree like an insect being studied in a laboratory. I feel like I can’t swim and am just at the mercy of where the tide pulls me and that my slight improvements this year weren’t due to me learning to swim but rather the tide pulling me slightly into the direction I wanted to swim anyway and that I’m still completely at the tide’s mercy.

            >be 133t gamer absolut chad gigga
            >memronize the games
            >know whats going to happen every single time all the time, such that the activity is basically "waiting" with extra steps
            >stop playing those games in favor of "less waiting"
            whoa its like huh?

          • 10 months ago

            I don’t even play video games anymore. I used to bring mmos for 12 hours straight and now haven’t played a game in two months just because they weren’t stimulating anymore. It doesn’t really feel like I am making any conscious decisions but rather I’m on autopilot and following instincts and cravings to such a predictable degree like an insect being studied in a laboratory. I feel like I can’t swim and am just at the mercy of where the tide pulls me and that my slight improvements this year weren’t due to me learning to swim but rather the tide pulling me slightly into the direction I wanted to swim anyway and that I’m still completely at the tide’s mercy.

            >be gay 133t gamer absolut troony gigga
            >memronize the games
            >know whats going to happen every single time all the time, such that the activity is basically "waiting" with extra steps
            >stop playing those games in favor of "less waiting" to dilate instead
            whoa its like huh?

  81. 10 months ago

    ive been with my new gf for a year and i really love her and she loves me and treats me good but i cant stop agonizing about her past. Some days I cant get passed it and will just be cold to her and its sabotaging stuff. I just want to be the best shes ever had but I have no way of knowing.

    Also she claims she can only get off by using a vibrator so she uses one whenever we have sex. Ive never had a problem making women cum with just my dick so this is really wreaking havoc on my self esteem. Ive looked into it online and lots of girls claim that they cant cum from just penetration but its still how i feel

    • 10 months ago

      What about her past has you agonised? Is it sexual? Was she raped or just a bawd?

      • 10 months ago

        No. Just standard woman shit. 23 has had 6 partners before me. Ive had more and it doesnt make me less salty, just makes me realize more the damage it causes to women.

        she basically has the equivalent of the male death grip syndrome, she has adapted to only respond to the stimulation from the vibrator

        good luck with it lmao

        I figured that might be a cause. Just makes me feel fricking useless. Fricked up thing is a have a pretty good size dick too.

        • 10 months ago

          ive been with my new gf for a year and i really love her and she loves me and treats me good but i cant stop agonizing about her past. Some days I cant get passed it and will just be cold to her and its sabotaging stuff. I just want to be the best shes ever had but I have no way of knowing.

          Also she claims she can only get off by using a vibrator so she uses one whenever we have sex. Ive never had a problem making women cum with just my dick so this is really wreaking havoc on my self esteem. Ive looked into it online and lots of girls claim that they cant cum from just penetration but its still how i feel

          >shes 23 and has 6 partners before me its so disgusting
          >btw i have had way more than her and its fine, also my dick is so big and ive made so many women cum just from my dick because of how good at fricking i am

          Please have a nice day.

          • 10 months ago

            >why am i so undateable its not fair
            >spews racial slurs
            >omg why dont i have friends
            >refuses to acknowledge that it is his shit personaliy, no, its just because im not chad

            Oh look the sad fat homosexual israeliteroach (nig? Idk, always predictably gets emotional about racial slurs and says the same exact thing about them like a typical Sסy) from /b/ who won’t post body and spams his posts one minute apart while claiming everyone else is samegayging is back.

            Dude you’re worse than any mentally I’ll loser in this thread. None of the guys you mass replied to btw

          • 10 months ago

            I used to have a bro who coped like this.
            >no bro you should want your wife to be absolutely ran through before you meet her so she’s good at sex, my girl has fricked 47 dudes and had 3 trains ran on her I’m so happy
            >also you as the man shouldn’t have too many partners so you’re extra impressed by her experience (couldn’t get laid to save his life)
            I’m sure you are little guy lol.

            • 10 months ago

              >shes 23 and has 6 partners before me its so disgusting
              >btw i have had way more than her and its fine, also my dick is so big and ive made so many women cum just from my dick because of how good at fricking i am

              Please have a nice day.

              You should both commit suicide.
              >zomg women should just frick you're not a chad!
              >lmao you Black persontard women can't have sex but all men should have fricked 900 women before settling down
              just shut the frick up.
              shut the frick up and have a nice day.

              • 10 months ago

                It’s no fault of mine you can’t get your little dick wet and now you’re crying about it itt.
                >tfw this may actually be an obese b***h coping&seething and not the /b/ homosexual like I thought
                In that case, it’s no fault of mine you’ve been predestined to be a suck girl and can’t keep a dude around and now you’re crying about it itt.
                Whichever it is, I’m happy and smiling at your pathetic anger. Stay mad, geek.

    • 10 months ago

      she basically has the equivalent of the male death grip syndrome, she has adapted to only respond to the stimulation from the vibrator

      good luck with it lmao

    • 10 months ago

      1)Was she a stripper
      2)does her name start with an H and include some Ys?

      • 10 months ago

        Not that anon but I suspected the girl I briefly dated was a stripper. Drop dead gorgeous girl, but she was super sketchy and I felt like I never knew what she was up to or anything about her life. She’d meet up with me casually wearing lingerie tops. Maybe that’s to impress me and was only when we met up, but it made me uncomfortable. Like shit you wear this shit in your normal day to day and I’m supposed to see a future with you?

        • 10 months ago

          Yep, that's how it goes.
          dated an amazing girl that gave so much more effort than any other but I found out it was because she had been a stripper and literally no guy could stick around. I tried to deal with it but she tried to force me to declare a relationship a few weeks in and I couldn't get over my gut feeling and just left.
          I think about her a lot but in the end it was for probably for the best.

          I also keep running into more strippers on apps now though, I don't know what's attracting them to me. Talked to a cute little snack with big breasts and a working woman's face but she had been on that pole from like 18-22. Knowing those girls hobble on knobs back in the champagne room that's a hard "frick no" from me.

          • 10 months ago

            Forgot to mention there was also zero mention of where her money came from. She was up at all hours, like if I texted her at 3am I’d always get a response. I’m probably wrong but a lot about her was sketchy. Then later she got two jobs and one of them was at a lingerie shop.
            She seemed amazing but I definitely wasn’t getting the same effort I was putting in, she knew she had options because she was used to guys making fools of themself just to try and get her number. I was the first guy to reject her, which is why she chased me for so long before we dated, probably the first to leave her.
            Same here think about her for a lot but the gut feeling + her being the expected way based on the above mentioned stuff, probably best.

  82. 10 months ago

    I have a crush on my boss.

    • 10 months ago

      >feeling attraction in the work place

      Please have a nice day.

      • 10 months ago

        just make sure she's the one getting fired if shit goes real

    • 10 months ago


  83. 10 months ago

    >looked if my ex from 2021 updated her whatsapp profile pic
    >She did
    I don't know why I keep doing this because I feel like shit every time. I thought we'd stay together for longer. Every time she updates it I keep going through the same thoughts
    >I'm a loser whilst she is out and about, getting attention for her beauty and living a great life
    Which is based on nothing as I have no clue what she's up to and not even doing that bad myself. I just want to love life again ISTbros.

    • 10 months ago

      if my ex from 2021 updated her whatsapp profile pic

  84. 10 months ago

    Just a beer and something to munch on, please

    I just got a loan to pay for my credit card bill. Again.

    Man, I just wish I knew how to handle money. I earn enough to be in the top 10% of my country, but it's simply not enough to maintain the life I've been living. My money just seems to melt off my account, and I honestly can't remember what I spent it on. My coworkers who earn the same as me are out there acquiring property, changing cars and starting families, meanwhile I don't even have enough money saved to fix my car. I'd just use my credit card, and increase my debt yet again. That's all I seem do with my salary now, pay credit card bills (and sometimes, it isn't even enough).
    Sometimes I'm afraid I'll end up like my dad. Worked himself to death all his life, but has nothing to show for it, and died buried in debt.

    • 10 months ago

      Dude you got to check your financial hygeine.
      I'm slightly under the dead median income in america but I have the largest liquid net worth of anyone else at my work under 55 that I know of.

      Granted, I cook almost everything I eat, I don't go out to eat, I do cheap dates and the ones that aren't out in the world are either hiking/camping or staying in with wine and fricking and I only do my grocery shopping at costco.
      Given you're sliding down the slope of getting fricked, you need to look at ALL of your expenses and make hard decisions on what you're going to cut. If you don't you'll end up like my friend who ended up with 18 outstanding loans/credit cards and getting sued in small claims court. He just had to sell his car to pay off his surprise debts to boot- not a position you'd want to be in, no?

      • 10 months ago

        You always had your finances under your controll, or this is something you eventually learned? Because I'm able to do all the planning, put my fixed expenses on a spreashit on excel or whatever, then in the following day, I'll just eat somewhere expensive like a dumbass without even thinking, and regret right after.

        • 10 months ago

          >without even thinking
          that’s a big hurdle. curbing bad habits that you do because you forgot to not do them are hard to overcome. masturbation/porn was like that for me, it was only after I coomed that I remembered I wasn’t supposed to be doing this. My advice is to make ‘don’t eat at expensive restaurants’ occupy enough of your mind that you start remembering it more. Even just making a note on your phone can help since when you think of eating out then that small note on your phone telling you not to may pop up in your mind and remind you

        • 10 months ago

          Only kind of, the moment I got my college degree in hand I knew I had to save up for a new vehicle and house (this plan got brutally fricked in the ass by covid monetary policy and it's after effects). Basically covered everything I do in the first post, I just don't spend money- no restaurants, no fancy gadgets, MIGHT buy clothes once a year, go to see friends, hobbies that are free (wanted to start biking and swooped a 500$ bike off FB marketplace for 150$). I actually do take a vacation about once a year and will blow an entire paycheck on it but in the long run, because I have everything battened down, I still end up saving money and building net worth over the course of the year.

          Like I said, look at your bank statements and each and every single purchase and ask yourself if it was truly necessary and if there was any way you could have pre-empted it.
          I used to stop at a gas station to get their breakfast croissants and blew about 65$ amonth on them until I found out I could get turkey egg patties from costco and croissants and immediately cut the monthly cost by 3/4ths for the month. Just be smart anon. You don't have to be poor or be a victim of inflation.

  85. 10 months ago

    >How the hell are you?
    I have a gf and today she asked if she can go to a bar with her female friend who she haven't seen for a couple of months.
    I just said "yes, sure, have a nice one" despite internet saying I should've chained her to a radiator instead. I, of course, go out regularly without asking if she's ok with me doing that.
    I used to be in a "serious" 4 year long relationship where I was against my ex going out with her female friends, I stopped her when she got any ideas of travelling with her female friend or mom etc. I thought it was working but it actually repressed her quite a bit.

    I just don't care enough to be controlling like that ever again. I have this mindset that I'd rather replace her if I get even a slightest suspicion of any shit going on than be even slightly worried about a girl's behavior. Do you agree with me or would you rather manually control everything your girl does?

  86. 10 months ago

    What does anal sex feel like?

  87. 10 months ago

    I think i got a sinusitis, and my right ear has been blocked for like 4 days, it' extremely annoying. Any idea to flush that shit out? I'm thinking some REALLY spicy shit to get the nose flowing

  88. 10 months ago

    started lifting half a year ago. I always go around 6-7am and the few people that are there at the time are all regulars.

    tfw haven't seen 2 gymbros i'd chat with and get tips from occasionally for like a month. I don't know their names but, Batman and Freetip, I'm gonna miss you lads

  89. 10 months ago

    >girl who left me on read finally replied
    >reply straight away
    >left on read again

    • 10 months ago

      >reply straight away
      Why the frick would you do that? Also any girl who likes you will find the time to respond immediately and will even initiate conversation. She's enjoying the ego boost she's getting from you while getting dicked down by Chad. Wait for her reply and ghost her

    • 10 months ago

      if she takes more than a couple of hours to reply I would simply perma ghost her at this point. You think these thoties leave CHAD on read? lol

  90. 10 months ago

    Guys I fricked up my date
    >meeting girl this morning at coffee place
    >arrive early
    >excited to go to gym tonight
    >look at myself in a closed shop's window
    >pecs look like shit
    >remember how my pecs look better when I use them
    >look around, find a bench
    >start doing pushups with the back of the bench
    >taking my time, feel the muscles working
    >look up
    >girl is here
    >Spaghetti flows, awkardly blurt out "Oh haha sorry! Just checking my form for tonight!"
    >realize that I sound like a fricking moron
    >she awkwardly laughs and makes up an excuse to leave
    >unmatched me on Hinge

    • 10 months ago

      sounds like you dodged a bullet
      if she was a good person, she would've laughed it off and actually found you charming

  91. 10 months ago

    >match with girl on hinge
    >get the number
    >have good convo
    >try to make plans for friday (this happened thursday)
    >she said she has a birthday party to go to
    >tell her to have fun and reach out when she's free
    >she replies instantly that she has free time next friday
    >say "sounds good, look forward to it. have a good night"
    >she says goodnight
    did i kinda drop the ball here or should it just be assumed we're doing same activity i invited her to on this friday? if no contact from her should i refuse text until thursday checking in? what do

    • 10 months ago

      >what do
      you good , you know better than that....

    • 10 months ago

      Hit her up Monday and ask her how the party went. Make some convo to see if things are still good. Then again on either Wednesday or Thursday, make convo and confirm plans

  92. 10 months ago

    Life is finally not terrible and I feel lost. I've spent my entire life trying to keep my head above water and now that I'm not constantly at threat of death or homelessness I don't know what to do with myself. I want a social life but I don't even know where to begin.

  93. 10 months ago

    I am falling hard for this girl. It was like love at first sight, and I knew I had to ask her out. That's never happened to me before, normally I come up with a million excuses not to, but for some reason I knew I had to.
    Turns out we have a lot in common, she likes all the things that I like, and we have the same sense of humor. Also she's IST and I know she's into me. We went on a date and it was not awkward at all, we had a lot of fun, and she wants a second one.
    But I'm almost 25 and I've never really been in love with someone. I've dated before but never connected with anyone. I thought I'd be alone forever and was terrified, but I'm already envisioning a future with her and the thought of making a mistake or some bad luck happening terrifies me too.
    And honestly I think she's cooler than I am, I respect the hell out of her already, and I wonder if she feels the same way about me.
    I told myself at the beginning of this year that if I didn't find a gf this year I'd blow my brains out. But I wasn't expecting to find someone like this. I still think I'm dreaming.
    Also pretty sure she never took the science juice.
    Guys don't frick with dating apps, literally just ask out that cute cashier.

  94. 10 months ago

    Just remembered I was actually walking some girl home when I was a kid once and I think just stopped like in mid-way, said goodbye and went home, probably because I wanted to play vidya as soon as possible. Maybe I was older than her, dunno.
    It hurts to just think about it.

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