The Colorado Experiment - The scam that popularized machines and HIIT

The colorado experiment

Over time, a lot of fitness enthusiast around me have mentioned the colorado experiment as a big deal, peak human achievement.

Yet the more I look into it, the more bullshit it seems.

>Arthur Jones funds the experiment, Casey Viator is generously paid per pound gained
>Arthur Jones shills his machines based on the great success of this experiment
>basically this experiment ushers in the era of the machines
>Becomes a millionaire afterwards
>Casey Viator starts at 166 pounds / 75.5 kg and gets to 212 pounds /96 kg in 28 days
>a whooping 46 pounds/21 kg in 28 days with tests done to prove he lost 17 pounds of fat
>end result being 63 pounds /28.5 kg of pure muscle
>all of this with 14 workouts in 28 days


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  1. 9 months ago

    >Casey Viator had won a Mr. America champion title in 1971, weiging at 218 pounds
    >at the start of the experiment in 1973 he is at 165 pounds
    >at the end of the experiment he is 6 pound above his competition weight and looking less defined
    >some sources claim he was on a starvation diet before the experiment, going as low as 800 kcal a day
    >Casey begins the expriment at 13% bodyfat according to the doctor
    >The final reading of bodyfat was 2.4% according to the experiment testers
    >looking worse than his competition percentage at 2.4% is just dull, he looks nothing like 2.4% if that is even humanly possible
    >Mike Mentzer cites the experiment in Heavy Duty
    >Mike Mentzer is more skeptical and restrained on it in Heavy Duty 2, possibly he understood he was in the wrong and corrected some of his ramblings
    >casey was consuming between 4000 and 5000 calories a day
    >for 46 pounds of pure muscle, estimations are you need 6500 kcal a day for 28 days, which is a FRICKLOT so maybe they lied in the diet the Colorado experiment claims
    >The Colorado Experiment claims steroids were not used
    >Casey was known for using steroids during his career
    >Arthur Jones didn't believe steroids increased muscle mass, basically he knew jackshit about working out

    It's all a fricking lie to shill machine. This is muscle memory + steroids on a professional athlete, who cut hard before the experiment.

    jesus fricking christ, is everything cool about this industry a lie ?

    Guess what, this popularizes HIIT as a program. Mentzer, the clown that he is goes on to popularize it and reach Yates as a trainer. No serious competior actually uses it since.

    • 9 months ago

      In conclusion

      >Arthur Jones forced the results to shill his brand of machines and make millions on them
      >He also shilled his HIIT program
      >The main idiot that bought into it at that time was Mike Mentzer
      >Mentzer gave some of the ideas to Dorian Yates and later on no bodybuilder focuses on it
      >If anything the experiment proves muscle memory is an incredible thing, but proves little about the method
      >HIIT works for roiders, but for some reason becomes recommended for natties
      >decades of peoples time and effort lost

      This is the shit that put garbage machines in every gym across the world and made HIIT a thing.

      It's all a scam to shill machines.

      Also Mentzer is a know homosexual, which roids probably caused.
      Why are we even putting trust into this man ? He is a tool that says a lot of words base don the above lie to sound fancy.

      • 9 months ago

        >can't even spell HIT properly
        >thinks HIT was built on Nautilius and not on the cumulative experience of Mentzer who spent a lot of time coaching actual natties
        >thinks HIT was tailored for roiders while in reality it was honed SPECIFICALLY for natties and volume routines got popularized by BBers who were practically bathing in PEDs
        >"decades of peoples time and effort lost" - I'd say cutting your training time to 30% is closer to decades of peoples time and effort SAVED
        oy vey, I know it'd be disaster for the industry if goys stopped investing so much time and money into fitness gimmicks, but try to be less obvious

        • 9 months ago

          >tailored for natties
          Arthur himself tried to redo the results of the experiment on himself and failed miserably.
          You can grasp at my poor wording all you want, but that won't make the method worthwhile.
          Mentzer based his ideas on fraud

          Argument thrown out you don't even know the name of the thing you're shitting on. You're also stating shit like it's a secret. Such as
          >he came into the experiment underweight
          Yeah we know that. Nobody disputes that. The point of the routine was
          >can you gain muscle mass with under 2 hours of lifting a week using these expediated, circuit compound machines I built
          And the answer was yes.
          >but he didn't look as good as his peak
          Well Casey Viator was an employee of Arthur Jones so "at his peak" was still this nautilus training. And of course, since all HIT haters don't know physiology your argument is just desperate grasping for "gotchas" instead of actually refuting the science. Like come on stupid, refute the FACT that you use ALL YOUR MUSCLE MASS when you train to failure. You're arguing that you can do a curl with a soup can for 5 reps but if you just "squeeze" the right way you use 100% of muscle fibers. You don't, it's proven.

          >instead of actually refuting the science
          This science of yours is based on people lying about reaching 2.4% bodyfat and claiming calorie and exercise timing that they would inflate outside of the university.
          Your science basis is bullshit, even Mentzer had to write less about it heavy duty 2.
          >Well Casey Viator was an employee of Arthur Jones so "at his peak" was still this nautilus training
          We don't know what else he was training with, as he was doing too many things outside of the experiment monitoring to reach his results.

        • 9 months ago

          How are people this fricking stupid with an air of slug superiority? HIT was absolutely not tailored to natties you fricking moron. All of the ”success stories” were massive pinners with years of experience. HIT is THE program most suited to roiders

    • 9 months ago

      >This is muscle memory + steroids on a professional athlete
      The fact that he was able to recoup so quickly with HIT was what was remarkable. I love seeing industry shills seethe though. Keep it up.

      • 9 months ago

        It’s not really that crazy for muscle memory to bring back gains quickly, and this goes x100 on gear. Plus viators workouts were pretty insane, low volume or not.
        > start out with a rest time of no longer than one minute. Gradually decrease the rest time to thirty seconds.
        Remember one description of his workout. SERIOUSLY doubt most of the morons advocating HIT on here are squatting 500 pounds for twelve reps 30 seconds after doing 20 leg extensions to failure which was 30 seconds after doing 20 leg presses to failure. Have never seen a single person in the gym do anything approaching that.

    • 9 months ago

      Argument thrown out you don't even know the name of the thing you're shitting on. You're also stating shit like it's a secret. Such as
      >he came into the experiment underweight
      Yeah we know that. Nobody disputes that. The point of the routine was
      >can you gain muscle mass with under 2 hours of lifting a week using these expediated, circuit compound machines I built
      And the answer was yes.
      >but he didn't look as good as his peak
      Well Casey Viator was an employee of Arthur Jones so "at his peak" was still this nautilus training. And of course, since all HIT haters don't know physiology your argument is just desperate grasping for "gotchas" instead of actually refuting the science. Like come on stupid, refute the FACT that you use ALL YOUR MUSCLE MASS when you train to failure. You're arguing that you can do a curl with a soup can for 5 reps but if you just "squeeze" the right way you use 100% of muscle fibers. You don't, it's proven.

    • 9 months ago

      business as usual. the whole world peddles shit and calls it gold

    • 9 months ago

      You covered it quite nicely. It was a lie, also muscle memory on an accomplished bodybuilder, and steroids. Jones 100% lied about Viator not using steroids for the experiment which obviously calls into question his honesty on everything else for the experiment.

      In conclusion

      >Arthur Jones forced the results to shill his brand of machines and make millions on them
      >He also shilled his HIIT program
      >The main idiot that bought into it at that time was Mike Mentzer
      >Mentzer gave some of the ideas to Dorian Yates and later on no bodybuilder focuses on it
      >If anything the experiment proves muscle memory is an incredible thing, but proves little about the method
      >HIIT works for roiders, but for some reason becomes recommended for natties
      >decades of peoples time and effort lost

      This is the shit that put garbage machines in every gym across the world and made HIIT a thing.

      It's all a scam to shill machines.

      Also Mentzer is a know homosexual, which roids probably caused.
      Why are we even putting trust into this man ? He is a tool that says a lot of words base don the above lie to sound fancy.

      The simple fact is that the vast majority of people attracted to HIT either:
      >want an excuse to believe the fantasy that they will get better results from less work
      >fancy themselves as independent thinkers and smarter than other people
      People belong to either one of these groups or both rarely make even above average gym rats. It’s also no secret that mentzer and yates both built up their physiques with conventional high volume routines and only made the switch once they were already accomplished bodybuilders. Just as an aside I’ve noticed even the people who have sort of made hit work have poor definition, especially in the smaller muscle groups. The overall size is kind of there but the definition and aesthetics are not

  2. 9 months ago

    looks like he took both pictures the same day in different lighting. Wtf are you trying to shill?

    • 9 months ago

      Can't you read, Black person?

      • 9 months ago


  3. 9 months ago

    wow a billionaire did something unethical to hoard even more money? i cant believe this

    • 9 months ago

      Yes, but next time you go into a threat on HIIT or machines, remember where it stems from.

      • 9 months ago

        But machines are good though. You can try it for yourself and see relatively quickly

  4. 9 months ago

    >use steroids
    >claim the good results where because of this special workout program/technique or whatever
    Oldest tale in all of bodybuilding

  5. 9 months ago

    you typed out all this shit just to confuse HIT hypertrophy training with HIIT cardio multiple times

    • 9 months ago

      HIIT is based on HIT, but you are correct.
      That said HIIT is not cardio only.

      • 9 months ago

        HIIT is only "based" on HIT in that both follow basic physiology. Intense exercise produces a better adaptation than pussy exercise. I swear half of the volumetards here still think it's some routine, like in NH's (2nd) video on the topic where he spent an hour crying about Mentzer saying dips are the best thing for upper body, because his shoulders are wrecked and he can't do them without a slingshot. That argument has nothing to do with exercise physiology.

        HIT works for fricking running. Runners benefit from high intensity workouts. The only people who benefit from slow workouts are people who specifically train for slow events like an ultramarathon. It's basic, 101, sports science.

        • 9 months ago

          Your argument is complete crap. Athletes aren't training for 30 minutes twice a week, so they must not be training HIT, or they wouldn't possibly be recovering. Right anon, right?

  6. 9 months ago

    What the actual frick. I just saw this like 5 minutes ago and was wondering if I should post about it on IST. I mean obviously it was steroids, but still.

  7. 9 months ago

    Muscle Memory is wild, pic related is a Brazilian bodybuilder that loved a lot of muscle after COVID + hospitalar infection. He also recovered 20kg+ in a single month after

    • 9 months ago

      English motherfricker, do you speak it?!

      It's not muscle memory it's water and glycogen. You're welcome.

  8. 9 months ago

    if hit works so well why do not hit guys post body?

    • 9 months ago

      we do, but you "post body" posters (1) don't read the threads and (2) don't post your own bodies

      • 9 months ago

        well where is your body? i notice theres no dyel attached to your post which is what you are if you do hit kek

  9. 9 months ago

    We know that taking steroids and not working out will lead to more hypertrophy than not taking steroids and working out. So Mentzer, juiced to the gills, comes in and starts working out once per week only. He notices that the gainz keep coming, despite significantly having reduced his time in the gym. He starts preaching the gospel of HIT, and the rest is bro science history.

  10. 9 months ago

    This all seems very uninteresting. Please, tell me more.

  11. 9 months ago

    he's literally the same in both images
    it's just a pump+lighting

  12. 9 months ago

    Casey was detrained and used steroids during the experiment
    They lied about this for many years
    Mentzer, being a trusting guy, believed Casey and later the lead researcher when they both said Casey was natural during the experiment
    The lead researcher later recanted and Mentzer was on record admitting he was duped and that Casey was using
    Regardless, machines are fine, HIT is fine and lifting weights is fine.

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