This is probably the last place for this kind of rant, but fuck it I'll do it anyways.

This is probably the last place for this kind of rant, but frick it I'll do it anyways. I am completely disillusioned with the idea of working out, I finally broke and reached my fricking limit.

I am 34 years old, 71kg skinnyfat. Since I was 18 or something, I've been on and off with training of all kinds, trying to at least LOOK like I go to a gym. And for the last 6 years at least, I've been extremely consistent. I've done swimming, boxing, gym, running. I found out I had low testosterone and started TRT years ago. I've used supplements and changed diets and what not. Currently twice a week with a personal trainer (plus 3-5 times alone, most weeks total 6 gym sessions). Pretty much the only thing I never did was actual steroid usage.

Could I probably have tried harder and stuff? Surely, I have no doubt. I am not complaining I don't look like a jacked monster, but with the amount of time and money I've spent on all this crap to still look and perform like a below average male, it's just incredibly depressing.

I am honestly just completely defeated at this point, yet I know that if this crap is my body doing all that, the moment I stop trying I'm going to become even more shit fast.

IDK what I want even posting this shit but thanks for reading my blog, but here's a cute fit girl picture from the top of google search I guess.

Ape Out Shirt $21.68

Tip Your Landlord Shirt $21.68

Ape Out Shirt $21.68

  1. 6 months ago

    If you want large muscles you have to progressively overload frequently and train multiple days a week
    If you don't want a skinnyfat physique you have to stay in a caloric deficit

  2. 6 months ago

    Going to say this because I just have a feeling your legs are pathetic. Squat. Bulgarian split squat too. Train fricking harder. Then eat and rest.

  3. 6 months ago

    your basics are off
    you don't apply yourself in the gym
    you don't eat enough, or eat too much
    your sleep is shit

    complete waste of time and money, you either intuitively like lifting and automatically progress or you should just try another hobby tbh

  4. 6 months ago

    >Eats like shit
    >Doesn't train hard
    >Tries to buy fitness

    You know there are more millionaires in America than people with visible abs. Sorry you are a lazy frick. What you are experiencing is called "imposter syndrome" and it's when you have money but you wake up one day and realize you are a stupid fat homosexual moron and money doesn't mean anything. I am sure all this has been quite stressful you should relax with a nice Coca-Cola and some donuts.

    • 6 months ago

      Man I WISH I at least had money. I mean, certainly enough to throw some away at this (tho right now the only really expensiveish thing I'm on is the PT) but I'm a third worlder. if you have a half decent job you have more purchasing power than me.

      • 6 months ago

        The PT clearly isn't worth the money for you if you are perma skinnyfat. I recommend Shawn Nalewanyj on YouTube.and the dude even makes free workout plans if you want.

        Double progressive overload. Take every set to failure/within 1 rep of failure. It's that simple. Every single time you go to the gym you should see improvement in either the amount of weight or number of reps you can do. There is no way to frick this up if you aren't moronic and you actually apply yourself.

        Every time I see PTs with clients in the gym they are always doing really weird meme exercises for 1000000x reps.

        • 6 months ago

          >The PT clearly isn't worth the money for you if you are perma skinnyfat.

          Oh, the PT I started a couple months ago. I have set a deadline of february to see at least SOMETHING before kicking him away, not fair to do a couple months and say "it's not working". I lost some body fat (at 18% right now) and then stagnated real quick. He has certainly helped fix a couple issues and I started running on his recommendation, so I'll give him that much.

          just work out because its good for you and helps keep you physically andmentally healthy. Don't try to be super fit looking for other people. I never worked out for anyone else, I worked out (including cardio) for skiing, snowboarding, mountain biking and motocross. My weight went up and down, I put on some fat and lost some fat, but as long as I was having fun at my activities I did not care what I looked like, that was not the point of exercising. Turns out after 30 years I am in far better shape than 95% of the people my age (even 10 years less than my age) and still in good shape. Over the years in the gyms I see men and women come and go, they show up every day, push hard, then seem to burn out and fade away. This time of year I know there is going to be bum rush of newbies hitting the gym in a few weeks for their "new year's resolution" and they will fade away in mid- to late- februrary. Don't sweat it, just realize that working out feels good and being in shape in the best thing for you in long haul, and I have been hauling a looong time so I speak from experience. The fads of giant shoulders, super heavy squats, muscle ups, whatever come and go, but just be consistent and work out for yourself.

          The only thing that's keeping me going atm is really meme "health gains", I don't want to die now that we're starting to see some AI stuff.

          • 6 months ago

            What are your goals? 18% bodyfat is not skinnyfat. A picture would help me understand. If all you are looking for is twink maxing (sounds like it) then just stop eating garbage dude.

            • 6 months ago

              >18% bodyfat is not skinnyfat
              People here on fit tell me all the time that I need to be around 13% to not be considered skinnyfat

  5. 6 months ago

    >on and off
    >meme diets
    >low intensity
    >PT paypig
    Doctor anon says you need the following:more rest days with higher intensity, normal human diet, good sleep, no PTs for lifting, maybe PT if you want to git good at one of the sports you mentioned (you don't need the others anyway, pick your favourite)

    • 6 months ago

      Also, don't forget your age (same as mine) so NEVER skip stretching, NEVER EVER EVER

  6. 6 months ago

    If you're doing everything right and your T is normal you just aren't training hard enough. Go to the gym each day and push yourself until you feel like you're going to cough up blood and come back here and tell me you still can't grow muscle. A lot of you are just too adverse to any actual pain or discomfort.

  7. 6 months ago

    just work out because its good for you and helps keep you physically andmentally healthy. Don't try to be super fit looking for other people. I never worked out for anyone else, I worked out (including cardio) for skiing, snowboarding, mountain biking and motocross. My weight went up and down, I put on some fat and lost some fat, but as long as I was having fun at my activities I did not care what I looked like, that was not the point of exercising. Turns out after 30 years I am in far better shape than 95% of the people my age (even 10 years less than my age) and still in good shape. Over the years in the gyms I see men and women come and go, they show up every day, push hard, then seem to burn out and fade away. This time of year I know there is going to be bum rush of newbies hitting the gym in a few weeks for their "new year's resolution" and they will fade away in mid- to late- februrary. Don't sweat it, just realize that working out feels good and being in shape in the best thing for you in long haul, and I have been hauling a looong time so I speak from experience. The fads of giant shoulders, super heavy squats, muscle ups, whatever come and go, but just be consistent and work out for yourself.

  8. 6 months ago

    Post body, perhaps you have body dismorphia

    • 6 months ago


      • 6 months ago

        You never applied yourself, you look exactly like my friend who has gone to the gym once a month for the past 2 decades and is constantly doing fad fitness and diet bullshit thinking he’ll unlock the secrets that get me stronger and leaner year by year. Sorry but you’re just an npc brainlet.

      • 6 months ago

        Just get on test and tren unironically, you are a genetic dead end otherwise

      • 6 months ago

        You should try to get bigger not smaller. You could keep the same diet, drop the cardio and starting actually trying to lift heavy and progressive overload and you would have a way better body.

      • 6 months ago

        You need Mike mentzer

      • 6 months ago

        U need to start lifting brother,like real lifting and eating real food. Eat 500g of meat daily,with a lot of carbs and fat and lift big. Do.every muscle twice per week.

      • 6 months ago


      • 6 months ago

        If I showed you a before and after picture of my physique after not stepping in a gym for 3 years then doing about 6 months of SL you'd kys. I think your problem is that you're going for all that meme shit and simply not lifting. I bet you're on a brosplit as well.

      • 6 months ago

        This is not 71kg. How tall are you? At 5”11 back when I was that weight I was ripped

        • 6 months ago

          5'7 / 171cm.

          dont listen to anyone else's advice. You just have shit genetics and you're wasting your time. You'd have better time management learning how to get away with rape, then learning to train. Either way, your NGMI

          there are few crimes you can't get away with over here and rape is one of those. And if you get caught you get raped like mad in prison then killed. On the flip side prostitutes are legal

          How to get out of your hell: 10k kettlebell swing challenge
          Holy frick what a waste of time standard gym is, unbelievable
          Also you say you're on TRT. Are you trolling?

          Look up epigenetics. You must have a very soft lifestyle. How hot is your bedroom?
          What do you eat daily? Do you cave in to your higher ups?

          >How hot is your bedroom?

          I'm on a tropical climate without AC, make a guess

          >What do you eat daily?

          Default brazillian food. Rice, beans, something else.

          >Do you cave in to your higher ups?

          The frick this has to do with anything

          • 6 months ago

            Can I come and frick big bunda or are you guys gonna stab me for being white? Can I get by on English?

            • 6 months ago

              If you don't walk like a dumb rich gringo you're not more or less likely than anyone else to get stabbed...which is probably a higher rate than whenever you're coming from but hey.

              As for getting to frick bundas, absolutely, being english speaking foreigner is a bonus, as long as you're ok with the the women seeing you as nothing but a ticket to get out of the country (and if you're going just for sex and nothing else that should be ok).

              As for getting by on English, if you go to a capital city, in richer areas and interact with younger people, it should be fine but do the basic legwork any reasonable person should do before vising a foreign country. It's not hard to memorize some phrases. Don't expect to go into any random suburban pub speaking english only. Rio is probably the easiest but then you're going to Rio, which is a mistake. If you want beaches go to the northeast.

              • 6 months ago

                Beaches, northeast, big bunda. Okay I got it thanks anon. I've traveled a lot but never to South America so I think this might be fun next year as a potential trip. Was just wondering if it was Venezuela tier or like "oh shit we put zombie drugs in your beer" central america tier

              • 6 months ago

                The thing that first worldies frick up the most safety wise is simply messing around with their cellphones too much in the open. If you gotta check something quick go ahead, but don't stand out in the open taking pics or spending several minutes fiddling with apps.

                Get inside somewhere first (even if it's just some random store on the street) if you're use it for any extended time.

                And if you use maps, simply confirm there's no "comunidade", "morro" or straight up "favela" in the path. Which shouldn't be a problem if you're not in Rio (not that other cities don't have those, but Rio is a special place where you can go from a rich tourtist spot to city of god filming location by taking a couple wrong turns)

              • 6 months ago

                I would just look for some hostel walking distance from the beach and frick around for a week or so tbh.

          • 6 months ago

            >there are few crimes you can't get away with over here and rape is one of those.
            then move to a place where you can get away with it. Stop thinking inside the box. Women should be taken, not earned with some training.

          • 6 months ago

            >The frick this has to do with anything
            Epigenetics. If you're subservient your testosterone drops.

            Get kettlebells a do a couple hundred swings daily. End of skinnyfat torso

      • 6 months ago


        also chicken legs

      • 6 months ago

        dont listen to anyone else's advice. You just have shit genetics and you're wasting your time. You'd have better time management learning how to get away with rape, then learning to train. Either way, your NGMI

      • 6 months ago

        How to get out of your hell: 10k kettlebell swing challenge
        Holy frick what a waste of time standard gym is, unbelievable
        Also you say you're on TRT. Are you trolling?

        Look up epigenetics. You must have a very soft lifestyle. How hot is your bedroom?
        What do you eat daily? Do you cave in to your higher ups?

      • 6 months ago

        You just needed to bulk 20-30lbs and then cut lmaoooo

  9. 6 months ago

    You expect too much.
    Look up what counted as athletic before the 2010s.

    Pic related is the original Ottermode picture. By today's standards, it's not even DYEL but Auschwitz mode.

    Your standards are skewed. In all likelihood, you made normal gains but fact is that if you want to look even marginally good by modern standards, you have to do bodybuilding and juice.

    • 6 months ago

      >Look up what counted as athletic before the 2010s.
      False. That's the body 80% of people have
      80% of people are not athletic.

      • 6 months ago

        That's the body that codified the ottermode meme in the original meme infographic. Your standards changed because you're terminally online.

        • 6 months ago

          You said athletic but posted the picture of a non-athletic guy?
          Your picture is right now

          • 6 months ago

            I said the pic is the one that defined Ottermode originally. Lrn2read.

            • 6 months ago

              I don't even know what ottermode is

              Otters(the animal( are fat

      • 6 months ago

        You're out of your goddamn mind if you think 80% of people look like that.

        Well thanks for your blog post anon.
        Girl is very masculine. Concerning, anon.

        2 thoughts on your rant:
        You do a lot, potentially way too much but do you do it right? If you want muscle stop everything but hypertrophy training. You seem genetically on the no gifts given end of spectrum so you have to play your cards flawlessly and what you write sounds like an A for effort but an F for doing it smart: progressive overload till at least positive failure, for you for every set. You need to force feed enough protein and carbs. And you need to rest and sleep enough. Most people with your genetics work out too much but not the right way, they work out not hard enough, don’t eat enough and also overtrain (yes you can do too little and too much at the same time). You train right now for over all fitness, endurance etc not hypertrophy. Swimming? Boxing? You stupid? Who made you think as a genetically not gifted you can dance on every wedding in town?
        Thought number two: Is it possible you have body dysmorphia?

        Feel like it's important to note I am not doing all these things at once. There has been a time where I did box and swim and as you already pointed out I noped out of that real quick. Right now I am only running.

        You should try to get bigger not smaller. You could keep the same diet, drop the cardio and starting actually trying to lift heavy and progressive overload and you would have a way better body.

        I've been considering that but I'll probably just get true fat and never again lose that shit, I'm too old to risk getting BF even higher.

        • 6 months ago

          You are the same age as me and my lifts still haven't peaked. And you are taking test and I am natty ..

          You never progressive overloaded. You basically never worked out dude...

  10. 6 months ago

    >started TRT years ago
    >Pretty much the only thing I never did was actual steroid usage.

    • 6 months ago

      Medical TRT after diagnosed low levels of testosterone is nowhere near steroid usage. I am just at 500 usually instead of 300 <

      • 6 months ago

        You pin test which means you're juicing.

  11. 6 months ago

    Well thanks for your blog post anon.
    Girl is very masculine. Concerning, anon.

    2 thoughts on your rant:
    You do a lot, potentially way too much but do you do it right? If you want muscle stop everything but hypertrophy training. You seem genetically on the no gifts given end of spectrum so you have to play your cards flawlessly and what you write sounds like an A for effort but an F for doing it smart: progressive overload till at least positive failure, for you for every set. You need to force feed enough protein and carbs. And you need to rest and sleep enough. Most people with your genetics work out too much but not the right way, they work out not hard enough, don’t eat enough and also overtrain (yes you can do too little and too much at the same time). You train right now for over all fitness, endurance etc not hypertrophy. Swimming? Boxing? You stupid? Who made you think as a genetically not gifted you can dance on every wedding in town?
    Thought number two: Is it possible you have body dysmorphia?

    • 6 months ago

      Overtraining is a meme for 99.99% of the population. There is no fricking way a skinny fat dyel is overtrained.

      The problem with most people like OP is they do a lot of volume at low weight/effort and get nowhere and then give up. They never push to failure. They never progressive overload. They don't track their lifts. They don't try to improve their lifts.. they just do some cardio and curls with the same 20 pound dumbbells for sets of 40 every week and wonder why they aren't jacked

      OP could have been doing fricking pushups to failure and nothing else for the last two months and he would have a better physique

      • 6 months ago

        t. bench pr 100 lbs

        • 6 months ago

          I'm 185 pounds and bench 285 for 5

          • 6 months ago

            >I'm 185 pounds
            >bench 285 for 5
            Medium gains then. Why brag about it?

            • 6 months ago

              I am a lil thick right now. I am going to be ready by spring and looking nice. I have been slowly cutting the last couple weeks. Don't wanna lose any of my strength.

              185 -285 for 5 natty is not medium gains sir. It's pretty elite. I would ask you to post anything but I know you are just a keyboard warrior.

          • 6 months ago

            I know your dad never told you this, so I'll say it - I'm proud of you.

  12. 6 months ago

    mucho texto

  13. 6 months ago

    Anyone I've known who actually applied themselves and trained hard with progressive overload had some effects. There is, of course, genetic variability - but not to such an extent. I see 50-75% of people in the gym not even breaking a sweat in a full 1-hour workout - and then start the same bullshit discussions and complaining sessions in the locker room.

  14. 6 months ago

    I'm skinny fat too. I hate it and stoped eating a lot. There are days where I don't eat at all. Every time I look in the mirror I want to cry. I don't go out that much anymore. Only wear oversized cloth to hide. I want to go to the gym but I'm too scared alone. I resent myself and it's a fusion circle

    • 6 months ago

      >wear oversized cloth

  15. 6 months ago

    The self is always coming through, you are what you are on the metaphysical plane. The cream always rises to the top

  16. 6 months ago

    Mike Mentzer maxx by working out one day a week. Skinny with muscle is all you need

  17. 6 months ago
    Florida Man

    Hit up Tommy John on YouTube, he was taught by Skip Hill and doesn't charge a lot for coaching.

  18. 6 months ago

    Why? All it does is give you as much test as the average man. You're either gonna have to blast (not recommended because you suck at lifting and you'll just get an okay physique for the price of blasting) or be a fricking man (highly recommended).

  19. 6 months ago

    What were your goals? Did you reach them?

  20. 6 months ago

    I'm 34 yo too. I've been able to get noticably larger in the past 6 months by:
    1. Lift to failure - at least 12 sets per week per muscle group, in the 8 - 12 rep range
    2. Eat a lot - 2g protein per kg bodyweight
    3. Sleep a lot - sleeping is growing
    If you don't do this stuff, you won't grow, and you didn't want it bad enough. There's nothing wrong with being a wimply little b***h, that just makes you normal.

    • 6 months ago

      >12 sets to failure per muscle
      God damn dude. I am a b***h or is that a lot?

      • 6 months ago

        >12 sets
        >per week
        You're a wimpy b***h.

        • 6 months ago

          Basically you are a b***h

          How big are you? I do 3 sets to failure and it hurts forever. If more sets to failure is the whey I'll do it but are you actually big?

          • 6 months ago

            >3 sets to failure and it hurts forever
            Your body will adapt and you'll get less and less sore after a while. Don't take more than 3 days off to rest, and keep your protein intake up for all those days.
            When I started lifting 6 months ago, my hamstring curl was 160lbs, now it's 245lbs. If you want real results, you need real effort. Sometimes that means a wobbly walk back to your car after a good leg day, or not being able to lift your arms after hitting shoulders well. Being scared of pain is fine, bur being brave means ignoring your fear and going for it anyway. Those other anons are right. Thug that shit out, bro.

            • 6 months ago

              You said it better than me.

              he didnt say to failure on every set, im assuming he means hed push the last set of a muscle to failure
              1-3 RIR for most of it probably
              its a moderate amount, 12 sets to actual failure is a lot
              tbh it depends on the muscle, my biceps only get like 10 sets a week? while my shoulders get 18 sets directly and like another 16 or smth sets indirectly, 1/2 RIR
              my shoulders, triceps, forearms all need a lot of volume, but my quads and biceps need very little.
              it varies and it will vary
              12 sets to actual failure is obscene
              honestly it does not matter as long as youre progressing

              >12 sets to actual failure is obscene
              I meant what I said. Try it sometime, you'll adapt to it in a few weeks.

            • 6 months ago

              I'm not scared of pain. I do sets to failure too. I'm scared of hitting the hypertrophy threshold and then wasting my time and eating into my recovery.

              • 6 months ago

                Autistically min/maxing is so beyond 99% of IST. There is diminishing returns on volume but you are better off doing too much than wasting two years listening to clickbait videos of YouTube and getting zero progress.

                Track your lifts and eat in a calorie surplus and you should be able to get either more reps or higher weight every single time you lift. If you aren't seeing consistent progress for literally fricking years then you are doing it wrong

              • 6 months ago

                You can't avoid that. Your body will adjust and recover faster too. First you will do more recovering than growing, then the recovery will adapt and you'll spend less time recovering and more time growing. This is a process that happens with any new stimulus to the muscle, especially if you're actually increasing reps or weight each week (which you should be if you're really trying).

                Yeah, okay but even Dorian Yates wasn't doing 12 sets to failure per muscle.

              • 6 months ago

                12 sets is not a lot anon...

                4x seated row
                4x lat pulldown
                4x pullups

                If this seems like "too much" then you shouldnt even bother going or the gym

              • 6 months ago

                You can't avoid that. Your body will adjust and recover faster too. First you will do more recovering than growing, then the recovery will adapt and you'll spend less time recovering and more time growing. This is a process that happens with any new stimulus to the muscle, especially if you're actually increasing reps or weight each week (which you should be if you're really trying).

          • 6 months ago

            I am


            I am a lil thick right now. I am going to be ready by spring and looking nice. I have been slowly cutting the last couple weeks. Don't wanna lose any of my strength.

            185 -285 for 5 natty is not medium gains sir. It's pretty elite. I would ask you to post anything but I know you are just a keyboard warrior.


            I'm 185 pounds and bench 285 for 5

            Outside of warmup sets I take everything to failure. If you are getting sore as frick that's a good thing and you are probably training right.

            I like PPL and you have like 3 days until you have to hit that muscle again if you toss on a rest day. I feel like most lifters are like you and never make gains because they never push to failure because it's ouchy

      • 6 months ago

        Basically you are a b***h

        • 6 months ago

          >12 sets
          >per week
          You're a wimpy b***h.

          You guys aren't lifting nearly as hard as you think you are.

      • 6 months ago
        Christ Is Lord

        he didnt say to failure on every set, im assuming he means hed push the last set of a muscle to failure
        1-3 RIR for most of it probably
        its a moderate amount, 12 sets to actual failure is a lot
        tbh it depends on the muscle, my biceps only get like 10 sets a week? while my shoulders get 18 sets directly and like another 16 or smth sets indirectly, 1/2 RIR
        my shoulders, triceps, forearms all need a lot of volume, but my quads and biceps need very little.
        it varies and it will vary
        12 sets to actual failure is obscene
        honestly it does not matter as long as youre progressing

  21. 6 months ago

    All you had to do was stop drinking and eating sugar/alcohol, eat well rounded meals, lift heavy and do cardio

    Wtf have you been doing?

  22. 6 months ago

    >I am 34 years old, 71kg skinnyfat. Since I was 18 or something, I've been on and off with training of all kinds,
    This Black person couldn't figure out lifting at the age of 28, are you mentally challenged?

    • 6 months ago

      Why are you asking him that anon? If you think he's mentally challenged then why are you asking for his opinion on whether he is or isn't? I mean it doesn't even make sense as a question.

      It's more like you are pulling up a metaphorical sword but using a keyboard to do it. Why don't you challenge someone in real life? In other words you're a sad sack of shit, kys.

      • 6 months ago

        I have a metaphorical sword in my pants i am about to pull out if you know what I mean.

        It's my dick

  23. 6 months ago

    Demoralization post.

  24. 6 months ago

    I see guys like you all the time at the gym
    Come in, pt has you do piss easy exercises(so you come back), when pt isnt there just frick around with 40% of what you could lift, barely breaking a sweat.
    if you really lifted for 6 years you should have a 4pl8 squat by now, and if you did bodybuilding shit you should have a >2pl8 bench, if you didnt squat for whatever reason you should have a maxed out leg press or whatever.. if you have neither the look nor the strength..

    look up a program(I like full body personally) that seems trustworthy and aligns with goals
    stick to it
    learn about "progressive overload", then apply it
    write down your lifts
    calculate daily calorie requirements to know how much you should eat(+200kcal to grow, wont grow at all if youre malnourished)
    sleep 8hr
    if you have a heavy lift you SHOULD feel a tinge of fear before a set

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