this fucking retard thinks he is where he is in life because of the viking gene meme....

this fricking moron thinks he is where he is in life because of the viking gene meme.... not because he is on enough steroids to kill an elephant

Shopping Cart Returner Shirt $21.68

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  1. 5 months ago
    bad day but happy glad and fun yup

    viking larpers r the Black folk of "muh ancestors"
    will butt into every fricking conversation about how great his ancestors r but they come at it with the entitled whiny attitude of a colonized native american .......

    • 5 months ago

      we wuz vikangz and shiet

      • 5 months ago

        They were vikings. What are you crying about, mongrel?

        • 5 months ago

          not so fast white boi

    • 5 months ago

      >native american
      genetics only affect a few practical things and are mostly about where your ancestors came from geographically and your superficial physical features

      native americans are genetically asian steppe people, you can easily ride on a horse from siberia and canoe to alaska if you are not a weak piece of shit or a woman

      • 5 months ago
        bad day but happy glad and fun yup

        sorry bud

      • 5 months ago

        >genetics only affect a few practical things and are mostly about where your ancestors came from geographically and your superficial physical features
        t. genelet

        • 5 months ago

          >t. genelet
          i have blonde hair and blue eyes, women find me very attractive and I have a extremely large penis

          a toddler can understand all that.... you need to sit someone down and explain racism to them

          a 4 year old can understand poop colored eyes

          please explain to a 4 year old how a blonde hair blue eyed person is really a black person.... it should be interesting

          • 5 months ago

            >yeah bro I'm a 6'4" chad with a 9 inch schlong, blond hair and blue eyes and I have lots of sex
            Why do all of you larping homosexuals say the same shit. Get new material

            • 5 months ago

              cope harder and have sex

            • 5 months ago

              >Why do all of you larping homosexuals say the same shit. Get new material
              shut up poop eyes

              angels don't have poop eyes or poop hair

              • 5 months ago
              • 5 months ago


              • 5 months ago

                let me quickly explain various historical facts that will prove that my black hair and brown eyes actually makes me whiter than someone with blonde hair and blue eyes

      • 5 months ago

        >genetics only affect a few practical things and are mostly about where your ancestors came from geographically and your superficial physical features
        Also IQ, personality, and so on. That stuff matters.

        • 5 months ago

          >Also IQ, personality, and so on. That stuff matters.
          there are studies linking the existence of genes to behavior in people, but nothing linking the genes themselves to any biological function regarding intelligence

          >a group of people with these genes are stupid
          >this is the biological process in which these genes make a person stupid

          • 5 months ago

            You're an idiot. I can't believe people like you still exist.

            • 5 months ago

              that was an excellent peer reviewed post poop eyes

              you must make all sorts of money and have a very attractive wife

              • 5 months ago

                If you have even glanced at the available studies the conclusion is obvious. IQ is mostly genetic.

              • 5 months ago

                learn to read

                correlation is not causation moron

              • 5 months ago

                Another excuse to not see the obvious. At this point if you don't get it then you never will.

              • 5 months ago

                link me to a study showing genetic causation with mental or physical performance rather than correlation

                is your triple digit SAT score brain too stupid to understand this concept?

              • 5 months ago

                >Show me proof of x or I will disregard all available evidence.
                Stop talking, moron.

              • 5 months ago

                link the fricking study you fricking lowborne peasant

                go putter away in your honda to your ugly ass hambeast wife and troony kids

              • 5 months ago

                >Show me proof of x or I will disregard all available evidence.
                You repeat yourself. Anyway, I've had this conversation enough times to know you won't change your mind. You choose to be wrong because of emotional reasons. I'm done.

              • 5 months ago

                i checked out the tax bracket you are in

                there are a lot of Black folk

                are you a Black person too?

      • 5 months ago

        As a white man im certain natives from canada and usa are ancient whites, one thousand frickin percent its the only non-european i feel any archaic connection to. Aint no frickin way i believe anything else either.

    • 5 months ago

      we wuz vikangz and shiet

      the dude is 6'9"... his ancestors probably raped so many people lmao

  2. 5 months ago

    excuse me i haven't taken a lethal dose of tren in the past 20 minutes I'm losing some of my gains

    • 5 months ago

      ACHTUALLY those are peptides like growth hormone etc.
      Steroids dont go in the fridge because they will crash out of solution

      • 5 months ago

        Someone in the thread who isn't a moronic high schooler. HGH / Peptides anything reconstituted with bacteriostatic water goes in the refrigerator. Oils do not.

    • 5 months ago

      Wtf are you telling me that a 4 times Mr. Olympia winner does steroids?

      Wtf. Next you'll tell me that Ronnie Coleman wasn't natty

  3. 5 months ago

    Medieval norsemen built like that would be too useful working on the farm to waste sending out to raid a monestery.

  4. 5 months ago

    Remember you should only dabble in steroids when you're done having children (at least three + white)

  5. 5 months ago

    I'd love to see what he'd look like had he never taken any steroids, not to mention his strength.

  6. 5 months ago
    bad day but happy glad and fun yup


    bragging about a hair colour thinner than all other colours..........

    • 5 months ago

      you probably have no idea how diverse the germanic tribes were and just how far their power stretched geographically
      red hair, brunettes, blondes, dirty blondes, chestnut brown hair.. yes ? we have amazing colours unlike a washed out black
      and pissed out shit just like the skin of thousands of years mixing sub 83 iq degenerates who shouldnt be considered human

      what really tells us apart from other regions across the globe is the genetics of lifestyle and mindset that is completely unlike
      any other people where intelligence, strength and the spiritual was "The Three" symbolizing the connection with ourselves and
      the nine worlds which also includes the afterlife.

      being bred through a system in its essence forces you to rise above those before you makes difference.

      • 5 months ago
        bad day but happy glad and fun yup

        u typing this much makes me know u could bend u over my dirty bedframe ur chubby body would bend and rail u like a cheap immigrant prostitute........
        mmmm please post those golden locks ill be pulling on homosexual.

        • 5 months ago

          u u over u bend u over u like cheap ........

          youre typing like a shitskin indian degenerate ..........

          • 5 months ago

            >the absolute state of social media

            • 5 months ago

              to be fair, regardless how degenerate social media has become in lust for clout and recognition of illiterate fools online
              the only ones that twist their faces into a wrinkled up mess to look cool or casually walking into speed trains to their deaths
              is solely done by indian tiktok'ers

              the american military has known of the the difference between sub 83 iq cattle and real humans above the 85 breakpoint for a long time

      • 5 months ago

        >you probably have no idea how diverse the germanic tribes were and just how far their power stretched geographically
        >red hair, brunettes, blondes, dirty blondes, chestnut brown hair.. yes ? we have amazing colours unlike a washed out black
        >and pissed out shit just like the skin of thousands of years mixing sub 83 iq degenerates who shouldnt be considered human
        >what really tells us apart from other regions across the globe is the genetics of lifestyle and mindset that is completely unlike
        >any other people where intelligence, strength and the spiritual was "The Three" symbolizing the connection with ourselves and
        >the nine worlds which also includes the afterlife.
        >being bred through a system in its essence forces you to rise above those before you makes difference.

      • 5 months ago

        Germanics were so barbarian that they didn't even write down their history, almost nothing is known about them before the Romans met them

        • 5 months ago

          >my history?
          >I made it up

          • 5 months ago

            I posted the wrong photo

        • 5 months ago

          what can i say, they werent perfect.
          their lust for battle kept them from becoming truly organised to maintain the potential of power they posessed
          sacrificing humans and even saw battle as a ritual after they raised staffs around the field of battle

          so hell bent on ascending above their own already excessively brutal ancestors so that they can tell of their conquests
          for all time in valhall rather than leaving their marks like clout lustin tiktok greek bimbos munching on la ave steppe dickus

          • 5 months ago

            >their lust for battle
            Didn't happened. Romans had lust for battle, germanics were simply farmers.
            There were zero professional soldiers until the romans started creating auxiliary armies

            • 5 months ago

              no, the germanics had a lust for battle

              romans felt more at home among goths because they were more established as a warrior religion than the idolatry worship of mithras,
              this is a well known fact.

              • 5 months ago

                You're watching way too much Hollywood movies

              • 5 months ago

                There aren't many movies depicting that, I can't really think of one, and archeological records reflect Roman and Greek accounts of Germanics. Romans and Geeks had a love of conquest and adventure as well. It's more honest to admit you have those desires than to hide them and make them subterranean.

              • 5 months ago

                >There aren't many movies depicting that, I can't really think of one,
                Literally just watch Vikings

                Everyone but the vikings are described as weak people that can't fight

              • 5 months ago

                Vikings is a meme show, but they are depicting the adventurous Scandinavians in sagas and western European history. Not really a huge portion of media is dedicated to that, that's one TV show.

              • 5 months ago

                >Not really a huge portion of media is dedicated to that, that's one TV show.
                "Kingdom". A pitiful movie released last year showed the same thing

              • 5 months ago

                So likely a low budget Netflix cash grab? After the Vikings show most shows have had Gay mulatas as the leaders of scandis

              • 5 months ago


              • 5 months ago

                Yes. As far as I can tell, almost every Hollywood historical story made in the past 10 years is some European ethnicity trying to claim to be the true oppressed native Americans fighting an evil empire / a more civilized culture. Or something like "boo hoo I'm a woman woe is me wahhhh" Just saying, adventurous fun media is not common and most movies have some gay moralizing as to why someone would seek out something better for themselves or risk their life.

              • 5 months ago

                No. The movie was about a viking trying to murder people that killed his family and stole his kingdom

                Not gonna lie it was nice to see the MC shirtless. Lots of muscle

              • 5 months ago

                Fair enough, but it's one movie that I've never heard of and is hardly the focus of media.

              • 5 months ago

                theres many writings about this from both romans and anglo-sucksons where they cant but praise germanic soldiers,
                even humble ones like this.

                > "Greek enemies; unwarlikeness & femaleness"
                In the very first encounter of Normans and Greeks, for example, the northerners 'see that they are like women',
                and in one harangue their leader says: 'I will lead you against feminine men' (homes feminines).

                What is striking about this constrast between the manly energy of the Normans and the effeminacy of the Byzantines
                is that it clearly corresponded to a difference between the social psychology of the two rgoups that the Greeks themselves
                recognized - though of course they did not put in the same words.

                Anna Comnena, daughter of the Byzantine emperor Alexius (1081-1118), In her Alexiad, paints a famous portrait of the western knights,
                including Normans from Sicily, who mwarched through constantinople on their way to the Holy Land.

              • 5 months ago

                > >>cont
                Her father, the emperor, she writes, heard of the imminent arrival of 'countless Frankish armies':
                'He was alarmed at their approach, for he was acquainted with their unchecked passion, their instability of mind . . .
                and how, as they were always gaping for wealth, they would casually disregard their agreements at the slightest excuse.'

                Their impetuousness and unpredictability were linked, however, with a manic irresistibility:
                'The Celtic race [as she often termed the westerners] is, in any case, extremely reckless and impetous, but when they have occasion,
                they are irresistible'. Their greed was part of the same complex of conquest characteristics:
                'The latin race is, in any case, avaricious, but when they intend to overrun a country, they are unbridled and know no reason.'

                > Western armies showed a berserk readiness to grapple with their enemies
                The Celtic race is independent, does not seek councel and never employs good military order or skill, but whenever battle and war occur,
                there is baying in their hearts and they cannot be held back.

                Not only the soldiers but also their leaders fling themselves irresistibly into the midst of the enemy ranks.

                youre so fricking naive and refuse to learn from others, roman soldiers felt at home among the goths wether you like it or not.
                germanic tribes did not refuse the idolatry worship of mithras.

              • 5 months ago

                >anglo-sucksons where they cant but praise germanic soldiers,
                Anglo Saxons are germanic
                >What is striking about this constrast between the manly energy of the Normans and the effeminacy of the Byzantines
                Different epoches. At that time being a "hellene" was considered a insult

              • 5 months ago

                i know, but ill call them sucksons anyway just we make fun of danes, learn to laugh a little
                > The ancestors of the old gods
                Freyr-Ingwe & the Vanir ->
                Angles, Chauci, Frisii, Saxons, Jutes & Swedish Yngling kings

            • 5 months ago

              This isn't true, Tacitus has very clear observations on the princely classes love of war. The "muh innocent vonderfolk" is a modern invention. Their culture was very war like, like most European cultures. Physical evidence is the sacrifice of swords and such / evidence of human sacrifice / historical accounts of Greek and Roman historians. The Goths had a lot of farmers because they were both ruling elite and farmers ejected from their homeland.

              The idea that germanics were really peaceful and Roman tricknology depicted them as warlike comes from the rewriters of Indo European views in the 50s, 60s, and 70s. The idea was, "oh no, it's just innocent migration. They wuz really good farmer boys who didn't like war and adventure" is an invention of boomers who also invented lame and incorrect theories like "pots not people"

              • 5 months ago

                Tacitus isn't a very good source because he spent his whole book trying to exalt the barbarian's qualities in comparison to what he saw as a moral degenerstion of his empire
                >The "muh innocent vonderfolk" is a modern invention
                Never seem anyone saying that, and that's obviously not what I said.

                >Their culture was very war like
                Compared to the romans they were clearly not very war centered

              • 5 months ago

                They constantly raided Rome, made up the elite units of late Republic Rome, and were Caesar's favorite cavalry auxiliaries (not just him). Romans loved war, but arguing who loved war and adventure more is silly since Germanics played an extremely active roll in both raiding and aiding Rome.

              • 5 months ago

                this, romans and germanic people were more similar than most people want to accept.

              • 5 months ago

                >They constantly raided Rome
                Celts did the same until Caesar broke their spine forever.
                >Romans loved war, but arguing who loved war and adventure more is silly since Germanics played an extremely active roll in both raiding and aiding Rome.
                True. I'm arguing against the idea that the germanics had a "lust for war" much different from anyone else at the time

      • 5 months ago

        This is the same people that say all brown people look the same lol
        You're just biased, genetically and psychologically to be more perceptive of all white-related. Same happens with browns, asians, blacks.....
        I dont consider anything you said special when asians were as advanced as whites and amerindians were in the way to do so, a bit later than the other because all of the crossing bering strait.....
        seems like a lot of cope

        • 5 months ago

          all brown people look the same and behave the same, thats why they destroy their own countries before moving into our neighborhoods to suck BWC,
          we are the gods of the earth who create and humbly watch as the lower races grovel at our feet.

          • 5 months ago

            >You're just biased, genetically and psychologically

            • 5 months ago

              psychologically biased and im just genetically right

              • 5 months ago

                you're not. People are always more sensitive to the differences in people from their own race.
                Slavs look the same as "whites", SORRY!

              • 5 months ago

                slavs are our neighbors and brothers as the descendants of the first people and all of Gårdarike belong to Sweden.

              • 5 months ago

                founded by vikings, its just a matter of time before Jimmie Åkesson reclaims what is rightfully ours.

    • 5 months ago

      >bragging about a hair colour thinner than all other colours..........
      ill tell you what i told a kid when i was in kindergarten

      your eyes are the colour of poop

      • 5 months ago
        bad day but happy glad and fun yup

        im not grown man im just proud to not be "le true white!!!!!!!!"
        i think the bigger correlation is how often nords have autism because wow does nobody but them care this much about their colour.

        • 5 months ago

          go ahead explain to someone undeducated or a very small child how me, a blonde hair blue eyed individual is really a Black person and you with your poop colored eyes is really the white person


          • 5 months ago
            bad day but happy glad and fun yup

            i literally just said i dont care if im "true white" or not. id rather be north american where we have made everything worth a damn in the modern age. but yeah man enjoy talking about history and upkeeping 600 year old buildings because nobody in ur country is talented enough to make them anymore.
            my hazel eyes btw..........


            • 5 months ago

              poop eyes

            • 5 months ago

              For a cute fricktoy I'd endlessly plow, I like your attitude with the mentally deranged morons of this board. Stay here

              • 5 months ago
                bad day but happy glad and fun yup

                thank u. but i uswd to post here. would bpd rage. met somebody i dated (horrible mistake psychopathic frick) who if u see this yes im going to keep sending u paypal request threats until u have a breakdown......... and then quit using IST because i hate being social.
                but thank u for the compliment. but im one of the worst postwrs of all times plus im mentally fricked

              • 5 months ago

                Yeah, reading your post you are definitelyIST material. It's a bit fresh seeing twinks talking back to white supremacy morons like that Swedish homosexual. It's refreshing in the sea of all these terminally online /misc/ tier chud posts. Keep posting you filthy homosexual *kisses you on the forehead heterosexually*

              • 5 months ago

                >who do you think the slavs are ?
                The slaverace made to be conquered by the Aryan Man originating from Rig breeding Edda and giving birth to Thrall.

                Ask Me I know how you are mossad
                100 trillion dollars, and u can't figure out how to be sleeker? You're at the level od a pre teen middl3 wchooler his first time on AOL?
                U guys kidding me with this shit? Can't make it up
                Gotta be 18 to post here, fellas

              • 5 months ago

                >calling anyone mentally deranged
                lol you think the endpoint of the digestion system is an appropriate place to put your penis.

  7. 5 months ago

    Hercules gene is superior anyways

    • 5 months ago

      Fat and undisciplined. Took so much steroids he almost died. Emnarassed himself boxing. A comple slob. A complete loser in every way.

      • 5 months ago


        How the hell he has visible abs and is fat at the same time?


        >Steroids play a role
        It's the major role anon.
        >you're a moron if you think anybody can do it.
        Most people don't have the money necessary for it

        EVEN 20% +/- ITS EXPENSIVE

        >Iceland has produced 9 wsm champions despite being a vastly small gene pool than the USA
        Ultimate proof that inbreeding is actualyt very beneficial

        FREEDOM ETC,

        • 5 months ago

          >IT WAS £25K A YEAR JUST TO EAT,
          Maybe more anon.
          Jay Cutler spent US$50k per year on food, and I imagine strongmen eat a lot more than bodybuilders

          • 5 months ago

            Holy shit
            I’m going broke just DYEL lifting I didn’t even consider those fricks at the elite level
            That’s actually hilarious, paying a years salary just to fricking eat. Our ancestors really had it better.

            • 5 months ago

              High performance lifting is expensive.

              I know people that spent 30k per month. Steroids included tho

          • 5 months ago

            JAY WAS EATING 6-8 MEALS A DAY,

            Holy shit
            I’m going broke just DYEL lifting I didn’t even consider those fricks at the elite level
            That’s actually hilarious, paying a years salary just to fricking eat. Our ancestors really had it better.


    • 5 months ago

      How the hell he has visible abs and is fat at the same time?

      • 5 months ago

        he went through liposuction

      • 5 months ago

        he got ab implants.

        • 5 months ago

          No, he just has a massive core, you see the outline of his abs from his strongman days.

  8. 5 months ago

    anyway...... stop taking steroids "thor" you are a fraud

    or should I say "thorlet"

  9. 5 months ago

    > he comes from Iceland
    > Iceland has produced 9 wsm champions despite being a vastly small gene pool than the USA
    > OP says its muh steroids

    Steroids play a role but you're a moron if you think anybody can do it.

    • 5 months ago

      >Steroids play a role
      It's the major role anon.
      >you're a moron if you think anybody can do it.
      Most people don't have the money necessary for it

    • 5 months ago

      >Iceland has produced 9 wsm champions despite being a vastly small gene pool than the USA
      Ultimate proof that inbreeding is actualyt very beneficial

    • 5 months ago

      >Steroids play a role

      What role moron, do you seriously believe anyone competing in strongman is not on steroids? This isnt like bodybuilding where they have natural or fitness categories, if you are not blasting you wont even qualify for the qualifiers.

      • 5 months ago

        >This isnt like bodybuilding where they have natural or fitness categories,
        False. Everyone on bodybuilding is on steroids

  10. 5 months ago

    Everyone believes the Viking gene meme
    Viking is a title of means, most Scandinavians were peasant farmers like everyone else and Scandinavian Vikings were clapped by every nation that had a defense force, and once they stepped into England they were genocided.
    The Northern European genetic superiority for strength and size is legit but it’s not “vikangz” it’s a general trend for everyone above the 50 degree North Lattitude.

    • 5 months ago

      300 year war
      visigoth, ostrogoth, herul literally destroying the entire roman empire after cucking them into oblivion
      marrying their daughters and becoming part of the highest ranking commands among the soldiers

      every nation hiring germanic soldiers because they are the only ones that cant be pushed back
      (according to roman writers)

      pick up a fricking book you fricking degenerate, the germanic tribes was so brutal that their own leaders hated them
      'The Herul king moving to italy, in spite of hatred for his own people' later under Visigothic rule

      • 5 months ago

        Your simply lying. The people that destroyed Rome weren't "vikings" and it only happened after several Roman civil wars.

        There's like 1000years between the "viking age" and the germanic tribes that invaded Rome. That's like saying that Jamal from New Orleans is germanic because he speaks a germanic language.
        >every nation hiring germanic soldiers because they are the only ones that cant be pushed back
        It's a excuse. The truth is because germanic soldiers had no ties to Rome's politics

        • 5 months ago

          yes, theres A LOT of years in between the viking age and when our tribes was consisting of Visigoth, Ostrogoth, Herules and etc..

          Vikings followed the same culture, traditions, gods and goddesses.

          youre not even reading what im saying.
          Romes soldiers was more encouraged to be among the goth as they worshiped Mitrhas.

          • 5 months ago

            >Vikings followed the same culture, traditions, gods and goddesses.
            Zero reason to believe in that. Several germanic tribes(like the batavi for example)paid homage to roman gods, and the merovingian franks themselves even considered descendants of Neptune

            • 5 months ago

              The Romans would assign their own gods as other people's gods. Like Mercury for Odin, so their origin by Neptune is not really easy to pin since they likely worshipped an analogous god.

              • 5 months ago

                Welcome to real life.

                That's why I said the vikings didn't worshiped the same gods as germanii tribes from 1000 years before

        • 5 months ago

          >That's like saying that Jamal from New Orleans is germanic because he speaks a germanic language.
          No it's not. The Goths were racially Germanic, literally originating in Sweden.

          • 5 months ago

            >The Goths were racially Germanic, literally originating in Sweden.
            Germanic is a linguistic group, not a "race".

            Yes they came from Scandinavia but this doesn't mean that the goths that settled in the continent were the same "race" as scandinavians

      • 5 months ago

        What are you, fricking stupid? I literally said Northern European genes for strength exist and aren’t a meme, and that people ONLY believe “muh Vikangz” when it applies to everyone north of the 50 lattitude line

        • 5 months ago

          i was answering the whole "viking were clapped" at every event where they were opposing anyone with a military defense
          which is just completely false.

          the genocide of the vikings in england also happened whilst they were betrayed under a time of peace, no sides benefited from this
          other than a time of distrusts, assassinations and betrayal that was hell among the peasant class.

          • 5 months ago

            Yeah they weren’t clapped at every event, just most of them, and lost the majority of well known fights

            They won a couple times, more than I remember, but still btfo as a whole. They won their first and single battle because nobody saw it coming, tried again lost horribly and converted to Christianity by their second fight.


            • 5 months ago

              They were effective as an ambushing force, but also as infantry, that's why Byzantium hired them almost exclusively for their Varingian guard (elite units / special forces of Byzantium). That they were ineffective is an exaggeration. What ultimately outdid them was the Norman's (also descended from Viking men) training exclusively for heavy cavalry charges which was such an effective force the Normans ran rampant around Europe and the Middleeast for 100 years until technology adopted their tactics / adapted to them.

  11. 5 months ago

    Frick am I reading here
    I'm not a fan of Nord Superiority
    The Slavs are, generously, equal to the Western Europeans,
    And, earnestly, far superior. I humbly say these things, because I very much appreciate my westerner cousins as well, or as much, as I Do my cousins In the Levant, and that's to say that I love both very much

    • 5 months ago

      who do you think the slavs are ?

      The ancient god war among the Asar and Vaner was the result of Odin waging war upon Vanor
      moving his forces from southern sweden and came out victorious in the battle between Vanhem(Vaner/Vanir)[Poland]
      and the Azov river where the Herul has been moving in between by boat for ages leaving amazing archeological finds
      around this river predating the turn of the 2nd century along the Azov river.

      The first Nordic people are a mix of tribes from southern sweden, polish farmers and tribes around Ukraine.
      The north of the black sea and Scandinavia.

      • 5 months ago

        Idk homie
        I'll note that I don't have a Christian name
        My name is a derivation of Perun, the Slavic God od War
        Let's go

      • 5 months ago

        also to note, the thunder god worship is older than 8000 years in ukraine.
        Thor is also the most likely head figure of our ancestors rather than Odin

        our society was ruled identically to the roman empire with 3 figure heads

      • 5 months ago

        >who do you think the slavs are ?
        The slaverace made to be conquered by the Aryan Man originating from Rig breeding Edda and giving birth to Thrall.

        • 5 months ago

          this is what ill say to my future racist slav wife

          • 5 months ago

            Snow homie wishing

      • 5 months ago

        You know that people living in Ukraine at the time were iranic tribes, right? And Poland was inhabited by germanic peoples before the slavs arrived.

        Actually the origin of the slav language is very controversial

        • 5 months ago

          what archeological finds that predates the turn of of the 2nd century indicates that they are iranic tribes ?

          I have a feeling which historian youre referring to here who lazily conflated the names of countries and tribes which was a place in iran
          where people called themselves "Azir" or something similar and none of it was ever logically justified to begin with

          • 5 months ago


            • 5 months ago

              the herul founded the first scythians, thats true

  12. 5 months ago

    he unironically has viking genes. His father doesn't even lift and has a stronger grip than 99.9% of trained men

  13. 5 months ago

    This mf is 6'9" and you're still coping that he wouldn't be massive without roids?

  14. 5 months ago

    > In an interview, when asked if he had ever used steroids, Hafþór answered: "Yes, I have. When you want to be the best, you do whatever it takes". Hafþór did not provide further information related to the cycles or whether his use of the substances was ongoing;[144][145][146] however, he has never failed a drug test during his entire career.[147

    How's that possible? If he said he did steroids how come he never fell to drug testings?

  15. 5 months ago

    You're a moron if you think anyone can get on steroids and achieve what he has achieved. Your body's response to steroids is genetic. His 6'9 frame is also 100% genetic.

    • 5 months ago

      he took hgh to reach that height

      • 5 months ago

        did his 6'9" father and 6'9" grandfather as well? kek

  16. 5 months ago

    OP be like

    >If I took some steroids I would 100% beat Thor easy but I wont take steroids because steroids are bad

  17. 5 months ago


    Norse homie have better diets than africanus + more money so they can doable in stiff like strongman, homies need to run a lot so they get good at basket instead.
    >But zyzz dead
    He partake in meat and the strong homie aint far enoufh from that

  18. 5 months ago

    Steroids made him 6'9"?

    • 5 months ago

      HGH did

      • 5 months ago

        His family are all quite tall / robust. It's not an exaggeration that northern Europeans carry large body genes. What is found to correlate to tall heathy people are high levels of Ancient Northeast Eurasian (ancient mammoth hunting population). People in Siberia, America (natives in the Pacific Northwest), and northern Europeans carry genes associated with robust bodies. Often, if you were to look at their women, you could joke they're built like a fridge. That's where the joke "Helga the fridge" comes from.

        • 5 months ago

          Tall yes, but not broad/large ribcage

          • 5 months ago

            No, large robust ribcages / torsos are also part of that group. It's likely why so many strongmen are northern European as having short arms, long torso will make lifting heavier weight easier.

            • 5 months ago

              >European as having short arms, long torso will make lifting heavier weight easier.
              that's not how physics and biology works

              IST is literally Black person dumb and get their science from fitness youtubers

            • 5 months ago

              I m not nordid but had broader shoulders than all blondies i have known

              • 5 months ago

                There are blonde Greeks and such so I don't think that's the main determining factor in being "Germanic"

                Northern Europeans are both taller and more robust on average than much of southern Europe. Of course exceptions exist, some of my favorite strongmen were Italians and I know a huge Sardinian who likely is exclusively Early European Farmer in genetic makeup, but saying northern Europeans are small is silly.

              • 5 months ago

                >but saying northern Europeans are small is silly.
                Comparing them to balkanBlack folk they are

              • 5 months ago

                Serbs and croats are tall, but go to Greece / Macedonia / any other balkanoid area . I am only 180 cm tall and I feel like a giant in Greece. The reason Serbs and Croats are tall as well is they have a lot of those same robust genetics that Siberians, Northern Europeans, and Native Americans of the Pacific Northwest have. Baltic people are quite large along with some Slavic populations as well but we're counting them among northern Europeans

              • 5 months ago

                greece is likely the last resting place of the norse gods "were they lived like gods" as written in some history books
                probably praised like they were beyond anything imaginable

                greek were effeminate to the germanics and fell in love when they saw us, therefor the striking similarities within astrology
                almost like they could not be without us for even a split second, following us beyond the stars to worship the BWC

              • 5 months ago

                >greek were effeminate to the germanics and fell in love when they saw us
                Not "us"

                Swedes are probably the most feminine people on earth today. Maybe 1000 years ago it was different, but today you're all gay

              • 5 months ago

                > most feminine people
                > today
                thats what happens when you allow too much migrants in, people think we're like the greek
                we will send them back to their they came from soon, do not worry because BWC is waiting for you

              • 5 months ago

                This is a meme. Many swede men are robust / masculine, more so than American men, which I think are more effete. I am a Spaniard, and our machismo is similar in some ways to working class swedes, which I can admit are usually tall and well muscled. I hate people having such huge egos they make up stuff about other populations, and most of the people making these things up are fat moronic Americans (both southern and northern Americans)

              • 5 months ago

                People don't understand Spaniard masculinity, but it's a type most men should strive for.

              • 5 months ago

                spaniard masculinity comes from the visigoth, say thank you
                the bull fighting tradition comes from the roman empire predating around the turn of the 2nd century

                several key figures of norse civilizations has died fighting bulls

              • 5 months ago

                inb4 we wuz

              • 5 months ago

                Yes, I love all European cultures aside from how devolved some Balkans have become (idiots arguing over who invented Baklava / and kebab). When a people argues over which food they invented they are a dying people. I think there is likely a pre Indo European world + Indo European world which combined and made the modern man. I am tall and blonde but I identify more with my own country than Odin or such. I can at least admit many Northern Europeans make great strongmen.

              • 5 months ago

                we wouldve all been 2 meters tall if we wouldve genocided the muslims, no joke.

              • 5 months ago

                the fricking christians betrayed us as always, of course

              • 5 months ago

                Like in the Netherlands. Many people hate the Dutch, but I believe it comes entirely from Dutch height / attractiveness.

                the fricking christians betrayed us as always, of course

                I believe Christianity can be reformed. As a realistic solution for European men is deportation (Pakistan deported 1.2 million Afghanis in 2 weeks which is laughably quick compared to EU projections). The only way to get mass deportations would be to go the way of Franco - who reclaimed Spain with generals, a small army, and the love of the people. All European men must pick up the sword and infiltrate their own militaries.

              • 5 months ago

                another of the germanic tribes though, i mostly hate australians among the humans (above 85 iq = not middle east)

              • 5 months ago

                I don't hate any particular human aside, but I see most of north Africa and the middle east as this type of hive creature who wants no privacy and is a busybody / can't control their instincts / have evil instincts. What I desire the most is the expulsion of those types from Europe. Europe has always been quality over quantity, freedom over submission, and a feed mind over a imprisoned mind. Take an Asiatic king, who often demands eye aversion + private palaces vs the military king of Europe who eats at the same table as his men. This life is what I see as higher. As yeast vs life trying to be something better. I do think Christianity has ruined the more war like spirit in Europe, but that spirit can be awakened as many have courage and lust for adventure in their blood.

              • 5 months ago

                thats what im saying, people need to start to admit the 83-85 iq breakpoint

                some countries should by no means be considered a human, they are a burden on the human race.
                they are literally pulling the evolution of mankind backwards as they are when they flood our countries
                and becoming a holding weight on any signs of a developing infrastructure, the education system is looking
                at them like a crippling disease that need to be contained at the expense of other students in these schools.

                flooding another country with 83 iq subhuman trash is the easiest way to win a war, itll rot itself from inside out

              • 5 months ago

                also good point about the king of europe, reminded me of carolus rex who felt more at peace with his own men.
                the peasant class submission is toxic to the human spirit and has made us afraid to even be honest.

              • 5 months ago

                >but we're counting them among northern Europeans
                You're counting Serbo-Croatian homies as north euros? They're brown as frick

              • 5 months ago

                No, I said I'm counting slavs and Baltics.

                I said serbs and croats share the same mammoth hunter genes as Siberians / Northern Europeans / native Americans (Pacific Northwest) have. The serbs and croats are also a Slavic population that moved south. Also, how white are Siberians or Native Americans? You're not understanding what I'm saying.

  19. 5 months ago

    Imagine being a Viking and getting captured by superior bbc

  20. 5 months ago

    Sure, everyone who takes steroids will be able to deadlift 501kg. Shut up, moron.

  21. 5 months ago

    >check back in this thread

    wow the TIDF is in full effect

    (thor internet defense force)

    • 5 months ago


      • 5 months ago

        ok poop eyes

        poopeye the sailor man

      • 5 months ago

        > Greek Digamma :: waw, or wau
        uppercase :: Ϝ
        lowercase :: ϝ
        numeral :: ϛ
        6 ϛ glyph :: S
        Rune Fehu ᚠ :: F :: V sound
        English :: W / Waw
        israeli STN :: VTN
        > VATAN / VOTAN
        Ancient Greek :: SΤΝΣ / STNS
        VTNS or VTNZ
        Vowels :: WODANAS
        Old English :: Wōden
        Old Saxon :: Wōdan
        Old High German :: Wuotan // Wōtan
        Proto-Germanic theonym :: wōđanaz
        ᚨᛚᚢ :: Alu
        Ansuz / Laguz / Uruz :: Dedication
        Ur-tid :: the beginning of time
        Ur-folket :: the first people
        Ur-uz :: the first
        Urzeit :: Primeval time
        Greek A ::alfa
        Diabolo, Duality, Conflict
        Odin, Vile, and Ve
        Alu :: Ansuz :: 3
        Laguz :: 20
        Uruz :: 1
        8 Ansuz
        3x8 :: 24
        3 Tiwaz
        16x3 :: 48
        24 runes
        6x6x6 :: 216
        3x Tiwaz :: invocation of the god
        8x Ansuz :: invocation of eight gods

        • 5 months ago

          That is some lit schizo shit

          • 5 months ago

            none of it can be refuted though, try combining the rules yourself if you dare
            pay tribute to the gods and inscribe a rib bone

  22. 5 months ago

    Uhh pretty sure he wouldn’t be where he is if he was Mexican manlet, Strongman is tailored towards big and tall men

  23. 5 months ago

    every genetic study is based on correlation rather than causation

    >group X is more prone to X
    is not
    >this is the biological function of this genetic feature

  24. 5 months ago

    If the roids would kill an elephant, why didn't he die? Must be the genes

    • 5 months ago

      To be fair, blacks respond extremely well to steroids. If anything, hapthor is likely winning due to his build since most black people aren't that strong.

  25. 5 months ago

    My brother he is 6'9", competing at the top level in a sport that literally has never had a non-white champion, in which 90% of the champions are either Nordic or Eastern European.

    I don't think there's any sport that has more clear evidence of the importance of genetics than strongman.

    • 5 months ago

      peter dinklage could win worlds strongest man with the amount of roids that "thor" takes

      get a clue

      • 5 months ago

        Not at all, it's a frame thing. Almost all major athletes roid, not all are suited for strongman or sprinting.

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