Thinking about doing one cycle and then maintaining. Is this a viable training plan?

Thinking about doing one cycle and then maintaining
Is this a viable training plan?

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  1. 5 months ago

    go try one cycle anon surely it can’t hurt and you won’t become addicted

    • 5 months ago

      It isn't exactly addiction. The testicles atrophy and never return to normal because of the excess testosterone. TRT will never do this to you because the doctor doesn't inject you with 6x the amount of natural test.

      • 5 months ago

        100% wrong.
        you can prevent testicular atrophy indefinitely using HCG (basically a drug analogue for the hormone your brain sends to your balls, telling them to make some testosterone)

        if you don't use hcg for a very long time (years), then maybe you can become hypogonadal due to testicular atrophy
        but a far more common scenario is secondary hypogonadism, where the problem is in your hypothalamous/pituitary gland. ie your balls are fine, but your brain isn't telling them to make any test
        afaik there's no concrete explanation for how/when that happens, but its fairly rare. most people who try to go off, even after years of BnC, have no trouble.

        so imo, there's no real reason to worry about this shit.
        if you only do a one cycle (or even a few of them) in your youth, your chances of recovery are extremely good.
        if on the other hand, you go hardcore and BnC for a decade or 2, then yea, you're risking permanent hypogonadism. but guess what, by the time you're done with those couple decades of BnC, you'd be in your 30s/40s. so, you'd be due for TRT anyway, or at least fairly close. so no big deal.
        the only truly fricked situation is to become permanently hypogonadal after a single cycle (or a few of them) very early, like in your mid/late 20s. which is technically possible, but i legit don't know of a single such case.

        • 5 months ago

          >if you only do a one cycle (or even a few of them) in your youth, your chances of recovery are extremely goo
          >one cycle, or two
          😀 it never ends on one cycle, it's addictive to feel superhuman and, very bad to come off bot
          > chances of recovery
          there's also a chance u're fricked forever, if body was already shit quality chance of that just increased exponentially

          >just cut ur balls of mate, it will be good i promise
          if anything tinkering with ur natural hormone profile in hopes of pushing some illusory barrier that ain't even there - nobody is doing everything perfect - and in the process making absolutely sure testes will be shut down and it will have to be revived and it maybe will come back maybe to the same level but most probably not (because why?)

          so, u're not selling
          >do an cycle as soon as possible it will grow ur dick
          anymore bot, now u r angling towards
          >just one cycle, push natural limit foreward
          i want to read that study though, i bet it doesn't prove what u're trying to sell bet

          > insane muscle memory from being huge in the past
          makes them shrink into nothingness as soon as they come off - where is the real life example bot?

          • 5 months ago

            btw. logic is completely flawed, bot says:
            >one cycle, push natty limit to train natty later and be limited higher
            it doesn't help one bit though as nobody is hitting "natty limit"

  2. 5 months ago

    Cycle for how long, and which compounds?

    • 5 months ago

      500mg test E, maybe some Tren and Anavar thrown in

      • 5 months ago

        I am doing 20 weeks 600mg test and gonna try to fraud natty after. I would avoid the tren dude it shuts you down for a super long time and has horrible side effects.

    • 5 months ago

      How long?
      >300km per week

      >depends on weather conditions

      what results do you expect from one cycle anyway?
      be specific

      What results do you expect?
      >Better FTP and mood

  3. 5 months ago

    what results do you expect from one cycle anyway?
    be specific

    • 5 months ago

      Natural limit

      • 5 months ago

        Misnomer. A natural limit is essentially the maximum amount of lean mass your body can support given your hormone profile. If you do one cycle and come off, with a cycle being between 12-16 weeks, you’ll rapidly lose most everything. Mostly because the primary method of hypertrophy with anabolics has to do with intercellular water retention. Now, anabolics also have the benefit of increasing the rate at which you develop, myofibrils, or dense skeletal muscle tissue. For all intents (and porpoises), this dense tissue growth could result in an elevated “natural limit” simply because you don’t lose myofibrils. The gambit being that you would need to blast for an extended length of time to gain a more than negligible amount of myofibrils. Extended length of time here being >12 months. If your goal is to come off eventually, you’re probably better off running growth for a year, gaining 5-10lbs of lean mass you can’t lose slowly and then be done with it.

        • 5 months ago

          Genuinely interesting advice.

        • 5 months ago

          isn't hgh too expensive?

          • 5 months ago

            If you like buying pharm grade

          • 5 months ago

            its more like HGH is extremely shitty value for money, unless you're already maxed out on regular gear.

            nothing can beat the value for money of a plain ass test cycle
            but once you get to the point where you're already on 750-1000mg test per week, adding more won't really help that much (not to mention sides will become a problem, if they weren't one already)
            so, you add different compounds, deca, tren, primo, orals, etc

            but once you get to the point where you're already on a gram of test and another couple grams of other compounds, then what more can you add?
            there's only so many androgen receptors in your body, and if you're already throwing 2-3+ grams of gear at them, well, there's not a lot more you can get from them.

            so at that point, HGH (and slin) become great value. not because they're cheap (slin is, but HGH definitely not), but because they're the only thing that can give you even more of a boost.
            which is why IFBB pros and rich fitness youtubers have no problem throwing 3 or even 4 digit amounds on HGH per month.

            tldr, HGH is an utter waste of money until you max out regular gear first.

        • 5 months ago

          Genuinely interesting advice.

          bro science, roiders who did it for decades still have the same natty limit when they come off.

          • 5 months ago

            >bro science
            nope, its actual science.
            i assure you, no "bro" has ever performed biopsies of muscle tissues to measure the numbers of cell nuclei in fibers and stuff.
            that's all geeks in lab coats publishing articles.

            • 5 months ago

              maybe, but you telling beginners that if they roid for a year and frick themselves up they will enhance their natty limit is bro science, but even if this is true it will be 1% at best. roidtrannies who blasted for 10 years and come off still look nothing special and maybe even worse if they would have stayed natty for their whole life.

              • 5 months ago

                >you telling beginners that if they roid for a year and frick themselves up they will enhance their natty limit is bro science
                no, its not. its actual science.
                you can argue that the effect of a single lmao500test cycle will be minimal, barely perceptible, and i'd agree
                it probably takes quite a bit more to have an impressive increase in natty limit
                but it still happens, even with just one cycle.

                >roidtrannies who blasted for 10 years and come off still look nothing special
                only the ones that stop training. show me one long term roid user who looks worse than they did natty after coming off, *while still training*.
                i've NEVER seen that.

                in fact, between the insane muscle memory from being huge in the past, and the increased natty limit from roid use(or abuse), its basically impossible to happen
                the only scenario where it could happen is if said roid user has become permanently hypogonadal and has not gone on TRT, which is something no reasonable person would do.

                so, no, that's all bullshit. those same 2-3 pictures you anti-roid homosexuals are always parading are from dudes who just stopped training for whatever reason. and ofc they deflated/got fat if they stopped training. has nothing to do with roids whatsoever.

              • 5 months ago

                someones angry their testes shrunk

              • 5 months ago

                >post thought out reply
                >redit tier ebic comeback
                pretty standard stuff

              • 5 months ago

                the magical they just stopped training lol, almost every roider who did it for more than 2-3 years is on trt and claim "oh i'm natty now". i guess you are still actively using and are coping with this bro science shit that you will keep some muscle, hate to brake it to you but you will have to do trt for life if you want to keep anything.

              • 5 months ago

                stan is a great example of this. 30s in the top left, 54 in the others .
                just keep training

              • 5 months ago

                my physique is the right haha

              • 5 months ago

                >posts two extremely different points in this dudes life
                >post workout pump, on gear, angles, lighting, probably dehydrated af
                >guy hadn't lifted for 2 weeks, no gear, was fricking hospitalized and bombarded with drugs that kill your gains, no special lighting, sets or filters.
                yeah I'm sure you don't have body dysmorphia bro

              • 5 months ago

                this is basically my before and after when I was hospitalized too, and I was natty, not a good example

              • 5 months ago

                Why were you hospitalized?

              • 5 months ago

                started coughing blood and getting 42C degree fevers, turned out to be tuberculosis

      • 5 months ago


    • 5 months ago

      Not op but I would like to try one cycle also and would aim for 10 pounds of muscle. 15 would be great but that's a little optimistic.

  4. 5 months ago

    >one cycle
    It happened to me, it will happen to you
    You're not doing just one

  5. 5 months ago

    no, it will melt away as soon as you stop, even with pct, and your hormones will get fricked for a few months or even years. just stay natty and take creatine.

  6. 5 months ago

    Damn what happened to him?

    • 5 months ago

      He cut loads of weight so that he could have a good shot at an MMA career. He's had some good knockouts despite starting late and having a million miles on his body

      • 5 months ago

        >He cut loads of weight because he needed to, otherwise it's dialysis for le dominatorrrrrr
        we don't know, all we know is he never went off gear because he can't, there are no balls to fall back on left obviously lol

        so what is the point of using this image bot? it's entirely irrelevant, what we can say for certain is that when roid transvestites inevitably downsize because their bodies are falling apart they always look like shit mixed with old garbage no matter how lean they get - think stallone, remeber all the pics u see are already shooped into oblivion, it's much worse in reality

        • 5 months ago

          can you post a picture of 50-60 year old natural that looks good?

        • 5 months ago

          He cut the weight because heavyweight MMA often has a 265lb weight limit ya dummy. Plus he can have increased cardio plus he probably wanted to increase his longevity

  7. 5 months ago

    >Is this a viable training plan?
    but its not realistic

    if you cycle, first thing you're gonna realize is that natty training is a joke.
    second thing you're gonna realize is, training while on gear is seriously fricking awesome.
    so, there's a VERY low probability that you'll ONLY do one cycle
    which is not necessarily a bad thing per se, if you're a dedicated bodybuilder there's nothing wrong with having a few cycles under your belt

    anyways, yea, theoretically speaking, you can do one cycle and then maintain
    or, at least, keep as much of your gains is within your (post cycle) natty limit
    you'll lose a lot of water after you come off (not lost gains, just water)
    and then during pct, and for a couple months after that too, when your hormones are still not fully recovered, you'll lose some actual gains
    but, remember, muscle memory. all the gains you make while on cycle, or rather however much is within your natty limit, you'll be able to regain them easily.

    • 5 months ago

      not OP
      this makes me want to hop on

      • 5 months ago

        if you're over 21, ideally over 25, have your training/sleep/diet dialed in, and you're dedicated and motivated enough to forgo all partying/drinking/slacking off for a solid 3-4 months, then hop on.
        you'll gain like a MF, and while its unlikely that you stop, nobody is forcing you to commit to more cycles afterwards.
        just do a lmao500test cycle, gain your easy first cycle 10-15lbs, and walk off into the sunset with a barely legal blonde bawd in your arms.

    • 5 months ago

      >if you cycle, first thing you're gonna realize is that natty training is a joke.
      >second thing you're gonna realize is, training while on gear is seriously fricking awesome.
      pretty much, the recovery, endurance and pumps are so good on gear that it's not possible to do just one cycle
      t. somebody who was gonna do one cycle and is currently on his third

  8. 5 months ago

    Not OP

    Stupid question that doesn’t deserve its own thread: when I was a kid I got really bad poison ivy, to stop it from spreading into my eyes the doctor put me on a topical steroid.
    I took the stuff for too long and it had a severe affect on my mental health.
    I was CONVINCED aliens were coming to get me in the night. I thought the second my parents left the room They’d get me. I had nightmares where I saw grey’s in my bedroom. Straight schizo shit.

    If I went on anabolic’s would I lose my mind? Or be fine since it’s a different type of steroid from a topical cream?
    I heard roids are part of the reason Chris Benoit killed his family.

    • 5 months ago

      Interesting. I saw devils in my sleep when I was on test. Had to call upon the name of Jesus to get them away.

  9. 5 months ago

    Can anyone give it to me straight? Can you do some test (or hgh or ehatever) for a finite and relatively short time, come off it, see noticeable gains, and not completely frick your hormones up permanently? Like I aint even tryna get big. Just a couple more pounds a bit faster than I would normally.

    • 5 months ago

      yes, you can.
      its *theoretically* possible that a single cycle, or even a small number of cycles would result in permanent hormonal disruption
      but we're talking infinitesimally small chances here
      in order to permanently damage your hormones, you need to be on for years and years, without hcg, and even then you have decent chances to recover eventually.

      so, same advise as for the other anons
      do the bog standard lmao500test cycle, do your pct, and you're done
      you'll prolly be back for more, but it'll be voluntary.

      • 5 months ago

        Nice. Tbh I may do it just for expediency but I doubt I would be back. Actually gaining too much muscle mass is directly detrimental to my actual goals and hobbies but theres some weak points I would like to shore up and at this point I dont really care too much about “cheating”. I just respect the value of aesthetics in life. I’ll do some more research to see if it’s actually right for me though

  10. 5 months ago

    this is how every roidmonkey starts his journey
    "just one cycle bro"
    you wont maintain because your hormones will not be able to upkeep it

  11. 5 months ago

    This image is so fricking sad

    • 5 months ago

      Not really. see

      He cut loads of weight so that he could have a good shot at an MMA career. He's had some good knockouts despite starting late and having a million miles on his body

  12. 5 months ago

    I’m about to turn 30 and my doctor won’t test my test. What do?

    • 5 months ago

      get new doctor
      or better yet tell em all to suck your dick and just self-administer TRT.

    • 5 months ago

      Why not?

      • 5 months ago

        Because she says if I’m not having any problems then it’s an unnecessary test and insurance won’t cover it

        • 5 months ago

          Anyways obviously if you report low T symptoms they won't do anything
          You have to lie to them if you don't actually have low t symptoms (which are more important than the test levels)

          • 5 months ago

            Meant don't have in that first sentence

        • 5 months ago

          >listening to a doctor
          >a woman doctor
          >not using the internet and connections to source whatever the frick you like

          You natty gays are all the same. You're not staying natural because you don't like gear, you're staying natty because you don't have the IQ to procure it.

          Ffs... just go onto the forums and get some direction. There's literally 5x main suppliers globally and they're readily avaliable via the clearnet. The next thing you'll complain about is using BTC as a payment method.

          Useless natty c**ts

          • 5 months ago

            This. 90% of natties would be on steroids if it was a powder they could buy at GNC or Walmart. They are either afraid of needles or too moronic to even buy it or too straight edge to break any rules.

            Instead they eat 100000 fricking chemicals and pills every day that promise them gains lmao.

        • 5 months ago

          Ok so? Dish out 50€ and get it tested yourself? You know you can do things without insurance too.

  13. 5 months ago

    genius idea. no one have ever had this idea before lmao.

    maintain what btw? a natty amount? just lift lmao.

  14. 5 months ago

    Here you go OP
    Should be enough for one cycle
    >cut out the seed oils dipshit

  15. 5 months ago

    Yeah I'm thinking of mainlining heroin just once too

    • 5 months ago

      That's actually more doable than cycling steroids just once

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