The more I listen to retards like Arnold and Tom Platz talk about lifting, the more I realize they are retards who dont know anything and just spammed...

The more I listen to morons like Arnold and Tom Platz talk about lifting, the more I realize they are morons who dont know anything and just spammed a shitton of gear while spending 5 hours in the gym per day doing random exercises

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  1. 12 months ago

    Arnold was a troll who had way better genetics than everyone else and gave bad advice on purpose. Platz is a good coach because most of you pussies dont train anywhere near failure or even with the bare minimum level of intensity and then cry that you make no gains.

    • 12 months ago

      >gave bad advice on purpose
      I wonder if he posts here now

    • 12 months ago

      Tom platz says that you only need to train squats once or twice a month and when you do spend 5 hours training it

      you could get the same results by doing SS ffs

      • 12 months ago

        >you could get the same results by doing SS ffs
        Platz was training for size and definition, you fricking moron. He wasn't running a bloatlord """"strength"""" program.
        You'll never look nearly as good on your cookie cutter dogshit training regimen even with a bucket of roids.

      • 12 months ago

        I think he said thats what HE did but I really doubt thats what he reccomends to the general public. What I get from Platz is that when you think you are close to failure, you probably got at least 10 more reps. And watching how people train I rarely see anyone actually doing sets with high intensity

      • 12 months ago

        he didn't say that you idiot. he started out training at an olympic weightlifting club and squatting multiple times per week. once he was already a pro with the biggest legs ever and a lagging upperbody, he started squatting twice per month. and that's just for squats. he would do other leg exercises more frequently.

      • 12 months ago

        I only squat once a week and squat 515 x 5. Works lol. Diddies even less often, once every 2 weeks.
        I also only do a single set when I do squat/Diddy.
        It's ok if you're mad because you squat 2pl8, but I'm not larping. Both exercises are so stressful you only need a single heavy set.

        • 12 months ago

          maybe lowbar goodmorning squats are stressful. many olympic weightlifters squat 500+ highbar 6 days per week.

      • 12 months ago

        The way Platz trained legs is about as far away from starting meme as you can get
        There are basically zero similarities

  2. 12 months ago

    >just spammed a shitton of gear while spending 5 hours in the gym per day doing random exercises
    unironically a better approach to training than what 90% of posters here do. if it works it works
    >b-b-but i know more about the SCIENCE of fitness
    and yet you'll never look nearly as good as them, so what use is it?

  3. 12 months ago

    “Spamming a shitton of gear” isn’t gonna do dick if you aren’t training and eating right. Steroid use is a lot more prevalent than you think, most guys who use you would never even guess. steroids aren’t magic instant IFBB pro bodybuilder serum otherwise everyone would be walking around looking like Ronnie Coleman. Speaking from my personal experience, it took me 3 cycles until I had an obviously roided physique.

    • 12 months ago

      if your on roids like Platz was you can get away with doing legs once a month cause of the increase protein synthesis. If you're natty you're synthesis ends around 2-3 days as most days usually.

      • 12 months ago

        >If you're natty you're synthesis ends around 2-3 days as most days usually.
        more like 1-2 days

      • 12 months ago

        >If you're natty you're synthesis ends around 2-3 days as most days usually.
        more like 1-2 days

        i thought protein synthesis happened like 4-5 times a day am anon care to elaborate

        • 12 months ago

          it's a gradual process that increases after working out, peaks at about 24 hours, and then decreases again to baseline within 48 hours. if you eat protein (~30g) multiple times a day you can elevate it to the maximum achievable from the workout.

  4. 12 months ago

    "science" will never figure out the secret because no study participant will ever work as hard as Arnold or Tom Platz.

  5. 12 months ago

    Because "junk volume" is a buzzword that dyels keep parroting to make themselves do better about doing less. Yeah maybe they were training more than they needed, but it sure as hell beats some moron shit like doing 3 sets of 5 reps on bench and calling it a day for upper body the way certain people on this board would encourage you to do.

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