>the Trap Bar is Completely Useless

>the Trap Bar is Completely Useless
Is Mark Rippetoe right? I was just about to start alternating DL between barbell and trap bar to.

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  1. 11 months ago

    I really like your picture
    can I save it

  2. 11 months ago

    The trap bar is better for most people. Reducing the skill component of deadlifting is better for not getting injured. And it's a pretty good tool for farmers walks and benching in a home gym context - it's not a unitasker.

    Unless you really enjoy conventional deadlifts, or it's a contested movement, there's no real reason not to use the trap bar.

    • 11 months ago

      >there's no real reason not to use the trap bar.
      The point of deadlifting is to work hip hinge strength. You can do stiff leg dls with a trap bar but I really don't see why you'd want to. If you hate conventional deads that much then just squat as normal and do snatch grip deficit RDLs

      • 11 months ago

        The trap bar DL is very much a hip hinge. Biomechanically, it's more of a hip hinge than sumo.

        The skill component of DL that people tend to frick up which sends them to snap city is the bar path, which the trap bar obviates the need for.

    • 11 months ago

      I dont get the skill component thing. The deadlift can be taught in 3 minutes, and if someone cant do it right with a bar (flat back is the only hard part of the 5 step setup) they shure as hell cant do it right with a trap bar. They drop the hips too low, the weight is not over the mid of their foot etc etc and trap bar only hides those issues instead of helping with them

      • 11 months ago

        >the weight is not over the mid of their foot
        This is what the trap bar fixes with how it loads the bar. Maintaining that tight, balanced bar path in spite of the bar wanting to swing forward.

        Use the relevant cues with a trap bar, and someone will be performing higher quality reps than with a barbell. I get that you enjoy barbell deadlifts, which is as good a reason as any to do a movement (I like good mornings more than RDLs, for example); but if someone just wants to get stronger without hurting themselves.

        • 11 months ago

          You are not strong. You are just a homosexual.

          • 11 months ago

            >Trap bars are le bad because the Black person fetishist who's never coached anyone of note says so

        • 11 months ago

          >Maintaining that tight, balanced bar path in spite of the bar wanting to swing forward.
          That seems like a larger 'skill' component and injury risk than anything in the conventional deadlift

          • 11 months ago

            That's what the bar wants to do in a conventional deadlifts.

            >Maintaining that tight, balanced bar path in spite of the bar wanting to swing forward.
            It does not help with that since the wieght can very well swing forward and backward, which rip demonstartes in the video. This is the opposite of easier "skill component" and "being safer".

            >Use the relevant cues with a trap bar, and someone will be performing higher quality reps than with a barbel
            You will not beacuse it is not repeatable. Your hips can be high, or low, or kinda high, your back can be vertical, horizontal etc. It is much easier to make the exact same rep over and over when the position of the hips is determined by the barbell.

            >if someone just wants to get stronger without hurting themselves
            See above why this is the opposite of safer. Its less stable front-to-back, the grip width is fixed and the reps will be all over the place as you tire

            All of those points rip makes in the video. Have you watched it at all?

            I think Rip is wrong. There's a reason trap bars have only proliferated in the weight rooms of football and wrestling teams: and that's because maintaining safe form is easier while having most of the benefits. It you want to build a strong lower body, have no concerns about competitive powerlifting, and don't want athletes to get injured in S&C the trap bar has been an increasingly common choice for at least 20 years.

            But let's listen to a guy who ripped off Bill Starr, coaches power cleans wrong, and has never coached a competitive powerlifter of note.

            • 11 months ago

              >That's what the bar wants to do in a conventional deadlifts.
              It wants to do that in the trap bar deadlift too, you just dont know because it is not touching yout thighs. The most important cue is missing - keeping the bar on your legs

              >maintaining safe form is easier
              It is not safe, as discussed above. You just dont know because it is not touching your legs

              • 11 months ago

                I'm glad you like conventional deadlifts, but all you're doing is proving my point. If you can get away less consistent form, there is more margin for safety and technical error than conventional deadlifts.

                I'm not saying that you shouldn't do conventional deadlifts. I'm saying that people shouldn't feel pressured to pull conventional as their lower body pull because Rippetoe will be sad.

              • 11 months ago

                Why would you want margin for error? Why would you want to do something that as you just admitted, incorrect and inconsistant? Why not just have the bar force you to correct that error (by forcing you to keep it on your legs and set your hips in the same spot each rep)?

                Is it, again, because it actually requires coaching and not "just walk up to it and pick it up, any way works, just let it rip"?

                >Could it because they cant coach the deadlift
                Nta but pretty sure professional coaches of nfl teams could manage to coach the deadlift if thought it was worthwhile

                Then how come noone refutes rips central point? Everyone repeats the same missconceptions about "safety" we are going ober with the other anon

              • 11 months ago

                Are we trying to succeed in a contested movement, or are we just trying to develop strength and power?

                If we're talking power, to move away from your attachment to the deadlift, an obvious choice of movement to develop pure power is the full clean or full snatch. If we're talking pure power, the snatch is king, but the catch is considerably harder than the clean. But for our hypothetical person, he's not competing - he just wanted to develop power. Clean variations make more sense because there's more room for error, unless someone just likes the snatch more.

                Similarly, for most people who want to do a lower body pull movement with no particular attachment to the conversational diddly, the trap bar with it's greater margin for error makes more sense. Ultimately, training injuries are will delay you from for getting big and strong more than a technically less efficient movement.

                The literature isn't high quality either way, but the revealed preferences of coaches who don't care about competitive powerlifting or strongman. And it's not like the best freaks of nature seek out Rip for a competitive advantage. I'd trust Smolov much more, for example.

              • 11 months ago

                >the trap bar with it's greater margin for error makes more sense.
                The trap bar doesn't have a "greater margin for error" and it offers literally no advantages over conventional deadlifts, while removing the lower back from the lift.
                People who go on about how scary deadlifts are have something mentally wrong with them and I just don't understand it.

            • 11 months ago

              >But let's listen to a guy
              Ad hominem

              >There's a reason trap bars have only proliferated in the weight rooms of football and wrestling teams
              Could it because they cant coach the deadlift and are subjext to the same misconceptions you are? Anyway, ad populum

              And I thought we were having a good discussion. Sad!

              • 11 months ago

                >Could it because they cant coach the deadlift
                Nta but pretty sure professional coaches of nfl teams could manage to coach the deadlift if thought it was worthwhile

              • 11 months ago

                But according to Rip, it's so simple anyone can coach it. It sounds like there are actually subtleties to the conventional DL, such that coaches of strong, injury resistant professional athletes don't think it makes sense for every athlete.

              • 11 months ago

                Its easy with rips 5 step method, which is his idea and not at all widespread to footbal coaches and militsry (until maybe somewhat recently)

            • 11 months ago

              >I think Rip is wrong. There's a reason trap bars have only proliferated in the weight rooms of football and wrestling teams: and that's because maintaining safe form is easier while having most of the benefits. It you want to build a strong lower body, have no concerns about competitive powerlifting, and don't want athletes to get injured in S&C the trap bar has been an increasingly common choice for at least 20 years.
              Is that why medicine ball squats have proliferated too? Or is it because they are morons always looking for complicated bullshit?

        • 11 months ago

          >Maintaining that tight, balanced bar path in spite of the bar wanting to swing forward.
          It does not help with that since the wieght can very well swing forward and backward, which rip demonstartes in the video. This is the opposite of easier "skill component" and "being safer".

          >Use the relevant cues with a trap bar, and someone will be performing higher quality reps than with a barbel
          You will not beacuse it is not repeatable. Your hips can be high, or low, or kinda high, your back can be vertical, horizontal etc. It is much easier to make the exact same rep over and over when the position of the hips is determined by the barbell.

          >if someone just wants to get stronger without hurting themselves
          See above why this is the opposite of safer. Its less stable front-to-back, the grip width is fixed and the reps will be all over the place as you tire

          All of those points rip makes in the video. Have you watched it at all?

    • 11 months ago

      >skill component
      Literally the simplest compound movement

  3. 11 months ago

    I've only seen homosexuals and their counterparts using the trap bar. Do the guys at Westside use a trap bar?

    • 11 months ago

      Westside use trap bars. Pretty much everyone does say this point besides ripplebreasts and maybe actual oly lifters since non specific exercises are a wasted opportunity for skill development.

  4. 11 months ago

    Its okay for shrug variants and farmer walks, and that's about it.

  5. 11 months ago

    >taking advice from rippetoe on anything other than OHP and squat
    please dont

    • 11 months ago

      >taking advice from rippetoe on anything
      >please don't
      fixed it for you

      • 11 months ago

        thank you for correcting my mistakes anon

  6. 11 months ago

    I think it's great for farmer's walks. I love taking up the space in the back of my gym that thots use for stretching and taking pics of each other's buttholes and stomping through there with 225 pounds of weight slung from my arms.
    And if they try to stay I just start talking to them and they leave.

    • 11 months ago

      Doing farmers carries with 225 lbs. DYEL for sure.

    • 11 months ago

      Based. I want to try it but none of the gyms I go to have one. farmer carries feel good.

      Great to show off your arms too. Doing farmer carries across the gym w your arms bulging and looking amazing is basically the same as a girl having her breasts out.

  7. 11 months ago

    I grew up in Wichita falls it's always so surreal seeing this shit

  8. 11 months ago

    Mark Rippetoe is completely useless.

    • 11 months ago

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