This is my arm. Il a 28 years old mle, soon to be 29, ive been trying to gain weight for close to t'en years now.

This is my arm.

Il a 28 years old mâle, soon to be 29, ive been trying to gain weight for close to t'en years now. I currently weight 55kg, m'y maximum weight ever was 62kg.

Why cant i seem to gain weight ni latter thé effort icputcinto it ? IS it a discipline issue ? It has been ruining my lire for several years now, i juste dont feel like a man, i hate going out liké this. Im losing my sanity.

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  1. 12 months ago

    Are you infected with parasites? Did you take the MRNA Mark of the Beast Vaccine? Do you have VAIDS?

    • 12 months ago

      Im an antisocial person versed into conspiracy theories, so i didnt take the jab.

  2. 12 months ago

    You can gain weight by eating 3 bags of chips everyday. You'd get fat but gain weight.

    • 12 months ago

      Can confirm, this works. I'm 6'3 and broke my personal 160lbs ceiling during 'rona thanks to cheetos hot fries, dominos, and local Chinese bbq pork bao buns. Being locked in my dorm all day helped too.

  3. 12 months ago

    Bro it isn't that hard to put olive oil everywhere.
    There's way more high calorie foods than low ones buddy just order them if weight is your only concern.
    Hate skinnies so much.

    • 12 months ago

      I triée for months, didnt gain shit

      Doesnt vélo that i really dont liké rating overall, and that it takes me too much time

      • 12 months ago

        Doesnt help ''

      • 12 months ago

        you probably have legit parasites bro
        go see a doctor

    • 12 months ago

      This. Bulking is easy as frick and I'm tired of skellyhomosexuals pretending like its hard. I'd kill for the chance to eat a frickton. I've been on a seemingly eternal cut.

  4. 12 months ago

    I’m a 28 year old male that weighs 76kg I haven’t weighed 55kg since early highschool. Your typing style is strange. Bro just eat an extra sandwich every day, do something. You’re clearly not eating enough daily.

    • 12 months ago

      I wasnt raised to eat properly. I used to weigh 45kg in HS.

      • 12 months ago

        I always weighed 60kg or less but gained almost 10kg during my first relationship. Simply being with a person that doesn't skip meals is all it needed. And not being depressed anymore.

        My advice: Always eat breakfast! Eat a large breakfast. Learn to cook. And simply eat what you have the most appetite for, always eat till you feel full. Eat before going to bed, eat after waking up. Go to restaurants etc. Even fast food is okay, unless you eat there even day.

        Obviously hit the gym while you're that, otherwise you will just get skinny fat. Don't worry too much about it, once you've got used to it, then you can think about an actual diet.

      • 12 months ago

        >I wasnt raised to eat properly.
        You know you don't need your mommy's permission to eat at your age, right?

        Fricking Amerimutts, lmao.

  5. 12 months ago

    Stop overcomplicating you dumb c**t. The more you put in, the more you get out. Simple as that mate

    • 12 months ago

      What if im not hungry and puke as soon as i eat too much ?

      • 12 months ago

        You aren't eating enough
        You aren't lifting
        >but I eat so much already!
        Eat more. If you're not gaining eat more is the answer always.

        Liquid calories
        You live in a world where people accidentally get obese and can't figure it out?
        When I was really desperate to gain anything I started microwaving gallons of ice cream and drinking them throughout the day.
        That's extreme, but it did work.

        • 12 months ago

          Tf ? Did you have a job back then ?

          • 12 months ago

            This man thinks I can't get a gallon down in a few hours

        • 12 months ago

          >When I was really desperate to gain anything I started microwaving gallons of ice cream and drinking them throughout the day.

        • 12 months ago

          this you?

  6. 12 months ago

    Since you're a skelly I guess your issue is volume eating. Your goal is to eat the most calorie dense food possible with the lowest volume. Stuff like
    >Olive oil
    >Peanut butter
    >whole grain bread
    >Fatty red meat
    >Fruit juice

    Won't hurt you much to throw in some snack/ice creams I guess, but keep it lower than 1/3 of your intake. If you can't stomach to eat all those calories, drink them, make shakes, mass gainer whatever.

  7. 12 months ago

    Just eat more lol, if fatties can do it so can you.

  8. 12 months ago

    But how tf do you guys generate and increase appetite ?

    Tbh if i didnt manage to do it in the last years, maybe i will Never bé able to

    • 12 months ago

      Why would you need to increase appetite? Just schedule your fricking meals and EAT.

      • 12 months ago

        I take too much time to et them.

  9. 12 months ago

    I was the same as you. 170cm / 55kg all my life (I'm 33)
    I started bulking and heavy lifting this year. I'm 62kg now and I've grown a lot of muscle. Just eat a lot of milk, dairy, peanut butter, meat, greek yogurt, and lift as much as you can. You'll make it if you're dedicated enough

    • 12 months ago

      HOW DID YOU DO IT DUDE ? Tell me
      Give me tips

      Your schedule, thé stuff you eat


      • 12 months ago

        I'm not that anon but I'm in the same situation and gained almost 5kg so far, I drink 3 mugs of milk (600ml in total), eat 60g of nuts and 250g of Skyr and a banana everyday, independent from breakfast, lunch, dinner (which are different every day). That puts me at over 50g of protein and 1000 calories by default and it even tastes good

        • 12 months ago

          seems like all anons are giving the same advice with the milk. i am

          ok so we have the same build and same problem
          (i am 180cm and started at 50kg start of yr, im at 57kg now). essaie de remplacer l'eau avec du lait. chaque fois que tu as soif, bois du lait. and dont even think of getting the skimmed shit. go full fat.
          also try to add fatty cheeses to your diet. i think france is cheaper than where i live, and i routinely get brie for 5 euros a kilo, for example.
          cycling a lot helped me gain an appetite, might help you too, idk.
          last but not least: eat regularly. do not skip meals, do not eat at vastly different times of the day, etc., so that your hunger hormones can set in.

          Verification not required.

          should really try it, op

        • 12 months ago

          niqqa you gon get transformed into a statue with that much calcium on the daily damn
          im gonna go on a limb on this one and say you already have stiff muscles

  10. 12 months ago

    Hello, French phoneposter. Bois plus de lait et ça devient plus facile

  11. 12 months ago

    my starting weight is 52kg/170cm/29yo now 73kg/170cm/31yo.
    this is my experiences.
    >lift more = craving more food
    >track what you eat and WHAT YOU MUST EAT everyday
    >if you cant eat bigger, eat small but a lot of time (4-5x a day)

    • 12 months ago

      Blud, give me a typical day of eating for you. PLEASE

      • 12 months ago

        >fried chicken ( homemade)
        >cheese (cheddar bcs its cheap as frick)

        every fricking single day, thats the only good shit i can afford bcs im poor

  12. 12 months ago

    The problem is you're an unhealthy junkie moron who's too fricked up to even type properly. Fix your lifestyle completely, not just food.

    • 12 months ago

      Im not, im a french phoneposter. Non alcool, no tabacco, ATC job, stable life. Although m'y mother IS senile and it IS causing me a lot of pain

  13. 12 months ago


    • 12 months ago


  14. 12 months ago

    Formet fat frick here. answer my question please OP.

    What happens if you just go shop,get urself some chocolate, some coke, some crisps, some biscuits and some burger? You get home, eat all of it then you eat some mcdonalds dinner

    3k calories.

    You do that every other day and done. Can you actually just not eat that much? Would you be sick? That is how I got very fat when I was binging I can very easily undone my 3 years dieting in 2-3 months right now.

    • 12 months ago

      I wouldnt be able to get all ofit down. Even if i did, i would get easily bored.

      • 12 months ago

        >id get bored of yummy chocolate bars, various crisps, coke and burgers

        Yeah idk something is wrong with you.

  15. 12 months ago

    turn off your french autocorrect frogbro

    • 12 months ago

      This is my arm.

      Il a 28 years old mâle, soon to be 29, ive been trying to gain weight for close to t'en years now. I currently weight 55kg, m'y maximum weight ever was 62kg.

      Why cant i seem to gain weight ni latter thé effort icputcinto it ? IS it a discipline issue ? It has been ruining my lire for several years now, i juste dont feel like a man, i hate going out liké this. Im losing my sanity.

      But anyways, to give you advice, i must ask a few questions. how tall are you? what do you eat and how often? how is your sleep? how is your appetite?

      • 12 months ago


        Usually either eat breakfast and donner or lunch and donner

        Sleep IS perfect

        Appetite IS null

        • 12 months ago

          ok so we have the same build and same problem
          (i am 180cm and started at 50kg start of yr, im at 57kg now). essaie de remplacer l'eau avec du lait. chaque fois que tu as soif, bois du lait. and dont even think of getting the skimmed shit. go full fat.
          also try to add fatty cheeses to your diet. i think france is cheaper than where i live, and i routinely get brie for 5 euros a kilo, for example.
          cycling a lot helped me gain an appetite, might help you too, idk.
          last but not least: eat regularly. do not skip meals, do not eat at vastly different times of the day, etc., so that your hunger hormones can set in.

          Verification not required.

          • 12 months ago


          • 12 months ago

            ignore all the memes on this board (and from bodybuilders) in general like eating 6 gorillion meals a day and downing protein shakes. you dont want your insulin to be chronically high. try to eat whole foods, 2-3 meals a day. what matters just as much as macros is micros.

        • 12 months ago

          Get your shit together anon.
          Pic related also started at 55kg

          • 12 months ago


          • 12 months ago

            Howd you do it ?

          • 12 months ago

            ur 5'7. doesnt count.

            • 12 months ago
              Sauce Thread

              179cm is 5'11-ish you moron

  16. 12 months ago

    I recently became addicted to stellaris to the point where I forgot to eat and I dropped like 9 pounds.

  17. 12 months ago

    it's not hard, you're just not trying hard enough. I was in the situation as you until I complained about it to my powerlifter friend who encouraged me to eat like a big guy (surprise, i became a big guy)

    I guarantee that you are not eating enough. you can probably eat a lot at once but then wind up accidentally intermittent fasting all the time.

    Drink one of these a day + three meals. Track your shit; 200g protein a day minimum or you may as well just abandon the goal.

  18. 12 months ago

    Maybe this is because you're a moronic phoneposter who doesn't take anything seriously.
    You couldn't even bother preventing your autocorrect from mangling your OP post. It's highly unlikely that you actually tried gaining weight or doing anything to better yourself physically.

  19. 12 months ago

    frick you just because you're french, abdul

  20. 12 months ago

    Why do you type like you have brain worms

  21. 12 months ago

    Go to the doctor to check for tapeworm/parasites.
    Eat 6 meals a day. The last meal should be pretty small.
    Eat snacks.
    Drink lots of milk.
    Peanut butter.
    Eat peanut butter and jelly everyday. Wonderbread.
    Pasta. Not wheat.
    Lots of carbs.
    Cover everything in olive oil if you need to, but only as a last resort.

  22. 12 months ago

    cut the frickin grains
    i had the same problems before cutting grains
    no matter how much i ate i was still skinny like those fricking corporate drones

  23. 12 months ago

    >Why cant i seem to gain weight

    Simple, you're not eating enough. There is no other reason.

    Whatever you're eating, double it and make sure you eat it consistently. You will gain weight. If you do not, double it again. If you still do not, double it again.

    It is a 100% certainty that you will gain weight this way.

    • 12 months ago

      Whatif i cant ?

      What if i keep on puking ?

  24. 12 months ago

    Ffs go all out anon:
    Drink chocolate milk (full)
    Put mayonaise on fricking everything
    Start your day with a box of donuts
    Eat all the chocolate

    But if eating itself is the issue start drinking liquid calories. Be creative

  25. 12 months ago

    Your watch is too tight.
    Watches aren't to mark your wrist like that.

    Also, just drink "Mutant Mass" once a day for 1 week, then twice a day henceforth.
    You'll enlargen within 3 months.

  26. 12 months ago

    literaly eat what you normally eat(maintenance) and just drink a big glass of milk with every meal, thats it, you just consumed extra ~700kcal and will gain 1lbs of fat every 5 days, its that easy

  27. 12 months ago

    Bordel ce phasme

    • 12 months ago


      • 12 months ago

        Pour répondre à ta question, à moins que t'aies des parasites/ténias (ce qui est assez peu commun) le problème c'est tout simplement que tu manges pas assez.
        La balance énergétique est très claire :
        - si apports > dépenses alors prise de poids
        - si apports = dépenses alors stagnation
        - si apports < dépenses alors perte de poids
        Il y a pas 36 solutions il faut que tu manges plus

  28. 12 months ago

    Sugar is your friend due to how easy it is to digest. Eat spoons full of honey throughout the day. Candied ginger. Dried fruit. Ice cream for breakfast. Drink orange juice and coconut water instead of water. Lower your fiber intake and keep your fat intake moderate--they are relatively harder to digest, and can make you feel "full".

  29. 12 months ago

    nice dick, homosexual.

  30. 12 months ago

    Simple not eating enough.
    Try 2lbs of meat and 2lbs of rice a day for a year.

  31. 12 months ago

    Écoute fréro déjà il faut que tu te bouges le cul et que tu te dépenses physiquement pour avoir un appétit. Si t'es assis toute la journée c'est pas surprenant que t'ai jamais la dalle.
    Il faut manger plus. Y'a vraiment pas de secret faut absorber un maximum de calories. Si t'as la gerbe après trop de bouffe il faut séparer les repas en deux et en manger le double.
    J'ai le même problème que toi, j'ai presque jamais d'appétit naturellement. Je fais 1m90 et je pesais 60kg pendant des années aussi - maintenant j'approche le quintal parce-que j'ai corrigé mes habitudes alimentaires.
    Quelques astuces:
    -Fais des exercices lourds qui travaillent tes jambes et le bas du corps. Des squats, des deadlifts, tout ça fait travailler le métabolisme un maximum et ça augmente ta testostérone et ton appétit.
    -Fait de la cardio. Marche, vélo, ce que tu veux du moment que tu fais un exercice cardiovasculaire. Ça aidera à augmenter ton appétit aussi.
    -Il y a quelques suppléments qui aident aussi. Le gingembre, mangé cru, augmente ta sensibilité à l'insuline ce qui t'aide à digérer et absorber les repas (surtout les glucides) et aide à garder l'appétit.
    Bref il faut mettre un grand effort dedans, au début t'aura l'impression de faire rien d'autre que de bouffer toute la journée mais après 1 mois ou 2 tu t'y habitueras. Ne te décourage pas tout le monde peut y arriver, même mois alors que j'ai besoin de manger 4,000 calories par jour à ce stade j'y arrive quand même. Bonne chance.

    • 12 months ago

      Pavé césar
      Je suis globalement d'accord sauf pour le cardio, en soi c'est bien mais pour une prise de poids ça sert à rien (c'est même contre-productif)

      • 12 months ago

        Oui j'aurais dû spécifier seulement de la cardio à basse intensité pour une demi heure/trois quarts d'heure max. Perso j'ai toujours une faim de loup après même une session de marche quand je suis en prise de masse.
        Je pense que c'est préférable de dépenser plus et de manger plus pour gagner du poids plutôt que de bouger moins/manger moins mais c'est vrai que si OP n'arrive vraiment pas a manger faut commencer au début et déjà manger 3 repas par jour et faire de la muscu.

  32. 12 months ago

    Stress metabolism. If you wanna gain weight you first have to lower your stress hormone production. Hypothyroidism with hyperactivity of adrenals, you can confirm this by checking if your temperature in the day is very different from in morning (day should be 37C, lower than 36.5 when waking would be significant). Some people in this condition have to consume an excess of 5000 calories just to not lose mass. Fix is difficult and would take some personal investment, but there are many easy things you could try to vastly imprpve your situation. You should look into Ray Peat to understand your predicament. To a person in your seat, if I interpret it correctly, two aspirin, a spoonful of coconut oil, and two glasses of orange juice and a bowl of 8ce cream would induce an intense calming feeling which would illustrate what physiological sensation you should look for in your meals
    >. T. 97kg from 71 @ 6-3

    • 12 months ago

      Huh. Ill try.

      My mother has Hashimoto's, if that means anything.

  33. 12 months ago

    The only time gomad works for a homie, and they never do it...

  34. 12 months ago

    Stop smoking meth.

  35. 12 months ago

    >Count calories accurately
    >did you gain weight?
    >eat more then
    Simple as

  36. 12 months ago

    >30 years old
    >more emaciated than OP
    >5.5" wrists
    >weigh in the 130s lbs, never weighed above 140
    >too miserable and depressed for my entire life to care about eating

    • 12 months ago

      Why so depressed ?

  37. 12 months ago

    I'm skinnier than OP (mostly because I have almost zero muscle on my forearms, but I probably have a tiny bit more fat) but whenever I gain a bit of weight my face gets rounder and I get significantly less attractive (and I'm pretty ugly to begin with).
    How do I make sure that I'm eating enough to not hinder muscle growth, but without increasing body fat?

    • 12 months ago

      this is why bulks and cuts exist, dude. You will put on some fat but who cares just lose it after.

      • 12 months ago

        Is it the only way? I don't want to look disgusting during the bulking phase.
        What about "maingaining"?

  38. 12 months ago

    Have you tried eating food

  39. 12 months ago

    You either suck at actually eating right or you have some sort of disorder that prevents you taking in your nutrients
    Ladt dude I knew looked like you turned out to have celiacs (intense gluten reaction)

    • 12 months ago

      No, i just dont eat lel

  40. 12 months ago

    don't let le yourejustnoteatingenough gays gaslight you

    do you take a shit everyday? no? that's a sign of digestive problems

  41. 12 months ago

    frick you homosexual

  42. 12 months ago

    >mother has Hashimoto
    and you think your hormones are 100% OK?
    ever did a hormone test?

    • 12 months ago


  43. 12 months ago

    have you tried eating more? fricking moron

  44. 12 months ago


  45. 12 months ago


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