The bar is open

Come take a seat. Have a drink, on the house. Another week down and Friday is here again. How are you doing?

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Unattended Children Pitbull Club Shirt $21.68

Yakub: World's Greatest Dad Shirt $21.68

Unattended Children Pitbull Club Shirt $21.68

  1. 9 months ago

    Smirnoff ice with tuna can water please
    Biffed another mire bc of social anxiety

  2. 9 months ago

    amaretto sour.
    I will die alone bros. I'm not ugly i get lots of matches on tinder and shit but i'm so fricking weird that I can't keep them interested. Only ugly fatties will tolerate my weird autistic ass for more than 1 date but I don't want them I want the qts. I go out with them and it's fine. We talk for 2-3 hours and it seems fine. Sometimes we frick but all of a sudden i will get a message that she does not ''feel my vibe''. Lol man i hate this

    • 9 months ago


      • 9 months ago


        • 9 months ago

          you are very likely too chinese

      • 9 months ago


  3. 9 months ago

    mango juice please. i want to make friends at uni, if i can get at least one then maybe i wont feel like a complete failure when i graduate in a year

  4. 9 months ago

    I'll take a Blackni.

    I had a friend group of international students. Only one of them is left now, a Japanese chick that I went on a date with and she asked to be friends after. I didn't feel like blowing up the friend group that would only last another couple of months, with everyone going back to their home countries, so I said sure and was cool with it. She got a bf at the end of the semester. Didn't talk over summer. Might have sent her one or two instagram reels that I felt were relevant to her. Texts me out of the blue yesterday asking how I'm doing, I answer and ask how she's doing and just get like a 'ohh I'm fine :)"

    wtf was the point of her messaging me? To see if I'd respond? To see if I'd invite her to something? I don't get it, man.

    • 9 months ago

      Women are too impulsive and fickle to ask "whats the point"
      You dont see scrunch pussy super bawd yoga pants as a neon sign that says "frick me daddy" even if she has the tatooed on her exposed ass cheeks.
      You have to zero in on the moment and her forgetful fickleness. Simply digitally attending to her in metered dosing like a profesisonal business that also caters to senior help line hotline.

      • 9 months ago

        Do not expect women to use logic. Like a compass snaps shut when its lifted from a page you must see all chains of reasoning as male exclusive business. All zero point flip flopping is typical of women.

        • 9 months ago

          >don’t expect women to use logic
          Exactly, like any woman who would choose to be with you. No logic used at all

          • 9 months ago

            T. Woman
            Now gentlemen you pat this beast on the head and ignore her b***hing and her petulant daughter memories will make her lust over you as daddy supreme of belaggio dick

            • 9 months ago

              Seething rage

          • 9 months ago

            >no logic used at all
            Big body count and it remains true until the nth woman
            >honey the money doesnt count!
            >i dont care that im younger!
            >i dont care how many women you sleep with sleep with me at least!
            >i dont how far you live my job gives me airline bonus!

      • 9 months ago

        Do not expect women to use logic. Like a compass snaps shut when its lifted from a page you must see all chains of reasoning as male exclusive business. All zero point flip flopping is typical of women.

        So basically, she texted me because a thought popped up in her head to see how I'm doing, or something reminded her of me, and I shouldn't look for any depth in this interaction?

        • 9 months ago

          She must walk away fondly feeling another buzz however regardless of content. cat pics work for my girls. Some auspice of related regards ropes it in. Theyre format spergs. Thats why their handwriting is so neat and slow.

    • 9 months ago

      Ask her how it's going with her boyfriend. If she replies, "oh, we broke up", that's your opening.

      • 9 months ago

        Wish I could edit instagram messages but I responded to her 3 drinks deep at a bar with some new friends I had just met and asked her what she had been up to. Should've asked what she and <bf's name> had been up to. She didn't delete any pics of him from her profile yet though so I doubt they broke up.

    • 9 months ago

      yup, you are the simp and you gave her attention. Good job!

    • 9 months ago

      IST users truly have autism. A normie would have tried to frick within a week of meeting her.

  5. 9 months ago

    >looking at other girls simply because theyre superhot
    >gf takes offense and speaks up
    >smoothed talked it over baby baby
    >she starts dressing sexier
    >frick her mad
    >and keep fricking her
    >and keep HEY STOP!
    >start going to church and having men's bible study on weekdays always speaking well of her behind my back my pride my joy my crowning israeliteel love of my life
    >look at woman on the street
    Rinse and repeat

    • 9 months ago


    • 9 months ago


      zoomers need to learn English

      • 9 months ago

        You need to learn greentext, newbie

  6. 9 months ago

    Im going to sell my reptile collection soon. I just don’t want to continue being responsible for them and they bring me no joy. I had plans to make a small business breeding them and have several high end pythons. Kind of makes me annoyed that I’m giving up on them.

    On the other hand I live in Florida and if they get banned soon like all other major reptiles in the game are being banned, I could start selling them black market and make a lot of money for very little work on my part. There’s no like records of me owning them since I haven’t registered a business yet, so FWC wouldn’t put a tag wry on me and come to terminate them like they do. I could make some decent money. Like if I was selling them locally black market when they’re banned and hard to come by I could easily slap $1,000-3,000 on top of their normal value. About 6 eggs average per female that’s potentially $20,000 per clutch of eggs depending on the genetics that get passed down. With two females I could be making over $30k up to twice a year assuming I could find buyers like that. But that’s the thing, I wouldn’t have people lining up to buy them even selling them online to other states, which would mean I’d be cutting prices anyways just to get the babies off my hands.

  7. 9 months ago


    • 9 months ago

      I feel ya lad
      Tell me what's happening

    • 9 months ago


      My puppy just chewed up my blinds. Will be replacing them this weekend. Other than that lifes good. Going golfing tomorrow.

  8. 9 months ago

    >another feel thread meaning it’s another Friday
    >last Friday felt like a day ago
    >another week gone in a flash
    >another week of my life wasted with no personal development or achievements gained
    >another week of constant endless suicidal thoughts

    I could never even fathom that a person could be as miserable as I am.

    • 9 months ago

      one day you'll wake up and ten years will have gone behind you. Might as well work on something each day.

  9. 9 months ago

    I’ll have a whiskey sour.

    Anytime a girl actually likes me I think there must be something wrong with her and start hyper focusing on her flaws to the point where I can’t stand her. I’m gonna die alone bros.

    Also should I lift when I have a cold?

    • 9 months ago

      Mango juice !
      How do I get over a guy? I lost my virginity to him at 24 and he's everything I ever wanted. We were talking for a years but he ended up getting back with his ex due to family pressure and his age (he's 31 and Chinese). Every time I think about dating I feel like I'm just looking for his replacement and that isn't fair to anyone else. I haven't spoken to him since February but I miss him everyday. I moved to his city and I'm struggling to get by but I enjoy having memories of places we have been together here. Any anons have advice for oneitis? I work on myself as much as I can and I have men who have been interested in me but I just can't seem to shake it.

      It's okay to take a day or two off of lifting if you don't feel well. Depends on how bad the cold is. I usually take a small break but never more than 3-4 days. Drink lots of water.

      >Thinking that once i'm got my teeth fixed I would be super handsome
      >Now I'm just generally handsome
      okay...I can take that.

      Sounds like a win to me

      I loved my parents as a kid but now I'm an adult and realized they're awful.
      Mom is probably bipolar and maybe schizophrenic and my dad is a drunk.
      I want to leave the house and start my own life but they won't let me leave because I'm not married yet.
      I can't believe I feel better at my job than at home.

      Why is being married so important? Cultural thing?

      • 9 months ago

        YNBAW. have a nice day homosexual

    • 9 months ago

      >I think there must be something wrong with her and start hyper focusing on her flaws to the point where I can’t stand her.
      Self-sabotage--but I think you know that already. You scared of girls bro?

  10. 9 months ago

    I have avoidant personality disorder

    • 9 months ago

      How do you figure, what makes you feel that you have it

      • 9 months ago

        I literally meet all the criteria
        Avoids occupational activities that involve significant interpersonal contact, because of fears of criticism, disapproval, or rejection
        is unwilling to get involved with people unless certain of being liked
        shows restraint within intimate relationships because of the fear of being shamed or ridiculed
        is preoccupied with being criticized or rejected in social situations
        is inhibited in new interpersonal situations because of feelings of inadequacy
        views self as socially inept, personally unappealing, or inferior to others
        is unusually reluctant to take personal risk or to engage in any new activities because they may prove embarrassing

        • 9 months ago

          I check all of those too. What's the fix?

          • 9 months ago

            nta, but just trying new things and being okay with the discomfort. Accept that failure is okay as long as you can learn something from it and grow, even if its small.

            And remembering that normies are generally surface level, crowd fitting people. That doesn't mean they're one dimensional or cookie cutter, but rather they buy into the simpler frameworks of life and just focus on maxing out conventional metrics of achievement.

  11. 9 months ago

    I loved my parents as a kid but now I'm an adult and realized they're awful.
    Mom is probably bipolar and maybe schizophrenic and my dad is a drunk.
    I want to leave the house and start my own life but they won't let me leave because I'm not married yet.
    I can't believe I feel better at my job than at home.

    • 9 months ago

      Same. Accounting is the way to go.

      • 9 months ago


    • 9 months ago

      >won't let me leave

      Dude, don't ask permission, just fricking go.

  12. 9 months ago

    Hello motherfrickers, daily reminder we all have the capability of making it. Keep on grinding bros

  13. 9 months ago

    >Thinking that once i'm got my teeth fixed I would be super handsome
    >Now I'm just generally handsome
    okay...I can take that.

  14. 9 months ago

    My day to day mood keeps bouncing between feeling empty and energetic with no in-between so I just try to stay busy and hope I don't stay up late at night.

  15. 9 months ago

    went to the therapist and was reminded how pathetic my life really is again answering her questions. Got a lovely wife in my recurring daydreams 🙂

    t. 24yo khhv with 1 friend that actually irritates me

    • 9 months ago

      That’s why I’ve never gone to a therapist either. Now 30 and life is so pathetic I can’t even fathom how humiliating it would be to express it to a therapist

      • 9 months ago

        I mainly went to get adhd meds, the more I think about it the more I think I have it.
        I probably also have some personality disorder but I'm not thrilled about psychotherapy, or autism...

        It's pretty cringe but you should try it if you suspect you have a disorder, if you fix your life at 30 you'll have plenty of time to enjoy shit, even if it takes you 5 years to figure things out slowly. If you wait till 38+ then you're truly fricked

      • 9 months ago

        dude your therapist does not care about your pathetic life. People don't go to therapy bc they feel good about how their life is going. That's like saying "I don't want to go to the doctor, he's going to laugh at how sick I am"

        youve got a massive snowflake ego if you think you're something a therapist hasn't dealt with before

  16. 9 months ago

    i have reached the conclusion that i will eventually kill myself
    some people aren't meant to be happy

    • 9 months ago

      Me as well. And when you reach his point how can you have motivation to do anything?

  17. 9 months ago

    I'm not enough. I wasn't enough for her. She wanted more and I couldn't give it. That's why she couldn't love me. But one day I will be enough and she will be in my arms over my old corpse.

    I hate myself so much

    • 9 months ago

      Youll never be enough if you hate yourself

  18. 9 months ago

    Going back to the gym made me horny as hell and I'm on a dry spell. I was supposed to frick a hot girl with a big ass last Saturday but she was flaky and started acting weird a few hours before. My gut tells me that she wanted me to pursue her and engage into some female drama but frick that. It's hard knowing that I'm just a dozen texts or so away of having her send me pictures of her ass and setting up another date but she has already wasted enough of my time. There's another girl who seems promising but who knows.
    Frick, I just wanna coom.

    • 9 months ago

      Thinking about dem Pathologic 2's. Also, I'm and think I'll hit the big ass girl up again. I don't wanna go another weekend without some benis in bagina :DDDDD

      • 9 months ago

        Take a yellow tincture beforehand and sharpen your Menkhu's finger.

  19. 9 months ago

    >have STD scare
    >vow to God I'll never have sex out of wedlock again if I'm spared
    >get tested, clean
    kek not that I was drowning in pussy before but now I'm fricked. I'm not a fervent believer but I just can't help but believe, even if my skeptical side sometimes prevails. I'm too autistic and jaded to be a part of a church community, I've tried and I felt like an outsider just like everywhere else. But I just know if I break the vow I'll be forever tormented, be by my reluctant faith, or my neuroticism. Everything bad that happens will look like divine justice.

    • 9 months ago

      Start praying for help

  20. 9 months ago

    Week 3 of not messaging people first to see who talks to me
    Still on big ol' 0 haha

    • 9 months ago

      I'm officially on year 1 🙂

      • 9 months ago

        Week 3 of not messaging people first to see who talks to me
        Still on big ol' 0 haha

        I've been going strong for 5 years.

    • 9 months ago

      I'm officially on year 1 🙂

      I've been going strong for 5 years.

      Out of curiosity, what makes you guys so interesting that people should be lining up to make plans with you?

      • 9 months ago

        I'm not interested in hanging out with them.
        they would text me 5 years ago, but I stopped responding and eventually they stopped trying.

        • 9 months ago

          I post on fit

          So why act like this is something significant or some injustice that has been done to you?

          • 9 months ago

            because people started whining about "i don't make an effort so nobody else does"
            its moronic.
            nobody will put any effort into you if you don't put in the same amount effort in return.

      • 9 months ago

        I post on fit

      • 9 months ago

        I have these on my penis

        • 9 months ago

          Snip them off with nail clippers.

  21. 9 months ago

    I can’t shake the feeling I fricked up my last relationship. I left her because she crossed a line warranting breakup for most. But I can’t help but feel it’s my fault in the first place for rushing into a relationship with her instead of taking my time and vetting her longer, playing it out instead of offering her immediate commitment after hanging one time. It matters little however because she lives too far away anyways.
    I guess what I’m trying to ask here is how do I stop getting clouded with these thoughts and feelings? I feel over her. But this shit will pop back into my head too often still.

  22. 9 months ago

    >vow to God I'll never have sex out of wedlock again if I'm spared
    I don't know how bargaining with God is seen as fine by most christians. It's bizarre hearing people say things like "I'll climb this large stairwell on my knees or go to x holy site if I'm cured". Here you are, treating the creator as some fishmonger and thinking that's fine. Do you believe God has a contract that states "oh, I was gonna give anon aids but since he made me a promise I'll take it back. He better not break it or I'll set his house on fire and make him a tetraplegic"?

    • 9 months ago

      Its about meaning willpower not a theological saying mush mush not to a dog sled but to yourself GOD AS MY WITNESS

  23. 9 months ago

    I am growing increasingly frustrated and irritable in my relationship but I don't feel like I can talk it out with my partner. I think my frustration stems from often feeling more like a servant than a boyfriend. My girlfriend is mentally ill, works part time (half my hours) and is often very tired, unmotivated, sometimes in pain and so on. This leads to a situation where I feel like I do such a disproportionate amount of work for our household that additional burdens or perceived ungratefulness for my contributions quickly irritate me and can ruin my mood for hours. Because she's not well I don't feel like I can bring up my issues without her potentially just feeling worse, and I feel like I have a duty to support her when she needs my help, but right now it feels like she'll never get better. I want to have kids in the near future, but with how she is now she can't even take care of herself so how can I expect her to help me take care of our family? I also don't know if I'm using her state of mind as an excuse because I'm afraid of conflicts or if it's a mix of both. I really want to talk this out with someone IRL but it might be 2-3 weeks before I can hang out with a trusted friend.

    • 9 months ago

      No matter what you do, better start doing it now otherwise youll end up despising her

      Some mentally ill people are like addicts in a way and they need to hit rock bottom before really reflecting upon their life

      • 9 months ago

        You are right, I have noticed that I have already started resenting certain behaviors and by extension, her. We were going to have sex tonight and I couldn't get in the mood and get hard, as I was massaging her I was literally going through fictional arguments in my head instead of enjoying the act of grabbing handfuls of her ass. I don't know if she could handle hitting rock bottom, I don't think she would become suicidal but there's a chance she'll just turn into a husk or something like that. I really am providing an incredible life for her but her mental health and energy still seems to be really low 80% of the time to the point where I feel like I have to be a caretaker. The good days are good but the bad ones are starting to take a toll on me, beyond what I feel like I am obligated to take as a partner. I just don't know how to break it to her.

        • 9 months ago

          I'm once again reminding all anons in the vicinity that nerds are the natural prey of BPD women. Please, if you don't wanna end up like keep a safe distance from these she-devils. That's all. Thank you and have a good weekend.

          • 9 months ago

            >My girlfriend is mentally ill, works part time (half my hours) and is often very tired, unmotivated, sometimes in pain and so on.
            Anon you moron thats not a BPD girl, just your garden variety depressed almost-NEET

            • 9 months ago

              It's a bpd girl going through a depressive episode. Anon just mistook her maniac phase after meeting him and getting a bf for her actual personality.

              • 9 months ago

                Since you seem to know so much about BPD, is it salvageable? On my end I know I just have to man up and have the talk with her (in the most constructive way possible) but what are the chances she's just gonna be like this for the rest of her life?

              • 9 months ago

                I don't know a lot man, just've dated and been friends with enough of them to know how to read the signs. The only thing the trips me up from your posts is you insisting that she isn't manipulative. I've never met a single one that wasn't. Most of them aren't even aware of their manipulations because it's second nature and happens in an almost instinctual way. All of them are also narcissistic as frick and will see you become a husk without lifting a single finger to help, although they'll cry crocodile tears and make drama about "not being good enough for you" from time to time. I can answe your questions but the only one who knows your particular situation and what to do about it is you buddy.

              • 9 months ago

                >The only thing the trips me up from your posts is you insisting that she isn't manipulative. I've never met a single one that wasn't. Most of them aren't even aware of their manipulations because it's second nature and happens in an almost instinctual way.
                It's hard to describe, I guess when I use the word manipulative I think of people who are a bit more overt about it? Like "why won't you do this for me, I thought you loved me?" Or like the other anon mentioned, someone who rapidly switches from screaming to being very lovey dovey, which I would interpret as them basically being sociopaths and seeing what tactic works best. She doesn't do anything like that, but when you say it can be done unaware to even themselves that might be it. It's more like "would you do this thing for me? you can always say no of course, but I'll be noticeably disappointed if you don't do it" and she might just do that without thinking twice about it. I genuinely don't think she's a bad enough person to intentionally manipulate me (well no shit, if I did I wouldn't date her), she just seems like she's in a bad place and happy to have my support.

              • 9 months ago

                I don't know a lot man, just've dated and been friends with enough of them to know how to read the signs. The only thing the trips me up from your posts is you insisting that she isn't manipulative. I've never met a single one that wasn't. Most of them aren't even aware of their manipulations because it's second nature and happens in an almost instinctual way. All of them are also narcissistic as frick and will see you become a husk without lifting a single finger to help, although they'll cry crocodile tears and make drama about "not being good enough for you" from time to time. I can answe your questions but the only one who knows your particular situation and what to do about it is you buddy.

                Oh, in regards to your question, the biggest problem about them is that most don't see any problem on being like that. Yeah, they'll complain and cry and do the whole "woe is me" routine but at the end of the day their problem is with the consequences of their actions and not the actions themselves. For example, who do you think is gonna have a better time quitting booze: a guy who's tired of wasting his life and money with it and doesn't even enjoy the thing anymore or someone who loves alcohol but doesn't want his wife to leave him or his liver to go kaput?

            • 9 months ago

              It's a bpd girl going through a depressive episode. Anon just mistook her maniac phase after meeting him and getting a bf for her actual personality.

              lmao this girl I'm going out with, one day she is angry at me for the dumbest reason screaming at me, the next time she is the most sweet and supportive thing
              is this bpd? I love it

              • 9 months ago

                Sounds like your average latina.

          • 9 months ago

            >My girlfriend is mentally ill, works part time (half my hours) and is often very tired, unmotivated, sometimes in pain and so on.
            Anon you moron thats not a BPD girl, just your garden variety depressed almost-NEET

            She unironically has BPD. Online I've seen BPD characterized as being incredibly manipulative, like some abusive tactic where they alternate between treating you like shit and showering you with love, my GF is consistently pretty nice, it's just that she's often lethargic like a zombie and sometimes I interpret her as very entitled because I'm sick of being a caretaker and not a partner.

        • 9 months ago

          >I just don't know how to break it to her.
          Just explain how it makes you feel without attacking her, odd are she is painfully aware of everything but has no stimulus to rectify it

          • 9 months ago

            >without attacking her
            I think this is the hardest part, because I'm probably going to have to explain to her what it is that she does that makes me feel this way, and in and of themselves they aren't horrible things, it's just that they add up or the way she phrases/expects things ticks me off. Before we moved in together I made it very clear that I will need alone time and I don't want to spend every hour of the day together or I would feel smothered, and for the most part I think she respects that very well, even to the point where she was initially very reluctant to even enter my room and talk to me in person while I was gaming (despite no negative reactions from me, if it's a pausable game I just pause immediately, if it's not pausable I'd just say yeah be with in 10-15 minutes) which I thought was a bit ridiculous, but some of the examples will probably sound so petty they might make her think she needs to walk on eggshells around me, which isn't the case, it's more of a a matter of attitude I think.

            • 9 months ago

              >I think this is the hardest part, because I'm probably going to have to explain to her what it is that she does that makes me feel this way, and in and of themselves they aren't horrible things, it's just that they add up or the way she phrases/expects things ticks me off.
              I've never known a mentally ill person that didnt have a falling out with their roommate at some point, living with one can be a miserable experience.
              You know the best way to talk to her, just be ready to cut your losses

              • 9 months ago

                >I've never known a mentally ill person that didnt have a falling out with their roommate at some point, living with one can be a miserable experience.
                We moved in together roughly half a year ago and it has gradually gotten worse IMO, because it feels like gradually more chores and stuff fall onto me. My plan when I first met her was to date for around a year, if that works well then we move in together and if that works well for about a year then we have kids together but yeah as you can probably guess I'm having doubts but we'll see how the talk and subsequent weeks go. Unfortunately we're going to a party tomorrow so Saturday is not a good day for it and we'll probably be hungover and a bit down on Sunday so that doesn't feel right either, but talking with you guys have at least strengthened my resolve that I just need to get my shit together, bite the bullet and bring up these issues with her before my resentment turns to hate.

              • 9 months ago

                >The only thing the trips me up from your posts is you insisting that she isn't manipulative. I've never met a single one that wasn't. Most of them aren't even aware of their manipulations because it's second nature and happens in an almost instinctual way.
                It's hard to describe, I guess when I use the word manipulative I think of people who are a bit more overt about it? Like "why won't you do this for me, I thought you loved me?" Or like the other anon mentioned, someone who rapidly switches from screaming to being very lovey dovey, which I would interpret as them basically being sociopaths and seeing what tactic works best. She doesn't do anything like that, but when you say it can be done unaware to even themselves that might be it. It's more like "would you do this thing for me? you can always say no of course, but I'll be noticeably disappointed if you don't do it" and she might just do that without thinking twice about it. I genuinely don't think she's a bad enough person to intentionally manipulate me (well no shit, if I did I wouldn't date her), she just seems like she's in a bad place and happy to have my support.

                The manipulation comes from giving you a lot of weird sex, telling you that you're their entire world and such, extreme emotion, looking at you a way other, healthy women don't until way later in a relationship.

                This'll start early, if not the first date. My ex was like this, family history of bpd and bipolar. The classic "i feel like i've known you my whole life" "i feel safe with you", putting out on the first date, like a lot. telling me she had severe trauma with blowjobs but went down on me on the third date because "this is how much you mean to me". Then the mannerisms and such, giving intense frickme eyes when I was trying to leave. Grabbing me when I was heading out the door and shoving her tongue down my throat, grabbing my dick through my pants.

                Am I moronic for falling for it, despite knowing what to look for? Yes

              • 9 months ago

                Those behaviors don't really fit on her at all, but like I said she has literally said she has BPD so I'm not going to argue against indicators of it, but hers seem to manifest in a different way compared to your ex.

        • 9 months ago

          Anon this is not a helathy relationship. Something we all must keep in mind when dating is that dating is essentially an interview. Sometimes you find out on the first date “oh hell nah I can’t be with this b***h” and sadly sometimes we find out later on months, years down the line. The other part of that is everyone grows and changes.
          The only correct course of action is the one that results in you being happiest. A relationship is not supposed to feel chore like. No one should feel like a servant. The biggest thing is no one should feel like things are heavily one sided most of the time. Rough patches are normal, as is feeling bored or like you’re losing interest. Boredom and interest comes and goes.
          Another big issue I found in your post is you can’t speak to her without her “getting worse.” I’m unsure of what you mean by that whether it’s like she feels more depressed or she guilts you and argues, or that she could be using her mental health as a tool to guilt and control you. Either way, if you cannot communicate with your significant other, it’s not really that great a relationship. (Don’t get me wrong, we all go through mental health shit and sometimes in a relationship one party has to pull the others weight, it CAN be best to withhold communicating. Idk your full situation only you do).
          What you need to ask is
          >was she always like this
          >does she try to get better
          >is it even actually possible for her to get better
          >if yes to at least 2 of those, would she make a good mother to the kids you claim to want
          Just a random question, but do you have to monkey dance and do chores to get sex?

          I have a friend in a very similar situation. It’s pretty bad. I’ve told him numerous times early on to leave her and he wouldn’t listen, just cry to me week after week about hating her. He stays with her out of pure desperation and loneliness. homie does all the chores, financially supports her, does everything. She used to hit him.

          As the other anon said you should just communicate how you feel without attacking her. The way she responds or reacts will tell you how to proceed.

          Another story about my friend. His girl stops speaking moving and talking when she gets upset. He has to bathe her, wipe her ass, etc. it’s a fricking nightmare. He’s 100% hee caretaker providing her with an insane life and in return, once a week he gets the opportunity to run errands and do housework and if he finishes fast enough he gets to cum. I’m not even joking or exaggerating. I have a point sharing my bros story with you just hold up. This dude will be the first person in our circle to brag about how alpha he is and how lucky he is to have her, how he has the best girl out of everyone. But he does not.
          My point is to make sure you’re being honest with yourself and realistic. What do you see in her, why are you with her. Again, ask the questions in my other post.

          There is no one “the one,” there are many potential “the one”s. It is up to us to find which one of them we will have the happiest and best life with.

          • 9 months ago

            >Another story about my friend. His girl stops speaking moving and talking when she gets upset. He has to bathe her, wipe her ass, etc. it’s a fricking nightmare. He’s 100% hee caretaker providing her with an insane life and in return, once a week he gets the opportunity to run errands and do housework and if he finishes fast enough he gets to cum. I’m not even joking or exaggerating.
            What a sorry ass homie LMAO.
            Couldn't be me. Doesn't he realize the only reason she pulls those antics is because he directly caters to her afterwards?
            Same homies will say you're gay for fricking twinks. What a joke. At least I don't have to put up with that kinda crap.

            • 9 months ago

              You are gay. It’s only okay to frick a twink in jail.
              But yes it’s sad. Dude recently bought a house in Northern California and can’t afford it, so his solution was to have me move in and pay him over half his mortgage in rent. To move out of my 2 bed apartment (all mine, no roomies literally perfect) to pay him basically the same as I already do, so that I have to share my house but it’s not my house, and listen to these morons fight all the time, and spend my free time being near half a cuck and a mentally ill psychopath. Dudes a fricking moron. He kept bringing it up even after I’d told him I ain’t doing that 20 times and I had to snap at him and basically say what I said in this post. He’s present it in the craziest way with this demeanor and tonality indicating he truly believed I would leave my perfect living situation to have a crappy one.
              >does he not realize
              He doesn’t listen. I’ve told him many times before I stopped associating with him what he was doing wrong. This is the only girl he’s ever fricked or dated and his response is “No you don’t get it you don’t have a girlfriend bro I’m more experienced than you.” And “this is normal this how a man is supposed to act you wouldn’t get it.” knowing I’ve had multiple gfs in the past, have dated crazier, less crazy, and hotter women, have fricked more girls than him. It’s pathetic.

    • 9 months ago

      Anon this is not a helathy relationship. Something we all must keep in mind when dating is that dating is essentially an interview. Sometimes you find out on the first date “oh hell nah I can’t be with this b***h” and sadly sometimes we find out later on months, years down the line. The other part of that is everyone grows and changes.
      The only correct course of action is the one that results in you being happiest. A relationship is not supposed to feel chore like. No one should feel like a servant. The biggest thing is no one should feel like things are heavily one sided most of the time. Rough patches are normal, as is feeling bored or like you’re losing interest. Boredom and interest comes and goes.
      Another big issue I found in your post is you can’t speak to her without her “getting worse.” I’m unsure of what you mean by that whether it’s like she feels more depressed or she guilts you and argues, or that she could be using her mental health as a tool to guilt and control you. Either way, if you cannot communicate with your significant other, it’s not really that great a relationship. (Don’t get me wrong, we all go through mental health shit and sometimes in a relationship one party has to pull the others weight, it CAN be best to withhold communicating. Idk your full situation only you do).
      What you need to ask is
      >was she always like this
      >does she try to get better
      >is it even actually possible for her to get better
      >if yes to at least 2 of those, would she make a good mother to the kids you claim to want
      Just a random question, but do you have to monkey dance and do chores to get sex?

      I have a friend in a very similar situation. It’s pretty bad. I’ve told him numerous times early on to leave her and he wouldn’t listen, just cry to me week after week about hating her. He stays with her out of pure desperation and loneliness. homie does all the chores, financially supports her, does everything. She used to hit him.

      • 9 months ago

        >was she always like this
        I'm not sure if the depressive cycles have always been this bad, but maybe? From what I know she's never really been an independent adult, i.e living on her own, supporting herself. She's always been studying (which she seemed to like) and would probably have continued doing so if we hadn't met, but we're in Euroland and you essentially get paid by the state to study here.
        >does she try to get better
        This is one thing that bothers me, it doesn't seem like it, at least not in a way that I would understand. Back when we met she used to at least have a morning routine that she did a few times a week with some exercises and stretching (very light but anything is good) but I don't think she has done that in months. Her diet seems pretty bad (lots and lots of carbs, very little meat and 'real' food, it's mostly just snacks) and she doesn't want to exercise. She was interested in going to the gym with me for a while but is now too tired for it.
        >Just a random question, but do you have to monkey dance and do chores to get sex?
        My sex drive is very low so I don't want to have sex very often, she usually initiates. Lately (past month maybe) she hasn't been in the mood at all, but I can't really recall instances of her withholding sex, usually she's very happy if I'm in the mood.
        >He stays with her out of pure desperation and loneliness.
        I don't think I'm like that, I have felt very lonely for a large part of my life (this is my first real relationship) but I've never been desperate to get into one. This one just happened out of sheer luck because I really clicked with a woman for the first time in my life and I went for it.

        As the other anon said you should just communicate how you feel without attacking her. The way she responds or reacts will tell you how to proceed.

        Another story about my friend. His girl stops speaking moving and talking when she gets upset. He has to bathe her, wipe her ass, etc. it’s a fricking nightmare. He’s 100% hee caretaker providing her with an insane life and in return, once a week he gets the opportunity to run errands and do housework and if he finishes fast enough he gets to cum. I’m not even joking or exaggerating. I have a point sharing my bros story with you just hold up. This dude will be the first person in our circle to brag about how alpha he is and how lucky he is to have her, how he has the best girl out of everyone. But he does not.
        My point is to make sure you’re being honest with yourself and realistic. What do you see in her, why are you with her. Again, ask the questions in my other post.

        There is no one “the one,” there are many potential “the one”s. It is up to us to find which one of them we will have the happiest and best life with.

        I'll try to bring it up the next time it's appropriate. Maybe it's just because I've been in love for the first time but this feels so much harder with women. If I had to cut my losses with a male friend it would be so much easier, but it's like I'm conditioned to prioritize women's feelings over my own.

        • 9 months ago

          >conditioned to prioritize women's feels over own
          That’s biological. The whole protector instinct. And yeah, you don’t frick your male friends (hopefully) so the bond you have with them isn’t as deep as with a woman. Sex literally creates brain chemistry changes in your head.

  24. 9 months ago

    >the late 20’s roidtroony chatted up my gym crush

    any drinks for this feel

    • 9 months ago

      it's your lucky since him being a roidtroony he most likely has or will have dick issues

  25. 9 months ago

    what is there to live for?

    • 9 months ago

      Lifting heavy objects. Rooning and practicing sports is fun too.

      • 9 months ago

        I know but some days it's just not enough to give me the minimal will to keep going. Nor do any of my other passions. I feel like a hamster running inside one of those wheels.

    • 9 months ago

      for me?

      lift, run
      play guitar
      grow psychedelics (shrooms, cactus, plants)
      read random shit from IST the more diverse the better
      chase that one uptight stacy at work that strings me along at work for months
      have sex with young hookers

      • 9 months ago

        I am the anon you replied to. Thanks for the reply. I will try listing what makes me feel alive, like you did

        >play chess
        >listen to music
        >watch old japanese samurai movies / anime movies
        >read manga and redraw the panels that I like
        >look at the sun / at trees / at lakes

        I want to start running too. I would also like to do psychedelics at least once because I have been into spirituality lately. I don't really have a social life. I am only 22 but I don't know if I will ever have a romantical relationship. I am slowly becoming cold and detached so it might become impossible for me. I'll probably have sex with hookers too

        I think is that my problem is that deep inside I believe that there should be something more to life. Like I should find a greater purpose and fulfil my destiny. But I am afraid that such a thing will never happen. I guess I'll just have to finish my master's degree and work and enjoy my hobbies until I die. Although I sometimes feel dead already.

        I wish for a short meaningful life, working all the time to achieve a purpose. I want an early death. Die from exhaustion, or saving someone else and dying in the process, or a sword duel. I wish I would die in a war but there is no war I would want to fight. I would just die for the rich.

        If only I would find something to live and die for, I know I would be happy. All my life I wanted to be a hero. To transcend the limits of being human. Maybe I'm just young, lonely and moronic and I should just work towards being a normie

        • 9 months ago

          >>look at the sun

          • 9 months ago

            It's beautiful but yeah should've written something like feel it on my skin. I was thinking too fast

        • 9 months ago

          >I want to start running too
          donțt take the noob trap of trying to run with full effort every time
          most of your runs should feel easy, take it as a time to listen to music/podcasts/audiobooks with some nice scenery.
          Pick a popular route in your city so you will have some good piece of ass to look at, runner chicks are all hot
          >I would also like to do psychedelics at least once because I have been into spirituality lately
          just take them to experience their weirdness, don't expect some some new-age spiritual lecture from them
          >I am only 22
          you are young as frick, you barely have the entire life in front of you

          > I believe that there should be something more to life
          for the most important thing is if you presence has a positive impact on others, it sounds basic as hell, but at the end of the day for me there isn't something else
          what do you want more from life? excitement? adrenaline chasing?
          do you want to feel important or wanted? that is just narcissism speaking

          find a way to bring a sort of joy or help to others through your work/job, and it will be enough

          • 9 months ago

            Thanks for the advice concerning running.

            >for the most important thing is if you presence has a positive impact on others, it sounds basic as hell, but at the end of the day for me there isn't something else

            I believe this is the most important thing. I do not want adrenaline or feeling wanted. I would like to have some kind of positive impact on people. Not on the whole world, just the people I interact with. I currently do not have a social life, mostly because I am isolating myself. I did not like how I acted around others and my thought patterns so I am taking time to find a deeper, truer version of myself. I wish to find my way until October, when college starts and I will have to interact with people again. I want to become the man I envision in my mind: a stronger, kinder, wiser, calmer version of myself. I know that this journey of self discovery and self creation will not end until I die but I want to find the path I am supposed to walk

        • 9 months ago

          In the quest for plenty
          Know the paths of many
          But few will lead you past the regions where the past is buried
          Giving is the levee that will bound a man's greed
          Prison is the dwelling when you take no leave
          Faster than a sparrow flies, trap the cupid by surprise
          Grab his bow and arrow and shoot straight into the empty sky
          You can spend eternity immersed in what's inside
          But if you're searching for a purpose, then no purpose will you find

    • 9 months ago

      Life is what you make of it

    • 9 months ago

      That’s the joy, you get to impose your will onto your own meaning of life.

      • 9 months ago

        That's what the Himalayans said too.

    • 9 months ago

      momma would be sad

  26. 9 months ago

    I fricked my high school teacher but it's been 8 years post graduation.
    She's married.

  27. 9 months ago

    Might have testicular cancer, went for a blood test today, ill have results sometime soon. Have a lump on far underside of my right nut. I live in Canada so if I'm diagnosed with cancer it'll be several months before treatment is beginning to have begun and I'll have to get one of my balls cut off, or, god forbid, both if it spreads in that time, then do chemo.

    In the meantime, I'm a high school teacher and the school year is starting so I'm swamped with shit to do to keep me busy and it's kind of nice for keeping my mind occupied against whatever may come.

    • 9 months ago

      Hope you get an all clear.

    • 9 months ago

      Hey, I had testicular cancer. Found a lump on my left testicle, within a couple of weeks of diagnosis had the entire nut removed and a prosthetic put in. Complete remission of cancer, no real side effects, can still get an erection and coom, and in fact my wife is currently expecting our second kid. Getting cancer doesn't have to be game over.

      I don't understand why you think it'll be several months before they can treat you though, this is absolutely time critical. I thought you leafs had good state health care?

      • 9 months ago

        I hate to tell you this anon but the israelites stole your testicle as a humiliation ritual. They could have 100% done hyperthermia therapy and saved your nut. Most likely in surgery they caused the cancer to break off and you'll get cancer elsewhere in the future.

        • 9 months ago

          Lol. They could be sucking my diseased nut like a gobstopper right now for all I care, also cancer doesn't work like that.

          • 9 months ago

            Yes in fact it does. Surgery has a near 0% chance of actually eliminating the cancer. It just sets it back to 1% growth and then it just continues on but now because of the surgery wound it'll be more difficult to treat in the future.

            • 9 months ago


              • 9 months ago

                Hyperthermia is extremely effective alongside chemotherapy but medicare only allows hyperthermia treatments along with radition which sucks since radiation is so hard on the body.

      • 9 months ago

        I'm worried about the other one taking over testosterone fully. Have read mixed reviews on that. Some guys say it's fine, others say they never come back on the levels.

        > I thought you leafs had good state health care?
        le fricking mow

        "Free" doesn't mean good, "free" means fricking shitty. Our hospitals are run down and our wait times for treatment are months or years. Even just getting a doctor is a months to years wait on a wait list. People from Canada go down to the US for treatment for cancer because better to pay to have it treated fast than stay here and wait to die as nothing is done and it spreads.

        • 9 months ago

          Don't worry about test production. Either everything is fine, or you hop on trt. Problem solved.

          I'm a bong but of there's one compliment I must pay our shitty NHS, it's that they moved quickly and pulled out all the stops when I got my diagnosis. Does Canada not have some similar fast track triage for cancer? If they make you wait in the same priority wait list as some dude with an ingrown toenail, that's fricked up. Go private if you need to, just get tested ASAP.

          • 9 months ago

            >Don't worry about test production. Either everything is fine, or you hop on trt. Problem solved.
            I havve doubts they would even prescribe TRT here and then if they did I'm fricked on that for life, if anything goes wrong I'm fricked.

            >Go private if you need to, just get tested ASAP.
            Only way to go private is go to the US, need to get my passport renewed.

            • 9 months ago

              You must have private medical options in Canuckistan?

    • 9 months ago

      I had a lump on my nut. Parents wouldn’t listen to me. Got to be twice the size of my nut (imagine two large chicken eggs together) and very painful. Turned out to be a cyst. I was in 6th grade. They removed it, doctor says I got rock hard during the surgery and the nurses giggled at my little dick, was off my feet for two weeks, then couldn’t do much walking for a month, then I was fine.

      • 9 months ago

        Damn son. Hopefully I've just got a removeable cyst like that and the doctors and nurses can be in awe of my SOLID 6" of meat.

  28. 9 months ago

    Water with ice, please.
    I am so goddamn tired of feeling weak and emasculated by my workouts. I know I'm new at this, I know I need to pace myself and just do what I can and not overexert myself, but it is supremely embarrassing that I can't do a single pull-up, or that I can only do 3 sets of 60 sec sprinting in place, or that I can only do 7 push ups per set. I feel like such garbage feeling so winded and exhausted from exercises that I should be able to crush for a man in his early 30s. I know it'll get better, but goddamn is it upsetting right now.

    • 9 months ago

      Are you stronger than you were a month ago?
      >Yeah b-but
      That's it.
      >But I'm-
      That's it. Next month your answer better be "yes" again or I'm throwing you into the manlet pit.

  29. 9 months ago

    >visit aunt in Italy
    >she wants to hook me up with her cute 25 year old neighbour
    >tells me her neighbour would also like to meet me
    >for some reason something raises an alarm and i refuse
    >find out after i return that her neighbour has a boyfriend (which she may or not like), but both my aunt and the girl's mother hate him, so they thought i would be better match for her.
    I don't know what to think. I'm a virgin, so very naive to this stuff, but all this stuff felt weird to me. I think i did the right thing.

  30. 9 months ago

    My CPPS symptoms come and go, woke up with morning wood yesterday but gone today. Im just pushing along man. Weekend is here though, gonna gym it, paint, play catch and hang with the wife. Pray for me bros. I got nothing but trust in the process at the moment.

  31. 9 months ago

    I was looking at my calves today and noticed they’d grown significantly, still small but much more defined. Arms are also growing and some veins are popping up on the upper parts, which is exciting because I’ve always been too chunky/dyel for them.

    I also ran into this old lady who I talked to sometimes at the gym before I started going later because of work, and she said she missed me and gave me a hug.

    I wanted to stop by a dispensary and get weed and get stoned today, but the inconvenience keeps me from deviating from my schedule, so I’m just gonna be productive (I might still go grab some since I’m gonna try to get a haircut later).

    • 9 months ago

      style is absolute shit tier, everything else is fine

  32. 9 months ago

    I'm starting to realize my anxiety and panic attacks are related to eating and I'm not really sure how to manage it. Doctors either want to shove ssris down my gullet or other shit, mention the severe overall discomfort after eating a meal, and that the anxiety and shit only starts after. Stomach itself doesn't hurt, body temperature is generally extremely high, or at least perceived cuz thermometer is normal. Have a weird skin flushing thing around my upper chest and neck when its really bad. They keep running TSH tests and it comes back that its normal, no followup or other ideas, no referrals.

  33. 9 months ago

    I watched The Big Short and realized Christianity is the biggest eternal short on mortality itself. israelites never cease to amaze me. Bag holding edomites lmao.
    "The resurrection is the most documented event in history! Heathen!"
    "The vaccine is the most scientifically proven medication ever! Racist!"
    "The housing market is the most stable bet there is! You autistic butthole!"
    "QAnon has it under control! 2 more weeks!"

    • 9 months ago

      "How are you fricking me?"
      Like Joseph nutting in Mary, Jesus. Tender and quiet behind the Church's back stage.

  34. 9 months ago

    I'm scared boyos
    Just found out today that there's a chance I might see her next Wednesday. To give you some context, last time I saw her was in January (just her back, from afar) and last time we talked face to face was over a year ago. I know I'm going to spend the weekend thinking about random fictional situations that would lead her to come talk to me, and I know that I shouldn't do that especially since I've been trying (and failing) to get over her for the past 3 months, but idk if I'm going to be able to help myself. I'm just really scared and excited at the same time at the thought of the possibility of hearing her voice or seeing her after so long. I know nothing will happen though, I'm very much aware of it.
    On a similar note, since I've been trying to get over grill #1 I've also started developing feelings for grill #2 and I know it's going to end the same way. JFC I need to get out the hole I dug for myself, it's ridiculous
    I know I'm a pathetic little homosexual btw, don't bother telling me. I just needed to vent

    • 9 months ago

      >I've been trying to get over grill #1 I've also started developing feelings for grill #2 and I know it's going to end the same way
      People like you are reprehensible

      • 9 months ago

        I don't know what your point is, but yes ok sure. Am I just supposed to drool over her while she's trying to live her life? I mean, the easiest way to get over something is to transfer that feeling somewhere else. Though I know it's not the best way to handle it, it's just easier. Besides, I'm not saying I'm obsessed over both, I meant that I'm noticing the same starting symptoms with grill 2 that happened with grill 1
        Though again I don't know what your point is

  35. 9 months ago

    I feel stagnated in life. I thought lifting would help improve my life and it has to an extent but not as much as I’d hoped really, I’m 5’7 so it doesn’t get respect, I’m still an Incel at age 20, my area is shit as well mostly old people. Despite having decent adulation I’m struggling to even find full time work, I’m enrolling in a law degree soon hopefully and May try just volunteer at firms or whatever. My friends are all turning on me for being an Incel and just being behind them I guess. I just don’t know what else to do with myself, tinder doesn’t work either. Nobody really likes me because I’m boring. What do?

    • 9 months ago

      First and foremost, stop self-identifying as an incel. Being a virgin is fine - sure, it can be a little embarrassing past a certain age and some (immature) people might make fun of you - but the fact that you identify as an incel is a good indicator that the internet has given you fricking brain rot. Your friends aren't 'turning on you' because you can't get laid, they probably just don't want to associate with you because the internet has made your incredibly bitter and insufferable to be around.

    • 9 months ago

      Stop posting about it on every thread. I swear to Christ you are there even in some fricking thread about gomad, back pains or deadlifts. Always the same post, again and again. How long will it take you to accept that posting about it on IST ad infinitum isn't gonna do nothing besides making other anons dislike you? I know I ain't the first one to recognize your posts and I won't be the last. For fricks sake lad, ditch the chan for a month and go lift some weights, read, study or go out. Stop obsessing about being a virgin, especially when you're so young. This board is full of guys who only lost their virginity on their late twenties and do you know what they all have in common? None of them did so by writing self-pitying posts about it on a Laotian ivory carving forum.
      >but I need advice
      Then read one of the 100's of replies with decent advice other anons have kindly been making to your posts ever since you started writting them all those months ago instead of constantly spitting on their faces by ignoring the goodwill of people who don't even know you and still wasted their time trying to offer you some help.

  36. 9 months ago

    >got myself a Tinder
    >match with several girls
    >most of them have "looking for long term relationship" tag in their profiles
    Should I just ignore and try to lay pipe anyway?

    • 9 months ago

      Ignore indeed
      Smooth talk away
      I met up on a date and got offered hotel sex and nudes that very night but she flaked on the last minute logistics

    • 9 months ago

      Most people act like they are looking for a specific thing until a stud/manic pixie dream girl appears and all the plans go out of the window. Shoot for the stars anon

    • 9 months ago

      Anon you're not even going to get a response from any of them.

  37. 9 months ago

    My mom pulled me out of kickboxing when I was 8 because she saw “a great darkness” brewing in me. Sometimes I wonder what could have been 🙁

    • 9 months ago

      That would have broken my heart. I'm sorry Anon. Kickboxing is the only thing that kept me afloat in Boomerville BummerCity

    • 9 months ago

      I lift for little lads like you

    • 9 months ago

      She was reminded of the time she fricked a Black person and wondered if any of its left over sperm somehow made it into you. You could be in jail rn, anon. Be thankful she did what was right.
      >t. that nig

  38. 9 months ago

    5"8 down from 90kg to 86kg in 9 weeks but i cant see any fricking difference. i feel better, i run better, i dont struggle with day to day tasks, my clothes are too baggy for me, but everytime i strip and look in the mirror i still look like the fat frick i was before i started. i know ive still got to get to about 60kg before i look skinny but holy frick is it demoralising

    • 9 months ago

      shit i meant 76kg

    • 9 months ago

      Since you follow your own progress daily you become blind to it, but a 14kg difference should be noticeable. Did you take any before pics to compare to after pics? It should be glaringly obvious side by side.

      • 9 months ago

        >Did you take any before pics
        i did but when i was going through my gallery my mum saw it and i was so embarrassed that i deleted it. maybe if i was a little less disgusted with how id let myself become i could do it but nah, all im seeing is a little stomach slimming while the rest remains the same

        Black person better start psyoping yourself into enjoying progress or youll burn out.

        not too worried about that, i love rooning, i love walking more and having stretching routines etc etc. its just that im getting antsy not seeing as much physical progress as i wouldve liked so its mostly stopping myself from going full suicide cut and ruining my body

    • 9 months ago

      Black person better start psyoping yourself into enjoying progress or youll burn out.

  39. 9 months ago

    My life has really improved a lot over the last few months. It feels like it was a choice. I could either see clearly but must also face my own guilt and failures, or else could drown my guilt and shame with distractions or diversions such as constant TV, music, discord conversations, and circular patterns of resentment directed at the people around me. Interestingly the traits I’d feel resentful of in other people were generally what I was guilty of as well. Still got a long ways to go but I know I’m making progress as every day more of my own flaws are unveiled and the world makes a bit more sense.

    Aside from that work is going well and managing to maintain my physique at the gym.

    Having some challenges with women. Obviously my challenges would be reflective of own failures- if I were a better man I would have better opportunities. But there are also consistencies I’m encountering with women which are worth writing about. Will follow up in another post.

    • 9 months ago

      I think most guys want the same type of woman for a LTR. Not only beautiful but maintains a high standard for her own behavior. And in addition being caring, grateful, nurturing...

      There seem to be two roads which lead to a woman becoming that ideal. Either she's just a particularly reflective person, and from her experiences, successes, and mistakes is able to form herself into something positive without becoming cynical or jaded. Or else she grew up insulated or on a short leash and never had the opportunity to make the mistakes which corrupt people.

      Obviously the first past is ideal since the second would be naively optimistic. The challenge however is that severely honest self-reflection only seem to occur in response to severe depressions, failures, losses, etc. Consciousness indicates a failure of instincts -> we must only consider what we must do when we aren't doing it already. So in order to find a real well synthesized babygirl you risk chaining yourself to someone who has a lot of fricked up baggage

      That is where I am now

      • 9 months ago

        My life has really improved a lot over the last few months. It feels like it was a choice. I could either see clearly but must also face my own guilt and failures, or else could drown my guilt and shame with distractions or diversions such as constant TV, music, discord conversations, and circular patterns of resentment directed at the people around me. Interestingly the traits I’d feel resentful of in other people were generally what I was guilty of as well. Still got a long ways to go but I know I’m making progress as every day more of my own flaws are unveiled and the world makes a bit more sense.

        Aside from that work is going well and managing to maintain my physique at the gym.

        Having some challenges with women. Obviously my challenges would be reflective of own failures- if I were a better man I would have better opportunities. But there are also consistencies I’m encountering with women which are worth writing about. Will follow up in another post.

        cont 2

        Also getting quite frustrated since I've run into the same archetype a couple times and I can't help wonder what part is me must be corrupted in order to attract such a corrupted spirit.

        I'm talking about early to mid-20s women, very physically attractive, whose dreams of becoming high achievers dissolved after they failed to find work or grad programs after finishing their undergrad programs or dropping/ switching onto an easier path. You'd imagine this to not to be so bad, because:
        >they're very beautiful and physically healthy
        >they're reasonably intelligent
        >they often have full or partially completed schooling, would be able to swing into solid career within 4-5 years

        However what ends up happening is they date a bunch of dudes and end up thinking that if a high-earning doctor or lawyer will frick them, they deserve a husband or boyfriend at that tier. Then as their career ambitions deteriorate they try to latch onto men further and further down the instagram hierarchy. Often fricking themselves financially en route to produce a semblance of success in their fashion, car, hair or apartment. Until finally they find themselves face to face with me.

        For some reason, perhaps in order to attain a feeling of superiority or status, they make outrageous requests of me, even though I imagine them to be lucky that I'm giving this a genuine shot? For example:
        >they want me to be okay with them cheating
        >they want excessive money, israeliteelry, clothes, vacations
        >they say the most humiliating insulting things

        life is a circus and I am the clown. None of these hoes know how to use microsoft excel. That's how I can sniff them out in the future

        • 9 months ago

          congrats you rediscovered hypergamy

  40. 9 months ago

    Having faith was the worst thing I ever did in my life. I should have gone into accounting not MIS (moneyless incel sucker) business degree

  41. 9 months ago

    Marriage is tough. The house, car, insurance are in my name, and I get snapped at because I’m being the provider even though she works more hours. She needs us to move to NYC for her career. 3x the cost for 3x less assets. As if I’m going to just let go of a 3.5% mortgaged home. I wanted to try for kids in a year. I refuse to raise an infant in that ratnest.
    So the onus gets put on me to make more money. As if we aren’t debt free (aside from mortgage) saving $1200+ a month. money for what? So we can have expensive food, travel around, more shit to litter the house with? I swear to god she’s so inoculated by her garbage Kdramas, Modern Family, instagram feed and work environment to accept how fake that dream is.
    And yet I know if we don’t do it now the opportunity will slip her by and I’ll be extra miserable hearing the couldabeens the rest of my life.

    • 9 months ago

      She is dead set that she will feel happy if she works out, that she needs a reason to get out of bed (as if there isn’t an entire homestead to help out with before she leaves for work at 10:30). I have $1500+ invested in a garage gym, we live in a safe neighborhood for running. I offer to do ab and kettlebell conditioning to set a morning mood. But she wants a commercial gym. And not planet fitness or the community center. Ones with Saunas and Pools and tons of machines. and I already know from 2 cycles of this shit that she’s going to go for a month, let them collect for free for 4 months, then go back into it for 3 weeks. Fricking women that weren’t athletes in school need to stay in their lane. The proclamation of working out is more important that the working out itself. Some sort of jank ass status symbol like their dad diets that always seem to plague my grocery bills. Fricking frick

    • 9 months ago

      Let her go.

    • 9 months ago

      oh man and she leaves you she takes half of your shit lmao.

      It's almost like inviting the state into your personal relationships was a bad idea 😉

    • 9 months ago

      She is dead set that she will feel happy if she works out, that she needs a reason to get out of bed (as if there isn’t an entire homestead to help out with before she leaves for work at 10:30). I have $1500+ invested in a garage gym, we live in a safe neighborhood for running. I offer to do ab and kettlebell conditioning to set a morning mood. But she wants a commercial gym. And not planet fitness or the community center. Ones with Saunas and Pools and tons of machines. and I already know from 2 cycles of this shit that she’s going to go for a month, let them collect for free for 4 months, then go back into it for 3 weeks. Fricking women that weren’t athletes in school need to stay in their lane. The proclamation of working out is more important that the working out itself. Some sort of jank ass status symbol like their dad diets that always seem to plague my grocery bills. Fricking frick

      Let her go.

      oh man and she leaves you she takes half of your shit lmao.

      It's almost like inviting the state into your personal relationships was a bad idea 😉

      Fellas am I missing something here, original anon included I want your input since it’s your situation.
      >has no kids with this woman, depending on area nothing really tying him down to her and a potential clean break/divorce
      >she apparently makes more than him but he’s the provider in this seemingly parasitic relationship, should work in his favor in court depending on state
      >she seems unintelligent, wants to move to New York and have massive downgrade on their life
      Let’s just take a second to dissect that. Anon is the main provider, she makes more though and I guess saves most of her money, but wants to move to shithole NY where assumably Anon will have to continue being the provider after finding a new job with potential pay cut (it’s a cut either way NY is expensive). So them moving there for work truly benefits her wallet alone. Anon loses and suffers more financially, and mentally/spiritually form living in fricking New York.
      >more expensive, will get to enjoy living in a studio apartment for $3000 or struggle to make ends meet elsewhere
      >stupid people as population, actual morons who speak like morons and act like morons
      >degenerate culture
      >crime/unsafe (imagine choosing to move to a place where non white youth play something called “the knockout game”)
      >pretty sure you can’t CC despite the crime or that it’s very big pain in the ass to do so, yet many people who you would want to protect yourself and family from do anyways (correct me if wrong)
      >OP will have to leave his current job for her to pursue hers (wtf???)

      Should this guy not just leave her? It sounds like a recipe for disaster. That shell cheat, cuck him with someone elses kid, then divorce rape him. Best case scenario he has to raise his kids in that shit hole and watch as the city influences them. Anon seems to clealry understand this isnt the life he wants. So what the frick is he doing? She doesn’t even sound great

  42. 9 months ago

    Jagermeister pls
    Left my parents, closest friends, and other opportunities to chase something I didn't understand yet years ago. Been hermit mode. Turned down fortune 10 in my industry after graduating to pursue long shot in semi-niche (for normies to the industry) firm. Was in shitty role for nearly a year before learning today I'll more likely than not get transferred to the team working kind of closely with the guys making million dollar bonuses and is a feeder into there after enough years and effort of grinding. Finally feel like I got over one hump despite all the uncertainty up until now to be given the chance to make it over a slightly larger one before the opportunity to summit. I'm not even ecstatic, I've learned over time to cap it in either direction and smooth out the mania. Tons of other stuff has happened too but I can't help feeling WAGMI. Also tfw KHV, tfwnogf, gained some weight, etc.

    • 9 months ago

      love ya homie don't worry too much wagmi

      t. chad

  43. 9 months ago

    My ex is stalking my social media and liking my posts

  44. 9 months ago

    I'll take a fruited Wheat Ale please, a strong one.

    I'm doing what I've always wanted to for work, and I'm actually making good money on it, but the company I work for is a nightmare and I can't keep working in the industry unless I move which would actually require me to find a job first, and there's a lot of competition for jobs.
    My boss is constantly chasing money and spending it quicker than we take it in, so we have more and more random shit we have to do to which he says will be our next big break, but theres about 5 projects with at least half a million dollars tied up in them that aren't profitable but he keeps funneling money in hoping for a return so we have to work on those while adding small things here and there every week because we have to make payroll every other week, plus pay the bills associated with the other shit.
    Im starting to lose my mind at this.

  45. 9 months ago

    whiskey on the rocks
    i just came back from another failed attempt at socialization and i have been fricking panting and feeling like vomiting for more than an hour. I have already drank like the half of a vodka bottle and it still hasn't gone away.
    it's all so fricking frustrating with constant failure and struggle with the most mundane things without a second of relief

  46. 9 months ago

    Tom Collins with a cucumber garnish for me.
    Zero Fricks directed towards work for the past month. Clock in, go back to bed for 90 minutes, slowly get the bare minimum done while shitposting and doomscrolling. Too frequently am I reminded that working harder is appreciated but only leads to more work for the same pay. Switching careers would be fun if the economy wasn’t tanking and I didn’t have mouths to feed.

  47. 9 months ago

    am i caveman mode?

    • 9 months ago

      You look like a default model from a character select screen. That's not a bad thing, just the first thing that came to mind.

  48. 9 months ago

    Just started working out again. Cranked out 80 dips, 30 pushups and a 600 or so neck crunches. Feeling pretty good. Only downside is the increased horniness I'm going to experience. Literally the only downside to working out for me is having a heightened libido. Just changed my tinder age range to 35-50 per an anons advice and hopefully I'll find some women

    • 9 months ago

      >neck crunches


  49. 9 months ago

    I’m contemplating destroying this girl or just not replying anymore. I’d rather keep working towards being a happier better person, and I understand she’s acting this way because she’s fat, stupid, and insecure. Idk which I’ll choose. I’m very tempted to destroy her. Incoming pics of her and my potential response if I destroy her.

    • 9 months ago


      • 9 months ago

        I’m contemplating destroying this girl or just not replying anymore. I’d rather keep working towards being a happier better person, and I understand she’s acting this way because she’s fat, stupid, and insecure. Idk which I’ll choose. I’m very tempted to destroy her. Incoming pics of her and my potential response if I destroy her.

        My bio up next so you know what she’s referring to.

        • 9 months ago


          I’m contemplating destroying this girl or just not replying anymore. I’d rather keep working towards being a happier better person, and I understand she’s acting this way because she’s fat, stupid, and insecure. Idk which I’ll choose. I’m very tempted to destroy her. Incoming pics of her and my potential response if I destroy her.

          Bio, obviously not serious. Most find this funny, she’s the only one to have taken it seriously.

          the absolute state of online dating

          imagine letting total strangers even have the opportunity of being so judgemental about you
          it blows my mind that there are adults that waste their time like this just for the chance of some sucky sucky
          the entire text fits more a bunch of 13 year olds that discovered texting and realize they could be mean over it

          Yeah I agree. I’m not putting my dick anywhere near this thing dude. I’ve gotten laid significantly more IRL with women I’ve met through work or friends than tinder. Honestly I barely consider tinder prostitutes people all things considered.

          • 9 months ago


            My bio up next so you know what she’s referring to.




            I’m contemplating destroying this girl or just not replying anymore. I’d rather keep working towards being a happier better person, and I understand she’s acting this way because she’s fat, stupid, and insecure. Idk which I’ll choose. I’m very tempted to destroy her. Incoming pics of her and my potential response if I destroy her.

            5/6 what I look like. Nothing special, but I know I’m not ugly. I’ve never slept with anything less than a 6/10, pulled a few 8/10s and a 9/10 once during the times I concealed my autism well. my potential response next

            Don’t reply, just unmatch. Do you feel the need to “destroy” homeless people when they throw empty coffee cups at your car? No, because they are below you. This woman is below you. Do not send her shit.

            That’s how I’m feeling. It’s just the response is perfect and I’m a little proud of it. Hate for it to go to waste.

            • 9 months ago

              >picture with toilet in the background

              lmaoing dude

            • 9 months ago

              Bro you’re obviously a reasonably smart and quite handsome guy. However your profile looks pretty transparent. You’re worried that your best isn’t good enough and you’ve adopted a persona to avoid looking at yourself, or so other people can’t see the real you so easily. They can see the persona and find it entertaining or alluring so they give you a chance and gradually and cautiously you can reveal yourself in a manner designed to limit the intensity of rejection or the likelihood of it occurring. That’s just a gay way of going about it. You’re crawling on your knees and shielding yourself with your hands from blows you’re anticipating but which might never come if you didn’t act that way to begin with. Women aren’t super smart but are pretty good at figuring out dudes, even if only through some kind of subconscious intuition. She did what she knew how to do and you insulted her, of course she’ll be but hurt if she gave you a chance and you pearls for swined it. Dude you can obviously do way better. Make a better account, aim for better options, maybe you only get a couple matches but if you do what you gotta do, if you’re a man, you can easily make it

              • 9 months ago

                I already deleted the app lmao

                >The sheer audacity though

                Bruh, someone insulted you on the internet. Get over it.

                It’s not about that, my feelings aren’t hurt, I’ve come across IRL before too and I just don’t understand it. When I said that what I meant was it kind of baffles me and still does. I’d like to understand why some women act that way to a guy they’re attracted to. Is it purely insecurity? Social moronation? An attempt at negging?
                I wonder if they’ve actually had any success doing that

              • 9 months ago

                Like the other guy said, don't send anything but a one liner. If you really want to get them, get them to agree to a date then stand them up without warning or reply.

              • 9 months ago

                I had considered doing this. Carrying on the convo for a bit, lining up a date, flaking, and then hitting her with my “le epic based pwnage” response above. It’s not worth it. You guys all set me straight for my head out my ass. This is a waste of time there’s more important shit for me to worry about in my life

    • 9 months ago

      the absolute state of online dating

      imagine letting total strangers even have the opportunity of being so judgemental about you
      it blows my mind that there are adults that waste their time like this just for the chance of some sucky sucky
      the entire text fits more a bunch of 13 year olds that discovered texting and realize they could be mean over it

    • 9 months ago

      Don’t reply, just unmatch. Do you feel the need to “destroy” homeless people when they throw empty coffee cups at your car? No, because they are below you. This woman is below you. Do not send her shit.

    • 9 months ago

      Don't reply. You know nothing good will come of it.

    • 9 months ago

      Just don't reply. Replying is feeding into her ego. Unmatching is showing her you got your feelings hurt.

      No matter how much you ever want to send that novel, that wall of txt, don't. Women THRIVE on attention. The ONLY way you ever win in some small way with them is depriving them of yours.

      AND any negative reply you send her is getting screenshotted and put up on the local instagram/facebook "Are we dating the same guy?" page with your pictures to frick with you, and her IG story.

      • 9 months ago

        Where is the male version: are we dating the same girl?
        I haerd israelites at faceberg bloack those LOL
        Women are overpriced and fatter than ever and more busted pussy than ever.

        • 9 months ago

          Men don't gossip.

    • 9 months ago

      Give yourself the satisfaction of knowing you are cutting out the negativity, and her the satisfaction of thinking she won on a Friday night. Win-Win

    • 9 months ago


      My bio up next so you know what she’s referring to.

      Bio, obviously not serious. Most find this funny, she’s the only one to have taken it seriously.
      Yeah I agree. I’m not putting my dick anywhere near this thing dude. I’ve gotten laid significantly more IRL with women I’ve met through work or friends than tinder. Honestly I barely consider tinder prostitutes people all things considered.

      5/6 what I look like. Nothing special, but I know I’m not ugly. I’ve never slept with anything less than a 6/10, pulled a few 8/10s and a 9/10 once during the times I concealed my autism well. my potential response next
      That’s how I’m feeling. It’s just the response is perfect and I’m a little proud of it. Hate for it to go to waste.

      >your 27
      >she's 21
      >fat stumpy lil piglet
      >picture doesn't really show off your body
      >idgaf if it's bait, your bio is cringe
      >using tinder in current year
      Anon, what the frick are you doing? Lemme buy you a drink. Bartender! A hard shot of Everclear to snap this man back to reality.

      • 9 months ago

        You’re right, I should honestly delete the app. I can’t bring myself to meet up with any of the women I match with. It’s almost like I use it to stroke my own ego at this point which is obviously useless and arguably sad.

    • 9 months ago

      Just don't reply. Replying is feeding into her ego. Unmatching is showing her you got your feelings hurt.

      No matter how much you ever want to send that novel, that wall of txt, don't. Women THRIVE on attention. The ONLY way you ever win in some small way with them is depriving them of yours.

      AND any negative reply you send her is getting screenshotted and put up on the local instagram/facebook "Are we dating the same guy?" page with your pictures to frick with you, and her IG story.

      >AND any negative reply you send her is getting screenshotted and put up on the local instagram/facebook "Are we dating the same guy?" page with your pictures to frick with you, and her IG story.

      I managed to fake account my way into the one for my city. It is entirely girls posting screenshots of their IG/tinder/Snap/etc DMs for the other girls to see at the slightest indiscretion any man commits with all context removed. That and girls posting insane stories about men that there is no way for them to possibly prove or verify which are likely just made up to spite a guy that dumped them at best.

      Also to original anon, why the frick are you swiping right on pigs? Have some standards man, holy shit. Every time guys here post their matches they're full of absolute trash tier girls. You guys need to seek better for yourselves don't just stick your dick into whatever you see. Care about yourself.

      • 9 months ago

        I swipe right on everything. Shit my tinder practices are open the app once every 1-2 weeks while I take a shit, swipe right on all matches, don’t look at any of the matches until next time I open app.

        Just deleted it

        • 9 months ago

          >I swipe right on everything.
          Yeah that's why these apps are so shit. Dudes like you inflating girls like this' egos with how many instant matches they get. You're the reason this girl thinks she's hot and treats men as disposable amusement.

          • 9 months ago

            Frick you’re right. I’ve been saying this too that’s the saddest part. I’m one of the dudes I’ve called a piece of shit. I was part of the problem. I’m glad I posted all this, you guys got me to delete that shitty app

      • 9 months ago

        brother if i didnt swipe right on the uggos, my matches would go from 0.01% to 0.00%

    • 9 months ago

      You had an opportunity to call someone Fatsidy and you just threw it away

    • 9 months ago

      >I’m contemplating destroying this

      If you do, it means she won you insecure loser.

  50. 9 months ago

    >quit job last tuesday (electrician)
    >been putting in apps since monday
    >got 2 interviews tuesday
    1 for account manager and the other for solar installer
    >got another account manager job that wants to move forward
    Anyone know anything about account management? From what I've seen it just seems like I'm the guy who would get people to renew contracts/offer them better deals.

    Also, supper tonight is sirloin steak, oven roasted potatoes, and bone marrow. The girl behind the meat store was miring hard.

    • 9 months ago

      Are you the anon who gave me advice about how shitty the guys you work with can be? Or was that a different anon who quit his electrician job recently?
      Do you have any advice for the aptitude test to join my local union? I’m basically relearning math all on my own right now. Haven’t done it since highschool.

      • 9 months ago

        >Are you the anon who gave me advice about how shitty the guys you work with can be?
        Same one. I never have to take a test. I was lucky that my first company I walked into and asked if they were hiring. They were. And I got hired. Sorry, fren. Can't help you. Digits and I'll buy you a drink.

        • 9 months ago

          >no digits
          Oof. Did you have any experience or did the company teach you and set you up with the apprenticeship?

          Also, if yes to that, I recall you said it was like year 3/4 of your apprenticeship. Does that mean you’re still in it or how does that work, pick up where you left off or start over?
          Actually you said you can test out at this point nevermind.
          I hate that I have to pass this test to get in. Oh well, khan academy it is

          • 9 months ago

            Mein Got, anon. You are having to go through so much many more things than I did. TBWH, as you had expected, I just applied to basic Resi company. Nothing more. Nothing less. hatefully regretfully to inform you that this is the way of most trades. I want you to live a better life than I did. Please. don't join the trades. I implore you of all than all of I am. DON'T JOIN THE TRADES. I know (You) are better than this. Especially at such a younger age. Do anything. Just not the trades.

        • 9 months ago

          Bourbon with milk.
          Still struggling after a break up with the girl that I loved with all my heart. It's been two months now, my sadness turned into a feeling of emptiness. I can't say that it's getting better everyday, but it sure gets easier

          I remember you from the last week's thread, hope things are looking better for you. Stay strong.

  51. 9 months ago


    You should respond by asking her if she kisses her mother with that mouth or is it always too stuffed with cake to do so.

  52. 9 months ago


    id just say i turned in an application for you at weight watchers and move on. I dont think she deserves genuine advice.

  53. 9 months ago


    >The sheer audacity though

    Bruh, someone insulted you on the internet. Get over it.

  54. 9 months ago


    >>Look Kassidy I’m gonna give you some genuine advice. Learn to take a joke, you’re the only person who ever took that bio seriously. And it’s kind of sad that you seem to think taking a single psych1101 course means you’re intelligent enough to psychoanalyze someone considering you can’t even comprehend obvious satire.
    , coming out the gate with a nasty attitude isn’t something that you personally can pull off. Big girl with bad attitude = massive turn off. It simply does not work for you. It comes off as extremely insecure and projecting. So maybe consider dropping 30lbs if that’s the game you’ve decided on. I don’t say this to be cruel, you do have a cute face so I’m sure if you fix the body then the bratty insult thing can work for you in the future.
    >>But all I’m getting from you now is overweight girl with a bad attitude and poor sense of humor. You can’t take good care of yourself, you can’t at least compensate via good personality, and you’re slow. Why would anyone find that attractive?
    , I’m not sure how we matched so I’m sorry to waste time but my preference is healthy black women.
    Yeah, don't send this. Unless it's going to be a one-liner then don't. Sending paragraphs to girls or trying to "be real" with them is what men do with men, not what you should do with women. You think sending something like this is going to make her go, "Oh no... I was wrong, I feel bad even though I won't admit it. I can't believe he said that to me wtf..." and cry with ice cream for the night.

    The reality is she would look at it, screencap it, and put it in her group chat saying,
    >"OMG look this guy sent me a fricking NOVEL LMAO holy shit AHAHAHAHAHA"
    and all her friends would be like
    >"Wow go off king lmao wtf"
    >"omg my friend knows him hahhahahaha what a creep"
    Then they go on about their day but you suffer socially.

  55. 9 months ago


    writing a two page essay to someone about how little you care about them is a logical contradiction. If you don’t care just act the part and ignore her

  56. 9 months ago


    Bro you're letting her live rent free in your head with that response. Just ignore her. Only reason why you wanna sperg out with that response is for your own ego and 1-upping her

    • 9 months ago

      Also women will never admit they're wrong even if it's exceedingly obvious. It's like trying to get a fish to climb a tree. Many such cases.

      I already deleted the app lmao
      It’s not about that, my feelings aren’t hurt, I’ve come across IRL before too and I just don’t understand it. When I said that what I meant was it kind of baffles me and still does. I’d like to understand why some women act that way to a guy they’re attracted to. Is it purely insecurity? Social moronation? An attempt at negging?
      I wonder if they’ve actually had any success doing that

      >Is it purely insecurity? Social moronation? An attempt at negging?
      Probably all of the above

  57. 9 months ago

    >water as always

    >My mom suspects that i am trying to do the carnivore diet.
    >She came and leave cookies in my house.
    >i insisted that she should take them.
    >She hecking ignored me.
    >Im obese.

    Are moms the biggest gain goblins bros?

  58. 9 months ago

    I have a debilitating fear of aging and the marching of time towards death. I’m not necessarily afraid of dying, but that I’ll miss out on doing fun things in life. Despite this, I somehow end up being very mediocre. The fact that I’m posting this on IST after years of training on and off is a testament to that fact; my max bench was only ever slightly past 2pl8. My mediocre lifting habits reflect my other aspects of life too.

    I’m a simple man, really. While I fear aging, my primary fear stems from losing my youth because I have little interest in things outside those related to the blessings of being young such as drinking and fricking. I kinda want to break up with my gf for this reason as I get increasingly bad FOMO as I age. It’s only in the last 2-3 years since we got together I’ve started receiving a lot of attention from girls (probably because I’m older). Yet I also realise I’m probably at my peak in life right now. I’m not gonna get prettier and the selection of girls I can hookup with will get older.

    Time is fricking scary, man.

  59. 9 months ago

    I spent the whole day chatting up tinder hoes instead of eating and now just ordered a burger full of bacon and onion rings plus some fries from one place, a box of chocolate covered nuts from another place and an ice cream and more fries from McDonald's. Send help.
    >t. coomer hungry skeleton

    • 9 months ago

      Update: I ate it all and think I'm gonna die.

  60. 9 months ago

    Water please.

    I've been getting approached by women more now but I'm still in the mindset of getting to know them through texting and not being proactive in getting the date. I guess I just have to break through the mental block and just go for it. The dates I do get though I hold myself back from physical escalation but that's another issue to deal with another day.

  61. 9 months ago

    How do you move forwards? How can I accept that I wasted the best years of my life and have nothing to show for? I think the biggest mistake I did was going to university. I should have gone to work as soon as I finished high school. What do I have now? A 34 year old with a diploma that is worth less than the ink and paper that it is written on, and too few work experience to be considered a valuable hire.

    I need something, anything to make me accept that I fricked up and I have to move on, like some sort of peace with my past. Currently all I have is anger when I think on it, I want to hit my head against the pavement, not even talking about suicide ideas.

    • 9 months ago

      Get over it. That's all you can do. You have to accept it, don't care, or just get over it.
      Either you learn to live with your failures and mistakes or you have a nice day.

  62. 9 months ago

    Water and shrooms please.

    Called into work today. These 14-15 hour days aren’t worth missing on my kids lives. I’ve been really stressed and pretty much depressed with my job, I need to find something else cause this ain’t it. Looking forward to this long week with the kiddos and working out hard. We’re all gonna make it one day, boys. Our hardships won’t last forever.

  63. 9 months ago


    your bio is objectively cringe and this girl also isn’t worth your time lmao. stop being moronic anon. ignore the internet stranger and start drafting a better tinder bio

  64. 9 months ago

    I thought someone stole my 0,75 kg plates, because I left them at the gym, but the gym staff just put them away. Nice to have them back.

  65. 9 months ago

    My woman calls me the cervix smasher

  66. 9 months ago

    >How are you doing?
    Feeling good , read few pages of Daniel made me feel better overall , gave me insight , and seeing the next generation coming up for the corrupted crown I used to wear its just fit perfectly.
    Other than that sharp and flaming pain got the best out of me today.
    My praying goes to the girl I saw yesterday.
    Jesus is Christ and savior , his sacrifice ain't vaine at all , all glory to hi and the Heavenly Father.

  67. 9 months ago

    Quit my job today, really sucks leaving my boss behind with that horrible company but I need to get my life back on track and that job had taken over my life.
    At the very least now I can begin my grind towards a better life. I can start lifting again, grind out my art for the next 6 months and hopefully pick up a gig in the industry, and work on unraveling the underlying psychological issues I only just recently realized I had stemming from years of emotional abuse.
    I hope we all start moving towards our best lives soon frens

  68. 9 months ago

    Various things are on the slide and the blonde's gone shy and evasive again.
    Lagavulin. Double, no ice.

  69. 9 months ago

    I got diagnosed with scleritis today, and its a more severe form that is "nodular" which I am going to need to see an eye doctor about. It could be caused by an infection but none of the infections that I see seem to be very fun to get.. But it did come on sudden and rapidly to be auto-immune caused. If its auto-immune caused I get steroids. Based?

    • 9 months ago

      corticosteroids, they actually cause muscle to eat itself if it's systemic, if it's topical you are safe

      • 9 months ago

        Frick frick frick. It's difficult to pin down but i don't think an auto-immune condition is likely. It's most likely an opportunistic infection.. which occured since I had Pink eye + severe pneumonia while in Philippines in June. Like full on bacterial pneumonia and lost hearing in my left ear. All of this came on last week, and its occuring in the same eye that I had pink eye with.

  70. 9 months ago

    Whiskey. I have stenosis and my shit fricking hurts. Gonna do some shots and stretch for an hour. feelin good otherwise made like 1.2k today

  71. 9 months ago

    should I start smoking? need something to pass the time

    • 9 months ago

      no, shit habit
      I mean you can smoke 1 cigarette when going outside with others, but always take it from someone else. Never actually buy a pack of cigarettes

  72. 9 months ago

    >last week struggled to deadlift for 1 240lbs because my grip could barely take it
    >Today deadlifted 245 for 2 easily because I switched from double overhand to mixed grip
    Damn bros it really is that easy. 1/2/3/4 coming next year for sure.

  73. 9 months ago

    bros i am 20 and i work 50 hours a week doing manual labor. i live with my parents and have not had sex in almost a year. i've never had a girlfriend

    there is nothing to do in my hometown, i feel like i have no reason to be alive and i am unsure about my future

    i have a 780 credit score and 25k saved up. i live a healthy lifestyle. none of it matters.

    all i do when im not at work is sleep

    even if i worked less and had more free time, or even if i went to college like my friends, i would still be miserable. i could probably get a gf but i get annoyed relatively easy and i know that a relationship wouldn't improve my life. i can't imagine any circumstance in which i would be happy

    • 9 months ago

      >20 and i work 50 hours a week doing manual labor
      >25k saved up
      Just keep steppin brother with a work ethic like that you'll be ready to enjoy life whenever you start enjoying it. Find a hobby you enjoy and you'll be a strong happy man.

      • 9 months ago

        >you'll be ready to enjoy life whenever you start enjoying it
        this is basically what's keeping me going
        the idea that at some point, this brainfog or sickness of mine will dissipate, or i will find some kind of purpose, and at that time, I'll have enough money to take initiative.

        • 9 months ago

          You're 20, it WILL get better, keep grinding.

  74. 9 months ago

    I'm DYEL but decided to wear compression shorts to the gym. I don't care if people see the outline of my pp. However, midway through my workout I was asked by the gym staff to put on some shorts.
    Can I take a legal action route for discrimination?

    • 9 months ago

      FACT: DYELs are NOT a protected class under the law

  75. 9 months ago

    Been insanely anxious and depressed since a kid to the point now where I can't even function, get panic attacks when trying to get a job and shit, and it's because my parents mistreated me and I never knew what to do about it or that it wasn't my fault. I haven't felt happy at all really my whole life. Now I'm living in their house as a socially anxious NEET with no prospects. Therapy is helping but I really have no idea what to do about it and the lost time, loneliness, fears about the future etc. is hitting me insanely hard. If I tell them this I might have to move out, it'd probs be a huge weight off my chest too, but I have no confidence to take care of myself. Frick, I'm not sure what to do.

    • 9 months ago

      >Been insanely anxious and depressed since a kid to the point now where I can't even function, get panic attacks when trying to get a job and shit
      Same shit dude. I wasnt always like this. At some point something happened to flip a switch in me as a child.
      Around age 18 it got better when I transformed my body and started college as a completely new person. Then after shit in college it got so much worse, shitty ex princess reinforced whatever happened to me as a kid.

      Look into JulienHimself on YouTube, has a lot of very useful insightful stuff about social anxiety and depression/anxiety in general. Today I listened to a video where he detailed what I wrote above. Something happened to us in childhood to make us like this. We werent always like this. We didn’t exit the womb with social anxiety. That’s not normal that doesn’t happen.
      I do have some theories and ideas about fixing it.
      >learn to not give a single frick in any way whatsoever, go into random job yo using care about or plan to put on resume, don’t take it seriously, go to this job with the pure intent of having fun during shifts not to work hard or do well, leave the job after a few months of fulfilling that
      My idea is happy and good experiences will train us in the opposite way

      >what’s wrong with you
      I assume you were made to feel incompetent and no good based on your post. And perhaps the confidence may have been coddled out of you. That’s what my parents did. They refused to give me any responsibility or ever have any faith in me. Any idea I had was shot down. Every time I opened my mouth it was met with heavy criticism about why it was a horrible idea because there was a technical 0.00001% chance whatever absurd thing could go wrong but for them it 100% would and I was dumb to think of the idea. Even handling basic shit they wouldn’t let, like hanging onto paper work for my school. Dave Ramsey on YouTube talks about this helicopter parenting and coddling the confidence out

    • 9 months ago

      >Been insanely anxious and depressed since a kid to the point now where I can't even function, get panic attacks when trying to get a job and shit
      Same shit dude. I wasnt always like this. At some point something happened to flip a switch in me as a child.
      Around age 18 it got better when I transformed my body and started college as a completely new person. Then after shit in college it got so much worse, shitty ex princess reinforced whatever happened to me as a kid.

      Look into JulienHimself on YouTube, has a lot of very useful insightful stuff about social anxiety and depression/anxiety in general. Today I listened to a video where he detailed what I wrote above. Something happened to us in childhood to make us like this. We werent always like this. We didn’t exit the womb with social anxiety. That’s not normal that doesn’t happen.
      I do have some theories and ideas about fixing it.
      >learn to not give a single frick in any way whatsoever, go into random job yo using care about or plan to put on resume, don’t take it seriously, go to this job with the pure intent of having fun during shifts not to work hard or do well, leave the job after a few months of fulfilling that
      My idea is happy and good experiences will train us in the opposite way

      >what’s wrong with you
      I assume you were made to feel incompetent and no good based on your post. And perhaps the confidence may have been coddled out of you. That’s what my parents did. They refused to give me any responsibility or ever have any faith in me. Any idea I had was shot down. Every time I opened my mouth it was met with heavy criticism about why it was a horrible idea because there was a technical 0.00001% chance whatever absurd thing could go wrong but for them it 100% would and I was dumb to think of the idea. Even handling basic shit they wouldn’t let, like hanging onto paper work for my school. Dave Ramsey on YouTube talks about this helicopter parenting and coddling the confidence out

      Ran out of space
      >Dave Ramsey
      But his recommendation is to move out of their house and start supporting yourself, become dependent. Which is easier said than done when the issue is so bad we have panic attacks simply applying for a job.

      >other idea
      Beta blockers. I’m contemplating trying them. Hate the idea of using pills. But 50% of my anxiety is from how obvious my anxiousness is to others, which creates a snowball effect and leaves me on the brink of panic attacks or having one and I’ll need to use the bathroom every 20 minutes to breath and splash water in my face.
      If beta blockers remove enough of the issue for me to just chill, then I can have normal experiences and train my brain the other way. Which is just drug assisted CBT.

      I’ve wasted my 20s trying to fix this. I’ve come a decent way. From not being able to leave my house without panic attacks, and having them daily to having them once in a blue moon and being able to shop for food, talk to strangers while hanging out wherever. But I still feel way more anxious doing that than anyone should.

      • 9 months ago

        >beta blockers
        Propranolol will screw with your training, particularly cardio.

      • 9 months ago

        It's a b***h man. I should probably get on pills. I need to get a grip it's torture living this way. Did you move out yet? I think I need to tell my parents how I feel but my issue is being afraid to talk to them and if I lose their "support" (where they don't openly hate me) then I'll be a NEET living in their house who they dislike... and with the panic idk what to do, but I'm thinking talking to them will help it end and then the chips will fall where they may.

        But yeah I've also been in denial about my life and how dire the situation is and like you said moving out and supporting myself has to be the main priority, it's crazy how growing up I thought homeless people were just complete losers and it didn't make sense how they got to that point but now I fully understand, reality is hitting and it's pretty harrowing but also a bit freeing knowing that I'm fricked unless I take care of myself

  76. 9 months ago

    I'd rather kill myself than end up becoming bald.
    I think being bald is the worst thing that can happen to a man and it's ugly as shit, i've always detested bald men.

  77. 9 months ago

    That art girl that everyone said I shouldn't take serious? Yeah, it didn't end well.
    Best head I ever got in my life. Perfect tiddies. Never got to frick her though. That fills me with a genuine sense of sadness. Man I wish I got to frick that b***h. Too bad man.

  78. 9 months ago

    I feel like a robot pretending to be a human. I wish I could be genuinely happy, but I just have to put on a happy looking mask so I don't get shit on in my professional life. At least the gym gives me something to concentrate on in my down time.

  79. 9 months ago

    Everything is going okay, although I haven't been lifting. At least for now. One thing that has been bugging me is just not being happy doing anything. I've been trying not to just sit at home on my days off from work, doing things like snorkelling, dnd with friends, riding my motorcycle out and reading at different locations, going for walks around the neighbourhood, etc. Nothing seems to be making me happy, so I'm going to try dance lessons and if that doesn't work I might start dicking about with carpentry or something.

    • 9 months ago

      That's what life's all about - trying new things.

      Hobbies I've tried and moved on from:
      >Salsa Dancing
      >Rock Climbing

      Current hobbies I'm currently enjoying:
      >muay thai
      >home renovation

      Hobbies I'm going to try soon:
      >scuba diving
      >Frisbee golf
      >Pickle Ball
      >Solo camping

  80. 9 months ago

    Something strong Johnny
    I got a hemroid going right now, so I've been put on light duty which means no lifting. The physical discomfort isn't so bad as having to take a few weeks off of the gym right when I need to be looking good on camera. I guess I'll just starve myself to keep the weight off.

  81. 9 months ago

    I still am astounded at how easily women lie. They are shameless about it too. Were they always like this, historically? The more I deal with them the more I feel that the opposite gender is a waste of time. To think that I was insecure about not having female friends during my teenage years. I took that peaceful period for granted. Didn't even care about sex at the time, so nothing was lost. Now here I am, a twenty something guy who has to endure the mental strain of dealing with Instagram brained hoes because my biology compels me to coom.
    What a pathetic state of affairs.

    • 9 months ago

      >Now here I am, a twenty something guy who has to endure the mental strain of dealing with Instagram brained hoes because my biology compels me to coom
      Take the asceticism and chastity pill. 99.9% of the time women are much ado about nothing. Unless she's the one who God has ordained for you to marry and procreate with you, it is your task to avoid such contact with women. They're all harlots who will drag you down to the pits of hell laughing while they do it. As for women being liars, Solomon says
      >Which yet my soul seeketh, but I find not: one man among a thousand have I found; but a woman among all those have I not found.
      I've has my own mother lie barefaced to me and when I call her out she switched the narrative without thinking twice. All men are liars as David says, but a woman's lies often take a pernicious character that men are not capable of emulating. This is especially so in the romantic context. Outside of the romantic context, because they've been coddled their whole lives, when someone calls them out for their lies, they often recoil and deflect like a israelite would when he is found out.

    • 9 months ago

      Most women only care about you telling them the truth (barely even) but not about them telling you the truth

  82. 9 months ago

    >go gyming for a week
    >get sick the next week
    >rinse and repeat for the last two months
    The frick's wrong with my body? This shit is annoying as frick.

  83. 9 months ago

    >morning: frick this I am quitting
    >evening: maybe just a beer
    >morning: frick this I am quitting
    >ad infinitum
    How do I win this war

    • 9 months ago


      But in all seriousness you need to find something in your life that you value more than getting on the sauce. Until then, the booze will win “why not” mentaility. You need to find your “why”.

  84. 9 months ago

    I need some advice. Only gfs I had were ok asians with no ass or breasts but great face. How do I start attracting more breedable partners?

  85. 9 months ago

    banana daquieri
    mm so good
    then I will take two thia girls for $20 each
    have nie night sir

    skeet shooting israelites and feminists in morning

  86. 9 months ago

    Bar keep. Give me coke and whisky.
    I have been taking my health more seriously lately. Finally decided to go to a ENT and it turns out that I have sleep apnea along with a deviated septum. I really struck gold since ENT's deal with throat and nose issues.
    For the apnea, it sucks that I will have to sleep with that fricking machine every night but good sleep essential to life.
    As for the issues with my nose, I'm gonna have to get a surgery done. The crooks at the hospital called me Today and told me that I would need to pay a $4k+ co-payment. Here goes the money that I was saving for a trip to Europe.
    All said and done, I hope that taking care of the apnea and nose issues provides me with a great increase to my quality of life.

  87. 9 months ago

    I'm moving at a frightening pace cutting ties with people even online friends. I'm in raucous self righteous mood for some reason. Frick all those people who won't show me the proper respect.

  88. 9 months ago

    i got friendzoned by an onlyfans girl and she banned me from subbing but still talks to me daily

    • 9 months ago

      That's pretty pathetic.

    • 9 months ago

      >The whole world can see me act like a prostitute
      >Except for anon
      What a bizarre situation. Would make an adequate premise for a short story if I cared to write one.

      • 9 months ago

        >anon was a cuck
        >the end

        • 9 months ago

          >The mental strain of the whole affair
          >Anon's mind growing increasingly neurotic when confronted with the ridiculousness of it
          >The isolation of being incomprehensibly consumed by a situation that most would deem pathetic
          >The hold some 80iq hoe who's barely self-aware has over anon's existence
          >the closest form of catharsis he can achieve is mentioning it to strangers on an anonymous anime forum in a short post with containing the image of a cartoon character with a hard-on
          Truly Kafkaesque.

    • 9 months ago

      Same but I kept banging her
      She gets emotional on snapchat and then blocks me but then has something to show me and then blocks me again

  89. 9 months ago

    Remembering the good times with my ex
    Remember the day she fell while skating on her skateboard.
    Remember picking her up after falling hard and hugging her
    Remember that she was cheating on me with a fat frick for money
    Remember that the hug meant nothing to her
    I am glad my first girlfriend was this awful
    It makes the stories of anon having their ex cheat on them with a ex or coworker seem mild in comparison.

    • 9 months ago

      You dated a prostitute?

      • 9 months ago

        Yeah basically
        Now come to think about it
        I didn’t even know want to be in an actual relationship with her at first.
        But she was the one who insisted (because she is a good girl and only dates no one night stands)
        She could of had the decency of either doing one of two things
        Cut things off with that fat frick
        Or told me she wanted something casual and I would have been out within 2 weeks.
        It makes her actions even more inexcusable
        Sometimes I wish i did punch her
        Like her ex

    • 9 months ago

      honestly its good to take your lumps so soon
      many men labor for decades under the delusion that women are capable of being decent human beings

    • 9 months ago

      I am glad my first gf was a paragon of virtue impeccable SOVL. It makes other women subhuman in comparison.

  90. 9 months ago

    25 and start my first ever job next week.

    • 9 months ago

      never work 100%
      go at social events
      sit down with the bosses

  91. 9 months ago

    I fricked up and got scammed. Now these Black folk have my full name. Im stressed

  92. 9 months ago

    I'll have a fifth of whiskey at this point. I need something to end me. It's not going good at all. I've been on "nofap" for 2 months. I put the scare quotes because even though I wasn't busting nuts I still looked at porn and gooned for hours. I made it like 1 month completely clean and then got addicted to porn again and spent so many hours gooning I'd miss my workouts and meals, going to classes, seeing friends, doing chores, etc. But in the meantime I started dating this girl from college and we got along really well, and I like her a lot. She came over last night and I couldn't even get hard, She took it really well when I said I hadn't jerk offd in 2 months (technically the truth) and overall it was a positive experience, but I still felt so dead inside. I've actually got a lot of experiences not being able to get hard with chicks I otherwise find attractive or like, it's happened at least 3 times before. It makes me so nervous about sex now, like there's so much pressure on me to perform. It makes me so anxious.
    Anyways today I woke up and finally busted a nut after 2 months, and then relapsed a second time. I want to end myself right now. I feel utterly terrible and I don't know what to do. I lost my streak, I couldn't perform for this girl, and I'm addicted to this horrible shit again.
    Sorry for the blogpost. I had to get this off my chest. I feel trapped, like I'm never going to escape this life-ruining addiction. Even when I'm on nofap I still compulsively look at porn.
    I don't know what to do. So get me that fifth of whiskey bartender, and watch me slam it as if it's my last. I hope it is.

  93. 9 months ago

    As an incel who has never received the attention from any female ever I will never understand when men talk about “toxic women” “crazy women” “red flag women” and how they are the worst thing and you should avoid them.
    I mean being with a woman no matter how crazy or whatever the frick has to be miles better than the purgatory borderline hell that is perpetual inceldom, right?

    • 9 months ago

      when you'll see them, you'll know

    • 9 months ago

      >I mean being with a woman no matter how crazy or whatever the frick has to be miles better than the purgatory borderline hell that is perpetual inceldom, right?
      Absolutely not. The wrong women will make your life an utter living hell and that's not an exaggeration

    • 9 months ago

      >I mean being with a woman no matter how crazy or whatever the frick has to be miles better than the purgatory borderline hell that is perpetual inceldom, right?
      I used to think very similarly to you. Now if I meet a woman and determine she’s like that, or even just will make me slightly less than my baseline happiness most of the time, I will dump her and choose to be alone knowing I have no other women lined up and am not going to meet any for a while. & for future reference when you start dating (you will keep improving man) just think how easily you managed for how ever many years without a woman. It shouldn’t be shit to cut off a crazy who at best brings sex to your life. That’s actually exactly where I am right now after my recent ex. I’m miles happier alone than with a crazy b***h. I’ve met two. Both had me anxious, paranoid, questioning my own sanity. The first I was with for about 2 years. The second less than half a year, cut it off 3 months after the crazy began which was also 3 months into the relationship (most people can only fake things/wear masks for 3 months).

      >I mean being with a woman no matter how crazy or whatever the frick has to be miles better than the purgatory borderline hell that is perpetual inceldom, right?
      Absolutely not. The wrong women will make your life an utter living hell and that's not an exaggeration

      when you'll see them, you'll know

      These guys are correct.

  94. 9 months ago

    I'm kicking my roommates out of my house by the end of the year. The fitness program will resume after the holiday. My business is enough to live off of when they're gone, will probably donate plasma so I can eat for free every month.

    No longer will I depend on others to survive. Everything will be set in order in my house, everything will stay clean. I'm self actualizing and this is just the beginning.

  95. 9 months ago

    How do I meet people my age (late 20s) who are actually chill people and have the same interests as me? I mean both friends and girls.
    It seems no matter what most people are still the same. I thought after highschool I would meet more people like me, I figured in college people would grow up, then I figured mid 20s surely they’d start calming down and growing up. Sure enough same shit.
    What I am attempting to articulate is this peaked in highschool everlasting popularity contest bullshit. Idk how to describe it. Like the people in high school that were obsessed with being “cool” kids and always fitting in just grow up to be the same. I was never excluded from these people, but I dislike them and consider them pathetic. They’re incredibly shallow, fake, and weak people. They’re losers. Everything’s about their image. They do stuff because they’re told it’s what cool people do. They like the stuff the popular majority says is good. No original thought or opinions. While having the audacity to critique or shame you for not sharing their views. NPC? Normies? Idk what the correct word is. I’ve seldom met others like me who will make once in a blue moon appearances with these NPC people and usually we have common interests, while they’re also typically more chill in general. They have the ability to share their opinions while also hearing out another’s thoughts without just shitting on them because they were told they should. These were the guys that would opt to go shooting or play vidya or lift or do anything more “lowkey” instead of going to some big party in highschool but also not being some dork or geek.
    As adults it’s all about going to clubs and shit. That stuff is boring to me. There’s nothing fun about it to me and I wasted a few years forcing myself to try and go. Hanging with liberal sheeps. It’s just a sad degenerate culture I’ve never liked. I’m almost 30 and removed all these types of people from my life.

  96. 9 months ago

    >at publix
    this granola green peace looking b***h was taking forever in front of the bacon.
    she was pulling out all the bacon.
    I guess she was checking to see what was the freshest packed bacon?
    Bizarre, because bacon takes forever to go bad.
    She took so long I had to move on before she was done to come back for my turkey bacon.

    • 9 months ago

      Anon in the future
      >Excuse me
      >*grabs bacon*
      >sorry, thank you, ma’am
      That’s all it takes. What’s the worse that can happen? She snaps at you and starts yelling? Tells you no that you have to wait for her to molest every package? Cool then you have a funny story to share with a friend or here. Maybe you film the interaction, maybe you push her buttons for being a spastic c**t. Or you let her scream and take your bacon anyways and she’s powerless to stop you. That’s the absolute worst case scenario and it’s unlikely.

      Let me ask you, if you were skipped in line would you speak up or allow it? I used to be like that but I’ve lost patience for rude people and unaware people. At my Publix if some fat nig tries to cut me in line at self checkout I speak up, going so far as to slam my basket down and start ringing my shit up while they stand there perplexed if they act like they don’t hear or see me.

  97. 9 months ago

    I developed oneitis for a girl at work who couldn't give 2 fricks about me like an absolute moron. Thursday was her last day and I'll probably never see her again. I got drunk for the first time in over 10 years to cope with it. Then yesterday I expected to get drunk again, but I realised just how little she cares about me. She didn't even bother to say goodbye. I got mad and decided to hit the gym instead of drinking.
    Workout was fine except for pull-ups. I'm really struggling to get the numbers up. Chin-ups just feel way better/easier. Maybe I should spam pull-ups every workout?
    Anyway, I felt better afterwards hoping that I could get over her quickly, but today I'm sad again.

    • 9 months ago

      did you even ask her out moron?
      i had the exact same thing happen to me. after 2 years of not ever speaking with her i asked her out and she said no and now (a year later) i still have dreams about her

  98. 9 months ago

    Just touched a female's (XY chromosome) hand for 0.3 seconds.


  99. 9 months ago

    Only slept for 3 hours last night (stress insomnia sucks), is it even worth it for me to go to the gym today?

    • 9 months ago

      yes, it certainly is

      • 9 months ago

        then I'll go but work light

  100. 9 months ago

    my entire family is dead and I lost my job through alcoholism

    • 9 months ago

      Fricking brutal. Losing all my loved ones and being the sole survivor is probably my only fear in life.
      I know this doesn't mean much, but I hope you can find happiness again anon

      • 9 months ago

        love you, anon, you lot are my best friends

  101. 9 months ago

    A sparkling water with some lime, please.

    Got fired yesterday, the day after we found out we're losing our apartment in 3 months.

    The landlord has family who will be moving in so my wife and I need to find a new place.

    feels not good, but I was prepared for a
    both of these things happening at some point— just not at the same time haha.

    anyway, currently applying for new jobs and working in my CV and upskilling. already started adjusting my budget for food and supps.

    I'm worried that I'll have to cancel my gym membership and lose my gains, though. that's probably the worst part of it.

    how are you guys doing?

    • 9 months ago

      >evicted because landlords family
      It’s so fricked up that they can just do this. Especially with the way things are right now.
      For the usual complaints about landlords I normally semi disagree with most people since I understand they’re just running a business and they gotta eat too. But the scum shit they do. Not giving deposits back with no reason, stuff like what you’re going through…

  102. 9 months ago

    I dreamt I had a lovely gf again

    • 9 months ago

      I do it every night

  103. 9 months ago

    >finally turning my life around after a lifetime of obesity
    >lifting regularly and seeing gains
    >eating less and choosing more healthy stuff
    >still eat way too much saturated fat, carbs and sodium (why the frick is everything loaded with salt?)
    Food is my downfall. I don't drink alcohol, smoke or chew tobacco, do drugs, I don't even drink coffee. But I eat too much no matter how hard I try because what else is there? Been struggling with my weight and depression since I was 8, no treatment or medication has helped. Lifting doesn't make me happy just delays my inevitable heart attack. I have a fricking stress headache again, neck and forehead pounding. Still gonna go lift but hopefully I get a brain bleeding or something and die on the spot. Frick this life and frick me too. Dumb butthole.

  104. 9 months ago

    I don´t know where to go or what to do. Worse, I turned 35 recently and feel like I´m losing valuable time.

    I moved to another country with my wife, then, due to a multitude of factors, we divorced. This was a year ago. There are some aspects of this country that I like, but I miss home and returning to the USA with my family is a sensible choice. Here, in Europe, I work in a foundry like a second class human being, the pay is literally 1/4 of what I was getting in the USA and there is absolutely no future. I have a hard time finishing studying due to mental issues, as well, which means I am stuck there because of something called titulismo. On the plus side, I love where I live. I'm close to the ocean, I like the people and the food. This is leaps and bounds different from my small town in PA. I can't move on from my (ex) wife but she's never coming back, unfortunately.

    What should I do? Should I quit my job and wait for something better to come along? Should I leave everything behind once again and, if I'm going to be an aging loser, go be near my family at least? Offing myself feels ever more appropriate the longer I wane.

  105. 9 months ago

    >it's another "dating app hoe sexts with me, sends nudes, talks about going on a date and then disappears" episode
    Getting real tired of these re-runs.

  106. 9 months ago

    Pint please.
    >Hear through manager that another manager isn't happy with the level of my knowledge and my demeanor at work
    >Too distracted/on the phone too much, knowledge less than expected
    >Some other things with which I don't fully agree
    >Have a talk in person this week
    >Scared I might get kicked off of the contract
    I came in with 0 knowledge in a very tough environment. I should've worked harder, but also never really got proper guidance/mentoring even though in this career they should treat you like a moron and teach you stuff the first 1-2 years according to everyone I speak to.

    • 9 months ago

      Is this moaning guy your upline? If not, he can frick off.

      If he is, ask for a meeting. Firstly ask why you heard about these issues second hand instead of receiving direct feedback. Secondly ask him to spell out the expectations he has of you, as evidently they weren't made transparent previously. And thirdly, ask how he intends to support your development to bring you up to the required level.

      Take the bull by the horns, it may not make you popular but it'll earn you respect.

      • 9 months ago

        Fair point, thanks for the tips anon. Just makes me nervous because I am indeed not up to par, which I am partly to blame for. Also makes me angry, not sure why. Apart from that I've been getting mires from complete strangers both inside and outside the gym, so there's that.

  107. 9 months ago

    I feel like the only way I can become a proper man is to be violent/capable of violence and being 'dangerous' but it's just not me
    I feel lost not really knowing how I am meant to go from a teenager to a man
    I hear people say to be more assertive and such but I just find it really difficult to in my day to day life. In bed with my gf I am super dominate but that's really the only area of my life where I am like that

    • 9 months ago

      It's more a mindset thing than a literal imperative to be a bruiser. Be able to handle yourself. When you interact with people, make sure they know its a meeting of equals - you're not a b***h, or a sucker, or a dogsbody. If someone fricks with you, there will be consequences. Again, not necessarily physically. But, learning at least the basics of a striking or grappling style will make you that big more capable and confident, even if you go your whole life not throwing a punch in anger.

      • 9 months ago

        Further to that: you don't need to be aggressive or disagreeable all the time either. But, a capable ("dangerous") guy has the ability to be genuinely nice and kind. A weak guy has to be nice because it's his only option.

      • 9 months ago

        >more a mindset thing than a literal imperative to be a bruiser
        That's the problem, I don't feel like it is genuine unless I am more of a bruiser
        I know how to punch, done kickboxing so I can fight if needed

        >A weak guy has to be nice because it's his only option
        No matter what I do, deep down I feel like a weak guy even though physically I am quite capable and I don't know how to stop having that weak guy mindset

        • 9 months ago

          >No matter what I do, deep down I feel like a weak guy even though physically I am quite capable and I don't know how to stop having that weak guy mindset
          Grim, same. I genuinely don't like conflict

  108. 9 months ago

    How do I fix myself? Do I need to fix myself or am I just not meeting women that are right for me
    >good looking, shy, sperg with girls usually because grew up short fat and ugly until puberty hit me like a truck last minute 18 years old
    >sometimes meet hot girls who mistake my autism for cute shyness
    >after dating for few weeks they realize somethings wrong with me, lose interest
    >if share interests and hobbies they act surprised and seem weirded out (I like animals, enjoy making living vivariums, weird art shit like carving stones, wrapping stones in leather, hiking just outdoors nature shit in general)
    When I’m near mute and don’t really share shit, don’t say much the relationship is way better but once I begin to get comfortable around them it’s downhill

  109. 9 months ago

    I can't get angry anymore. I assume it's because of depression, but things that used to get me riled up just make me sad now. Even being insulted to my face.

  110. 9 months ago

    >gonna go to church for the first time in forever
    >gonna make a confession prior
    >already thinking of it and i got a fricking knot in my throat
    There's a lot of shit Mr. God is gonna hear tomorrow.

  111. 9 months ago

    I lost about 50 lbs over the course of last year after gaining a lot over COVID and getting out of 6 year relationship.

    Since losing weight I’ve had six separate instances in my workplace of women coming up to me unprompted and introducing themselves to me and making small talk before either directly announcing or slyly dropping into the conversation the existence of their boyfriend/fiancé.

    I’m both far too autistic and terrified of an HR incident and losing my job to push further into any of these things, but what the frick is going on? I genuinely have no idea what these women are trying to do.

  112. 9 months ago

    Crown and coke please.

    Spent a lot of years on the wrong path and been correcting it. Making some good gains in some areas and some slight hiccups in others, but overall progress..

    Thing is recently, I've been uncertain to the gills. Wondering if its all going to pay off. Really questioning my entire self, motivation, and sometimes my reality to the point of pretty decent anxiety. I just need some sign that its gonna pay off.. the worrying and uncertainty usually are things i find that makes life fun and worth living but recently... its the big worry. I feel like i got a lot of pent up anger, stress, and sadness I need to release. Not in a "get rid of it" abandonment type way, but more so of a "shake hands with it" and wish it well type way. It has been the same stress/energy that's kept me moving, so I at least have some sort of reverence or respect for it, but its gotta go to make the pack lighter. A good cry sounds bangin right about now. I'm rambling at this point...

  113. 9 months ago

    Got a date tomorrow.
    Wish me luck bros

  114. 9 months ago

    All I wanted to do was go to the fireline but my gf, her family, my family, it's like no one believes in me

    No one wants me to go. I hang with my best friend and his family and they're all like 'oh that's great, that's a great job for you'

    Frick I'm jealous

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