This is gonna be a long one, sorry in advance. I'm 26 now, closing in on 27.

This is gonna be a long one, sorry in advance.
I'm 26 now, closing in on 27.
I've "lifted" since I was 16, but I have NOTHING to show for it.
It started with your basic brosplits, raking in the noobgains and getting motivated. Then I transitioned into powersharting around 18/19, got really fricking strong (atleast for what used to be a 187cm auzwichmode twink), and promptly snapped my shit. My left hip still hasnt recovered from this, and probably never will. Fastforward a bit and depression + alcohol abuse killed any gains I've ever made. Started going back to the gym again at like 22, got strong-ish again, finally reached 2pl8 bench (Which is fricking pathetic given how long I've been doing this at this point) and promptly snapped my shoulder. Carried on, was a 110kg sack of shit at this point. Pandemic hit, gyms closed down, I started doing calisthenetics at home and FINALLY fixed my fricking cardio with HIIT uphill sprints in the forrest. Ran, cali-gayd it, and cut for the whole pandemic, leaving me at 75kg of king-of-twinks aesthetics, got my abs and was healthy as frick, and could do pullups out the ass (not that hard when you weigh less than a modern woman), but boy was I fricking weak.
Come this year, and I finally got back to the gym and started bulking up again, following whatever the frick program Joe Delaney showed in one of his vids.
Now I've packed on 10kg, am fricking weak still, and somehow managed to strain/snap/injure the left side of my lower back, and havent done cardio for 5 fricking months because of it. My lifts OR physique isnt progressing nearly as much as I'd hope despite being super strict with my diet (yes, still bulking, but clean as frick).
I feel so fricking bad bros, I try so fricking hard, I really do, but nothing ever seems to pay off. What fricking routine and diet should I be running at this point? I'm an "experienced lifter" at this point in terms of work capacity and knowledge, but I simply get no fricking result.

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  1. 7 months ago

    boo hoo not reading your sob story

    stop being a homosexual

    • 7 months ago

      >crab in a bucket
      help a brother out instead of grooming underage to-be trannies on discord

      SS + GOMAD

      CLASSIC, but I cant fricking squat bro, my hip...

      • 7 months ago

        How is he a crab?

  2. 7 months ago

    SS + GOMAD

  3. 7 months ago

    Tl;dr. Roll to steal OPs gains. Digits give 1 month worth of stolen gains

    • 7 months ago


    • 7 months ago


    • 7 months ago

      I’m sorry but I need these gains more than you do

    • 7 months ago

      nothing personal OP if I don't do it someone else will

    • 7 months ago


    • 7 months ago


    • 7 months ago

      thanks OP

    • 7 months ago


      • 7 months ago

        Nothing personal, OP! You'll be back in action this January.

    • 7 months ago

      This is gonna be a long one, sorry in advance.
      I'm 26 now, closing in on 27.
      I've "lifted" since I was 16, but I have NOTHING to show for it.
      It started with your basic brosplits, raking in the noobgains and getting motivated. Then I transitioned into powersharting around 18/19, got really fricking strong (atleast for what used to be a 187cm auzwichmode twink), and promptly snapped my shit. My left hip still hasnt recovered from this, and probably never will. Fastforward a bit and depression + alcohol abuse killed any gains I've ever made. Started going back to the gym again at like 22, got strong-ish again, finally reached 2pl8 bench (Which is fricking pathetic given how long I've been doing this at this point) and promptly snapped my shoulder. Carried on, was a 110kg sack of shit at this point. Pandemic hit, gyms closed down, I started doing calisthenetics at home and FINALLY fixed my fricking cardio with HIIT uphill sprints in the forrest. Ran, cali-gayd it, and cut for the whole pandemic, leaving me at 75kg of king-of-twinks aesthetics, got my abs and was healthy as frick, and could do pullups out the ass (not that hard when you weigh less than a modern woman), but boy was I fricking weak.
      Come this year, and I finally got back to the gym and started bulking up again, following whatever the frick program Joe Delaney showed in one of his vids.
      Now I've packed on 10kg, am fricking weak still, and somehow managed to strain/snap/injure the left side of my lower back, and havent done cardio for 5 fricking months because of it. My lifts OR physique isnt progressing nearly as much as I'd hope despite being super strict with my diet (yes, still bulking, but clean as frick).
      I feel so fricking bad bros, I try so fricking hard, I really do, but nothing ever seems to pay off. What fricking routine and diet should I be running at this point? I'm an "experienced lifter" at this point in terms of work capacity and knowledge, but I simply get no fricking result.

      Sorry OP, all your work has been building up to this moment. Your gains have been stored up for later distribution on IST. Hope you can at least appreciate that it wasn't all in vain.

    • 7 months ago

      dont mind if i do

    • 7 months ago


  4. 7 months ago

    Same. Been lifting since I was 16 (26 now). Had my best physique in 2020 and then tore my pec a couple years ago. I look like shit compared to 2020.

  5. 7 months ago

    >lifting for a decade
    >still follows other people's program

  6. 7 months ago

    if it makes you feel better i've been going to the gym since 2018 and have never been able to bench 1pl8

    • 7 months ago

      Yeah but... how the frick tho? Why are we like this?

    • 7 months ago

      Eat more protein. Count your calories and get in 300 over your TDEE. Every "hard gainer" I've ever met ate practically nothing.

      • 7 months ago

        I eat 3000kcals every day and make sure to get 160g of protein, give or take.
        Dont get me wrong, I progress my lifts, and I have more muscle mass than my peers. But given the time and effort I've put in, its not nearly what you'd expect. Meanwhile other frickers on here can brag about hitting a 2pl8 bench in like 6 months etc.

        • 7 months ago

          Lift to failure? How many sets per week?

        • 7 months ago

          Eat more. Just like the other anon

          Eat more protein. Count your calories and get in 300 over your TDEE. Every "hard gainer" I've ever met ate practically nothing.

          said, every hard gainer I’ve met swears they eat like 13 meals a day and just can’t put on weight. If 3000 cals and 160 grams of protein isn’t doing it, then up your calorie intake (although I’m also gonna go out on a limb and say you don’t properly log and track you macros and your 3000 cals are mostly an estimate). That is the ONLY way you’re going to put on weight.

          I went from 160 lbs (72kg) to 200 lbs (92kg) in a little more than 2 solid years of lifting. I was eating well over 200 grams of protein a day and closer to 4000cals on most days. It takes a lot of food to put on weight, and not everyone is the same so some people might need even more due to their hormones and metabolism. I was also going to the gym for 5-6 days a week.

          The easier solution is gear, if you’re willing.

          • 7 months ago

            Trust me, I eat enough, I just don't put on the muscle you'd expect. I just get fat instead.
            I've gone from 75kg to 85kg since January, and the only result is that I miss my auzwichmode abs.

    • 7 months ago

      Literally impossible unless you go to the gym once a month and don’t even touch weights.

    • 7 months ago

      How? I started lifting in February this year, I was around 65kg, did a small cut to 60kg then bulked back up to 67.
      I started benching with the bar with how weak I was and now I can bench 1pl8 for 8.
      You have to eat to increase ur lifts and have energy to train, stop listening to people saying you shouldn't bulk, maintaining takes way too long and time is valuable.

      • 7 months ago

        Btw I started with Reddit PPL, it gave me good strength then I swapped to an Arnold split after 6 months with hypertrophy and bodybuilding type of training in focus.

      • 7 months ago

        Bulking is only good for roidtrannies and powershitters. For anyone else bulking is a total meme. Idc about being able to bench 500lbs or whatever, I just want abs and visible muscles.

        • 7 months ago

          It's not, I had visible abs at 60kg but no muscle mass, it's not a good looking body.
          I was only able to build muscle fast while bulking.
          If you wanna be a skeleton with a 6 pack then go for it, if you wanna have a 6 pack with a bit of muscle then you have to bulk.

    • 7 months ago

      I went from 30kg to 60-ishkg in my first two months, but now i'm stalling, yet my food intake is in a surplus. I could do 60 for 3 sets of 8, so i figured i was ready for 62.5kg for 6. Did that shit. But it feels so goddamn heavy the last two reps. I feel so fricked.

      • 7 months ago

        welcome to intermediate mode! Look into programmes with more upper body volume and a more gradual mechanism of progression.

    • 7 months ago

      have you tried hanging your head off the end so its not resting on the bench? that helps for me

    • 7 months ago


  7. 7 months ago

    You want quick results. You won't get them. You keep snapping your shit because you want to do heavy weight without putting in the work and being smart about it. Fricking slow down.

    I'm around your age too. In the past few years, I started to get overuse injuries where i didn't used to. It happens. Age catches up eventually, but it doesn't mean it's over, it's just a sign you weren't doing things right and relying on youth to make up for those mistakes. You NEED to stretch AND do exercises directed solely on strengthening tendons, ligaments, and joints. Look up ways to build stability in your hips, shoulders, and knees. That'll mean bodyweight or super low weight exercises that "look silly" to normies who don't understand what they are for. Do these every day, and you'll slowly build up to what you had before. Don't fricking push it. Stop listening to alpha male podcasts about full sending it while hopped up on pre-workout being the only way to make gains. It's not true. Slow and steady. Every time you hurt yourself you set yourself back months or more.

    You see 60+ oldsters in the gym still lifting respectable weights. Ask them how. And it's being slow, steady, careful, and overall; smart.

    Now stop b***hing and start going to the gym consistently. Wagmi

  8. 7 months ago

    Anon I’m in my 40s and I’m a former physio (do things now that pay better) and I have feedback for you:
    - your journey is normal, not just re lifting. This is life anon.
    - you should however look into your injury proneness - and your odd relationship with „weakness“. Rule number one always and at any time as hobby lifter is: avoid injury at all cost. If you got injured do less or differently. And re your weakness: how many warrior kings rule on this planet? How many power lifters run countries? How many SEAL team six members do? Do you think George Soros could even defeat a 12 year old girl in hand to hand combat? Life is not about lifting unless it’s your living

    • 7 months ago

      >Do you think George Soros could even defeat a 12 year old girl in hand to hand combat? Life is not about lifting unless it’s your living
      Terrible advice. Our bodies were made to move around and if his body is failing to do so and causing him pain of course he is gonna be miserable and he is right to be so.

  9. 7 months ago

    Do you research a lot about proper form and prehab/rehab exercises? Do you record yourself occasionally in order to spot and correct errors? Do you always go to failure in your sessions or do you leave reps in the tank?
    It honestly sound like you are either careless (higher probability) or genetically prone to lesions (lower probability).
    Furthermore, you never mentioned any surgeries so you probably never suffered an actual severe lesion and most likely deal very badly with your lesions. If you get hurt, you get up, find out what happened and start rehab ASAP (stretches, exercises targeting imbalances, cardio... whatever gets some blood flowing to the harmed area)

  10. 7 months ago

    There's one constant throughout your years that keeps fricking you up.
    Know what it is? Powershitting. Quit that and don't ever think about it again. Would you rather be "strong" and fat with injuries, or "weak" and look good and be fit and healthy?

    • 7 months ago

      powerlifting is fricking awesome

  11. 7 months ago

    >autistically overcommit to one path and then give up on it and completely change training and goals the moment I get injured
    >why don’t I have more long-term gains?

    You have some sort of issue with bloatmaxxing, getting hurt, twinkmaxxing, getting hurt, and then depression + alcohol, so you end up being neither jacked nor ottermode but somewhere in between.

  12. 7 months ago

    eat a proper diet and do hypertrophy training. don't be a fricking butthole about volume, don't get overzealous and start adding extra shit, don't powershart. you can rehab all your injuries if you lift properly and work on mobility. as you get older and more fricked up you also have the opportunity to understand your body better, but it doesn't come without a philosophical shift. try different exercises and experiment with rep ranges, and then note how they make your injuries feel. one-sided exercises and eccentrics are your friend. because you're advanced, you're going to have an easy time adapting to whatever program as long as you don't snap your dumb shit up again.

    • 7 months ago

      oh and only EVER use perfect form. there's absolutely no good reason to do otherwise at your point. failure means lift until you start cheating too much.

  13. 7 months ago

    didn't read all that but good luck hope you solve your problem

  14. 7 months ago

    Why are you making gym your personality and pinning your self worth on the weight you can move? Is there nothing else in your life to be proud of?

  15. 7 months ago

    Roids + volume
    Who cares about the other shit

  16. 7 months ago

    I started almost exactly one year ago and couldn't even do a pushup and now I can bench 2pl8. Get fricked. Just Lift the fricking weight FRICK. I've made more progress in 1 year from just doing the same fricking shit every week than you have in a decade. You could've been jacked to fricking shreds right now if you weren't such an emotional little b***h that changes their mind on what they want to do every 10 seconds. Just fricking focus and lift the fricking weight every week. LIFT WEIGHTS YOU c**t

    • 7 months ago

      Post body
      We all know you wont

    • 7 months ago

      I almost positive you are fat, and don’t deadlift 4pl8 so lay off the caps lock there buddy

  17. 7 months ago

    what is your routine and diet currently? are you dong rehab for your injuries?

  18. 7 months ago

    End of the day didnt read. Im also 26 and have noticed the best gains when training for Hypertrophy, tracking protein at 200g/day and total calls at 2500.

    I am 6’3 and weigh 95kg
    After spending 10 or so years spinning my wheels with strength programs and other garbage. I finally realises the pinnacle of lifting is Hypertrophy with multiples sets of curls and pullups thrown in randomly through each workout.

  19. 7 months ago

    >This is gonna be a long one, sorry in advance.
    Stopped reading there , not that long , still wouldn't read...

    • 7 months ago


  20. 7 months ago

    So anotger guy never learned the priper form and the inportance of recovery. Does brosplit designed for mentally ill roiders and poweshitting designed for mentally ill fatties. Get' injured... how isn't that the consequences of your own stupidity? Did you ever read a single book on bodybuilding?
    Sorry, but playing stupid games results in getting stupid prises.

    • 7 months ago

      This. Snapping your shit up is a sign that you’re pushing yourself too hard

  21. 7 months ago

    Tldr amirite guys HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

  22. 7 months ago

    Pin testosterone
    Eat 200g protein a day 3k calories
    Do a proper strength program with added accessories at the end

  23. 7 months ago

    post body? this is 100% some self pity bullshit when you probably have a decent body you're just dysmorphic as frick and think you need to look like chris bumstead

  24. 7 months ago

    Use steroids. If that doesn't work, do more roids

  25. 7 months ago

    I'm make it real real simple for you:
    -Train until you're strong enough to MAX out ALL the machines at you're gym and lift at theirs maximum weight for reps
    -After your workout or before you go to bed, Crank as many pushups/dips/pullups as you can until you can 100 reps of each exercise in one set
    -At least 2-3x a week do HIIT cardio for 30 minutes

    There, that's all you need to do, You will be shredded and strong if you do this within a year. girls will want you

    • 7 months ago

      >Bro, just do 100 pushups

  26. 7 months ago

    Sounds like overtraining. I recommend you rest until you have recovered from your injuries and then go on HIT.

    • 7 months ago

      ty based Mike Mentzer!
      What am I supposed to do on the 4 days a week I wont be lifting following your scriptures?

      • 7 months ago

        Pursue artistic endeavors, achieve self-actualization, have sex, go on gentle strolls.

  27. 7 months ago

    the wise man finds joy in the journey and not the destination. Learn to enjoy pushing the boulder

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