Thoughts on Natural Hypertrophys Guts Routine?

Guts Training Routine (lol)

+ means superset

Monday: UPPER chest/shoulder/triceps/upper-back/biceps/neck/abs
- Bench Press OR Dips OR Weighted Push-Ups 4x4-8 + Pullovers 4x8-12
- Barbell OR Dumbbell OHP 3x6-10 + weighted chin-ups 3x6-10 OR Supinated Inverse Rows AMRAP
- Diamond Push-ups AMRAP + Behind the head tricep extension 3x6-12 + Neck Curls 3x12-15 + Plank ALAP

Wednesday: UPPER BACK Traps/Lats/Biceps/Neck/Abs
- Barbell Rows 4x6-10 OR Deadlifts 3x3 (alternate weekly) + single leg calf raises AMRAP
- Zercher/SSB Good Mornings 4x6-10 OR/AND Weighted Pull-ups 3x5 (based off previous set) + Leg Raises AMRAP
- Hyperextensions 4x8-12 + Supinated Finger Curls 4x6-10 + Neck Curls 4x10-12 DB Curls 4x6-10

Friday: UPPER ARMS Biceps/Triceps/Forearms/Chest/Shoulders/Lats/Neck/Abs
- EZ Bar/Barbell Curls 4x6-10 + Skull Crushers 4x10-15 + DB Rows 4x8-12
- Close Grip Bench Press 3x6-10 OR Diamond Push-Ups AMRAP + Hammer Curls 3x8-12 + Larrats AMRAP
- DB OHP 3x8-12 OR Decline Push-ups AMRAP + Finger Curls 3x8-15 + Neck Curls 3x15-20

Saturday: LEGS Quads/Hamstrings/Low Back/Upper Back/Calves/Abs
- Deadlifts 3x5 OR Zercher/SSB squats 3x6-10 (alternate weekly) + Shrugs 3xAMRAP
- Pause Squats 3x4 OR Block Pulls 3x8-10 (based on previous set) + Pullovers 3xAMRAP
- Face Pulls 4x12-15 + DB Leg Raises 4x15-20 + Lateral Raises 4x8-12 + Calf Raises 4x10-15

Thought I might run this when I come off my cut but wanted to get some opinions on it. Would running on rest days be alright do you reckon?

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  1. 1 year ago

    needs more focus on legs, you will never lift a 400 pound sword if you only train legs once a week

    • 1 year ago

      Guts has chicken legs and a big wide upper body, the routine is for achieving his physique. If you train legs more often your physique will become lower body dominant because legs can grow bigger in size than your arms

  2. 1 year ago

    hate to ruin your LARP but if guts did any routine it would be something like bulgarian method cause you go heavy every day and specifically don't hype yourself up for lifts. Nice and autistic for guts, requires minimal equipment (remember he trained by just hitting a tree for hours). combined with some kinda tabata mace swings every morning and night, assuming you don't have a giant sword instead of a mace.

    • 1 year ago

      I agree with anon, plus, pretty much guts only training on the anime was swinging the frick out his 45 pound sword around, and after that he just walked and fought

    • 1 year ago

      I agree with anon, plus, pretty much guts only training on the anime was swinging the frick out his 45 pound sword around, and after that he just walked and fought

      He started becoming dyel from constant fighting every night with no rest and little food. I havent finished the manga but i remember him getting smaller from all the damage he took

  3. 1 year ago

    someone know the sauce on middle prostitute?

    • 1 year ago


  4. 1 year ago

    Gut's training routine was swinging his sword for hundreds of reps

  5. 1 year ago

    Right up my alley, been running this for about a year (though it has changed quite a bit), very satisfied, back gains especially are sick, but a bit lacking in quads and chest, especially if you want to focus on those.
    Pic related is my current version

    • 1 year ago

      Forgot to mention this is from the perspective of a home gym (standard straight, ez bar and dumbells), you might want to change some stuff if you go to a gym because going just to do 3 sets of abs and cardio is pretty stupid

    • 1 year ago

      Forgot to mention this is from the perspective of a home gym (standard straight, ez bar and dumbells), you might want to change some stuff if you go to a gym because going just to do 3 sets of abs and cardio is pretty stupid

      Also using cables and stuff instead of chest flys and french press for example

      • 1 year ago

        Cheers for the advice. Was already thinking about swapping out some stuff with cable equivalents.

    • 1 year ago

      Is this routine based off the Guts routine. Looks like you’ve taken a lot out of individual days and added more?

      Can you explain some of the changes?

      Looks interesting. 4 days a week is about the max for me though since I try to run 3x a week and don’t really have the time to lift and run on the same day + I like exercising every day when bulking.

      • 1 year ago

        Yep, i've replaced a few of the exercise with ones that i enjoy more, and the reason why the days look like they do is because my cardio/fitness is pretty shit so i get gassed and lazy if a day is super long, and i also have a home gym, so instead of skipping abs at the end of a workout, i just do abs on rest days.

        Since you run you probably don't have that problem so you can compress it a bit.

        My thought process was basically hitting every muscle as much as i can, especially back.

        So, monday i hit chest and shoulders the hardest, and then triceps and back, specifically lats with the pullovers and chinups.

        Tuesday is quads and abs, specifacally heavy and low reps for squats and weighted decline sit-ups are all you need for abs.

        Wednesday is back again though with more focus on upper back, i do the rows a bit cheaty, also hammies and biceps.

        Thursday just abs

        Friday i hit triceps the hardest, with a more moderate focus on biceps, chest, shoulders and back (i do db rows for the entire back), also some forearms, the french press is also very important because it hits the long head of the tricep.

        Saturday is squats with higher reps lower weight and RDLs for posterior chain.

        Sunday is self explanatory

        • 1 year ago

          The philosophy is basically making sure you got a substantial amount of quality volume and utilizing different exercises for the same muscle groups so as to avoid fatigue/injury and hit the muscle from different angles

    • 1 year ago

      What's with the huge rep ranges?

  6. 1 year ago

    Bros the point isn’t actually to train like Guts (it’s a fricking dark fantasy manga) but to develop my upper body so as to look like him. My legs are already making it too hard to fit in pants so I don’t mind maintaining there but my upper body looks DYEL still.

  7. 1 year ago

    >Guts Training Routine
    >posts normal gym homosexual routine
    Go watch your fav french youtuber instead of shitting this board, you insufferable gay

  8. 1 year ago

    want middle bum

  9. 1 year ago

    Sauce on middle?

    • 1 year ago

      want middle bum

      someone know the sauce on middle prostitute?

      Emily Lynne. Now Someone provide the left and right

      • 1 year ago

        thank you breh

  10. 1 year ago

    I thought pretty shit, too much low volume, to build muscle with so much volume you have to blow intensity so high with weights that you will probabily get injuried, i dont know why peoplo try to drink the powerlifter knowledge so much when comes to building muscle other approches are much more effective

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